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victory-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 34.3.8 to 34.3.12



@@ -196,10 +196,17 @@ import * as React from "react";

angle?: string | number;
backgroundComponent?: React.ReactElement;
backgroundStyle?: React.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[];
backgroundPadding?: PaddingProps | PaddingProps[];
capHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
className?: string;
datum?: {};
data?: any[];
desc?: string;
direction?: string;
events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
inline?: boolean;
groupComponent?: React.ReactElement;
labelPlacement?: LabelOrientationType;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback | (string | number)[];
origin?: OriginType;

@@ -211,4 +218,5 @@ polar?: boolean;

textAnchor?: TextAnchorType | { (): TextAnchorType };
title?: string;
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
verticalAnchor?: VerticalAnchorType | { (): VerticalAnchorType };
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
x?: number;

@@ -230,2 +238,3 @@ y?: number;

containerId?: number | string;
containerRef?: React.Ref<HTMLElement>;
desc?: string;

@@ -232,0 +241,0 @@ events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;



@@ -9,5 +9,15 @@ import _isEmpty from "lodash/isEmpty";

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
/*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 2] }]*/
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import VictoryPortal from "../victory-portal/victory-portal";
import Rect from "../victory-primitives/rect";
import CustomPropTypes from "../victory-util/prop-types";

@@ -18,2 +28,3 @@ import Helpers from "../victory-util/helpers";

import Log from "../victory-util/log";
import TextSize from "../victory-util/textsize";
import TSpan from "../victory-primitives/tspan";

@@ -76,2 +87,12 @@ import Text from "../victory-primitives/text";

var getLineHeight = function (props) {
var lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return _isEmpty(lineHeight) ? [1] : lineHeight;
} else {
return [lineHeight];
var getContent = function (text, props) {

@@ -97,16 +118,8 @@ if (text === undefined || text === null) {

var checkLineHeight = function (lineHeight, val, fallbackVal) {
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return _isEmpty(lineHeight) ? fallbackVal : val;
return lineHeight;
var getDy = function (props, lineHeight) {
var style = Array.isArray( ?[0] :;
lineHeight = checkLineHeight(lineHeight, lineHeight[0], 1);
lineHeight = lineHeight[0];
var fontSize = style.fontSize;
var dy = props.dy ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dy, props) : 0;
var length = props.text.length;
var length = props.inline ? 1 : props.text.length;
var capHeight = getHeight(props, "capHeight");

@@ -144,48 +157,167 @@ var verticalAnchor = style.verticalAnchor || props.verticalAnchor;

