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vue-command-palette - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -1,6 +0,11 @@

import type { ItemInfo } from './types';
declare const _sfc_main: import("vue").DefineComponent<Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {
import type { ItemInfo, Noop } from './types';
declare const _sfc_main: import("vue").DefineComponent<{}, {
VALUE_ATTR: string;
props: {
shortcut?: string[] | undefined;
perform?: Noop | undefined;
emit: (e: 'select', itemInfo: ItemInfo) => void;
current: Set<string>;
selectedNode: import("vue").Ref<string>;

@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ filtered: import("vue").Ref<{

isRender: import("vue").ComputedRef<boolean>;
currentKeys: import("vue").ComputedRef<string[]>;
handleSelect: () => void;
}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, "select"[], "select", import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>>>> & {
}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, "select"[], "select", import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>> & {
onSelect?: ((...args: any[]) => any) | undefined;
}, {}>;
export default _sfc_main;

@@ -16,1 +16,2 @@ import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue';

export declare type Noop = () => void;

@@ -1,85 +0,215 @@

import { ref as N, watch as ae, unref as L, reactive as Ze, computed as K, toRefs as qe, defineComponent as S, provide as et, nextTick as te, onMounted as tt, openBlock as F, createElementBlock as W, normalizeClass as st, createElementVNode as V, renderSlot as z, onBeforeUnmount as _e, createBlock as we, Teleport as nt, createVNode as rt, Transition as it, withCtx as xe, createCommentVNode as le, withDirectives as Oe, toDisplayString as ot, vShow as Ne, watchEffect as ve, h as ne } from "vue";
var be;
const ct = typeof window < "u";
ct && ((be = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : be.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
function Ae(s) {
return typeof s == "function" ? s() : L(s);
import { ref as T, watch as ee, getCurrentScope as lt, onScopeDispose as ut, unref as O, reactive as he, computed as $, toRefs as ht, defineComponent as x, provide as dt, nextTick as ne, onMounted as ft, openBlock as D, createElementBlock as H, normalizeClass as mt, createElementVNode as B, renderSlot as Q, onBeforeUnmount as we, createBlock as Oe, Teleport as pt, createVNode as gt, Transition as _t, withCtx as ke, createCommentVNode as de, withDirectives as Be, toDisplayString as vt, vShow as Ge, watchEffect as Me, h as ie } from "vue";
var Ce;
const We = typeof window < "u", yt = (n) => typeof n == "string", oe = () => {
We && ((Ce = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : Ce.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
function fe(n) {
return typeof n == "function" ? n() : O(n);
function at(s, e) {
function t(...n) {
s(() => e.apply(this, n), { fn: e, thisArg: this, args: n });
function Et(n, e) {
function t(...s) {
n(() => e.apply(this, s), { fn: e, thisArg: this, args: s });
return t;
function lt(s, e = {}) {
let t, n;
return (i) => {
const o = Ae(s), c = Ae(e.maxWait);
if (t && clearTimeout(t), o <= 0 || c !== void 0 && c <= 0)
return n && (clearTimeout(n), n = null), i();
c && !n && (n = setTimeout(() => {
t && clearTimeout(t), n = null, i();
}, c)), t = setTimeout(() => {
n && clearTimeout(n), n = null, i();
}, o);
function It(n, e = {}) {
let t, s;
return (o) => {
const i = fe(n), a = fe(e.maxWait);
if (t && clearTimeout(t), i <= 0 || a !== void 0 && a <= 0)
return s && (clearTimeout(s), s = null), o();
a && !s && (s = setTimeout(() => {
t && clearTimeout(t), s = null, o();
}, a)), t = setTimeout(() => {
s && clearTimeout(s), s = null, o();
}, i);
function Fe(s, e = 200, t = {}) {
return at(lt(e, t), s);
function St(n) {
return n;
function oe(s, e = 200, t = {}) {
function wt(n) {
return lt() ? (ut(n), !0) : !1;
function Ue(n, e = 200, t = {}) {
return Et(It(e, t), n);
function le(n, e = 200, t = {}) {
if (e <= 0)
return s;
const n = N(s.value), r = Fe(() => {
n.value = s.value;
return n;
const s = T(n.value), r = Ue(() => {
s.value = n.value;
}, e, t);
return ae(s, () => r()), n;
return ee(n, () => r()), s;
function P(s) {
return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(s) : De(s) === "[object Array]";
function ze(n, e, t) {
return ee(n, (s, r, o) => {
s && e(s, r, o);
}, t);
const ut = 1 / 0;
function ht(s) {
if (typeof s == "string")
return s;
let e = s + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / s == -ut ? "-0" : e;
function Mt(n) {
var e;
const t = fe(n);
return (e = t == null ? void 0 : t.$el) != null ? e : t;
function dt(s) {
return s == null ? "" : ht(s);
const Qe = We ? window : void 0;
function se(...n) {
let e, t, s, r;
if (yt(n[0]) ? ([t, s, r] = n, e = Qe) : [e, t, s, r] = n, !e)
return oe;
let o = oe;
const i = ee(() => Mt(e), (c) => {
o(), c && (c.addEventListener(t, s, r), o = () => {
c.removeEventListener(t, s, r), o = oe;
}, { immediate: !0, flush: "post" }), a = () => {
i(), o();
return wt(a), a;
function T(s) {
return typeof s == "string";
const me = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, pe = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";
me[pe] = me[pe] || {};
const bt = {
ctrl: "control",
command: "meta",
cmd: "meta",
option: "alt",
up: "arrowup",
down: "arrowdown",
left: "arrowleft",
right: "arrowright"
function xt(n = {}) {
const {
reactive: e = !1,
target: t = Qe,
aliasMap: s = bt,
passive: r = !0,
onEventFired: o = oe
} = n, i = he(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), a = { toJSON() {
return {};
}, current: i }, c = e ? he(a) : a, u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function d(f, g) {
f in c && (e ? c[f] = g : c[f].value = g);
function p() {
for (const f of h)
d(f, !1);
function _(f, g) {
var I, M;
const S = (I = f.key) == null ? void 0 : I.toLowerCase(), W = [(M = f.code) == null ? void 0 : M.toLowerCase(), S].filter(Boolean);
S && (g ? i.add(S) : i.delete(S));
for (const A of W)
h.add(A), d(A, g);
S === "meta" && !g ? (u.forEach((A) => {
i.delete(A), d(A, !1);
}), u.clear()) : typeof f.getModifierState == "function" && f.getModifierState("Meta") && g && [...i, ...W].forEach((A) => u.add(A));
se(t, "keydown", (f) => (_(f, !0), o(f)), { passive: r }), se(t, "keyup", (f) => (_(f, !1), o(f)), { passive: r }), se("blur", p, { passive: !0 }), se("focus", p, { passive: !0 });
const y = new Proxy(c, {
get(f, g, I) {
if (typeof g != "string")
return Reflect.get(f, g, I);
if (g = g.toLowerCase(), g in s && (g = s[g]), !(g in c))
if (/[+_-]/.test(g)) {
const S = g.split(/[+_-]/g).map((C) => C.trim());
c[g] = $(() => S.every((C) => O(y[C])));
} else
c[g] = T(!1);
const M = Reflect.get(f, g, I);
return e ? O(M) : M;
return y;
function Ke(s) {
return typeof s == "number";
var Te;
(function(n) {
n.UP = "UP", n.RIGHT = "RIGHT", n.DOWN = "DOWN", n.LEFT = "LEFT", n.NONE = "NONE";
})(Te || (Te = {}));
var At = Object.defineProperty, $e = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Rt = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Lt = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, Ne = (n, e, t) => e in n ? At(n, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : n[e] = t, Ot = (n, e) => {
for (var t in e || (e = {})), t) && Ne(n, t, e[t]);
if ($e)
for (var t of $e(e)), t) && Ne(n, t, e[t]);
return n;
const kt = {
easeInSine: [0.12, 0, 0.39, 0],
easeOutSine: [0.61, 1, 0.88, 1],
easeInOutSine: [0.37, 0, 0.63, 1],
easeInQuad: [0.11, 0, 0.5, 0],
easeOutQuad: [0.5, 1, 0.89, 1],
easeInOutQuad: [0.45, 0, 0.55, 1],
easeInCubic: [0.32, 0, 0.67, 0],
easeOutCubic: [0.33, 1, 0.68, 1],
easeInOutCubic: [0.65, 0, 0.35, 1],
easeInQuart: [0.5, 0, 0.75, 0],
easeOutQuart: [0.25, 1, 0.5, 1],
easeInOutQuart: [0.76, 0, 0.24, 1],
easeInQuint: [0.64, 0, 0.78, 0],
easeOutQuint: [0.22, 1, 0.36, 1],
easeInOutQuint: [0.83, 0, 0.17, 1],
easeInExpo: [0.7, 0, 0.84, 0],
easeOutExpo: [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1],
easeInOutExpo: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],
easeInCirc: [0.55, 0, 1, 0.45],
easeOutCirc: [0, 0.55, 0.45, 1],
easeInOutCirc: [0.85, 0, 0.15, 1],
easeInBack: [0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56],
easeOutBack: [0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1],
easeInOutBack: [0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6]
linear: St
}, kt);
function j(n) {
return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(n) : Je(n) === "[object Array]";
function ft(s) {
return s === !0 || s === !1 || mt(s) && De(s) == "[object Boolean]";
const Ct = 1 / 0;
function Tt(n) {
if (typeof n == "string")
return n;
let e = n + "";
return e == "0" && 1 / n == -Ct ? "-0" : e;
function Pe(s) {
return typeof s == "object";
function $t(n) {
return n == null ? "" : Tt(n);
function mt(s) {
return Pe(s) && s !== null;
function F(n) {
return typeof n == "string";
function b(s) {
return s != null;
function He(n) {
return typeof n == "number";
function ce(s) {
return !s.trim().length;
function Nt(n) {
return n === !0 || n === !1 || Pt(n) && Je(n) == "[object Boolean]";
function De(s) {
return s == null ? s === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" :;
function Ye(n) {
return typeof n == "object";
const pt = "Incorrect 'index' type", gt = (s) => `Invalid value for key ${s}`, _t = (s) => `Pattern length exceeds max of ${s}.`, vt = (s) => `Missing ${s} property in key`, Et = (s) => `Property 'weight' in key '${s}' must be a positive integer`, ke = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
class yt {
function Pt(n) {
return Ye(n) && n !== null;
function k(n) {
return n != null;
function ue(n) {
return !n.trim().length;
function Je(n) {
return n == null ? n === void 0 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" :;
const Ft = "Incorrect 'index' type", Kt = (n) => `Invalid value for key ${n}`, Dt = (n) => `Pattern length exceeds max of ${n}.`, jt = (n) => `Missing ${n} property in key`, Vt = (n) => `Property 'weight' in key '${n}' must be a positive integer`, Pe = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
class Bt {
constructor(e) {
this._keys = [], this._keyMap = {};
let t = 0;
e.forEach((n) => {
let r = Ve(n);
e.forEach((s) => {
let r = Xe(s);
t += r.weight, this._keys.push(r), this._keyMap[] = r, t += r.weight;
}), this._keys.forEach((n) => {
n.weight /= t;
}), this._keys.forEach((s) => {
s.weight /= t;

