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@@ -5,391 +5,127 @@ 'use strict';

* [![npm version](](
* [![tonal](](
* `tonal-note` is a collection of functions to manipulate musical notes in scientific notation
* This is part of [tonal]( music theory library.
* ## Usage
* ```js
* import * as Note from "tonal-note"
* // or const Note = require("tonal-note")
*"bb2") // => "Bb2"
* Note.chroma("bb2") // => 10
* Note.midi("a4") // => 69
* Note.freq("a4") // => 440
* Note.oct("G3") // => 3
* // part of tonal
* const Tonal = require("tonal")
* // or import Note from "tonal"
* Tonal.Note.midi("d4") // => 62
* ```
* ## Install
* [![npm install tonal-note](](
* ## API Documentation
* @module Note
var NAMES = "C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B".split(" ");
* Get a list of note names (pitch classes) within a octave
* @param {string} accTypes - (Optional, by default " b#"). A string with the
* accidentals types: " " means no accidental, "#" means sharps, "b" mean flats,
* can be combined (see examples)
* @return {Array}
* @example
* Note.names(" b") // => [ "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ]
* Note.names(" #") // => [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ]
var names = function (accTypes) { return typeof accTypes !== "string"
? NAMES.slice()
: NAMES.filter(function (n) {
var acc = n[1] || " ";
return accTypes.indexOf(acc) !== -1;
}); };
var names = function (accTypes) {
return typeof accTypes !== "string"
? NAMES.slice()
: NAMES.filter(function (n) {
var acc = n[1] || " ";
return accTypes.indexOf(acc) !== -1;
var SHARPS = names(" #");
var FLATS = names(" b");
var REGEX = /^([a-gA-G]?)(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(-?\d*)\s*(.*)$/;
* Split a string into tokens related to note parts.
* It returns an array of strings `[letter, accidental, octave, modifier]`
* It always returns an array
* @param {String} str
* @return {Array} an array of note tokens
* @example
* Note.tokenize("C#2") // => ["C", "#", "2", ""]
* Note.tokenize("Db3 major") // => ["D", "b", "3", "major"]
* Note.tokenize("major") // => ["", "", "", "major"]
* Note.tokenize("##") // => ["", "##", "", ""]
* Note.tokenize() // => ["", "", "", ""]
function tokenize(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string") { str = ""; }
var m = REGEX.exec(str);
if (!m) { return null; }
return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]];
if (typeof str !== "string")
str = "";
var m = REGEX.exec(str);
return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]];
var NO_NOTE = Object.freeze({
pc: null,
name: null,
step: null,
alt: null,
oct: null,
octStr: null,
chroma: null,
midi: null,
freq: null
pc: null,
name: null,
step: null,
alt: null,
oct: null,
octStr: null,
chroma: null,
midi: null,
freq: null
var SEMI = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11];
var properties = function (str) {
var tokens = tokenize(str);
if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "") { return NO_NOTE; }
var letter = tokens[0];
var acc = tokens[1];
var octStr = tokens[2];
var p = { letter: letter, acc: acc, octStr: octStr };
p.pc = p.letter + p.acc; = p.pc + octStr;
p.step = (p.letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7;
p.alt = p.acc[0] === "b" ? -p.acc.length : p.acc.length;
p.oct = octStr.length ? +octStr : null;
p.chroma = (SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 120) % 12;
p.midi = p.oct !== null ? SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 12 * (p.oct + 1) : null;
p.freq = midiToFreq(p.midi);
return Object.freeze(p);
var tokens = tokenize(str);
if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "")
return NO_NOTE;
var letter = tokens[0], acc = tokens[1], octStr = tokens[2];
var p = {
letter: letter,
acc: acc,
octStr: octStr,
pc: letter + acc,
name: letter + acc + octStr,
step: (letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7,
alt: acc[0] === "b" ? -acc.length : acc.length,
oct: octStr.length ? +octStr : null,
chroma: 0,
midi: null,
freq: null
p.chroma = (SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 120) % 12;
p.midi = p.oct !== null ? SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 12 * (p.oct + 1) : null;
p.freq = midiToFreq(p.midi);
return Object.freeze(p);
var memo = function (fn, cache) {
if ( cache === void 0 ) cache = {};
return function (str) { return cache[str] || (cache[str] = fn(str)); };
if (cache === void 0) { cache = {}; }
return function (str) { return cache[str] || (cache[str] = fn(str)); };
* Get note properties. It returns an object with the following information:
* - name {String}: the note name. The letter is always in uppercase
* - letter {String}: the note letter, always in uppercase
* - acc {String}: the note accidentals
* - octave {Number}: the octave or null if not present
* - pc {String}: the pitch class (letter + accidentals)
* - step {Number}: number equivalent of the note letter. 0 means C ... 6 means B.
* - alt {Number}: number equivalent of accidentals (negative are flats, positive sharps)
* - chroma {Number}: number equivalent of the pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D...
* - midi {Number}: the note midi number (IMPORTANT! it can be outside 0 to 127 range)
* - freq {Number}: the frequency using an equal temperament at 440Hz
* This function *always* returns an object with all this properties, but if it"s
* not a valid note all properties will be null.
* The returned object can"t be mutated.
* @param {String} note - the note name in scientific notation
* @return {Object} an object with the properties (or an object will all properties
* set to null if not valid note)
* @example
* Note.props("fx-3").name // => "F##-3"
* Note.props("invalid").name // => null
* Note.props("C#3").oct // => 3
* Note.props().oct // => null
var props = memo(properties);
* Given a note name, return the note name or null if not valid note.
* The note name will ALWAYS have the letter in upercase and accidentals
* using # or b
* Can be used to test if a string is a valid note name.
* @function
* @param {Pitch|string}
* @return {string}
* @example
*"cb2") // => "Cb2"
* ["c", "db3", "2", "g+", "gx4"].map( // => ["C", "Db3", null, null, "G##4"]
var name = function (str) { return props(str).name; };
* Get pitch class of a note. The note can be a string or a pitch array.
