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workbox-cdn - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.3.1 to 5.0.0-alpha.2.1


"name": "workbox-cdn",
"version": "4.3.1",
"version": "5.0.0-alpha.2.1",
"description": "Workbox Unofficial CDN",

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ "repository": "nuxt-community/workbox-cdn",

"devDependencies": {
"workbox-cli": "^4.3.1"
"workbox-cli": "5.0.0-alpha.2"

@@ -19,0 +19,0 @@ "contributors": [

this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.backgroundSync = (function (exports, WorkboxError_mjs, logger_mjs, assert_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, DBWrapper_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.backgroundSync = (function (exports, WorkboxError_js, logger_js, assert_js, getFriendlyURL_js, DBWrapper_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:background-sync:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:background-sync:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const DB_VERSION = 3;
const DB_NAME = 'workbox-background-sync';
const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'requests';
const INDEXED_PROP = 'queueName';
* A class to manage storing requests from a Queue in IndexedbDB,
* indexed by their queue name for easier access.
* @private
class QueueStore {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const DB_VERSION = 3;
const DB_NAME = 'workbox-background-sync';
const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'requests';
const INDEXED_PROP = 'queueName';
* Associates this instance with a Queue instance, so entries added can be
* identified by their queue name.
* A class to manage storing requests from a Queue in IndexedbDB,
* indexed by their queue name for easier access.
* @param {string} queueName
* @private
constructor(queueName) {
this._queueName = queueName;
this._db = new DBWrapper_mjs.DBWrapper(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION, {
onupgradeneeded: this._upgradeDb
* Append an entry last in the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Object} entry.requestData
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp]
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @private
async pushEntry(entry) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'pushEntry',
paramName: 'entry'
class QueueStore {
* Associates this instance with a Queue instance, so entries added can be
* identified by their queue name.
* @param {string} queueName
* @private
constructor(queueName) {
this._queueName = queueName;
this._db = new DBWrapper_js.DBWrapper(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION, {
onupgradeneeded: this._upgradeDb
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'pushEntry',
paramName: 'entry.requestData'
} // Don't specify an ID since one is automatically generated.
* Append an entry last in the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Object} entry.requestData
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp]
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @private
entry.queueName = this._queueName;
await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
* Preppend an entry first in the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Object} entry.requestData
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp]
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @private
async pushEntry(entry) {
assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'pushEntry',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_js.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'pushEntry',
paramName: 'entry.requestData'
} // Don't specify an ID since one is automatically generated.
async unshiftEntry(entry) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'unshiftEntry',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'unshiftEntry',
paramName: 'entry.requestData'
entry.queueName = this._queueName;
await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
* Preppend an entry first in the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Object} entry.requestData
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp]
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @private
const [firstEntry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
count: 1
if (firstEntry) {
// Pick an ID one less than the lowest ID in the object store. = - 1;
} else {
// Otherwise let the auto-incrementor assign the ID.
async unshiftEntry(entry) {
assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'unshiftEntry',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_js.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'QueueStore',
funcName: 'unshiftEntry',
paramName: 'entry.requestData'
const [firstEntry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
count: 1
if (firstEntry) {
// Pick an ID one less than the lowest ID in the object store. = - 1;
} else {
// Otherwise let the auto-incrementor assign the ID.
entry.queueName = this._queueName;
await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
* Removes and returns the last entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
entry.queueName = this._queueName;
await this._db.add(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
* Removes and returns the last entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
async popEntry() {
return this._removeEntry({
direction: 'prev'
* Removes and returns the first entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
async popEntry() {
return this._removeEntry({
direction: 'prev'
* Removes and returns the first entry in the queue matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
async shiftEntry() {
return this._removeEntry({
direction: 'next'
* Returns all entries in the store matching the `queueName`.
* @param {Object} options See workbox.backgroundSync.Queue~getAll}
* @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
* @private
async shiftEntry() {
return this._removeEntry({
direction: 'next'
* Returns all entries in the store matching the `queueName`.
* @param {Object} options See workbox.backgroundSync.Queue~getAll}
* @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
* @private
async getAll() {
return await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName)
* Deletes the entry for the given ID.
* WARNING: this method does not ensure the deleted enry belongs to this
* queue (i.e. matches the `queueName`). But this limitation is acceptable
* as this class is not publicly exposed. An additional check would make
* this method slower than it needs to be.
* @private
* @param {number} id
async getAll() {
return await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName)
* Deletes the entry for the given ID.
* WARNING: this method does not ensure the deleted enry belongs to this
* queue (i.e. matches the `queueName`). But this limitation is acceptable
* as this class is not publicly exposed. An additional check would make
* this method slower than it needs to be.
* @private
* @param {number} id
async deleteEntry(id) {
await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, id);
* Removes and returns the first or last entry in the queue (based on the
* `direction` argument) matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
async deleteEntry(id) {
await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, id);
* Removes and returns the first or last entry in the queue (based on the
* `direction` argument) matching the `queueName`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
async _removeEntry({
}) {
const [entry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName),
count: 1
async _removeEntry({
}) {
const [entry] = await this._db.getAllMatching(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
query: IDBKeyRange.only(this._queueName),
count: 1
if (entry) {
await this.deleteEntry(;
return entry;
if (entry) {
await this.deleteEntry(;
return entry;
* Upgrades the database given an `upgradeneeded` event.
* @param {Event} event
* @private
* Upgrades the database given an `upgradeneeded` event.
* @param {Event} event
* @private
_upgradeDb(event) {
const db =;
_upgradeDb(event) {
const db =;
if (event.oldVersion > 0 && event.oldVersion < DB_VERSION) {
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(OBJECT_STORE_NAME)) {
if (event.oldVersion > 0 && event.oldVersion < DB_VERSION) {
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(OBJECT_STORE_NAME)) {
const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
autoIncrement: true,
keyPath: 'id'
objStore.createIndex(INDEXED_PROP, INDEXED_PROP, {
unique: false
const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
autoIncrement: true,
keyPath: 'id'
objStore.createIndex(INDEXED_PROP, INDEXED_PROP, {
unique: false
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const serializableProperties = ['method', 'referrer', 'referrerPolicy', 'mode', 'credentials', 'cache', 'redirect', 'integrity', 'keepalive'];
* A class to make it easier to serialize and de-serialize requests so they
* can be stored in IndexedDB.
* @private
class StorableRequest {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const serializableProperties = ['method', 'referrer', 'referrerPolicy', 'mode', 'credentials', 'cache', 'redirect', 'integrity', 'keepalive'];
* Converts a Request object to a plain object that can be structured
* cloned or JSON-stringified.
* A class to make it easier to serialize and de-serialize requests so they
* can be stored in IndexedDB.
* @param {Request} request
* @return {Promise<StorableRequest>}
* @private
static async fromRequest(request) {
const requestData = {
url: request.url,
headers: {}
}; // Set the body if present.
if (request.method !== 'GET') {
// Use ArrayBuffer to support non-text request bodies.
// NOTE: we can't use Blobs becuse Safari doesn't support storing
// Blobs in IndexedDB in some cases:
requestData.body = await request.clone().arrayBuffer();
} // Convert the headers from an iterable to an object.
class StorableRequest {
* Converts a Request object to a plain object that can be structured
* cloned or JSON-stringified.
* @param {Request} request
* @return {Promise<StorableRequest>}
* @private
static async fromRequest(request) {
const requestData = {
url: request.url,
headers: {}
}; // Set the body if present.
if (request.method !== 'GET') {
// Use ArrayBuffer to support non-text request bodies.
// NOTE: we can't use Blobs becuse Safari doesn't support storing
// Blobs in IndexedDB in some cases:
requestData.body = await request.clone().arrayBuffer();
} // Convert the headers from an iterable to an object.
for (const [key, value] of request.headers.entries()) {
requestData.headers[key] = value;
} // Add all other serializable request properties
for (const [key, value] of request.headers.entries()) {
requestData.headers[key] = value;
} // Add all other serializable request properties
for (const prop of serializableProperties) {
if (request[prop] !== undefined) {
requestData[prop] = request[prop];
for (const prop of serializableProperties) {
if (request[prop] !== undefined) {
requestData[prop] = request[prop];
return new StorableRequest(requestData);
* Accepts an object of request data that can be used to construct a
* `Request` but can also be stored in IndexedDB.
* @param {Object} requestData An object of request data that includes the
* `url` plus any relevant properties of
* [requestInit]{@link}.
* @private
return new StorableRequest(requestData);
* Accepts an object of request data that can be used to construct a
* `Request` but can also be stored in IndexedDB.
* @param {Object} requestData An object of request data that includes the
* `url` plus any relevant properties of
* [requestInit]{@link}.
* @private
constructor(requestData) {
assert_js.assert.isType(requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'StorableRequest',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'requestData'
assert_js.assert.isType(requestData.url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'StorableRequest',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'requestData.url'
} // If the request's mode is `navigate`, convert it to `same-origin` since
// navigation requests can't be constructed via script.
constructor(requestData) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(requestData, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'StorableRequest',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'requestData'
assert_mjs.assert.isType(requestData.url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'StorableRequest',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'requestData.url'
} // If the request's mode is `navigate`, convert it to `same-origin` since
// navigation requests can't be constructed via script.
if (requestData.mode === 'navigate') {
requestData.mode = 'same-origin';
if (requestData.mode === 'navigate') {
requestData.mode = 'same-origin';
this._requestData = requestData;
* Returns a deep clone of the instances `_requestData` object.
