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vaul-vue - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.0 to 0.2.1




@@ -51,2 +51,3 @@ import type { ComponentPublicInstance, Ref } from 'vue';

(e: 'update:activeSnapPoint', val: string | number): void;
(e: 'animationEnd', open: boolean): void;

@@ -53,0 +54,0 @@ export interface DialogEmitHandlers {

@@ -24,2 +24,3 @@ import { type DrawerRootProps } from './controls';

"update:activeSnapPoint": (val: string | number) => void;
animationEnd: (open: boolean) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

@@ -83,2 +84,3 @@ activeSnapPoint?: string | number | null | undefined;

"onUpdate:activeSnapPoint"?: ((val: string | number) => any) | undefined;
onAnimationEnd?: ((open: boolean) => any) | undefined;
}, {

@@ -85,0 +87,0 @@ open: boolean;

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import type { DrawerRootProps } from './controls';

"update:activeSnapPoint": (val: string | number) => void;
animationEnd: (open: boolean) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

@@ -39,2 +40,3 @@ activeSnapPoint?: string | number | null | undefined;

"onUpdate:activeSnapPoint"?: ((val: string | number) => any) | undefined;
onAnimationEnd?: ((open: boolean) => any) | undefined;
}, {} | {}, {}>, {

@@ -41,0 +43,0 @@ default?(_: {}): any;


(function(){"use strict";try{if(typeof document<"u"){var r=document.createElement("style");r.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[vaul-drawer]{touch-action:none;will-change:transform;transition:transform .5s cubic-bezier(.32,.72,0,1)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]{transform:translate3d(0,100%,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=top]{transform:translate3d(0,-100%,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=left]{transform:translate3d(-100%,0,0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=right]{transform:translate3d(100%,0,0)}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=top],.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=bottom]{overflow-y:hidden!important}.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=left],.vaul-dragging .vaul-scrollable [vault-drawer-direction=right]{overflow-x:hidden!important}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=top],[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]{transform:translate3d(0,var(--snap-point-height, 0),0)}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=left],[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-visible=true][vaul-drawer-direction=right]{transform:translate3d(var(--snap-point-height, 0),0,0)}[vaul-overlay]{opacity:0;transition:opacity .5s cubic-bezier(.32,.72,0,1)}[vaul-overlay][vaul-drawer-visible=true]{opacity:1}[vaul-drawer]:after{content:"";position:absolute;background:inherit;background-color:inherit}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=top]:after{top:initial;bottom:100%;left:0;right:0;height:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=bottom]:after{top:100%;bottom:initial;left:0;right:0;height:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=left]:after{left:initial;right:100%;top:0;bottom:0;width:200%}[vaul-drawer][vaul-drawer-direction=right]:after{left:100%;right:initial;top:0;bottom:0;width:200%}[vaul-overlay][vaul-snap-points=true]:not([vaul-snap-points-overlay=true]):not([data-state=closed]){opacity:0}[vaul-overlay][vaul-snap-points-overlay=true]:not([vaul-drawer-visible=false]){opacity:1}@keyframes fake-animation{}@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine){[vaul-drawer]{-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none}}')),document.head.appendChild(r)}}catch(a){console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js",a)}})();
import { getCurrentInstance as We, ref as P, watch as Y, nextTick as Oe, computed as V, onMounted as ze, onUnmounted as Te, watchEffect as ke, defineComponent as le, useSlots as Ie, toRefs as qe, openBlock as oe, createBlock as ie, unref as C, withCtx as se, renderSlot as ce, mergeProps as Ye, normalizeStyle as Xe } from "vue";
import { createContext as Ge, DialogRoot as Je, useForwardPropsEmits as Ke, DialogOverlay as Qe, DialogContent as Ze } from "radix-vue";
import { DialogClose as bt, DialogDescription as $t, DialogPortal as yt, DialogTitle as Dt, DialogTrigger as St } from "radix-vue";
const Fe = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
import { getCurrentInstance as ze, ref as E, watch as Y, nextTick as Oe, computed as W, onMounted as Te, onBeforeUnmount as Ie, onUnmounted as Ee, watchEffect as ke, defineComponent as oe, useSlots as qe, toRefs as Ye, openBlock as ie, createBlock as re, unref as A, withCtx as ce, renderSlot as ve, mergeProps as Xe, normalizeStyle as Ge } from "vue";
import { createContext as Je, DialogRoot as Ke, useForwardPropsEmits as Qe, DialogOverlay as Ze, DialogContent as Fe } from "radix-vue";
import { DialogClose as yt, DialogDescription as $t, DialogPortal as Dt, DialogTitle as St, DialogTrigger as Ot } from "radix-vue";
const et = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
const et = (t) => typeof t < "u";
function tt(t) {
const tt = (t) => typeof t < "u";
function nt(t) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t));
function ye(t, n, v, s = {}) {
function $e(t, n, v, r = {}) {
var e, b, u;
const {
clone: O = !1,
passive: x = !1,
eventName: d,
deep: l = !1,
defaultValue: w,
shouldEmit: R
} = s, A = We(), y = v || (A == null ? void 0 : A.emit) || ((e = A == null ? void 0 : A.$emit) == null ? void 0 : e.bind(A)) || ((u = (b = A == null ? void 0 : A.proxy) == null ? void 0 : b.$emit) == null ? void 0 : u.bind(A == null ? void 0 : A.proxy));
let i = d;
n || (n = "modelValue"), i = i || `update:${n.toString()}`;
const r = (p) => O ? typeof O == "function" ? O(p) : tt(p) : p, o = () => et(t[n]) ? r(t[n]) : w, f = (p) => {
R ? R(p) && y(i, p) : y(i, p);
clone: f = !1,
passive: _ = !1,
eventName: O,
deep: T = !1,
defaultValue: c,
shouldEmit: i
} = r, D = ze(), p = v || (D == null ? void 0 : D.emit) || ((e = D == null ? void 0 : D.$emit) == null ? void 0 : e.bind(D)) || ((u = (b = D == null ? void 0 : D.proxy) == null ? void 0 : b.$emit) == null ? void 0 : u.bind(D == null ? void 0 : D.proxy));
let o = O;
n || (n = "modelValue"), o = o || `update:${n.toString()}`;
const U = (l) => f ? typeof f == "function" ? f(l) : nt(l) : l, C = () => tt(t[n]) ? U(t[n]) : c, s = (l) => {
i ? i(l) && p(o, l) : p(o, l);
if (x) {
const p = o(), T = P(p);
let D = !1;
if (_) {
const l = C(), m = E(l);
let S = !1;
return Y(
() => t[n],
(S) => {
D || (D = !0, T.value = r(S), Oe(() => D = !1));
(y) => {
S || (S = !0, m.value = U(y), Oe(() => S = !1));
), Y(
(S) => {
!D && (S !== t[n] || l) && f(S);
(y) => {
!S && (y !== t[n] || T) && s(y);
{ deep: l }
), T;
{ deep: T }
), m;
} else
return V({
return W({
get() {
return o();
return C();
set(p) {
set(l) {
const [ve, nt] = Ge("DrawerRoot"), Pe = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const [de, at] = Je("DrawerRoot"), Re = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function $(t, n, v = !1) {
if (!t || !(t instanceof HTMLElement) || !n)
const s = {};
const r = {};
Object.entries(n).forEach(([e, b]) => {

