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typology - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.1 to 0.3.0


"name": "typology",
"version": "0.2.1",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "A data validation library for Node.js and the browser.",

@@ -34,4 +34,5 @@ "main": "typology.js",

"gulp-uglify": "^1.0.1",
"jshint-stylish": "^1.0.0"
"jshint-stylish": "^1.0.0",
"lodash": "^2.4.1"


* typology.js - A data validation library for Node.js and the browser,
* Version: 0.2.1
* Version: 0.3.0
* Sources:

@@ -60,7 +60,151 @@ * Doc:

function Typology(defs) {
defs = defs || {};
// Privates
var customTypes = {};
var _self = this,
_customTypes = {};
// Validate the given data against the given type, but returns a more
// specific object
function _scan(obj, type) {
var a,
optional = false,
exclusive = false,
typeOf = _self.get(obj);
if (_self.get(type) === 'string') {
a = type.replace(/^[\?\!]/, '').split(/\|/);
l = a.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (nativeTypes.indexOf(a[i]) < 0 && !(a[i] in _customTypes))
throw new Error('Invalid type.');
if (type.match(/^\?/))
optional = true;
if (type.replace(/^\?/, '').match(/^\!/))
exclusive = true;
if (exclusive && optional)
throw new Error('Invalid type.');
for (i in a)
if (_customTypes[a[i]])
if (
(typeof _customTypes[a[i]].type === 'function') ?
(_customTypes[a[i]], obj) === true) :
!_scan(obj, _customTypes[a[i]].type)
) {
if (exclusive) {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected a "' + type + '" but found a ' +
'"' + a[i] + '".';
error.expected = type;
error.type = a[i];
error.value = obj;
return error;
} else
return null;
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
if (!exclusive && !optional) {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected a "' + type + '" but found a ' +
'"' + typeOf + '".';
error.expected = type;
error.type = typeOf;
error.value = obj;
return error;
} else
return null;
} else {
hasStar = ~a.indexOf('*');
hasTypeOf = ~a.indexOf(typeOf);
if (exclusive && (hasStar || hasTypeOf)) {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected a "' + type + '" but found a ' +
'"' + (hasTypeOf ? typeOf : '*') + '".';
error.type = hasTypeOf ? typeOf : '*';
error.expected = type;
error.value = obj;
return error;
} else if (!exclusive && !(hasStar || hasTypeOf)) {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected a "' + type + '" but found a ' +
'"' + typeOf + '".';
error.expected = type;
error.type = typeOf;
error.value = obj;
return error;
} else
return null;
} else if (_self.get(type) === 'object') {
if (typeOf !== 'object') {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected an object but found a "' + typeOf + '".';
error.expected = type;
error.type = typeOf;
error.value = obj;
return error;
for (k in type)
if ((subError = _scan(obj[k], type[k]))) {
error = subError;
error.path = error.path ?
[k].concat(error.path) :
return error;
for (k in obj)
if (type[k] === undefined) {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Unexpected key "' + k + '".';
error.type = typeOf;
error.value = obj;
return error;
return null;
} else if (_self.get(type) === 'array') {
if (type.length !== 1)
throw new Error('Invalid type.');
if (typeOf !== 'array') {
error = new Error();
error.message = 'Expected an array but found a "' + typeOf + '".';
error.expected = type;
error.type = typeOf;
error.value = obj;
return error;
l = obj.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
if ((subError = _scan(obj[i], type[0]))) {
error = subError;
error.path = error.path ?
[i].concat(error.path) :
return error;
return null;
} else
throw new Error('Invalid type.');

@@ -103,3 +247,3 @@ * Methods

if (customTypes[id] !== undefined && customTypes[id] !== 'proto')
if (_customTypes[id] !== undefined && _customTypes[id] !== 'proto')
throw new Error('The type "' + id + '" already exists.');

@@ -110,3 +254,3 @@

customTypes[id] = 1;
_customTypes[id] = 1;

@@ -118,4 +262,4 @@ // Check given prototypes:

for (k in a)
if (customTypes[a[k]] === undefined) {
customTypes[a[k]] = 1;
if (_customTypes[a[k]] === undefined) {
_customTypes[a[k]] = 1;
tmp[a[k]] = 1;

@@ -130,3 +274,3 @@ }

// Effectively add the type:
customTypes[id] = (o === undefined) ?
_customTypes[id] = (o === undefined) ?