* @function
* @param {string|Pitch}
* @return {string} the pitch class
* @example
* Note.pc("Db3") // => "Db"
* ["db3", "bb6", "fx2"].map(Note.pc) // => [ "Db", "Bb", "F##"]
var pc = function (str) { return props(str).pc; };
var isMidiRange = function (m) { return m >= 0 && m <= 127; };
* Get the note midi number. It always return a number between 0 and 127
* @function
* @param {string|Number} note - the note to get the midi number from
* @return {Integer} the midi number or null if not valid pitch
* @example
* Note.midi("C4") // => 60
* Note.midi(60) // => 60
* @see midi.toMidi
var midi = function (note) {
if (typeof note !== "number" && typeof note !== "string") {
return null;
var midi = props(note).midi;
var value = midi || midi === 0 ? midi : +note;
return isMidiRange(value) ? value : null;
if (typeof note !== "number" && typeof note !== "string") {
return null;
var midi = props(note).midi;
var value = midi || midi === 0 ? midi : +note;
return isMidiRange(value) ? value : null;
* Get the frequency from midi number
* @param {Number} midi - the note midi number
* @param {Number} tuning - (Optional) 440 by default
* @return {Number} the frequency or null if not valid note midi
var midiToFreq = function (midi, tuning) {
if ( tuning === void 0 ) tuning = 440;
if (tuning === void 0) { tuning = 440; }
return typeof midi === "number" ? Math.pow(2, (midi - 69) / 12) * tuning : null;
* Get the frequency of a note
* @function
* @param {string|Number} note - the note name or midi note number
* @return {Number} the frequency
* @example
* Note.freq("A4") // => 440
* Note.freq(69) // => 440
var freq = function (note) { return props(note).freq || midiToFreq(note); };
var L2 = Math.log(2);
var L440 = Math.log(440);
* Get the midi number from a frequency in hertz. The midi number can
* contain decimals (with two digits precission)
* @param {Number} frequency
* @return {Number}
* @example
* Note.freqToMidi(220)); //=> 57;
* Note.freqToMidi(261.62)); //=> 60;
* Note.freqToMidi(261)); //=> 59.96;
var freqToMidi = function (freq) {
var v = (12 * (Math.log(freq) - L440)) / L2 + 69;
return Math.round(v * 100) / 100;
var v = (12 * (Math.log(freq) - L440)) / L2 + 69;
return Math.round(v * 100) / 100;
* Return the chroma of a note. The chroma is the numeric equivalent to the
* pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D... 11 is B
* @param {string} note - the note name
* @return {Integer} the chroma number
* @example
* Note.chroma("Cb") // => 11
* ["C", "D", "E", "F"].map(Note.chroma) // => [0, 2, 4, 5]
var chroma = function (str) { return props(str).chroma; };
* Get the octave of the given pitch
* @function
* @param {string} note - the note
* @return {Integer} the octave or null if doesn"t have an octave or not a valid note
* @example
* Note.oct("C#4") // => 4
* Note.oct("C") // => null
* Note.oct("blah") // => undefined
var oct = function (str) { return props(str).oct; };
* Given a step number return it's letter (0 = C, 1 = D, 2 = E)
* @param {number} step
* @return {string} the letter
* @example
* Note.stepToLetter(3) // => "F"
var stepToLetter = function (step) { return LETTERS[step]; };
var fillStr = function (s, n) { return Array(n + 1).join(s); };
var numToStr = function (num, op) { return (typeof num !== "number" ? "" : op(num)); };
* Given an alteration number, return the accidentals
* @param {Number} alt
* @return {String}
* @example
* Note.altToAcc(-3) // => "bbb"
var altToAcc = function (alt) { return numToStr(alt, function (alt) { return (alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt)); }); };
* Creates a note name in scientific notation from note properties,
* and optionally another note name.
* It receives an object with:
* - step: the note step (0 = C, 1 = D, ... 6 = B)
* - alt: (optional) the alteration. Negative numbers are flats, positive sharps
* - oct: (optional) the octave
* Optionally it receives another note as a "base", meaning that any prop not explicitly
* received on the first parameter will be taken from that base note. That way it can be used
* as an immutable "set" operator for a that base note
* @function
* @param {Object} props - the note properties
* @param {String} [baseNote] - note to build the result from. If given, it returns
* the result of applying the given props to this note.
* @return {String} the note name in scientific notation or null if not valid properties
* @example
* Note.from({ step: 5 }) // => "A"
* Note.from({ step: 1, acc: -1 }) // => "Db"
* Note.from({ step: 2, acc: 2, oct: 2 }) // => "E##2"
* Note.from({ step: 7 }) // => null
* Note.from({alt: 1, oct: 3}, "C4") // => "C#3"
var numToStr = function (num, op) {
return typeof num !== "number" ? "" : op(num);
var altToAcc = function (alt) {
return numToStr(alt, function (alt) { return (alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt)); });
var from = function (fromProps, baseNote) {
if ( fromProps === void 0 ) fromProps = {};
if ( baseNote === void 0 ) baseNote = null;
var ref = baseNote
? Object.assign({}, props(baseNote), fromProps)
: fromProps;
var step = ref.step;
var alt = ref.alt;
var oct = ref.oct;
var letter = stepToLetter(step);
if (!letter) { return null; }
var pc = letter + altToAcc(alt);
return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc;
if (fromProps === void 0) { fromProps = {}; }
if (baseNote === void 0) { baseNote = null; }
var _a = baseNote
? Object.assign({}, props(baseNote), fromProps)
: fromProps, step = _a.step, alt = _a.alt, oct = _a.oct;
if (typeof step !== "number")
return null;
var letter = stepToLetter(step);
if (!letter)
return null;
var pc = letter + altToAcc(alt);
return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc;
* Deprecated. This is kept for backwards compatibility only.
* Use Note.from instead
var build = from;
* Given a midi number, returns a note name. The altered notes will have
* flats unless explicitly set with the optional `useSharps` parameter.
* @function
* @param {number} midi - the midi note number
* @param {boolean} useSharps - (Optional) set to true to use sharps instead of flats
* @return {string} the note name
* @example
* Note.fromMidi(61) // => "Db4"
* Note.fromMidi(61, true) // => "C#4"
* // it rounds to nearest note
* Note.fromMidi(61.7) // => "D4"
function fromMidi(num, sharps) {
num = Math.round(num);
var pcs = sharps === true ? SHARPS : FLATS;
var pc = pcs[num % 12];
var o = Math.floor(num / 12) - 1;
return pc + o;
if (sharps === void 0) { sharps = false; }
num = Math.round(num);
var pcs = sharps === true ? SHARPS : FLATS;
var pc = pcs[num % 12];
var o = Math.floor(num / 12) - 1;
return pc + o;
* Simplify the note: find an enhramonic note with less accidentals.
