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This package offers a small selection of reusable components that interoperate with the rest of GDIT's Wily offering. If you're interested in contributing or find any bugs, feel free to catch us on GitHub.

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Wily Angular Commons

This package offers a small selection of reusable components that interoperate with the rest of GDIT's Wily offering. If you're interested in contributing or find any bugs, feel free to catch us on GitHub.



The color picker component is a simple way to choose/input a color in hexadecimal format. It offers a text input that allows for free entry in hexadecimal format along with a color picker for supported browsers. If the browser does not support the HTML5 color picker, it is replaced with a simple color swatch that acts as a preview of the contents of the text input.


The color picker accepts a hexadecimal color string (either in short or full form, leading # optional, case is ignored) through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the color picker, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its colorSelected event. The value emitted from the component is a full hexadecimal color string (ex: #0a50d3). Model updates on every color picker input, every valid text input entry and when the contents of the text input are deleted by the user.

Selector: wily-color-picker
  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • disabled whether the component should be disabled
  • ariaLabel the aria label to set for the color picker/text input
  • classList CSS class list to apply to the text input
  • input event emitted on text input, emits the current value of the component
  • colorSelected event emitted on color picker close or on valid hexadecimal string input from the text input, emits the selected color as a hexadecimal string



The date picker component allows the user to enter a date via a text input (in the form of month/day/year) or through a calendar widget.


The date picker accepts a Date object through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the date picker, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its dateSelected event. The value emitted from the component is a Date object representing the user's typed/selected date. Model updates on every calendar widget selection, every valid text input entry and when the contents of the text input are deleted by the user.

Selector: wily-date-picker
  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • disabled whether the component should be disabled
  • dateRange object in the form of { minDate: Date, maxDate: Date} that acts as the valid selection range for the input/calendar widget. Min date must be less than max date. If min date is not provided, the min date is set to January 1st, {currentYear - 100}. If max date is not provided, the max date is set to December 31st, {current year + 50}.
  • inputId the ID to assign to the text input
  • ariaLabel the aria label to assign to the text input
  • inputClassList CSS class list to apply to the text input
  • calendarButtonClassList CSS class list to apply to the calendar widget button
  • input event emitted on text input
  • dateSelected event emitted on valid date input/widget date selection, emits the selected date


The calendar component displays a calendar widget with accessibility features such as arrow key navigation of calendar dates.


The calendar accepts a Date object through its value input. To read in the value of the calendar, you can listen for its selected event. The value emitted from the component is a Date object representing the user's selection.

Selector: wily-calendar
  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • dateRange object in the form of { minDate: Date, maxDate: Date} that acts as the valid selection range for the calendar. Min date must be less than max date. If min date is not provided, the min date is set to January 1st, {currentYear - 100}. If max date is not provided, the max date is set to December 31st, {current year + 50}.
  • selected event emitted on calendar date selection, emits the selected date
  • closed event emitted when the user clicks outside the widget, triggers a keyup.escape event or clicks the done button. It is the parent component's responsibility to hide the calendar, the event is merely a signal that action should be taken.



The dialog component displays dynamic content within a dialog and supports nested dialogs within that dynamic content.


The dialog component essentially wraps an ng-content block. It is the responsibility of the parent component to show/hide the dialog based on its object input and closed event. The dialog listens for keyup.escape events (if enabled) to trigger a dialog close. If you have components in the dynamic dialog content that also rely on escape events to close, those components must listen for keyups on its own focusable elements (as opposed to listening for window.keyup) and either stop immediate propagation, or those focusable elements must have the data-dialog-close-override attribute on them, or else the escape event will close both the child component and the parent dialog.

Selector: wily-dialog
  • object an input of type any where that input becoming truthy will show the dialog and falsy will hide
  • title the title of the dialog. Note: always use the Angular input syntax ([title]="'Title'") to avoid IE11 triggering a native tooltip of the dialog title
  • titleClass CSS class to apply to the title section of the dialog
  • bodyClass CSS class to apply to the body section of the dialog
  • showTitle whether to show the title section of the dialog (default true)
  • allowClose whether to show the dialog close button and enable escape to close (default true)
  • height the height of dialog (can be any valid CSS measurement)
  • width the width of dialog (can be any valid CSS measurement)
  • opened event emitted on dialog open
  • closed event emitted on dialog close



The dropdown component acts as an enhanced HTML select. It supports both regular dropdown options (only the label being displayed) and templated options (options for which you can supply a ng-template to act as a template for each dropdown option). The dropdown is fully accessible as well, and supports all the accessibility options that a native select would (such as arrow key controls for option selection).


