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vuepress-plugin-blog2 - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0-beta.73 to 2.0.0-beta.74



@@ -1,1 +0,66 @@

export * from "./composables";
import * as vue from 'vue';
import { ComputedRef } from 'vue';
import * as _temp_blog_category from '@temp/blog/category';
import * as _temp_blog_type from '@temp/blog/type';
interface BlogCategoryData<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
* Category path
* 分类路径
path: string;
* Only available when current route matches an item path
* 仅当当前路径和某个子项目匹配时可用
currentItems?: Article<T>[];
* Category map
* 分类映射
map: Record<
* Unique key under current category
* 当前分类下全局唯一的 key
string, {
* Category path of the key
* 对应键值的分类路径
path: string;
* Category items of the key
* 对应键值的项目
items: Article<T>[];
interface BlogTypeData<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
* Type path
* 类别路径
path: string;
* Items under current type
* 当前类别下的项目
items: Article<T>[];
declare const blogCategoryMap: vue.Ref<Record<string, _temp_blog_category.CategoryMap>>;
declare const useBlogCategory: <T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>(key?: string) => ComputedRef<BlogCategoryData<T>>;
declare const blogTypeMap: vue.Ref<Record<string, _temp_blog_type.TypeMap>>;
declare const useBlogType: <T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>(key?: string) => ComputedRef<BlogTypeData<T>>;
export { blogCategoryMap, blogTypeMap, useBlogCategory, useBlogType };