* @return {Object}
* @private
this._requestData = requestData;
* Returns a deep clone of the instances `_requestData` object.
* @return {Object}
* @private
toObject() {
const requestData = Object.assign({}, this._requestData);
requestData.headers = Object.assign({}, this._requestData.headers);
toObject() {
const requestData = Object.assign({}, this._requestData);
requestData.headers = Object.assign({}, this._requestData.headers);
if (requestData.body) {
requestData.body = requestData.body.slice(0);
if (requestData.body) {
requestData.body = requestData.body.slice(0);
return requestData;
* Converts this instance to a Request.
* @return {Request}
* @private
return requestData;
* Converts this instance to a Request.
* @return {Request}
* @private
toRequest() {
return new Request(this._requestData.url, this._requestData);
* Creates and returns a deep clone of the instance.
* @return {StorableRequest}
* @private
toRequest() {
return new Request(this._requestData.url, this._requestData);
* Creates and returns a deep clone of the instance.
* @return {StorableRequest}
* @private
clone() {
return new StorableRequest(this.toObject());
clone() {
return new StorableRequest(this.toObject());
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const TAG_PREFIX = 'workbox-background-sync';
const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 days in minutes
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const TAG_PREFIX = 'workbox-background-sync';
const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 days in minutes
const queueNames = new Set();
* A class to manage storing failed requests in IndexedDB and retrying them
* later. All parts of the storing and replaying process are observable via
* callbacks.
* @memberof workbox.backgroundSync
class Queue {
const queueNames = new Set();
* Creates an instance of Queue with the given options
* A class to manage storing failed requests in IndexedDB and retrying them
* later. All parts of the storing and replaying process are observable via
* callbacks.
* @param {string} name The unique name for this queue. This name must be
* unique as it's used to register sync events and store requests
* in IndexedDB specific to this instance. An error will be thrown if
* a duplicate name is detected.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.onSync] A function that gets invoked whenever
* the 'sync' event fires. The function is invoked with an object
* containing the `queue` property (referencing this instance), and you
* can use the callback to customize the replay behavior of the queue.
* When not set the `replayRequests()` method is called.
* Note: if the replay fails after a sync event, make sure you throw an
* error, so the browser knows to retry the sync event later.
* @param {number} [options.maxRetentionTime=7 days] The amount of time (in
* minutes) a request may be retried. After this amount of time has
* passed, the request will be deleted from the queue.
* @memberof workbox.backgroundSync
constructor(name, {
} = {}) {
// Ensure the store name is not already being used
if (queueNames.has(name)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('duplicate-queue-name', {
} else {
this._name = name;
this._onSync = onSync || this.replayRequests;
this._maxRetentionTime = maxRetentionTime || MAX_RETENTION_TIME;
this._queueStore = new QueueStore(this._name);
class Queue {
* Creates an instance of Queue with the given options
* @param {string} name The unique name for this queue. This name must be
* unique as it's used to register sync events and store requests
* in IndexedDB specific to this instance. An error will be thrown if
* a duplicate name is detected.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.onSync] A function that gets invoked whenever
* the 'sync' event fires. The function is invoked with an object
* containing the `queue` property (referencing this instance), and you
* can use the callback to customize the replay behavior of the queue.
* When not set the `replayRequests()` method is called.
* Note: if the replay fails after a sync event, make sure you throw an
* error, so the browser knows to retry the sync event later.
* @param {number} [options.maxRetentionTime=7 days] The amount of time (in
* minutes) a request may be retried. After this amount of time has
* passed, the request will be deleted from the queue.
constructor(name, {
} = {}) {
this._syncInProgress = false;
this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false; // Ensure the store name is not already being used
* @return {string}
if (queueNames.has(name)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('duplicate-queue-name', {
} else {
this._name = name;
this._onSync = onSync || this.replayRequests;
this._maxRetentionTime = maxRetentionTime || MAX_RETENTION_TIME;
this._queueStore = new QueueStore(this._name);
get name() {
return this._name;
* Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any
* metadata) at the end of the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the
* stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this
* metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in
* milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is
* used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In
* general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set
* for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you
* don't want particular requests to expire.
* @return {string}
async pushRequest(entry) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'pushRequest',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'pushRequest',
paramName: 'entry.request'
get name() {
return this._name;
* Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any
* metadata) at the end of the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the
* stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this
* metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in
* milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is
* used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In
* general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set
* for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you
* don't want particular requests to expire.
await this._addRequest(entry, 'push');
* Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any
* metadata) at the beginning of the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the
* stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this
* metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in
* milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is
* used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In
* general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set
* for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you
* don't want particular requests to expire.
async pushRequest(entry) {
assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'pushRequest',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'pushRequest',
paramName: 'entry.request'
async unshiftRequest(entry) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'unshiftRequest',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'unshiftRequest',
paramName: 'entry.request'
await this._addRequest(entry, 'push');
* Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any
* metadata) at the beginning of the queue.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue.
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the
* stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this
* metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand.
* @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in
* milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is
* used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In
* general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set
* for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you
* don't want particular requests to expire.
await this._addRequest(entry, 'unshift');
* Removes and returns the last request in the queue (along with its
* timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:
* `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
async unshiftRequest(entry) {
assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'unshiftRequest',
paramName: 'entry'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync',
className: 'Queue',
funcName: 'unshiftRequest',
paramName: 'entry.request'
async popRequest() {
return this._removeRequest('pop');
* Removes and returns the first request in the queue (along with its
* timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:
* `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
await this._addRequest(entry, 'unshift');
* Removes and returns the last request in the queue (along with its
* timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:
* `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
async shiftRequest() {
return this._removeRequest('shift');
* Returns all the entries that have not expired (per `maxRetentionTime`).
* Any expired entries are removed from the queue.
* @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
async popRequest() {
return this._removeRequest('pop');
* Removes and returns the first request in the queue (along with its
* timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form:
* `{request, timestamp, metadata}`.
* @return {Promise<Object>}
async getAll() {
const allEntries = await this._queueStore.getAll();
const now =;
const unexpiredEntries = [];
async shiftRequest() {
return this._removeRequest('shift');
* Returns all the entries that have not expired (per `maxRetentionTime`).
* Any expired entries are removed from the queue.
* @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
for (const entry of allEntries) {
// Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function
// recursively until an unexpired request is found.
const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;
if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {
await this._queueStore.deleteEntry(;
} else {
async getAll() {
const allEntries = await this._queueStore.getAll();
const now =;
const unexpiredEntries = [];
for (const entry of allEntries) {
// Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function
// recursively until an unexpired request is found.
const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;
if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {
await this._queueStore.deleteEntry(;
} else {
return unexpiredEntries;
* Adds the entry to the QueueStore and registers for a sync event.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @param {number} []
* @param {string} operation ('push' or 'unshift')
* @private
return unexpiredEntries;
* Adds the entry to the QueueStore and registers for a sync event.
* @param {Object} entry
* @param {Request} entry.request
* @param {Object} [entry.metadata]
* @param {number} []
* @param {string} operation ('push' or 'unshift')
* @private
async _addRequest({
timestamp =
}, operation) {
const storableRequest = await StorableRequest.fromRequest(request.clone());
const entry = {
requestData: storableRequest.toObject(),
}; // Only include metadata if it's present.
async _addRequest({
timestamp =
}, operation) {
const storableRequest = await StorableRequest.fromRequest(request.clone());
const entry = {
requestData: storableRequest.toObject(),
}; // Only include metadata if it's present.
if (metadata) {
entry.metadata = metadata;
if (metadata) {
entry.metadata = metadata;
await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`](entry);
await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`](entry);
logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' has ` + `been added to background sync queue '${this._name}'.`);
} // Don't register for a sync if we're in the middle of a sync. Instead,
// we wait until the sync is complete and call register if
// `this._requestsAddedDuringSync` is true.
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' has ` + `been added to background sync queue '${this._name}'.`);
} // Don't register for a sync if we're in the middle of a sync. Instead,
// we wait until the sync is complete and call register if
// `this._requestsAddedDuringSync` is true.
if (this._syncInProgress) {
this._requestsAddedDuringSync = true;
} else {
await this.registerSync();
if (this._syncInProgress) {
this._requestsAddedDuringSync = true;
} else {
await this.registerSync();
* Removes and returns the first or last (depending on `operation`) entry
* from the QueueStore that's not older than the `maxRetentionTime`.
* @param {string} operation ('pop' or 'shift')
* @return {Object|undefined}
* @private
* Removes and returns the first or last (depending on `operation`) entry
* from the QueueStore that's not older than the `maxRetentionTime`.
* @param {string} operation ('pop' or 'shift')
* @return {Object|undefined}
* @private
async _removeRequest(operation) {
const now =;
const entry = await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`]();
async _removeRequest(operation) {
const now =;
const entry = await this._queueStore[`${operation}Entry`]();
if (entry) {
// Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function
// recursively until an unexpired request is found.
const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;
if (entry) {
// Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function
// recursively until an unexpired request is found.
const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000;
if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {
return this._removeRequest(operation);
if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) {
return this._removeRequest(operation);
return convertEntry(entry);
} else {
return undefined;
return convertEntry(entry);
* Loops through each request in the queue and attempts to re-fetch it.
* If any request fails to re-fetch, it's put back in the same position in
* the queue (which registers a retry for the next sync event).
* Loops through each request in the queue and attempts to re-fetch it.
