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victory-candlestick - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 32.3.7 to 33.0.0



@@ -9,186 +9,129 @@ import _isFunction from "lodash/isFunction";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
/*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [0, 0.5, 1, 2] }]*/
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Helpers, CommonProps, Rect, Line } from "victory-core";
import { Helpers, CommonProps, Line, Rect } from "victory-core";
var Candle =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(Candle, _React$Component);
var getCandleWidth = function (props, style) {
var candleWidth = props.candleWidth;
function Candle() {
_classCallCheck(this, Candle);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Candle.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Candle)).apply(this, arguments));
if (candleWidth) {
return _isFunction(candleWidth) ? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
_createClass(Candle, [{
key: "getCandleWidth",
value: function getCandleWidth(props, style) {
var active =,
datum = props.datum,
data =,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
scale = props.scale,
defaultCandleWidth = props.defaultCandleWidth;
return candleWidth;
if (candleWidth) {
return _isFunction(candleWidth) ? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, datum, active) : candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
var getCandleProps = function (props, style) {
var id =,
x = props.x,
close = props.close,
open =,
horizontal = props.horizontal;
var candleWidth = getCandleWidth(props, style);
var candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-candle"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
var range = scale.x.range();
var extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
var candles = data.length + 2;
var candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
var defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
}, {
key: "getCandleProps",
value: function getCandleProps(props, style) {
var id =,
x = props.x,
close = props.close,
open =,
horizontal = props.horizontal;
var candleWidth = this.getCandleWidth(props, style);
var candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-candle"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
}, {
key: "getHighWickProps",
value: function getHighWickProps(props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
high = props.high,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-highWick"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
}, {
key: "getLowWickProps",
value: function getLowWickProps(props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-lowWick"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
datum = _props.datum,
active =,
events =,
groupComponent = _props.groupComponent,
clipPath = _props.clipPath,
rectComponent = _props.rectComponent,
lineComponent = _props.lineComponent,
role = _props.role,
shapeRendering = _props.shapeRendering,
className = _props.className,
wickStrokeWidth = _props.wickStrokeWidth,
transform = _props.transform;
var style = Helpers.evaluateStyle(_assign({
stroke: "black"
},, datum, active);
var getHighWickProps = function (props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
high = props.high,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-highWick"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
var wickStyle = _defaults({
strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth
}, style);
var getLowWickProps = function (props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-lowWick"),
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
var sharedProps = {
role: role,
shapeRendering: shapeRendering,
className: className,
events: events,
transform: transform,
clipPath: clipPath
var Candle = function (props) {
var events =,
groupComponent = props.groupComponent,
clipPath = props.clipPath,
rectComponent = props.rectComponent,
lineComponent = props.lineComponent,
role = props.role,
shapeRendering = props.shapeRendering,
className = props.className,
wickStrokeWidth = props.wickStrokeWidth,
transform = props.transform;
var style = Helpers.evaluateStyle(_assign({
stroke: "black"
},, props);
var candleProps = _assign(this.getCandleProps(this.props, style), sharedProps);
var wickStyle = _defaults({
strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth
}, style);
var highWickProps = _assign(this.getHighWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
var sharedProps = _objectSpread({
role: role,
shapeRendering: shapeRendering,
className: className,
transform: transform,
clipPath: clipPath
}, events);
var lowWickProps = _assign(this.getLowWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
var candleProps = _assign(getCandleProps(props, style), sharedProps);
return React.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [React.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps), React.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps), React.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)]);
var highWickProps = _assign(getHighWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
return Candle;
var lowWickProps = _assign(getLowWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
Object.defineProperty(Candle, "propTypes", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: _objectSpread({}, CommonProps.primitiveProps, {
candleRatio: PropTypes.number,
candleWidth: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.func]),
close: PropTypes.number,
datum: PropTypes.object,
defaultCandleWidth: PropTypes.number,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
high: PropTypes.number,
lineComponent: PropTypes.element,
low: PropTypes.number,
open: PropTypes.number,
rectComponent: PropTypes.element,
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
width: PropTypes.number,
x: PropTypes.number
return React.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [React.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps), React.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps), React.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)]);
Candle.propTypes = _objectSpread({}, CommonProps.primitiveProps, {
candleRatio: PropTypes.number,
candleWidth: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.func]),
close: PropTypes.number,
datum: PropTypes.object,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
high: PropTypes.number,
lineComponent: PropTypes.element,
low: PropTypes.number,
open: PropTypes.number,
rectComponent: PropTypes.element,
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
width: PropTypes.number,
x: PropTypes.number
Object.defineProperty(Candle, "defaultProps", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
groupComponent: React.createElement("g", null),
lineComponent: React.createElement(Line, null),
rectComponent: React.createElement(Rect, null)
export { Candle as default };
Candle.defaultProps = {
groupComponent: React.createElement("g", null),
lineComponent: React.createElement(Line, null),
rectComponent: React.createElement(Rect, null),
role: "presentation",
shapeRendering: "auto"
export default Candle;

@@ -0,4 +1,8 @@

import _isPlainObject from "lodash/isPlainObject";
import _isFunction from "lodash/isFunction";
import _isNil from "lodash/isNil";
import _defaults from "lodash/defaults";
import _assign from "lodash/assign";
import { Helpers, LabelHelpers, Scale, Domain, Data } from "victory-core";
import { Helpers, Scale, Domain, Data, LabelHelpers } from "victory-core";
var TYPES = ["close", "open", "high", "low"];

@@ -41,2 +45,36 @@ var getData = function (props) {

var getStyles = function (style) {
var defaultStyles = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var width = "100%";
var height = "100%";
if (!style) {
return _defaults({
parent: {
height: height,
width: width
}, defaultStyles);
var defaultParent = defaultStyles.parent || {};
var defaultLabels = defaultStyles.labels || {};
var defaultData = || {};
var labelStyle = _defaults({}, style.labels, defaultLabels);
return {
parent: _defaults({}, style.parent, defaultParent, {
width: width,
height: height
labels: labelStyle,
data: _defaults({},, defaultData),
openLabels: _defaults({}, style.openLabels, defaultStyles.openLabels, labelStyle),
closeLabels: _defaults({}, style.closeLabels, defaultStyles.closeLabels, labelStyle),
lowLabels: _defaults({}, style.lowLabels, defaultStyles.lowLabels, labelStyle),
highLabels: _defaults({}, style.highLabels, defaultStyles.highLabels, labelStyle)
var getCalculatedValues = function (props) {

