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vpuserlayout - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.18 to 1.0.19


"name": "vpuserlayout",
"version": "1.0.18",
"version": "1.0.19",
"description": "",

@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ "main": "vitepress-plugin-ts.iife.js",

"keywords": [],
"author": "baimacode",
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

var VPUserLayout=function(a,e){"use strict";const r=t=>(e.pushScopeId("data-v-6b9c2b3f"),t=t(),e.popScopeId(),t),i={class:"modal-mask"},m={class:"modal-container"},_=r(()=>e.createElementVNode("p",null,"Hello from the modal!",-1)),p={class:"model-footer"},f=r(()=>e.createElementVNode("h2",null,"输入信息",-1)),V=((t,o)=>{const l=t.__vccOpts||t;for(const[c,d]of o)l[c]=d;return l})(e.defineComponent({__name:"VPUserLayout",setup(t){const o=e.ref(!1),l=e.ref("");function c(){console.log("输入的内容是:",l.value),o.value=!1}return(d,n)=>(e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock(e.Fragment,null,[e.createElementVNode("button",{class:"modal-button",onClick:n[0]||(n[0]=s=>o.value=!0)},"Show Modal"),(e.openBlock(),e.createBlock(e.Teleport,{to:"body"},[e.createVNode(e.Transition,{name:"modal"},{default:e.withCtx(()=>[e.withDirectives(e.createElementVNode("div",i,[e.createElementVNode("div",m,[_,e.createElementVNode("div",p,[f,e.withDirectives(e.createElementVNode("input",{type:"text","onUpdate:modelValue":n[1]||(n[1]=s=>l.value=s),placeholder:"请输入内容"},null,512),[[e.vModelText,l.value]]),e.createElementVNode("div",null,[e.createElementVNode("button",{onClick:c},"确定"),e.createElementVNode("button",{onClick:n[2]||(n[2]=s=>o.value=!1)},"取消")])])])],512),[[e.vShow,o.value]])]),_:1})]))],64))}}),[["__scopeId","data-v-6b9c2b3f"]]);return a.default=V,Object.defineProperties(a,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}}),a}({},Vue);
var VPUserLayout=function(n,e){"use strict";const s=e.defineComponent({name:"VPUserLayout",setup(){return{name:e.ref("World")}}}),l=(t,r)=>{const o=t.__vccOpts||t;for(const[a,c]of r)o[a]=c;return o},u={class:"my-component"};function _(t,r,o,a,c,i){return e.openBlock(),e.createElementBlock("div",u," Hello, "+e.toDisplayString("! ",1)}const d=l(s,[["render",_],["__scopeId","data-v-6c7fedab"]]);return n.default=d,Object.defineProperties(n,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}}),n}({},Vue);

@@ -1,54 +0,19 @@

import { defineComponent as p, ref as d, openBlock as u, createElementBlock as v, Fragment as _, createElementVNode as o, createBlock as m, Teleport as f, createVNode as h, Transition as b, withCtx as k, withDirectives as r, vModelText as w, vShow as x, pushScopeId as V, popScopeId as y } from "vue";
const i = (e) => (V("data-v-6b9c2b3f"), e = e(), y(), e), C = { class: "modal-mask" }, S = { class: "modal-container" }, I = /* @__PURE__ */ i(() => /* @__PURE__ */ o("p", null, "Hello from the modal!", -1)), g = { class: "model-footer" }, B = /* @__PURE__ */ i(() => /* @__PURE__ */ o("h2", null, "输入信息", -1)), M = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
__name: "VPUserLayout",
setup(e) {
const t = d(!1), l = d("");
function s() {
console.log("输入的内容是:", l.value), t.value = !1;
return (c, n) => (u(), v(_, null, [
o("button", {
class: "modal-button",
onClick: n[0] || (n[0] = (a) => t.value = !0)
}, "Show Modal"),
(u(), m(f, { to: "body" }, [
h(b, { name: "modal" }, {
default: k(() => [
r(o("div", C, [
o("div", S, [
o("div", g, [
r(o("input", {
type: "text",
"onUpdate:modelValue": n[1] || (n[1] = (a) => l.value = a),
placeholder: "请输入内容"
}, null, 512), [
[w, l.value]
o("div", null, [
o("button", { onClick: s }, "确定"),
o("button", {
onClick: n[2] || (n[2] = (a) => t.value = !1)
}, "取消")
], 512), [
[x, t.value]
_: 1
], 64));
import { defineComponent as s, ref as c, openBlock as a, createElementBlock as p, toDisplayString as _ } from "vue";
const d = s({
name: "VPUserLayout",
setup() {
return { name: c("World") };
}), T = (e, t) => {
const l = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [s, c] of t)
l[s] = c;
return l;
}, E = /* @__PURE__ */ T(M, [["__scopeId", "data-v-6b9c2b3f"]]);
}), m = (e, o) => {
const t = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [n, r] of o)
t[n] = r;
return t;
}, f = { class: "my-component" };
function l(e, o, t, n, r, i) {
return a(), p("div", f, " Hello, " + _( + "! ", 1);
const y = /* @__PURE__ */ m(d, [["render", l], ["__scopeId", "data-v-6c7fedab"]]);
export {
E as default
y as default

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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