@@ -61,22 +61,22 @@ if (e.startsWith("--")) {

s[e] =[e],[e] = b;
}), !v && Pe.set(t, s);
r[e] =[e],[e] = b;
}), !v && Re.set(t, r);
function ne(t, n) {
function ae(t, n) {
if (!t || !(t instanceof HTMLElement))
const v = Pe.get(t);
v && (n ?[n] = v[n] : Object.entries(v).forEach(([s, e]) => {[s] = e;
const v = Re.get(t);
v && (n ?[n] = v[n] : Object.entries(v).forEach(([r, e]) => {[r] = e;
function ae(t, n) {
const v = window.getComputedStyle(t), s = v.transform || v.webkitTransform || v.mozTransform;
let e = s.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/);
return e ? Number.parseFloat(e[1].split(", ")[N(n) ? 13 : 12]) : (e = s.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/), e ? Number.parseFloat(e[1].split(", ")[N(n) ? 5 : 4]) : null);
function le(t, n) {
const v = window.getComputedStyle(t), r = v.transform || v.webkitTransform || v.mozTransform;
let e = r.match(/^matrix3d\((.+)\)$/);
return e ? Number.parseFloat(e[1].split(", ")[P(n) ? 13 : 12]) : (e = r.match(/^matrix\((.+)\)$/), e ? Number.parseFloat(e[1].split(", ")[P(n) ? 5 : 4]) : null);
function at(t) {
function lt(t) {
return 8 * (Math.log(t + 1) - 2);
function N(t) {
function P(t) {
switch (t) {

@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ case "top":

const g = {
const w = {
EASE: [0.32, 0.72, 0, 1]
}, Re = 0.4;
function lt({
}, Pe = 0.4;
function ot({
activeSnapPoint: t,
snapPoints: n,
drawerRef: v,
overlayRef: s,
overlayRef: r,
fadeFromIndex: e,

@@ -107,54 +107,69 @@ onSnapPointChange: b,

}) {
const O = V(
const f = E(typeof window < "u" ? {
innerWidth: window.innerWidth,
innerHeight: window.innerHeight
} : void 0);
function _() {
f.value = {
innerWidth: window.innerWidth,
innerHeight: window.innerHeight
Te(() => {
typeof window < "u" && window.addEventListener("resize", _);
}), Ie(() => {
typeof window < "u" && window.removeEventListener("resize", _);
const O = W(
() => (n.value && t.value === n.value[n.value.length - 1]) ?? null
), x = V(
), T = W(
() => n.value && n.value.length > 0 && ((e == null ? void 0 : e.value) || (e == null ? void 0 : e.value) === 0) && !Number.isNaN(e == null ? void 0 : e.value) && n.value[(e == null ? void 0 : e.value) ?? -1] === t.value || !n.value
), d = V(
), c = W(
() => {
var r;
return ((r = n.value) == null ? void 0 : r.findIndex((o) => o === t.value)) ?? null;
var s;
return ((s = n.value) == null ? void 0 : s.findIndex((l) => l === t.value)) ?? null;
), l = V(
), i = W(
() => {
var r;
return ((r = n.value) == null ? void 0 : => {
const f = typeof window < "u", p = typeof o == "string";
let T = 0;
if (p && (T = Number.parseInt(o, 10)), N(u.value)) {
const S = p ? T : f ? o * window.innerHeight : 0;
return f ? u.value === "bottom" ? window.innerHeight - S : -window.innerHeight + S : S;
var s;
return ((s = n.value) == null ? void 0 : => {
const m = typeof l == "string";
let S = 0;
if (m && (S = Number.parseInt(l, 10)), P(u.value)) {
const x = m ? S : f.value ? l * f.value.innerHeight : 0;
return f.value ? u.value === "bottom" ? f.value.innerHeight - x : -f.value.innerHeight + x : x;
const D = p ? T : f ? o * window.innerWidth : 0;
return f ? u.value === "right" ? window.innerWidth - D : -window.innerWidth + D : D;
const y = m ? S : f.value ? l * f.value.innerWidth : 0;
return f.value ? u.value === "right" ? f.value.innerWidth - y : -f.value.innerWidth + y : y;
})) ?? [];
), w = V(
), D = W(
() => {
var r;
return d.value !== null ? (r = l.value) == null ? void 0 : r[d.value] : null;
var s;
return c.value !== null ? (s = i.value) == null ? void 0 : s[c.value] : null;
), R = (r) => {
var f, p, T, D;
const o = ((f = l.value) == null ? void 0 : f.findIndex((S) => S === r)) ?? null;
), p = (s) => {
var m, S, y, x;
const l = ((m = i.value) == null ? void 0 : m.findIndex((M) => M === s)) ?? null;
Oe(() => {
var S;
b(o, l.value), $((S = v.value) == null ? void 0 : S.$el, {
transition: `transform ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: N(u.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${r}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${r}px, 0, 0)`
var M;
b(l, i.value), $((M = v.value) == null ? void 0 : M.$el, {
transition: `transform ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: P(u.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${s}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${s}px, 0, 0)`
}), l.value && o !== l.value.length - 1 && o !== (e == null ? void 0 : e.value) ? $((p = s.value) == null ? void 0 : p.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
}), i.value && l !== i.value.length - 1 && l !== (e == null ? void 0 : e.value) ? $((S = r.value) == null ? void 0 : S.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
opacity: "0"
}) : $((T = s.value) == null ? void 0 : T.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
}) : $((y = r.value) == null ? void 0 : y.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
opacity: "1"
}), t.value = o !== null ? ((D = n.value) == null ? void 0 : D[o]) ?? null : null;
}), t.value = l !== null ? ((x = n.value) == null ? void 0 : x[l]) ?? null : null;
[t, l, n],
[t, i, n],
() => {
var r;
var s;
if (t.value) {
const o = ((r = n.value) == null ? void 0 : r.findIndex((f) => f === t.value)) ?? -1;
l.value && o !== -1 && typeof l.value[o] == "number" && R(l.value[o]);
const l = ((s = n.value) == null ? void 0 : s.findIndex((m) => m === t.value)) ?? -1;
i.value && l !== -1 && typeof i.value[l] == "number" && p(i.value[l]);

