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Comparing version 0.3.2 to 0.3.3



@@ -1,8 +0,8 @@

var me = Object.defineProperty;
var pe = (t, e, s) => e in t ? me(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;
var b = (t, e, s) => (pe(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, s), s);
var pe = Object.defineProperty;
var he = (t, e, s) => e in t ? pe(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;
var b = (t, e, s) => (he(t, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, s), s);
import "./assets/index.a4db810a.css";
import { defineComponent as j, openBlock as l, createElementBlock as f, createElementVNode as B, Fragment as L, renderList as ne, unref as r, ref as c, computed as p, onMounted as Z, watchEffect as R, onUnmounted as ae, normalizeClass as oe, normalizeStyle as ee, createVNode as he, createCommentVNode as w, createBlock as F, createTextVNode as ie, toDisplayString as U, resolveDynamicComponent as ye, useAttrs as ge } from "vue";
import { defineComponent as j, openBlock as u, createElementBlock as f, createElementVNode as C, Fragment as z, renderList as ne, unref as r, ref as c, computed as p, onMounted as Z, watchEffect as R, onUnmounted as ae, normalizeClass as oe, normalizeStyle as ee, createVNode as ye, createCommentVNode as w, createBlock as L, createTextVNode as ie, toDisplayString as F, resolveDynamicComponent as ge, useAttrs as be } from "vue";
let H = 0;
class be {
class xe {
constructor() {

@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ b(this, "subscribers");

(i) => i({ id:, dismiss: !0 })
(a) => a({ id:, dismiss: !0 })
}), this.subscribers.forEach((s) => s({ id: e, dismiss: !0 })), e));
b(this, "message", (e, s) => {
const i = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: i, title: e }), i;
const a = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: a, title: e }), a;
b(this, "error", (e, s) => {
const i = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: i, type: "error", title: e }), i;
const a = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: a, type: "error", title: e }), a;
b(this, "success", (e, s) => {
const i = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: i, type: "success", title: e }), i;
const a = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, id: a, type: "success", title: e }), a;
b(this, "promise", (e, s) => {
const i = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, promise: e, id: i }), i;
const a = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return this.publish({ ...s, promise: e, id: a }), a;
b(this, "custom", (e, s) => {
const i = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
this.publish({ ...s, id: i, title: e });
const a = (s == null ? void 0 : || H++;
this.publish({ ...s, id: a, title: e });

@@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ this.subscribers = [], this.toasts = [];

const N = new be(), xe = (t, e) => {
const $ = new xe(), Te = (t, e) => {
const s = (e == null ? void 0 : || H++;
return N.publish({
return $.publish({
title: t,

@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ ...e,

}), s;
}, Te = xe, at = Object.assign(Te, {
success: N.success,
error: N.error,
custom: N.custom,
message: N.message,
promise: N.promise,
dismiss: N.dismiss
}), we = ["data-visible"], ke = { className: "sonner-spinner" }, Be = /* @__PURE__ */ j({
}, we = Te, rt = Object.assign(we, {
success: $.success,
error: $.error,
custom: $.custom,
message: $.message,
promise: $.promise,
dismiss: $.dismiss
}), ke = ["data-visible"], Ce = { className: "sonner-spinner" }, Be = /* @__PURE__ */ j({
__name: "Loader",

@@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ props: {

const e = Array(12).fill(0);
return (s, i) => (l(), f("div", {
return (s, a) => (u(), f("div", {
className: "sonner-loading-wrapper",
"data-visible": t.visible
}, [
B("div", ke, [
(l(!0), f(L, null, ne(r(e), (D) => (l(), f("div", {
key: `spinner-bar-${D}`,
C("div", Ce, [
(u(!0), f(z, null, ne(r(e), (N) => (u(), f("div", {
key: `spinner-bar-${N}`,
className: "sonner-loading-bar"
}))), 128))
], 8, we));
], 8, ke));
}), A = (t, e) => {
const s = t.__vccOpts || t;
for (const [i, D] of e)
s[i] = D;
for (const [a, N] of e)
s[a] = N;
return s;
}, $e = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Be, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/Loader.vue"]]), Ce = {}, Ne = {
}, $e = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Be, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/Loader.vue"]]), Ne = {}, De = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ viewBox: "0 0 20 20",

