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victory-pie - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 14.0.1 to 14.0.2

# VictoryPie Changelog
## 14.0.2 (2018-03-27)
-[168]( Refactor helper method exports
## 14.0.1 (2018-02-05)

@@ -4,0 +8,0 @@



@@ -10,157 +10,168 @@ import _omit from "lodash/omit";

export default {
degreesToRadians: function (degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
checkForValidText: function (text) {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return "" + text;
getSliceStyle: function (datum, index, calculatedValues) {
var style =,
colors = calculatedValues.colors;
var degreesToRadians = function (degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
var fill = this.getColor(style, colors, index);
var dataStyles = _omit(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return _defaults({}, dataStyles, { fill: fill },;
getBaseProps: function (props, fallbackProps) {
props = Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
var calculatedValues = this.getCalculatedValues(props);
var slices = calculatedValues.slices,
style =,
pathFunction = calculatedValues.pathFunction,
data =,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var checkForValidText = function (text) {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return "" + text;
var childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
var getColor = function (style, colors, index) {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
for (var index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
var slice = slices[index];
var datum = data[index];
var eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
var dataProps = {
index: index, slice: slice, pathFunction: pathFunction, datum: datum, data: data, origin: origin,
style: this.getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
var getRadius = function (props, padding) {
return Math.min(props.width - padding.left - padding.right, props.height - - padding.bottom) / 2;
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: this.getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
var getSlices = function (props, data) {
var layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie().sort(null).startAngle(degreesToRadians(props.startAngle)).endAngle(degreesToRadians(props.endAngle)).padAngle(degreesToRadians(props.padAngle)).value(function (datum) {
return datum._y;
return layoutFunction(data);
var getCalculatedValues = function (props) {
var theme = props.theme,
colorScale = props.colorScale,
width = props.width,
height = props.height;
var styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
var style = Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
var colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
var padding = Helpers.getPadding(props);
var radius = getRadius(props, padding);
var offsetWidth = (radius + padding.left + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
var offsetHeight = (radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
var origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
var data = Data.getData(props);
var slices = getSlices(props, data);
var pathFunction = d3Shape.arc().cornerRadius(props.cornerRadius).outerRadius(radius).innerRadius(props.innerRadius);
return { style: style, colors: colors, padding: padding, radius: radius, data: data, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction, origin: origin };
var getSliceStyle = function (datum, index, calculatedValues) {
var style =,
colors = calculatedValues.colors;
var fill = getColor(style, colors, index);
var dataStyles = _omit(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return _defaults({}, dataStyles, { fill: fill },;
var getLabelText = function (props, datum, index) {
var text = void 0;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = _isFunction(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return checkForValidText(text);
var getLabelPosition = function (radius, labelRadius, style) {
var padding = style && style.padding || 0;
var arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius).innerRadius(arcRadius);
var getLabelOrientation = function (slice) {
var radiansToDegrees = function (radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
var start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
var end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
var degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
var getTextAnchor = function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
var getVerticalAnchor = function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
var getLabelProps = function (props, dataProps, calculatedValues) {
var index = dataProps.index,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
slice = dataProps.slice;
var style =,
radius = calculatedValues.radius,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var labelStyle = Helpers.evaluateStyle(_assign({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,;
var labelRadius = Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
var labelPosition = getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
var position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
var orientation = getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index: index, datum: datum, data: data, slice: slice, orientation: orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
export var getBaseProps = function (props, fallbackProps) {
props = Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
var calculatedValues = getCalculatedValues(props);
var slices = calculatedValues.slices,
style =,
pathFunction = calculatedValues.pathFunction,
data =,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
return childProps;
getLabelProps: function (props, dataProps, calculatedValues) {
var index = dataProps.index,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
slice = dataProps.slice;
var style =,
radius = calculatedValues.radius,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var labelStyle = Helpers.evaluateStyle(_assign({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,;
var labelRadius = Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
var labelPosition = this.getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
var position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
var orientation = this.getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index: index, datum: datum, data: data, slice: slice, orientation: orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: this.getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || this.getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || this.getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
for (var index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
var slice = slices[index];
var datum = data[index];
var eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
var dataProps = {
index: index, slice: slice, pathFunction: pathFunction, datum: datum, data: data, origin: origin,
style: getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
getCalculatedValues: function (props) {
var theme = props.theme,
colorScale = props.colorScale,
width = props.width,
height = props.height;
var styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
var style = Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
var colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
var padding = Helpers.getPadding(props);
var radius = this.getRadius(props, padding);
var offsetWidth = (radius + padding.left + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
var offsetHeight = (radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
var origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
var data = Data.getData(props);
var slices = this.getSlices(props, data);
var pathFunction = d3Shape.arc().cornerRadius(props.cornerRadius).outerRadius(radius).innerRadius(props.innerRadius);
return { style: style, colors: colors, padding: padding, radius: radius, data: data, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction, origin: origin };
getColor: function (style, colors, index) {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
getRadius: function (props, padding) {
return Math.min(props.width - padding.left - padding.right, props.height - - padding.bottom) / 2;
getLabelPosition: function (radius, labelRadius, style) {
var padding = style && style.padding || 0;
var arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius).innerRadius(arcRadius);
getLabelOrientation: function (slice) {
var radiansToDegrees = function (radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
var start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
var end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
var degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
getTextAnchor: function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
getVerticalAnchor: function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
getLabelText: function (props, datum, index) {
var text = void 0;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = _isFunction(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return this.checkForValidText(text);
getSlices: function (props, data) {
var layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie().sort(null).startAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.startAngle)).endAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.endAngle)).padAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.padAngle)).value(function (datum) {
return datum._y;
return layoutFunction(data);
return childProps;