* @param {String} note - the note to be simplified
* @param {boolean} useSameAccType - (optional, true by default) set to true
* to ensure the returned note has the same accidental types that the given note
* @return {String} the simplfiied note or null if not valid note
* @example
* Note.simplify("C##") // => "D"
* Note.simplify("C###") // => "D#"
* Note.simplify("C###", false) // => "Eb"
* Note.simplify("B#4") // => "C5"
var simplify = function (note, sameAcc) {
var ref = props(note);
var alt = ref.alt;
var chroma = ref.chroma;
var midi = ref.midi;
if (chroma === null) { return null; }
var useSharps = sameAcc === false ? alt < 0 : alt > 0;
return midi === null
? pc(fromMidi(chroma, useSharps))
: fromMidi(midi, useSharps);
if (sameAcc === void 0) { sameAcc = true; }
var _a = props(note), alt = _a.alt, chroma = _a.chroma, midi = _a.midi;
if (chroma === null)
return null;
var alteration = alt;
var useSharps = sameAcc === false ? alteration < 0 : alteration > 0;
return midi === null
? pc(fromMidi(chroma, useSharps))
: fromMidi(midi, useSharps);
* Get the simplified and enhramonic note of the given one.
* @param {String} note
* @return {String} the enhramonic note
* @example
* Note.enharmonic("Db") // => "C#"
* Note.enhramonic("C") // => "C"
var enharmonic = function (note) { return simplify(note, false); };

@@ -396,0 +132,0 @@

@@ -1,390 +0,128 @@

* [![npm version](](
* [![tonal](](
* `tonal-note` is a collection of functions to manipulate musical notes in scientific notation
* This is part of [tonal]( music theory library.
* ## Usage
* ```js
* import * as Note from "tonal-note"
* // or const Note = require("tonal-note")
*"bb2") // => "Bb2"
* Note.chroma("bb2") // => 10
* Note.midi("a4") // => 69
* Note.freq("a4") // => 440
* Note.oct("G3") // => 3
* // part of tonal
* const Tonal = require("tonal")
* // or import Note from "tonal"
* Tonal.Note.midi("d4") // => 62
* ```
* ## Install
* [![npm install tonal-note](](
* ## API Documentation
* @module Note
var NAMES = "C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B".split(" ");
* Get a list of note names (pitch classes) within a octave
* @param {string} accTypes - (Optional, by default " b#"). A string with the
* accidentals types: " " means no accidental, "#" means sharps, "b" mean flats,
* can be combined (see examples)
* @return {Array}
* @example
* Note.names(" b") // => [ "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ]
* Note.names(" #") // => [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ]
export var names = function (accTypes) { return typeof accTypes !== "string"
? NAMES.slice()
: NAMES.filter(function (n) {
var acc = n[1] || " ";
return accTypes.indexOf(acc) !== -1;
}); };
var names = function (accTypes) {
return typeof accTypes !== "string"
? NAMES.slice()
: NAMES.filter(function (n) {
var acc = n[1] || " ";
return accTypes.indexOf(acc) !== -1;
var SHARPS = names(" #");
var FLATS = names(" b");
var REGEX = /^([a-gA-G]?)(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(-?\d*)\s*(.*)$/;
* Split a string into tokens related to note parts.
* It returns an array of strings `[letter, accidental, octave, modifier]`
* It always returns an array
* @param {String} str
* @return {Array} an array of note tokens
* @example
* Note.tokenize("C#2") // => ["C", "#", "2", ""]
* Note.tokenize("Db3 major") // => ["D", "b", "3", "major"]
* Note.tokenize("major") // => ["", "", "", "major"]
* Note.tokenize("##") // => ["", "##", "", ""]
* Note.tokenize() // => ["", "", "", ""]
export function tokenize(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string") { str = ""; }
var m = REGEX.exec(str);
if (!m) { return null; }
return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]];
function tokenize(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
str = "";
var m = REGEX.exec(str);
return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]];
var NO_NOTE = Object.freeze({
pc: null,
name: null,
step: null,
alt: null,
oct: null,
octStr: null,
chroma: null,
midi: null,
freq: null
pc: null,
name: null,
step: null,
alt: null,
oct: null,
octStr: null,
chroma: null,
midi: null,
freq: null
var SEMI = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11];
var properties = function (str) {
var tokens = tokenize(str);
if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "") { return NO_NOTE; }
var letter = tokens[0];
var acc = tokens[1];
var octStr = tokens[2];
var p = { letter: letter, acc: acc, octStr: octStr };
p.pc = p.letter + p.acc; = p.pc + octStr;
p.step = (p.letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7;
p.alt = p.acc[0] === "b" ? -p.acc.length : p.acc.length;
p.oct = octStr.length ? +octStr : null;
p.chroma = (SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 120) % 12;
p.midi = p.oct !== null ? SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 12 * (p.oct + 1) : null;
p.freq = midiToFreq(p.midi);
return Object.freeze(p);
var tokens = tokenize(str);
if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "")
return NO_NOTE;
var letter = tokens[0], acc = tokens[1], octStr = tokens[2];
var p = {
letter: letter,
acc: acc,
octStr: octStr,
pc: letter + acc,
name: letter + acc + octStr,
step: (letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7,
alt: acc[0] === "b" ? -acc.length : acc.length,
oct: octStr.length ? +octStr : null,
chroma: 0,
midi: null,
freq: null
p.chroma = (SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 120) % 12;
p.midi = p.oct !== null ? SEMI[p.step] + p.alt + 12 * (p.oct + 1) : null;
p.freq = midiToFreq(p.midi);
return Object.freeze(p);
var memo = function (fn, cache) {
if ( cache === void 0 ) cache = {};
return function (str) { return cache[str] || (cache[str] = fn(str)); };
if (cache === void 0) { cache = {}; }
return function (str) { return cache[str] || (cache[str] = fn(str)); };
* Get note properties. It returns an object with the following information:
* - name {String}: the note name. The letter is always in uppercase
* - letter {String}: the note letter, always in uppercase
* - acc {String}: the note accidentals
* - octave {Number}: the octave or null if not present
* - pc {String}: the pitch class (letter + accidentals)
* - step {Number}: number equivalent of the note letter. 0 means C ... 6 means B.
* - alt {Number}: number equivalent of accidentals (negative are flats, positive sharps)
* - chroma {Number}: number equivalent of the pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D...
* - midi {Number}: the note midi number (IMPORTANT! it can be outside 0 to 127 range)
* - freq {Number}: the frequency using an equal temperament at 440Hz
* This function *always* returns an object with all this properties, but if it"s
* not a valid note all properties will be null.