@@ -97,50 +227,50 @@ }

function Ve(s) {
let e = null, t = null, n = null, r = 1, i = null;
if (T(s) || P(s))
n = s, e = Re(s), t = ue(s);
function Xe(n) {
let e = null, t = null, s = null, r = 1, o = null;
if (F(n) || j(n))
s = n, e = Fe(n), t = ge(n);
else {
if (!, "name"))
throw new Error(vt("name"));
const o =;
if (n = o,, "weight") && (r = s.weight, r <= 0))
throw new Error(Et(o));
e = Re(o), t = ue(o), i = s.getFn;
if (!, "name"))
throw new Error(jt("name"));
const i =;
if (s = i,, "weight") && (r = n.weight, r <= 0))
throw new Error(Vt(i));
e = Fe(i), t = ge(i), o = n.getFn;
return { path: e, id: t, weight: r, src: n, getFn: i };
return { path: e, id: t, weight: r, src: s, getFn: o };
function Re(s) {
return P(s) ? s : s.split(".");
function Fe(n) {
return j(n) ? n : n.split(".");
function ue(s) {
return P(s) ? s.join(".") : s;
function ge(n) {
return j(n) ? n.join(".") : n;
function St(s, e) {
let t = [], n = !1;
const r = (i, o, c) => {
if (!!b(i))
if (!o[c])
function Gt(n, e) {
let t = [], s = !1;
const r = (o, i, a) => {
if (!!k(o))
if (!i[a])
else {
let a = o[c];
const u = i[a];
if (!b(u))
let c = i[a];
const u = o[c];
if (!k(u))
if (c === o.length - 1 && (T(u) || Ke(u) || ft(u)))
else if (P(u)) {
n = !0;
for (let h = 0, f = u.length; h < f; h += 1)
r(u[h], o, c + 1);
if (a === i.length - 1 && (F(u) || He(u) || Nt(u)))
else if (j(u)) {
s = !0;
for (let h = 0, d = u.length; h < d; h += 1)
r(u[h], i, a + 1);
} else
o.length && r(u, o, c + 1);
i.length && r(u, i, a + 1);
return r(s, T(e) ? e.split(".") : e, 0), n ? t : t[0];
return r(n, F(e) ? e.split(".") : e, 0), s ? t : t[0];
const It = {
const Wt = {
includeMatches: !1,
findAllMatches: !1,
minMatchCharLength: 1
}, Mt = {
}, Ut = {
isCaseSensitive: !1,

@@ -150,10 +280,10 @@ includeScore: !1,

shouldSort: !0,
sortFn: (s, e) => s.score === e.score ? s.idx < e.idx ? -1 : 1 : s.score < e.score ? -1 : 1
}, wt = {
sortFn: (n, e) => n.score === e.score ? n.idx < e.idx ? -1 : 1 : n.score < e.score ? -1 : 1
}, zt = {
location: 0,
threshold: 0.6,
distance: 100
}, xt = {
}, Qt = {
useExtendedSearch: !1,
getFn: St,
getFn: Gt,
ignoreLocation: !1,

@@ -164,17 +294,17 @@ ignoreFieldNorm: !1,

var m = {
const bt = /[^ ]+/g;
function At(s = 1, e = 3) {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n = Math.pow(10, e);
const Ht = /[^ ]+/g;
function Yt(n = 1, e = 3) {
const t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s = Math.pow(10, e);
return {
get(r) {
const i = r.match(bt).length;
if (t.has(i))
return t.get(i);
const o = 1 / Math.pow(i, 0.5 * s), c = parseFloat(Math.round(o * n) / n);
return t.set(i, c), c;
const o = r.match(Ht).length;
if (t.has(o))
return t.get(o);
const i = 1 / Math.pow(o, 0.5 * n), a = parseFloat(Math.round(i * s) / s);
return t.set(o, a), a;

@@ -186,3 +316,3 @@ clear() {

class Ee {
class be {

@@ -192,3 +322,3 @@ getFn: e = m.getFn,

} = {}) {
this.norm = At(t, 3), this.getFn = e, this.isCreated = !1, this.setIndexRecords();
this.norm = Yt(t, 3), this.getFn = e, this.isCreated = !1, this.setIndexRecords();

@@ -202,8 +332,8 @@ setSources(e = []) {

setKeys(e = []) {
this.keys = e, this._keysMap = {}, e.forEach((t, n) => {
this._keysMap[] = n;
this.keys = e, this._keysMap = {}, e.forEach((t, s) => {
this._keysMap[] = s;
create() {
this.isCreated || ! || (this.isCreated = !0, T([0]) ?, t) => {
this.isCreated || ! || (this.isCreated = !0, F([0]) ?, t) => {
this._addString(e, t);

@@ -216,7 +346,7 @@ }) :, t) => {

const t = this.size();
T(e) ? this._addString(e, t) : this._addObject(e, t);
F(e) ? this._addString(e, t) : this._addObject(e, t);
removeAt(e) {
this.records.splice(e, 1);
for (let t = e, n = this.size(); t < n; t += 1)
for (let t = e, s = this.size(); t < s; t += 1)
this.records[t].i -= 1;

@@ -231,5 +361,5 @@ }

_addString(e, t) {
if (!b(e) || ce(e))
if (!k(e) || ue(e))
let n = {
let s = {
v: e,

@@ -239,17 +369,17 @@ i: t,

_addObject(e, t) {
let n = { i: t, $: {} };
this.keys.forEach((r, i) => {
let o = r.getFn ? r.getFn(e) : this.getFn(e, r.path);
if (!!b(o)) {
if (P(o)) {
let c = [];
const a = [{ nestedArrIndex: -1, value: o }];
for (; a.length; ) {
const { nestedArrIndex: u, value: h } = a.pop();
if (!!b(h))
if (T(h) && !ce(h)) {
let f = {
let s = { i: t, $: {} };
this.keys.forEach((r, o) => {
let i = r.getFn ? r.getFn(e) : this.getFn(e, r.path);
if (!!k(i)) {
if (j(i)) {
let a = [];
const c = [{ nestedArrIndex: -1, value: i }];
for (; c.length; ) {
const { nestedArrIndex: u, value: h } = c.pop();
if (!!k(h))
if (F(h) && !ue(h)) {
let d = {
v: h,

