A simple node module which wrap's the Get-WinEvent
powershell cmdlet. This wrapper will read events from the Windows Event Log.
Getting Started
Install this module by doing (on a Windows machine):
npm install windows-event-reader --save
Creating a WinEventReader
var winEvent = new WinEventReader({
providers: ['node-event-reader Test Suite'],
startTime: new Date(,
endTime: new Date(,
frequency: 2000
Getting Events
To get events going, create a new instance of WinEventReader which exposes an 'event emitter' like interface:
winEvent.on('data', logObjects => {
logObjects.forEach(logObject => {
winEvent.on('error', err => {
winEvent.on('end', () => {
console.log('event reader stopped');
Log Objects:
Log objects from the data
event will contain a few fields:
{ id: 1000,
providerName: 'node-event-reader Test Suite',
providerId: null,
logName: 'Application',
processId: null,
threadId: undefined,
machineName: 'DESKTOP-1M76SII',
timeCreated: Mon Feb 22 2016 16:08:36 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time),
levelDisplayName: 'Information',
message: 'Information2 Log'
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contributing guide before sending a pull-request.