@@ -167,74 +182,74 @@ },

function A({
draggedDistance: r,
closeDrawer: o,
velocity: f,
dismissible: p
function o({
draggedDistance: s,
closeDrawer: l,
velocity: m,
dismissible: S
}) {
var W, X, z;
if (e === void 0)
var z, F, d;
if (e.value === void 0)
const T = u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right" ? (w.value ?? 0) - r : (w.value ?? 0) + r, D = d.value === (e.value ?? 0) - 1, S = d.value === 0, L = r > 0;
if (D && $((W = s.value) == null ? void 0 : W.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
}), f > 2 && !L) {
p ? o() : R(l.value[0]);
const y = u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right" ? (D.value ?? 0) - s : (D.value ?? 0) + s, x = c.value === e.value - 1, M = c.value === 0, j = s > 0;
if (x && $((z = r.value) == null ? void 0 : z.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
}), m > 2 && !j) {
S ? l() : p(i.value[0]);
if (f > 2 && L && l && n.value) {
R(l.value[n.value.length - 1]);
if (m > 2 && j && i && n.value) {
p(i.value[n.value.length - 1]);
const Z = (X = l.value) == null ? void 0 : X.reduce((U, c) => typeof U != "number" || typeof c != "number" ? U : Math.abs(c - T) < Math.abs(U - T) ? c : U), j = N(u.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth;
if (f > Re && Math.abs(r) < j * 0.4) {
const U = L ? 1 : -1;
if (U > 0 && O) {
R(l.value[(((z = n.value) == null ? void 0 : z.length) ?? 0) - 1]);
const X = (F = i.value) == null ? void 0 : F.reduce((L, B) => typeof L != "number" || typeof B != "number" ? L : Math.abs(B - y) < Math.abs(L - y) ? B : L), K = P(u.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth;
if (m > Pe && Math.abs(s) < K * 0.4) {
const L = j ? 1 : -1;
if (L > 0 && O) {
p(i.value[(((d = n.value) == null ? void 0 : d.length) ?? 0) - 1]);
if (S && U < 0 && p && o(), d.value === null)
if (M && L < 0 && S && l(), c.value === null)
R(l.value[d.value + U]);
p(i.value[c.value + L]);
function y({ draggedDistance: r }) {
var f;
if (w.value === null)
function U({ draggedDistance: s }) {
var m;
if (D.value === null)
const o = u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right" ? (w.value ?? 0) - r : (w.value ?? 0) + r;
(u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right") && o < l.value[l.value.length - 1] || (u.value === "top" || u.value === "left") && o > l.value[l.value.length - 1] || $((f = v.value) == null ? void 0 : f.$el, {
transform: N(u.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${o}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${o}px, 0, 0)`
const l = u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right" ? D.value - s : D.value + s;
(u.value === "bottom" || u.value === "right") && l < i.value[i.value.length - 1] || (u.value === "top" || u.value === "left") && l > i.value[i.value.length - 1] || $((m = v.value) == null ? void 0 : m.$el, {
transform: P(u.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${l}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${l}px, 0, 0)`
function i(r, o) {
if (!n || typeof d.value != "number" || !l.value || e === void 0)
function C(s, l) {
if (!n.value || typeof c.value != "number" || !i.value || e.value === void 0)
return null;
const f = d.value === (e.value ?? 0) - 1;
if (d.value >= (e.value ?? 0) && o)
const m = c.value === e.value - 1;
if (c.value >= e.value && l)
return 0;
if (f && !o)
if (m && !l)
return 1;
if (!x.value && !f)
if (!T.value && !m)
return null;
const T = f ? d.value + 1 : d.value - 1, D = f ? l.value[T] - l.value[T - 1] : l.value[T + 1] - l.value[T], S = r / Math.abs(D);
return f ? 1 - S : S;
const y = m ? c.value + 1 : c.value - 1, x = m ? i.value[y] - i.value[y - 1] : i.value[y + 1] - i.value[y], M = s / Math.abs(x);
return m ? 1 - M : M;
return {
isLastSnapPoint: O,
shouldFade: x,
getPercentageDragged: i,
activeSnapPointIndex: d,
onRelease: A,
onDrag: y,
snapPointsOffset: l
shouldFade: T,
getPercentageDragged: C,
activeSnapPointIndex: c,
onRelease: o,
onDrag: U,
snapPointsOffset: i
let Q = null;
function ot(t) {
const { isOpen: n, modal: v, nested: s, hasBeenOpened: e } = t, b = P(typeof window < "u" ? window.location.href : ""), u = P(0);
function O() {
if (Q === null && n.value) {
Q = {
let Z = null;
function it(t) {
const { isOpen: n, modal: v, nested: r, hasBeenOpened: e } = t, b = E(typeof window < "u" ? window.location.href : ""), u = E(0);
function f() {
if (Z === null && n.value) {
Z = {