* If any request fails to re-fetch, it's put back in the same position in
* the queue (which registers a retry for the next sync event).
async replayRequests() {
let entry;
async replayRequests() {
let entry;
while (entry = await this.shiftRequest()) {
try {
await fetch(entry.request.clone());
while (entry = await this.shiftRequest()) {
try {
await fetch(entry.request.clone());
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` + `has been replayed in queue '${this._name}'`);
} catch (error) {
await this.unshiftRequest(entry);
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` + `has been replayed in queue '${this._name}'`);
} catch (error) {
await this.unshiftRequest(entry);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` + `failed to replay, putting it back in queue '${this._name}'`);
logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}'` + `failed to replay, putting it back in queue '${this._name}'`);
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('queue-replay-failed', {
name: this._name
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('queue-replay-failed', {
name: this._name
logger_js.logger.log(`All requests in queue '${}' have successfully ` + `replayed; the queue is now empty!`);
* Registers a sync event with a tag unique to this instance.
logger_mjs.logger.log(`All requests in queue '${}' have successfully ` + `replayed; the queue is now empty!`);
* Registers a sync event with a tag unique to this instance.
async registerSync() {
if ('sync' in registration) {
try {
await registration.sync.register(`${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`);
} catch (err) {
// This means the registration failed for some reason, possibly due to
// the user disabling it.
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to register sync event for '${this._name}'.`, err);
async registerSync() {
if ('sync' in self.registration) {
try {
await self.registration.sync.register(`${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`);
} catch (err) {
// This means the registration failed for some reason, possibly due to
// the user disabling it.
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to register sync event for '${this._name}'.`, err);
* In sync-supporting browsers, this adds a listener for the sync event.
* In non-sync-supporting browsers, this will retry the queue on service
* worker startup.
* @private
* In sync-supporting browsers, this adds a listener for the sync event.
* In non-sync-supporting browsers, this will retry the queue on service
* worker startup.
* @private
_addSyncListener() {
if ('sync' in registration) {
self.addEventListener('sync', event => {
if (event.tag === `${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Background sync for tag '${event.tag}'` + `has been received`);
_addSyncListener() {
if ('sync' in self.registration) {
self.addEventListener('sync', event => {
if (event.tag === `${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`) {
logger_js.logger.log(`Background sync for tag '${event.tag}'` + `has been received`);
const syncComplete = async () => {
this._syncInProgress = true;
let syncError;
const syncComplete = async () => {
this._syncInProgress = true;
let syncError;
try {
await this._onSync({
queue: this
} catch (error) {
syncError = error; // Rethrow the error. Note: the logic in the finally clause
// will run before this gets rethrown.
try {
await this._onSync({
queue: this
} catch (error) {
syncError = error; // Rethrow the error. Note: the logic in the finally clause
// will run before this gets rethrown.
throw syncError;
} finally {
// New items may have been added to the queue during the sync,
// so we need to register for a new sync if that's happened...
// Unless there was an error during the sync, in which
// case the browser will automatically retry later, as long
// as `event.lastChance` is not true.
if (this._requestsAddedDuringSync && !(syncError && !event.lastChance)) {
await this.registerSync();
throw syncError;
} finally {
// New items may have been added to the queue during the sync,
// so we need to register for a new sync if that's happened...
// Unless there was an error during the sync, in which
// case the browser will automatically retry later, as long
// as `event.lastChance` is not true.
if (this._requestsAddedDuringSync && !(syncError && !event.lastChance)) {
await this.registerSync();
this._syncInProgress = false;
this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false;
this._syncInProgress = false;
this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false;
} else {
logger_js.logger.log(`Background sync replaying without background sync event`);
} // If the browser doesn't support background sync, retry
// every time the service worker starts up as a fallback.
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Background sync replaying without background sync event`);
} // If the browser doesn't support background sync, retry
// every time the service worker starts up as a fallback.
queue: this
* Returns the set of queue names. This is primarily used to reset the list
* of queue names in tests.
* @return {Set}
* @private
queue: this
static get _queueNames() {
return queueNames;
* Returns the set of queue names. This is primarily used to reset the list
* of queue names in tests.
* Converts a QueueStore entry into the format exposed by Queue. This entails
* converting the request data into a real request and omitting the `id` and
* `queueName` properties.
* @return {Set}
* @param {Object} queueStoreEntry
* @return {Object}
* @private

@@ -738,86 +759,62 @@ */

static get _queueNames() {
return queueNames;
const convertEntry = queueStoreEntry => {
const queueEntry = {
request: new StorableRequest(queueStoreEntry.requestData).toRequest(),
timestamp: queueStoreEntry.timestamp
* Converts a QueueStore entry into the format exposed by Queue. This entails
* converting the request data into a real request and omitting the `id` and
* `queueName` properties.
* @param {Object} queueStoreEntry
* @return {Object}
* @private
if (queueStoreEntry.metadata) {
queueEntry.metadata = queueStoreEntry.metadata;
const convertEntry = queueStoreEntry => {
const queueEntry = {
request: new StorableRequest(queueStoreEntry.requestData).toRequest(),
timestamp: queueStoreEntry.timestamp
return queueEntry;
if (queueStoreEntry.metadata) {
queueEntry.metadata = queueStoreEntry.metadata;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return queueEntry;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A class implementing the `fetchDidFail` lifecycle callback. This makes it
* easier to add failed requests to a background sync Queue.
* @memberof workbox.backgroundSync
class Plugin {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {...*} queueArgs Args to forward to the composed Queue instance.
* See the [Queue]{@link workbox.backgroundSync.Queue} documentation for
* parameter details.
* A class implementing the `fetchDidFail` lifecycle callback. This makes it
* easier to add failed requests to a background sync Queue.
* @memberof workbox.backgroundSync
constructor(...queueArgs) {
this._queue = new Queue(...queueArgs);
this.fetchDidFail = this.fetchDidFail.bind(this);
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @private
class Plugin {
* @param {string} name See the [Queue]{@link workbox.backgroundSync.Queue}
* documentation for parameter details.
* @param {Object} [options] See the
* [Queue]{@link workbox.backgroundSync.Queue} documentation for
* parameter details.
constructor(name, options) {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @private
this.fetchDidFail = async ({
}) => {
await this._queue.pushRequest({
async fetchDidFail({
}) {
await this._queue.pushRequest({
this._queue = new Queue(name, options);
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
exports.Queue = Queue;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return exports;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.Queue = Queue;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.backgroundSync=function(t,e,s){"use strict";try{self["workbox:background-sync:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}const i=3,n="workbox-background-sync",a="requests",r="queueName";class c{constructor(t){this.t=t,this.s=new s.DBWrapper(n,i,{onupgradeneeded:this.i})}async pushEntry(t){delete,t.queueName=this.t,await this.s.add(a,t)}async unshiftEntry(t){const[e]=await this.s.getAllMatching(a,{count:1});e?,t.queueName=this.t,await this.s.add(a,t)}async popEntry(){return this.h({direction:"prev"})}async shiftEntry(){return this.h({direction:"next"})}async getAll(){return await this.s.getAllMatching(a,{index:r,query:IDBKeyRange.only(this.t)})}async deleteEntry(t){await this.s.delete(a,t)}async h({direction:t}){const[e]=await this.s.getAllMatching(a,{direction:t,index:r,query:IDBKeyRange.only(this.t),count:1});if(e)return await this.deleteEntry(,e}i(t){const;t.oldVersion>0&&t.oldVersion<i&&e.objectStoreNames.contains(a)&&e.deleteObjectStore(a),e.createObjectStore(a,{autoIncrement:!0,keyPath:"id"}).createIndex(r,r,{unique:!1})}}const h=["method","referrer","referrerPolicy","mode","credentials","cache","redirect","integrity","keepalive"];class o{static async fromRequest(t){const e={url:t.url,headers:{}};"GET"!==t.method&&(e.body=await t.clone().arrayBuffer());for(const[s,i]of t.headers.entries())e.headers[s]=i;for(const s of h)void 0!