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Transforms CSS-alike text into a React style JSON object

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Is a small helper module providing support for isomorphic (universal) rendering when using Webpack.

What it does and why is it needed?

Javascript allows you to run all your .js code (Views, Controllers, Stores, and so on) both on the client and the server, and Webpack gives you the ability to just require() your javascript modules both on the client and the server so that the same code works both on the client and the server automagically (I guess that was the main purpose of Webpack).

When you write your web application in React, you create the main style.css where you describe all your base styles (h1, h2, a, p, nav, footer, fonts, etc).

Then, you use inline styles to style each React component individually (use react-styling for that).

What about that style.css file? On the server in development mode it needs to be injected automagically through javascript to support hot module reload, so you don't need to know the exact path to it on disk because it isn't even a .css file on your disk: it's actually a javascript file because that's how Webpack style-loader works. So you don't need to require() your styles in the server code because you simply can't because there are no such files. (You only need to require style.css in your client-application.js which is gonna be a Webpack entry point)

What about fonts? Fonts are parsed correctly by Webpack css-loader when it finds url() sections in your main style.css, so no issues there.

What's left are images. Images are require()d in React components and then used like this:

// alternatively one can use import, but in this case hot reloading won't work
// import image from '../image.png'

// next you just `src` your image inside your `render()` method
class Photo extends React.Component
    // when Webpack url-loader finds this `require()` call 
    // it will copy `image.png` to your build folder 
    // and name it something like `9059f094ddb49c2b0fa6a254a6ebf2ad.png`, 
    // because we are using the `[hash]` file naming feature of Webpack url-loader
    // which (feature) is required to make browser caching work correctly
    const image = require('../image.png')

    return <img src={image}/>

It works on the client because Webpack intelligently replaces all the require() calls for you. But it wouldn't work on the server because Node.js only knows how to require() javascript modules. What webpack-isomorphic-tools does is it makes the code above work on the server too (and much more), so that you can have your isomorphic (universal) rendering (e.g. React).

What about javascripts on the Html page?

When you render your Html page on the server you need to include all the client scripts using <script src={...}/> tags. And for that purpose you need to know the real paths to your Webpack compiled javascripts. Which are gonna have names like main-9059f094ddb49c2b0fa6a254a6ebf2ad.js because we are using the [hash] file naming feature of Webpack which is required to make browser caching work correctly. And webpack-isomorphic-tools tells you these filenames (see the Usage section).

It also tells you real paths to your CSS styles in case you're using extract-text-webpack-plugin which is usually the case for production build.

Aside all of that, webpack-isomorphic-tools is highly extensible, and finding the real paths for your assets is just the simplest example of what it's capable of. Using custom configuration one can make require() calls return virtually anything (not just String, it may be a JSON object, for example). For example, if you're using Webpack css-loader modules feature (also referred to as "local styles") you can make require(*.css) calls return JSON objects with CSS class names like they do in react-redux-universal-hot-example (it's just a demonstration of what one can do with webpack-isomorphic-tools, and I'm not using this "modules" feature of ccs-plugin in my projects).


$ npm install webpack-isomorphic-tools --save


First you take your existing Webpack configuration and then you instantiate webpack_isomorphic_tools and .populate() your Webpack configuration with it. For example, let's assume this is your "development" Webpack configuration.


var Webpack_isomorphic_tools = require('webpack-isomorphic-tools')

// usual Webpack configuration
var webpack_configuration =
  context: '(required) your project path here',

    publicPath: '(required) web path for static files here'

        test: /\.js$/,
          'your javascript sources path here'
        loaders: ['babel-loader?stage=0&optional=runtime&plugins=typecheck']


// webpack-isomorphic-tools settings reside in a separate .js file 
// (because they will be used in the web server code too)
new Webpack_isomorphic_tools(require('./webpack-isomorphic-tools'))
// enter development mode since it's a development webpack configuration
// populate the existing webpack configuration

module.exports = webpack_configuration

What does .development() method do? It enables development mode. In short, when in development mode, it disables asset caching (and enables asset hot reload). Just call it if you're developing your project with webpack-dev-server using this config (and don't call it for production webpack build).

What does .populate() method do? It adds a couple of Webpack plugins to the end of the plugins list. The first one outputs some green info to the console when in development mode. The second one parses webpack "stats" to extract, for example, the real file paths for your assets (or it can do whatever you need it to do using extension points).

webpack_isomorphic_tools populator has an optional feature of adding module loaders to your webpack configuration. Why might it come in handy? The reason is that it knows how to generate a suitable test property of the loader (provided a file extension or a list of extensions). You can view it as a small bonus feature. In this particular example we're taking use of this feature by not specifying image loader in the existing webpack configuration: it will be created automatically during .populate() method call because we provided the loader parameter for the images asset type in webpack-isomorphic-tools configuration.


import Webpack_isomorphic_tools from 'webpack-isomorphic-tools'

export default
    extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'ico', 'svg'],
    loader: 'url-loader?limit=10240', // any image below or equal to 10K will be converted to inline base64 instead
    parser: Webpack_isomorphic_tools.url_loader_parser // it just works; see the Configuration section for more info