The dropdown accepts a string or number through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the dropdown, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its change event. The value emitted from the component is a string or number representing the value of the user's selected option. Model updates on every option change, whether it be triggered by clicking on an option or using arrow key controls.

Using Dropdown Options

The dropdown supports both flat options or option groups, and the options for a single dropdown can be a mix of the two. A dropdown option has a value (string or number), a label, disabled indicator, and an optional data context object (the data context object is not needed if you're not planning to use templating). Whether data context is passed in or not for an option, each option internally will have a data context object which will minimally contain the option's label (inserted into the $implicit property if not already taken, or the label property if $implicit is already present in the object). Dropdown option groups contain a group label, and an array of dropdown options.

Using Dropdown Option Templating

Dropdown option templating relies on Angular's ng-template syntax. To provide an option template to the dropdown, you simply define a ng-template as the content of the dropdown. If you do not wish to use templating, pass nothing into the content between the dropdown tags. To display data from an option's data context within the option template, you use Angular's ng-template let-var syntax. This allows you to define variables within the option template that will then be filled by the corresponding property in an option's data context. As mentioned in the previous section, the option's label is automatically added to each option's data context, so to display the label in the template, you can just define a variable without a value, and it will be filled by the $implicit entry. Here's an example of how a typical use case of the dropdown with templating would look:

  <wily-dropdown [options]="[
                    { value: 'red', label: 'Red', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_red' } },
                    { value: 'green', label: 'Green', disabled: true, dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_green' } },
                    { value: 'blue', label: 'Blue', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_blue' } },
                    { groupLabel: 'Purple Values', options: [
                        { value: 'darkPurple', label: 'Dark Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple_dark_4' } },
                        { value: 'purple', label: 'Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple' } },
                        { value: 'lightPurple', label: 'Light Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple_light_4' } }
    <ng-template let-colorClass="colorClass" let-label>
      <div class="circle_14px mar_right5"
      </div> {{label}}

Notice how, in the ng-template, the variable definition value (in quotes) for colorClass matches up with the property of the same name in the data context objects for each option. Also notice how the variable definition for label has no value assigned, that's because the dropdown component will automatically put an option's label into the $implicit property, which Angular uses to fill in the value for any referenced variables that do not have a specified value. You can of course choose to explicitly add the label to the option's data context and use that value in the label variable assignment as well.

Selector: wily-dropdown
  • value string or number representing the value of the selected option
  • options array of DropdownOption | DropdownOptionGroup acting as the options to populate the dropdown
  • disabled whether the dropdown should be disabled or not
  • placeholder placeholder text to show in the dropdown when no option is selected
  • ariaLabel aria label to assign to the dropdown
  • classList CSS class list to apply to the dropdown
  • change: event emitted on dropdown option selection if selection has changed from the previous value, emits the selected value



The endpoint state component serves as a catch-all for displaying endpoint states (loading, not found and error).


The endpoint state component is split into four different possible states: loading, loadingOverlay, empty and error. You specify which state the component should be in by passing in true to the desired state as an input. Note: only one state should be active at a time.

  • loading whether the component should be in the loading state
  • loadingIcon an icon class to display in the loading state
  • loadingText main text to display in the loading state
  • loadingSubtext subtext to display in the loading state
  • loadingOverlay whether the component should be in the loading overlay state (whole-screen overlay)
  • loadingOverlayIcon an icon class to display in the loading overlay state
  • loadingOverlayText main text to display in the loading overlay state
  • loadingOverlaySubtext subtext to display in the loading overlay state
  • empty whether the component should be in the empty (not found) state
  • emptyIcon an icon class to display in the empty state
  • emptyText main text to display in the empty state
  • emptySubtext subtext to display in the empty state
  • error whether the component should be in the error state
  • errorIcon an icon class to display in the error state
  • errorText main text to display in the error state
  • errorSubtext subtext to display in the error state



The icon select component allows a user to search for and select either a Fontawesome or Wily (custom) icon.


The icon select accepts an icon class through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the icon select, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its selected event. The value emitted from the component is the selected icon class. Model updates on confirm button click.


  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • disabled whether the component is disabled
  • buttonColorClass CSS class to apply to the icon dialog show button
  • buttonSizing the size (width/height) of the icon dialog show button in pixels
  • opened event emitted on icon dialog open
  • selected event emitted on icon dialog confirmation, emits the selected icon in the form of { value: string }
  • closed event emitted on icon dialog close



Directive to apply to HTML input elements to filter out certain input.


Supported filter types are alpha (English alphabet only), numeric (digits only) and alphanumeric (English alphabet and digits).