* The returned object can"t be mutated.
* @param {String} note - the note name in scientific notation
* @return {Object} an object with the properties (or an object will all properties
* set to null if not valid note)
* @example
* Note.props("fx-3").name // => "F##-3"
* Note.props("invalid").name // => null
* Note.props("C#3").oct // => 3
* Note.props().oct // => null
export var props = memo(properties);
* Given a note name, return the note name or null if not valid note.
* The note name will ALWAYS have the letter in upercase and accidentals
* using # or b
* Can be used to test if a string is a valid note name.
* @function
* @param {Pitch|string}
* @return {string}
* @example
*"cb2") // => "Cb2"
* ["c", "db3", "2", "g+", "gx4"].map( // => ["C", "Db3", null, null, "G##4"]
export var name = function (str) { return props(str).name; };
* Get pitch class of a note. The note can be a string or a pitch array.
* @function
* @param {string|Pitch}
* @return {string} the pitch class
* @example
* Note.pc("Db3") // => "Db"
* ["db3", "bb6", "fx2"].map(Note.pc) // => [ "Db", "Bb", "F##"]
export var pc = function (str) { return props(str).pc; };
var props = memo(properties);
var name = function (str) { return props(str).name; };
var pc = function (str) { return props(str).pc; };
var isMidiRange = function (m) { return m >= 0 && m <= 127; };
* Get the note midi number. It always return a number between 0 and 127
* @function
* @param {string|Number} note - the note to get the midi number from
* @return {Integer} the midi number or null if not valid pitch
* @example
* Note.midi("C4") // => 60
* Note.midi(60) // => 60
* @see midi.toMidi
export var midi = function (note) {
if (typeof note !== "number" && typeof note !== "string") {
return null;
var midi = props(note).midi;
var value = midi || midi === 0 ? midi : +note;
return isMidiRange(value) ? value : null;
var midi = function (note) {
if (typeof note !== "number" && typeof note !== "string") {
return null;
var midi = props(note).midi;
var value = midi || midi === 0 ? midi : +note;
return isMidiRange(value) ? value : null;
* Get the frequency from midi number
* @param {Number} midi - the note midi number
* @param {Number} tuning - (Optional) 440 by default
* @return {Number} the frequency or null if not valid note midi
export var midiToFreq = function (midi, tuning) {
if ( tuning === void 0 ) tuning = 440;
var midiToFreq = function (midi, tuning) {
if (tuning === void 0) { tuning = 440; }
return typeof midi === "number" ? Math.pow(2, (midi - 69) / 12) * tuning : null;
* Get the frequency of a note
* @function
* @param {string|Number} note - the note name or midi note number
* @return {Number} the frequency
* @example
* Note.freq("A4") // => 440
* Note.freq(69) // => 440
export var freq = function (note) { return props(note).freq || midiToFreq(note); };
var freq = function (note) { return props(note).freq || midiToFreq(note); };
var L2 = Math.log(2);
var L440 = Math.log(440);
* Get the midi number from a frequency in hertz. The midi number can
* contain decimals (with two digits precission)
* @param {Number} frequency
* @return {Number}
* @example
* Note.freqToMidi(220)); //=> 57;
* Note.freqToMidi(261.62)); //=> 60;
* Note.freqToMidi(261)); //=> 59.96;
export var freqToMidi = function (freq) {
var v = (12 * (Math.log(freq) - L440)) / L2 + 69;
return Math.round(v * 100) / 100;
var freqToMidi = function (freq) {
var v = (12 * (Math.log(freq) - L440)) / L2 + 69;
return Math.round(v * 100) / 100;
* Return the chroma of a note. The chroma is the numeric equivalent to the
* pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D... 11 is B
* @param {string} note - the note name
* @return {Integer} the chroma number
* @example
* Note.chroma("Cb") // => 11
* ["C", "D", "E", "F"].map(Note.chroma) // => [0, 2, 4, 5]
export var chroma = function (str) { return props(str).chroma; };
* Get the octave of the given pitch
* @function
* @param {string} note - the note
* @return {Integer} the octave or null if doesn"t have an octave or not a valid note
* @example
* Note.oct("C#4") // => 4
* Note.oct("C") // => null
* Note.oct("blah") // => undefined
export var oct = function (str) { return props(str).oct; };
var chroma = function (str) { return props(str).chroma; };
var oct = function (str) { return props(str).oct; };
* Given a step number return it's letter (0 = C, 1 = D, 2 = E)
* @param {number} step
* @return {string} the letter
* @example
* Note.stepToLetter(3) // => "F"
export var stepToLetter = function (step) { return LETTERS[step]; };
var stepToLetter = function (step) { return LETTERS[step]; };
var fillStr = function (s, n) { return Array(n + 1).join(s); };
var numToStr = function (num, op) { return (typeof num !== "number" ? "" : op(num)); };
* Given an alteration number, return the accidentals
* @param {Number} alt
* @return {String}
* @example
* Note.altToAcc(-3) // => "bbb"
export var altToAcc = function (alt) { return numToStr(alt, function (alt) { return (alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt)); }); };
* Creates a note name in scientific notation from note properties,
* and optionally another note name.
* It receives an object with:
* - step: the note step (0 = C, 1 = D, ... 6 = B)
* - alt: (optional) the alteration. Negative numbers are flats, positive sharps
* - oct: (optional) the octave
* Optionally it receives another note as a "base", meaning that any prop not explicitly
* received on the first parameter will be taken from that base note. That way it can be used
* as an immutable "set" operator for a that base note
* @function
* @param {Object} props - the note properties
* @param {String} [baseNote] - note to build the result from. If given, it returns
* the result of applying the given props to this note.
* @return {String} the note name in scientific notation or null if not valid properties
* @example
* Note.from({ step: 5 }) // => "A"
* Note.from({ step: 1, acc: -1 }) // => "Db"
* Note.from({ step: 2, acc: 2, oct: 2 }) // => "E##2"
* Note.from({ step: 7 }) // => null
* Note.from({alt: 1, oct: 3}, "C4") // => "C#3"
export var from = function (fromProps, baseNote) {
if ( fromProps === void 0 ) fromProps = {};
if ( baseNote === void 0 ) baseNote = null;
var ref = baseNote
? Object.assign({}, props(baseNote), fromProps)
: fromProps;
var step = ref.step;
var alt = ref.alt;
var oct = ref.oct;
var letter = stepToLetter(step);
if (!letter) { return null; }
var pc = letter + altToAcc(alt);
return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc;
var numToStr = function (num, op) {
return typeof num !== "number" ? "" : op(num);
* Deprecated. This is kept for backwards compatibility only.