var renderElements = function (props) {
var inline = props.inline,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
events =,
direction = props.direction,
text = props.text,
style =;
var lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
var textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
var dx = props.dx ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
var dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
var transform = getTransform(props);
var x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
var y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
var textChildren = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
var lastStyle = style[i - 1] || style[0];
var fontSize = (currentStyle.fontSize + lastStyle.fontSize) / 2;
var currentLineHeight = checkLineHeight(lineHeight, (lineHeight[i] + (lineHeight[i - 1] || lineHeight[0])) / 2, 1);
var tspanProps = {
key: "".concat(, "-key-").concat(i),
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dx: dx,
dy: i && !inline ? currentLineHeight * fontSize : undefined,
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return React.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
var getXCoordinate = function (calculatedProps, labelSizeWidth) {
var direction = calculatedProps.direction,
textAnchor = calculatedProps.textAnchor,
x = calculatedProps.x;
if (direction === "rtl") {
return x - labelSizeWidth;
switch (textAnchor) {
case "start":
return x;
case "middle":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth / 2);
case "end":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth);
return x;
var getYCoordinate = function (calculatedProps, props, textHeight) {
var verticalAnchor = calculatedProps.verticalAnchor,
y = calculatedProps.y;
var dy = props.dy,
inline = props.inline;
var offset = y + (dy || 0);
switch (verticalAnchor) {
case "start":
return Math.floor(offset);
case "middle":
return Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
case "end":
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.ceil(offset - textHeight);
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
var getBackgroundPadding = function (props) {
if (props.backgroundPadding && Array.isArray(props.backgroundPadding)) {
return (backgroundPadding) {
return Helpers.getPadding({
backgroundPadding: backgroundPadding
}, "backgroundPadding");
} else {
return Helpers.getPadding(props, "backgroundPadding");
var getBackgroundPaddingProp = function (i, backgroundPadding) {
if (Array.isArray(backgroundPadding)) {
return backgroundPadding[i] || backgroundPadding[0];
} else {
return backgroundPadding;
var getFullBackground = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var backgroundComponent = props.backgroundComponent,
backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle,
inline = props.inline;
var dx = calculatedProps.dx,
backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
transform = calculatedProps.transform;
var textSizes = (tspan) {
return TextSize.approximateTextSize(tspan.text,;
return React.cloneElement(props.textComponent, _objectSpread({}, events, {
direction: direction,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
x: x,
y: y,
var height = inline ? Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray( (size) {
return size.height;
}))) : textSizes.reduce(function (memo, size, i) {
return memo + size.height * tspanValues[i].lineHeight;
}, 0);
var width = inline ? textSizes.reduce(function (memo, size) {
return memo + size.width;
}, 0) + (dx || 0) : Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray( (size) {
return size.width;
}))) + (dx || 0);
var xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, width);
var yCoordinate = getYCoordinate(calculatedProps, props, height);
var backgroundProps = {
key: "background",
height: height + + backgroundPadding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle,
transform: transform,
className: className,
title: title,
desc: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
}), textChildren);
width: width + backgroundPadding.left + backgroundPadding.right,
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return React.cloneElement(backgroundComponent, _defaults({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps));
var getChildBackgrounds = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle,
backgroundComponent = props.backgroundComponent,
inline = props.inline,
y = props.y;
var dy = calculatedProps.dy,
backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
transform = calculatedProps.transform;
var textElements = (current, i) {
var previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
var labelSize = TextSize.approximateTextSize(current.text,;
var totalLineHeight = current.fontSize * current.lineHeight;
var textHeight = Math.ceil(totalLineHeight);
var prevPaddingProp = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i - 1, backgroundPadding);
var childDy = i && !inline ? previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight + + prevPaddingProp.bottom : dy - totalLineHeight * 0.5 - (current.fontSize - current.capHeight);
return {
textHeight: textHeight,
labelSize: labelSize,
y: y,
fontSize: current.fontSize,
dy: childDy
return (textElement, i) {
var xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, textElement.labelSize.width);
var yCoordinate = textElements.slice(0, i + 1).reduce(function (prev, curr) {
return prev + curr.dy;
}, y);
var padding = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding);
var backgroundProps = {
key: "tspan-background-".concat(i),
height: textElement.textHeight + + padding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle[i] || backgroundStyle[0],
width: textElement.labelSize.width + padding.left + padding.right,
transform: transform,
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return React.cloneElement(backgroundComponent, _defaults({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps));
var getBackgroundElement = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
return Array.isArray(props.backgroundStyle) ? getChildBackgrounds(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) : getFullBackground(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
var calculateSpanDy = function (current, previous) {
return -0.5 * previous.fontSize - 0.5 * (previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight) + previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight + 0.5 * current.fontSize + 0.5 * current.fontSize * current.lineHeight - (current.fontSize - current.capHeight) * 0.5 + (previous.fontSize - previous.capHeight) * 0.5;
var getTSpanDy = function (tspanValues, props, i) {
var inline = props.inline,
backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle;
var current = tspanValues[i];
var previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
if (i && !inline) {
return backgroundStyle && Array.isArray(backgroundStyle) && backgroundStyle.length > 1 ? calculateSpanDy(current, previous) + + previous.backgroundPadding.bottom : calculateSpanDy(current, previous);
} else if (inline) {
return i === 0 ? : undefined;
} else {
var evaluateProps = function (props) {

@@ -209,2 +341,72 @@ /* Potential evaluated props are

var getCalculatedProps = function (props) {
var lineHeight = getLineHeight(props);
var direction = props.direction ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.direction, props) : "inherit";
var textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
var verticalAnchor = props.verticalAnchor ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.verticalAnchor, props) : "middle";
var dx = props.dx ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
var dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
var transform = getTransform(props);
var x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
var y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
var backgroundPadding = getBackgroundPadding(props);
return {
lineHeight: lineHeight,
direction: direction,
textAnchor: textAnchor,
verticalAnchor: verticalAnchor,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
backgroundPadding: backgroundPadding,
transform: transform,
x: x,
y: y
var renderLabel = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var inline = props.inline,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
events =,
direction = props.direction,
text = props.text;
var textAnchor = calculatedProps.textAnchor,
dx = calculatedProps.dx,
dy = calculatedProps.dy,
transform = calculatedProps.transform,
x = calculatedProps.x,
y = calculatedProps.y;
var textProps = _objectSpread({
key: "text"
}, events, {
direction: direction,
dx: dx,
x: x,
y: y + dy,
transform: transform,
className: className,
title: title,
desc: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
var tspans = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = tspanValues[i].style;
var tspanProps = {
key: "".concat(, "-key-").concat(i),
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dx: dx + tspanValues[i].backgroundPadding.left,
dy: getTSpanDy(tspanValues, props, i),
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return React.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
return React.cloneElement(props.textComponent, textProps, tspans);
var VictoryLabel = function (props) {