Selector: wilyKeyfilter
  • wilyKeyfilter the filter type to apply to the host input
  • allowSpaces whether to allow spaces in input (default false)



The multi-select component acts as an enhanced HTML select that allows multiple selections. It supports both regular multi-select options (only the label being displayed) and templated options (options for which you can supply a ng-template to act as a template for each multi-select option). The multi-select is fully accessible as well, and supports all the accessibility options that a multi-select should (such as arrow key controls for option selection).


The multi-select accepts an array of strings or numbers through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the multi-select, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its change event. The value emitted from the component is an array of strings or numbers representing the values of the user's selected options. Model updates on every option select/de-select, whether it be triggered by clicking on an option or using arrow key controls.

Using Dropdown Options

The multi-select supports both flat options or option groups, and the options for a single multi-select can be a mix of the two. A multi-select option has a value (string or number), a label, disabled indicator, and an optional data context object (the data context object is not needed if you're not planning to use templating). Whether data context is passed in or not for an option, each option internally will have a data context object which will minimally contain the option's label (inserted into the $implicit property if not already taken, or the label property if $implicit is already present in the object). Multi-select option groups contain a group label, and an array of multi-select options.

Using Dropdown Option Templating

Multi-select option templating relies on Angular's ng-template syntax. To provide an option template to the multi-select, you simply define a ng-template as the content of the multi-select. If you do not wish to use templating, pass nothing into the content between the multi-select tags. To display data from an option's data context within the option template, you use Angular's ng-template let-var syntax. This allows you to define variables within the option template that will then be filled by the corresponding property in an option's data context. As mentioned in the previous section, the option's label is automatically added to each option's data context, so to display the label in the template, you can just define a variable without a value, and it will be filled by the $implicit entry. Here's an example of how a typical use case of the multi-select with templating would look:

  <wily-multi-select [options]="[
                    { value: 'red', label: 'Red', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_red' } },
                    { value: 'green', label: 'Green', disabled: true, dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_green' } },
                    { value: 'blue', label: 'Blue', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_blue' } },
                    { groupLabel: 'Purple Values', options: [
                        { value: 'darkPurple', label: 'Dark Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple_dark_4' } },
                        { value: 'purple', label: 'Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple' } },
                        { value: 'lightPurple', label: 'Light Purple', dataContext: { 'colorClass': 'bg_purple_light_4' } }
    <ng-template let-colorClass="colorClass" let-label>
      <div class="circle_14px mar_right5"
      </div> {{label}}

Notice how, in the ng-template, the variable definition value (in quotes) for colorClass matches up with the property of the same name in the data context objects for each option. Also notice how the variable definition for label has no value assigned, that's because the multi-select component will automatically put an option's label into the $implicit property, which Angular uses to fill in the value for any referenced variables that do not have a specified value. You can of course choose to explicitly add the label to the option's data context and use that value in the label variable assignment as well.

Selector: wily-multi-select
  • value array of strings or numbers representing the value of the selected options
  • options array of MultiSelectOption | MultiSelectOptionGroup acting as the options to populate the multi-select
  • disabled whether the multi-select should be disabled or not
  • placeholder placeholder text to show in the multi-select when no options are selected
  • ariaLabel aria label to assign to the multi-select
  • classList CSS class list to apply to the multi-select
  • change event emitted on multi-select option selection if selection has changed from the previous value, emits the selected values



A notification is a simple way to provide feedback to a user in respect to some action (successful resource save, some error occurred, etc). Notifications have an ID (system generated), severity ('success' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'), summary and detail message (optional).


The notification component allows for the display of notifications in an application.


The notification component should be dropped into the app root so that the display of notifications is available throughout the entire application. Once the component has been placed, no further action is needed. It's up to other components/services to add notifications for display in the notification component.


The notification service is a root Injectable that allows components/services throughout an application to add notifications to the notification pool for display.


The notification service can be injected into components/services to add a notification through its add method, which accepts a notification object, adds it and then removes it after the configured notification life has passed. Notification life (the time before a notification is automatically removed from the view) can also be configured via the service's setNotificationLife method.

  • add accepts a notification object and adds it to the current notifications array
  • deleteNotification accepts a notification ID and deletes the corresponding notification (if it exists)
  • getNotifications get an array of the current notifications as an RxJS Observable
  • setNotificationLife set the notification life for new notifications



The ordinal number pipe transforms a number into an ordinal number (1 => 1st, 2 => 2nd, 3 => 3rd, etc).


The ordinal number pipe accepts a number or a numeric string and transforms it into ordinal format.

Name: ordinalNumber



The paginator component is a widget that provides controls for paginating a list.


