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typeof-arguments - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.3 to 3.1.0




@@ -0,53 +1,20 @@

/* global Function */
const ofType = require('of-type');
const cliColor = require('cli-color');
const error =;
const warn =;
module.exports = function(a,o,c){
const errArguments = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error('Invalid module argument. The first argument must indicate [Object Arguments] object.');
const errTypes = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error('Invalid module argument. The second argument must be of type [Array].');
const errItems = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error('Invalid module argument. Each item of the second [Array] argument must be of type [String|RegExp].');
const isO = ofType(a,'arguments');
const isA = ofType(o,'array');
var err = new Error(errArguments);
throw err;
var err = new Error(errTypes);
throw err;
if(!isO||!isA) return;
const clb = ofType(c,'function');
var r = true;
for(var x in o){
var t = o[x];
var err = new Error(errItems);
throw err;
var isStr = ofType(t,'string');
var res = ofType(a[x],t);
r = false;
var act = ofType(a[x],'undefined') ? 'undefined':ofType(a[x],'null') ? 'null':ofType(a[x],'arguments') ? 'object Arguments':a[x];
var truthyFalsy = '';
var exp = isStr ?
const truthy = i==='truthy';
const falsy = i==='falsy';
const args = i==='arguments';
const nullOrUnd = i==='null'||i==='undefined';
truthyFalsy = truthy ? '<<falsy>> ':falsy ? '<<truthy>> ':truthyFalsy;
return nullOrUnd||truthy||falsy||args ? i.toLowerCase():i[0].toUpperCase()+i.slice(1).toLowerCase();
var r = t.toString();
truthyFalsy = r.match(/truthy/) ? '<<falsy>> ':r.match(/falsy/) ? '<<truthy>> ':'';
return r;
var msg = `Invalid argument [${x}]. The [${act}] ${truthyFalsy}argument has been passed, while the ${isStr ? `[${exp}] one`:`argument of the type matching the regular expression: ${exp}`} is expected.`;
const warn =;
module.exports = function(getArgumentsObject,getExpectedArray,callbackFunction){
const clb = ofType(callbackFunction,'function');
for(let item in getExpectedArray){
var actual = getActualType(getArgumentsObject[item]);
var types = getExpectedTypes(getExpectedArray[item]);
var message = `Invalid argument [${item}]. The [${actual}] ${types.truthness}argument has been passed, while the ${types.message} is expected.`;
return false;
} else {
var err = new TypeError(error(msg));
var err = new TypeError(message);
throw err;

@@ -57,3 +24,80 @@ }

return r;
return true;
function validateArguments(a,o){
const errActual = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error('Invalid module argument. The first argument must be [arguments] Object.');
const errExpected = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error('Invalid module argument. The second argument must be of type [Array].');
const isActualArguments = ofType(a,'arguments');
const isExpectedArray = ofType(o,Array);
var err = new TypeError(errActual);
throw err;
var err = new TypeError(errExpected);
throw err;
function getActualType(actualValue){
if(ofType(actualValue,null)) return "null";
if(ofType(actualValue,undefined)) return "undefined";
if(ofType(actualValue,'arguments')) return "arguments";
function getExpectedTypes(expectedType){
var types = [whenString,whenRegExp,whenObject,whenArray];
for(var i in types){
var check = types[i](expectedType);
if(check) return check;
const err = warn('typeof-arguments')+': '+error(`The expected type is not callable.`);
throw new TypeError(err);
function whenString(stringType){
if(!ofType(stringType,String)) return null;
var msg = `argument of type matching string expression "${stringType}"`;
var truthness = '';
if(i.toLowerCase()==='truthy') truthness = '<<falsy>> ';
if(i.toLowerCase()==='falsy') truthness = '<<truthy>> ';
return {message:msg,truthness:truthness,expected:stringType};
function whenRegExp(regType){
if(!ofType(regType,RegExp)) return null;
var msg = `argument of type matching regular expression ${regType}`;
return {message:msg,truthness:truthness(regType),expected:regType.toString()};
function truthness(regType){
var isCaseInsensitive = regType.flags.match(/i/);
var str = regType.toString();
str = isCaseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase():str;
if(str.match(/truthy/)) return '<<falsy>> ';
if(str.match(/falsy/)) return '<<truthy>> ';
return '';
function whenObject(objectType){
if(ofType(objectType,null)) return {message:`argument of type [null]`,truthness:'',expected:'null'};
if(ofType(objectType,undefined)) return {message:`argument of type [undefined]`,truthness:'',expected:'undefined'};
if(ofType(objectType,Function)) return {message:`argument of type [${}]`,truthness:'',};
return null;
function whenArray(arrayTypes){
if(!ofType(arrayTypes,Array)) return null;
var types = {};
for(var i in arrayTypes){
var exp = whenObject(arrayTypes[i]);
if(ofType(exp,null)) return null;
types[exp.expected] = exp.expected;
var expected = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(types).join('|');
return {message:`argument of type [${expected}]`,truthness:'',expected:expected};
"name": "typeof-arguments",
"version": "3.0.3",
"version": "3.1.0",
"description": "Validate the types of arguments passed to the function.",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"test": "node tests/jasmine.conf.js"