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import _partialRight from "lodash/partialRight";

import { addEvents, Helpers, Data, PropTypes as CustomPropTypes, Slice, VictoryContainer, VictoryLabel, VictoryTheme } from "victory-core";
import PieHelpers from "./helper-methods";
import { getBaseProps } from "./helper-methods";

@@ -146,3 +146,3 @@ var fallbackProps = {

VictoryPie.getBaseProps = _partialRight(PieHelpers.getBaseProps.bind(PieHelpers), fallbackProps);
VictoryPie.getBaseProps = _partialRight(getBaseProps, fallbackProps);
VictoryPie.getData = Data.getData.bind(Data);

@@ -149,0 +149,0 @@ VictoryPie.expectedComponents = ["dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"];

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getBaseProps = undefined;

@@ -32,157 +33,168 @@ var _omit2 = require("lodash/omit");

/*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-1, 0, 1, 2, 45, 135, 180, 225, 315] }]*/
exports.default = {
degreesToRadians: function (degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
checkForValidText: function (text) {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return "" + text;
getSliceStyle: function (datum, index, calculatedValues) {
var style =,
colors = calculatedValues.colors;
var degreesToRadians = function (degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
var fill = this.getColor(style, colors, index);
var dataStyles = (0, _omit3.default)(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return (0, _defaults3.default)({}, dataStyles, { fill: fill },;
getBaseProps: function (props, fallbackProps) {
props = _victoryCore.Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
var calculatedValues = this.getCalculatedValues(props);
var slices = calculatedValues.slices,
style =,
pathFunction = calculatedValues.pathFunction,
data =,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var checkForValidText = function (text) {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return "" + text;
var childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
var getColor = function (style, colors, index) {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
for (var index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
var slice = slices[index];
var datum = data[index];
var eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
var dataProps = {
index: index, slice: slice, pathFunction: pathFunction, datum: datum, data: data, origin: origin,
style: this.getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
var getRadius = function (props, padding) {
return Math.min(props.width - padding.left - padding.right, props.height - - padding.bottom) / 2;
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: this.getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
var getSlices = function (props, data) {
var layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie().sort(null).startAngle(degreesToRadians(props.startAngle)).endAngle(degreesToRadians(props.endAngle)).padAngle(degreesToRadians(props.padAngle)).value(function (datum) {
return datum._y;
return layoutFunction(data);
var getCalculatedValues = function (props) {
var theme = props.theme,
colorScale = props.colorScale,
width = props.width,
height = props.height;
var styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
var style = _victoryCore.Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
var colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : _victoryCore.Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
var padding = _victoryCore.Helpers.getPadding(props);
var radius = getRadius(props, padding);
var offsetWidth = (radius + padding.left + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
var offsetHeight = (radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
var origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
var data = _victoryCore.Data.getData(props);
var slices = getSlices(props, data);
var pathFunction = d3Shape.arc().cornerRadius(props.cornerRadius).outerRadius(radius).innerRadius(props.innerRadius);
return { style: style, colors: colors, padding: padding, radius: radius, data: data, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction, origin: origin };
var getSliceStyle = function (datum, index, calculatedValues) {
var style =,
colors = calculatedValues.colors;
var fill = getColor(style, colors, index);
var dataStyles = (0, _omit3.default)(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return (0, _defaults3.default)({}, dataStyles, { fill: fill },;
var getLabelText = function (props, datum, index) {
var text = void 0;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = (0, _isFunction3.default)(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return checkForValidText(text);
var getLabelPosition = function (radius, labelRadius, style) {
var padding = style && style.padding || 0;
var arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius).innerRadius(arcRadius);
var getLabelOrientation = function (slice) {
var radiansToDegrees = function (radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
var start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
var end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
var degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
var getTextAnchor = function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