@@ -140,3 +284,3 @@ id: id,

for (k in o)
customTypes[id][k] = o[k];
_customTypes[id][k] = o[k];

@@ -146,3 +290,3 @@ // Delete prototypes:

if (k !== id)
delete customTypes[k];
delete _customTypes[k];

@@ -154,3 +298,3 @@ return this;

this.has = function(key) {
return !!customTypes[key];
return !!_customTypes[key];

@@ -166,70 +310,8 @@

// Validate the given data against the given type
this.check = function(obj, type) {
var a,
optional = false,
exclusive = false,
typeOf = this.get(obj);
if (this.get(type) === 'string') {
a = type.replace(/^[?!]/, '').split(/\|/);
for (i in a)
if (nativeTypes.indexOf(a[i]) < 0 && !(a[i] in customTypes)) {
throw new Error('Invalid type.');
return false;
if (type.match(/^\?/)) {
optional = true;
type = type.replace(/^\?/, '');
if (type.match(/^!/)) {
exclusive = true;
type = type.replace(/^!/, '');
for (i in a)
if (customTypes[a[i]])
if (
(typeof customTypes[a[i]].type === 'function') ?
(customTypes[a[i]], obj) === true) :
this.check(obj, customTypes[a[i]].type)
return !exclusive;
if (obj === null || obj === undefined)
return !exclusive ? optional : !optional;
return !exclusive ?
!!(~a.indexOf('*') || ~a.indexOf(typeOf)) :
!(~a.indexOf('*') || ~a.indexOf(typeOf));
} else if (this.get(type) === 'object') {
if (typeOf !== 'object')
return false;
for (k in type)
if (!this.check(obj[k], type[k]))
return false;
for (k in obj)
if (type[k] === undefined)
return false;
return true;
} else if (this.get(type) === 'array') {
if (typeOf !== 'array')
return false;
if (type.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Invalid type.');
for (k in obj)
if (!this.check(obj[k], type[0]))
return false;
return true;
} else
return false;
this.check = function(obj, type, throws) {
var result = _scan(obj, type);
if (throws && result)
throw result;
return !result;

@@ -244,5 +326,5 @@

if (this.get(type) === 'string') {
a = type.replace(/^[?!]/, '').split(/\|/);
a = type.replace(/^[\?\!]/, '').split(/\|/);
for (i in a)
if (nativeTypes.indexOf(a[i]) < 0 && !(a[i] in customTypes))
if (nativeTypes.indexOf(a[i]) < 0 && !(a[i] in _customTypes))
return false;

@@ -280,2 +362,3 @@ return true;

// Adding custom types at instantiation
defs = defs || {};
if (this.get(defs) !== 'object')

@@ -298,3 +381,3 @@ throw Error('Invalid argument.');

Object.defineProperty(types, 'version', {
value: '0.2.1'
value: '0.3.0'

