A set of playwright e2e test used to validate the work done for Access Site and Switch Locale unification
customer scenario.
Running on local machine
Connect to unified.myseek.xyz VPN via this instruction: VPN Testing unified sites.
If you haven't, install playwright browsers:
yarn playwright install
In order to run logged-in scenarios, the automation will need to perform interactive login,
once prior to running the scenarios. To proceed to the next step below, you will need read access to
the secret manager in discover-dev
) account.
Alternatively, you may provide valid credentials as following example:
export SEEK_LOGIN_USERNAME='username@emaildomain.com'
export SEEK_LOGIN_PASSWORD='my-password-123'
Run your test via:
yarn test
Refer to playwright docs for more information on developing with it.
Running on Buildkite CI/CD
Unified infra has been configured to allow traffic from discover-dev NAT gateway in this setup.
Thus, we should be able to run this test on discover-dev
As configured in .buildkite/pipeline.yaml, this test can be run on buildkite by specifying additional