@@ -46,3 +84,3 @@ var theme = props.theme,

var defaultStyle = theme && theme.candlestick && ? : {};
var style = Helpers.getStyles(, defaultStyle);
var style = getStyles(, defaultStyle);
var data = getData(props);

@@ -62,2 +100,4 @@ var range = {

var origin = polar ? props.origin || Helpers.getPolarOrigin(props) : undefined;
var defaultOrientation = props.horizontal ? "top" : "right";
var labelOrientation = props.labelOrientation || defaultOrientation;
return {

@@ -68,3 +108,4 @@ domain: domain,

style: style,
origin: origin
origin: origin,
labelOrientation: labelOrientation

@@ -89,19 +130,149 @@ };

var getLabelProps = function (dataProps, text, style) {
var x = dataProps.x,
high = dataProps.high,
index = dataProps.index,
scale = dataProps.scale,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
horizontal = dataProps.horizontal;
var labelStyle = style.labels || {};
var defaultAnchors = {
vertical: horizontal ? "middle" : "end",
text: horizontal ? "start" : "middle"
var getText = function (props, type) {
var datum = props.datum,
index = props.index,
labels = props.labels;
var propName = "".concat(type, "Labels");
var labelProp = props[propName];
if (!labelProp && !labels) {
return null;
} else if (labelProp === true || labels === true) {
var dataName = "_".concat(type);
return "".concat(datum[dataName]);
return Array.isArray(labelProp) ? labelProp[index] : labelProp;
var getCandleWidth = function (props, style) {
var data =,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
scale = props.scale,
defaultCandleWidth = props.defaultCandleWidth;
if (candleWidth) {
return _isFunction(candleWidth) ? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style && style.width) {
return style.width;
var range = scale.x.range();
var extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
var candles = data.length + 2;
var candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
var defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
var getOrientation = function (labelOrientation) {
var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "labels";
return _isPlainObject(labelOrientation) ? labelOrientation[type] : labelOrientation;
/* eslint-disable complexity*/
var calculatePlotValues = function (props) {
var positions = props.positions,
labelStyle = props.labelStyle,
x = props.x,
horizontal = props.horizontal,
computedType = props.computedType,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
orientation = props.orientation;
positions.labels = ( + positions.close) / 2;
var signX = orientation === "left" ? -1 : 1;
var signY = orientation === "top" ? -1 : 1;
if (horizontal) {
var yValue = x;
var xValue = positions[computedType];
var dy = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? signY * (candleWidth / 2) + signY * (labelStyle.padding || 0) : 0;
var dx = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? 0 : signX * (labelStyle.padding || 1);
return {
yValue: yValue,
xValue: xValue,
dx: dx,
dy: dy
} else {
var _xValue = x;
var _yValue = positions[computedType];
var _dy = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? signY * (labelStyle.padding || 1) : 0;
var _dx = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? 0 : signX * (candleWidth / 2) + signX * (labelStyle.padding || 0);
return {
yValue: _yValue,
xValue: _xValue,
dx: _dx,
dy: _dy
/* eslint-enable complexity*/
/* eslint-disable max-params*/
var getLabelProps = function (props, text, style, type) {
var x = props.x,
high = props.high,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
index = props.index,
scale = props.scale,
datum = props.datum,
data =,
horizontal = props.horizontal,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
labelOrientation = props.labelOrientation;
var component = props["".concat(type, "LabelComponent")] || props.labelComponent;
var defaultOrientation = horizontal ? "top" : "right";
var orientation = component.props && component.props.orientation || getOrientation(labelOrientation, type) || defaultOrientation;
var positions = {
high: high,
low: low,
open: open,
close: close
var namespace = type ? "".concat(type, "Labels") : "labels";
var labelStyle = style[namespace] || style.labels;
var defaultVerticalAnchors = {
top: "end",
bottom: "start",
left: "middle",
right: "middle"
var defaultTextAnchors = {
left: "end",
right: "start",
top: "middle",
bottom: "middle"
var computedType = type ? type : "labels";
var plotProps = {
positions: positions,
labelStyle: labelStyle,
x: x,
horizontal: horizontal,
computedType: computedType,
candleWidth: candleWidth,
orientation: orientation
var _calculatePlotValues = calculatePlotValues(plotProps),
yValue = _calculatePlotValues.yValue,
xValue = _calculatePlotValues.xValue,
dx = _calculatePlotValues.dx,
dy = _calculatePlotValues.dy;
return {
style: labelStyle,
y: horizontal ? x : high - (labelStyle.padding || 0),
x: horizontal ? high + (labelStyle.padding || 0) : x,
y: yValue,
x: xValue,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
text: text,

@@ -112,4 +283,5 @@ index: index,

data: data,
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultAnchors.text,
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultAnchors.vertical,
orientation: orientation,
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultTextAnchors[orientation],
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultVerticalAnchors[orientation],
angle: labelStyle.angle,

@@ -119,3 +291,5 @@ horizontal: horizontal

/* eslint-enable max-params*/
var getBaseProps = function (props, fallbackProps) {

@@ -129,3 +303,4 @@ // eslint-disable-line max-statements

domain = calculatedValues.domain,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
origin = calculatedValues.origin,
labelOrientation = calculatedValues.labelOrientation;
var _props = props,

@@ -190,13 +365,30 @@ groupComponent = _props.groupComponent,

close: close,
horizontal: horizontal
horizontal: horizontal,
labelOrientation: labelOrientation
dataProps.candleWidth = getCandleWidth(dataProps);
var extendedProps = _defaults(Object.assign({}, dataProps), props);
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps
var text = LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if (text !== undefined && text !== null || labels && (events || sharedEvents)) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(dataProps, text, style);
if (labels) {
var text = LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if (text !== undefined && text !== null || labels && (events || sharedEvents)) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(extendedProps, text, style);
TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
var labelText = getText(extendedProps, type);
var labelProp = props.labels || props["".concat(type, "Labels")];
if (labelText !== null && labelText !== undefined || labelProp && (events || sharedEvents)) {
var target = "".concat(type, "Labels");
childProps[eventKey][target] = getLabelProps(extendedProps, labelText, style, type);
return childProps;

@@ -203,0 +395,0 @@ }, initialChildProps);

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import _flatten from "lodash/flatten";
import _isNil from "lodash/isNil";

