WebVR Polyfill
A JavaScript implementation of the WebVR spec. This project ensures
your WebVR content works on any platform, whether or not the browser/device has
native WebVR support, or when there are inconsistencies in implementation.
Take a look at basic WebVR samples that use this polyfill.
Download the build at build/webvr-polyfill.js and include it as a script tag,
or use a CDN. You can also use the minified file in the same location as webvr-polyfill.min.js
<script src='webvr-polyfill.js'></script>
<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/webvr-polyfill@latest/build/webvr-polyfill.js'></script>
If you're using a build tool like browserify or webpack, install it via npm.
$ npm install --save webvr-polyfill
Instructions for using versions >=0.10.0
. For <=0.9.x
versions, see 0.9.40 tag.
The webvr-polyfill exposes a single constructor, WebVRPolyfill
that takes an
object for configuration. See full configuration options at src/config.js.
Be sure to instantiate the polyfill before calling any of your VR code! The
polyfill needs to patch the API if it does not exist so your content code can
assume that the WebVR API will just work.
If using script tags, a WebVRPolyfill
global constructor will exist.
var polyfill = new WebVRPolyfill();
In a modular ES6 world, import and instantiate the constructor similarly.
import WebVRPolyfill from 'webvr-polyfill';
const polyfill = new WebVRPolyfill();
Here's an example of querying displays and setting up controls based on
environment. Remember, you'll still need to provide controls and code
to support a desktop-like experience if no native VRDisplays are found,
as the CardboardVRDisplay is only on mobile. See the example.
navigator.getVRDisplays().then(displays => {
if (displays.length) {
vrDisplay = displays[0];
controls = new THREE.VRControls(camera);
} else {
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera);
There are some concerns and caveats when embedding polyfilled WebVR content inside iframes. More information is documented in the cardboard-vr-display README.
The polyfill's goal is to provide a library so that developers can create
content targeting the WebVR API without worrying about what browsers and devices
their users have in a world of growing, but fragmented support.
The three main components of the polyfill are:
- Injects a WebVR 1.1 JavaScript implementation if one does not exist
- Patches browsers that have an incomplete or inconsistent implementation of the API
- Provide a synthesized CardboardVRDisplay on mobile when WebVR is not supported, or if it does have native support but no native VRDisplays and
is true (default).
Performance is critical for VR. If you find your application is too sluggish,
consider tweaking some of the above parameters. In particular, keeping
at 0.5 (the default) will likely help a lot.
If you're interested in developing and contributing on the polyfill itself, you'll need to
have npm installed and familiarize yourself with some commands below. For full list
of commands available, see package.json
$ git clone git@github.com:immersive-web/webvr-polyfill.git
$ cd webvr-polyfill/
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Build uncompressed JS file
$ npm run build
# Run tests
$ npm test
# Watch src/* directory and auto-rebuild on changes
$ npm watch
Right now there are some unit tests in the configuration and logic for how things get polyfilled.
Be sure to run tests before submitting any PRs, and bonus points for having new tests!
$ npm test
Due to the nature of the polyfill, be also sure to test the examples with your changes where appropriate.
Releasing a new version
For maintainers only, to cut a new release for npm, use the [npm version] command. The preversion
, version
and postversion
npm scripts will run tests, build, add built files and tag to git, push to github, and publish the new npm version.
npm version <semverstring>
This program is free software for both commercial and non-commercial use,
distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.