That was the client side. Next, the server side. You create your server side instance of webpack-isomorphic-tools in the very main server javascript file (and your web application code will reside in some server.js file which is require()d in the bottom)


var webpack_configuration = require('./webpack.config.js')
var Webpack_isomorphic_tools = require('webpack-isomorphic-tools')

// this global variable will be used later in express middleware
global.webpack_isomorphic_tools = new Webpack_isomorphic_tools(require('./webpack-isomorphic-tools'))
// enter development mode if needed 
// (for example, based on a Webpack DefinePlugin variable)
// initializes a server-side instance of webpack-isomorphic-tools
// (the first parameter is the base path for your project)
.server(webpack_configuration.context, function()
  // webpack-isomorphic-tools is all set now.
  // here goes all your web application code:

Then you, for example, create an express middleware to render your pages on the server

import React from 'react'

// html page markup
import Html from './html'

// will be used in express_application.use(...)
export function page_rendering_middleware(request, response)
  // clear require() cache if in development mode
  // (makes asset hot reloading work)
  if (_development_)

  // for react-router example of determining current page by URL take a look at this:
  const page_component = [determine your page component here using request.path]

  // for a Redux Flux store implementation you can see the same example:
  const flux_store = [initialize and populate your flux store depending on the page being shown]

  // render the page to string and send it to the browser as text/html
  response.send('<!doctype html>\n' +
        React.renderToString(<Html assets={webpack_isomorphic_tools.assets()} component={page_component} store={flux_store}/>))

And finally you use the assets inside the Html component's render() method

import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'

export default class Html extends Component
  static propTypes =
    assets: PropTypes.object,
    component: PropTypes.object,
    store: PropTypes.object

    const { assets, component, store } = this.props

    // "import" will work here too 
    // but if you want hot reloading to work while developing your project
    // then you need to use require()
    // because import will only be executed a single time 
    // (when the application launches)
    // you can refer to the "Require() vs import" section for more explanation
    const picture = require('./../cat.jpg')

    const html = 
      <html lang="en-us">
          <meta charSet="utf-8"/>

          {/* favicon */}
          <link rel="shortcut icon" href={assets.images_and_fonts['./client/images/icon/32x32.png'].path} />

          {/* styles (will be present only in production with webpack extract text plugin) */}
          {Object.keys(assets.styles).map((style, i) =>
            <link href={assets.styles[style]} key={i} media="screen, projection"
                  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>)}

          {/* image requiring demonstration */}
          <img src={picture}/>

          {/* rendered React page */}
          <div id="content" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: React.renderToString(component)}}/>

          {/* Flux store data will be reloaded into the store on the client */}
          <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: `window._flux_store_data=${serialize(store.getState())};`}} />

          {/* javascripts */}
          {/* (usually one for each "entry" in webpack configuration) */}
          {/* (for more informations on "entries" see */}
          {Object.keys(assets.javascript).map((script, i) =>
            <script src={assets.javascript[script]} key={i}/>

    return html

And that's it, now you can require() your assets "isomorphically" (both on client and server).

A working example

For a comprehensive example of isomorphic React rendering you can look at this sample project:

  • clone this repo
  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • wait a moment for Webpack to finish the first build (green stats will appear in the terminal)
  • go to http://localhost:3000
  • Ctrl + C
  • npm run production
  • go to http://localhost:3000

Some source code guidance for this particular project:


Available configuration parameters:

  // sets "development" mode flag.
  // see the API section below for method .development()
  // for more explanation about what "development" mode does
  // and when is it needed.
  development: true, // is false by default

  // debug mode.
  // when set to true, lets you see debugging messages in the console,
  // and also outputs 'webpack-stats.debug.json' file with Webpack stats.
  // (you'll be interested in the contents of this file 
  //  in case you're writing your own filter, naming or parser 
  //  for some asset type)
  debug: true, // is false by default

  // By default it creates 'webpack-assets.json' file at 
  // webpack_configuration.context (which is your project folder).
  // You can change the assets file path as you wish
  // (therefore changing both folder and filename).
  // The folder derived from this parameter will also be used
  // to store 'webpack-stats.debug.json' file in case you're in debug mode
  // (relative to webpack_configuration.context which is your project folder)
  // (these aren't actually 'stats', these are some values derived from Webpack 'stats')
  webpack_assets_file_path: 'webpack-stats.json', // is 'webpack-assets.json' by default

  // here you can define all your asset types
    // you can omit this parameter
    name: "appears in webpack-assets.json, is autogenerated by default",

    // setting these will result in creating a webpack module loader
    loader: 'webpack loader string',
    loaders: ['webpack loader No 1 string', 'webpack loader No 2 string', ...],

    // or you can specify no "loader" (and no "loaders") at all 
    // and in that case no module loader would be added 
    // to webpack configuration for this asset type

    // setting these will result in 
    // webpack module loader "include" property
    path: 'you can optionally constrain assets by path',
    paths: ['or by a list of paths'],