@@ -245,7 +260,7 @@ top:,

const { scrollX: d, innerHeight: l } = window; = "fixed", = `-${u.value}px`, = `-${d}px`, = "0px", = "auto", setTimeout(() => {
const { scrollX: O, innerHeight: T } = window; = "fixed", = `-${u.value}px`, = `-${O}px`, = "0px", = "auto", setTimeout(() => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const w = l - window.innerHeight;
w && u.value >= l && ( = `-${u.value + w}px`);
const c = T - window.innerHeight;
c && u.value >= T && ( = `-${u.value + c}px`);

@@ -255,6 +270,6 @@ }, 300);

function x() {
if (Q !== null) {
const d = -Number.parseInt(, 10), l = -Number.parseInt(, 10);
Object.assign(, Q), requestAnimationFrame(() => {
function _() {
if (Z !== null) {
const O = -Number.parseInt(, 10), T = -Number.parseInt(, 10);
Object.assign(, Z), requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (b.value !== window.location.href) {

@@ -264,96 +279,96 @@ b.value = window.location.href;

window.scrollTo(l, d);
}), Q = null;
window.scrollTo(T, O);
}), Z = null;
return ze(() => {
function d() {
return Te(() => {
function O() {
u.value = window.scrollY;
d(), window.addEventListener("scroll", d), Te(() => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", d);
O(), window.addEventListener("scroll", O), Ee(() => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", O);
}), Y([n, e, b], () => {
s.value || !e.value || (n.value ? (!window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches && O(), v.value || setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)) : x());
}), { restorePositionSetting: x };
r.value || !e.value || (n.value ? (!window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches && f(), v.value || setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)) : _());
}), { restorePositionSetting: _ };
const it = 0.25, rt = 100, De = 8, q = 16, ut = 26, Se = "vaul-dragging";
function st(t, n) {
const rt = 0.25, ut = 100, De = 8, q = 16, st = 26, Se = "vaul-dragging";
function ct(t, n) {
return t && t.value ? t : n;
function ct(t) {
function vt(t) {
const {
emitDrag: n,
emitRelease: v,
emitClose: s,
emitClose: r,
emitOpenChange: e,
open: b,
dismissible: u,
nested: O,
fixed: x,
modal: d,
shouldScaleBackground: l,
scrollLockTimeout: w,
closeThreshold: R,
activeSnapPoint: A,
fadeFromIndex: y,
direction: i
} = t, r = P(b.value ?? !1), o = P(!1), f = P(!1), p = P(!1), T = P(!1), D = P(null), S = P(null), L = P(null), Z = P(null), j = P(null), W = P(!0), X = P(null), z = P(0), U = P(!1);
const c = P(null);
const de = V(() => {
nested: f,
fixed: _,
modal: O,
shouldScaleBackground: T,
scrollLockTimeout: c,
closeThreshold: i,
activeSnapPoint: D,
fadeFromIndex: p,
direction: o
} = t, U = E(b.value ?? !1), C = E(!1), s = E(!1), l = E(!1), m = E(!1), S = E(null), y = E(null), x = E(null), M = E(null), j = E(null), X = E(!0), K = E(null), z = E(0), F = E(!1);
const d = E(null);
const L = W(() => {
var a;
return ((a = c.value) == null ? void 0 : a.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0;
}), H = st(
return ((a = d.value) == null ? void 0 : a.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height) || 0;
}), B = ct(
P(void 0)
E(void 0)
), {
activeSnapPointIndex: fe,
onRelease: Ee,
snapPointsOffset: Ne,
onDrag: Ae,
onRelease: Ne,
snapPointsOffset: Ae,
onDrag: _e,
shouldFade: pe,
getPercentageDragged: _e
} = lt({
snapPoints: H,
activeSnapPoint: A,
drawerRef: c,
fadeFromIndex: y,
overlayRef: D,
onSnapPointChange: Ce,
direction: i
getPercentageDragged: Ce
} = ot({
snapPoints: B,
activeSnapPoint: D,
drawerRef: d,
fadeFromIndex: p,
overlayRef: S,
onSnapPointChange: xe,
direction: o
function Ce(a, m) {
H.value && a === m.length - 1 && (S.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date());
function xe(a, g) {
B.value && a === g.length - 1 && (y.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date());
const { restorePositionSetting: xe } = ot({
isOpen: r,
modal: d,
nested: O,
hasBeenOpened: o
const { restorePositionSetting: Be } = it({
isOpen: U,
modal: O,
nested: f,
hasBeenOpened: C
function G() {
return (window.innerWidth - ut) / window.innerWidth;
return (window.innerWidth - st) / window.innerWidth;
function me(a, m) {
var M;
function me(a, g) {
var V;
if (!a)
return !1;
let h = a;
const _ = (M = window.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : M.toString(), E = c.value ? ae(c.value.$el, i.value) : null, B = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
const N = (V = window.getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : V.toString(), R = d.value ? le(d.value.$el, o.value) : null, H = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (h.hasAttribute("data-vaul-no-drag") || h.closest("[data-vaul-no-drag]"))
return !1;
if (i.value === "right" || i.value === "left")
if (o.value === "right" || o.value === "left")
return !0;
if (S.value && B.getTime() - S.value.getTime() < 500)
if (y.value && H.getTime() - y.value.getTime() < 500)
return !1;
if (E !== null && (i.value === "bottom" ? E > 0 : E < 0))
if (R !== null && (o.value === "bottom" ? R > 0 : R < 0))
return !0;
if (_ && _.length > 0)
if (N && N.length > 0)
return !1;
if (j.value && B.getTime() - j.value.getTime() < w.value && E === 0 || m)
return j.value = B, !1;
if (j.value && H.getTime() - j.value.getTime() < c.value && R === 0 || g)
return j.value = H, !1;
for (; h; ) {