@@ -259,21 +389,21 @@ i: u,

} else
P(h) && h.forEach((f, d) => {
nestedArrIndex: d,
value: f
j(h) && h.forEach((d, p) => {
nestedArrIndex: p,
value: d
n.$[i] = c;
} else if (T(o) && !ce(o)) {
let c = {
v: o,
n: this.norm.get(o)
s.$[o] = a;
} else if (F(i) && !ue(i)) {
let a = {
v: i,
n: this.norm.get(i)
n.$[i] = c;
s.$[o] = a;
}), this.records.push(n);
}), this.records.push(s);

@@ -287,127 +417,127 @@ toJSON() {

function je(s, e, { getFn: t = m.getFn, fieldNormWeight: n = m.fieldNormWeight } = {}) {
const r = new Ee({ getFn: t, fieldNormWeight: n });
return r.setKeys(, r.setSources(e), r.create(), r;
function Ze(n, e, { getFn: t = m.getFn, fieldNormWeight: s = m.fieldNormWeight } = {}) {
const r = new be({ getFn: t, fieldNormWeight: s });
return r.setKeys(, r.setSources(e), r.create(), r;
function kt(s, { getFn: e = m.getFn, fieldNormWeight: t = m.fieldNormWeight } = {}) {
const { keys: n, records: r } = s, i = new Ee({ getFn: e, fieldNormWeight: t });
return i.setKeys(n), i.setIndexRecords(r), i;
function Jt(n, { getFn: e = m.getFn, fieldNormWeight: t = m.fieldNormWeight } = {}) {
const { keys: s, records: r } = n, o = new be({ getFn: e, fieldNormWeight: t });
return o.setKeys(s), o.setIndexRecords(r), o;
function se(s, {
function re(n, {
errors: e = 0,
currentLocation: t = 0,
expectedLocation: n = 0,
expectedLocation: s = 0,
distance: r = m.distance,
ignoreLocation: i = m.ignoreLocation
ignoreLocation: o = m.ignoreLocation
} = {}) {
const o = e / s.length;
if (i)
return o;
const c = Math.abs(n - t);
return r ? o + c / r : c ? 1 : o;
const i = e / n.length;
if (o)
return i;
const a = Math.abs(s - t);
return r ? i + a / r : a ? 1 : i;
function Rt(s = [], e = m.minMatchCharLength) {
let t = [], n = -1, r = -1, i = 0;
for (let o = s.length; i < o; i += 1) {
let c = s[i];
c && n === -1 ? n = i : !c && n !== -1 && (r = i - 1, r - n + 1 >= e && t.push([n, r]), n = -1);
function Xt(n = [], e = m.minMatchCharLength) {
let t = [], s = -1, r = -1, o = 0;
for (let i = n.length; o < i; o += 1) {
let a = n[o];
a && s === -1 ? s = o : !a && s !== -1 && (r = o - 1, r - s + 1 >= e && t.push([s, r]), s = -1);
return s[i - 1] && i - n >= e && t.push([n, i - 1]), t;
return n[o - 1] && o - s >= e && t.push([s, o - 1]), t;
const U = 32;
function Lt(s, e, t, {
location: n = m.location,
const z = 32;
function Zt(n, e, t, {
location: s = m.location,
distance: r = m.distance,
threshold: i = m.threshold,
findAllMatches: o = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: c = m.minMatchCharLength,
includeMatches: a = m.includeMatches,
threshold: o = m.threshold,
findAllMatches: i = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: a = m.minMatchCharLength,
includeMatches: c = m.includeMatches,
ignoreLocation: u = m.ignoreLocation
} = {}) {
if (e.length > U)
throw new Error(_t(U));
const h = e.length, f = s.length, d = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, f));
let p = i, v = d;
const w = c > 1 || a, I = w ? Array(f) : [];
let A;
for (; (A = s.indexOf(e, v)) > -1; ) {
let M = se(e, {
currentLocation: A,
expectedLocation: d,
if (e.length > z)
throw new Error(Dt(z));
const h = e.length, d = n.length, p = Math.max(0, Math.min(s, d));
let _ = o, y = p;
const f = a > 1 || c, g = f ? Array(d) : [];
let I;
for (; (I = n.indexOf(e, y)) > -1; ) {
let R = re(e, {
currentLocation: I,
expectedLocation: p,
distance: r,
ignoreLocation: u
if (p = Math.min(M, p), v = A + h, w) {
let $ = 0;
for (; $ < h; )
I[A + $] = 1, $ += 1;
if (_ = Math.min(R, _), y = I + h, f) {
let N = 0;
for (; N < h; )
g[I + N] = 1, N += 1;
v = -1;
let k = [], R = 1, G = h + f;
const q = 1 << h - 1;
for (let M = 0; M < h; M += 1) {
let $ = 0, x = G;
for (; $ < x; )
se(e, {
errors: M,
currentLocation: d + x,
expectedLocation: d,
y = -1;
let M = [], S = 1, C = h + d;
const W = 1 << h - 1;
for (let R = 0; R < h; R += 1) {
let N = 0, L = C;
for (; N < L; )
re(e, {
errors: R,
currentLocation: p + L,
expectedLocation: p,
distance: r,
ignoreLocation: u
}) <= p ? $ = x : G = x, x = Math.floor((G - $) / 2 + $);
G = x;
let O = Math.max(1, d - x + 1), X = o ? f : Math.min(d + x, f) + h, C = Array(X + 2);
C[X + 1] = (1 << M) - 1;
for (let y = X; y >= O; y -= 1) {
let B = y - 1, Z = t[s.charAt(B)];
if (w && (I[B] = +!!Z), C[y] = (C[y + 1] << 1 | 1) & Z, M && (C[y] |= (k[y + 1] | k[y]) << 1 | 1 | k[y + 1]), C[y] & q && (R = se(e, {
errors: M,
currentLocation: B,
expectedLocation: d,
}) <= _ ? N = L : C = L, L = Math.floor((C - N) / 2 + N);
C = L;
let K = Math.max(1, p - L + 1), X = i ? d : Math.min(p + L, d) + h, P = Array(X + 2);
P[X + 1] = (1 << R) - 1;
for (let b = X; b >= K; b -= 1) {
let U = b - 1, q = t[n.charAt(U)];
if (f && (g[U] = +!!q), P[b] = (P[b + 1] << 1 | 1) & q, R && (P[b] |= (M[b + 1] | M[b]) << 1 | 1 | M[b + 1]), P[b] & W && (S = re(e, {
errors: R,
currentLocation: U,
expectedLocation: p,
distance: r,
ignoreLocation: u
}), R <= p)) {
if (p = R, v = B, v <= d)
}), S <= _)) {
if (_ = S, y = U, y <= p)
O = Math.max(1, 2 * d - v);
K = Math.max(1, 2 * p - y);
if (se(e, {
errors: M + 1,
currentLocation: d,
expectedLocation: d,
if (re(e, {
errors: R + 1,
currentLocation: p,
expectedLocation: p,
distance: r,
ignoreLocation: u
}) > p)
}) > _)
k = C;
M = P;
const Y = {
isMatch: v >= 0,
score: Math.max(1e-3, R)
const A = {
isMatch: y >= 0,
score: Math.max(1e-3, S)
if (w) {
const M = Rt(I, c);
M.length ? a && (Y.indices = M) : Y.isMatch = !1;
if (f) {
const R = Xt(g, a);
R.length ? c && (A.indices = R) : A.isMatch = !1;
return Y;
return A;
function $t(s) {
function qt(n) {
let e = {};
for (let t = 0, n = s.length; t < n; t += 1) {
const r = s.charAt(t);
e[r] = (e[r] || 0) | 1 << n - t - 1;
for (let t = 0, s = n.length; t < s; t += 1) {
const r = n.charAt(t);
e[r] = (e[r] || 0) | 1 << s - t - 1;
return e;
class Ge {
class qe {
constructor(e, {
location: t = m.location,
threshold: n = m.threshold,
threshold: s = m.threshold,
distance: r = m.distance,
includeMatches: i = m.includeMatches,
findAllMatches: o = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: c = m.minMatchCharLength,
isCaseSensitive: a = m.isCaseSensitive,
includeMatches: o = m.includeMatches,
findAllMatches: i = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: a = m.minMatchCharLength,
isCaseSensitive: c = m.isCaseSensitive,
ignoreLocation: u = m.ignoreLocation