@@ -7,2 +8,10 @@

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }

@@ -36,2 +45,20 @@

var options = {
components: [{
name: "lowLabels"
}, {
name: "highLabels"
}, {
name: "openLabels"
}, {
name: "closeLabels"
}, {
name: "labels"
}, {
name: "data"
}, {
name: "parent",
index: "parent"
var defaultData = [{

@@ -88,2 +115,6 @@ x: new Date(2016, 6, 1),

var datumHasXandY = function (datum) {
return !_isNil(datum._x) && !_isNil(datum._y);
var VictoryCandlestick =

@@ -112,2 +143,53 @@ /*#__PURE__*/

}, {
key: "renderCandleData",
value: function renderCandleData(props) {
var _this = this;
var shouldRenderDatum = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : datumHasXandY;
var dataComponent = props.dataComponent,
labelComponent = props.labelComponent,
groupComponent = props.groupComponent;
var types = ["close", "open", "low", "high"];
var dataComponents = this.dataKeys.reduce(function (validDataComponents, _dataKey, index) {
var dataProps = _this.getComponentProps(dataComponent, "data", index);
if (shouldRenderDatum(dataProps.datum)) {
validDataComponents.push(React.cloneElement(dataComponent, dataProps));
return validDataComponents;
}, []);
var labelComponents = _flatten( (type) {
var components = (key, index) {
var name = "".concat(type, "Labels");
var baseComponent = props["".concat(type, "LabelComponent")];
var labelProps = _this.getComponentProps(baseComponent, name, index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return React.cloneElement(baseComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
return components.filter(Boolean);
var labelsComponents = (_dataKey, index) {
var labelProps = _this.getComponentProps(labelComponent, "labels", index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return React.cloneElement(labelComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
var children = _toConsumableArray(dataComponents).concat(_toConsumableArray(labelComponents), _toConsumableArray(labelsComponents));
return this.renderContainer(groupComponent, children);
}, {
key: "render",

@@ -123,3 +205,3 @@ value: function render() {

var children = this.renderData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
var children = this.renderCandleData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
return props.standalone ? this.renderContainer(props.containerComponent, children) : children;

@@ -168,5 +250,36 @@ }

close: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]), PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
closeLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
closeLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
events: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
target: PropTypes.oneOf(["data", "labels", "open", "openLabels", "close", "closeLabels", "low", "lowLabels", "high", "highLabels"]),
eventKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]), PropTypes.string]),
eventHandlers: PropTypes.object
high: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]), PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
highLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
highLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
labelOrientation: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]), PropTypes.shape({
open: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
close: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
low: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
high: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"])
low: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]), PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
lowLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
lowLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
open: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]), PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
openLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
openLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
style: PropTypes.shape({
data: PropTypes.object,
labels: PropTypes.object,
close: PropTypes.object,
closeLabels: PropTypes.object,
open: PropTypes.object,
openLabels: PropTypes.object,
high: PropTypes.object,
highLabels: PropTypes.object,
low: PropTypes.object,
lowLabels: PropTypes.object
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number

@@ -180,2 +293,3 @@ })

value: {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
containerComponent: React.createElement(VictoryContainer, null),

@@ -188,2 +302,6 @@ data: defaultData,

labelComponent: React.createElement(VictoryLabel, null),
highLabelComponent: React.createElement(VictoryLabel, null),
lowLabelComponent: React.createElement(VictoryLabel, null),
openLabelComponent: React.createElement(VictoryLabel, null),
closeLabelComponent: React.createElement(VictoryLabel, null),
samples: 50,

@@ -219,4 +337,4 @@ sortOrder: "ascending",

writable: true,
value: ["dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"]
value: ["openLabelComponent", "closeLabelComponent", "highLabelComponent", "lowLabelComponent", "dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"]
export default addEvents(VictoryCandlestick);
export default addEvents(VictoryCandlestick, options);

@@ -26,177 +26,123 @@ "use strict";