@@ -301,0 +384,0 @@

* typology - A data validation library for Node.js and the browser.
* @version v0.2.1
* @version v0.3.0
* @link
* @license MIT
!function(){"use strict";function t(t){t=t||{};var e={};if(this.add=function(t,r){var i,n,s,f,a,h;if(1===arguments.length){if("object"!==this.get(t))throw new Error("If types.add is called with one argument, this one has to be an object.");i=t,,h=i.type}else{if(2!==arguments.length)throw new Error("types.add has to be called with one or two arguments.");if("string"!=typeof t||!t)throw new Error("If types.add is called with more than one argument, the first one must be the string id.");f=t,h=r}if("string"!==this.get(f)||0===f.length)throw new Error("A type requires an string id.");if(void 0!==e[f]&&"proto"!==e[f])throw new Error('The type "'+f+'" already exists.');if(~o.indexOf(f))throw new Error('"'+f+'" is a reserved type name.');e[f]=1,s=(i||{}).proto||[],s=Array.isArray(s)?s:[s],a={};for(n in s)void 0===e[s[n]]&&(e[s[n]]=1,a[s[n]]=1);if("function"!==this.get(h)&&!this.isValid(h))throw new Error("A type requires a valid definition. This one can be a preexistant type or else a function testing given objects.");if(e[f]=void 0===i?{id:f,type:h}:{},void 0!==i)for(n in i)e[f][n]=i[n];for(n in a)n!==f&&delete e[n];return this},this.has=function(t){return!!e[t]},this.get=function(t){return null===t||void 0===t?String(t):n[]||"object"},this.check=function(t,r){var i,n,s,f=!1,a=!1,h=this.get(t);if("string"===this.get(r)){i=r.replace(/^[?!]/,"").split(/\|/);for(n in i)if(o.indexOf(i[n])<0&&!(i[n]in e))throw new Error("Invalid type.");r.match(/^\?/)&&(f=!0,r=r.replace(/^\?/,"")),r.match(/^!/)&&(a=!0,r=r.replace(/^!/,""));for(n in i)if(e[i[n]]&&("function"==typeof e[i[n]].type?e[i[n]],t)===!0:this.check(t,e[i[n]].type)))return!a;return null===t||void 0===t?a?!f:f:a?!(~i.indexOf("*")||~i.indexOf(h)):!(!~i.indexOf("*")&&!~i.indexOf(h))}if("object"===this.get(r)){if("object"!==h)return!1;for(s in r)if(!this.check(t[s],r[s]))return!1;for(s in t)if(void 0===r[s])return!1;return!0}if("array"===this.get(r)){if("array"!==h)return!1;if(1!==r.length)throw new Error("Invalid type.");for(s in t)if(!this.check(t[s],r[0]))return!1;return!0}return!1},this.isValid=function(t){var r,i,n;if("string"===this.get(t)){r=t.replace(/^[?!]/,"").split(/\|/);for(n in r)if(o.indexOf(r[n])<0&&!(r[n]in e))return!1;return!0}if("object"===this.get(t)){for(i in t)if(!this.isValid(t[i]))return!1;return!0}return"array"===this.get(t)&&1===t.length?this.isValid(t[0]):!1},this.add("type",function(t){return this.isValid(t)}.bind(this)),this.add("primitive",function(t){return!t||!(t instanceof Object||"object"==typeof t)}),"object"!==this.get(t))throw Error("Invalid argument.");for(var r in t)this.add(r,t[r])}var e,r,i=["Arguments","Boolean","Number","String","Function","Array","Date","RegExp","Object"],n={},o=["*"];for(e in i)r=i[e],o.push(r.toLowerCase()),n["[object "+r+"]"]=r.toLowerCase();var s=t;,Object.defineProperty(s,"version",{value:"0.2.1"}),"undefined"!=typeof exports?("undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(exports=module.exports=s),exports.types=s):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("typology",[],function(){return s}):this.types=s}(this);