@@ -370,30 +385,30 @@ if (h.scrollHeight > h.clientHeight) {

function Be(a) {
!u.value && !H.value || c.value && !c.value.$el.contains( || (p.value = !0, L.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(),, z.value = N(i.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX);
function He(a) {
!u.value && !B.value || d.value && !d.value.$el.contains( || (l.value = !0, x.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(),, z.value = P(o.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX);
function He(a) {
var m, h, _, E, B, M;
if (c.value && p.value) {
const J = i.value === "bottom" || i.value === "right" ? 1 : -1, F = (z.value - (N(i.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX)) * J, ee = F > 0, we = H.value && !u.value && !ee;
function Ue(a) {
var g, h, N, R, H, V;
if (d.value && l.value) {
const J = o.value === "bottom" || o.value === "right" ? 1 : -1, ee = (z.value - (P(o.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX)) * J, te = ee > 0, we = B.value && !u.value && !te;
if (we && fe.value === 0)
const ue = Math.abs(F), he = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
let k = ue / de.value;
const be = _e(ue, ee);
if (be !== null && (k = be), we && k >= 1 || !W.value && !me(, ee))
const se = Math.abs(ee), he = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
let I = se / L.value;
const be = Ce(se, te);
if (be !== null && (I = be), we && I >= 1 || !X.value && !me(, te))
if ((m = c == null ? void 0 : c.value) == null || m.$el.classList.add(Se), W.value = !0, $((h = c.value) == null ? void 0 : h.$el, {
if ((g = d == null ? void 0 : d.value) == null || g.$el.classList.add(Se), X.value = !0, $((h = d.value) == null ? void 0 : h.$el, {
transition: "none"
}), $((_ = D.value) == null ? void 0 : _.$el, {
}), $((N = S.value) == null ? void 0 : N.$el, {
transition: "none"
}), H.value && Ae({ draggedDistance: F }), ee && !H.value) {
const I = at(F), te = Math.min(I * -1, 0) * J;
$((E = c.value) == null ? void 0 : E.$el, {
transform: N(i.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${te}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${te}px, 0, 0)`
}), B.value && _e({ draggedDistance: ee }), te && !B.value) {
const k = lt(ee), ne = Math.min(k * -1, 0) * J;
$((R = d.value) == null ? void 0 : R.$el, {
transform: P(o.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${ne}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${ne}px, 0, 0)`
const je = 1 - k;
if ((pe.value || y.value && fe.value === y.value - 1) && (n(k), $(
(B = D.value) == null ? void 0 : B.$el,
const je = 1 - I;
if ((pe.value || p.value && fe.value === p.value - 1) && (n(I), $(
(H = S.value) == null ? void 0 : H.$el,

@@ -404,9 +419,9 @@ opacity: `${je}`,

)), he && D.value && l.value) {
const I = Math.min(G() + k * (1 - G()), 1), te = 8 - k * 8, $e = Math.max(0, 14 - k * 14);
)), he && S.value && T.value) {
const k = Math.min(G() + I * (1 - G()), 1), ne = 8 - I * 8, ye = Math.max(0, 14 - I * 14);
borderRadius: `${te}px`,
transform: N(i.value) ? `scale(${I}) translate3d(0, ${$e}px, 0)` : `scale(${I}) translate3d(${$e}px, 0, 0)`,
borderRadius: `${ne}px`,
transform: P(o.value) ? `scale(${k}) translate3d(0, ${ye}px, 0)` : `scale(${k}) translate3d(${ye}px, 0, 0)`,
transition: "none"

@@ -417,6 +432,6 @@ },

if (!H.value) {
const I = ue * J;
$((M = c.value) == null ? void 0 : M.$el, {
transform: N(i.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${I}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${I}px, 0, 0)`
if (!B.value) {
const k = se * J;
$((V = d.value) == null ? void 0 : V.$el, {
transform: P(o.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${k}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${k}px, 0, 0)`

@@ -428,12 +443,12 @@ }

var h;
if (!c.value)
if (!d.value)
const a = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]"), m = ae(c.value.$el, i.value);
$(c.value.$el, {
const a = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]"), g = le(d.value.$el, o.value);
$(d.value.$el, {
transform: "translate3d(0, 0, 0)",
transition: `transform ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
}), $((h = D.value) == null ? void 0 : h.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
transition: `transform ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
}), $((h = S.value) == null ? void 0 : h.$el, {
transition: `opacity ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
opacity: "1"
}), l.value && m && m > 0 && r.value && $(
}), T.value && g && g > 0 && U.value && $(

@@ -443,3 +458,3 @@ {

overflow: "hidden",
...N(i.value) ? {
...P(o.value) ? {
transform: `scale(${G()}) translate3d(0, calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 14px), 0)`,

@@ -452,4 +467,4 @@ transformOrigin: "top"

transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
transitionDuration: `${g.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
transitionDuration: `${w.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`