==t[s]&&(e[s]=t[s]);return new o(e)}constructor(t){"navigate"===t.mode&&(t.mode="same-origin"),this.o=t}toObject(){const t=Object.assign({},this.o);return t.headers=Object.assign({},this.o.headers),t.body&&(t.body=t.body.slice(0)),t}toRequest(){return new Request(this.o.url,this.o)}clone(){return new o(this.toObject())}}const u="workbox-background-sync",y=10080,w=new Set;class d{constructor(t,{onSync:s,maxRetentionTime:i}={}){if(w.has(t))throw new e.WorkboxError("duplicate-queue-name",{name:t});w.add(t),this.u=t,this.l=s||this.replayRequests,this.q=i||y,this.m=new c(this.u),this.p()}get name(){return this.u}async pushRequest(t){await this.g(t,"push")}async unshiftRequest(t){await this.g(t,"unshift")}async popRequest(){return this.R("pop")}async shiftRequest(){return this.R("shift")}async getAll(){const t=await this.m.getAll(),,s=[];for(const i of t){const t=60*this.q*1e3;e-i.timestamp>t?await this.m.deleteEntry(}return s}async g({request:t,metadata:e,},i){const n={requestData:(await o.fromRequest(t.clone())).toObject(),timestamp:s};e&&(n.metadata=e),await this.m[`${i}Entry`](n),this.k?this.D=!0:await this.registerSync()}async R(t){const,s=await this.m[`${t}Entry`]();if(s){const i=60*this.q*1e3;return e-s.timestamp>i?this.R(t):f(s)}}async replayRequests(){let t;for(;t=await this.shiftRequest();)try{await fetch(t.request.clone())}catch(s){throw await this.unshiftRequest(t),new e.WorkboxError("queue-replay-failed",{name:this.u})}}async registerSync(){if("sync"in registration)try{await registration.sync.register(`${u}:${this.u}`)}catch(t){}}p(){"sync"in registration?self.addEventListener("sync",t=>{if(t.tag===`${u}:${this.u}`){const e=async()=>{let e;this.k=!0;try{await this.l({queue:this})}catch(t){throw e=t}finally{!this.D||e&&!t.lastChance||await this.registerSync(),this.k=!1,this.D=!1}};t.waitUntil(e())}}):this.l({queue:this})}static get _(){return w}}const f=t=>{const e={request:new o(t.requestData).toRequest(),timestamp:t.timestamp};return t.metadata&&(e.metadata=t.metadata),e};return t.Queue=d,t.Plugin=class{constructor(...t){this.v=new d(...t),this.fetchDidFail=this.fetchDidFail.bind(this)}async fetchDidFail({request:t}){await this.v.pushRequest({request:t})}},t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.backgroundSync=function(t,e,s,i,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:background-sync:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const a=3,r="workbox-background-sync",c="requests",h="queueName";class o{constructor(t){this.t=t,this.s=new n.DBWrapper(r,a,{onupgradeneeded:this.i})}async pushEntry(t){delete,t.queueName=this.t,await this.s.add(c,t)}async unshiftEntry(t){const[e]=await this.s.getAllMatching(c,{count:1});e?,t.queueName=this.t,await this.s.add(c,t)}async popEntry(){return this.h({direction:"prev"})}async shiftEntry(){return this.h({direction:"next"})}async getAll(){return await this.s.getAllMatching(c,{index:h,query:IDBKeyRange.only(this.t)})}async deleteEntry(t){await this.s.delete(c,t)}async h({direction:t}){const[e]=await this.s.getAllMatching(c,{direction:t,index:h,query:IDBKeyRange.only(this.t),count:1});if(e)return await this.deleteEntry(,e}i(t){const;t.oldVersion>0&&t.oldVersion<a&&e.objectStoreNames.contains(c)&&e.deleteObjectStore(c),e.createObjectStore(c,{autoIncrement:!0,keyPath:"id"}).createIndex(h,h,{unique:!1})}}const u=["method","referrer","referrerPolicy","mode","credentials","cache","redirect","integrity","keepalive"];class y{static async fromRequest(t){const e={url:t.url,headers:{}};"GET"!==t.method&&(e.body=await t.clone().arrayBuffer());for(const[s,i]of t.headers.entries())e.headers[s]=i;for(const s of u)void 0!==t[s]&&(e[s]=t[s]);return new y(e)}constructor(t){"navigate"===t.mode&&(t.mode="same-origin"),this.o=t}toObject(){const t=Object.assign({},this.o);return t.headers=Object.assign({},this.o.headers),t.body&&(t.body=t.body.slice(0)),t}toRequest(){return new Request(this.o.url,this.o)}clone(){return new y(this.toObject())}}const w="workbox-background-sync",f=10080,d=new Set;class l{constructor(t,{onSync:s,maxRetentionTime:i}={}){if(this.u=!1,this.l=!1,d.has(t))throw new e.WorkboxError("duplicate-queue-name",{name:t});d.add(t),this.q=t,this.m=s||this.replayRequests,this.p=i||f,this.g=new o(this.q),this.R()}get name(){return this.q}async pushRequest(t){await this.k(t,"push")}async unshiftRequest(t){await this.k(t,"unshift")}async popRequest(){return this.D("pop")}async shiftRequest(){return this.D("shift")}async getAll(){const t=await this.g.getAll(),,s=[];for(const i of t){const t=60*this.p*1e3;e-i.timestamp>t?await this.g.deleteEntry(}return s}async k({request:t,metadata:e,},i){const n={requestData:(await y.fromRequest(t.clone())).toObject(),timestamp:s};e&&(n.metadata=e),await this.g[`${i}Entry`](n),this.u?this.l=!0:await this.registerSync()}async D(t){const,s=await this.g[`${t}Entry`]();if(s){const i=60*this.p*1e3;return e-s.timestamp>i?this.D(t):q(s)}}async replayRequests(){let t;for(;t=await this.shiftRequest();)try{await fetch(t.request.clone())}catch(s){throw await this.unshiftRequest(t),new e.WorkboxError("queue-replay-failed",{name:this.q})}}async registerSync(){if("sync"in self.registration)try{await self.registration.sync.register(`${w}:${this.q}`)}catch(t){}}R(){"sync"in self.registration?self.addEventListener("sync",t=>{if(t.tag===`${w}:${this.q}`){const e=async()=>{let e;this.u=!0;try{await this.m({queue:this})}catch(t){throw e=t}finally{!this.l||e&&!t.lastChance||await this.registerSync(),this.u=!1,this.l=!1}};t.waitUntil(e())}}):this.m({queue:this})}static get _(){return d}}const q=t=>{const e={request:new y(t.requestData).toRequest(),timestamp:t.timestamp};return t.metadata&&(e.metadata=t.metadata),e};return t.Plugin=class{constructor(t,e){this.fetchDidFail=(async({request:t})=>{await this.v.pushRequest({request:t})}),this.v=new l(t,e)}},t.Queue=l,t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.broadcastUpdate = (function (exports, assert_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, logger_mjs, Deferred_mjs, WorkboxError_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.broadcastUpdate = (function (exports, assert_js, getFriendlyURL_js, logger_js, Deferred_js, WorkboxError_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:broadcast-update:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:broadcast-update:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Given two `Response's`, compares several header values to see if they are
* the same or not.
* @param {Response} firstResponse
* @param {Response} secondResponse
* @param {Array<string>} headersToCheck
* @return {boolean}
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Given two `Response's`, compares several header values to see if they are
* the same or not.
* @param {Response} firstResponse
* @param {Response} secondResponse
* @param {Array<string>} headersToCheck
* @return {boolean}
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
* @private
const responsesAreSame = (firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck) => {
if (!(firstResponse instanceof Response && secondResponse instanceof Response)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('invalid-responses-are-same-args');
const responsesAreSame = (firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck) => {
if (!(firstResponse instanceof Response && secondResponse instanceof Response)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('invalid-responses-are-same-args');
const atLeastOneHeaderAvailable = headersToCheck.some(header => {
return firstResponse.headers.has(header) && secondResponse.headers.has(header);
const atLeastOneHeaderAvailable = headersToCheck.some(header => {
return firstResponse.headers.has(header) && secondResponse.headers.has(header);
if (!atLeastOneHeaderAvailable) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to determine where the response has been updated ` + `because none of the headers that would be checked are present.`);
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Attempting to compare the following: `, firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck);
} // Just return true, indicating the that responses are the same, since we
// can't determine otherwise.
if (!atLeastOneHeaderAvailable) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to determine where the response has been updated ` + `because none of the headers that would be checked are present.`);
logger_js.logger.debug(`Attempting to compare the following: `, firstResponse, secondResponse, headersToCheck);
} // Just return true, indicating the that responses are the same, since we
// can't determine otherwise.
return true;
return true;
return headersToCheck.every(header => {
const headerStateComparison = firstResponse.headers.has(header) === secondResponse.headers.has(header);
const headerValueComparison = firstResponse.headers.get(header) === secondResponse.headers.get(header);
return headerStateComparison && headerValueComparison;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_META = 'workbox-broadcast-update';
const DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK = ['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified'];
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* You would not normally call this method directly; it's called automatically
* by an instance of the {@link BroadcastCacheUpdate} class. It's exposed here
* for the benefit of developers who would rather not use the full
* `BroadcastCacheUpdate` implementation.
* Calling this will dispatch a message on the provided
* {@link|Broadcast Channel}
* to notify interested subscribers about a change to a cached resource.
* The message that's posted has a formation inspired by the
* [Flux standard action](
* format like so:
* ```
* {
* type: 'CACHE_UPDATED',
* meta: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
* payload: {
* cacheName: 'the-cache-name',
* updatedURL: ''
* }
* }
* ```
* (Usage of [Flux]( itself is not at
* all required.)
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName The name of the cache in which the updated
* `Response` was stored.
* @param {string} options.url The URL associated with the updated `Response`.
* @param {BroadcastChannel} [] The `BroadcastChannel` to use.
* If no channel is set or the browser doesn't support the BroadcastChannel
* api, then an attempt will be made to `postMessage` each window client.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
const broadcastUpdate = async ({
}) => {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: '~',
funcName: 'broadcastUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
return headersToCheck.every(header => {
const headerStateComparison = firstResponse.headers.has(header) === secondResponse.headers.has(header);
const headerValueComparison = firstResponse.headers.get(header) === secondResponse.headers.get(header);
return headerStateComparison && headerValueComparison;
assert_mjs.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: '~',
funcName: 'broadcastUpdate',
paramName: 'url'
const data = {
payload: {
cacheName: cacheName,
updatedURL: url
if (channel) {
} else {
const windows = await clients.matchAll({
type: 'window'
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
for (const win of windows) {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const CACHE_UPDATED_MESSAGE_META = 'workbox-broadcast-update';
const DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK = ['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified'];
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Uses the [Broadcast Channel API]{@link}
* to notify interested parties when a cached response has been updated.