@@ -1,4 +0,305 @@

import { blogPlugin } from "./plugin";
export * from "./plugin";
export * from "../shared";
export default blogPlugin;
import { Page, PluginFunction } from '@vuepress/core';
import { BasePageFrontMatter } from 'vuepress-shared';
interface BlogCategoryFrontmatterOptions {
type: "category";
* Unique key under current category
* 在当前分类下全局唯一的 key
key: string;
* Current category name
* @description Only available in category item page
* 当前的分类名称
* @description 仅在分类子项目页面中可用
name?: string;
interface BlogTypeFrontmatterOptions {
type: "type";
* Unique key under current category
* 在当前分类下全局唯一的 key
key: string;
interface BlogPluginCategoryFrontmatter extends BasePageFrontMatter {
blog: BlogCategoryFrontmatterOptions;
interface BlogPluginTypeFrontmatter extends BasePageFrontMatter {
blog: BlogTypeFrontmatterOptions;
declare type BlogPluginFrontmatter = BlogPluginCategoryFrontmatter | BlogPluginTypeFrontmatter;
declare type PageMap = Record</** Locale Path */ string, /** Pages */ Page[]>;
declare type ArticleMap = Record<
/** Locale Path */ string,
/** Page Keys */ string[]>;
interface CategoryConfig {
path: string;
keys: string[];
declare type CategoryLocaleMap = Record<
/** Category name */ string,
/** Category config */ CategoryConfig>;
interface CategoryLocaleConfig {
/** Main page of category */
path: string;
/** category map for current locale */
map: CategoryLocaleMap;
declare type CategoryMap = Record<
/** Locale Path */ string,
/** Locale category config */ CategoryLocaleConfig>;
interface TypeConfig {
path: string;
keys: string[];
declare type TypeMap = Record<
/** Locale Path */ string,
/** Locale Type config */ TypeConfig>;
interface BlogCategoryOptions {
* Unique category name
* 唯一的分类名称
key: string;
* Function getting category from page
* 从页面中获取分类的函数
getter: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(page: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => string[];
* A custom function to sort the pages
* 页面排序器
sorter?: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(pageA: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>, pageB: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => number;
* Path pattern of page to be registered
* @description `:key` will be replaced by the "slugify" result of the original key
* 待注册的页面路径图案
* @description `:key` 将会被替换为原 key 的 slugify 结果
* @default `/:key/`
path?: string | false;
* Page layout name
* 页面布局组件名称
* @default 'Layout'
layout?: string;
* Frontmatter
* Front Matter 配置
frontmatter?: (localePath: string) => Record<string, unknown>;
* Item page path pattern or custom function to be registered
* @description When filling in a string, `:key` and `:name` will be replaced by the "slugify" result of the original key and name
* 待注册的项目页面路径图案或自定义函数
* @description 当填入字符串的时候, `:key` 和 `:name` 会被自动替换为原始的 key、name 的 slugify 结果。
* @default `/:key/:name/`
itemPath?: string | ((name: string) => string) | false;
* Item page layout name
* 项目页面布局组件名称
* @default 'Layout'
itemLayout?: string;
* Items Frontmatter
* 项目 Front Matter 配置
itemFrontmatter?: (name: string, localePath: string) => Record<string, unknown>;
interface BlogTypeOptions {
* Unique type name
* 唯一的类型名称
key: string;
* A filter function to determine whether a page should be the type
* 一个过滤函数来决定页面是否满足此类型
filter: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(page: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => boolean;
* A custom function to sort the pages
* 页面排序器
sorter?: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(pageA: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>, pageB: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => number;
* Page path to be registered
* 待注册的页面路径
* @default '/:key/'
path?: string | false;
* Page layout name
* 页面布局组件名称
* @default 'Layout'
layout?: string;
* Frontmatter
* Front Matter 配置
frontmatter?: (localePath: string) => Record<string, unknown>;
interface BlogOptions {
* Function getting article info.
* 获取文章信息的函数。
getInfo?: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(page: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => Record<string, unknown>;
* Page filter, determine whether a page should be included.
* 页面过滤器,此函数用于鉴别页面是否作为文章。
* @default (page) => Boolean(page.filePathRelative) && !page.frontmatter.home
filter?: <ExtraPageData extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>, ExtraPageFrontmatter extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, ExtraPageFields extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> = Record<never, never>>(page: Page<ExtraPageData, ExtraPageFrontmatter, ExtraPageFields>) => boolean;
* Categories config
category?: BlogCategoryOptions[];
* Types config
type?: BlogTypeOptions[];
* Key used when injecting info to route meta.
* 注入文章信息至路由元数据时使用的键名。
* @default '_blog'
metaScope?: string;
* Slugify function
* Slugify 函数
* @default (name) => name.replace(/ _/g, '-').toLowerCase()
slugify?: (name: string) => string;
* Whether enable hotReload
* @description This may have performance impact in large sites
* 是否启用热更新
* @description 在大型站点上,这可能会有性能影响
* @default false
hotReload?: boolean;
interface Article<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
* Article path
* 文章路径
path: string;
* Article info
* 文章信息
info: T;
interface BlogCategoryData<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
* Category path
* 分类路径
path: string;
* Only available when current route matches an item path
* 仅当当前路径和某个子项目匹配时可用
currentItems?: Article<T>[];
* Category map
* 分类映射
map: Record<
* Unique key under current category
* 当前分类下全局唯一的 key
string, {
* Category path of the key
* 对应键值的分类路径
path: string;
* Category items of the key
* 对应键值的项目
items: Article<T>[];
interface BlogTypeData<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
* Type path
* 类别路径
path: string;
* Items under current type
* 当前类别下的项目
items: Article<T>[];
declare const blogPlugin: (options: BlogOptions) => PluginFunction;
export { Article, ArticleMap, BlogCategoryData, BlogCategoryFrontmatterOptions, BlogCategoryOptions, BlogOptions, BlogPluginCategoryFrontmatter, BlogPluginFrontmatter, BlogPluginTypeFrontmatter, BlogTypeData, BlogTypeFrontmatterOptions, BlogTypeOptions, CategoryConfig, CategoryLocaleConfig, CategoryLocaleMap, CategoryMap, PageMap, TypeConfig, TypeMap, blogPlugin, blogPlugin as default };


"name": "vuepress-plugin-blog2",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.73",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.74",
"description": "Blog plugin for VuePress",

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ "keywords": [

"vue-router": "^4.0.15",
"vuepress-shared": "2.0.0-beta.73"
"vuepress-shared": "2.0.0-beta.74"

@@ -42,0 +42,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

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