* Use Note.from instead
export var build = from;
* Given a midi number, returns a note name. The altered notes will have
* flats unless explicitly set with the optional `useSharps` parameter.
* @function
* @param {number} midi - the midi note number
* @param {boolean} useSharps - (Optional) set to true to use sharps instead of flats
* @return {string} the note name
* @example
* Note.fromMidi(61) // => "Db4"
* Note.fromMidi(61, true) // => "C#4"
* // it rounds to nearest note
* Note.fromMidi(61.7) // => "D4"
export function fromMidi(num, sharps) {
num = Math.round(num);
var pcs = sharps === true ? SHARPS : FLATS;
var pc = pcs[num % 12];
var o = Math.floor(num / 12) - 1;
return pc + o;
var altToAcc = function (alt) {
return numToStr(alt, function (alt) { return (alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt)); });
var from = function (fromProps, baseNote) {
if (fromProps === void 0) { fromProps = {}; }
if (baseNote === void 0) { baseNote = null; }
var _a = baseNote
? Object.assign({}, props(baseNote), fromProps)
: fromProps, step = _a.step, alt = _a.alt, oct = _a.oct;
if (typeof step !== "number")
return null;
var letter = stepToLetter(step);
if (!letter)
return null;
var pc = letter + altToAcc(alt);
return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc;
var build = from;
function fromMidi(num, sharps) {
if (sharps === void 0) { sharps = false; }
num = Math.round(num);
var pcs = sharps === true ? SHARPS : FLATS;
var pc = pcs[num % 12];
var o = Math.floor(num / 12) - 1;
return pc + o;
* Simplify the note: find an enhramonic note with less accidentals.
* @param {String} note - the note to be simplified
* @param {boolean} useSameAccType - (optional, true by default) set to true
* to ensure the returned note has the same accidental types that the given note
* @return {String} the simplfiied note or null if not valid note
* @example
* Note.simplify("C##") // => "D"
* Note.simplify("C###") // => "D#"
* Note.simplify("C###", false) // => "Eb"
* Note.simplify("B#4") // => "C5"
export var simplify = function (note, sameAcc) {
var ref = props(note);
var alt = ref.alt;
var chroma = ref.chroma;
var midi = ref.midi;
if (chroma === null) { return null; }
var useSharps = sameAcc === false ? alt < 0 : alt > 0;
return midi === null
? pc(fromMidi(chroma, useSharps))
: fromMidi(midi, useSharps);
var simplify = function (note, sameAcc) {
if (sameAcc === void 0) { sameAcc = true; }
var _a = props(note), alt = _a.alt, chroma = _a.chroma, midi = _a.midi;
if (chroma === null)
return null;
var alteration = alt;
var useSharps = sameAcc === false ? alteration < 0 : alteration > 0;
return midi === null
? pc(fromMidi(chroma, useSharps))
: fromMidi(midi, useSharps);
var enharmonic = function (note) { return simplify(note, false); };
* Get the simplified and enhramonic note of the given one.
* @param {String} note
* @return {String} the enhramonic note
* @example
* Note.enharmonic("Db") // => "C#"
* Note.enhramonic("C") // => "C"
export var enharmonic = function (note) { return simplify(note, false); };
export { names, tokenize, props, name, pc, midi, midiToFreq, freq, freqToMidi, chroma, oct, stepToLetter, altToAcc, from, build, fromMidi, simplify, enharmonic };
"name": "tonal-note",
"version": "2.1.0",
"version": "2.1.2",
"repository": "",

@@ -13,15 +13,18 @@ "description": "Parse and manipulate music notes in scientific notation",

"scripts": {
"docs": "jsdoc2md -d 1 --name-format --member-index-format list index.js >",
"test": "jest --coverage"
"docs": "jsdoc2md --files 'index.ts' --configure ../../config/jsdoc2md.json >",
"test": "jest --coverage",
"build": "rollup -c ../../config/rollup.config.ts.js index.ts"
"main": "build/es5.js",
"module": "build/es6.js",
"types": "build/index.d.ts",
"jsnext:main": "index",
"author": "danigb",
"license": "MIT",
"babel": {
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"jest": {
"preset": "ts-jest"
"devDependencies": {
"jsdoc-babel": "^0.5.0"
<a name="module_Note"></a>
# Note
[![npm version](](
## Note
`tonal-note` is a collection of functions to manipulate musical notes in scientific notation
<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="npm version"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="tonal"></a></p>
<p><code>tonal-note</code> is a collection of functions to manipulate musical notes in scientific notation</p>
<p>This is part of <a href="">tonal</a> music theory library.</p>
<h2>Usage</h2><pre class="prettyprint source lang-js"><code>import * as Note from &quot;tonal-note&quot;
// or const Note = require(&quot;tonal-note&quot;);bb2&quot;) // => &quot;Bb2&quot;
Note.chroma(&quot;bb2&quot;) // => 10
Note.midi(&quot;a4&quot;) // => 69
Note.freq(&quot;a4&quot;) // => 440
Note.oct(&quot;G3&quot;) // => 3
This is part of [tonal]( music theory library.