@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"of-type": "^1.0.6",
"cli-color": "^1.2.0"
"cli-color": "^1.2.0",
"of-type": "^2.1.0"

@@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ "homepage": "",

"url": "git+"
"devDependencies": {
"jasmine": "^2.8.0",
"jasmine-spec-reporter": "^4.2.1"

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ # Description

* Also check out [**`of-type`**]( package that checks whether the given value is of particular type *(`typeof-arguments` is based on `of-type` package)*.
* Also check out [**`typeof-properties`**]( to validate value types of the properties of objects.

@@ -11,37 +12,75 @@ # Installation

var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');
# Usage
### `args(arguments,types[,callback])`
##### `arguments` **[Object]**
### `argType(actual,expected[,callback])`
##### `actual` **[Object]**
* It should always indicate the enclosing function **`arguments`** object
##### `types` **[Array]** of **[String|RegExp]** items.
* It should contain the list of **expected types** for each *(or chosen)* enclosing function parameter. The **`types[2]`** specifies the expected type(s) of **`arguments[2]`**, etc.
* Possible values: `'null'`, `'undefined'`, or any value equal to ``, eg. `'string'`, `'number'`, `'regexp'`, `'array'`, `'object'`, `'boolean'`,`'buffer'`, etc.
* The **`types`** [String] is case insensitive: `'String'`, `'string'`, `'StRiNg'` checks if the **`arguments`** item is of type [String]. For **`types`** [RegExp] case insensitivity use `i` flag, eg.: `/String/`, `/string/i`, `/sTrInG/i`
* The **`types`** [String] can contain multiple allowed types, separated with `|`, eg: `'array|object'`, `'boolean|number|null|undefined'`, `'string|number'`. For **`types`** [RegExp] multiple values use `(x|y)` expression, eg: `/(string|number)/i`
##### Extra types:
* The **`types`** can contain the value: `'arguments'`. It returns `true` for the `arguments` Object
* The **`types`** can contain the value: `'truthy'`. It returns `true` for the **`arguments`** item's values like: `"abc"`, `true`, `1`, `{}`, `[]`,`function(){}`, etc.
* The **`types`** can contain the value: `'falsy'`. It returns `true` for the **`arguments`** item's values like: `""`, `false`, `0`, `null`, `undefined`, etc.
* The **`types`** can contain the value: `''` or `'any'`, then it returns `true` for the **`arguments`** item of **any type**. Use it if you do not want to check the type of the particular **`arguments`** item, eg. `['string','any','object|array']`
##### `expected` **[Array]**
* It should contain the [Array] list of **expected types** for each subsequent argument passed through the enclosing function.
* The [Array] `expected` item's index coheres with the index of `actual` argument item passed through the enclosing function.
* The values of [Array] `expected` items indicate the expected types of the coherent `actual` arguments passed through the enclosing function.
##### The `expected` Types
There are three ways to check the type of the arguments:
* by **string expression** values
* by **regular expression** values
* by **constructor functions**, `null` or `undefined` values
##### [Object:String]
* Possible values: `'null'`, `'undefined'`, or any value equal to ``, eg: `'string'`, `'number'`, `'regexp'`, `'array'`, `'object'`, `'boolean'`,`'buffer'`, etc.
* The [String] value is case insensitive: `'String'`, `'string'`, `'StRiNg'` checks if the argument is of type [String].
* The [String] value can contain multiple allowed types, separated with `|`. eg: `'array|object'` checks if the argument is of type [Array] **`OR`** of type [Object].
var args = require('typeof-arguments');
hello('hello', "world!");
function test(){
argType(arguments,['string', 'number|string|null']);
function hello(paramA,paramB){