@@ -417,26 +547,26 @@ } = {}) {

location: t,
threshold: n,
threshold: s,
distance: r,
includeMatches: i,
findAllMatches: o,
minMatchCharLength: c,
isCaseSensitive: a,
includeMatches: o,
findAllMatches: i,
minMatchCharLength: a,
isCaseSensitive: c,
ignoreLocation: u
}, this.pattern = a ? e : e.toLowerCase(), this.chunks = [], !this.pattern.length)
}, this.pattern = c ? e : e.toLowerCase(), this.chunks = [], !this.pattern.length)
const h = (d, p) => {
const h = (p, _) => {
pattern: d,
alphabet: $t(d),
startIndex: p
pattern: p,
alphabet: qt(p),
startIndex: _
}, f = this.pattern.length;
if (f > U) {
let d = 0;
const p = f % U, v = f - p;
for (; d < v; )
h(this.pattern.substr(d, U), d), d += U;
if (p) {
const w = f - U;
h(this.pattern.substr(w), w);
}, d = this.pattern.length;
if (d > z) {
let p = 0;
const _ = d % z, y = d - _;
for (; p < y; )
h(this.pattern.substr(p, z), p), p += z;
if (_) {
const f = d - z;
h(this.pattern.substr(f), f);

@@ -447,39 +577,39 @@ } else

searchIn(e) {
const { isCaseSensitive: t, includeMatches: n } = this.options;
const { isCaseSensitive: t, includeMatches: s } = this.options;
if (t || (e = e.toLowerCase()), this.pattern === e) {
let v = {
let y = {
isMatch: !0,
score: 0
return n && (v.indices = [[0, e.length - 1]]), v;
return s && (y.indices = [[0, e.length - 1]]), y;
const {
location: r,
distance: i,
threshold: o,
findAllMatches: c,
minMatchCharLength: a,
distance: o,
threshold: i,
findAllMatches: a,
minMatchCharLength: c,
ignoreLocation: u
} = this.options;
let h = [], f = 0, d = !1;
this.chunks.forEach(({ pattern: v, alphabet: w, startIndex: I }) => {
const { isMatch: A, score: k, indices: R } = Lt(e, v, w, {
location: r + I,
distance: i,
threshold: o,
findAllMatches: c,
minMatchCharLength: a,
includeMatches: n,
let h = [], d = 0, p = !1;
this.chunks.forEach(({ pattern: y, alphabet: f, startIndex: g }) => {
const { isMatch: I, score: M, indices: S } = Zt(e, y, f, {
location: r + g,
distance: o,
threshold: i,
findAllMatches: a,
minMatchCharLength: c,
includeMatches: s,
ignoreLocation: u
A && (d = !0), f += k, A && R && (h = [...h, ...R]);
I && (p = !0), d += M, I && S && (h = [...h, ...S]);
let p = {
isMatch: d,
score: d ? f / this.chunks.length : 1
let _ = {
isMatch: p,
score: p ? d / this.chunks.length : 1
return d && n && (p.indices = h), p;
return p && s && (_.indices = h), _;
class j {
class G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -489,6 +619,6 @@ this.pattern = e;

static isMultiMatch(e) {
return Le(e, this.multiRegex);
return Ke(e, this.multiRegex);
static isSingleMatch(e) {
return Le(e, this.singleRegex);
return Ke(e, this.singleRegex);

@@ -498,7 +628,7 @@ search() {

function Le(s, e) {
const t = s.match(e);
function Ke(n, e) {
const t = n.match(e);
return t ? t[1] : null;
class Ct extends j {
class en extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -525,3 +655,3 @@ super(e);

class Tt extends j {
class tn extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -540,6 +670,6 @@ super(e);

search(e) {
const n = e.indexOf(this.pattern) === -1;
const s = e.indexOf(this.pattern) === -1;
return {
isMatch: n,
score: n ? 0 : 1,
isMatch: s,
score: s ? 0 : 1,
indices: [0, e.length - 1]

@@ -549,3 +679,3 @@ };

class Ot extends j {
class nn extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -572,3 +702,3 @@ super(e);

class Nt extends j {
class sn extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -595,3 +725,3 @@ super(e);

class Ft extends j {
class rn extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -618,3 +748,3 @@ super(e);

class Kt extends j {
class on extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -641,21 +771,21 @@ super(e);

class Be extends j {
class et extends G {
constructor(e, {
location: t = m.location,
threshold: n = m.threshold,
threshold: s = m.threshold,
distance: r = m.distance,
includeMatches: i = m.includeMatches,
findAllMatches: o = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: c = m.minMatchCharLength,
isCaseSensitive: a = m.isCaseSensitive,
includeMatches: o = m.includeMatches,
findAllMatches: i = m.findAllMatches,
minMatchCharLength: a = m.minMatchCharLength,
isCaseSensitive: c = m.isCaseSensitive,
ignoreLocation: u = m.ignoreLocation
} = {}) {
super(e), this._bitapSearch = new Ge(e, {
super(e), this._bitapSearch = new qe(e, {
location: t,
threshold: n,
threshold: s,
distance: r,
includeMatches: i,
findAllMatches: o,
minMatchCharLength: c,
isCaseSensitive: a,
includeMatches: o,
findAllMatches: i,
minMatchCharLength: a,
isCaseSensitive: c,
ignoreLocation: u

@@ -677,3 +807,3 @@ });

class Ue extends j {
class tt extends G {
constructor(e) {

@@ -692,10 +822,10 @@ super(e);

search(e) {
let t = 0, n;
const r = [], i = this.pattern.length;
for (; (n = e.indexOf(this.pattern, t)) > -1; )
t = n + i, r.push([n, t - 1]);
const o = !!r.length;
let t = 0, s;
const r = [], o = this.pattern.length;
for (; (s = e.indexOf(this.pattern, t)) > -1; )
t = s + o, r.push([s, t - 1]);
const i = !!r.length;
return {
isMatch: o,
score: o ? 0 : 1,
isMatch: i,
score: i ? 0 : 1,
indices: r

@@ -705,29 +835,29 @@ };

const he = [
], $e = he.length, Pt = / +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)/, Dt = "|";
function Vt(s, e = {}) {
return s.split(Dt).map((t) => {
let n = t.trim().split(Pt).filter((i) => i && !!i.trim()), r = [];
for (let i = 0, o = n.length; i < o; i += 1) {
const c = n[i];
let a = !1, u = -1;
for (; !a && ++u < $e; ) {
const h = he[u];
let f = h.isMultiMatch(c);
f && (r.push(new h(f, e)), a = !0);
const _e = [
], De = _e.length, cn = / +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)/, an = "|";
function ln(n, e = {}) {
return n.split(an).map((t) => {
let s = t.trim().split(cn).filter((o) => o && !!o.trim()), r = [];
for (let o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; o += 1) {
const a = s[o];
let c = !1, u = -1;
for (; !c && ++u < De; ) {
const h = _e[u];
let d = h.isMultiMatch(a);
d && (r.push(new h(d, e)), c = !0);
if (!a)
for (u = -1; ++u < $e; ) {
const h = he[u];
let f = h.isSingleMatch(c);
if (f) {
r.push(new h(f, e));
if (!c)
for (u = -1; ++u < De; ) {
const h = _e[u];
let d = h.isSingleMatch(a);
if (d) {
r.push(new h(d, e));

@@ -740,12 +870,12 @@ }

const jt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([Be.type, Ue.type]);
class Gt {
const un = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([et.type, tt.type]);
class hn {
constructor(e, {
isCaseSensitive: t = m.isCaseSensitive,
includeMatches: n = m.includeMatches,
includeMatches: s = m.includeMatches,
minMatchCharLength: r = m.minMatchCharLength,
ignoreLocation: i = m.ignoreLocation,
findAllMatches: o = m.findAllMatches,
location: c = m.location,
threshold: a = m.threshold,
ignoreLocation: o = m.ignoreLocation,
findAllMatches: i = m.findAllMatches,
location: a = m.location,
threshold: c = m.threshold,
distance: u = m.distance

@@ -755,10 +885,10 @@ } = {}) {

isCaseSensitive: t,
includeMatches: n,
includeMatches: s,
minMatchCharLength: r,
findAllMatches: o,
ignoreLocation: i,
location: c,
threshold: a,
findAllMatches: i,
ignoreLocation: o,
location: a,
threshold: c,
distance: u
}, this.pattern = t ? e : e.toLowerCase(), this.query = Vt(this.pattern, this.options);
}, this.pattern = t ? e : e.toLowerCase(), this.query = ln(this.pattern, this.options);