* In browsers that do not support the Broadcast Channel API, the instance
* falls back to sending the update via `postMessage()` to all window clients.
* For efficiency's sake, the underlying response bodies are not compared;
* only specific response headers are checked.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
class BroadcastCacheUpdate {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Construct a BroadcastCacheUpdate instance with a specific `channelName` to
* broadcast messages on
* You would not normally call this method directly; it's called automatically
* by an instance of the {@link BroadcastCacheUpdate} class. It's exposed here
* for the benefit of developers who would rather not use the full
* `BroadcastCacheUpdate` implementation.
* Calling this will dispatch a message on the provided
* {@link|Broadcast Channel}
* to notify interested subscribers about a change to a cached resource.
* The message that's posted has a formation inspired by the
* [Flux standard action](
* format like so:
* ```
* {
* type: 'CACHE_UPDATED',
* meta: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
* payload: {
* cacheName: 'the-cache-name',
* updatedURL: ''
* }
* }
* ```
* (Usage of [Flux]( itself is not at
* all required.)
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<string>}
* [options.headersToCheck=['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified']]
* A list of headers that will be used to determine whether the responses
* differ.
* @param {string} [options.channelName='workbox'] The name that will be used
*. when creating the `BroadcastChannel`, which defaults to 'workbox' (the
* channel name used by the `workbox-window` package).
* @param {string} [options.deferNoticationTimeout=10000] The amount of time
* to wait for a ready message from the window on navigation requests
* before sending the update.
* @param {string} options.cacheName The name of the cache in which the updated
* `Response` was stored.
* @param {string} options.url The URL associated with the updated `Response`.
* @param {BroadcastChannel} [] The `BroadcastChannel` to use.
* If no channel is set or the browser doesn't support the BroadcastChannel
* api, then an attempt will be made to `postMessage` each window client.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
} = {}) {
this._headersToCheck = headersToCheck || DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK;
this._channelName = channelName || DEFAULT_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_NAME;
this._deferNoticationTimeout = deferNoticationTimeout || DEFAULT_DEFER_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT;
const broadcastUpdate = async ({
}) => {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(this._channelName, 'string', {
assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'BroadcastCacheUpdate',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'channelName'
className: '~',
funcName: 'broadcastUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
assert_mjs.assert.isArray(this._headersToCheck, {
assert_js.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'BroadcastCacheUpdate',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'headersToCheck'
className: '~',
funcName: 'broadcastUpdate',
paramName: 'url'
const data = {
payload: {
cacheName: cacheName,
updatedURL: url
if (channel) {
} else {
const windows = await self.clients.matchAll({
type: 'window'
for (const win of windows) {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Compare two [Responses](
* and send a message via the
* {@link|Broadcast Channel API}
* if they differ.
* Uses the [Broadcast Channel API]{@link}
* to notify interested parties when a cached response has been updated.
* In browsers that do not support the Broadcast Channel API, the instance
* falls back to sending the update via `postMessage()` to all window clients.
* Neither of the Responses can be {@link|opaque}.
* For efficiency's sake, the underlying response bodies are not compared;
* only specific response headers are checked.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.oldResponse Cached response to compare.
* @param {Response} options.newResponse Possibly updated response to compare.
* @param {string} options.url The URL of the request.
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache the responses belong
* to. This is included in the broadcast message.
* @param {Event} [options.event] event An optional event that triggered
* this possible cache update.
* @return {Promise} Resolves once the update is sent.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
class BroadcastCacheUpdate {
* Construct a BroadcastCacheUpdate instance with a specific `channelName` to
* broadcast messages on
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<string>}
* [options.headersToCheck=['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified']]
* A list of headers that will be used to determine whether the responses
* differ.
* @param {string} [options.channelName='workbox'] The name that will be used
*. when creating the `BroadcastChannel`, which defaults to 'workbox' (the
* channel name used by the `workbox-window` package).
* @param {string} [options.deferNoticationTimeout=10000] The amount of time
* to wait for a ready message from the window on navigation requests
* before sending the update.
} = {}) {
this._headersToCheck = headersToCheck || DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_CHECK;
this._channelName = channelName || DEFAULT_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_NAME;
this._deferNoticationTimeout = deferNoticationTimeout || DEFAULT_DEFER_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT;
}) {
if (!responsesAreSame(oldResponse, newResponse, this._headersToCheck)) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Newer response found (and cached) for:`, url);
assert_js.assert.isType(this._channelName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'BroadcastCacheUpdate',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'channelName'
assert_js.assert.isArray(this._headersToCheck, {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'BroadcastCacheUpdate',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'headersToCheck'
const sendUpdate = async () => {
// In the case of a navigation request, the requesting page will likely
// not have loaded its JavaScript in time to recevied the update
// notification, so we defer it until ready (or we timeout waiting).
if (event && event.request && event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Original request was a navigation request, ` + `waiting for a ready message from the window`, event.request);
* Compare two [Responses](
* and send a message via the
* {@link|Broadcast Channel API}
* if they differ.
* Neither of the Responses can be {@link|opaque}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.oldResponse Cached response to compare.
* @param {Response} options.newResponse Possibly updated response to compare.
* @param {string} options.url The URL of the request.
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache the responses belong
* to. This is included in the broadcast message.
* @param {Event} [options.event] event An optional event that triggered
* this possible cache update.
* @return {Promise} Resolves once the update is sent.
await this._windowReadyOrTimeout(event);
}) {
if (!responsesAreSame(oldResponse, newResponse, this._headersToCheck)) {
logger_js.logger.log(`Newer response found (and cached) for:`, url);
await this._broadcastUpdate({
channel: this._getChannel(),
}; // Send the update and ensure the SW stays alive until it's sent.
const sendUpdate = async () => {
// In the case of a navigation request, the requesting page will likely
// not have loaded its JavaScript in time to recevied the update
// notification, so we defer it until ready (or we timeout waiting).
if (event && event.request && event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Original request was a navigation request, ` + `waiting for a ready message from the window`, event.request);
await this._windowReadyOrTimeout(event);
const done = sendUpdate();
await this._broadcastUpdate({
channel: this._getChannel(),
}; // Send the update and ensure the SW stays alive until it's sent.
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive ` + `when broadcasting cache update for ` + `${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url)}'.`);
const done = sendUpdate();
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive ` + `when broadcasting cache update for ` + `${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url)}'.`);
return done;
* NOTE: this is exposed on the instance primarily so it can be spied on
* in tests.
* @param {Object} opts
* @private
return done;
async _broadcastUpdate(opts) {
await broadcastUpdate(opts);
* NOTE: this is exposed on the instance primarily so it can be spied on
* in tests.
* @param {Object} opts
* @private
* @return {BroadcastChannel|undefined} The BroadcastChannel instance used for
* broadcasting updates, or undefined if the browser doesn't support the
* Broadcast Channel API.
* @private
async _broadcastUpdate(opts) {
await broadcastUpdate(opts);
* @return {BroadcastChannel|undefined} The BroadcastChannel instance used for
* broadcasting updates, or undefined if the browser doesn't support the
* Broadcast Channel API.
* @private
_getChannel() {
if ('BroadcastChannel' in self && !this._channel) {
this._channel = new BroadcastChannel(this._channelName);
_getChannel() {
if ('BroadcastChannel' in self && !this._channel) {
this._channel = new BroadcastChannel(this._channelName);
return this._channel;
* Waits for a message from the window indicating that it's capable of
* receiving broadcasts. By default, this will only wait for the amount of
* time specified via the `deferNoticationTimeout` option.
* @param {Event} event The navigation fetch event.
* @return {Promise}
* @private
return this._channel;
* Waits for a message from the window indicating that it's capable of
* receiving broadcasts. By default, this will only wait for the amount of
* time specified via the `deferNoticationTimeout` option.
* @param {Event} event The navigation fetch event.
* @return {Promise}
* @private
_windowReadyOrTimeout(event) {
if (!this._navigationEventsDeferreds.has(event)) {
const deferred = new Deferred_js.Deferred(); // Set the deferred on the `_navigationEventsDeferreds` map so it will
// be resolved when the next ready message event comes.
_windowReadyOrTimeout(event) {
if (!this._navigationEventsDeferreds.has(event)) {
const deferred = new Deferred_mjs.Deferred(); // Set the deferred on the `_navigationEventsDeferreds` map so it will
// be resolved when the next ready message event comes.
this._navigationEventsDeferreds.set(event, deferred); // But don't wait too long for the message since it may never come.
this._navigationEventsDeferreds.set(event, deferred); // But don't wait too long for the message since it may never come.
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Timed out after ${this._deferNoticationTimeout}` + `ms waiting for message from window`);
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Timed out after ${this._deferNoticationTimeout}` + `ms waiting for message from window`);
}, this._deferNoticationTimeout); // Ensure the timeout is cleared if the deferred promise is resolved.
}, this._deferNoticationTimeout); // Ensure the timeout is cleared if the deferred promise is resolved.
deferred.promise.then(() => clearTimeout(timeout));
deferred.promise.then(() => clearTimeout(timeout));
return this._navigationEventsDeferreds.get(event).promise;
* Creates a mapping between navigation fetch events and deferreds, and adds
* a listener for message events from the window. When message events arrive,
* all deferreds in the mapping are resolved.
