This package is a fork of @alexpts's alexpts/winston-transport-sentry
npm i --save winston@3 winston3-transport-sentry
Sentry transport for winston@3 logger for node js
Follow this sample configuration to use:
const winston = require('winston'),
const Mail = require('winston-mail').Mail,
const Sentry = require('winston3-transport-sentry');
var logger = new winston.Logger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console({level: 'silly'}),
new Sentry({
level: 'warn',
dsn: "{{ YOUR SENTRY DSN }}",
tags: { key: 'value' },
extra: { key: 'value' },
user: {},
patchGlobal: false
If you want to use patchGlobal to catch all uncaught errors, simply pass it as option like this:
new Sentry({
patchGlobal: true
Winston logging levels are mapped to the default sentry levels like this:
silly: 'debug',
verbose: 'debug',
info: 'info',
debug: 'debug',
warn: 'warning',
error: 'error'