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var getCandleWidth = function (props, style) {
var candleWidth = props.candleWidth;
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
if (candleWidth) {
return (0, _isFunction2.default)(candleWidth) ? _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
return candleWidth;
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }
var getCandleProps = function (props, style) {
var id =,
x = props.x,
close = props.close,
open =,
horizontal = props.horizontal;
var candleWidth = getCandleWidth(props, style);
var candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-candle"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }
var getHighWickProps = function (props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
high = props.high,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-highWick"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var getLowWickProps = function (props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-lowWick"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
var Candle =
function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(Candle, _React$Component);
var Candle = function (props) {
var events =,
groupComponent = props.groupComponent,
clipPath = props.clipPath,
rectComponent = props.rectComponent,
lineComponent = props.lineComponent,
role = props.role,
shapeRendering = props.shapeRendering,
className = props.className,
wickStrokeWidth = props.wickStrokeWidth,
transform = props.transform;
function Candle() {
_classCallCheck(this, Candle);
var style = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateStyle((0, _assign2.default)({
stroke: "black"
},, props);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Candle.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Candle)).apply(this, arguments));
var wickStyle = (0, _defaults2.default)({
strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth
}, style);
_createClass(Candle, [{
key: "getCandleWidth",
value: function getCandleWidth(props, style) {
var active =,
datum = props.datum,
data =,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
scale = props.scale,
defaultCandleWidth = props.defaultCandleWidth;
var sharedProps = _objectSpread({
role: role,
shapeRendering: shapeRendering,
className: className,
transform: transform,
clipPath: clipPath
}, events);
if (candleWidth) {
return (0, _isFunction2.default)(candleWidth) ? _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, datum, active) : candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
var candleProps = (0, _assign2.default)(getCandleProps(props, style), sharedProps);
var highWickProps = (0, _assign2.default)(getHighWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
var lowWickProps = (0, _assign2.default)(getLowWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
return _react.default.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [_react.default.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps), _react.default.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps), _react.default.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)]);
var range = scale.x.range();
var extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
var candles = data.length + 2;
var candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
var defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
}, {
key: "getCandleProps",
value: function getCandleProps(props, style) {
var id =,
x = props.x,
close = props.close,
open =,
horizontal = props.horizontal;
var candleWidth = this.getCandleWidth(props, style);
var candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-candle"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
}, {
key: "getHighWickProps",
value: function getHighWickProps(props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
high = props.high,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-highWick"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
}, {
key: "getLowWickProps",
value: function getLowWickProps(props, style) {
var horizontal = props.horizontal,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
x = props.x,
id =;
return {
key: "".concat(id, "-lowWick"),
style: _victoryCore.Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
}, {
key: "render",
value: function render() {
var _props = this.props,
datum = _props.datum,
active =,
events =,
groupComponent = _props.groupComponent,
clipPath = _props.clipPath,
rectComponent = _props.rectComponent,
lineComponent = _props.lineComponent,
role = _props.role,
shapeRendering = _props.shapeRendering,
className = _props.className,
wickStrokeWidth = _props.wickStrokeWidth,
transform = _props.transform;
var style = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateStyle((0, _assign2.default)({
stroke: "black"
},, datum, active);
var wickStyle = (0, _defaults2.default)({
strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth
}, style);
var sharedProps = {
role: role,
shapeRendering: shapeRendering,
className: className,
events: events,
transform: transform,
clipPath: clipPath
var candleProps = (0, _assign2.default)(this.getCandleProps(this.props, style), sharedProps);
var highWickProps = (0, _assign2.default)(this.getHighWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
var lowWickProps = (0, _assign2.default)(this.getLowWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
return _react.default.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [_react.default.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps), _react.default.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps), _react.default.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)]);
return Candle;
exports.default = Candle;
Object.defineProperty(Candle, "propTypes", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: _objectSpread({}, _victoryCore.CommonProps.primitiveProps, {
candleRatio: _propTypes.default.number,
candleWidth: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.func]),
close: _propTypes.default.number,
datum: _propTypes.default.object,
defaultCandleWidth: _propTypes.default.number,
groupComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
high: _propTypes.default.number,
lineComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
low: _propTypes.default.number,
open: _propTypes.default.number,
rectComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
wickStrokeWidth: _propTypes.default.number,
width: _propTypes.default.number,
x: _propTypes.default.number
Candle.propTypes = _objectSpread({}, _victoryCore.CommonProps.primitiveProps, {
candleRatio: _propTypes.default.number,
candleWidth: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.func]),
close: _propTypes.default.number,
datum: _propTypes.default.object,
groupComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
high: _propTypes.default.number,
lineComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
low: _propTypes.default.number,
open: _propTypes.default.number,
rectComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
wickStrokeWidth: _propTypes.default.number,
width: _propTypes.default.number,
x: _propTypes.default.number
Object.defineProperty(Candle, "defaultProps", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
groupComponent: _react.default.createElement("g", null),
lineComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.Line, null),
rectComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.Rect, null)
Candle.defaultProps = {
groupComponent: _react.default.createElement("g", null),
lineComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.Line, null),
rectComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.Rect, null),
role: "presentation",
shapeRendering: "auto"
var _default = Candle;
exports.default = _default;

@@ -8,4 +8,10 @@ "use strict";

var _isPlainObject2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/isPlainObject"));
var _isFunction2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/isFunction"));
var _isNil2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/isNil"));
var _defaults2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/defaults"));
var _assign2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/assign"));

@@ -17,2 +23,4 @@

var TYPES = ["close", "open", "high", "low"];
var getData = function (props) {

@@ -60,2 +68,34 @@ var accessorTypes = ["x", "high", "low", "close", "open"];

var getStyles = function (style) {
var defaultStyles = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var width = "100%";
var height = "100%";
if (!style) {
return (0, _defaults2.default)({
parent: {
height: height,
width: width
}, defaultStyles);
var defaultParent = defaultStyles.parent || {};
var defaultLabels = defaultStyles.labels || {};
var defaultData = || {};
var labelStyle = (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.labels, defaultLabels);
return {
parent: (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.parent, defaultParent, {
width: width,
height: height
labels: labelStyle,
data: (0, _defaults2.default)({},, defaultData),
openLabels: (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.openLabels, defaultStyles.openLabels, labelStyle),
closeLabels: (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.closeLabels, defaultStyles.closeLabels, labelStyle),
lowLabels: (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.lowLabels, defaultStyles.lowLabels, labelStyle),
highLabels: (0, _defaults2.default)({}, style.highLabels, defaultStyles.highLabels, labelStyle)
var getCalculatedValues = function (props) {

@@ -65,5 +105,3 @@ var theme = props.theme,

var defaultStyle = theme && theme.candlestick && ? : {};
var style = _victoryCore.Helpers.getStyles(, defaultStyle);
var style = getStyles(, defaultStyle);
var data = getData(props);

@@ -83,2 +121,4 @@ var range = {

var origin = polar ? props.origin || _victoryCore.Helpers.getPolarOrigin(props) : undefined;
var defaultOrientation = props.horizontal ? "top" : "right";
var labelOrientation = props.labelOrientation || defaultOrientation;
return {

@@ -89,3 +129,4 @@ domain: domain,

style: style,
origin: origin
origin: origin,
labelOrientation: labelOrientation

@@ -110,19 +151,149 @@ };

