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uncouple - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.0 to 0.6.0



* uncouple v0.5.0
* uncouple v0.6.0
* (c) Vitor Luiz Cavalcanti <> (

@@ -8,21 +8,129 @@ * Released under the MIT License.

Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
* Uncouple methods from constructor (class) into functions.
* Get property keys from object, `T`.
* @param object
var getKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
* Curry to check if name is a method name from object, `T`.
* @param object
var isMethodOf = function (object) { return function (key) { return key !== 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function'; }; };
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter } = uncouple(Array);
* const { filter } = uncoupleMethods(Array);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], (value) => value % 2 === 0);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A constructor (class) to be uncoupled into functions.
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object to be uncoupled into functions.
var uncouple = function (_a) {
var prototype = _a.prototype;
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype);
return names.reduce(function (methods, name) {
if (typeof prototype[name] === "function" && name !== "constructor") // @ts-ignore
{ methods[name] =[name]); }
return methods;
}, Object.create(null));
var uncoupleMethods = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var methods = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).filter(isMethodOf(prototype)).forEach(function (name) {
// @ts-ignore
methods[name] =[name]);
return methods;
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter: createFilter } = uncoupleMethodsAsCurries(Array);
* const filter((value) => value % 2 === 0);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object.
module.exports = uncouple;
var uncoupleMethodsAsCurries = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var methods = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).filter(isMethodOf(prototype)).forEach(function (name) {
// @ts-ignore
methods[name] = function () {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
// @ts-ignore
return function (instance) { return prototype[name].apply(instance, arguments$1); };
return methods;
* Append prefix to a word and capitalize it.
* @param prefix
* @param name
var prefix = function (prefix, name) { return prefix + (name ? name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substr(1) : ''); };
* Uncouple getters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { getName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* get name () {
* return this._name;
* }
* });
* getName({ _name: 'Lucas' })
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
var uncoupleGetters = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var getters = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).forEach(function (name) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name) || {};
if (typeof descriptor.get === 'function') { getters[prefix('get', name)] =; }
return getters;
* Uncouple setters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { setName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* set name (name) {
* this._name = name;
* }
* });
* const user = {
* _name: 'Vitor'
* };
* setName(user, 'Lucas');
* user._name;
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
var uncoupleSetters = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var setters = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).forEach(function (name) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name) || {};
if (typeof descriptor.set === 'function') // @ts-ignore
{ setters[prefix('set', name)] =; }
return setters;
exports.uncoupleGetters = uncoupleGetters;
exports.uncoupleMethods = uncoupleMethods;
exports.uncoupleMethodsAsCurries = uncoupleMethodsAsCurries;
exports.uncoupleSetters = uncoupleSetters;
* uncouple v0.5.0
* uncouple v0.6.0
* (c) Vitor Luiz Cavalcanti <> (

@@ -7,28 +7,136 @@ * Released under the MIT License.