@@ -217,3 +419,31 @@ props = evaluateProps(props);

var label = renderElements(props);
var calculatedProps = getCalculatedProps(props);
var _props = props,
text = _props.text,
style =,
capHeight = _props.capHeight;
var backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
lineHeight = calculatedProps.lineHeight;
var tspanValues = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
var capHeightPx = TextSize.convertLengthToPixels("".concat(capHeight, "em"), currentStyle.fontSize);
var currentLineHeight = lineHeight[i] || lineHeight[0];
return {
style: currentStyle,
fontSize: currentStyle.fontSize || defaultStyles.fontSize,
capHeight: capHeightPx,
text: line,
lineHeight: currentLineHeight,
backgroundPadding: getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding)
var label = renderLabel(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
if (props.backgroundStyle) {
var backgroundElement = getBackgroundElement(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
var children = [backgroundElement, label];
var backgroundWithLabel = React.cloneElement(props.groupComponent, {}, children);
return props.renderInPortal ? React.createElement(VictoryPortal, null, backgroundWithLabel) : backgroundWithLabel;
return props.renderInPortal ? React.createElement(VictoryPortal, null, label) : label;

@@ -228,2 +458,5 @@ };

angle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
backgroundComponent: PropTypes.element,
backgroundPadding: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
backgroundStyle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
capHeight: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative, PropTypes.func]),

@@ -238,2 +471,3 @@ className: PropTypes.string,

events: PropTypes.object,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
id: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]),

@@ -267,2 +501,4 @@ index: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),

VictoryLabel.defaultProps = {
backgroundComponent: React.createElement(Rect, null),
groupComponent: React.createElement("g", null),
direction: "inherit",

@@ -269,0 +505,0 @@ textComponent: React.createElement(Text, null),

@@ -110,3 +110,4 @@ import _assign from "lodash/assign";

function getPadding(props) {
var padding = props.padding;
var name = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "padding";
var padding = props[name];
var paddingVal = typeof padding === "number" ? padding : 0;

@@ -113,0 +114,0 @@ var paddingObj = typeof padding === "object" ? padding : {};

@@ -196,10 +196,17 @@ import * as React from "react";

angle?: string | number;
backgroundComponent?: React.ReactElement;
backgroundStyle?: React.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[];
backgroundPadding?: PaddingProps | PaddingProps[];
capHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
className?: string;
datum?: {};
data?: any[];
desc?: string;
direction?: string;
events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
inline?: boolean;
groupComponent?: React.ReactElement;
labelPlacement?: LabelOrientationType;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback | (string | number)[];
origin?: OriginType;

@@ -211,4 +218,5 @@ polar?: boolean;

textAnchor?: TextAnchorType | { (): TextAnchorType };
title?: string;
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
verticalAnchor?: VerticalAnchorType | { (): VerticalAnchorType };
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
x?: number;

@@ -230,2 +238,3 @@ y?: number;

containerId?: number | string;
containerRef?: React.Ref<HTMLElement>;
desc?: string;

@@ -232,0 +241,0 @@ events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;

@@ -20,2 +20,4 @@ "use strict";

var _rect = _interopRequireDefault(require("../victory-primitives/rect"));
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("../victory-util/prop-types"));

@@ -31,2 +33,4 @@

var _textsize = _interopRequireDefault(require("../victory-util/textsize"));
var _tspan = _interopRequireDefault(require("../victory-primitives/tspan"));

@@ -42,2 +46,10 @@

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
var defaultStyles = {

@@ -102,2 +114,12 @@ fill: "#252525",

var getLineHeight = function (props) {
var lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return (0, _isEmpty2.default)(lineHeight) ? [1] : lineHeight;
} else {
return [lineHeight];
var getContent = function (text, props) {