@@ -775,26 +905,26 @@ static condition(e, t) {

const { includeMatches: n, isCaseSensitive: r } = this.options;
const { includeMatches: s, isCaseSensitive: r } = this.options;
e = r ? e : e.toLowerCase();
let i = 0, o = [], c = 0;
for (let a = 0, u = t.length; a < u; a += 1) {
const h = t[a];
o.length = 0, i = 0;
for (let f = 0, d = h.length; f < d; f += 1) {
const p = h[f], { isMatch: v, indices: w, score: I } =;
if (v) {
if (i += 1, c += I, n) {
const A = p.constructor.type;
jt.has(A) ? o = [...o, ...w] : o.push(w);
let o = 0, i = [], a = 0;
for (let c = 0, u = t.length; c < u; c += 1) {
const h = t[c];
i.length = 0, o = 0;
for (let d = 0, p = h.length; d < p; d += 1) {
const _ = h[d], { isMatch: y, indices: f, score: g } =;
if (y) {
if (o += 1, a += g, s) {
const I = _.constructor.type;
un.has(I) ? i = [...i, ...f] : i.push(f);
} else {
c = 0, i = 0, o.length = 0;
a = 0, o = 0, i.length = 0;
if (i) {
let f = {
if (o) {
let d = {
isMatch: !0,
score: c / i
score: a / o
return n && (f.indices = o), f;
return s && (d.indices = i), d;

@@ -808,105 +938,105 @@ }

const de = [];
function Bt(...s) {
const ve = [];
function dn(...n) {
function fe(s, e) {
for (let t = 0, n = de.length; t < n; t += 1) {
let r = de[t];
if (r.condition(s, e))
return new r(s, e);
function ye(n, e) {
for (let t = 0, s = ve.length; t < s; t += 1) {
let r = ve[t];
if (r.condition(n, e))
return new r(n, e);
return new Ge(s, e);
return new qe(n, e);
const re = {
const ce = {
AND: "$and",
OR: "$or"
}, me = {
}, Ee = {
PATH: "$path",
PATTERN: "$val"
}, pe = (s) => !!(s[re.AND] || s[re.OR]), Ut = (s) => !!s[me.PATH], zt = (s) => !P(s) && Pe(s) && !pe(s), Ce = (s) => ({
[re.AND]: Object.keys(s).map((e) => ({
[e]: s[e]
}, Ie = (n) => !!(n[ce.AND] || n[ce.OR]), fn = (n) => !!n[Ee.PATH], mn = (n) => !j(n) && Ye(n) && !Ie(n), je = (n) => ({
[ce.AND]: Object.keys(n).map((e) => ({
[e]: n[e]
function ze(s, e, { auto: t = !0 } = {}) {
const n = (r) => {
let i = Object.keys(r);
const o = Ut(r);
if (!o && i.length > 1 && !pe(r))
return n(Ce(r));
if (zt(r)) {
const a = o ? r[me.PATH] : i[0], u = o ? r[me.PATTERN] : r[a];
if (!T(u))
throw new Error(gt(a));
function nt(n, e, { auto: t = !0 } = {}) {
const s = (r) => {
let o = Object.keys(r);
const i = fn(r);
if (!i && o.length > 1 && !Ie(r))
return s(je(r));
if (mn(r)) {
const c = i ? r[Ee.PATH] : o[0], u = i ? r[Ee.PATTERN] : r[c];
if (!F(u))
throw new Error(Kt(c));
const h = {
keyId: ue(a),
keyId: ge(c),
pattern: u
return t && (h.searcher = fe(u, e)), h;
return t && (h.searcher = ye(u, e)), h;
let c = {
let a = {
children: [],
operator: i[0]
operator: o[0]
return i.forEach((a) => {
const u = r[a];
P(u) && u.forEach((h) => {
return o.forEach((c) => {
const u = r[c];
j(u) && u.forEach((h) => {
}), c;
}), a;
return pe(s) || (s = Ce(s)), n(s);
return Ie(n) || (n = je(n)), s(n);
function Wt(s, { ignoreFieldNorm: e = m.ignoreFieldNorm }) {
s.forEach((t) => {
let n = 1;
t.matches.forEach(({ key: r, norm: i, score: o }) => {
const c = r ? r.weight : null;
n *= Math.pow(
o === 0 && c ? Number.EPSILON : o,
(c || 1) * (e ? 1 : i)
function pn(n, { ignoreFieldNorm: e = m.ignoreFieldNorm }) {
n.forEach((t) => {
let s = 1;
t.matches.forEach(({ key: r, norm: o, score: i }) => {
const a = r ? r.weight : null;
s *= Math.pow(
i === 0 && a ? Number.EPSILON : i,
(a || 1) * (e ? 1 : o)
}), t.score = n;
}), t.score = s;
function Ht(s, e) {
const t = s.matches;
e.matches = [], b(t) && t.forEach((n) => {
if (!b(n.indices) || !n.indices.length)
function gn(n, e) {
const t = n.matches;
e.matches = [], k(t) && t.forEach((s) => {
if (!k(s.indices) || !s.indices.length)
const { indices: r, value: i } = n;
let o = {
const { indices: r, value: o } = s;
let i = {
indices: r,
value: i
value: o
n.key && (o.key = n.key.src), n.idx > -1 && (o.refIndex = n.idx), e.matches.push(o);
s.key && (i.key = s.key.src), s.idx > -1 && (i.refIndex = s.idx), e.matches.push(i);
function Yt(s, e) {
e.score = s.score;
function _n(n, e) {
e.score = n.score;
function Qt(s, e, {
function vn(n, e, {
includeMatches: t = m.includeMatches,
includeScore: n = m.includeScore
includeScore: s = m.includeScore
} = {}) {
const r = [];
return t && r.push(Ht), n && r.push(Yt), => {
const { idx: o } = i, c = {
item: e[o],
refIndex: o
return t && r.push(gn), s && r.push(_n), => {
const { idx: i } = o, a = {
item: e[i],
refIndex: i
return r.length && r.forEach((a) => {
a(i, c);
}), c;
return r.length && r.forEach((c) => {
c(o, a);
}), a;
class H {
constructor(e, t = {}, n) {
this.options = { ...m, ...t }, this.options.useExtendedSearch, this._keyStore = new yt(this.options.keys), this.setCollection(e, n);
class Y {
constructor(e, t = {}, s) {
this.options = { ...m, ...t }, this.options.useExtendedSearch, this._keyStore = new Bt(this.options.keys), this.setCollection(e, s);
setCollection(e, t) {
if (this._docs = e, t && !(t instanceof Ee))
throw new Error(pt);
this._myIndex = t || je(this.options.keys, this._docs, {
if (this._docs = e, t && !(t instanceof be))
throw new Error(Ft);
this._myIndex = t || Ze(this.options.keys, this._docs, {
getFn: this.options.getFn,

@@ -917,9 +1047,9 @@ fieldNormWeight: this.options.fieldNormWeight

add(e) {
!b(e) || (this._docs.push(e), this._myIndex.add(e));
!k(e) || (this._docs.push(e), this._myIndex.add(e));
remove(e = () => !1) {
const t = [];
for (let n = 0, r = this._docs.length; n < r; n += 1) {
const i = this._docs[n];
e(i, n) && (this.removeAt(n), n -= 1, r -= 1, t.push(i));
for (let s = 0, r = this._docs.length; s < r; s += 1) {
const o = this._docs[s];
e(o, s) && (this.removeAt(s), s -= 1, r -= 1, t.push(o));

@@ -936,11 +1066,11 @@ return t;

const {
includeMatches: n,
includeMatches: s,
includeScore: r,
shouldSort: i,
sortFn: o,
ignoreFieldNorm: c
shouldSort: o,
sortFn: i,
ignoreFieldNorm: a
} = this.options;
let a = T(e) ? T(this._docs[0]) ? this._searchStringList(e) : this._searchObjectList(e) : this._searchLogical(e);
return Wt(a, { ignoreFieldNorm: c }), i && a.sort(o), Ke(t) && t > -1 && (a = a.slice(0, t)), Qt(a, this._docs, {
includeMatches: n,
let c = F(e) ? F(this._docs[0]) ? this._searchStringList(e) : this._searchObjectList(e) : this._searchLogical(e);
return pn(c, { ignoreFieldNorm: a }), o && c.sort(i), He(t) && t > -1 && (c = c.slice(0, t)), vn(c, this._docs, {
includeMatches: s,
includeScore: r

@@ -950,11 +1080,11 @@ });

_searchStringList(e) {
const t = fe(e, this.options), { records: n } = this._myIndex, r = [];
return n.forEach(({ v: i, i: o, n: c }) => {
if (!b(i))
const t = ye(e, this.options), { records: s } = this._myIndex, r = [];
return s.forEach(({ v: o, i, n: a }) => {
if (!k(o))
const { isMatch: a, score: u, indices: h } = t.searchIn(i);
a && r.push({
item: i,
idx: o,
matches: [{ score: u, value: i, norm: c, indices: h }]
const { isMatch: c, score: u, indices: h } = t.searchIn(o);
c && r.push({
item: o,
idx: i,
matches: [{ score: u, value: o, norm: a, indices: h }]