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = global || self, global.uncouple = factory());
}(this, function () { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.uncouple = {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
* Uncouple methods from constructor (class) into functions.
* Get property keys from object, `T`.
* @param object
var getKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
* Curry to check if name is a method name from object, `T`.
* @param object
var isMethodOf = function (object) { return function (key) { return key !== 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function'; }; };
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter } = uncouple(Array);
* const { filter } = uncoupleMethods(Array);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], (value) => value % 2 === 0);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A constructor (class) to be uncoupled into functions.
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object to be uncoupled into functions.
var uncouple = function (_a) {
var prototype = _a.prototype;
var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype);
return names.reduce(function (methods, name) {
if (typeof prototype[name] === "function" && name !== "constructor") // @ts-ignore
{ methods[name] =[name]); }
return methods;
}, Object.create(null));
var uncoupleMethods = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var methods = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).filter(isMethodOf(prototype)).forEach(function (name) {
// @ts-ignore
methods[name] =[name]);
return methods;
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter: createFilter } = uncoupleMethodsAsCurries(Array);
* const filter((value) => value % 2 === 0);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object.
return uncouple;
var uncoupleMethodsAsCurries = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var methods = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).filter(isMethodOf(prototype)).forEach(function (name) {
// @ts-ignore
methods[name] = function () {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
// @ts-ignore
return function (instance) { return prototype[name].apply(instance, arguments$1); };
return methods;
* Append prefix to a word and capitalize it.
* @param prefix
* @param name
var prefix = function (prefix, name) { return prefix + (name ? name[0].toUpperCase() + name.substr(1) : ''); };
* Uncouple getters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { getName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* get name () {
* return this._name;
* }
* });
* getName({ _name: 'Lucas' })
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
var uncoupleGetters = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var getters = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).forEach(function (name) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name) || {};
if (typeof descriptor.get === 'function') { getters[prefix('get', name)] =; }
return getters;
* Uncouple setters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { setName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* set name (name) {
* this._name = name;
* }
* });
* const user = {
* _name: 'Vitor'
* };
* setName(user, 'Lucas');
* user._name;
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
var uncoupleSetters = function (constructor) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype || constructor;
var setters = Object.create(null);
getKeys(prototype).forEach(function (name) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, name) || {};
if (typeof descriptor.set === 'function') // @ts-ignore
{ setters[prefix('set', name)] =; }
return setters;
exports.uncoupleGetters = uncoupleGetters;
exports.uncoupleMethods = uncoupleMethods;
exports.uncoupleMethodsAsCurries = uncoupleMethodsAsCurries;
exports.uncoupleSetters = uncoupleSetters;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });


* uncouple v0.5.0
* uncouple v0.6.0
* (c) Vitor Luiz Cavalcanti <> (
* Released under the MIT License.
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(e=e||self).uncouple=t()}(this,function(){"use strict";return function(e){var t=e.prototype;return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).reduce(function(e,n){return"function"==typeof t[n]&&"constructor"!==n&&(e[n][n])),e},Object.create(null))}});
!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e((t=t||self).uncouple={})}(this,function(t){"use strict";var e=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,n=function(t){return function(e){return"constructor"!==e&&"function"==typeof t[e]}},r=function(t,e){return t+(e?e[0].toUpperCase()+e.substr(1):"")};t.uncoupleGetters=function(t){var n=t.prototype||t,o=Object.create(null);return e(n).forEach(function(t){var e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,t)||{};"function"==typeof e.get&&(o[r("get",t)]}),o},t.uncoupleMethods=function(t){var r=t.prototype||t,o=Object.create(null);return e(r).filter(n(r)).forEach(function(t){o[t][t])}),o},t.uncoupleMethodsAsCurries=function(t){var r=t.prototype||t,o=Object.create(null);return e(r).filter(n(r)).forEach(function(t){o[t]=function(){var e=arguments;return function(n){return r[t].apply(n,e)}}}),o},t.uncoupleSetters=function(t){var n=t.prototype||t,o=Object.create(null);return e(n).forEach(function(t){var e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,t)||{};"function"==typeof e.set&&(o[r("set",t)]}),o},Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
"name": "uncouple",
"version": "0.5.0",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "Uncouple constructors and classes methods into functions.",
"sideEffects": false,
"cdn": "dist/index.umd.min.js",

@@ -9,3 +10,3 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"unpkg": "dist/index.umd.min.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"module": "dist/index.esm.js",
"jsdelivr": "dist/index.umd.min.js",

@@ -18,4 +19,4 @@ "umd:main": "dist/index.umd.js",

"scripts": {
"pretest": "npm run build",
"test": "ava --no-cache",
"lint": "prettier **/*.{js,json,md,ts} --check",
"build": "bili",

@@ -46,8 +47,10 @@ "prepare": "npm test"

"devDependencies": {
"ava": "^1.3.1",
"bili": "^4.7.1",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.20.1",
"ts-node": "^8.0.3",
"typescript": "^3.3.4000"
"@ava/babel": "^1.0.1",
"ava": "^3.5.0",
"bili": "^4.8.1",
"prettier": "^1.19.1",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.26.0",
"ts-node": "^8.6.2",
"typescript": "^3.8.3"

