Comparing version 0.0.4 to 0.0.41
(function(e,d){if("undefined"!==typeof module&&module.exports)module.exports=d();else{var c=window||{};c.define&&c.define.amd?c.define([],d):c.exports?c.exports=d():c[e]=d()}})("txtgen",function(){var e="alligator ant bear bee bird camel cat cheetah chicken chimpanzee cow crocodile deer dog dolphin duck eagle elephant fish fly fox frog giraffe goat goldfish hamster hippopotamus horse kangaroo kitten lion lobster monkey octopus owl panda pig puppy rabbit rat scorpion seal shark sheep snail snake spider squirrel tiger turtle wolf zebra apple apricot banana blackberry blueberry cherry cranberry currant fig grape grapefruit grapes kiwi kumquat lemon lime melon nectarine orange peach pear persimmon pineapple plum pomegranate prune raspberry strawberry tangerine watermelon".split(" "), | ||
d="adaptable adventurous affable affectionate agreeable alert alluring ambitious ambitious amiable amicable amused amusing boundless brave brave bright bright broad-minded calm calm capable careful charming charming cheerful coherent comfortable communicative compassionate confident conscientious considerate convivial cooperative courageous courageous courteous creative credible cultured dashing dazzling debonair decisive decisive decorous delightful detailed determined determined diligent diligent diplomatic discreet discreet dynamic dynamic eager easygoing efficient elated eminent emotional enchanting encouraging endurable energetic energetic entertaining enthusiastic enthusiastic excellent excited exclusive exuberant exuberant fabulous fair fair-minded faithful faithful fantastic fearless fearless fine forceful frank frank friendly friendly funny funny generous generous gentle gentle glorious good good gregarious happy hard-working harmonious helpful helpful hilarious honest honorable humorous imaginative impartial impartial independent industrious instinctive intellectual intelligent intuitive inventive jolly joyous kind kind kind-hearted knowledgeable level likeable lively lovely loving loving loyal lucky mature modern modest neat nice nice obedient optimistic painstaking passionate patient peaceful perfect persistent philosophical pioneering placid placid plausible pleasant plucky plucky polite powerful practical pro-active productive protective proud punctual quick-witted quiet quiet rational receptive reflective reliable relieved reserved resolute resourceful responsible rhetorical righteous romantic romantic sedate seemly selective self-assured self-confident self-disciplined sensible sensitive sensitive shrewd shy silly sincere sincere skillful smiling sociable splendid steadfast stimulating straightforward successful succinct sympathetic talented thoughtful thoughtful thrifty tidy tough tough trustworthy unassuming unbiased understanding unusual upbeat versatile vigorous vivacious warm warmhearted willing willing wise witty witty wonderful".split(" "), | ||
c="aeiouy".split(""),m="the {{noun}} is {{a_noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};the first {{adjective}} {noun}} is, in its own way, {{a_noun}};their {{noun}} was, in this moment, {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{a_noun}} from the right perspective;the literature would have us believe that {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} is not but {{a_noun}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}} is {{a_noun}} of the mind;the {{adjective}} {{noun}} reveals itself as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} to those who look;authors often misinterpret the {{noun}} as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}}, when in actuality it feels more like {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};we can assume that any instance of {{a_noun}} can be construed as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};they were lost without the {{adjective}} {{noun}} that composed their {{noun}};the {{adjective}} {{noun}} comes from {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} can hardly be considered {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} without also being {{a_noun}};few can name {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} that isn't {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};some posit the {{adjective}} {{noun}} to be less than {{adjective}};{{a_noun}} of the {{noun}} is assumed to be {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} sees {{a_noun}} as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};the {{noun}} of {{a_noun}} becomes {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{a_noun}}'s {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is the {{noun}} of {{a_noun}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}}'s {{noun}} comes with it the thought that the {{adjective}} {{noun}} is {{a_noun}};{{nouns}} are {{adjective}} {{nouns}};{{adjective}} {{nouns}} show us how {{nouns}} can be {{nouns}};before {{nouns}}, {{nouns}} were only {{nouns}};those {{nouns}} are nothing more than {{nouns}};some {{adjective}} {{nouns}} are thought of simply as {{nouns}};one cannot separate {{nouns}} from {{adjective}} {{nouns}};the {{nouns}} could be said to resemble {{adjective}} {{nouns}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}} without {{nouns}} is truly a {{noun}} of {{adjective}} {{nouns}}".split(";"), | ||