@@ -964,14 +1094,14 @@ }), r;

_searchLogical(e) {
const t = ze(e, this.options), n = (c, a, u) => {
if (!c.children) {
const { keyId: f, searcher: d } = c, p = this._findMatches({
key: this._keyStore.get(f),
value: this._myIndex.getValueForItemAtKeyId(a, f),
searcher: d
const t = nt(e, this.options), s = (a, c, u) => {
if (!a.children) {
const { keyId: d, searcher: p } = a, _ = this._findMatches({
key: this._keyStore.get(d),
value: this._myIndex.getValueForItemAtKeyId(c, d),
searcher: p
return p && p.length ? [
return _ && _.length ? [
idx: u,
item: a,
matches: p
item: c,
matches: _

@@ -981,56 +1111,56 @@ ] : [];

const h = [];
for (let f = 0, d = c.children.length; f < d; f += 1) {
const p = c.children[f], v = n(p, a, u);
if (v.length)
else if (c.operator === re.AND)
for (let d = 0, p = a.children.length; d < p; d += 1) {
const _ = a.children[d], y = s(_, c, u);
if (y.length)
else if (a.operator === ce.AND)
return [];
return h;
}, r = this._myIndex.records, i = {}, o = [];
return r.forEach(({ $: c, i: a }) => {
if (b(c)) {
let u = n(t, c, a);
u.length && (i[a] || (i[a] = { idx: a, item: c, matches: [] }, o.push(i[a])), u.forEach(({ matches: h }) => {
}, r = this._myIndex.records, o = {}, i = [];
return r.forEach(({ $: a, i: c }) => {
if (k(a)) {
let u = s(t, a, c);
u.length && (o[c] || (o[c] = { idx: c, item: a, matches: [] }, i.push(o[c])), u.forEach(({ matches: h }) => {
}), o;
}), i;
_searchObjectList(e) {
const t = fe(e, this.options), { keys: n, records: r } = this._myIndex, i = [];
return r.forEach(({ $: o, i: c }) => {
if (!b(o))
const t = ye(e, this.options), { keys: s, records: r } = this._myIndex, o = [];
return r.forEach(({ $: i, i: a }) => {
if (!k(i))
let a = [];
n.forEach((u, h) => {
let c = [];
s.forEach((u, h) => {
key: u,
value: o[h],
value: i[h],
searcher: t
}), a.length && i.push({
idx: c,
item: o,
matches: a
}), c.length && o.push({
idx: a,
item: i,
matches: c
}), i;
}), o;
_findMatches({ key: e, value: t, searcher: n }) {
if (!b(t))
_findMatches({ key: e, value: t, searcher: s }) {
if (!k(t))
return [];
let r = [];
if (P(t))
t.forEach(({ v: i, i: o, n: c }) => {
if (!b(i))
if (j(t))
t.forEach(({ v: o, i, n: a }) => {
if (!k(o))
const { isMatch: a, score: u, indices: h } = n.searchIn(i);
a && r.push({
const { isMatch: c, score: u, indices: h } = s.searchIn(o);
c && r.push({
score: u,
key: e,
value: i,
idx: o,
norm: c,
value: o,
idx: i,
norm: a,
indices: h

@@ -1040,4 +1170,4 @@ });

else {
const { v: i, n: o } = t, { isMatch: c, score: a, indices: u } = n.searchIn(i);
c && r.push({ score: a, key: e, value: i, norm: o, indices: u });
const { v: o, n: i } = t, { isMatch: a, score: c, indices: u } = s.searchIn(o);
a && r.push({ score: c, key: e, value: o, norm: i, indices: u });

@@ -1047,9 +1177,9 @@ return r;

H.version = "6.6.2";
H.createIndex = je;
H.parseIndex = kt;
H.config = m;
H.parseQuery = ze;
const Te = Ze({
Y.version = "6.6.2";
Y.createIndex = Ze;
Y.parseIndex = Jt;
Y.config = m;
Y.parseQuery = nt;
const Ve = he({
selectedNode: "",

@@ -1064,18 +1194,18 @@ selectedGroup: "",

}), Q = () => ({
isSearching: K(() => !== ""),
}), J = () => ({
isSearching: $(() => !== ""),
function Xt(s) {
return { all: s = s || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), on: function(e, t) {
var n = s.get(e);
n ? n.push(t) : s.set(e, [t]);
function yn(n) {
return { all: n = n || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), on: function(e, t) {
var s = n.get(e);
s ? s.push(t) : n.set(e, [t]);
}, off: function(e, t) {
var n = s.get(e);
n && (t ? n.splice(n.indexOf(t) >>> 0, 1) : s.set(e, []));
var s = n.get(e);
s && (t ? s.splice(s.indexOf(t) >>> 0, 1) : n.set(e, []));
}, emit: function(e, t) {
var n = s.get(e);
n && n.slice().map(function(r) {
var s = n.get(e);
s && s.slice().map(function(r) {
}), (n = s.get("*")) && n.slice().map(function(r) {
}), (s = n.get("*")) && s.slice().map(function(r) {
r(e, t);

@@ -1085,7 +1215,7 @@ });

const Jt = Xt(), ie = () => ({
emitter: Jt
const En = yn(), ae = () => ({
emitter: En
function Zt(s, e) {
let t = s.nextElementSibling;
function In(n, e) {
let t = n.nextElementSibling;
for (; t; ) {

@@ -1097,4 +1227,4 @@ if (t.matches(e))

function qt(s, e) {
let t = s.previousElementSibling;
function Sn(n, e) {
let t = n.previousElementSibling;
for (; t; ) {

@@ -1106,6 +1236,6 @@ if (t.matches(e))

const es = { "command-root": "" }, ts = S({
const wn = { "command-root": "" }, Mn = x({
name: "Command"
}), ge = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
}), Se = /* @__PURE__ */ x({
props: {