@@ -459,42 +474,42 @@ !0

function K() {
function Q() {
var a;
c.value && ($(c.value.$el, {
transform: N(i.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${i.value === "bottom" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0)` : `translate3d(${i.value === "right" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0, 0)`,
transition: `transform ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
}), $((a = D.value) == null ? void 0 : a.$el, {
d.value && (r(), $(d.value.$el, {
transform: P(o.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${o.value === "bottom" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0)` : `translate3d(${o.value === "right" ? "100%" : "-100%"}, 0, 0)`,
transition: `transform ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
}), $((a = S.value) == null ? void 0 : a.$el, {
opacity: "0",
transition: `opacity ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
}), re(!1), window.setTimeout(() => {
f.value = !1, r.value = !1;
transition: `opacity ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
}), ue(!1), window.setTimeout(() => {
s.value = !1, U.value = !1;
}, 300), window.setTimeout(() => {
H.value && (A.value = H.value[0]);
}, g.DURATION * 1e3));
B.value && (D.value = B.value[0]);
}, w.DURATION * 1e3));
ke(() => {
if (!r.value && l.value && Fe) {
if (!U.value && T.value && et) {
const a = setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
return () => clearTimeout(a);
}), Te(() => {
re(!1), xe();
}), Ee(() => {
ue(!1), Be();
function Ue(a) {
if (!p.value || !c.value)
function Me(a) {
if (!l.value || !d.value)
c.value.$el.classList.remove(Se), W.value = !1, p.value = !1, Z.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
const m = ae(c.value.$el, i.value);
if (!me(, !1) || !m || Number.isNaN(m) || L.value === null)
d.value.$el.classList.remove(Se), X.value = !1, l.value = !1, M.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
const g = le(d.value.$el, o.value);
if (!me(, !1) || !g || Number.isNaN(g) || x.value === null)
const h = Z.value.getTime() - L.value.getTime(), _ = z.value - (N(i.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX), E = Math.abs(_) / h;
if (E > 0.05 && (T.value = !0, window.setTimeout(() => {
T.value = !1;
}, 200)), H.value) {
const M = i.value === "bottom" || i.value === "right" ? 1 : -1;
draggedDistance: _ * M,
closeDrawer: K,
velocity: E,
const h = M.value.getTime() - x.value.getTime(), N = z.value - (P(o.value) ? a.clientY : a.clientX), R = Math.abs(N) / h;
if (R > 0.05 && (m.value = !0, window.setTimeout(() => {
m.value = !1;
}, 200)), B.value) {
const V = o.value === "bottom" || o.value === "right" ? 1 : -1;
draggedDistance: N * V,
closeDrawer: Q,
velocity: R,
dismissible: u.value

@@ -504,16 +519,16 @@ }), v(!0);

if (i.value === "bottom" || i.value === "right" ? _ > 0 : _ < 0) {
if (o.value === "bottom" || o.value === "right" ? N > 0 : N < 0) {
ge(), v(!0);
if (E > Re) {
K(), v(!1);
if (R > Pe) {
Q(), v(!1);
const B = Math.min(
c.value.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height ?? 0,
const H = Math.min(
d.value.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height ?? 0,
if (m >= B * R.value) {
K(), v(!1);
if (g >= H * i.value) {
Q(), v(!1);

@@ -523,10 +538,10 @@ }

Y(r, (a) => {
a && (S.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), re(!0)), e(a);
Y(U, (a) => {
a && (y.value = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), ue(!0)), e(a);
}, { immediate: !0 }), Y(b, (a) => {
a ? (r.value = a, o.value = !0) : K();
a ? (U.value = a, C.value = !0) : Q();
}, { immediate: !0 });
function re(a) {
const m = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
!m || !l.value || (a ? ($(document.body, {
function ue(a) {
const g = document.querySelector("[vaul-drawer-wrapper]");
!g || !T.value || (a ? ($(document.body, {
background: ||

@@ -539,6 +554,6 @@ }), $(

), $(m, {
), $(g, {
borderRadius: `${De}px`,
overflow: "hidden",
...N(i.value) ? {
...P(o.value) ? {
transform: `scale(${G()}) translate3d(0, calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + 14px), 0)`,

@@ -551,22 +566,22 @@ transformOrigin: "top"

transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
transitionDuration: `${g.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
})) : (ne(m, "overflow"), ne(m, "transform"), ne(m, "borderRadius"), $(m, {
transitionDuration: `${w.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
})) : (ae(g, "overflow"), ae(g, "transform"), ae(g, "borderRadius"), $(g, {
transitionProperty: "transform, border-radius",
transitionDuration: `${g.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`
transitionDuration: `${w.DURATION}s`,
transitionTimingFunction: `cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`
function Me(a) {
var _, E;
const m = a ? (window.innerWidth - q) / window.innerWidth : 1, h = a ? -q : 0;
X.value && window.clearTimeout(X.value), $((_ = c.value) == null ? void 0 : _.$el, {
transition: `transform ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: `scale(${m}) translate3d(0, ${h}px, 0)`
}), !a && ((E = c.value) != null && E.$el) && (X.value = window.setTimeout(() => {
var M, J;
const B = ae((M = c.value) == null ? void 0 : M.$el, i.value);
$((J = c.value) == null ? void 0 : J.$el, {
function Le(a) {
var N, R;
const g = a ? (window.innerWidth - q) / window.innerWidth : 1, h = a ? -q : 0;
K.value && window.clearTimeout(K.value), $((N = d.value) == null ? void 0 : N.$el, {
transition: `transform ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: `scale(${g}) translate3d(0, ${h}px, 0)`
}), !a && ((R = d.value) != null && R.$el) && (K.value = window.setTimeout(() => {
var V, J;
const H = le((V = d.value) == null ? void 0 : V.$el, o.value);
$((J = d.value) == null ? void 0 : J.$el, {
transition: "none",
transform: N(i.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${B}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${B}px, 0, 0)`
transform: P(o.value) ? `translate3d(0, ${H}px, 0)` : `translate3d(${H}px, 0, 0)`