var getLabelProps = function (dataProps, text, style) {
var x = dataProps.x,
high = dataProps.high,
index = dataProps.index,
scale = dataProps.scale,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
horizontal = dataProps.horizontal;
var labelStyle = style.labels || {};
var defaultAnchors = {
vertical: horizontal ? "middle" : "end",
text: horizontal ? "start" : "middle"
var getText = function (props, type) {
var datum = props.datum,
index = props.index,
labels = props.labels;
var propName = "".concat(type, "Labels");
var labelProp = props[propName];
if (!labelProp && !labels) {
return null;
} else if (labelProp === true || labels === true) {
var dataName = "_".concat(type);
return "".concat(datum[dataName]);
return Array.isArray(labelProp) ? labelProp[index] : labelProp;
var getCandleWidth = function (props, style) {
var data =,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
scale = props.scale,
defaultCandleWidth = props.defaultCandleWidth;
if (candleWidth) {
return (0, _isFunction2.default)(candleWidth) ? _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style && style.width) {
return style.width;
var range = scale.x.range();
var extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
var candles = data.length + 2;
var candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
var defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
var getOrientation = function (labelOrientation) {
var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "labels";
return (0, _isPlainObject2.default)(labelOrientation) ? labelOrientation[type] : labelOrientation;
/* eslint-disable complexity*/
var calculatePlotValues = function (props) {
var positions = props.positions,
labelStyle = props.labelStyle,
x = props.x,
horizontal = props.horizontal,
computedType = props.computedType,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
orientation = props.orientation;
positions.labels = ( + positions.close) / 2;
var signX = orientation === "left" ? -1 : 1;
var signY = orientation === "top" ? -1 : 1;
if (horizontal) {
var yValue = x;
var xValue = positions[computedType];
var dy = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? signY * (candleWidth / 2) + signY * (labelStyle.padding || 0) : 0;
var dx = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? 0 : signX * (labelStyle.padding || 1);
return {
yValue: yValue,
xValue: xValue,
dx: dx,
dy: dy
} else {
var _xValue = x;
var _yValue = positions[computedType];
var _dy = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? signY * (labelStyle.padding || 1) : 0;
var _dx = orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? 0 : signX * (candleWidth / 2) + signX * (labelStyle.padding || 0);
return {
yValue: _yValue,
xValue: _xValue,
dx: _dx,
dy: _dy
/* eslint-enable complexity*/
/* eslint-disable max-params*/
var getLabelProps = function (props, text, style, type) {
var x = props.x,
high = props.high,
low = props.low,
open =,
close = props.close,
index = props.index,
scale = props.scale,
datum = props.datum,
data =,
horizontal = props.horizontal,
candleWidth = props.candleWidth,
labelOrientation = props.labelOrientation;
var component = props["".concat(type, "LabelComponent")] || props.labelComponent;
var defaultOrientation = horizontal ? "top" : "right";
var orientation = component.props && component.props.orientation || getOrientation(labelOrientation, type) || defaultOrientation;
var positions = {
high: high,
low: low,
open: open,
close: close
var namespace = type ? "".concat(type, "Labels") : "labels";
var labelStyle = style[namespace] || style.labels;
var defaultVerticalAnchors = {
top: "end",
bottom: "start",
left: "middle",
right: "middle"
var defaultTextAnchors = {
left: "end",
right: "start",
top: "middle",
bottom: "middle"
var computedType = type ? type : "labels";
var plotProps = {
positions: positions,
labelStyle: labelStyle,
x: x,
horizontal: horizontal,
computedType: computedType,
candleWidth: candleWidth,
orientation: orientation
var _calculatePlotValues = calculatePlotValues(plotProps),
yValue = _calculatePlotValues.yValue,
xValue = _calculatePlotValues.xValue,
dx = _calculatePlotValues.dx,
dy = _calculatePlotValues.dy;
return {
style: labelStyle,
y: horizontal ? x : high - (labelStyle.padding || 0),
x: horizontal ? high + (labelStyle.padding || 0) : x,
y: yValue,
x: xValue,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
text: text,

@@ -133,4 +304,5 @@ index: index,

data: data,
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultAnchors.text,
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultAnchors.vertical,
orientation: orientation,
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultTextAnchors[orientation],
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultVerticalAnchors[orientation],
angle: labelStyle.angle,

@@ -140,3 +312,5 @@ horizontal: horizontal

/* eslint-enable max-params*/
var getBaseProps = function (props, fallbackProps) {

@@ -150,3 +324,4 @@ // eslint-disable-line max-statements

domain = calculatedValues.domain,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
origin = calculatedValues.origin,
labelOrientation = calculatedValues.labelOrientation;
var _props = props,

@@ -211,4 +386,7 @@ groupComponent = _props.groupComponent,

close: close,
horizontal: horizontal
horizontal: horizontal,
labelOrientation: labelOrientation
dataProps.candleWidth = getCandleWidth(dataProps);
var extendedProps = (0, _defaults2.default)(Object.assign({}, dataProps), props);
childProps[eventKey] = {

@@ -218,8 +396,19 @@ data: dataProps

var text = _victoryCore.LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if (labels) {
var text = _victoryCore.LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if (text !== undefined && text !== null || labels && (events || sharedEvents)) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(dataProps, text, style);
if (text !== undefined && text !== null || labels && (events || sharedEvents)) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(extendedProps, text, style);
TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
var labelText = getText(extendedProps, type);
var labelProp = props.labels || props["".concat(type, "Labels")];
if (labelText !== null && labelText !== undefined || labelProp && (events || sharedEvents)) {
var target = "".concat(type, "Labels");
childProps[eventKey][target] = getLabelProps(extendedProps, labelText, style, type);
return childProps;

@@ -226,0 +415,0 @@ }, initialChildProps);

@@ -8,2 +8,4 @@ "use strict";

var _flatten2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/flatten"));
var _isNil2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/isNil"));

@@ -27,2 +29,10 @@

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }

@@ -50,2 +60,20 @@

var options = {
components: [{
name: "lowLabels"
}, {
name: "highLabels"
}, {
name: "openLabels"
}, {
name: "closeLabels"
}, {
name: "labels"
}, {
name: "data"
}, {
name: "parent",
index: "parent"
var defaultData = [{

@@ -102,2 +130,6 @@ x: new Date(2016, 6, 1),

var datumHasXandY = function (datum) {
return !(0, _isNil2.default)(datum._x) && !(0, _isNil2.default)(datum._y);
var VictoryCandlestick =

@@ -126,2 +158,51 @@ /*#__PURE__*/

}, {
key: "renderCandleData",
value: function renderCandleData(props) {
var _this = this;
var shouldRenderDatum = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : datumHasXandY;
var dataComponent = props.dataComponent,
labelComponent = props.labelComponent,
groupComponent = props.groupComponent;
var types = ["close", "open", "low", "high"];
var dataComponents = this.dataKeys.reduce(function (validDataComponents, _dataKey, index) {
var dataProps = _this.getComponentProps(dataComponent, "data", index);
if (shouldRenderDatum(dataProps.datum)) {
validDataComponents.push(_react.default.cloneElement(dataComponent, dataProps));
return validDataComponents;
}, []);
var labelComponents = (0, _flatten2.default)( (type) {
var components = (key, index) {
var name = "".concat(type, "Labels");
var baseComponent = props["".concat(type, "LabelComponent")];
var labelProps = _this.getComponentProps(baseComponent, name, index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return _react.default.cloneElement(baseComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
return components.filter(Boolean);
var labelsComponents = (_dataKey, index) {
var labelProps = _this.getComponentProps(labelComponent, "labels", index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return _react.default.cloneElement(labelComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
var children = _toConsumableArray(dataComponents).concat(_toConsumableArray(labelComponents), _toConsumableArray(labelsComponents));
return this.renderContainer(groupComponent, children);
}, {
key: "render",