var getVerticalAnchor = function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
var getLabelProps = function (props, dataProps, calculatedValues) {
var index = dataProps.index,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
slice = dataProps.slice;
var style =,
radius = calculatedValues.radius,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var labelStyle = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateStyle((0, _assign3.default)({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,;
var labelRadius = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
var labelPosition = getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
var position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
var orientation = getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index: index, datum: datum, data: data, slice: slice, orientation: orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
var getBaseProps = exports.getBaseProps = function (props, fallbackProps) {
props = _victoryCore.Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
var calculatedValues = getCalculatedValues(props);
var slices = calculatedValues.slices,
style =,
pathFunction = calculatedValues.pathFunction,
data =,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
return childProps;
getLabelProps: function (props, dataProps, calculatedValues) {
var index = dataProps.index,
datum = dataProps.datum,
data =,
slice = dataProps.slice;
var style =,
radius = calculatedValues.radius,
origin = calculatedValues.origin;
var labelStyle = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateStyle((0, _assign3.default)({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,;
var labelRadius = _victoryCore.Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
var labelPosition = this.getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
var position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
var orientation = this.getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index: index, datum: datum, data: data, slice: slice, orientation: orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: this.getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || this.getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || this.getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
for (var index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
var slice = slices[index];
var datum = data[index];
var eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
var dataProps = {
index: index, slice: slice, pathFunction: pathFunction, datum: datum, data: data, origin: origin,
style: getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
getCalculatedValues: function (props) {
var theme = props.theme,
colorScale = props.colorScale,
width = props.width,
height = props.height;
var styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
var style = _victoryCore.Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
var colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : _victoryCore.Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
var padding = _victoryCore.Helpers.getPadding(props);
var radius = this.getRadius(props, padding);
var offsetWidth = (radius + padding.left + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
var offsetHeight = (radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
var origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
var data = _victoryCore.Data.getData(props);
var slices = this.getSlices(props, data);
var pathFunction = d3Shape.arc().cornerRadius(props.cornerRadius).outerRadius(radius).innerRadius(props.innerRadius);
return { style: style, colors: colors, padding: padding, radius: radius, data: data, slices: slices, pathFunction: pathFunction, origin: origin };
getColor: function (style, colors, index) {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
getRadius: function (props, padding) {
return Math.min(props.width - padding.left - padding.right, props.height - - padding.bottom) / 2;
getLabelPosition: function (radius, labelRadius, style) {
var padding = style && style.padding || 0;
var arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius).innerRadius(arcRadius);
getLabelOrientation: function (slice) {
var radiansToDegrees = function (radians) {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
var start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
var end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
var degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
getTextAnchor: function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
getVerticalAnchor: function (orientation) {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
getLabelText: function (props, datum, index) {
var text = void 0;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = (0, _isFunction3.default)(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return this.checkForValidText(text);
getSlices: function (props, data) {
var layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie().sort(null).startAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.startAngle)).endAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.endAngle)).padAngle(this.degreesToRadians(props.padAngle)).value(function (datum) {
return datum._y;
return layoutFunction(data);
return childProps;