The paginator component accepts an array of page size options, the current page size, and the total size of the paginated list without pagination applied, and from those inputs calculates the page number display and enables/disables the next/previous pagination buttons. Pagination control interactions emit a PaginationEvent, it is up to the parent component to react to that event and update the pagination as a result.

Selector: wily-paginator
  • version which version of the paginator to user (1-4 available)
  • pageSizeOptions an array of numbers representing the available page size options
  • pageSize a number representing the currently selected page size
  • totalLength the total length of the unpaginated list
  • pagination event emitted on pagination control interactions, emits a PaginationEvent ({ activePage: number, pageSize: number, totalLength: number })



The popover component displays a popover with dynamic content around a given target.


The popover component is a wrapper around an ng-content block and has no content itself. The popover is positioned via its toggle method, which accepts an Event and positions itself off of the EventTarget. If the toggle method is called with an event, and the popover is currently closed, the popover opens and aligns to the event target. If the toggle method is called, and the popover is open or no event is passed in, the popover will close.

Selector: wily-popover
  • offset the number of pixels to offset the popover from its target
  • width the width of the popover (any valid CSS measurement, default auto)
  • height the height of the popover (any valid CSS measurement, default auto)
  • opened event emitted on popover open
  • closed event emitted on popover close



The profile pic component displays a round image with a tooltip description to act as a profile picture.


The profile pic component accepts an image URL and displays it.

Selector: wily-profile-pic
  • size the size of the picture
  • margin the CSS margin
  • width the width of the picture
  • height the height of the picture
  • toolTip text to pass as the content of the image tooltip



The push container component serves as a side menu (left or right) which display dynamic content


The push container component accepts dynamic content in between its tags and displays it.

Selector: wily-push-container
  • width the number of pixels wide
  • showSidePanel whether to be open on page load (default false)
  • mainContentId the ID of the main content that will be pushed when the component opens
  • side open from the left or right
  • topOffset top offset to account for a nav bar
  • closeOnResize whether to close the component on window resize (default false)
  • backgroundColorClass the CSS class to apply to the background of the component
  • breakpoint the breakpoint passed which the push container will fill the entire view
  • hideCloseButton whether to hide the push container close button (default false)
  • alwaysShowClose whether to show the close button in desktop view (default false)
  • opened event emitted on push container open
  • closed event emitted on push container close



The rich text component is an Angular wrapper around a Quill rich text editor.


The rich text component accepts an HTML paragraph as a string through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the editor, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its textChanged event. The value emitted from the component is stringified HTML representing the value of the user's input. Model updates on editor input.

Selector: wily-rich-text
  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • doHideShow whether to show the rich text controls
  • height the height of the editor
  • readonly whether the editor is readonly
  • placeholder the placeholder to display in the editor if no input
  • toolbarClassList CSS class list to apply to the editor toolbar
  • editorClassList CSS class list to apply to the editor
  • textChanged event emitted on text change, emits an object in the following format: { htmlValue: string, textValue: string, delta: any, source: any }
  • selectionChange event emitted on editor selection change
  • init event emitted on editor init



The tooltip directive allows for a tooltip to be displayed around an HTML element.


The tooltip directive accepts text to display and sets up mouse listeners to show the tooltip on host mouse enter hide on host mouse leave.

Selector: wilyTooltip
  • wilyTooltip the tooltip text
  • tooltipPosition 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom'
  • tooltipDisabled whether the tooltip is disabled



The week picker component allows for a user to select a week of the year via a calendar widget.


The week picker accepts input through either its value input or through one/two-way data-binding via ngModel. To read in the value of the week picker, you can listen for its ngModelChange event (if using ngModel) or its weekSelected event. The value emitted from the component is an object in the form of { start: Date, end: Date } (representing the interval of the selected week). Model updates on week select.

Selector: wily-week-select
  • value setter for the internal value of the component
  • disabled whether the component is disabled
  • dateRange object in the form of { start: Date, end: Date } that represents the valid date selection range for the calendar widget
  • inputClassList CSS class list to apply to the week display input
  • calendarButtonClassList CSS class list to apply to the calendar widget button
  • ariaLabel aria label to apply to the component
  • dateFormat the Angular date pipe format to apply to the selected week preview
  • weekSelected event emitted on week select, emits the selected week in the following format: { start: Date, end: Date }


npm install wily-angular-commons

Component listing and usage coming soon.

Build and Release Instructions


Run the following:

npm run package

cd dist

npm pack

cd ..


After packaging, you can install a local build for testing with the following:

npm install ../wily-angular-commons/dist/wily-angular-commons-1.1.1.tgz


npm publish dist

Further Help

For more help, please reach out to


Package last updated on 24 Mar 2021

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