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A declarative way to return warning messages

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A declarative way to return warning messages


Almost any project needs a warning messages. This package simplifies your workflow.


npm i -S warning-message


yarn add warning-message


After installation you can import the package to your project and use a declarative way return warning messages. The return value is always a string.

You can use the default warning messages or create your own custom warning messages.

Simple example with default warning messages

If a function takes no parameter it returns the standard message. If a function takes an parameter, it simple returns this string.

import warningMessage from 'warning-message';

// standard message
warningMessage().email(); // The input has to be an email!
// custom message
warningMessage().email('Not an email!') // Not an email!

Advanced example with default warning messages

Some functions have 2 or more parameters. The last parameter is always a function that takes the previous parameters. You can use this function to create a custom string.

import warningMessage from 'warning-message';

// standard message
warningMessage().minMaxChar(3, 6); // The input has to be at least 3 and maximum 6 letters!
// custom message
warningMessage().minMaxChar(3, 6, (min, max) => `input should have min: ${min} and max: ${max} letters`); // input should have min: 3 and max: 6 letters!

Advanced example with your own custom warnings

Create file where you export your custom warnings:

Note: the properties: exactly, maxChar, minChar, and not can have a __VAR1__

Not: the property: minMaxChar can have a __VAR1__ and a __VAR2__

__VAR1__ & __VAR2__ are the additional values passed to the function. you can add them if you want but you dont have to.

const customWarnings = {
  date: 'Custom warning: date format!',
  datetime: 'Custom warning: datetime format!',
  email: 'Custom warning: email!',
  exactly: 'Custom warning: exactly __VAR1__!',
  float: 'Custom warning: float!',
  integer: 'Custom warning: integer!',
  maxChar: 'Custom warning: max. __VAR1__ letters!',
  minChar: 'Custom warning: min. __VAR1__ letters!',
  minMaxChar: 'Custom warning: min. __VAR1__ and max. __VAR2__ letters!',
  not: 'Custom warning: not __VALUE__!',
  number: 'Custom warning: number!',
  phonenumber: 'Custom warning: phonenumber!',
  requiredField: 'Custom warning: required!',
  time: 'Custom warning: time format!',
  url: 'Custom warning: url!',
  validation: 'Custom warning: not valid!',

export default customWarnings;

In you file where you would use the warnings you can use your custom warnings like that:

import warningMessage from 'warning-message';
import customWarnings from 'path/to/your/customWarnings';

// __VAR1__ is the first function argument
// __VAR2__ is the second function argument
warningMessage(customWarnings).minMaxChar(3, 5); // Custom warning: min. 3 and max. 5 letters!

warningMessage(customWarnings).phonenumber(); // Custom warning: phonenumber!

// __VAR1__ is the first function argument
warningMessage(customWarnings).not('this'); // Custom warning: not this!



This function returns a warning for a date.

warningMessage().date(); // The input has to be valid date format!
warningMessage().date('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a datetime.

warningMessage().datetime(); // The input has to be valid datetime format!
warningMessage().datetime('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for an email.

warningMessage().email(); // The input has to be an email!
warningMessage().email('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for an value that do not match exactly a target.

warningMessage().exactly('target'); // The input has to be exactly like target!
warningMessage().exactly('target', (target) => `custom message ${target}`); // custom message target


This function returns a warning for a float.

warningMessage().float(); // The input has to be a float!
warningMessage().float('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for an integer.

warningMessage().integer(); // The input has to be an integer!
warningMessage().integer('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a value that exceeds a target.

warningMessage().macChar(6); // The input has to be max. 6 letters!
warningMessage().maxChar(6, (max) => `custom message ${mex}`); // custom message 6


This function returns a warning for a value that has less character than a target.

warningMessage().minChar(3); // The input has to be min.  3 letters!
warningMessage().minChar(3, (min) => `custom message ${min}`); // custom message 3


This function returns a warning for a value that has less character than a target and eceeds a second target.

warningMessage().minMaxChar(3, 6); // The input has to be min. 3 and max. 6 letters!
warningMessage().minMaxChar(3, 6, (min, max) => `custom message ${min} and ${max}`); // custom message 3 and 6


This function returns a warning for a value that is not alowed.

warningMessage().not('value'); // The input is not allowed to be: value!
warningMessage().not('value', (value) => `custom message ${value}`); // custom message value


This function returns a warning for a number.

warningMessage().number(); // The input has to be a number!
warningMessage().number('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a phonenumber.

warningMessage().phonenumber(); // The input has to be a phonenumber!
warningMessage().phonenumber('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a required inputfield.

warningMessage().requiredField(); // This field is required!
warningMessage().requiredField('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a time.

warningMessage().time(); // The input has to be a valid time format!
warningMessage().time('custom time warning message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a url.

warningMessage().url(); // The input has to be a valid url!
warningMessage().url('custom message'); // custom message


This function returns a warning for a validation.

warningMessage().validation(); // The input is not valid!
warningMessage().validation('custom message'); // custom message


MIT © Lukas Aichbauer



Last updated on 09 May 2017

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