@@ -123,16 +145,8 @@ if (text === undefined || text === null) {

var checkLineHeight = function (lineHeight, val, fallbackVal) {
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return (0, _isEmpty2.default)(lineHeight) ? fallbackVal : val;
return lineHeight;
var getDy = function (props, lineHeight) {
var style = Array.isArray( ?[0] :;
lineHeight = checkLineHeight(lineHeight, lineHeight[0], 1);
lineHeight = lineHeight[0];
var fontSize = style.fontSize;
var dy = props.dy ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.dy, props) : 0;
var length = props.text.length;
var length = props.inline ? 1 : props.text.length;
var capHeight = getHeight(props, "capHeight");

@@ -172,48 +186,169 @@ var verticalAnchor = style.verticalAnchor || props.verticalAnchor;

var renderElements = function (props) {
var inline = props.inline,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
events =,
direction = props.direction,
text = props.text,
style =;
var lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
var textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
var dx = props.dx ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
var dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
var transform = getTransform(props);
var x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
var y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
var textChildren = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
var lastStyle = style[i - 1] || style[0];
var fontSize = (currentStyle.fontSize + lastStyle.fontSize) / 2;
var currentLineHeight = checkLineHeight(lineHeight, (lineHeight[i] + (lineHeight[i - 1] || lineHeight[0])) / 2, 1);
var tspanProps = {
key: "".concat(, "-key-").concat(i),
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dx: dx,
dy: i && !inline ? currentLineHeight * fontSize : undefined,
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return _react.default.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
var getXCoordinate = function (calculatedProps, labelSizeWidth) {
var direction = calculatedProps.direction,
textAnchor = calculatedProps.textAnchor,
x = calculatedProps.x;
if (direction === "rtl") {
return x - labelSizeWidth;
switch (textAnchor) {
case "start":
return x;
case "middle":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth / 2);
case "end":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth);
return x;
var getYCoordinate = function (calculatedProps, props, textHeight) {
var verticalAnchor = calculatedProps.verticalAnchor,
y = calculatedProps.y;
var dy = props.dy,
inline = props.inline;
var offset = y + (dy || 0);
switch (verticalAnchor) {
case "start":
return Math.floor(offset);
case "middle":
return Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
case "end":
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.ceil(offset - textHeight);
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
var getBackgroundPadding = function (props) {
if (props.backgroundPadding && Array.isArray(props.backgroundPadding)) {
return (backgroundPadding) {
return _helpers.default.getPadding({
backgroundPadding: backgroundPadding
}, "backgroundPadding");
} else {
return _helpers.default.getPadding(props, "backgroundPadding");
var getBackgroundPaddingProp = function (i, backgroundPadding) {
if (Array.isArray(backgroundPadding)) {
return backgroundPadding[i] || backgroundPadding[0];
} else {
return backgroundPadding;
var getFullBackground = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var backgroundComponent = props.backgroundComponent,
backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle,
inline = props.inline;
var dx = calculatedProps.dx,
backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
transform = calculatedProps.transform;
var textSizes = (tspan) {
return _textsize.default.approximateTextSize(tspan.text,;
return _react.default.cloneElement(props.textComponent, _objectSpread({}, events, {
direction: direction,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
x: x,
y: y,
var height = inline ? Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray( (size) {
return size.height;
}))) : textSizes.reduce(function (memo, size, i) {
return memo + size.height * tspanValues[i].lineHeight;
}, 0);
var width = inline ? textSizes.reduce(function (memo, size) {
return memo + size.width;
}, 0) + (dx || 0) : Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray( (size) {
return size.width;
}))) + (dx || 0);
var xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, width);
var yCoordinate = getYCoordinate(calculatedProps, props, height);
var backgroundProps = {
key: "background",
height: height + + backgroundPadding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle,
transform: transform,
className: className,
title: title,
desc: _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
}), textChildren);
width: width + backgroundPadding.left + backgroundPadding.right,
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return _react.default.cloneElement(backgroundComponent, (0, _defaults2.default)({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps));
var getChildBackgrounds = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle,
backgroundComponent = props.backgroundComponent,
inline = props.inline,
y = props.y;
var dy = calculatedProps.dy,
backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
transform = calculatedProps.transform;
var textElements = (current, i) {
var previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
var labelSize = _textsize.default.approximateTextSize(current.text,;
var totalLineHeight = current.fontSize * current.lineHeight;
var textHeight = Math.ceil(totalLineHeight);
var prevPaddingProp = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i - 1, backgroundPadding);
var childDy = i && !inline ? previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight + + prevPaddingProp.bottom : dy - totalLineHeight * 0.5 - (current.fontSize - current.capHeight);
return {
textHeight: textHeight,
labelSize: labelSize,
y: y,
fontSize: current.fontSize,
dy: childDy
return (textElement, i) {
var xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, textElement.labelSize.width);
var yCoordinate = textElements.slice(0, i + 1).reduce(function (prev, curr) {
return prev + curr.dy;
}, y);
var padding = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding);
var backgroundProps = {
key: "tspan-background-".concat(i),
height: textElement.textHeight + + padding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle[i] || backgroundStyle[0],
width: textElement.labelSize.width + padding.left + padding.right,
transform: transform,
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return _react.default.cloneElement(backgroundComponent, (0, _defaults2.default)({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps));
var getBackgroundElement = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
return Array.isArray(props.backgroundStyle) ? getChildBackgrounds(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) : getFullBackground(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
var calculateSpanDy = function (current, previous) {
return -0.5 * previous.fontSize - 0.5 * (previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight) + previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight + 0.5 * current.fontSize + 0.5 * current.fontSize * current.lineHeight - (current.fontSize - current.capHeight) * 0.5 + (previous.fontSize - previous.capHeight) * 0.5;
var getTSpanDy = function (tspanValues, props, i) {
var inline = props.inline,
backgroundStyle = props.backgroundStyle;
var current = tspanValues[i];
var previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
if (i && !inline) {
return backgroundStyle && Array.isArray(backgroundStyle) && backgroundStyle.length > 1 ? calculateSpanDy(current, previous) + + previous.backgroundPadding.bottom : calculateSpanDy(current, previous);
} else if (inline) {
return i === 0 ? : undefined;
} else {
var evaluateProps = function (props) {

