this is a simple self use cli for making npm package with webpack
Base on
node 8.6.0
npm 5.3.0
Quick to start
1.make sure you have install webpack npm with global this project
3.npm install
4.npm run dev develop mode
5.npm run build build mode
6.add module.exports =
in the head of ./lib/plugin.js
7.npm publish
|-- dist #build files for example
|-- lib #npm main files for publish to npm
|-- node_modules #node packages
|-- src #dev folder
|-- css #style
|-- app.scss #example style
|-- plugin.scss #plugin style
|-- img #images
|-- js #scripts
|-- index.js #example script
|-- plugin.js #plugin script
|-- template.html #html template for webpack
|--- .babelrc #babel conf
|--- .gitignore #git ignore conf
|--- package.json #all dependencies
|--- postcss.config.js #postcss conf
|--- #this file
|--- webpack.config.js #webpack file