width: "20"
}, De = /* @__PURE__ */ B("path", {
}, Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ C("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",
d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z",
"clip-rule": "evenodd"
}, null, -1), Ie = [
}, null, -1), Ee = [
function Ee(t, e) {
return l(), f("svg", Ne, Ie);
function Pe(t, e) {
return u(), f("svg", De, Ee);
const _e = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Ce, [["render", Ee], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/SuccessIcon.vue"]]), Pe = {}, Se = {
const Se = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Ne, [["render", Pe], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/SuccessIcon.vue"]]), qe = {}, Oe = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ viewBox: "0 0 20 20",

width: "20"
}, qe = /* @__PURE__ */ B("path", {
}, _e = /* @__PURE__ */ C("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",
d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-8-5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-4.5A.75.75 0 0110 5zm0 10a1 1 0 100-2 1 1 0 000 2z",
"clip-rule": "evenodd"
}, null, -1), Oe = [
}, null, -1), He = [
function He(t, e) {
return l(), f("svg", Se, Oe);
function Re(t, e) {
return u(), f("svg", Oe, He);
const Re = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Pe, [["render", He], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/ErrorIcon.vue"]]), Ae = {}, Me = {
const Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ A(qe, [["render", Re], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/ErrorIcon.vue"]]), Me = {}, Ue = {
xmlns: "",

@@ -132,3 +132,3 @@ width: "12",

"stroke-linejoin": "round"
}, Ue = /* @__PURE__ */ B("line", {
}, Fe = /* @__PURE__ */ C("line", {
x1: "18",

@@ -138,3 +138,3 @@ y1: "6",

y2: "18"
}, null, -1), Fe = /* @__PURE__ */ B("line", {
}, null, -1), Le = /* @__PURE__ */ C("line", {
x1: "6",

@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ y1: "6",

y2: "18"
}, null, -1), Le = [
}, null, -1), ze = [
function ze(t, e) {
return l(), f("svg", Me, Le);
function Ge(t, e) {
return u(), f("svg", Ue, ze);
const Ge = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Ae, [["render", ze], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/CloseIcon.vue"]]), Ve = ["aria-live", "data-styled", "data-mounted", "data-promise", "data-removed", "data-visible", "data-y-position", "data-x-position", "data-index", "data-front", "data-swiping", "data-type", "data-invert", "data-swipe-out", "data-expanded"], je = ["data-disabled"], Ke = {
const Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Me, [["render", Ge], ["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/assets/CloseIcon.vue"]]), je = ["aria-live", "data-styled", "data-mounted", "data-promise", "data-removed", "data-visible", "data-y-position", "data-x-position", "data-index", "data-front", "data-swiping", "data-type", "data-invert", "data-swipe-out", "data-expanded"], Ke = ["data-disabled"], We = {
key: 1,
"data-icon": ""
}, We = { "data-content": "" }, Ye = { "data-title": "" }, Je = /* @__PURE__ */ j({
}, Ye = { "data-content": "" }, Je = { "data-title": "" }, Qe = /* @__PURE__ */ j({
__name: "Toast",

@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ props: {

setup(t) {
const e = t, s = 4e3, i = 14, D = 20, K = 200, m = (o) => Boolean(o.promise), I = c(!1), g = c(!1), $ = c(!1), _ = c(!1), v = c(null), P = c(0), z = c(0), S = c(null), d = c(null), n = p(() => e.index === 0), h = p(() => e.index + 1 <= e.visibleToasts), x = p(() => e.toast.type), q = e.toast.className || "", E = e.toast.descriptionClassName || "", C = p(
const e = t, s = 4e3, a = 14, N = 20, K = 200, m = (o) => Boolean(o.promise), D = c(!1), g = c(!1), B = c(!1), S = c(!1), v = c(null), q = c(0), G = c(0), O = c(null), d = c(null), l = p(() => e.index === 0), h = p(() => e.index + 1 <= e.visibleToasts), x = p(() => e.toast.type), _ = e.toast.className || "", I = e.toast.descriptionClassName || "", E = || {}, M = p(
() => e.heights.findIndex((o) => o.toastId === || 0
), G = p(
), re = p(
() => e.toast.duration || e.duration || s
), W = c(0), M = c(0), Y = c(G.value), te = c(0), V = c(null), J = p(() => e.position.split("-")), re = p(() => e.heights.reduce((o, a, u) => u >= C.value ? o : o + a.height, 0)), le = p(() => e.toast.invert || e.invert), Q = p(() => v.value === "loading"), se = p(
), W = c(0), U = c(0), Y = c(re.value), te = c(0), V = c(null), J = p(() => e.position.split("-")), le = p(() => e.heights.reduce((o, i, n) => n >= M.value ? o : o + i.height, 0)), ue = p(() => e.toast.invert || e.invert), Q = p(() => v.value === "loading"), se = p(
() => {