##### [Object:RegExp]
* Possible values: `/null/`, `/undefined/`, or any value matching the ``, eg: `/String/`, `/Number/`, `/RegExp/`, `/Array/`, `/Object/`, `/Boolean/`,`/Buffer/`, `/Promise/`, etc.
* For the case insensitivity use `i` flag, eg: `/string/i`, `/regexp/i`, `/typeerror/i`
* For multiple values use regexp `(x|y)` expression, eg: `/String|Number/`, `/TypeError|Error/`
* Use another regexp features:
* eg. `/(Type|Range|Syntax)Error/` will match `TypeError`, `RangeError` and `SyntaxError`
* eg. `/[A-Z].+/` will match `String`, `Array`, but will not match `undefined`, `null`, etc.
function test(){
argType(arguments,[/string/i, /num|string|null/i]);
##### [Object:null|undefined|Function|Array]
* Possible values: `null`, `undefined` or any **constructor** object, eg: `String`, `TypeError`, `Promise`, `Array`, etc.
* For multiple values use array, eg: `[String,Object,Array,null]`
function test(){
argType(arguments,[String, [Number,String,null]]);
##### Extra types:
* The value can be: `'arguments'` or `/arguments/`. It returns `true` if the argument is defined as the `arguments` Object
* The value can be: `'truthy'` or `/truthy/`. It returns `true` if the argument has the value like: `"abc"`, `true`, `1`, `{}`, `[]`,`function(){}`, etc.
* The value can be: `'falsy'` or `/falsy/`. It returns `true` if the argument has the value like: `""`, `false`, `0`, `null`, `undefined`, etc.
* The value can be: `''` or `'any'` or `/any/` or `[]`, It returns `true` if the argument is of **any type**.
##### `callback` **[Function]** *(optional)*
* if **not passed**, the **TypeError** with **default message** will be **thrown** to the console, if the argument passed to the function is invalid.
* The TypeError default message is eg.:
* `Invalid argument [0]. The [String] argument has been passed, while the [Number] one is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [2]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the argument of the type matching the regular expression: /array|object/i is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [1]. The [Number] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the [falsy|String] one is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [0]. The [Number] argument has been passed, while the argument of type [String] is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [2]. The [null] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "boolean" is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [1]. The [null] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "truthy|undefined" is expected.`
* `Invalid argument [0]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching regular expression /string/i is expected.`
* if **passed**, the default TypeError **will not be thrown** to the console and the user can decide what to do inside the `callback` function.

@@ -54,16 +93,15 @@ * Use callback function if you don't want to stop your code execution by default *(no callback)* **`throw`** statement!

* **`actual`**
indicates the actual type of the argument passed through the enclosing function, eg. `'[String]'`
indicates the actual type of the argument passed through the enclosing function, eg. `"String"`
* **`expected`**
indicates the type(s) expected by the user, eg. `'[Array]'`, `'[Boolean|Number]'`, `/array|object/i`
indicates the type(s) expected by the user, eg. `"Array"`, `"Boolean|Number"`, `"/array|object/i"`
* **`message`**
is the default error [String] message, that you can use for example to throw an error in the callback function
is the default error [String] message, that you can use eg. to log in the console
var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');
hello(10, "hello!");
hello("Paul", 26);
function hello(paramA,paramB){
function hello(name,age){