// part of tonal
const Tonal = require(&quot;tonal&quot;)
// or import Note from &quot;tonal&quot;
Tonal.Note.midi(&quot;d4&quot;) // => 62</code></pre><h2>Install</h2><p><a href=""><img src="" alt="npm install tonal-note"></a></p>
## Usage
<h2>API Documentation</h2>
- [Note](#module_Note)
- _static_
- [.midi](#module_Note.midi) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- [.freqToMidi](#module_Note.freqToMidi) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
- [.from](#module_Note.from)
- [.simplify](#module_Note.simplify) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- [.props()](#module_Note.props) ⇒ <code>string</code>
- [.name()]( ⇒ <code>string</code>
- [.midiToFreq(note)](#module_Note.midiToFreq) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- [.chroma(note)](#module_Note.chroma) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
- [.altToAcc(props, [baseNote])](#module_Note.altToAcc) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- [.build(midi, useSharps)]( ⇒ <code>string</code>
- _inner_
- [~props](#module_Note..props) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
- [~names(accTypes)](#module_Note..names) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- [~tokenize(str)](#module_Note..tokenize) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
- [~midi(note)](#module_Note..midi) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
- [~freqToMidi(frequency)](#module_Note..freqToMidi) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
- [~stepToLetter(step)](#module_Note..stepToLetter) ⇒ <code>string</code>
- [~altToAcc(alt)](#module_Note..altToAcc) ⇒ <code>String</code>
- [~simplify(note, useSameAccType)](#module_Note..simplify) ⇒ <code>String</code>
<a name="module_Note.midi"></a>
### Note.midi ⇒ <code>Number</code>
<p>Get the frequency from midi number</p>
**Kind**: static property of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Number</code> - <p>the frequency or null if not valid note midi</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| midi | <code>Number</code> | <p>the note midi number</p> |
| tuning | <code>Number</code> | <p>(Optional) 440 by default</p> |
<a name="module_Note.freqToMidi"></a>
### Note.freqToMidi ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
<p>Return the chroma of a note. The chroma is the numeric equivalent to the
pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D... 11 is B</p>
**Kind**: static property of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - <p>the chroma number</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ------------------- | -------------------- |
| note | <code>string</code> | <p>the note name</p> |
import * as Note from "tonal-note"
// or const Note = require("tonal-note")"bb2") // => "Bb2"
Note.chroma("bb2") // => 10
Note.midi("a4") // => 69
Note.freq("a4") // => 440
Note.oct("G3") // => 3
// part of tonal
const Tonal = require("tonal")
// or import Note from "tonal"
Tonal.Note.midi("d4") // => 62
Note.chroma("Cb") // => 11
[("C", "D", "E", "F")].map(Note.chroma); // => [0, 2, 4, 5]
## Install
<a name="module_Note.from"></a>
[![npm install tonal-note](](
### Note.from
## API Documentation
<p>Deprecated. This is kept for backwards compatibility only.
Use Note.from instead</p>
**Kind**: static property of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
<a name="module_Note.simplify"></a>
* [Note](#module_Note)
* [`.names`](#module_Note.names) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [`.props`](#module_Note.props) ⇒ <code>Object</code>
* [`.midiToFreq`](#module_Note.midiToFreq) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* [`.freqToMidi`](#module_Note.freqToMidi) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* [`.chroma`](#module_Note.chroma) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
* [`.stepToLetter`](#module_Note.stepToLetter) ⇒ <code>string</code>
* [`.altToAcc`](#module_Note.altToAcc) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [`.build`](
* [`.simplify`](#module_Note.simplify) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [`.enharmonic`](#module_Note.enharmonic) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [`.tokenize(str)`](#module_Note.tokenize) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [`.name()`]( ⇒ <code>string</code>
* [`.pc()`](#module_Note.pc) ⇒ <code>string</code>
* [`.midi(note)`](#module_Note.midi) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
* [`.freq(note)`](#module_Note.freq) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
* [`.oct(note)`](#module_Note.oct) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
* [`.from(props, [baseNote])`](#module_Note.from) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [`.fromMidi(midi, useSharps)`](#module_Note.fromMidi) ⇒ <code>string</code>
### Note.simplify ⇒ <code>String</code>
<a name="module_Note.names"></a>
<p>Get the simplified and enhramonic note of the given one.</p>
## `Note.names` ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Get a list of note names (pitch classes) within a octave
**Kind**: static property of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - <p>the enhramonic note</p>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| note | <code>String</code> |
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| accTypes | <code>string</code> | (Optional, by default " b#"). A string with the accidentals types: " " means no accidental, "#" means sharps, "b" mean flats, can be combined (see examples) |
Note.names(" b") // => [ "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ]
Note.names(" #") // => [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ]
Note.enharmonic("Db"); // => "C#"
Note.enhramonic("C"); // => "C"
<a name="module_Note.props"></a>
## `Note.props` ⇒ <code>Object</code>
Get note properties. It returns an object with the following information:
### Note.props() ⇒ <code>string</code>
- name {String}: the note name. The letter is always in uppercase
- letter {String}: the note letter, always in uppercase
- acc {String}: the note accidentals
- octave {Number}: the octave or null if not present
- pc {String}: the pitch class (letter + accidentals)
- step {Number}: number equivalent of the note letter. 0 means C ... 6 means B.
- alt {Number}: number equivalent of accidentals (negative are flats, positive sharps)
- chroma {Number}: number equivalent of the pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D...
- midi {Number}: the note midi number (IMPORTANT! it can be outside 0 to 127 range)
- freq {Number}: the frequency using an equal temperament at 440Hz
<p>Given a note name, return the note name or null if not valid note.
The note name will ALWAYS have the letter in upercase and accidentals
using # or b</p>
<p>Can be used to test if a string is a valid note name.</p>
This function *always* returns an object with all this properties, but if it"s
not a valid note all properties will be null.
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
The returned object can"t be mutated.
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ----------------------------------------- |
| | <code>Pitch</code> \| <code>string</code> |
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Object</code> - an object with the properties (or an object will all properties
set to null if not valid note)
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>String</code> | the note name in scientific notation |
Note.props("fx-3").name // => "F##-3"
Note.props("invalid").name // => null
Note.props("C#3").oct // => 3
Note.props().oct // => null"cb2") // => "Cb2"
[("c", "db3", "2", "g+", "gx4")].map(; // => ["C", "Db3", null, null, "G##4"]
<a name="module_Note.midiToFreq"></a>
## `Note.midiToFreq` ⇒ <code>Number</code>
Get the frequency from midi number
<a name=""></a>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Number</code> - the frequency or null if not valid note midi
### ⇒ <code>string</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| midi | <code>Number</code> | the note midi number |
| tuning | <code>Number</code> | (Optional) 440 by default |
<p>Get pitch class of a note. The note can be a string or a pitch array.</p>
<a name="module_Note.freqToMidi"></a>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - <p>the pitch class</p>
## `Note.freqToMidi` ⇒ <code>Number</code>
Get the midi number from a frequency in hertz. The midi number can
contain decimals (with two digits precission)
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ----------------------------------------- |
| | <code>string</code> \| <code>Pitch</code> |
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| frequency | <code>Number</code> |
Note.freqToMidi(220)); //=> 57;
Note.freqToMidi(261.62)); //=> 60;
Note.freqToMidi(261)); //=> 59.96;
Note.pc("Db3") // => "Db"
[("db3", "bb6", "fx2")].map(Note.pc); // => [ "Db", "Bb", "F##"]
<a name="module_Note.chroma"></a>
## `Note.chroma` ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
Return the chroma of a note. The chroma is the numeric equivalent to the
pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D... 11 is B
<a name="module_Note.midiToFreq"></a>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - the chroma number
### Note.midiToFreq(note) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>string</code> | the note name |
<p>Get the frequency of a note</p>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Number</code> - <p>the frequency</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- |
| note | <code>string</code> \| <code>Number</code> | <p>the note name or midi note number</p> |
Note.chroma("Cb") // => 11
["C", "D", "E", "F"].map(Note.chroma) // => [0, 2, 4, 5]
Note.freq("A4"); // => 440
Note.freq(69); // => 440
<a name="module_Note.stepToLetter"></a>
## `Note.stepToLetter` ⇒ <code>string</code>
Given a step number return it's letter (0 = C, 1 = D, 2 = E)
<a name="module_Note.chroma"></a>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - the letter
### Note.chroma(note) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| step | <code>number</code> |
<p>Get the octave of the given pitch</p>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - <p>the octave or null if doesn&quot;t have an octave or not a valid note</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ------------------- | --------------- |
| note | <code>string</code> | <p>the note</p> |
Note.stepToLetter(3) // => "F"
Note.oct("C#4"); // => 4
Note.oct("C"); // => null
Note.oct("blah"); // => undefined
<a name="module_Note.altToAcc"></a>
## `Note.altToAcc` ⇒ <code>String</code>
Given an alteration number, return the accidentals
### Note.altToAcc(props, [baseNote]) ⇒ <code>String</code>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
<p>Creates a note name in scientific notation from note properties,
and optionally another note name.