@@ -576,17 +591,17 @@ }, 500));

function Ve(a) {
var B;
var H;
if (a < 0)
const m = N(i.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth, h = (m - q) / m, _ = h + a * (1 - h), E = -q + a * q;
$((B = c.value) == null ? void 0 : B.$el, {
transform: N(i.value) ? `scale(${_}) translate3d(0, ${E}px, 0)` : `scale(${_}) translate3d(${E}px, 0, 0)`,
const g = P(o.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth, h = (g - q) / g, N = h + a * (1 - h), R = -q + a * q;
$((H = d.value) == null ? void 0 : H.$el, {
transform: P(o.value) ? `scale(${N}) translate3d(0, ${R}px, 0)` : `scale(${N}) translate3d(${R}px, 0, 0)`,
transition: "none"
function Le(a) {
var E;
const m = N(i.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth, h = a ? (m - q) / m : 1, _ = a ? -q : 0;
a && $((E = c.value) == null ? void 0 : E.$el, {
transition: `transform ${g.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${g.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: N(i.value) ? `scale(${h}) translate3d(0, ${_}px, 0)` : `scale(${h}) translate3d(${_}px, 0, 0)`
function We(a) {
var R;
const g = P(o.value) ? window.innerHeight : window.innerWidth, h = a ? (g - q) / g : 1, N = a ? -q : 0;
a && $((R = d.value) == null ? void 0 : R.$el, {
transition: `transform ${w.DURATION}s cubic-bezier(${w.EASE.join(",")})`,
transform: P(o.value) ? `scale(${h}) translate3d(0, ${N}px, 0)` : `scale(${h}) translate3d(${N}px, 0, 0)`

@@ -596,43 +611,43 @@ }

open: b,
isOpen: r,
modal: d,
keyboardIsOpen: U,
hasBeenOpened: o,
isVisible: f,
drawerRef: c,
drawerHeightRef: de,
overlayRef: D,
isDragging: p,
dragStartTime: L,
isAllowedToDrag: W,
snapPoints: H,
activeSnapPoint: A,
isOpen: U,
modal: O,
keyboardIsOpen: F,
hasBeenOpened: C,
isVisible: s,
drawerRef: d,
drawerHeightRef: L,
overlayRef: S,
isDragging: l,
dragStartTime: x,
isAllowedToDrag: X,
snapPoints: B,
activeSnapPoint: D,
pointerStart: z,
dismissible: u,
snapPointsOffset: Ne,
direction: i,
snapPointsOffset: Ae,
direction: o,
shouldFade: pe,
fadeFromIndex: y,
shouldScaleBackground: l,
onPress: Be,
onDrag: He,
onRelease: Ue,
closeDrawer: K,
fadeFromIndex: p,
shouldScaleBackground: T,
onPress: He,
onDrag: Ue,
onRelease: Me,
closeDrawer: Q,
onNestedDrag: Ve,
onNestedRelease: Le,
onNestedOpenChange: Me,
emitClose: s,
onNestedRelease: We,
onNestedOpenChange: Le,
emitClose: r,
emitDrag: n,
emitRelease: v,
emitOpenChange: e,
nested: O
nested: f
const vt = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
const dt = /* @__PURE__ */ oe({
__name: "DrawerRoot",
props: {
activeSnapPoint: { default: void 0 },
closeThreshold: { default: it },
closeThreshold: { default: rt },
shouldScaleBackground: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 },
scrollLockTimeout: { default: rt },
scrollLockTimeout: { default: ut },
fixed: { type: Boolean, default: void 0 },

@@ -648,23 +663,25 @@ dismissible: { type: Boolean, default: !0 },

emits: ["drag", "release", "close", "update:open", "update:activeSnapPoint"],
emits: ["drag", "release", "close", "update:open", "update:activeSnapPoint", "animationEnd"],
setup(t, { expose: n, emit: v }) {
const s = t, e = v;
const b = V(() => s.fadeFromIndex ?? (s.snapPoints && s.snapPoints.length - 1)), u = ye(s, "open", e, {
defaultValue: s.defaultOpen,
passive: === void 0
}), O = ye(s, "activeSnapPoint", e, {
passive: s.activeSnapPoint === void 0
}), x = {
emitDrag: (y) => e("drag", y),
emitRelease: (y) => e("release", y),
const r = t, e = v;
const b = W(() => r.fadeFromIndex ?? (r.snapPoints && r.snapPoints.length - 1)), u = $e(r, "open", e, {
defaultValue: r.defaultOpen,
passive: === void 0
}), f = $e(r, "activeSnapPoint", e, {
passive: r.activeSnapPoint === void 0
}), _ = {
emitDrag: (p) => e("drag", p),
emitRelease: (p) => e("release", p),
emitClose: () => e("close"),
emitOpenChange: (y) => {
e("update:open", y);
emitOpenChange: (p) => {
e("update:open", p), setTimeout(() => {
e("animationEnd", p);
}, w.DURATION * 1e3);
}, { closeDrawer: d, hasBeenOpened: l, modal: w, isOpen: R } = nt(
activeSnapPoint: O,
}, { closeDrawer: O, hasBeenOpened: T, modal: c, isOpen: i } = at(
activeSnapPoint: f,
fadeFromIndex: b,

@@ -674,18 +691,18 @@ open: u

function A(y) {
function D(p) {
if (u.value !== void 0) {
y ? (l.value = !0, R.value = y) : d();
p ? (T.value = !0, i.value = p) : O();
return n({
open: R
}), (y, i) => (oe(), ie(C(Je), {
open: C(R),
modal: C(w),
"onUpdate:open": A
open: i
}), (p, o) => (ie(), re(A(Ke), {
open: A(i),
modal: A(c),
"onUpdate:open": D
}, {
default: se(() => [
ce(y.$slots, "default", { open: C(R) })
default: ce(() => [
ve(p.$slots, "default", { open: A(i) })

