Unofficial Trading212 API - Data Fetching
How to use ?
Initialize Class
const trading212 = new Trading212();
Companies/Tickers API
This method is used to retrieve a list of companies available for trading on the Trading 212 platform.
import Trading212 from 'trading212-unofficial-api';
const data = await trading212.companies().select();
Candles API
Current methods for candles :
- timeframe
- limit (size) number of candles.
const data = await trading212.from(['MSFT','AAPL']).candles().select();
const data2 = await trading212.from(['MSFT','AAPL']).candles().limit(100).select();
const data3 = await trading212.from(['MSFT','AAPL']).candles().timeframe('ONE_DAY').limit(50).select()
Current Candle API
(optional) : boolean
The showPreviousPrice property is a boolean that indicates whether the previous price for the financial instrument should be included in the returned data. The default value for this property is false.
The method returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing the current candle data for each financial instrument specified in the input array.
const data = await trading212.from(['EURUSD','USDJPY']).currentCandle().select();
Get Current Weekly Price Candles
Setting up timeframe is optional, default is Daily.
const data = await trading212.from(['EURUSD','USDJPY']).currentWeekCandles().timeframe('FIFTEEN_MINUTES').select()
Currently we are working to improve this function.
const data = await trading212.from('MSFT']).currentWeekCandles().timeframe('ONE_HOUR').svg();
const data = await trading212.from(['MSFT','AAPL']).currentWeekCandles().timeframe('ONE_HOUR').svg();
const data = await trading212.from(['MSFT','AAPL']).candles().svg();
This code is work in progress. I am in no way affiliated with trading212 and trading212 does not endorse this project.
Use this code at your own risk. I afford no guarantee that the code is stable or error free.