* Note: it would be easier if we could only resolve the deferred of
* navigation fetch event whose client ID matched the source ID of the
* message event, but currently client IDs are not exposed on navigation
* fetch events:
* @private
return this._navigationEventsDeferreds.get(event).promise;
* Creates a mapping between navigation fetch events and deferreds, and adds
* a listener for message events from the window. When message events arrive,
* all deferreds in the mapping are resolved.
* Note: it would be easier if we could only resolve the deferred of
* navigation fetch event whose client ID matched the source ID of the
* message event, but currently client IDs are not exposed on navigation
* fetch events:
* @private
_initWindowReadyDeferreds() {
// A mapping between navigation events and their deferreds.
this._navigationEventsDeferreds = new Map(); // The message listener needs to be added in the initial run of the
// service worker, but since we don't actually need to be listening for
// messages until the cache updates, we only invoke the callback if set.
_initWindowReadyDeferreds() {
// A mapping between navigation events and their deferreds.
this._navigationEventsDeferreds = new Map(); // The message listener needs to be added in the initial run of the
// service worker, but since we don't actually need to be listening for
// messages until the cache updates, we only invoke the callback if set.
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === 'WINDOW_READY' && === 'workbox-window' && this._navigationEventsDeferreds.size > 0) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Received WINDOW_READY event: `, event);
} // Resolve any pending deferreds.
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === 'WINDOW_READY' && === 'workbox-window' && this._navigationEventsDeferreds.size > 0) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Received WINDOW_READY event: `, event);
} // Resolve any pending deferreds.
for (const deferred of this._navigationEventsDeferreds.values()) {
for (const deferred of this._navigationEventsDeferreds.values()) {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This plugin will automatically broadcast a message whenever a cached response
* is updated.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
class Plugin {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Construct a BroadcastCacheUpdate instance with the passed options and
* calls its `notifyIfUpdated()` method whenever the plugin's
* `cacheDidUpdate` callback is invoked.
* This plugin will automatically broadcast a message whenever a cached response
* is updated.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<string>}
* [options.headersToCheck=['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified']]
* A list of headers that will be used to determine whether the responses
* differ.
* @param {string} [options.channelName='workbox'] The name that will be used
*. when creating the `BroadcastChannel`, which defaults to 'workbox' (the
* channel name used by the `workbox-window` package).
* @param {string} [options.deferNoticationTimeout=10000] The amount of time
* to wait for a ready message from the window on navigation requests
* before sending the update.
* @memberof workbox.broadcastUpdate
constructor(options) {
this._broadcastUpdate = new BroadcastCacheUpdate(options);
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox-sw` and `workbox-runtime-caching` handlers when an entry is
* added to a cache.
* @private
* @param {Object} options The input object to this function.
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache being updated.
* @param {Response} [options.oldResponse] The previous cached value, if any.
* @param {Response} options.newResponse The new value in the cache.
* @param {Request} options.request The request that triggered the udpate.
* @param {Request} [options.event] The event that triggered the update.
class Plugin {
* Construct a BroadcastCacheUpdate instance with the passed options and
* calls its `notifyIfUpdated()` method whenever the plugin's
* `cacheDidUpdate` callback is invoked.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<string>}
* [options.headersToCheck=['content-length', 'etag', 'last-modified']]
* A list of headers that will be used to determine whether the responses
* differ.
* @param {string} [options.channelName='workbox'] The name that will be used
*. when creating the `BroadcastChannel`, which defaults to 'workbox' (the
* channel name used by the `workbox-window` package).
* @param {string} [options.deferNoticationTimeout=10000] The amount of time
* to wait for a ready message from the window on navigation requests
* before sending the update.
constructor(options) {
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox-sw` and `workbox-runtime-caching` handlers when an entry is
* added to a cache.
* @private
* @param {Object} options The input object to this function.
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache being updated.
* @param {Response} [options.oldResponse] The previous cached value, if any.
* @param {Response} options.newResponse The new value in the cache.
* @param {Request} options.request The request that triggered the update.
* @param {Request} [options.event] The event that triggered the update.
this.cacheDidUpdate = async ({
}) => {
assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(newResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'newResponse'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'request'
} // Without a two responses there is nothing to compare.
}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(newResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'newResponse'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-broadcast-update',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'request'
if (!oldResponse) {
// Without a two responses there is nothing to compare.
if (oldResponse) {
url: request.url
this._broadcastUpdate = new BroadcastCacheUpdate(options);
url: request.url
exports.BroadcastCacheUpdate = BroadcastCacheUpdate;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
exports.broadcastUpdate = broadcastUpdate;
exports.responsesAreSame = responsesAreSame;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return exports;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.BroadcastCacheUpdate = BroadcastCacheUpdate;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
exports.broadcastUpdate = broadcastUpdate;
exports.responsesAreSame = responsesAreSame;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.broadcastUpdate=function(e,t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:broadcast-update:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}const s=(e,t,s)=>{return!s.some(s=>e.headers.has(s)&&t.headers.has(s))||s.every(s=>{const n=e.headers.has(s)===t.headers.has(s),a=e.headers.get(s)===t.headers.get(s);return n&&a})},n="workbox",a=1e4,i=["content-length","etag","last-modified"],o=async({channel:e,cacheName:t,url:s})=>{const n={type:"CACHE_UPDATED",meta:"workbox-broadcast-update",payload:{cacheName:t,updatedURL:s}};if(e)e.postMessage(n);else{const e=await clients.matchAll({type:"window"});for(const t of e)t.postMessage(n)}};class c{constructor({headersToCheck:e,channelName:t,deferNoticationTimeout:s}={}){this.t=e||i,this.s=t||n,this.i=s||a,this.o()}notifyIfUpdated({oldResponse:e,newResponse:t,url:n,cacheName:a,event:i}){if(!s(e,t,this.t)){const e=(async()=>{i&&i.request&&"navigate"===i.request.mode&&await this.h(i),await this.l({channel:this.u(),cacheName:a,url:n})})();if(i)try{i.waitUntil(e)}catch(e){}return e}}async l(e){await o(e)}u(){return"BroadcastChannel"in self&&!this.p&&(this.p=new BroadcastChannel(this.s)),this.p}h(e){if(!this.m.has(e)){const s=new t.Deferred;this.m.set(e,s);const n=setTimeout(()=>{s.resolve()},this.i);s.promise.then(()=>clearTimeout(n))}return this.m.get(e).promise}o(){this.m=new Map,self.addEventListener("message",e=>{if("WINDOW_READY""workbox-window">0){for(const e of this.m.values())e.resolve();this.m.clear()}})}}return e.BroadcastCacheUpdate=c,e.Plugin=class{constructor(e){this.l=new c(e)}cacheDidUpdate({cacheName:e,oldResponse:t,newResponse:s,request:n,event:a}){t&&this.l.notifyIfUpdated({cacheName:e,oldResponse:t,newResponse:s,event:a,url:n.url})}},e.broadcastUpdate=o,e.responsesAreSame=s,e}({},workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.broadcastUpdate=function(e,t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:broadcast-update:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(e){}const s=(e,t,s)=>{return!s.some(s=>e.headers.has(s)&&t.headers.has(s))||s.every(s=>{const n=e.headers.has(s)===t.headers.has(s),a=e.headers.get(s)===t.headers.get(s);return n&&a})},n="workbox",a=1e4,i=["content-length","etag","last-modified"],o=async({channel:e,cacheName:t,url:s})=>{const n={type:"CACHE_UPDATED",meta:"workbox-broadcast-update",payload:{cacheName:t,updatedURL:s}};if(e)e.postMessage(n);else{const e=await self.clients.matchAll({type:"window"});for(const t of e)t.postMessage(n)}};class c{constructor({headersToCheck:e,channelName:t,deferNoticationTimeout:s}={}){this.t=e||i,this.s=t||n,this.i=s||a,this.o()}notifyIfUpdated({oldResponse:e,newResponse:t,url:n,cacheName:a,event:i}){if(!s(e,t,this.t)){const e=(async()=>{i&&i.request&&"navigate"===i.request.mode&&await this.h(i),await this.l({channel:this.u(),cacheName:a,url:n})})();if(i)try{i.waitUntil(e)}catch(e){}return e}}async l(e){await o(e)}u(){return"BroadcastChannel"in self&&!this.m&&(this.m=new BroadcastChannel(this.s)),this.m}h(e){if(!this.p.has(e)){const s=new t.Deferred;this.p.set(e,s);const n=setTimeout(()=>{s.resolve()},this.i);s.promise.then(()=>clearTimeout(n))}return this.p.get(e).promise}o(){this.p=new Map,self.addEventListener("message",e=>{if("WINDOW_READY""workbox-window">0){for(const e of this.p.values())e.resolve();this.p.clear()}})}}return e.BroadcastCacheUpdate=c,e.Plugin=class{constructor(e){this.cacheDidUpdate=(async({cacheName:e,oldResponse:t,newResponse:s,request:n,event:a})=>{t&&this.l.notifyIfUpdated({cacheName:e,oldResponse:t,newResponse:s,event:a,url:n.url})}),this.l=new c(e)}},e.broadcastUpdate=o,e.responsesAreSame=s,e}({},workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.cacheableResponse = (function (exports, WorkboxError_mjs, assert_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, logger_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.cacheableResponse = (function (exports, assert_js, WorkboxError_js, getFriendlyURL_js, logger_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:cacheable-response:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:cacheable-response:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This class allows you to set up rules determining what
* status codes and/or headers need to be present in order for a
* [`Response`](
* to be considered cacheable.