    // [optional]
    // determines which webpack stats modules 
    // belong to this asset type
    // arguments:
    //  module             - a webpack stats module
    //  regular_expression - a regular expression 
    //                       composed of this asset type's extensions
    //                       e.g. /\.scss$/, /\.(ico|gif)$/
    //  options            - various options
    //                       (development mode flag,
    //                        debug mode flag,
    //                        assets base path (on the disk or on the network),
    //                        regular_expressions{} for each asset type (by name),
    //                        logger)
    // returns: a Boolean
    // by default is: "return regular_expression.test("
    filter: function(module, regular_expression, options) { ... },

    // [optional]
    // transforms a webpack stats module name 
    // to an asset name
    // arguments:
    //  module  - a webpack stats module
    //  options - various options
    //            (development mode flag,
    //             debug mode flag,
    //             assets base path (on the disk or on the network),
    //             regular_expressions{} for each asset type (by name),
    //             logger)
    // returns: a String
    // by default is: "return"
    naming: function(module, options) { ... },

    // [required]
    // parses a webpack stats module 
    // to whatever you need to get 
    // when you require() these assets 
    // in your code later on
    // arguments:
    //  module  - a webpack stats module
    //  options - various options
    //            (development mode flag,
    //             debug mode flag,
    //             assets base path (on the disk or on the network),
    //             regular_expressions{} for each asset type (by name),
    //             logger)
    // returns: whatever (could be a filename, could be a JSON object, etc)
    parser: function(module, options) { ... }



Takes an object with options (see Configuration section above).

.development(true or false or undefined -> true)

Is it development mode or is it production mode? By default it's production mode. But if you're instantiating webpack-isomorphic-tools for populating Webpack development configuration, or if you're instantiating webpack-isomorphic-tools on server when you're developing your project, then you should call this method to enable asset hot reloading (and disable asset caching). It should be called right after the constructor.


Adds the necessary asset module loaders (if specified) and plugins to the supplied Webpack configuration.

.server(project_path, callback)

Initializes a server-side instance of webpack-isomorphic-tools with the base path for your project and makes all the server-side require() calls work. The project_path parameter must be identical to the context parameter of your Webpack configuration and is needed to locate webpack-assets.json (contains the assets info) which is output by Webpack process. The callback is called when webpack-assets.json has been found (it's needed for development because webpack-dev-server and your application server are usually run in parallel).


Refreshes your assets info (re-reads webpack-assets.json from disk) and also flushes cache for all the previously require()d assets.


Returns the assets info (contents of webpack-assets.json)



Make sure you add this to your .gitignore

# webpack-isomorphic-tools

Require() vs import

In the image requiring examples above we could have wrote it like this:

import picture from './cat.jpg'

That would surely work. Much simpler and more modern. But, the disadvantage of the new ES6 module importing is that by design it's static as opposed to dynamic nature of require(). Such a design decision was done on purpose and it's surely the right one:

  • it's static so it can be optimized by the compiler and you don't need to know which module depends on which and manually reorder them in the right order because the compiler does it for you
  • it's smart enough to resolve cyclic dependencies
  • it can load modules both synchronously and asynchronously if it wants to and you'll never know because it can do it all by itself behind the scenes without your supervision
  • the exports are static which means that your IDE can know exactly what each module is gonna export without compiling the code (and therefore it can autocomplete names, detect syntax errors, check types, etc); the compiler too has some benefits such as improved lookup speed and syntax and type checking
  • it's simple, it's transparent, it's sane

If you wrote your code with just imports it would work fine. But imagine you're developing your website, so you're changing files constantly, and you would like it all refresh automagically when you reload your webpage (in development mode). webpack-isomorphic-tools gives you that. Remember this code in the express middleware example above?

if (_development_)

It does exactly as it says: it refreshes everything on page reload when you're in development mode. And to leverage this feature you need to use dynamic module loading as opposed to static one through imports. This can be done by require()ing your assets, and not at the top of the file where all require()s usually go but, say, inside the reder() method for React components.

I also read on the internets that ES6 supports dynamic module loading too and it looks something like this:

.then(some_module =>
  // Use some_module
.catch(error =>

I'm currently unfamiliar with ES6 dynamic module loading system because I didn't research this question. Anyway it's still a draft specification so I guess good old require() is just fine to the time being.

Also it's good to know that the way all this require('./asset.whatever_extension') magic is based on Node.js require hooks and it works with imports only when your ES6 code is transpiled by Babel which simply replaces all the imports with require()s. For now, everyone out there uses Babel, both on client and server. But when the time comes for ES6 to be widely natively adopted, and when a good enough ES6 module loading specification is released, then I (or someone else) will step in and port this "require hook" to ES6 to work with imports.


Initially based on the code from react-redux-universal-hot-example by Erik Rasmussen

Also the same codebase (as in the project mentioned above) can be found in isomorphic500 by Giampaolo Bellavite

Also uses require() hooking techniques from node-hook by Gleb Bahmutov


After cloning this repo, ensure dependencies are installed by running:

npm install

This module is written in ES6 and uses Babel for ES5 transpilation. Widely consumable JavaScript can be produced by running:

npm run build

Once npm run build has run, you may import or require() directly from node.

After developing, the full test suite can be evaluated by running:

npm test


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Package last updated on 14 Aug 2015

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