It receives an object with:</p>
<li>step: the note step (0 = C, 1 = D, ... 6 = B)</li>
<li>alt: (optional) the alteration. Negative numbers are flats, positive sharps</li>
<li>oct: (optional) the octave</li>
<p>Optionally it receives another note as a &quot;base&quot;, meaning that any prop not explicitly
received on the first parameter will be taken from that base note. That way it can be used
as an immutable &quot;set&quot; operator for a that base note</p>
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| alt | <code>Number</code> |
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - <p>the note name in scientific notation or null if not valid properties</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| props | <code>Object</code> | <p>the note properties</p> |
| [baseNote] | <code>String</code> | <p>note to build the result from. If given, it returns the result of applying the given props to this note.</p> |
Note.altToAcc(-3) // => "bbb"
Note.from({ step: 5 }); // => "A"
Note.from({ step: 1, acc: -1 }); // => "Db"
Note.from({ step: 2, acc: 2, oct: 2 }); // => "E##2"
Note.from({ step: 7 }); // => null
Note.from({ alt: 1, oct: 3 }, "C4"); // => "C#3"
<a name=""></a>
## ``
Deprecated. This is kept for backwards compatibility only.
Use Note.from instead
###, useSharps) ⇒ <code>string</code>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
<a name="module_Note.simplify"></a>
<p>Given a midi number, returns a note name. The altered notes will have
flats unless explicitly set with the optional <code>useSharps</code> parameter.</p>
## `Note.simplify` ⇒ <code>String</code>
Simplify the note: find an enhramonic note with less accidentals.
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - <p>the note name</p>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - the simplfiied note or null if not valid note
| Param | Type | Description |
| --------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| midi | <code>number</code> | <p>the midi note number</p> |
| useSharps | <code>boolean</code> | <p>(Optional) set to true to use sharps instead of flats</p> |
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>String</code> | the note to be simplified |
| useSameAccType | <code>boolean</code> | (optional, true by default) set to true to ensure the returned note has the same accidental types that the given note |
Note.simplify("C##") // => "D"
Note.simplify("C###") // => "D#"
Note.simplify("C###", false) // => "Eb"
Note.simplify("B#4") // => "C5"
Note.fromMidi(61); // => "Db4"
Note.fromMidi(61, true); // => "C#4"
// it rounds to nearest note
Note.fromMidi(61.7); // => "D4"
<a name="module_Note.enharmonic"></a>
## `Note.enharmonic` ⇒ <code>String</code>
Get the simplified and enhramonic note of the given one.
<a name="module_Note..props"></a>
**Kind**: static constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - the enhramonic note
### Note~props ⇒ <code>Object</code>
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| note | <code>String</code> |
<p>Get note properties. It returns an object with the following information:</p>
<li>name {String}: the note name. The letter is always in uppercase</li>
<li>letter {String}: the note letter, always in uppercase</li>
<li>acc {String}: the note accidentals</li>
<li>octave {Number}: the octave or null if not present</li>
<li>pc {String}: the pitch class (letter + accidentals)</li>
<li>step {Number}: number equivalent of the note letter. 0 means C ... 6 means B.</li>
<li>alt {Number}: number equivalent of accidentals (negative are flats, positive sharps)</li>
<li>chroma {Number}: number equivalent of the pitch class, where 0 is C, 1 is C# or Db, 2 is D...</li>
<li>midi {Number}: the note midi number (IMPORTANT! it can be outside 0 to 127 range)</li>
<li>freq {Number}: the frequency using an equal temperament at 440Hz</li>
<p>This function <em>always</em> returns an object with all this properties, but if it&quot;s
not a valid note all properties will be null.</p>
<p>The returned object can&quot;t be mutated.</p>
**Kind**: inner constant of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Object</code> - <p>an object with the properties (or an object will all properties
set to null if not valid note)</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| note | <code>String</code> | <p>the note name in scientific notation</p> |
Note.enharmonic("Db") // => "C#"
Note.enhramonic("C") // => "C"
Note.props("fx-3").name; // => "F##-3"
Note.props("invalid").name; // => null
Note.props("C#3").oct; // => 3
Note.props().oct; // => null
<a name="module_Note.tokenize"></a>
## `Note.tokenize(str)` ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Split a string into tokens related to note parts.
It returns an array of strings `[letter, accidental, octave, modifier]`
<a name="module_Note..names"></a>
It always returns an array
### Note~names(accTypes) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - an array of note tokens
<p>Get a list of note names (pitch classes) within a octave</p>
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| str | <code>String</code> |
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| accTypes | <code>string</code> | <p>(Optional, by default &quot; b#&quot;). A string with the accidentals types: &quot; &quot; means no accidental, &quot;#&quot; means sharps, &quot;b&quot; mean flats, can be combined (see examples)</p> |
Note.tokenize("C#2") // => ["C", "#", "2", ""]
Note.tokenize("Db3 major") // => ["D", "b", "3", "major"]
Note.tokenize("major") // => ["", "", "", "major"]
Note.tokenize("##") // => ["", "##", "", ""]
Note.tokenize() // => ["", "", "", ""]
Note.names(" b"); // => [ "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ]
Note.names(" #"); // => [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ]
<a name=""></a>
## `` ⇒ <code>string</code>
Given a note name, return the note name or null if not valid note.