@@ -239,2 +374,72 @@ /* Potential evaluated props are

var getCalculatedProps = function (props) {
var lineHeight = getLineHeight(props);
var direction = props.direction ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.direction, props) : "inherit";
var textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
var verticalAnchor = props.verticalAnchor ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.verticalAnchor, props) : "middle";
var dx = props.dx ? _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
var dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
var transform = getTransform(props);
var x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
var y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
var backgroundPadding = getBackgroundPadding(props);
return {
lineHeight: lineHeight,
direction: direction,
textAnchor: textAnchor,
verticalAnchor: verticalAnchor,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
backgroundPadding: backgroundPadding,
transform: transform,
x: x,
y: y
var renderLabel = function (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) {
var inline = props.inline,
className = props.className,
title = props.title,
events =,
direction = props.direction,
text = props.text;
var textAnchor = calculatedProps.textAnchor,
dx = calculatedProps.dx,
dy = calculatedProps.dy,
transform = calculatedProps.transform,
x = calculatedProps.x,
y = calculatedProps.y;
var textProps = _objectSpread({
key: "text"
}, events, {
direction: direction,
dx: dx,
x: x,
y: y + dy,
transform: transform,
className: className,
title: title,
desc: _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: _helpers.default.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
var tspans = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = tspanValues[i].style;
var tspanProps = {
key: "".concat(, "-key-").concat(i),
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dx: dx + tspanValues[i].backgroundPadding.left,
dy: getTSpanDy(tspanValues, props, i),
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return _react.default.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
return _react.default.cloneElement(props.textComponent, textProps, tspans);
var VictoryLabel = function (props) {

@@ -247,3 +452,35 @@ props = evaluateProps(props);

var label = renderElements(props);
var calculatedProps = getCalculatedProps(props);
var _props = props,
text = _props.text,
style =,
capHeight = _props.capHeight;
var backgroundPadding = calculatedProps.backgroundPadding,
lineHeight = calculatedProps.lineHeight;
var tspanValues = (line, i) {
var currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
var capHeightPx = _textsize.default.convertLengthToPixels("".concat(capHeight, "em"), currentStyle.fontSize);
var currentLineHeight = lineHeight[i] || lineHeight[0];
return {
style: currentStyle,
fontSize: currentStyle.fontSize || defaultStyles.fontSize,
capHeight: capHeightPx,
text: line,
lineHeight: currentLineHeight,
backgroundPadding: getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding)
var label = renderLabel(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
if (props.backgroundStyle) {
var backgroundElement = getBackgroundElement(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
var children = [backgroundElement, label];
var backgroundWithLabel = _react.default.cloneElement(props.groupComponent, {}, children);
return props.renderInPortal ? _react.default.createElement(_victoryPortal.default, null, backgroundWithLabel) : backgroundWithLabel;
return props.renderInPortal ? _react.default.createElement(_victoryPortal.default, null, label) : label;

