What is urix?
The urix npm package is designed to help with the manipulation and transformation of file paths in a way that is compatible across different operating systems, particularly focusing on handling Windows file paths in Unix-style and vice versa.
What are urix's main functionalities?
Convert Windows file paths to Unix-style paths
This feature allows developers to convert Windows-style paths (which use backslashes) into Unix-style paths (which use forward slashes). This is particularly useful for ensuring consistent file paths in applications that may run across different operating systems.
const urix = require('urix');
const windowsPath = 'C:\\Users\\Example\\file.txt';
const unixPath = urix(windowsPath);
console.log(unixPath); // Outputs: /C:/Users/Example/file.txt
Other packages similar to urix
The 'path' module is a core Node.js module that provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. It offers similar functionality to urix but is built into Node.js and supports a wider range of path manipulations, such as normalization, joining, and resolution.
upath is an npm package that extends the native path module to add better handling for Windows paths when used in Unix environments. It provides similar functionality to urix by normalizing paths across different operating systems but also includes additional utilities for path manipulation.

Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly. Useful if you work with
paths that eventually will be used in URLs.
var urix = require("urix")
npm install urix
var urix = require("urix")
On Windows, replaces all backslashes with slashes and uses a slash instead of a
drive letter and a colon for absolute paths.
On unix-like systems it is a no-op.
The X11 (“MIT”) License.