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ # Uncouple

[![Install size](](
[![Library minified size](](

@@ -35,6 +36,6 @@ [![Library minified + gzipped size](](

// UMD module is exposed through the "uncouple" global function.
var O = uncouple(Object)
var isFetchDefined = O.hasOwnProperty(window, 'fetch')
var O = uncouple(Object);
var isFetchDefined = O.hasOwnProperty(window, 'fetch');

@@ -85,3 +86,3 @@ ```

User.prototype.getName = function () {
User.prototype.getName = function() {

@@ -124,3 +125,3 @@ };

const isLink = (anchor) => /^https?:\/\//.test(anchor.href);
const isLink = anchor => /^https?:\/\//.test(anchor.href);

@@ -127,0 +128,0 @@ const links = filter(anchors, isLink);

@@ -0,5 +1,6 @@

import { KeyOf } from './key';
* Property name from `T`.
* A generic function type.
declare type PropertyNameOf<T> = Extract<keyof T, string>;
declare type Method = (...args: any[]) => any;

@@ -9,20 +10,88 @@ * Uncoupled methods from `T`.

declare type UncoupledMethodsOf<T> = {
[K in PropertyNameOf<T>]: T[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? (instance: T, ...args: Parameters<T[K]>) => ReturnType<T[K]> : never;
[K in KeyOf<T>]: T[K] extends Method ? (instance: T, ...args: Parameters<T[K]>) => ReturnType<T[K]> : never;
* Constructor (class) with generic prototype `T`.
* A function constructor (class) with prototype of `T` or an object of `T`.
declare type Constructor<T> = (new (...args: any[]) => any) & {
declare type Constructor<T> = {
prototype: T;
} | (T & {
prototype: undefined;
* Uncouple methods from constructor (class) into functions.
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter } = uncouple(Array);
* const { filter } = uncoupleMethods(Array);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], (value) => value % 2 === 0);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A constructor (class) to be uncoupled into functions.
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object to be uncoupled into functions.
declare const uncouple: <T>({ prototype }: Constructor<T>) => UncoupledMethodsOf<T>;
export default uncouple;
export declare const uncoupleMethods: <T>(constructor: Constructor<T>) => UncoupledMethodsOf<T>;
* Uncoupled methods from `T`.
declare type UncoupledMethodsAsCurriesOf<T> = {
[K in KeyOf<T>]: T[K] extends Method ? (...args: Parameters<T[K]>) => (instance: T) => ReturnType<T[K]> : never;
* Uncouple methods from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { filter: createFilter } = uncoupleMethodsAsCurries(Array);
* const filter((value) => value % 2 === 0);
* filter([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]);
* //=> [ 2, 4 ]
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object.
export declare const uncoupleMethodsAsCurries: <T>(constructor: Constructor<T>) => UncoupledMethodsAsCurriesOf<T>;
* Uncoupled getters from `T`.
declare type UncoupledGettersOf<T> = {
[name: string]: (instance: T) => any;
* Uncouple getters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { getName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* get name () {
* return this._name;
* }
* });
* getName({ _name: 'Lucas' })
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
export declare const uncoupleGetters: <T>(constructor: Constructor<T>) => UncoupledGettersOf<T>;
* Uncoupled setters from `T`.
declare type UncoupledSettersOf<T> = {
[name: string]: (instance: T, value: any) => void;
* Uncouple setters from function constructor, a class or an object into functions.
* @example ```js
* const { setName } = uncoupleGetters({
* _name: 'Vitor',
* set name (name) {
* this._name = name;
* }
* });
* const user = {
* _name: 'Vitor'
* };
* setName(user, 'Lucas');
* user._name;
* //=> 'Lucas'
* ```
* @param constructor - A function constructor, a class or an object
export declare const uncoupleSetters: <T>(constructor: Constructor<T>) => UncoupledSettersOf<T>;
export {};
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