label | The label of the dropdown field. | String | false | - |
name | The label of the text input. | String | false | - |
value | For v-model binding to selected value. | String | false | - |
items | Data items to display in the drop down. | Array | false | - |
placeholder | Placeholder text to display when no value is selected. | String | false | 'Select an Item...' |
disabled | If true the control is disabled from user interaction | Boolean | false | false |
loading | If true the control is disabled from user interaction and a loading spiner is shown | Boolean | false | false |
autocomplete | Value for autocomplete of input tag. | String | false | 'nope' |
groupNameField | Property of the top level item that indicates the name of the group. | String | false | 'groupName' |
childrenField | Property of the top level item that contains child items of a group. | String | false | 'items' |
valueField | Property of the item that contains its value. | String | false | 'value' |
textField | Property of the item that contains its text to display. | String | false | 'text' |
iconUrlField | Property of the item that contains the icon url. | String | false | 'iconUrl' |
iconClassField | Property of the item that contains the icon class. | String | false | 'iconClass' |
showValue | Indicates if the value of each item should be shown on the right side of the item. | Boolean | false | true |
noneFoundText | Text to display when no items are found. | String | false | 'No Results Found' |
itemHeight | Height in pixels of each individual item | Number | false | 40 |
inputHeight | Css height of the textbox container | String | false | '52px' |
inputWidth | Css width of the textbox container | String | false | '185px' |
dropDownMaxHeight | Css max height of dropdown. Will default to calculated bottom of textbox to bottom of window. | String | false | - |
debounceTime | Amount of milliseconds to wait after inputs before search is performed. | Number | false | 250 |
searchFields | Additional item properties besides textField and valueField to include when searches are performed. Can be comma delimited string or array of strings. | `String | String[]` | false |
spellcheck | Allows enabling browser spellcheck on input field. | Boolean | false | false |
mobileHeaderBackgroundColor | Background color for full-style mobile header. | String | false | '#2e3a30' |
mobileHeaderBorderBottom | Bottom border color styling for full-style mobile header. | String | false | 'linear-gradient(to right, #2e3a30, #ccc)' |
nativeMobile | If true, mobile devices will use native select. | Boolean | false | false |