!function(){"use strict";function e(e){function t(e,i){var a,s,f,u,d,p,h,l,c=!1,g=!1,y=r.get(e);if("string"===r.get(i)){for(a=i.replace(/^[\?\!]/,"").split(/\|/),f=a.length,s=0;f>s;s++)if(o.indexOf(a[s])<0&&!(a[s]in n))throw new Error("Invalid type.");if(i.match(/^\?/)&&(c=!0),i.replace(/^\?/,"").match(/^\!/)&&(g=!0),g&&c)throw new Error("Invalid type.");for(s in a)if(n[a[s]]&&("function"==typeof n[a[s]].type?n[a[s]],e)===!0:!t(e,n[a[s]].type)))return g?(d=new Error,d.message='Expected a "'+i+'" but found a "'+a[s]+'".',d.expected=i,d.type=a[s],d.value=e,d):null;return null===e||void 0===e?g||c?null:(d=new Error,d.message='Expected a "'+i+'" but found a "'+y+'".',d.expected=i,d.type=y,d.value=e,d):(h=~a.indexOf("*"),l=~a.indexOf(y),g&&(h||l)?(d=new Error,d.message='Expected a "'+i+'" but found a "'+(l?y:"*")+'".',d.type=l?y:"*",d.expected=i,d.value=e,d):g||h||l?null:(d=new Error,d.message='Expected a "'+i+'" but found a "'+y+'".',d.expected=i,d.type=y,d.value=e,d))}if("object"===r.get(i)){if("object"!==y)return d=new Error,d.message='Expected an object but found a "'+y+'".',d.expected=i,d.type=y,d.value=e,d;for(u in i)if(p=t(e[u],i[u]))return d=p,d.path=d.path?[u].concat(d.path):[u],d;for(u in e)if(void 0===i[u])return d=new Error,d.message='Unexpected key "'+u+'".',d.type=y,d.value=e,d;return null}if("array"===r.get(i)){if(1!==i.length)throw new Error("Invalid type.");if("array"!==y)return d=new Error,d.message='Expected an array but found a "'+y+'".',d.expected=i,d.type=y,d.value=e,d;for(f=e.length,s=0;f>s;s++)if(p=t(e[s],i[0]))return d=p,d.path=d.path?[s].concat(d.path):[s],d;return null}throw new Error("Invalid type.")}var r=this,n={};if(this.add=function(e,t){var r,i,a,s,f,u;if(1===arguments.length){if("object"!==this.get(e))throw new Error("If types.add is called with one argument, this one has to be an object.");r=e,,u=r.type}else{if(2!==arguments.length)throw new Error("types.add has to be called with one or two arguments.");if("string"!=typeof e||!e)throw new Error("If types.add is called with more than one argument, the first one must be the string id.");s=e,u=t}if("string"!==this.get(s)||0===s.length)throw new Error("A type requires an string id.");if(void 0!==n[s]&&"proto"!==n[s])throw new Error('The type "'+s+'" already exists.');if(~o.indexOf(s))throw new Error('"'+s+'" is a reserved type name.');n[s]=1,a=(r||{}).proto||[],a=Array.isArray(a)?a:[a],f={};for(i in a)void 0===n[a[i]]&&(n[a[i]]=1,f[a[i]]=1);if("function"!==this.get(u)&&!this.isValid(u))throw new Error("A type requires a valid definition. This one can be a preexistant type or else a function testing given objects.");if(n[s]=void 0===r?{id:s,type:u}:{},void 0!==r)for(i in r)n[s][i]=r[i];for(i in f)i!==s&&delete n[i];return this},this.has=function(e){return!!n[e]},this.get=function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?String(e):i[]||"object"},this.check=function(e,r,n){var i=t(e,r);if(n&&i)throw i;return!i},this.isValid=function(e){var t,r,i;if("string"===this.get(e)){t=e.replace(/^[\?\!]/,"").split(/\|/);for(i in t)if(o.indexOf(t[i])<0&&!(t[i]in n))return!1;return!0}if("object"===this.get(e)){for(r in e)if(!this.isValid(e[r]))return!1;return!0}return"array"===this.get(e)&&1===e.length?this.isValid(e[0]):!1},this.add("type",function(e){return this.isValid(e)}.bind(this)),this.add("primitive",function(e){return!e||!(e instanceof Object||"object"==typeof e)}),e=e||{},"object"!==this.get(e))throw Error("Invalid argument.");for(var a in e)this.add(a,e[a])}var t,r,n=["Arguments","Boolean","Number","String","Function","Array","Date","RegExp","Object"],i={},o=["*"];for(t in n)r=n[t],o.push(r.toLowerCase()),i["[object "+r+"]"]=r.toLowerCase();var a=e;,Object.defineProperty(a,"version",{value:"0.3.0"}),"undefined"!=typeof exports?("undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(exports=module.exports=a),exports.types=a):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("typology",[],function(){return a}):this.types=a}(this);
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