@@ -77,7 +115,7 @@ //console.error('Not good! Use ' + o.expected + ' instead of ' + o.actual + ' for argument ' + o.index);

#### Return value
The function `args()` returns `true` when all arguments passed through the enclosing function are of **valid** types.
The function `args()` returns `false` when at least **one** of the arguments passed through the enclosing function is of **invalid** type.
The function `argType()` returns `true` when all arguments passed through the enclosing function are of **valid** types.
The function `argType()` returns `false` when at least **one** of the arguments passed through the enclosing function is of **invalid** type.
var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');

@@ -87,3 +125,3 @@ hello("hello","world!");

function hello(paramA,paramB){
var areValid = args(arguments,['string','string']);
var areValid = argType(arguments,['string','string']);
if(!areValid) return; //stop executing code if at least one argument is of invalid type

@@ -94,28 +132,37 @@ //your code here...

# Tests
> git clone
> cd typeof-arguments
> npm install
> npm test
> npm test deep //displays error messages
# Samples
var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');
function hello(paramA,paramB,paramC){
function test(paramA,paramB,paramC){
hello("hello", "it's me!", null);
test("hello", "it's me!", null);
//no errors
hello(10, 20, [1,2,3]);
test(10, 20, [1,2,3]);
//no errors
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Boolean] argument has been passed, while the [Number|String] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Boolean] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "number|string" is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Object] argument has been passed, while the [Number|String] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [2]. The [RegExp] argument has been passed, while the [null|Array] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Object] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "number|string" is expected.
//Invalid argument [2]. The [RegExp] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "null|array" is expected.
//no errors
//Invalid argument [2]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the [null|Array] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [2]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "null|array" is expected.

@@ -125,25 +172,25 @@

var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');
function hello(paramA,paramB){
function test(paramA,paramB){
//Invalid argument [0]. The [undefined] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the [truthy|String] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [undefined] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "truthy" is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [String] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the [truthy|String] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [String] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "truthy" is expected.
//no errors
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Number] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the [truthy|String] one is expected.
//Invalid argument [1]. The [Number] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of the type matching the regular expression: /(regexp|falsy)/i is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Number] <<falsy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching string expression "truthy" is expected.
//Invalid argument [1]. The [Number] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching regular expression /(regexp|falsy)/i is expected.
//no errors
//no errors

@@ -154,55 +201,25 @@ ```

var args = require('typeof-arguments');
var argType = require('typeof-arguments');
function hello(paramA,paramB,paramC){
function test(paramA,paramB){
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
var ul = document.createElement('UL');
var li = document.createElement('LI');
var a = document.createElement('A');
//Invalid argument [0]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the argument of type [String] is expected.
//Invalid argument [1]. The [null] argument has been passed, while the argument of the type matching the regular expression: /^html.*element$/i is expected.
//no errors
test('Paul',null,false,10,new TypeError('error'));
//no errors
hello(new Date(),a,div);
//Invalid argument [2]. The [HTMLDivElement] argument has been passed, while the argument of the type matching the regular expression: /^html[uo]listelement/i is expected.
### more samples
var args = require('typeof-arguments');
function hello(paramA,paramB){
function returnArguments(){
return arguments;
hello(null,new TypeError());
//no errors
hello(false,new SyntaxError());
//no errors
//Invalid argument [3]. The [undefined] argument has been passed, while the argument of type [Number] is expected.
hello(0,new Error());
//Invalid argument [1]. The [Error] argument has been passed, while the argument of the type matching the regular expression: /((syntax|type)error)|boolean/i is expected.
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Number] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the [arguments|falsy] one is expected.
hello(returnArguments,new TypeError());
//Invalid argument [0]. The [Function] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the [arguments|falsy] one is expected.
hello(returnArguments(),new TypeError());
//no errors
test('Paul',true,true,10,new Error('error'));
//Invalid argument [4]. The [Error] <<truthy>> argument has been passed, while the argument of type matching regular expression /((syntax|type)error)|falsy/i is expected.
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