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an extendable library that can wait for stuff to happen in a synchronous-but-not-blocking manner

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an extendable library that can wait for stuff to happen in a synchronous-but-not-blocking manner instead of waiting for async\await, you can now simply wait for the following "stuff":

  • time (wait for x seconds to pass)

  • date (wait until date is reached)

  • event (wait until event emits)

  • predicate (wait until prediacte returns true)

  • promise (wait for promise to settle)

  • stream (wait until readable-stream is fully read)

  • value (wait for to equal value)

  • property (wait for to exist)

  • yield (wait for a generator to yield a speific value)

  • generator (wait for generator to fully exhaust all values)

  • callback (wait for node-style callback to be called)

  • function (wait for custom callback function to be called)

  • (composable \ chainable \ follow-through waiters are coming soon)

Why ?

because I'm tired of waiting for await\async, and want this code to work (without blocking node's event-loop):

var fs     = require('fs');
var wait   = require('wait-for-stuff');
var myFile = fs.createReadStream('my.json');

var fileContents =;
// the stream has now been fully read, async in the
// background while my code is still nice-and-pretty, without
// worrying about async-code-execution-flow design patterns
// and such

// feel free to do something with the file contents now


npm install wait-for-stuff

How it works

behind the scenes, wait-for-stuff uses deasync to do it's magic.

this basically means that you can write your code in a linear, sequential manner - while still allowing async operations to complete in the background on the same execution block.

Built-in waiters

wait-for-stuff is designed to be middleware-oriented - which is just a fancy way of saying you can add your own "stuff" to "wait for" based on your own logic.

that said, it also comes with the following built-in waiters

wait.for.time(seconds) waits until seconds number of seconds pass

// 3 seconds have now passed

wait.for.promise(promise) waits until promise is settled (either resolved or rejected). returns the value that the promise was settled with.

var resultOrError = wait.for.promise(new Promise(...));

wait.for.predicate(fn) waits until the predicate function returns a truthy value. this is useful if you need a simple mechanism to wait on your own custom application logic

var isDone = false;
setTimeout(() => isDone = true, 5000);

wait.for.predicate(() => isDone);
// [5 seconds later]: isDone is now true, execution continues

wait.for.condition same as wait.for.predicate. this is just a convenience alias in case you prefer to use the word "condition" instead of "predicate"

wait.for.value(owner, property, valueToWaitFor) waits until the owner[property] matches valueToWaitFor.

property must be a string.

owner must be an object

var myObject = { foo: 'bar'};
setTimeout(() => = '123', 5000);

wait.for.value(myObject, 'foo', '123');
// [5 seconds later]: now equals '123', property) waits until owner has a property named property

property must be a string.

owner must be an object

var myObject = {};
setTimeout(() => = true, 5000);, 'foo');
// [5 seconds later]: myObject now has a property named 'foo'

wait.for.event(emitter, eventName) waits until emitter emits the eventName event. returns the data that the event emitted (if any).

var eventData = wait.for.event(myEmitter, 'someEvent');
// if the event was emitted with just a single data argument,
// <eventData> will get that value

// if the event was emitted with multiple data arguments,
// <eventData> will be an array with those data arguments waits until the system time passes the date of futureDateObject.

futureDateObject must be a Date object. if futureDateObject is configured as a date that has already passed the waiting will simply end immediately.

var theFuture = new Date( new Date().getTime() + 5000 );;
// we are now in the future (though just by 5 seconds, so no biggy) waits until readableStream has been fully read (ended). returns the data that was read from the stream (either as string or buffer, based on what the stream emitted as it's chunks)

var myFile       = fs.createReadStream('someFile.json');
var fileContents =;
// fileContents now contains the contents of someFile.json

wait.for.yield(generator, value) waits until the generator has yielded the specified value.

generator can either be a generator-function, or an actuale iterable-generator (the result of a generator-function)

function* myGeneratorFunction(){
    count = 0;
    while (true) { yield ++count }

wait.for.yield(myGeneratorFunction, 5);
// count is now 5

// alternative (pass in the actual iterable-generator)
function* myGeneratorFunction(){
    count = 0;
    while (true) { yield ++count }

var iterable = myGeneratorFunction();

wait.for.yield(iterable, 5);

wait.for.generator(generator) waits until the generator has fully exhausted all of it's yielded values. returns the value that the generator function returns.

generator can either be a generator-function, or an actuale iterable-generator (the result of a generator-function)

function* myGeneratorFunction(){
    count = 0;
    while (count < 10) { yield ++count }
    return 'complete!';

var result = wait.for.generator(myGeneratorFunction);
// result === 'complete!'

// alternative (pass in the actual iterable-generator)
function* myGeneratorFunction(){
    count = 0;
    while (count < 10) { yield ++count }
    return 'complete!';

var iterable = myGeneratorFunction();
var result   = wait.for.generator(iterable);
// result === 'complete!'

wait.for.callback(nodeAsyncFunction, ...params) waits until the nodeAsyncFunction has finished, passing to it any params that you supply.

note: with node-style callbacks, there's usually an error as the first argument, and any possible data argument comes after that. either of these might will be null if the other isn't, and there can be more than one data argument. wait.for.callback will make an attempt to simplify the result value when possible.

see also: wait.for.function (below)

// instead of this:
// -----------------------------------------------
// fs.readFile('foo.json', function(err, data){
//     do something with err or data
// });
// -----------------------------------------------

var errOrData = wait.for.callback(fs.readFile, 'foo.json');

// or, if unlike fs.readFile, the function may pass
// more than just "err" or "data":

// instead of this:
// moreComplexFunc('foo.json', function(err, data1, data2, data3){
//     do something with err, or data1 + data2 + data3
// });

var errOrResultSet = wait.for.callback(moreComplexFunc, 'foo.json');

// errOrResultSet will either be 'err',
// or an array containing [data1, data2, data3] in order

wait.for.function(customAsyncFunction, ...params) waits until the customAsyncFunction has finished, passing to it any params that you supply.

unlike wait.for.callback, any arguments that were passed into the callback will be returned as the complete resultSet of the customAsyncFunction

// instead of this:
// -----------------------------------------------
// fs.readFile('foo.json', function(err, data){
//     do something with err or data
// });
// -----------------------------------------------

var resultSet = wait.for.function(fs.readFile, 'foo.json');

// resultSet is an array of [err, data] in order


this library tries to provide atomic structures with the built-in waiters. from these basic waiters, you should be able to construct any custom waiter for anything you can think of (and I sure hope you will).

once you've built your own waiter-middleware, you can add it to wait-for-stuff using the wait.use(name, middleware) api.

wait.use(name, middleware) adds middleware as an additional waiter to wait-for-stuff under wait.for.<name>.

var wait = require('wait-for-stuff');

wait.use('minutes', minutes => {
    wait.for.seconds(minutes * 60);

// later on in your code, when you need to wait for X minutes
// to pass - which totally makes sense in node applications (;
// [2 minutes later]: code execution continues

note you can also use this api to overwrite existing waiters with your own logic. while this is not recommended, it is possible.

wait.alias(originalName, alias) allows you to create an alias of your own liking to some waiter. for example, the built-in wait.for.condition waiter is just an alias to wait.for.predicate.



I hope many people will find this module helpful - either as an alternative to asynchronous flow-execution patterns such as await\async (while we wait) etc.. - or as a supplement to go along with what ever you're allready using.

If you create your own waiter middlewares, please do share them with the community.

If you would like to have your waiter middlware added as a built-in to wait-for-stuff, please send me PR (please also make sure to include tests)


npm run test



Package last updated on 28 Oct 2016

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