@@ -695,3 +712,3 @@ _: 3

}), pt = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
}), mt = /* @__PURE__ */ oe({
__name: "DrawerRootNested",

@@ -713,24 +730,24 @@ props: {

emits: ["drag", "release", "close", "update:open", "update:activeSnapPoint"],
emits: ["drag", "release", "close", "update:open", "update:activeSnapPoint", "animationEnd"],
setup(t, { emit: n }) {
const v = t, s = n, { onNestedDrag: e, onNestedOpenChange: b, onNestedRelease: u } = ve();
function O() {
const v = t, r = n, { onNestedDrag: e, onNestedOpenChange: b, onNestedRelease: u } = de();
function f() {
function x(w) {
function _(c) {
function d(w) {
w && b(w), s("update:open", w);
function O(c) {
c && b(c), r("update:open", c);
const l = Ke(v, s);
return (w, R) => (oe(), ie(vt, Ye(C(l), {
const T = Qe(v, r);
return (c, i) => (ie(), re(dt, Xe(A(T), {
nested: "",
onClose: O,
onDrag: x,
onRelease: C(u),
"onUpdate:open": d
onClose: f,
onDrag: _,
onRelease: A(u),
"onUpdate:open": O
}), {
default: se(() => [
ce(w.$slots, "default")
default: ce(() => [
ve(c.$slots, "default")

@@ -740,19 +757,19 @@ _: 3

}), mt = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
}), gt = /* @__PURE__ */ oe({
__name: "DrawerOverlay",
setup(t) {
const { overlayRef: n, snapPoints: v, isVisible: s, isOpen: e, shouldFade: b } = ve(), u = V(() => {
var O;
return v && (((O = v.value) == null ? void 0 : O.length) ?? 0) > 0;
const { overlayRef: n, snapPoints: v, isVisible: r, isOpen: e, shouldFade: b } = de(), u = W(() => {
var f;
return v && (((f = v.value) == null ? void 0 : f.length) ?? 0) > 0;
return (O, x) => (oe(), ie(C(Qe), {
return (f, _) => (ie(), re(A(Ze), {
ref_key: "overlayRef",
ref: n,
"vaul-drawer-visible": C(s) ? "true" : "false",
"vaul-drawer-visible": A(r) ? "true" : "false",
"vaul-overlay": "",
"vaul-snap-points": C(e) && u.value ? "true" : "false",
"vaul-snap-points-overlay": C(e) && C(b) ? "true" : "false"
"vaul-snap-points": A(e) && u.value ? "true" : "false",
"vaul-snap-points-overlay": A(e) && A(b) ? "true" : "false"
}, null, 8, ["vaul-drawer-visible", "vaul-snap-points", "vaul-snap-points-overlay"]));
}), gt = /* @__PURE__ */ le({
}), wt = /* @__PURE__ */ oe({
__name: "DrawerContent",

@@ -763,47 +780,47 @@ setup(t) {

isOpen: v,
isVisible: s,
isVisible: r,
snapPointsOffset: e,
drawerRef: b,
onPress: u,
onDrag: O,
onRelease: x,
modal: d,
emitOpenChange: l,
dismissible: w,
keyboardIsOpen: R,
closeDrawer: A,
direction: y
} = ve(), i = V(() => e.value && e.value.length > 0 ? `${e.value[0]}px` : "0");
function r(o) {
if (!d.value || o.defaultPrevented) {
onDrag: f,
onRelease: _,
modal: O,
emitOpenChange: T,
dismissible: c,
keyboardIsOpen: i,
closeDrawer: D,
direction: p
} = de(), o = W(() => e.value && e.value.length > 0 ? `${e.value[0]}px` : "0");
function U(C) {
if (!O.value || C.defaultPrevented) {
R.value && (R.value = !1), o.preventDefault(), w.value && l(!1), !(!w.value || n.value !== void 0) && A();
i.value && (i.value = !1), C.preventDefault(), c.value && T(!1), !(!c.value || n.value !== void 0) && D();
return Y(
(o) => {
o && setTimeout(() => {
s.value = !0;
(C) => {
C && setTimeout(() => {
r.value = !0;
}, 1);
{ immediate: !0 }
), (o, f) => (oe(), ie(C(Ze), {
), (C, s) => (ie(), re(A(Fe), {
ref_key: "drawerRef",
ref: b,
"vaul-drawer": "",
"vaul-drawer-direction": C(y),
"vaul-drawer-visible": C(s) ? "true" : "false",
style: Xe({ "--snap-point-height": i.value }),
onPointerdown: C(u),
onPointermove: C(O),
onPointerup: C(x),
onPointerDownOutside: r,
onEscapeKeyDown: f[0] || (f[0] = (p) => {
C(w) || p.preventDefault();
"vaul-drawer-direction": A(p),
"vaul-drawer-visible": A(r) ? "true" : "false",
style: Ge({ "--snap-point-height": o.value }),
onPointerdown: A(u),
onPointermove: A(f),
onPointerup: A(_),
onPointerDownOutside: U,
onEscapeKeyDown: s[0] || (s[0] = (l) => {
A(c) || l.preventDefault();
}, {
default: se(() => [
ce(o.$slots, "default")
default: ce(() => [
ve(C.$slots, "default")

@@ -815,11 +832,11 @@ _: 3

export {
bt as DrawerClose,
gt as DrawerContent,
yt as DrawerClose,
wt as DrawerContent,
$t as DrawerDescription,
mt as DrawerOverlay,
yt as DrawerPortal,
vt as DrawerRoot,
pt as DrawerRootNested,
Dt as DrawerTitle,
St as DrawerTrigger
gt as DrawerOverlay,
Dt as DrawerPortal,
dt as DrawerRoot,
mt as DrawerRootNested,
St as DrawerTitle,
Ot as DrawerTrigger
"name": "vaul-vue",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.2.0",
"version": "0.2.1",
"repository": "",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "keywords": [

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