@@ -1118,65 +1248,65 @@ theme: {

emits: ["select-item"],
setup(s, { emit: e }) {
const t = s, n = '[command-item=""]', r = "command-item-key", i = '[command-group=""]', o = "command-group-key", c = '[command-group-heading=""]', a = `${n}:not([aria-disabled="true"])`, u = `${n}[aria-selected="true"]`, h = "command-item-select", f = "data-value", d = {
setup(n, { emit: e }) {
const t = n, s = '[command-item=""]', r = "command-item-key", o = '[command-group=""]', i = "command-group-key", a = '[command-group-heading=""]', c = `${s}:not([aria-disabled="true"])`, u = `${s}[aria-selected="true"]`, h = "command-item-select", d = "data-value", p = {
threshold: 0.2,
keys: ["label"]
et("theme", t.theme || "default");
const { selectedNode: p, search: v, dataValue: w, filtered: I } = Q(), { emitter: A } = ie(), k = N(), R = oe(N(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), 333), G = oe(N(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), 333), q = oe(N(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())), Y = K(() => {
dt("theme", t.theme || "default");
const { selectedNode: _, search: y, dataValue: f, filtered: g } = J(), { emitter: I } = ae(), M = T(), S = le(T(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), 333), C = le(T(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), 333), W = le(T(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())), A = $(() => {
const l = [];
for (const [_, g] of R.value.entries())
for (const [E, v] of S.value.entries())
key: _,
label: g
key: E,
label: v
return l;
}), M = K(() => {
const l = H.createIndex(d.keys, Y.value);
return new H(Y.value, d, l);
}), $ = () => {
var _, g, E;
const l = x();
l && (((_ = l.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _.firstElementChild) === l && ((E = (g = l.closest(i)) == null ? void 0 : g.querySelector(c)) == null || E.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" })), l.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }));
}, x = () => {
}), R = $(() => {
const l = Y.createIndex(p.keys, A.value);
return new Y(A.value, p, l);
}), N = () => {
var E, v, w;
const l = L();
l && (((E = l.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : E.firstElementChild) === l && ((w = (v = l.closest(o)) == null ? void 0 : v.querySelector(a)) == null || w.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" })), l.scrollIntoView({ block: "nearest" }));
}, L = () => {
var l;
return (l = k.value) == null ? void 0 : l.querySelector(u);
}, O = (l = k.value) => {
const _ = l == null ? void 0 : l.querySelectorAll(
return (l = M.value) == null ? void 0 : l.querySelector(u);
}, K = (l = M.value) => {
const E = l == null ? void 0 : l.querySelectorAll(
return _ ? Array.from(_) : [];
return E ? Array.from(E) : [];
}, X = () => {
var _;
const l = (_ = k.value) == null ? void 0 : _.querySelectorAll(
var E;
const l = (E = M.value) == null ? void 0 : E.querySelectorAll(
return l ? Array.from(l) : [];
}, C = () => {
const [l] = O();
l && l.getAttribute(r) && (p.value = l.getAttribute(r) || "");
}, J = (l) => {
const g = O()[l];
g && (p.value = g.getAttribute(r) || "");
}, y = (l) => {
const _ = x(), g = O(), E = g.findIndex((ee) => ee === _), D = g[E + l];
D ? p.value = D.getAttribute(r) || "" : l > 0 ? J(0) : J(g.length - 1);
}, B = (l) => {
const _ = x();
let g = _ == null ? void 0 : _.closest(i), E = null;
for (; g && !E; )
g = l > 0 ? Zt(g, i) : qt(g, i), E = g == null ? void 0 : g.querySelector(a);
E ? p.value = E.getAttribute(r) || "" : y(l);
}, Z = () => J(0), ye = () => J(O().length - 1), Se = (l) => {
l.preventDefault(), l.metaKey ? ye() : l.altKey ? B(1) : y(1);
}, Ie = (l) => {
l.preventDefault(), l.metaKey ? Z() : l.altKey ? B(-1) : y(-1);
}, He = (l) => {
}, P = () => {
const [l] = K();
l && l.getAttribute(r) && (_.value = l.getAttribute(r) || "");
}, Z = (l) => {
const v = K()[l];
v && (_.value = v.getAttribute(r) || "");
}, b = (l) => {
const E = L(), v = K(), w = v.findIndex((te) => te === E), V = v[w + l];
V ? _.value = V.getAttribute(r) || "" : l > 0 ? Z(0) : Z(v.length - 1);
}, U = (l) => {
const E = L();
let v = E == null ? void 0 : E.closest(o), w = null;
for (; v && !w; )
v = l > 0 ? In(v, o) : Sn(v, o), w = v == null ? void 0 : v.querySelector(c);
w ? _.value = w.getAttribute(r) || "" : b(l);
}, q = () => Z(0), xe = () => Z(K().length - 1), Ae = (l) => {
l.preventDefault(), l.metaKey ? xe() : l.altKey ? U(1) : b(1);
}, Re = (l) => {
l.preventDefault(), l.metaKey ? q() : l.altKey ? U(-1) : b(-1);
}, rt = (l) => {
switch (l.key) {
case "n":
case "j": {
l.ctrlKey && Se(l);
l.ctrlKey && Ae(l);
case "ArrowDown": {

@@ -1186,92 +1316,92 @@ }

case "k": {
l.ctrlKey && Ie(l);
l.ctrlKey && Re(l);
case "ArrowUp": {
case "Home": {
case "End": {
case "Enter": {
const _ = x();
if (_) {
const g = new Event(h);
const E = L();
if (E) {
const v = new Event(h);
}, Ye = () => {
if (!v.value) {
I.value.count = G.value.size;
}, ot = () => {
if (!y.value) {
g.value.count = C.value.size;
I.value.groups = new Set("");
const l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), _ = => g.item);
for (const { key: g, label: E } of _)
l.set(g, E);
for (const [g, E] of q.value)
for (const D of E)
l.get(D) && I.value.groups.add(g);
te(() => {
I.value.count = l.size, I.value.items = l;
g.value.groups = new Set("");
const l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), E = => v.item);
for (const { key: v, label: w } of E)
l.set(v, w);
for (const [v, w] of W.value)
for (const V of w)
l.get(V) && g.value.groups.add(v);
ne(() => {
g.value.count = l.size, g.value.items = l;
}, Me = () => {
const l = O(), _ = X();
for (const g of l) {
const E = g.getAttribute(r) || "", D = g.getAttribute(f) || "";
G.value.add(E), R.value.set(E, D), I.value.count = R.value.size;
}, Le = () => {
const l = K(), E = X();
for (const v of l) {
const w = v.getAttribute(r) || "", V = v.getAttribute(d) || "";
C.value.add(w), S.value.set(w, V), g.value.count = S.value.size;
for (const g of _) {
const E = O(g), D = g.getAttribute(o) || "", ee = new Set("");
for (const Xe of E) {
const Je = Xe.getAttribute(r) || "";
for (const v of E) {
const w = K(v), V = v.getAttribute(i) || "", te = new Set("");
for (const ct of w) {
const at = ct.getAttribute(r) || "";
q.value.set(D, ee);
W.value.set(V, te);
() => p.value,
() => _.value,
(l) => {
l && te($);
l && ne(N);
{ deep: !0 }
), ae(
() => v.value,
), ee(
() => y.value,
(l) => {
Ye(), te(C);
ot(), ne(P);
), A.on("selectItem", (l) => {
), I.on("selectItem", (l) => {
e("select-item", l);
const Qe = Fe((l) => {
l && (Me(), te(C));
const it = Ue((l) => {
l && (Le(), ne(P));
}, 100);
return A.on("rerenderList", Qe), tt(() => {
Me(), C();
}), (l, _) => (F(), W("div", {
class: st(s.theme),
onKeydown: He,
return I.on("rerenderList", it), ft(() => {
Le(), P();
}), (l, E) => (D(), H("div", {
class: mt(n.theme),
onKeydown: rt,
ref_key: "commandRef",
ref: k
ref: M
}, [
V("div", es, [
z(l.$slots, "default")
B("div", wn, [
Q(l.$slots, "default")
], 34));
}), ss = { "command-dialog": "" }, ns = { "command-dialog-mask": "" }, rs = { "command-dialog-wrapper": "" }, is = { "command-dialog-header": "" }, os = { "command-dialog-body": "" }, cs = {
}), bn = { "command-dialog": "" }, xn = { "command-dialog-mask": "" }, An = { "command-dialog-wrapper": "" }, Rn = { "command-dialog-header": "" }, Ln = { "command-dialog-body": "" }, On = {
key: 0,
"command-dialog-footer": ""
}, as = S({
}, kn = x({
name: "Command.Dialog"
}), ls = /* @__PURE__ */ S({,
}), Cn = /* @__PURE__ */ x({,
props: {

@@ -1281,33 +1411,38 @@ visible: { type: Boolean },

emits: ["select-item", "keydown"],
setup(s, { emit: e }) {
const { search: t, filtered: n } = Q(), { emitter: r } = ie();
return r.on("selectItem", (i) => {
e("select-item", i);
}), _e(() => {
t.value = "", n.value.count = 0, n.value.items = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), n.value.groups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
}), (i, o) => (F(), we(nt, { to: "body" }, [
rt(it, {
emits: ["select-item"],
setup(n, { emit: e }) {
const t = n, { search: s, filtered: r } = J(), { emitter: o } = ae(), i = T();
o.on("selectItem", (c) => {
e("select-item", c);
const a = () => {
s.value = "", r.value.count = 0, r.value.items = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), r.value.groups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
return ze(() => t.visible, a), we(a), (c, u) => (D(), Oe(pt, {
to: "body",
ref_key: "dialogRef",
ref: i
}, [
gt(_t, {
name: "command-dialog",
appear: ""
}, {
default: xe(() => [
s.visible ? (F(), we(ge, {
default: ke(() => [
n.visible ? (D(), Oe(Se, {
key: 0,
theme: s.theme,
onKeydown: o[0] || (o[0] = (c) => e("keydown", c))
theme: n.theme
}, {
default: xe(() => [
V("div", ss, [
V("div", ns, [
V("div", rs, [
V("div", is, [
z(i.$slots, "header")
default: ke(() => [
B("div", bn, [
B("div", xn, [
B("div", An, [
B("div", Rn, [
Q(c.$slots, "header")
V("div", os, [
z(i.$slots, "body")
B("div", Ln, [
Q(c.$slots, "body")
i.$slots.footer ? (F(), W("div", cs, [
z(i.$slots, "footer")
])) : le("", !0)
c.$slots.footer ? (D(), H("div", On, [
Q(c.$slots, "footer")
])) : de("", !0)

@@ -1318,46 +1453,46 @@ ])

