Web3 HD Wallet
Web3 HD Wallet is a package that provides functionality to generate HD wallets and encrypt/decrypt private keys.
To install the package, use npm:
npm install web3-hd-wallet --save
HD Wallet
const { HdWallet } = require('web3-hd-wallet');
const hdWallet = new HdWallet();
const mnemonic = hdWallet.generateMnemonic();
console.log('Mnemonic:', mnemonic);
const wallets = hdWallet.generateHDWallets({
mnemonic: mnemonic,
numOfWallets: 3,
hdPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
console.log('HD Wallets:', wallets);
const { Web3Eth } = require('web3-hd-wallet');
const web3Eth = new Web3Eth('http://localhost:8545');
const encryptedKey = web3Eth.encrypt({
privateKey: '0x1234567890abcdef',
password: 'testpassword',
console.log('Encrypted Key:', encryptedKey);
const decryptedWallet = web3Eth.decrypt({
keystoreJson: { },
password: 'testpassword',
console.log('Decrypted Wallet:', decryptedWallet);
HD Wallet Methods
: string: Generates a random mnemonic phrase.generateHDWallets(params: IHdWallet)
: Array<{ address: string, privateKey: string }>: Generates multiple HD wallets based on the provided parameters. The params object should have the following properties:
mnemonic (string)
: The mnemonic phrase.numOfWallets (number)
: The number of wallets to generate.hdPath (string, optional)
: The HD derivation path (default: "m/44'/60'/0'/0").
Web3Eth Methods
encrypt(params: IWeb3Encrypt)
: any: Encrypts a wallet private key. The params object should have the following properties:
privateKey (string)
: The private key to encrypt.password (string)
: The password used for encryption.
decrypt(params: IWeb3Decrypt)
: any: Decrypts a keystore JSON. The params object should have the following properties:
keystoreJson (any)
: The keystore JSON object to decrypt.password (string)
: The password used for decryption.
For detailed information about the parameters and return values, refer to the inline documentation in the source code.