* @memberof workbox.cacheableResponse
class CacheableResponse {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* To construct a new CacheableResponse instance you must provide at least
* one of the `config` properties.
* This class allows you to set up rules determining what
* status codes and/or headers need to be present in order for a
* [`Response`](
* to be considered cacheable.
* If both `statuses` and `headers` are specified, then both conditions must
* be met for the `Response` to be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {Array<number>} [config.statuses] One or more status codes that a
* `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object<string,string>} [config.headers] A mapping of header names
* and expected values that a `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* If multiple headers are provided, only one needs to be present.
* @memberof workbox.cacheableResponse
constructor(config = {}) {
if (!(config.statuses || config.headers)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('statuses-or-headers-required', {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor'
if (config.statuses) {
assert_mjs.assert.isArray(config.statuses, {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.statuses'
class CacheableResponse {
* To construct a new CacheableResponse instance you must provide at least
* one of the `config` properties.
* If both `statuses` and `headers` are specified, then both conditions must
* be met for the `Response` to be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {Array<number>} [config.statuses] One or more status codes that a
* `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object<string,string>} [config.headers] A mapping of header names
* and expected values that a `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* If multiple headers are provided, only one needs to be present.
constructor(config = {}) {
if (!(config.statuses || config.headers)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('statuses-or-headers-required', {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor'
if (config.statuses) {
assert_js.assert.isArray(config.statuses, {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.statuses'
if (config.headers) {
assert_js.assert.isType(config.headers, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.headers'
if (config.headers) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(config.headers, 'object', {
this._statuses = config.statuses;
this._headers = config.headers;
* Checks a response to see whether it's cacheable or not, based on this
* object's configuration.
* @param {Response} response The response whose cacheability is being
* checked.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the `Response` is cacheable, and `false`
* otherwise.
isResponseCacheable(response) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(response, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.headers'
funcName: 'isResponseCacheable',
paramName: 'response'
this._statuses = config.statuses;
this._headers = config.headers;
* Checks a response to see whether it's cacheable or not, based on this
* object's configuration.
* @param {Response} response The response whose cacheability is being
* checked.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the `Response` is cacheable, and `false`
* otherwise.
let cacheable = true;
if (this._statuses) {
cacheable = this._statuses.includes(response.status);
isResponseCacheable(response) {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(response, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-cacheable-response',
className: 'CacheableResponse',
funcName: 'isResponseCacheable',
paramName: 'response'
if (this._headers && cacheable) {
cacheable = Object.keys(this._headers).some(headerName => {
return response.headers.get(headerName) === this._headers[headerName];
let cacheable = true;
if (!cacheable) {
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`The request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(response.url)}' returned a response that does ` + `not meet the criteria for being cached.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View cacheability criteria here.`);
logger_js.logger.log(`Cacheable statuses: ` + JSON.stringify(this._statuses));
logger_js.logger.log(`Cacheable headers: ` + JSON.stringify(this._headers, null, 2));
const logFriendlyHeaders = {};
response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
logFriendlyHeaders[key] = value;
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View response status and headers here.`);
logger_js.logger.log(`Response status: ` + response.status);
logger_js.logger.log(`Response headers: ` + JSON.stringify(logFriendlyHeaders, null, 2));
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View full response details here.`);
if (this._statuses) {
cacheable = this._statuses.includes(response.status);
return cacheable;
if (this._headers && cacheable) {
cacheable = Object.keys(this._headers).some(headerName => {
return response.headers.get(headerName) === this._headers[headerName];
if (!cacheable) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`The request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(response.url)}' returned a response that does ` + `not meet the criteria for being cached.`);
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View cacheability criteria here.`);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Cacheable statuses: ` + JSON.stringify(this._statuses));
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Cacheable headers: ` + JSON.stringify(this._headers, null, 2));
const logFriendlyHeaders = {};
response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
logFriendlyHeaders[key] = value;
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View response status and headers here.`);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Response status: ` + response.status);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Response headers: ` + JSON.stringify(logFriendlyHeaders, null, 2));
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View full response details here.`);
return cacheable;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A class implementing the `cacheWillUpdate` lifecycle callback. This makes it
* easier to add in cacheability checks to requests made via Workbox's built-in
* strategies.
* @memberof workbox.cacheableResponse
class Plugin {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* To construct a new cacheable response Plugin instance you must provide at
* least one of the `config` properties.
* A class implementing the `cacheWillUpdate` lifecycle callback. This makes it
* easier to add in cacheability checks to requests made via Workbox's built-in
* strategies.
* If both `statuses` and `headers` are specified, then both conditions must
* be met for the `Response` to be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {Array<number>} [config.statuses] One or more status codes that a
* `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object<string,string>} [config.headers] A mapping of header names
* and expected values that a `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* If multiple headers are provided, only one needs to be present.
* @memberof workbox.cacheableResponse
constructor(config) {
this._cacheableResponse = new CacheableResponse(config);
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.response
* @return {boolean}
* @private
class Plugin {
* To construct a new cacheable response Plugin instance you must provide at
* least one of the `config` properties.
* If both `statuses` and `headers` are specified, then both conditions must
* be met for the `Response` to be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {Array<number>} [config.statuses] One or more status codes that a
* `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* @param {Object<string,string>} [config.headers] A mapping of header names
* and expected values that a `Response` can have and be considered cacheable.
* If multiple headers are provided, only one needs to be present.
constructor(config) {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.response
* @return {Response|null}
* @private
this.cacheWillUpdate = async ({
}) => {
if (this._cacheableResponse.isResponseCacheable(response)) {
return response;
}) {
if (this._cacheableResponse.isResponseCacheable(response)) {
return response;
return null;
this._cacheableResponse = new CacheableResponse(config);
return null;
exports.CacheableResponse = CacheableResponse;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return exports;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.CacheableResponse = CacheableResponse;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.cacheableResponse=function(t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:cacheable-response:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}class s{constructor(t={}){this.t=t.statuses,this.s=t.headers}isResponseCacheable(t){let s=!0;return this.t&&(s=this.t.includes(t.status)),this.s&&s&&(s=Object.keys(this.s).some(s=>t.headers.get(s)===this.s[s])),s}}return t.CacheableResponse=s,t.Plugin=class{constructor(t){this.i=new s(t)}cacheWillUpdate({response:t}){return this.i.isResponseCacheable(t)?t:null}},t}({});
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.cacheableResponse=function(s){"use strict";try{self["workbox:cacheable-response:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(s){}class t{constructor(s={}){this.s=s.statuses,this.t=s.headers}isResponseCacheable(s){let t=!0;return this.s&&(t=this.s.includes(s.status)),this.t&&t&&(t=Object.keys(this.t).some(t=>s.headers.get(t)===this.t[t])),t}}return s.CacheableResponse=t,s.Plugin=class{constructor(s){this.cacheWillUpdate=(async({response:s})=>this.i.isResponseCacheable(s)?s:null),this.i=new t(s)}},s}({});
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.core = (function (exports) {
'use strict';
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:core:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:core:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const logger = (() => {
let inGroup = false;
const methodToColorMap = {
debug: `#7f8c8d`,
// Gray
log: `#2ecc71`,
// Green
warn: `#f39c12`,
// Yellow
error: `#c0392b`,
// Red
groupCollapsed: `#3498db`,
// Blue
groupEnd: null // No colored prefix on groupEnd
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const logger = (() => {
let inGroup = false;
const methodToColorMap = {
debug: `#7f8c8d`,
log: `#2ecc71`,
warn: `#f39c12`,
error: `#c0392b`,
groupCollapsed: `#3498db`,
groupEnd: null
const print = function (method, args) {
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
// Safari doesn't print all console.groupCollapsed() arguments:
if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
const print = function (method, args) {
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
// Safari doesn't print all console.groupCollapsed() arguments:
if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
const styles = [`background: ${methodToColorMap[method]}`, `border-radius: 0.5em`, `color: white`, `font-weight: bold`, `padding: 2px 0.5em`]; // When in a group, the workbox prefix is not displayed.
const logPrefix = inGroup ? [] : ['%cworkbox', styles.join(';')];
console[method](...logPrefix, ...args);
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
inGroup = true;
const styles = [`background: ${methodToColorMap[method]}`, `border-radius: 0.5em`, `color: white`, `font-weight: bold`, `padding: 2px 0.5em`]; // When in a group, the workbox prefix is not displayed.