The note name will ALWAYS have the letter in upercase and accidentals
using # or b
<a name="module_Note..tokenize"></a>
Can be used to test if a string is a valid note name.
### Note~tokenize(str) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
<p>Split a string into tokens related to note parts.
It returns an array of strings <code>[letter, accidental, octave, modifier]</code></p>
<p>It always returns an array</p>
| Type |
| --- |
| <code>Pitch</code> \| <code>string</code> |
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - <p>an array of note tokens</p>
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| str | <code>String</code> |
```js"cb2") // => "Cb2"
["c", "db3", "2", "g+", "gx4"].map( // => ["C", "Db3", null, null, "G##4"]
Note.tokenize("C#2"); // => ["C", "#", "2", ""]
Note.tokenize("Db3 major"); // => ["D", "b", "3", "major"]
Note.tokenize("major"); // => ["", "", "", "major"]
Note.tokenize("##"); // => ["", "##", "", ""]
Note.tokenize(); // => ["", "", "", ""]
<a name="module_Note.pc"></a>
## `Note.pc()` ⇒ <code>string</code>
Get pitch class of a note. The note can be a string or a pitch array.
<a name="module_Note..midi"></a>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - the pitch class
### Note~midi(note) ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
| Type |
| --- |
| <code>string</code> \| <code>Pitch</code> |
<p>Get the note midi number. It always return a number between 0 and 127</p>
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - <p>the midi number or null if not valid pitch</p>
**See**: midi.toMidi
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------- |
| note | <code>string</code> \| <code>Number</code> | <p>the note to get the midi number from</p> |
Note.pc("Db3") // => "Db"
["db3", "bb6", "fx2"].map(Note.pc) // => [ "Db", "Bb", "F##"]
Note.midi("C4"); // => 60
Note.midi(60); // => 60
<a name="module_Note.midi"></a>
## `Note.midi(note)` ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
Get the note midi number. It always return a number between 0 and 127
<a name="module_Note..freqToMidi"></a>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - the midi number or null if not valid pitch
**See**: midi.toMidi
### Note~freqToMidi(frequency) ⇒ <code>Number</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>string</code> \| <code>Number</code> | the note to get the midi number from |
<p>Get the midi number from a frequency in hertz. The midi number can
contain decimals (with two digits precission)</p>
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
| Param | Type |
| --------- | ------------------- |
| frequency | <code>Number</code> |
Note.midi("C4") // => 60
Note.midi(60) // => 60
Note.freqToMidi(220)); //=> 57;
Note.freqToMidi(261.62)); //=> 60;
Note.freqToMidi(261)); //=> 59.96;
<a name="module_Note.freq"></a>
## `Note.freq(note)` ⇒ <code>Number</code>
Get the frequency of a note
<a name="module_Note..stepToLetter"></a>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Number</code> - the frequency
### Note~stepToLetter(step) ⇒ <code>string</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>string</code> \| <code>Number</code> | the note name or midi note number |
<p>Given a step number return it's letter (0 = C, 1 = D, 2 = E)</p>
Note.freq("A4") // => 440
Note.freq(69) // => 440
<a name="module_Note.oct"></a>
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - <p>the letter</p>
## `Note.oct(note)` ⇒ <code>Integer</code>
Get the octave of the given pitch
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| step | <code>number</code> |
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>Integer</code> - the octave or null if doesn"t have an octave or not a valid note
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| note | <code>string</code> | the note |
Note.oct("C#4") // => 4
Note.oct("C") // => null
Note.oct("blah") // => undefined
Note.stepToLetter(3); // => "F"
<a name="module_Note.from"></a>
## `Note.from(props, [baseNote])` ⇒ <code>String</code>
Creates a note name in scientific notation from note properties,
and optionally another note name.
It receives an object with:
- step: the note step (0 = C, 1 = D, ... 6 = B)
- alt: (optional) the alteration. Negative numbers are flats, positive sharps
- oct: (optional) the octave
<a name="module_Note..altToAcc"></a>
Optionally it receives another note as a "base", meaning that any prop not explicitly
received on the first parameter will be taken from that base note. That way it can be used
as an immutable "set" operator for a that base note
### Note~altToAcc(alt) ⇒ <code>String</code>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - the note name in scientific notation or null if not valid properties
<p>Given an alteration number, return the accidentals</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| props | <code>Object</code> | the note properties |
| [baseNote] | <code>String</code> | note to build the result from. If given, it returns the result of applying the given props to this note. |
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
| Param | Type |
| ----- | ------------------- |
| alt | <code>Number</code> |
Note.from({ step: 5 }) // => "A"
Note.from({ step: 1, acc: -1 }) // => "Db"
Note.from({ step: 2, acc: 2, oct: 2 }) // => "E##2"
Note.from({ step: 7 }) // => null
Note.from({alt: 1, oct: 3}, "C4") // => "C#3"
Note.altToAcc(-3); // => "bbb"
<a name="module_Note.fromMidi"></a>
## `Note.fromMidi(midi, useSharps)` ⇒ <code>string</code>
Given a midi number, returns a note name. The altered notes will have
flats unless explicitly set with the optional `useSharps` parameter.
<a name="module_Note..simplify"></a>
**Kind**: static method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>string</code> - the note name
### Note~simplify(note, useSameAccType) ⇒ <code>String</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| midi | <code>number</code> | the midi note number |
| useSharps | <code>boolean</code> | (Optional) set to true to use sharps instead of flats |
<p>Simplify the note: find an enhramonic note with less accidentals.</p>
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>Note</code>](#module_Note)
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - <p>the simplfiied note or null if not valid note</p>
| Param | Type | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| note | <code>String</code> | <p>the note to be simplified</p> |
| useSameAccType | <code>boolean</code> | <p>(optional, true by default) set to true to ensure the returned note has the same accidental types that the given note</p> |
Note.fromMidi(61) // => "Db4"
Note.fromMidi(61, true) // => "C#4"
// it rounds to nearest note
Note.fromMidi(61.7) // => "D4"
Note.simplify("C##"); // => "D"
Note.simplify("C###"); // => "D#"
Note.simplify("C###", false); // => "Eb"
Note.simplify("B#4"); // => "C5"
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