What is web3-core-helpers?
The web3-core-helpers package is a part of the Web3.js library, which provides utility functions and helpers for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. It includes features for managing errors, formatting data, and other core functionalities that support the main Web3.js modules.
What are web3-core-helpers's main functionalities?
Error Management
This feature provides utilities for managing and formatting errors that occur during interactions with the Ethereum blockchain.
const { errors } = require('web3-core-helpers');
try {
// Some code that might throw an error
} catch (error) {
const formattedError = errors.ErrorResponse(error);
Data Formatting
This feature includes functions for formatting data, such as converting between different units of Ethereum (e.g., from Wei to Ether).
const { formatters } = require('web3-core-helpers');
const weiValue = '1000000000000000000';
const etherValue = formatters.fromWei(weiValue, 'ether');
console.log(etherValue); // Outputs: 1
Utility Functions
This feature provides various utility functions, such as checking if a string is a valid Ethereum address.
const { utils } = require('web3-core-helpers');
const isAddress = utils.isAddress('0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e');
console.log(isAddress); // Outputs: true
Other packages similar to web3-core-helpers
The ethers.js library is a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. It provides similar functionalities to web3-core-helpers, including error management, data formatting, and utility functions, but is known for its smaller size and ease of use.
Ethjs is a highly modular and lightweight library for Ethereum. It offers similar functionalities to web3-core-helpers, such as data formatting and utility functions, but is designed to be more modular and minimalistic.
The web3-utils package is another part of the Web3.js library that provides utility functions for Ethereum. It overlaps with some of the functionalities of web3-core-helpers, such as data formatting and utility functions.
This is a sub package of web3.js
Helper functions used in web3.js packages.
Please read the documentation for more.
npm install web3-core-helpers
var helpers = require('web3-core-helpers');