@@ -230,3 +230,3 @@ var o;

), X = p(() => !m(e.toast) && typeof e.toast.title == "object"), ue = p(() => {
), X = p(() => !m(e.toast) && typeof e.toast.title == "object"), ce = p(() => {
if (!m(e.toast))

@@ -238,5 +238,5 @@ return null;

case "success":
return typeof e.toast.success == "function" ? S.value : e.toast.success;
return typeof e.toast.success == "function" ? O.value : e.toast.success;
case "error":
return typeof e.toast.error == "function" ? S.value : e.toast.error;
return typeof e.toast.error == "function" ? O.value : e.toast.error;

@@ -246,25 +246,25 @@ return null;

Z(() => I.value = !0), R(() => {
M.value = C.value * i + re.value;
Z(() => D.value = !0), R(() => {
U.value = M.value * a + le.value;
}), R(() => {
var o, a;
var o, i;
if (e.toast && m(e.toast)) {
const u = e.toast;
const n = e.toast;
v.value = "loading";
const T = (y) => {
y.then((k) => {
u.success && typeof u.success == "function" && (S.value = u.success(k)), v.value = "success";
n.success && typeof n.success == "function" && (O.value = n.success(k)), v.value = "success";
}).catch((k) => {
u.error && typeof u.error == "function" && (S.value = u.error(k)), v.value = "error";
n.error && typeof n.error == "function" && (O.value = n.error(k)), v.value = "error";
e.toast.promise instanceof Promise ? T(e.toast.promise) : typeof e.toast.promise == "function" && T((a = (o = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : o.promise) == null ? void 0 :;
e.toast.promise instanceof Promise ? T(e.toast.promise) : typeof e.toast.promise == "function" && T((i = (o = e.toast) == null ? void 0 : o.promise) == null ? void 0 :;
function ce() {
var o, a;
Q.value || (O(), (a = (o = e.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, e.toast));
function de() {
var o, i;
Q.value || (P(), (i = (o = e.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, e.toast));
function O() {
g.value = !0, P.value = M.value, e.setHeights(
function P() {
g.value = !0, q.value = U.value, e.setHeights(
e.heights.filter((o) => o.toastId !==

@@ -275,26 +275,26 @@ ), setTimeout(() => {

const de = (o) => {
Q || (P.value = M.value,, !== "BUTTON" && ($.value = !0, V.value = o.clientY));
}, ve = (o) => {
var u, T, y, k;
if (_.value)
const ve = (o) => {
Q || (q.value = U.value,, !== "BUTTON" && (B.value = !0, V.value = o.clientY));
}, fe = (o) => {
var n, T, y, k;
if (S.value)
const a = Number(
((u = d.value) == null ? void 0 :"--swipe-amount").replace("px", "")) || 0
const i = Number(
((n = d.value) == null ? void 0 :"--swipe-amount").replace("px", "")) || 0
if (Math.abs(a) >= D) {
P.value = M.value, (y = (T = e.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, e.toast), O(), _.value = !0;
if (Math.abs(i) >= N) {
q.value = U.value, (y = (T = e.toast).onDismiss) == null ||, e.toast), P(), S.value = !0;
(k = d.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", "0px"), V.value = null, $.value = !0;
}, fe = (o) => {
(k = d.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", "0px"), V.value = null, B.value = !0;
}, me = (o) => {
var T, y;
if (!V.value)
const a = o.clientY - V.value;
if (!(J.value[0] === "top" ? a < 0 : a > 0)) {
const i = o.clientY - V.value;
if (!(J.value[0] === "top" ? i < 0 : i > 0)) {
(T = d.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", "0px");
(y = d.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", `${a}px`);
(y = d.value) == null ||"--swipe-amount", `${i}px`);

@@ -304,4 +304,4 @@ return R((o) => {

let a;
const u = () => {
let i;
const n = () => {
if (te.value < W.value) {

@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ const y = new Date().getTime() - W.value;