_: 3
}, 8, ["theme"])) : le("", !0)
}, 8, ["theme"])) : de("", !0)
_: 3
], 512));
let We = (s = 21) => crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(s)).reduce((e, t) => (t &= 63, t < 36 ? e += t.toString(36) : t < 62 ? e += (t - 26).toString(36).toUpperCase() : t > 62 ? e += "-" : e += "_", e), "");
const us = ["command-group-key", "data-value"], hs = {
let st = (n = 21) => crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(n)).reduce((e, t) => (t &= 63, t < 36 ? e += t.toString(36) : t < 62 ? e += (t - 26).toString(36).toUpperCase() : t > 62 ? e += "-" : e += "_", e), "");
const Tn = ["command-group-key", "data-value"], $n = {
key: 0,
"command-group-heading": ""
}, ds = {
}, Nn = {
"command-group-items": "",
role: "group"
}, fs = S({
}, Pn = x({
name: "Command.Group"
}), ms = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
}), Fn = /* @__PURE__ */ x({
props: {
heading: null
setup(s) {
const e = K(() => `command-group-${We()}`), { filtered: t, isSearching: n } = Q(), r = K(
() => n.value ? t.value.groups.has(e.value) : !0
setup(n) {
const e = $(() => `command-group-${st()}`), { filtered: t, isSearching: s } = J(), r = $(
() => s.value ? t.value.groups.has(e.value) : !0
return (i, o) => Oe((F(), W("div", {
return (o, i) => Be((D(), H("div", {
"command-group": "",
role: "presentation",
key: L(e),
"command-group-key": L(e),
"data-value": s.heading
key: O(e),
"command-group-key": O(e),
"data-value": n.heading
}, [
s.heading ? (F(), W("div", hs, ot(s.heading), 1)) : le("", !0),
V("div", ds, [
z(i.$slots, "default")
n.heading ? (D(), H("div", $n, vt(n.heading), 1)) : de("", !0),
B("div", Nn, [
Q(o.$slots, "default")
], 8, us)), [
[Ne, L(r)]
], 8, Tn)), [
[Ge, O(r)]
}), ps = ["placeholder", "value"], gs = S({
}), Kn = ["placeholder", "value"], Dn = x({
name: "Command.Input"
}), _s = /* @__PURE__ */ S({,
}), jn = /* @__PURE__ */ x({
props: {

@@ -1368,11 +1503,11 @@ placeholder: null,

emits: ["input", "update:value"],
setup(s, { emit: e }) {
const t = N(null), { search: n } = Q(), r = K(() => n.value), i = (o) => {
const c = o, a =;
n.value = a == null ? void 0 : a.value, e("input", c), e("update:value", n.value);
setup(n, { emit: e }) {
const t = T(null), { search: s } = J(), r = $(() => s.value), o = (i) => {
const a = i, c =;
s.value = c == null ? void 0 : c.value, e("input", a), e("update:value", s.value);
return ve(() => {
var o;
(o = t.value) == null || o.focus();
}), (o, c) => (F(), W("input", {
return Me(() => {
var i;
(i = t.value) == null || i.focus();
}), (i, a) => (D(), H("input", {
ref_key: "inputRef",

@@ -1388,66 +1523,72 @@ ref: t,

"aria-expanded": !0,
placeholder: s.placeholder,
value: L(r),
onInput: i
}, null, 40, ps));
placeholder: n.placeholder,
value: O(r),
onInput: o
}, null, 40, Kn));
}), vs = ["aria-selected", "aria-disabled", "command-item-key"], Es = S({
}), Vn = ["aria-selected", "aria-disabled", "command-item-key"], Bn = x({
name: "Command.Item"
}), ys = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
}), Gn = /* @__PURE__ */ x({
props: {
shortcut: null,
perform: null
emits: ["select"],
setup(s, { emit: e }) {
const t = "command-item-select", n = "data-value", { selectedNode: r, filtered: i, isSearching: o } = Q(), { emitter: c } = ie(), a = N(), u = K(() => `command-item-${We()}`), h = K(() => {
const d = i.value.items.get(u.value);
return o.value ? d !== void 0 : !0;
}), f = () => {
var p;
const d = {
key: u.value,
value: ((p = a.value) == null ? void 0 : p.getAttribute(n)) || ""
setup(n, { emit: e }) {
const t = n, s = "command-item-select", r = "data-value", { current: o } = xt(), { selectedNode: i, filtered: a, isSearching: c } = J(), { emitter: u } = ae(), h = T(), d = $(() => `command-item-${st()}`), p = $(() => {
const f = a.value.items.get(d.value);
return c.value ? f !== void 0 : !0;
}), _ = $(() => Array.from(o)), y = () => {
var g;
const f = {
key: d.value,
value: ((g = h.value) == null ? void 0 : g.getAttribute(r)) || ""
e("select", d), c.emit("selectItem", d);
e("select", f), u.emit("selectItem", f);
return ve(() => {
var d;
(d = a.value) == null || d.addEventListener(t, f);
}), _e(() => {
var d;
(d = a.value) == null || d.removeEventListener(t, f);
}), (d, p) => Oe((F(), W("div", {
return ze(_, (f) => {
t.shortcut && t.shortcut.length > 0 && t.shortcut.every((I) => o.has(I.toLowerCase())) && t.perform && t.perform();
}), Me(() => {
var f;
(f = h.value) == null || f.addEventListener(s, y);
}), we(() => {
var f;
(f = h.value) == null || f.removeEventListener(s, y);
}), (f, g) => Be((D(), H("div", {
ref_key: "itemRef",
ref: a,
ref: h,
"command-item": "",
role: "option",
"aria-selected": L(r) === L(u),
"aria-disabled": !L(h),
key: L(u),
"command-item-key": L(u),
onClick: f
"aria-selected": O(i) === O(d),
"aria-disabled": !O(p),
key: O(d),
"command-item-key": O(d),
onClick: y
}, [
z(d.$slots, "default")
], 8, vs)), [
[Ne, L(h)]
Q(f.$slots, "default")
], 8, Vn)), [
[Ge, O(p)]
}), Ss = S({
}), Wn = x({
name: "Command.List"
}), Is = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
setup(s) {
const { emitter: e } = ie(), t = N(), n = N();
let r = null, i;
return ve(() => {
i = n.value;
const o = t.value;
i && o && (r = new ResizeObserver((c) => {
const a = i == null ? void 0 : i.getBoundingClientRect().height;
o == null ||
}), Un = /* @__PURE__ */ x({
setup(n) {
const { emitter: e } = ae(), t = T(), s = T();
let r = null, o;
return Me(() => {
o = s.value;
const i = t.value;
o && i && (r = new ResizeObserver((a) => {
const c = o == null ? void 0 : o.getBoundingClientRect().height;
i == null ||
`${a == null ? void 0 : a.toFixed(1)}px`
`${c == null ? void 0 : c.toFixed(1)}px`
), e.emit("rerenderList", !0);
}), r.observe(i));
}), _e(() => {
r !== null && i && r.unobserve(i);
}), (o, c) => (F(), W("div", {
}), r.observe(o));
}), we(() => {
r !== null && o && r.unobserve(o);
}), (i, a) => (D(), H("div", {
"command-list": "",

@@ -1459,16 +1600,16 @@ role: "listbox",

}, [
V("div", {
B("div", {
"command-list-sizer": "",
ref_key: "heightRef",
ref: n
ref: s
}, [
z(o.$slots, "default")
Q(i.$slots, "default")
], 512)
], 512));
}), Ms = S({
}), zn = x({
name: "Command.Empty",
setup(s, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
const { filtered: n } = Q(), r = K(() => n.value.count === 0);
return () => r.value ? ne(
setup(n, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
const { filtered: s } = J(), r = $(() => s.value.count === 0);
return () => r.value ? ie(

@@ -1481,3 +1622,3 @@ {

) : ne("div", {
) : ie("div", {
"command-empty": "hidden",

@@ -1491,6 +1632,6 @@ role: "presentation",

}), ws = S({
}), Qn = x({
name: "Command.Loading",
setup(s, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
return () => ne(
setup(n, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
return () => ie(

@@ -1505,6 +1646,6 @@ {

}), xs = S({
}), Hn = x({
name: "Command.Separator",
setup(s, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
return () => ne("div", {
setup(n, { attrs: e, slots: t }) {
return () => ie("div", {
"command-separator": "",

@@ -1515,15 +1656,15 @@ role: "separator",

}), As = Object.assign(ge, {
Dialog: ls,
Empty: Ms,
Group: ms,
Input: _s,
Item: ys,
List: Is,
Loading: ws,
Separator: xs,
Root: ge
}), Jn = Object.assign(Se, {
Dialog: Cn,
Empty: zn,
Group: Fn,
Input: jn,
Item: Gn,
List: Un,
Loading: Qn,
Separator: Hn,
Root: Se
export {
As as Command
Jn as Command
"name": "vue-command-palette",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.1",
"type": "module",

@@ -39,2 +39,3 @@ "author": "xiaoluoboding <>",

"@vueuse/core": "^9.1.1",
"highlight.js": "^11.6.0",
"sass": "^1.54.8",

@@ -41,0 +42,0 @@ "typescript": "^4.6.4",

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