c="aeiouy".split(""),m="the {{noun}} is {{a_noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};the first {{adjective}} {{noun}} is, in its own way, {{a_noun}};their {{noun}} was, in this moment, {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{a_noun}} from the right perspective;the literature would have us believe that {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} is not but {{a_noun}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}} is {{a_noun}} of the mind;the {{adjective}} {{noun}} reveals itself as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} to those who look;authors often misinterpret the {{noun}} as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}}, when in actuality it feels more like {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};we can assume that any instance of {{a_noun}} can be construed as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};they were lost without the {{adjective}} {{noun}} that composed their {{noun}};the {{adjective}} {{noun}} comes from {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} can hardly be considered {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} without also being {{a_noun}};few can name {{an_adjective}} {{noun}} that isn't {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};some posit the {{adjective}} {{noun}} to be less than {{adjective}};{{a_noun}} of the {{noun}} is assumed to be {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} sees {{a_noun}} as {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};the {{noun}} of {{a_noun}} becomes {{an_adjective}} {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is {{a_noun}}'s {{noun}};{{a_noun}} is the {{noun}} of {{a_noun}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}}'s {{noun}} comes with it the thought that the {{adjective}} {{noun}} is {{a_noun}};{{nouns}} are {{adjective}} {{nouns}};{{adjective}} {{nouns}} show us how {{nouns}} can be {{nouns}};before {{nouns}}, {{nouns}} were only {{nouns}};those {{nouns}} are nothing more than {{nouns}};some {{adjective}} {{nouns}} are thought of simply as {{nouns}};one cannot separate {{nouns}} from {{adjective}} {{nouns}};the {{nouns}} could be said to resemble {{adjective}} {{nouns}};{{an_adjective}} {{noun}} without {{nouns}} is truly a {{noun}} of {{adjective}} {{nouns}}".split(";"), | ||
n="to be more specific, {in recent years, {however, {some assert that {if this was somewhat unclear, {unfortunately, that is wrong; on the contrary, {this could be, or perhaps {this is not to discredit the idea that {we know that {it's an undeniable fact, really; {framed in a different way, {what we don't know for sure is whether or not {as far as we can estimate, {the zeitgeist contends that {though we assume the latter, {far from the truth, {extending this logic, {nowhere is it disputed that {in modern times {in ancient times {recent controversy aside, {washing and polishing the car,{having been a gymnast, {after a long day at school and work, {waking to the buzz of the alarm clock, {draped neatly on a hanger, {shouting with happiness, ".split("{"), | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ f=function(a){for(var b;!b;)b=a[Math.floor(Math.random()*(a.length-1-0+1))+0];return b},h=function(a){var b="a";a.match(/^(a|e|i|o)/)&&(b="an");return b+" "+a},p=["noun","a_noun","nouns","adjective","an_adjective"],q={noun:function(){return f(e)},a_noun:function(){return h(f(e))},nouns:function(){var a;a=f(e);a.endsWith("s")||(a.match(/(ss|ish|ch|x|us)$/)?a+="e":a.endsWith("y")&&!c.includes(a.charAt(a.length-2))&&(a=a.slice(0,a.length-1),a+="ie"),a+="s");return a},adjective:function(){return f(d)}, |
{ | ||
"version": "0.0.4", | ||
"version": "0.0.41", | ||
"name": "txtgen", | ||
@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ "description": "Text generator. Small tool for generating funny sentences in English", |
@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ /** | ||
'{{a_noun}} is {{an_adjective}} {{noun}}', | ||
'the first {{adjective}} {noun}} is, in its own way, {{a_noun}}', | ||
'the first {{adjective}} {{noun}} is, in its own way, {{a_noun}}', | ||
'their {{noun}} was, in this moment, {{an_adjective}} {{noun}}', | ||
@@ -35,0 +35,0 @@ '{{a_noun}} is {{a_noun}} from the right perspective', |
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