}, T = () => {
W.value = new Date().getTime(), a = setTimeout(() => {
W.value = new Date().getTime(), i = setTimeout(() => {
var y, k;
(k = (y = e.toast).onAutoClose) == null ||, e.toast), O();
(k = (y = e.toast).onAutoClose) == null ||, e.toast), P();
}, Y.value);
e.expanded || e.interacting ? u() : T(), o(() => {
e.expanded || e.interacting ? n() : T(), o(() => {

@@ -325,3 +325,3 @@ }), Z(() => {

const o = d.value.getBoundingClientRect().height;
z.value = o, e.setHeights([{ toastId:, height: o }, ...e.heights]);
G.value = o, e.setHeights([{ toastId:, height: o }, ...e.heights]);

@@ -333,4 +333,4 @@ }), ae(() => {

}), R(() => {
e.toast.delete && O();
}), (o, a) => (l(), f("li", {
e.toast.delete && P();
}), (o, i) => (u(), f("li", {
"aria-live": t.toast.important ? "assertive" : "polite",

@@ -343,5 +343,5 @@ "aria-atomic": "",

"data-sonner-toast": "",
class: oe(r(q)),
class: oe(r(_)),
"data-styled": !r(X),
"data-mounted": I.value,
"data-mounted": D.value,
"data-promise": Boolean(t.toast.promise),

@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ "data-removed": g.value,

"data-index": e.index,
"data-front": r(n),
"data-swiping": $.value,
"data-front": r(l),
"data-swiping": B.value,
"data-type": v.value !== "loading" && v.value ? v.value : r(x),
"data-invert": r(le),
"data-swipe-out": _.value,
"data-expanded": Boolean(e.expanded || e.expandByDefault && I.value),
"data-invert": r(ue),
"data-swipe-out": S.value,
"data-expanded": Boolean(e.expanded || e.expandByDefault && D.value),
style: ee({

@@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ "--index": e.index,

"--z-index": t.toasts.length - e.index,
"--offset": `${g.value ? P.value : M.value}px`,
"--initial-height": e.expandByDefault ? "auto" : `${z.value}px`,
"--offset": `${g.value ? q.value : U.value}px`,
"--initial-height": e.expandByDefault ? "auto" : `${G.value}px`,
onPointerdown: de,
onPointerup: ve,
onPointermove: fe
onPointerdown: ve,
onPointerup: fe,
onPointermove: me
}, [
e.closeButton && !r(X) ? (l(), f("button", {
e.closeButton && !r(X) ? (u(), f("button", {
key: 0,