@@ -138,3 +219,3 @@ value: function render() {

var children = this.renderData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
var children = this.renderCandleData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
return props.standalone ? this.renderContainer(props.containerComponent, children) : children;

@@ -183,5 +264,36 @@ }

close: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _victoryCore.PropTypes.allOfType([_victoryCore.PropTypes.integer, _victoryCore.PropTypes.nonNegative]), _propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.string)]),
closeLabelComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
closeLabels: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _propTypes.default.array, _propTypes.default.bool]),
events: _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.shape({
target: _propTypes.default.oneOf(["data", "labels", "open", "openLabels", "close", "closeLabels", "low", "lowLabels", "high", "highLabels"]),
eventKey: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.array, _victoryCore.PropTypes.allOfType([_victoryCore.PropTypes.integer, _victoryCore.PropTypes.nonNegative]), _propTypes.default.string]),
eventHandlers: _propTypes.default.object
high: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _victoryCore.PropTypes.allOfType([_victoryCore.PropTypes.integer, _victoryCore.PropTypes.nonNegative]), _propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.string)]),
highLabelComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
highLabels: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _propTypes.default.array, _propTypes.default.bool]),
labelOrientation: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]), _propTypes.default.shape({
open: _propTypes.default.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
close: _propTypes.default.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
low: _propTypes.default.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
high: _propTypes.default.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"])
low: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _victoryCore.PropTypes.allOfType([_victoryCore.PropTypes.integer, _victoryCore.PropTypes.nonNegative]), _propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.string)]),
lowLabelComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
lowLabels: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _propTypes.default.array, _propTypes.default.bool]),
open: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _victoryCore.PropTypes.allOfType([_victoryCore.PropTypes.integer, _victoryCore.PropTypes.nonNegative]), _propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.string)]),
openLabelComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
openLabels: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.func, _propTypes.default.array, _propTypes.default.bool]),
style: _propTypes.default.shape({
data: _propTypes.default.object,
labels: _propTypes.default.object,
close: _propTypes.default.object,
closeLabels: _propTypes.default.object,
open: _propTypes.default.object,
openLabels: _propTypes.default.object,
high: _propTypes.default.object,
highLabels: _propTypes.default.object,
low: _propTypes.default.object,
lowLabels: _propTypes.default.object
wickStrokeWidth: _propTypes.default.number

@@ -195,2 +307,3 @@ })

value: {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
containerComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryContainer, null),

@@ -203,2 +316,6 @@ data: defaultData,

labelComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryLabel, null),
highLabelComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryLabel, null),
lowLabelComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryLabel, null),
openLabelComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryLabel, null),
closeLabelComponent: _react.default.createElement(_victoryCore.VictoryLabel, null),
samples: 50,

@@ -234,7 +351,7 @@ sortOrder: "ascending",

writable: true,
value: ["dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"]
value: ["openLabelComponent", "closeLabelComponent", "highLabelComponent", "lowLabelComponent", "dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"]
var _default = (0, _victoryCore.addEvents)(VictoryCandlestick);
var _default = (0, _victoryCore.addEvents)(VictoryCandlestick, options);
exports.default = _default;
"name": "victory-candlestick",
"version": "32.3.7",
"version": "33.0.0",
"description": "Candlestick Component for Victory",

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "keywords": [

"prop-types": "^15.5.8",
"victory-core": "^32.3.7"
"victory-core": "^33.0.0"

@@ -27,0 +27,0 @@ "scripts": {

/*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [0, 0.5, 1, 2] }]*/
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Helpers, CommonProps, Rect, Line } from "victory-core";
import { Helpers, CommonProps, Line, Rect } from "victory-core";
import { assign, defaults, isFunction } from "lodash";
export default class Candle extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
candleRatio: PropTypes.number,
candleWidth: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.func]),
close: PropTypes.number,
datum: PropTypes.object,
defaultCandleWidth: PropTypes.number,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
high: PropTypes.number,
lineComponent: PropTypes.element,
low: PropTypes.number,
open: PropTypes.number,
rectComponent: PropTypes.element,
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
width: PropTypes.number,
x: PropTypes.number
const getCandleWidth = (props, style) => {
const { candleWidth } = props;
if (candleWidth) {
return isFunction(candleWidth) ? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
return candleWidth;
const getCandleProps = (props, style) => {
const { id, x, close, open, horizontal } = props;
const candleWidth = getCandleWidth(props, style);
const candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: `${id}-candle`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
static defaultProps = {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
groupComponent: <g />,
lineComponent: <Line />,
rectComponent: <Rect />
const getHighWickProps = (props, style) => {
const { horizontal, high, open, close, x, id } = props;
return {
key: `${id}-highWick`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
getCandleWidth(props, style) {
const { active, datum, data, candleWidth, scale, defaultCandleWidth } = props;
if (candleWidth) {
return isFunction(candleWidth)
? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, datum, active)
: candleWidth;
} else if (style.width) {
return style.width;
const range = scale.x.range();
const extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
const candles = data.length + 2;
const candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
const defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
const getLowWickProps = (props, style) => {
const { horizontal, low, open, close, x, id } = props;
return {
key: `${id}-lowWick`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
getCandleProps(props, style) {
const { id, x, close, open, horizontal } = props;
const candleWidth = this.getCandleWidth(props, style);
const candleLength = Math.abs(close - open);
return {
key: `${id}-candle`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x - candleWidth / 2,
y: horizontal ? x - candleWidth / 2 : Math.min(open, close),
width: horizontal ? candleLength : candleWidth,
height: horizontal ? candleWidth : candleLength
const Candle = (props) => {
const {
} = props;
const style = Helpers.evaluateStyle(assign({ stroke: "black" },, props);
const wickStyle = defaults({ strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth }, style);
const sharedProps = { role, shapeRendering, className, transform, clipPath, };
const candleProps = assign(getCandleProps(props, style), sharedProps);
const highWickProps = assign(getHighWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
const lowWickProps = assign(getLowWickProps(props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
getHighWickProps(props, style) {
const { horizontal, high, open, close, x, id } = props;
return {
key: `${id}-highWick`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? high : x,
x2: horizontal ? Math.max(open, close) : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : high,
y2: horizontal ? x : Math.min(open, close)
return React.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [
React.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps),
React.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps),
React.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)
getLowWickProps(props, style) {
const { horizontal, low, open, close, x, id } = props;
return {
key: `${id}-lowWick`,
style: Helpers.omit(style, ["width"]),
x1: horizontal ? Math.min(open, close) : x,
x2: horizontal ? low : x,
y1: horizontal ? x : Math.max(open, close),
y2: horizontal ? x : low
Candle.propTypes = {
candleRatio: PropTypes.number,
candleWidth: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.func]),
close: PropTypes.number,
datum: PropTypes.object,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
high: PropTypes.number,
lineComponent: PropTypes.element,
low: PropTypes.number,
open: PropTypes.number,
rectComponent: PropTypes.element,
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
width: PropTypes.number,
x: PropTypes.number
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
const style = Helpers.evaluateStyle(
assign({ stroke: "black" },,
const wickStyle = defaults({ strokeWidth: wickStrokeWidth }, style);
const sharedProps = { role, shapeRendering, className, events, transform, clipPath };
const candleProps = assign(this.getCandleProps(this.props, style), sharedProps);
const highWickProps = assign(this.getHighWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
const lowWickProps = assign(this.getLowWickProps(this.props, wickStyle), sharedProps);
Candle.defaultProps = {
groupComponent: <g />,
lineComponent: <Line />,
rectComponent: <Rect />,
role: "presentation",
shapeRendering: "auto"
return React.cloneElement(groupComponent, {}, [
React.cloneElement(rectComponent, candleProps),
React.cloneElement(lineComponent, highWickProps),
React.cloneElement(lineComponent, lowWickProps)
export default Candle;

