To support vuex-composition map* helper functions
yarn add vuex-composition-maphooks
import { useState, useGetters, useMutations, useActions } from 'vuex-composition-maphooks';
parameter is not required, it is required if modules
is set to namespaced: true
optional type: Array | Object (supports custom states method name)
states using Array usage
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useState } from 'vuex-composition-maphooks';
const { userinfo } = useState('A', ['userinfo']);
const user = ref(userinfo());
- states using Object usage
const { d } = useState('A', { userinfo: 'd' });
const user = ref(d());
parameter is not required, it is required if modules
is set to namespaced: true
optional type: Array | Object (supports custom getters method name)
getters using Array usage
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useGetters } from 'vuex-composition-maphooks';
const { unDoList, doList } = useGetters('A', ['unDoList', 'doList']);
// or
const { unDoList, doList } = useGetters(['A/unDoList', 'A/doList']);
const a = ref(unDoList());
const b = ref(doList());
- getters using Object usage
const { d, e } = useGetters('A',{ unDoList: 'd', doList: 'e'});
const { d, e } = useGetters({ 'A/unDoList': 'd', 'A/doList': 'e'});
const a = ref(d());
const b = ref(e());
parameter is not required, it is required if modules
is set to namespaced: true
optional type: Array | Object (supports custom mutations method name)
mutations using Array usage
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useMutations } from 'vuex-composition-maphooks';
const { INCREMENT } = useMutations('A', ['INCREMENT']);
// or
const { INCREMENT } = useMutations(['A/INCREMENT']);
- mutations using Object usage
const { d } = useMutations('A', { 'INCREMENT': 'd'});
const { d } = useMutations({ 'A/INCREMENT': 'd'});
parameter is not required, it is required if modules
is set to namespaced: true
optional type: Array | Object (supports custom actions method name)
actions using Array usage
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useActions } from 'vuex-composition-maphooks';
// Scenario 1: Modules A and B do not set a clear space
const { go, back } = useActions(['go','back']);
// Scenario 2: Module A is set to indicate space, and module B is not set to indicate space
const { go, back } = useActions(['A/go', 'back']);
// or
const { go } = useActions('A', ['go']);
const { back } = useActions(['back']);
// Scenario 3: Both modules A and B are set to indicate the space
const { go, back } = useActions(['A/go', 'B/back']);
// or
const { go } = useActions('A', ['go']);
const { back } = useActions('B', ['back']);
- actions using Object usage
const { d, e } = useActions({ go: 'd', back: 'e' });
const { d, e } = useActions({ 'A/go': 'd', back: 'e' });
const { d } = useActions({ 'A/go': 'd' });
const { e } = useActions({ back: 'd' });
const { d, e } = useActions({ 'A/go': 'd', 'B/back': 'e' });
const { d } = useActions({ 'A/go': 'd' });
const { e } = useActions({ 'B/back': 'e' });
is not required, but setting namespaced: true
is required, and setting namespaced
is highly recommended!!!- The
of the second parameter of useState
cannot be a string concatenating modules name
, it must be the specified state
, useMutations
, useActions
The key
of the second parameter can be concatenated as a string of modules name
, as shown in the above example