@@ -378,52 +378,58 @@ "aria-label": "Close toast",

"data-close-button": "",
onClick: ce
onClick: de
}, [
], 8, je)) : w("v-if", !0),
r(x) || t.toast.icon || t.toast.promise ? (l(), f("div", Ke, [
typeof t.toast.promise == "function" ? (l(), F($e, {
], 8, Ke)) : w("v-if", !0),
r(x) || t.toast.icon || t.toast.promise ? (u(), f("div", We, [
typeof t.toast.promise == "function" ? (u(), L($e, {
key: 0,
visible: v.value === "loading"
}, null, 8, ["visible"])) : w("v-if", !0),
r(se) === "success" ? (l(), F(_e, { key: 1 })) : w("v-if", !0),
r(se) === "error" ? (l(), F(Re, { key: 2 })) : w("v-if", !0)
r(se) === "success" ? (u(), L(Se, { key: 1 })) : w("v-if", !0),
r(se) === "error" ? (u(), L(Ae, { key: 2 })) : w("v-if", !0)
])) : w("v-if", !0),
B("div", We, [
B("div", Ye, [
typeof t.toast.title == "string" ? (l(), f(L, { key: 0 }, [
ie(U(t.toast.title), 1)
], 64)) : t.toast.title === void 0 || t.toast.title === null ? (l(), f(L, { key: 1 }, [
ie(U(r(ue)), 1)
], 64)) : r(X) ? (l(), F(ye(t.toast.title), { key: 2 })) : w("v-if", !0)
C("div", Ye, [
C("div", Je, [
typeof t.toast.title == "string" ? (u(), f(z, { key: 0 }, [
ie(F(t.toast.title), 1)
], 64)) : t.toast.title === void 0 || t.toast.title === null ? (u(), f(z, { key: 1 }, [
ie(F(r(ce)), 1)
], 64)) : r(X) ? (u(), L(ge(t.toast.title), {
key: 2,
onCloseToast: i[0] || (i[0] = () => {
var n;
P(), (n = t.toast.cancel) != null && n.onClick && t.toast.cancel.onClick();
}, null, 32)) : w("v-if", !0)
t.toast.description ? (l(), f("div", {
t.toast.description ? (u(), f("div", {
key: 0,
"data-description": "",
class: oe(t.descriptionClass + r(E))
}, U(t.toast.description), 3)) : w("v-if", !0)
class: oe(t.descriptionClass + r(I))
}, F(t.toast.description), 3)) : w("v-if", !0)
t.toast.cancel ? (l(), f("button", {
t.toast.cancel ? (u(), f("button", {
key: 2,
"data-button": "",
"data-cancel": "",
onClick: a[0] || (a[0] = () => {
var u;
O(), (u = t.toast.cancel) != null && u.onClick && t.toast.cancel.onClick();
onClick: i[1] || (i[1] = () => {
var n;
P(), (n = t.toast.cancel) != null && n.onClick && t.toast.cancel.onClick();
}, U(t.toast.cancel.label), 1)) : w("v-if", !0),
t.toast.action ? (l(), f("button", {
}, F(t.toast.cancel.label), 1)) : w("v-if", !0),
t.toast.action ? (u(), f("button", {
key: 3,
"data-button": "",
onClick: a[1] || (a[1] = () => {
var u;
O(), (u = t.toast.action) == null || u.onClick();
onClick: i[2] || (i[2] = () => {
var n;
P(), (n = t.toast.action) == null || n.onClick();
}, U(t.toast.action.label), 1)) : w("v-if", !0)
], 46, Ve));
}, F(t.toast.action.label), 1)) : w("v-if", !0)
], 46, je));
const Qe = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Je, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/Toast.vue"]]), Xe = ["aria-label"], Ze = ["data-theme", "data-rich-colors", "data-y-position", "data-x-position"], et = j({
const Xe = /* @__PURE__ */ A(Qe, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/Toast.vue"]]), Ze = ["aria-label"], et = ["data-theme", "data-rich-colors", "data-y-position", "data-x-position"], tt = j({
inheritAttrs: !1
}), tt = /* @__PURE__ */ j({,
}), st = /* @__PURE__ */ j({,
__name: "Toaster",

@@ -463,18 +469,18 @@ props: {

setup(t) {
const e = t, s = "32px", i = 356, D = 14, K = ge(), m = c([]), I = c([]), g = c(!1), $ = c(!1), _ = p(() => e.position.split("-")), v = c(null), P = e.hotkey.join("+").replace(/Key/g, "").replace(/Digit/g, "");
function z(d) {
I.value = d;
const e = t, s = "32px", a = 356, N = 14, K = be(), m = c([]), D = c([]), g = c(!1), B = c(!1), S = p(() => e.position.split("-")), v = c(null), q = e.hotkey.join("+").replace(/Key/g, "").replace(/Digit/g, "");
function G(d) {
D.value = d;
function S(d) {
m.value = m.value.filter(({ id: n }) => n !==;
function O(d) {
m.value = m.value.filter(({ id: l }) => l !==;
return Z(() => {
const d = N.subscribe((n) => {
if (n.dismiss) {
const d = $.subscribe((l) => {
if (l.dismiss) {
m.value =
(h) => === ? { ...h, delete: !0 } : h
(h) => === ? { ...h, delete: !0 } : h
m.value = [n, ...m.value];
m.value = [l, ...m.value];

@@ -487,20 +493,20 @@ ae(() => {

}), R((d) => {
function n(h) {
var q, E;
function l(h) {
var _, I;
(C) => h[C] || h.code === C
) && (g.value = !0, (q = v.value) == null || q.focus()), h.code === "Escape" && (document.activeElement === v.value || ((E = v.value) == null ? void 0 : E.contains(document.activeElement))) && (g.value = !1);
(E) => h[E] || h.code === E
) && (g.value = !0, (_ = v.value) == null || _.focus()), h.code === "Escape" && (document.activeElement === v.value || ((I = v.value) == null ? void 0 : I.contains(document.activeElement))) && (g.value = !1);
document.addEventListener("keydown", n), d(() => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", n);
document.addEventListener("keydown", l), d(() => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", l);
}), (d, n) => {
}), (d, l) => {
var h;
return l(), f(L, null, [
return u(), f(z, null, [
w(" Remove item from normal navigation flow, only available via hotkey "),
B("section", {
"aria-label": `Notifications ${r(P)}`,
C("section", {
"aria-label": `Notifications ${r(q)}`,
tabIndex: -1
}, [
B("ol", {
C("ol", {
ref_key: "listRef",