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

import { assign, isNil } from "lodash";
import { Helpers, LabelHelpers, Scale, Domain, Data } from "victory-core";
import { assign, defaults, isNil, isFunction, isPlainObject } from "lodash";
import { Helpers, Scale, Domain, Data, LabelHelpers } from "victory-core";
const TYPES = ["close", "open", "high", "low"];
const getData = (props) => {

@@ -39,2 +41,36 @@ const accessorTypes = ["x", "high", "low", "close", "open"];

const getStyles = (style, defaultStyles = {}) => {
const width = "100%";
const height = "100%";
if (!style) {
return defaults(
parent: {
const defaultParent = defaultStyles.parent || {};
const defaultLabels = defaultStyles.labels || {};
const defaultData = || {};
const labelStyle = defaults({}, style.labels, defaultLabels);
return {
parent: defaults({}, style.parent, defaultParent, {
labels: labelStyle,
data: defaults({},, defaultData),
openLabels: defaults({}, style.openLabels, defaultStyles.openLabels, labelStyle),
closeLabels: defaults({}, style.closeLabels, defaultStyles.closeLabels, labelStyle),
lowLabels: defaults({}, style.lowLabels, defaultStyles.lowLabels, labelStyle),
highLabels: defaults({}, style.highLabels, defaultStyles.highLabels, labelStyle)
const getCalculatedValues = (props) => {

@@ -44,3 +80,3 @@ const { theme, polar } = props;

theme && theme.candlestick && ? : {};
const style = Helpers.getStyles(, defaultStyle);
const style = getStyles(, defaultStyle);
const data = getData(props);

@@ -64,3 +100,5 @@ const range = {

const origin = polar ? props.origin || Helpers.getPolarOrigin(props) : undefined;
return { domain, data, scale, style, origin };
const defaultOrientation = props.horizontal ? "top" : "right";
const labelOrientation = props.labelOrientation || defaultOrientation;
return { domain, data, scale, style, origin, labelOrientation };

@@ -82,13 +120,119 @@

const getLabelProps = (dataProps, text, style) => {
const { x, high, index, scale, datum, data, horizontal } = dataProps;
const labelStyle = style.labels || {};
const defaultAnchors = {
vertical: horizontal ? "middle" : "end",
text: horizontal ? "start" : "middle"
const getText = (props, type) => {
const { datum, index, labels } = props;
const propName = `${type}Labels`;
const labelProp = props[propName];
if (!labelProp && !labels) {
return null;
} else if (labelProp === true || labels === true) {
const dataName = `_${type}`;
return `${datum[dataName]}`;
return Array.isArray(labelProp) ? labelProp[index] : labelProp;
const getCandleWidth = (props, style) => {
const { data, candleWidth, scale, defaultCandleWidth } = props;
if (candleWidth) {
return isFunction(candleWidth) ? Helpers.evaluateProp(candleWidth, props) : candleWidth;
} else if (style && style.width) {
return style.width;
const range = scale.x.range();
const extent = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]);
const candles = data.length + 2;
const candleRatio = props.candleRatio || 0.5;
const defaultWidth = candleRatio * (data.length < 2 ? defaultCandleWidth : extent / candles);
return Math.max(1, defaultWidth);
const getOrientation = (labelOrientation, type = "labels") => {
return isPlainObject(labelOrientation) ? labelOrientation[type] : labelOrientation;
/* eslint-disable complexity*/
const calculatePlotValues = (props) => {
const { positions, labelStyle, x, horizontal, computedType, candleWidth, orientation } = props;
positions.labels = ( + positions.close) / 2;
const signX = orientation === "left" ? -1 : 1;
const signY = orientation === "top" ? -1 : 1;
if (horizontal) {
const yValue = x;
const xValue = positions[computedType];
const dy =
orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom"
? signY * (candleWidth / 2) + signY * (labelStyle.padding || 0)
: 0;
const dx =
orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? 0 : signX * (labelStyle.padding || 1);
return { yValue, xValue, dx, dy };
} else {
const xValue = x;
const yValue = positions[computedType];
const dy =
orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom" ? signY * (labelStyle.padding || 1) : 0;
const dx =
orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom"
? 0
: signX * (candleWidth / 2) + signX * (labelStyle.padding || 0);
return { yValue, xValue, dx, dy };
/* eslint-enable complexity*/
/* eslint-disable max-params*/
const getLabelProps = (props, text, style, type) => {
const {
} = props;
const component = props[`${type}LabelComponent`] || props.labelComponent;
const defaultOrientation = horizontal ? "top" : "right";
const orientation =
(component.props && component.props.orientation) ||
getOrientation(labelOrientation, type) ||
const positions = { high, low, open, close };
const namespace = type ? `${type}Labels` : "labels";
const labelStyle = style[namespace] || style.labels;
const defaultVerticalAnchors = { top: "end", bottom: "start", left: "middle", right: "middle" };
const defaultTextAnchors = { left: "end", right: "start", top: "middle", bottom: "middle" };
const computedType = type ? type : "labels";
const plotProps = {
const { yValue, xValue, dx, dy } = calculatePlotValues(plotProps);
return {
style: labelStyle,
y: horizontal ? x : high - (labelStyle.padding || 0),
x: horizontal ? high + (labelStyle.padding || 0) : x,
y: yValue,
x: xValue,

