1.8.5 (Dec 31, 2016)
command line for windows platform, so that users don't have to install command line by themselves.Changelog
1.8.4 (Dec 8, 2016)
add the rule for playing hole vocabulary speech group.
If the vocabulary has different voice in different speech, such as 'mediate'.
First, download all the audio of 'mediate'.
Second, rename them to the format '' manually, such as 'mediate.v.mp3' and 'mediate.adj.mp3'.
Next time when you execute command 'voc mediate', program will play hole speech group in order.
For example:
$ voc mediate
play 'mediate.v.mp3' ...
play 'mediate.adj.mp3' ...
1.8.2 (July 30, 2016)
1.8.0 (July 28, 2016)
-f, --freedic
1.7.0 (June 2, 2016)
-c, --collins-education
-C, --collins
to -c, --collins
-c, --collins-education
-C, --collins
to -c, --collins