@@ -512,40 +518,40 @@ ref: v,

"data-rich-colors": t.richColors,
"data-y-position": r(_)[0],
"data-x-position": r(_)[1],
"data-y-position": r(S)[0],
"data-x-position": r(S)[1],
style: ee(
"--front-toast-height": `${(h = I.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : h.height}px`,
"--front-toast-height": `${(h = D.value[0]) == null ? void 0 : h.height}px`,
"--offset": typeof t.offset == "number" ? `${t.offset}px` : t.offset || s,
"--width": `${i}px`,
"--gap": `${D}px`,
"--width": `${a}px`,
"--gap": `${N}px`,
onMouseenter: n[0] || (n[0] = (x) => g.value = !0),
onMousemove: n[1] || (n[1] = (x) => g.value = !0),
onMouseleave: n[2] || (n[2] = () => {
$.value || (g.value = !1);
onMouseenter: l[0] || (l[0] = (x) => g.value = !0),
onMousemove: l[1] || (l[1] = (x) => g.value = !0),
onMouseleave: l[2] || (l[2] = () => {
B.value || (g.value = !1);
onPointerdown: n[3] || (n[3] = (x) => $.value = !1),
onPointerup: n[4] || (n[4] = (x) => $.value = !1)
onPointerdown: l[3] || (l[3] = (x) => B.value = !1),
onPointerup: l[4] || (l[4] = (x) => B.value = !1)
}, [
(l(!0), f(L, null, ne(m.value, (x, q) => {
var E, C, G;
return l(), F(Qe, {
(u(!0), f(z, null, ne(m.value, (x, _) => {
var I, E, M;
return u(), L(Xe, {
index: q,
index: _,
toast: x,
duration: t.duration,
className: (E = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : E.className,
descriptionClassName: (C = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : C.descriptionClassName,
className: (I = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : I.className,
descriptionClassName: (E = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 : E.descriptionClassName,
invert: t.invert,
visibleToasts: t.visibleToasts,
closeButton: t.closeButton,
interacting: $.value,
interacting: B.value,
position: t.position,
style: ee((G = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 :,
removeToast: S,
style: ee((M = t.toastOptions) == null ? void 0 :,
removeToast: O,
toasts: m.value,
heights: I.value,
setHeights: z,
heights: D.value,
setHeights: G,
expandByDefault: t.expand,

@@ -555,16 +561,16 @@ expanded: g.value

}), 128))
], 44, Ze)
], 8, Xe)
], 44, et)
], 8, Ze)
], 2112);
}), st = /* @__PURE__ */ A(tt, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/Toaster.vue"]]), rt = {
}), ot = /* @__PURE__ */ A(st, [["__file", "/Users/xiaoyunwei/Documents/GitHub/private/vue-sonner/packages/Toaster.vue"]]), lt = {
install(t) {
t.component("Toaster", st);
t.component("Toaster", ot);
export {
st as Toaster,
rt as default,
at as toast
ot as Toaster,
lt as default,
rt as toast
"name": "vue-sonner",
"version": "0.3.2",
"version": "0.3.3",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "xiaoluoboding <>",

@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ # Sonner for Vue

<script setup lang="ts">
// alternatively, you can also use it here
const { $toast } = useNuxtApp()
// alternatively, you can also use it here
const { $toast } = useNuxtApp()

@@ -175,3 +175,3 @@ ```

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { defineComponent, h, shallowRef } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent, h, makeRaw } from 'vue'

@@ -187,3 +187,3 @@ const CustomDiv = defineComponent({


@@ -200,5 +200,7 @@ ```

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { markRaw } from 'vue'
import HeadlessToast from './HeadlessToast.vue'
toast.custom(shallowRef(HeadlessToast), { duration: 999999 })
toast.custom(markRaw(HeadlessToast), { duration: 999999 })

@@ -240,3 +242,3 @@ ```

style: { background: 'red' },

@@ -243,0 +245,0 @@ className: 'my-toast',

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