@@ -99,4 +243,5 @@ index,

textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultAnchors.text,
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultAnchors.vertical,
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || defaultTextAnchors[orientation],
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || defaultVerticalAnchors[orientation],
angle: labelStyle.angle,

@@ -106,2 +251,3 @@ horizontal

/* eslint-enable max-params*/

@@ -112,3 +258,3 @@ const getBaseProps = (props, fallbackProps) => {

const calculatedValues = getCalculatedValues(props);
const { data, style, scale, domain, origin } = calculatedValues;
const { data, style, scale, domain, origin, labelOrientation } = calculatedValues;
const {

@@ -175,4 +321,7 @@ groupComponent,

dataProps.candleWidth = getCandleWidth(dataProps);
const extendedProps = defaults(Object.assign({}, dataProps), props);

@@ -182,7 +331,22 @@ childProps[eventKey] = {

const text = LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if ((text !== undefined && text !== null) || (labels && (events || sharedEvents))) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(dataProps, text, style);
if (labels) {
const text = LabelHelpers.getText(props, datum, index);
if ((text !== undefined && text !== null) || (labels && (events || sharedEvents))) {
childProps[eventKey].labels = getLabelProps(extendedProps, text, style);
TYPES.forEach((type) => {
const labelText = getText(extendedProps, type);
const labelProp = props.labels || props[`${type}Labels`];
if (
(labelText !== null && labelText !== undefined) ||
(labelProp && (events || sharedEvents))
) {
const target = `${type}Labels`;
childProps[eventKey][target] = getLabelProps(extendedProps, labelText, style, type);
return childProps;

@@ -189,0 +353,0 @@ }, initialChildProps);

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import PropTypes from "prop-types";

} from "victory-core";
import { isNil } from "lodash";
import { isNil, flatten } from "lodash";
import Candle from "./candle";

@@ -29,2 +29,14 @@ import { getDomain, getData, getBaseProps } from "./helper-methods";

const options = {
components: [
{ name: "lowLabels" },
{ name: "highLabels" },
{ name: "openLabels" },
{ name: "closeLabels" },
{ name: "labels" },
{ name: "data" },
{ name: "parent", index: "parent" }
const defaultData = [

@@ -41,2 +53,5 @@ { x: new Date(2016, 6, 1), open: 5, close: 10, high: 15, low: 0 },

/*eslint-enable no-magic-numbers */
const datumHasXandY = (datum) => {
return !isNil(datum._x) && !isNil(datum._y);

@@ -71,2 +86,26 @@ class VictoryCandlestick extends React.Component {

closeLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
closeLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
events: PropTypes.arrayOf(
target: PropTypes.oneOf([
eventKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([
CustomPropTypes.allOfType([CustomPropTypes.integer, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative]),
eventHandlers: PropTypes.object
high: PropTypes.oneOfType([

@@ -78,2 +117,13 @@ PropTypes.func,

highLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
highLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
labelOrientation: PropTypes.oneOfType([
PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
open: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
close: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
low: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]),
high: PropTypes.oneOf(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"])
low: PropTypes.oneOfType([

@@ -85,2 +135,4 @@ PropTypes.func,

lowLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
lowLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
open: PropTypes.oneOfType([

@@ -92,2 +144,16 @@ PropTypes.func,

openLabelComponent: PropTypes.element,
openLabels: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.bool]),
style: PropTypes.shape({
data: PropTypes.object,
labels: PropTypes.object,
close: PropTypes.object,
closeLabels: PropTypes.object,
open: PropTypes.object,
openLabels: PropTypes.object,
high: PropTypes.object,
highLabels: PropTypes.object,
low: PropTypes.object,
lowLabels: PropTypes.object
wickStrokeWidth: PropTypes.number

@@ -97,2 +163,3 @@ };

static defaultProps = {
defaultCandleWidth: 8,
containerComponent: <VictoryContainer />,

@@ -103,2 +170,6 @@ data: defaultData,

labelComponent: <VictoryLabel />,
highLabelComponent: <VictoryLabel />,
lowLabelComponent: <VictoryLabel />,
openLabelComponent: <VictoryLabel />,
closeLabelComponent: <VictoryLabel />,
samples: 50,

@@ -114,2 +185,6 @@ sortOrder: "ascending",

static expectedComponents = [

@@ -136,2 +211,43 @@ "labelComponent",

renderCandleData(props, shouldRenderDatum = datumHasXandY) {
const { dataComponent, labelComponent, groupComponent } = props;
const types = ["close", "open", "low", "high"];
const dataComponents = this.dataKeys.reduce((validDataComponents, _dataKey, index) => {
const dataProps = this.getComponentProps(dataComponent, "data", index);
if (shouldRenderDatum(dataProps.datum)) {
validDataComponents.push(React.cloneElement(dataComponent, dataProps));
return validDataComponents;
}, []);
const labelComponents = flatten( => {
const components =, index) => {
const name = `${type}Labels`;
const baseComponent = props[`${type}LabelComponent`];
const labelProps = this.getComponentProps(baseComponent, name, index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return React.cloneElement(baseComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
return components.filter(Boolean);
const labelsComponents = this.dataKeys
.map((_dataKey, index) => {
const labelProps = this.getComponentProps(labelComponent, "labels", index);
if (labelProps.text !== undefined && labelProps.text !== null) {
return React.cloneElement(labelComponent, labelProps);
return undefined;
const children = [...dataComponents, ...labelComponents, ...labelsComponents];
return this.renderContainer(groupComponent, children);
render() {

@@ -145,3 +261,3 @@ const { animationWhitelist, role } = VictoryCandlestick;

const children = this.renderData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
const children = this.renderCandleData(props, this.shouldRenderDatum);
return props.standalone ? this.renderContainer(props.containerComponent, children) : children;

@@ -151,2 +267,2 @@ }

export default addEvents(VictoryCandlestick);
export default addEvents(VictoryCandlestick, options);

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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