@@ -258,2 +495,5 @@ };

angle: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.number]),
backgroundComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
backgroundPadding: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.object, _propTypes.default.array]),
backgroundStyle: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.object, _propTypes.default.array]),
capHeight: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, _propTypes2.default.nonNegative, _propTypes.default.func]),

@@ -268,2 +508,3 @@ className: _propTypes.default.string,

events: _propTypes.default.object,
groupComponent: _propTypes.default.element,
id: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.string, _propTypes.default.func]),

@@ -297,2 +538,4 @@ index: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.number, _propTypes.default.string]),

VictoryLabel.defaultProps = {
backgroundComponent: _react.default.createElement(_rect.default, null),
groupComponent: _react.default.createElement("g", null),
direction: "inherit",

@@ -299,0 +542,0 @@ textComponent: _react.default.createElement(_text.default, null),

@@ -123,3 +123,4 @@ "use strict";

function getPadding(props) {
var padding = props.padding;
var name = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "padding";
var padding = props[name];
var paddingVal = typeof padding === "number" ? padding : 0;

@@ -126,0 +127,0 @@ var paddingObj = typeof padding === "object" ? padding : {};

"name": "victory-core",
"version": "34.3.8",
"version": "34.3.12",
"description": "Victory Core",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -196,10 +196,17 @@ import * as React from "react";

angle?: string | number;
backgroundComponent?: React.ReactElement;
backgroundStyle?: React.CSSProperties | React.CSSProperties[];
backgroundPadding?: PaddingProps | PaddingProps[];
capHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
className?: string;
datum?: {};
data?: any[];
desc?: string;
direction?: string;
events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;
children?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
inline?: boolean;
groupComponent?: React.ReactElement;
labelPlacement?: LabelOrientationType;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback;
lineHeight?: StringOrNumberOrCallback | (string | number)[];
origin?: OriginType;

@@ -211,4 +218,5 @@ polar?: boolean;

textAnchor?: TextAnchorType | { (): TextAnchorType };
title?: string;
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
verticalAnchor?: VerticalAnchorType | { (): VerticalAnchorType };
transform?: string | {} | { (): string | {} };
x?: number;

@@ -230,2 +238,3 @@ y?: number;

containerId?: number | string;
containerRef?: React.Ref<HTMLElement>;
desc?: string;

@@ -232,0 +241,0 @@ events?: React.DOMAttributes<any>;

@@ -0,4 +1,6 @@

/*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 2] }]*/
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import VictoryPortal from "../victory-portal/victory-portal";
import Rect from "../victory-primitives/rect";
import CustomPropTypes from "../victory-util/prop-types";

@@ -9,2 +11,3 @@ import Helpers from "../victory-util/helpers";

import Log from "../victory-util/log";
import TextSize from "../victory-util/textsize";
import TSpan from "../victory-primitives/tspan";

@@ -63,2 +66,11 @@ import Text from "../victory-primitives/text";

const getLineHeight = (props) => {
const lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return isEmpty(lineHeight) ? [1] : lineHeight;
} else {
return [lineHeight];
const getContent = (text, props) => {

@@ -78,15 +90,8 @@ if (text === undefined || text === null) {

const checkLineHeight = (lineHeight, val, fallbackVal) => {
if (Array.isArray(lineHeight)) {
return isEmpty(lineHeight) ? fallbackVal : val;
return lineHeight;
const getDy = (props, lineHeight) => {
const style = Array.isArray( ?[0] :;
lineHeight = checkLineHeight(lineHeight, lineHeight[0], 1);
lineHeight = lineHeight[0];
const fontSize = style.fontSize;
const dy = props.dy ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dy, props) : 0;
const length = props.text.length;
const length = props.inline ? 1 : props.text.length;
const capHeight = getHeight(props, "capHeight");