@@ -23,4 +23,2 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {

var _helperMethods2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helperMethods);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

@@ -162,5 +160,5 @@

VictoryPie.getBaseProps = (0, _partialRight3.default)(_helperMethods2.default.getBaseProps.bind(_helperMethods2.default), fallbackProps);
VictoryPie.getBaseProps = (0, _partialRight3.default)(_helperMethods.getBaseProps, fallbackProps);
VictoryPie.getData = _victoryCore.Data.getData.bind(_victoryCore.Data);
VictoryPie.expectedComponents = ["dataComponent", "labelComponent", "groupComponent", "containerComponent"];
exports.default = (0, _victoryCore.addEvents)(VictoryPie);
"name": "victory-pie",
"version": "14.0.1",
"version": "14.0.2",
"description": "D3 pie & donut chart component for React",

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"d3-shape": "^1.0.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.4",
"victory-core": "^21.0.2"
"lodash": "^4.17.5",
"victory-core": "^21.1.0"

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -7,166 +7,164 @@ /*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-1, 0, 1, 2, 45, 135, 180, 225, 315] }]*/

export default {
degreesToRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
const degreesToRadians = (degrees) => {
return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);
checkForValidText(text) {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return `${text}`;
const checkForValidText = (text) => {
if (text === undefined || text === null) {
return text;
} else {
return `${text}`;
getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues) {
const { style, colors } = calculatedValues;
const fill = this.getColor(style, colors, index);
const dataStyles = omit(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return defaults({}, dataStyles, { fill },;
const getColor = (style, colors, index) => {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
getBaseProps(props, fallbackProps) {
props = Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
const calculatedValues = this.getCalculatedValues(props);
const { slices, style, pathFunction, data, origin } = calculatedValues;
const childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices, pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
const getRadius = (props, padding) => {
return Math.min(
props.width - padding.left - padding.right,
props.height - - padding.bottom
) / 2;
for (let index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
const slice = slices[index];
const datum = data[index];
const eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
const dataProps = {
index, slice, pathFunction, datum, data, origin,
style: this.getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
const getSlices = (props, data) => {
const layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie()
.value((datum) => { return datum._y; });
return layoutFunction(data);
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: this.getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
return childProps;
const getCalculatedValues = (props) => {
const { theme, colorScale, width, height } = props;
const styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
const style = Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
const colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
const padding = Helpers.getPadding(props);
const radius = getRadius(props, padding);
const offsetWidth = ((radius + padding.left) + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
const offsetHeight = ((radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
const origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
const data = Data.getData(props);
const slices = getSlices(props, data);
const pathFunction = d3Shape.arc()
return { style, colors, padding, radius, data, slices, pathFunction, origin };
getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues) {
const { index, datum, data, slice } = dataProps;
const { style, radius, origin } = calculatedValues;
const labelStyle = Helpers.evaluateStyle(
assign({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,
const labelRadius = Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
const labelPosition = this.getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
const position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
const orientation = this.getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index, datum, data, slice, orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: this.getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || this.getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || this.getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
const getSliceStyle = (datum, index, calculatedValues) => {
const { style, colors } = calculatedValues;
const fill = getColor(style, colors, index);
const dataStyles = omit(datum, ["_x", "_y", "x", "y", "label"]);
return defaults({}, dataStyles, { fill },;
getCalculatedValues(props) {
const { theme, colorScale, width, height } = props;
const styleObject = theme && theme.pie && ? : {};
const style = Helpers.getStyles(, styleObject, "auto", "100%");
const colors = Array.isArray(colorScale) ? colorScale : Style.getColorScale(colorScale);