@@ -116,52 +121,175 @@ const verticalAnchor = style.verticalAnchor || props.verticalAnchor;

const renderElements = (props) => {
const { inline, className, title, events, direction, text, style } = props;
const lineHeight = getHeight(props, "lineHeight");
const textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
const dx = props.dx ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
const dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
const transform = getTransform(props);
const x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
const y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
const getXCoordinate = (calculatedProps, labelSizeWidth) => {
const { direction, textAnchor, x } = calculatedProps;
const textChildren =, i) => {
const currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
const lastStyle = style[i - 1] || style[0];
const fontSize = (currentStyle.fontSize + lastStyle.fontSize) / 2;
const currentLineHeight = checkLineHeight(
(lineHeight[i] + (lineHeight[i - 1] || lineHeight[0])) / 2,
if (direction === "rtl") {
return x - labelSizeWidth;
switch (textAnchor) {
case "start":
return x;
case "middle":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth / 2);
case "end":
return Math.round(x - labelSizeWidth);
return x;
const getYCoordinate = (calculatedProps, props, textHeight) => {
const { verticalAnchor, y } = calculatedProps;
const { dy, inline } = props;
const offset = y + (dy || 0);
switch (verticalAnchor) {
case "start":
return Math.floor(offset);
case "middle":
return Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
case "end":
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.ceil(offset - textHeight);
return inline ? Math.floor(offset) : Math.floor(offset - textHeight / 2);
const getBackgroundPadding = (props) => {
if (props.backgroundPadding && Array.isArray(props.backgroundPadding)) {
return =>
Helpers.getPadding({ backgroundPadding }, "backgroundPadding")
const tspanProps = {
key: `${}-key-${i}`,
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dy: i && !inline ? currentLineHeight * fontSize : undefined,
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return React.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
} else {
return Helpers.getPadding(props, "backgroundPadding");
const getBackgroundPaddingProp = (i, backgroundPadding) => {
if (Array.isArray(backgroundPadding)) {
return backgroundPadding[i] || backgroundPadding[0];
} else {
return backgroundPadding;
const getFullBackground = (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) => {
const { backgroundComponent, backgroundStyle, inline } = props;
const { dx, backgroundPadding, transform } = calculatedProps;
const textSizes = => {
return TextSize.approximateTextSize(tspan.text,;
const height = inline
? Math.max( => size.height))
: textSizes.reduce((memo, size, i) => memo + size.height * tspanValues[i].lineHeight, 0);
const width = inline
? textSizes.reduce((memo, size) => memo + size.width, 0) + (dx || 0)
: Math.max( => size.width)) + (dx || 0);
const xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, width);
const yCoordinate = getYCoordinate(calculatedProps, props, height);
const backgroundProps = {
key: "background",
height: height + + backgroundPadding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle,
width: width + backgroundPadding.left + backgroundPadding.right,
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return React.cloneElement(
defaults({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps)
const getChildBackgrounds = (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) => {
const { backgroundStyle, backgroundComponent, inline, y } = props;
const { dy, backgroundPadding, transform } = calculatedProps;
const textElements =, i) => {
const previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
const labelSize = TextSize.approximateTextSize(current.text,;
const totalLineHeight = current.fontSize * current.lineHeight;
const textHeight = Math.ceil(totalLineHeight);
const prevPaddingProp = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i - 1, backgroundPadding);
const childDy =
i && !inline
? previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight + + prevPaddingProp.bottom
: dy - totalLineHeight * 0.5 - (current.fontSize - current.capHeight);
return {
fontSize: current.fontSize,
dy: childDy
return, i) => {
const xCoordinate = getXCoordinate(calculatedProps, textElement.labelSize.width);
const yCoordinate = textElements.slice(0, i + 1).reduce((prev, curr) => {
return prev + curr.dy;
}, y);
const padding = getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding);
const backgroundProps = {
key: `tspan-background-${i}`,
height: textElement.textHeight + + padding.bottom,
style: backgroundStyle[i] || backgroundStyle[0],
width: textElement.labelSize.width + padding.left + padding.right,
desc: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
x: xCoordinate,
y: yCoordinate
return React.cloneElement(
defaults({}, backgroundComponent.props, backgroundProps)
const getBackgroundElement = (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) => {
return Array.isArray(props.backgroundStyle)
? getChildBackgrounds(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues)
: getFullBackground(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
const calculateSpanDy = (current, previous) => {
return (
-0.5 * previous.fontSize -
0.5 * (previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight) +
previous.fontSize * previous.lineHeight +
0.5 * current.fontSize +
0.5 * current.fontSize * current.lineHeight -
(current.fontSize - current.capHeight) * 0.5 +
(previous.fontSize - previous.capHeight) * 0.5
const getTSpanDy = (tspanValues, props, i) => {
const { inline, backgroundStyle } = props;
const current = tspanValues[i];
const previous = tspanValues[i - 1] || tspanValues[0];
if (i && !inline) {
return backgroundStyle && Array.isArray(backgroundStyle) && backgroundStyle.length > 1
? calculateSpanDy(current, previous) + +
: calculateSpanDy(current, previous);
} else if (inline) {
return i === 0 ? : undefined;
} else {
const evaluateProps = (props) => {