const padding = Helpers.getPadding(props);
const radius = this.getRadius(props, padding);
const offsetWidth = ((radius + padding.left) + (width - radius - padding.right)) / 2;
const offsetHeight = ((radius + + (height - radius - padding.bottom)) / 2;
const origin = { x: offsetWidth, y: offsetHeight };
const data = Data.getData(props);
const slices = this.getSlices(props, data);
const pathFunction = d3Shape.arc()
return { style, colors, padding, radius, data, slices, pathFunction, origin };
const getLabelText = (props, datum, index) => {
let text;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = isFunction(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return checkForValidText(text);
getColor(style, colors, index) {
if (style && && {
return colors && colors[index % colors.length];
const getLabelPosition = (radius, labelRadius, style) => {
const padding = style && style.padding || 0;
const arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc()
getRadius(props, padding) {
return Math.min(
props.width - padding.left - padding.right,
props.height - - padding.bottom
) / 2;
const getLabelOrientation = (slice) => {
const radiansToDegrees = (radians) => {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
const start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
const end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
const degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, style) {
const padding = style && style.padding || 0;
const arcRadius = labelRadius || radius + padding;
return d3Shape.arc()
const getTextAnchor = (orientation) => {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
getLabelOrientation(slice) {
const radiansToDegrees = (radians) => {
return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
const start = radiansToDegrees(slice.startAngle);
const end = radiansToDegrees(slice.endAngle);
const degree = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (degree < 45 || degree > 315) {
return "top";
} else if (degree >= 45 && degree < 135) {
return "right";
} else if (degree >= 135 && degree < 225) {
return "bottom";
} else {
return "left";
const getVerticalAnchor = (orientation) => {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
getTextAnchor(orientation) {
if (orientation === "top" || orientation === "bottom") {
return "middle";
return orientation === "right" ? "start" : "end";
const getLabelProps = (props, dataProps, calculatedValues) => {
const { index, datum, data, slice } = dataProps;
const { style, radius, origin } = calculatedValues;
const labelStyle = Helpers.evaluateStyle(
assign({ padding: 0 }, style.labels), datum,
const labelRadius = Helpers.evaluateProp(props.labelRadius, datum);
const labelPosition = getLabelPosition(radius, labelRadius, labelStyle);
const position = labelPosition.centroid(slice);
const orientation = getLabelOrientation(slice);
return {
index, datum, data, slice, orientation,
style: labelStyle,
x: Math.round(position[0]) + origin.x,
y: Math.round(position[1]) + origin.y,
text: getLabelText(props, datum, index),
textAnchor: labelStyle.textAnchor || getTextAnchor(orientation),
verticalAnchor: labelStyle.verticalAnchor || getVerticalAnchor(orientation),
angle: labelStyle.angle
getVerticalAnchor(orientation) {
if (orientation === "left" || orientation === "right") {
return "middle";
export const getBaseProps = (props, fallbackProps) => {
props = Helpers.modifyProps(props, fallbackProps, "pie");
const calculatedValues = getCalculatedValues(props);
const { slices, style, pathFunction, data, origin } = calculatedValues;
const childProps = {
parent: {
standalone: props.standalone, slices, pathFunction,
width: props.width, height: props.height, style: style.parent
return orientation === "bottom" ? "start" : "end";
getLabelText(props, datum, index) {
let text;
if (datum.label) {
text = datum.label;
} else if (Array.isArray(props.labels)) {
text = props.labels[index];
} else {
text = isFunction(props.labels) ? props.labels(datum) : datum.xName || datum._x;
return this.checkForValidText(text);
for (let index = 0, len = slices.length; index < len; index++) {
const slice = slices[index];
const datum = data[index];
const eventKey = datum.eventKey || index;
const dataProps = {
index, slice, pathFunction, datum, data, origin,
style: getSliceStyle(datum, index, calculatedValues)
getSlices(props, data) {
const layoutFunction = d3Shape.pie()
.value((datum) => { return datum._y; });
return layoutFunction(data);
childProps[eventKey] = {
data: dataProps,
labels: getLabelProps(props, dataProps, calculatedValues)
return childProps;

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ /*eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [-1, 0, 1, 2] }]*/

} from "victory-core";
import PieHelpers from "./helper-methods";
import { getBaseProps } from "./helper-methods";

@@ -164,3 +164,3 @@ const fallbackProps = {

static getBaseProps = partialRight(PieHelpers.getBaseProps.bind(PieHelpers), fallbackProps);
static getBaseProps = partialRight(getBaseProps, fallbackProps);
static getData = Data.getData.bind(Data);

@@ -167,0 +167,0 @@ static expectedComponents = [

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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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