@@ -179,8 +307,104 @@ /* Potential evaluated props are

const getCalculatedProps = (props) => {
const lineHeight = getLineHeight(props);
const direction = props.direction ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.direction, props) : "inherit";
const textAnchor = props.textAnchor ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.textAnchor, props) : "start";
const verticalAnchor = props.verticalAnchor
? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.verticalAnchor, props)
: "middle";
const dx = props.dx ? Helpers.evaluateProp(props.dx, props) : 0;
const dy = getDy(props, lineHeight);
const transform = getTransform(props);
const x = props.x !== undefined ? props.x : getPosition(props, "x");
const y = props.y !== undefined ? props.y : getPosition(props, "y");
const backgroundPadding = getBackgroundPadding(props);
return {
const renderLabel = (props, calculatedProps, tspanValues) => {
const { inline, className, title, events, direction, text } = props;
const { textAnchor, dx, dy, transform, x, y } = calculatedProps;
const textProps = {
key: "text",,
y: y + dy,
desc: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.desc, props),
tabIndex: Helpers.evaluateProp(props.tabIndex, props),
const tspans =, i) => {
const currentStyle = tspanValues[i].style;
const tspanProps = {
key: `${}-key-${i}`,
x: !inline ? props.x : undefined,
dx: dx + tspanValues[i].backgroundPadding.left,
dy: getTSpanDy(tspanValues, props, i),
textAnchor: currentStyle.textAnchor || textAnchor,
style: currentStyle,
children: line
return React.cloneElement(props.tspanComponent, tspanProps);
return React.cloneElement(props.textComponent, textProps, tspans);
const VictoryLabel = (props) => {
props = evaluateProps(props);
if (props.text === null || props.text === undefined) {
return null;
const label = renderElements(props);
const calculatedProps = getCalculatedProps(props);
const { text, style, capHeight } = props;
const { backgroundPadding, lineHeight } = calculatedProps;
const tspanValues =, i) => {
const currentStyle = style[i] || style[0];
const capHeightPx = TextSize.convertLengthToPixels(`${capHeight}em`, currentStyle.fontSize);
const currentLineHeight = lineHeight[i] || lineHeight[0];
return {
style: currentStyle,
fontSize: currentStyle.fontSize || defaultStyles.fontSize,
capHeight: capHeightPx,
text: line,
lineHeight: currentLineHeight,
backgroundPadding: getBackgroundPaddingProp(i, backgroundPadding)
const label = renderLabel(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
if (props.backgroundStyle) {
const backgroundElement = getBackgroundElement(props, calculatedProps, tspanValues);
const children = [backgroundElement, label];
const backgroundWithLabel = React.cloneElement(props.groupComponent, {}, children);
return props.renderInPortal ? (
) : (
return props.renderInPortal ? <VictoryPortal>{label}</VictoryPortal> : label;

@@ -195,2 +419,5 @@ };

angle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
backgroundComponent: PropTypes.element,
backgroundPadding: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
backgroundStyle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),
capHeight: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, CustomPropTypes.nonNegative, PropTypes.func]),

@@ -205,2 +432,3 @@ className: PropTypes.string,

events: PropTypes.object,
groupComponent: PropTypes.element,
id: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]),

@@ -246,2 +474,4 @@ index: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),

VictoryLabel.defaultProps = {
backgroundComponent: <Rect />,
groupComponent: <g />,
direction: "inherit",

@@ -248,0 +478,0 @@ textComponent: <Text />,

@@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ /* eslint-disable func-style */

function getPadding(props) {
const { padding } = props;
function getPadding(props, name = "padding") {
const padding = props[name];
const paddingVal = typeof padding === "number" ? padding : 0;

@@ -85,0 +85,0 @@ const paddingObj = typeof padding === "object" ? padding : {};

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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