if (method === 'groupEnd') {
inGroup = false;
const logPrefix = inGroup ? [] : ['%cworkbox', styles.join(';')];
console[method](...logPrefix, ...args);
const api = {};
const loggerMethods = Object.keys(methodToColorMap);
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
inGroup = true;
for (const key of loggerMethods) {
const method = key;
if (method === 'groupEnd') {
inGroup = false;
api[method] = (...args) => {
print(method, args);
const api = {};
return api;
for (const method of Object.keys(methodToColorMap)) {
api[method] = (...args) => {
print(method, args);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return api;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const messages = {
'invalid-value': ({
}) => {
if (!paramName || !validValueDescription) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-value' error.`);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return `The '${paramName}' parameter was given a value with an ` + `unexpected value. ${validValueDescription} Received a value of ` + `${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
'not-in-sw': ({
}) => {
if (!moduleName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'not-in-sw' error.`);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const messages = {
'invalid-value': ({
}) => {
if (!paramName || !validValueDescription) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-value' error.`);
return `The '${moduleName}' must be used in a service worker.`;
'not-an-array': ({
}) => {
if (!moduleName || !className || !funcName || !paramName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'not-an-array' error.`);
return `The '${paramName}' parameter was given a value with an ` + `unexpected value. ${validValueDescription} Received a value of ` + `${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
'not-in-sw': ({
}) => {
if (!moduleName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'not-in-sw' error.`);
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}()' must be an array.`;
'incorrect-type': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedType || !paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-type' error.`);
return `The '${moduleName}' must be used in a service worker.`;
'not-an-array': ({
}) => {
if (!moduleName || !className || !funcName || !paramName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'not-an-array' error.`);
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}` + `${funcName}()' must be of type ${expectedType}.`;
'incorrect-class': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedClass || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-class' error.`);
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}()' must be an array.`;
'incorrect-type': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedType || !paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-type' error.`);
if (isReturnValueProblem) {
return `The return value from ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${}.`;
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}` + `${funcName}()' must be of type ${expectedType}.`;
'incorrect-class': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedClass || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-class' error.`);
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${}.`;
'missing-a-method': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedMethod || !paramName || !moduleName || !className || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'missing-a-method' error.`);
if (isReturnValueProblem) {
return `The return value from ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${}.`;
return `${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() expected the ` + `'${paramName}' parameter to expose a '${expectedMethod}' method.`;
'add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type': ({
}) => {
return `An unexpected entry was passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' The entry ` + `'${JSON.stringify(entry)}' isn't supported. You must supply an array of ` + `strings with one or more characters, objects with a url property or ` + `Request objects.`;
'add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries': ({
}) => {
if (!firstEntry || !secondEntry) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'add-to-cache-list-duplicate-entries' error.`);
return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className ? className + '.' : ''}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${}.`;
'missing-a-method': ({
}) => {
if (!expectedMethod || !paramName || !moduleName || !className || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'missing-a-method' error.`);
return `Two of the entries passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' had the URL ` + `${firstEntry._entryId} but different revision details. Workbox is ` + `is unable to cache and version the asset correctly. Please remove one ` + `of the entries.`;
'plugin-error-request-will-fetch': ({
}) => {
if (!thrownError) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'plugin-error-request-will-fetch', error.`);
return `${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() expected the ` + `'${paramName}' parameter to expose a '${expectedMethod}' method.`;
'add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type': ({
}) => {
return `An unexpected entry was passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' The entry ` + `'${JSON.stringify(entry)}' isn't supported. You must supply an array of ` + `strings with one or more characters, objects with a url property or ` + `Request objects.`;
'add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries': ({
}) => {
if (!firstEntry || !secondEntry) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'add-to-cache-list-duplicate-entries' error.`);
return `An error was thrown by a plugins 'requestWillFetch()' method. ` + `The thrown error message was: '${thrownError.message}'.`;
'invalid-cache-name': ({
}) => {
if (!cacheNameId) {
throw new Error(`Expected a 'cacheNameId' for error 'invalid-cache-name'`);
return `Two of the entries passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' had the URL ` + `${firstEntry._entryId} but different revision details. Workbox is ` + `is unable to cache and version the asset correctly. Please remove one ` + `of the entries.`;
'plugin-error-request-will-fetch': ({
}) => {
if (!thrownError) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'plugin-error-request-will-fetch', error.`);
return `You must provide a name containing at least one character for ` + `setCacheDetails({${cacheNameId}: '...'}). Received a value of ` + `'${JSON.stringify(value)}'`;
'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method': ({
}) => {
if (!method) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method' error.`);
return `An error was thrown by a plugins 'requestWillFetch()' method. ` + `The thrown error message was: '${thrownError.message}'.`;
'invalid-cache-name': ({
}) => {
if (!cacheNameId) {
throw new Error(`Expected a 'cacheNameId' for error 'invalid-cache-name'`);
return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered for the method type '${method}'.`;
'unregister-route-route-not-registered': () => {
return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered.`;
'queue-replay-failed': ({
}) => {
return `Replaying the background sync queue '${name}' failed.`;
'duplicate-queue-name': ({
}) => {
return `The Queue name '${name}' is already being used. ` + `All instances of backgroundSync.Queue must be given unique names.`;
'expired-test-without-max-age': ({
}) => {
return `The '${methodName}()' method can only be used when the ` + `'${paramName}' is used in the constructor.`;
'unsupported-route-type': ({
}) => {
return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter was an unsupported type. ` + `Please check the docs for ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName} for ` + `valid input types.`;
'not-array-of-class': ({
}) => {
return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter must be an array of ` + `'${expectedClass}' objects. Received '${JSON.stringify(value)},'. ` + `Please check the call to ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() ` + `to fix the issue.`;
'max-entries-or-age-required': ({
}) => {
return `You must define either config.maxEntries or config.maxAgeSeconds` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
'statuses-or-headers-required': ({
}) => {
return `You must define either config.statuses or config.headers` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
'invalid-string': ({
}) => {
if (!paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-string' error.`);
return `You must provide a name containing at least one character for ` + `setCacheDeatils({${cacheNameId}: '...'}). Received a value of ` + `'${JSON.stringify(value)}'`;
'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method': ({
}) => {
if (!method) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method' error.`);
return `When using strings, the '${paramName}' parameter must start with ` + `'http' (for cross-origin matches) or '/' (for same-origin matches). ` + `Please see the docs for ${moduleName}.${funcName}() for ` + `more info.`;
'channel-name-required': () => {
return `You must provide a channelName to construct a ` + `BroadcastCacheUpdate instance.`;
'invalid-responses-are-same-args': () => {
return `The arguments passed into responsesAreSame() appear to be ` + `invalid. Please ensure valid Responses are used.`;
'expire-custom-caches-only': () => {
return `You must provide a 'cacheName' property when using the ` + `expiration plugin with a runtime caching strategy.`;
'unit-must-be-bytes': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'unit-must-be-bytes' error.`);
return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered for the method type '${method}'.`;
'unregister-route-route-not-registered': () => {
return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered.`;
'queue-replay-failed': ({
}) => {
return `Replaying the background sync queue '${name}' failed.`;
'duplicate-queue-name': ({
}) => {
return `The Queue name '${name}' is already being used. ` + `All instances of backgroundSync.Queue must be given unique names.`;
'expired-test-without-max-age': ({
}) => {
return `The '${methodName}()' method can only be used when the ` + `'${paramName}' is used in the constructor.`;
'unsupported-route-type': ({
}) => {
return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter was an unsupported type. ` + `Please check the docs for ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName} for ` + `valid input types.`;
'not-array-of-class': ({
}) => {
return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter must be an array of ` + `'${expectedClass}' objects. Received '${JSON.stringify(value)},'. ` + `Please check the call to ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() ` + `to fix the issue.`;
'max-entries-or-age-required': ({
}) => {
return `You must define either config.maxEntries or config.maxAgeSeconds` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
'statuses-or-headers-required': ({
}) => {
return `You must define either config.statuses or config.headers` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
'invalid-string': ({
}) => {
if (!paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-string' error.`);
return `The 'unit' portion of the Range header must be set to 'bytes'. ` + `The Range header provided was "${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'single-range-only': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'single-range-only' error.`);
return `When using strings, the '${paramName}' parameter must start with ` + `'http' (for cross-origin matches) or '/' (for same-origin matches). ` + `Please see the docs for ${moduleName}.${funcName}() for ` + `more info.`;
'channel-name-required': () => {
return `You must provide a channelName to construct a ` + `BroadcastCacheUpdate instance.`;
'invalid-responses-are-same-args': () => {
return `The arguments passed into responsesAreSame() appear to be ` + `invalid. Please ensure valid Responses are used.`;
'expire-custom-caches-only': () => {
return `You must provide a 'cacheName' property when using the ` + `expiration plugin with a runtime caching strategy.`;
'unit-must-be-bytes': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'unit-must-be-bytes' error.`);
return `Multiple ranges are not supported. Please use a single start ` + `value, and optional end value. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'invalid-range-values': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-range-values' error.`);
return `The 'unit' portion of the Range header must be set to 'bytes'. ` + `The Range header provided was "${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'single-range-only': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'single-range-only' error.`);
return `The Range header is missing both start and end values. At least ` + `one of those values is needed. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'no-range-header': () => {
return `No Range header was found in the Request provided.`;
'range-not-satisfiable': ({
}) => {
return `The start (${start}) and end (${end}) values in the Range are ` + `not satisfiable by the cached response, which is ${size} bytes.`;
'attempt-to-cache-non-get-request': ({
}) => {
return `Unable to cache '${url}' because it is a '${method}' request and ` + `only 'GET' requests can be cached.`;
'cache-put-with-no-response': ({
}) => {
return `There was an attempt to cache '${url}' but the response was not ` + `defined.`;
'no-response': ({
}) => {
let message = `The strategy could not generate a response for '${url}'.`;
return `Multiple ranges are not supported. Please use a single start ` + `value, and optional end value. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'invalid-range-values': ({
}) => {
if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-range-values' error.`);
if (error) {
message += ` The underlying error is ${error}.`;
return `The Range header is missing both start and end values. At least ` + `one of those values is needed. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
'no-range-header': () => {
return `No Range header was found in the Request provided.`;
'range-not-satisfiable': ({
}) => {
return `The start (${start}) and end (${end}) values in the Range are ` + `not satisfiable by the cached response, which is ${size} bytes.`;
'attempt-to-cache-non-get-request': ({
}) => {
return `Unable to cache '${url}' because it is a '${method}' request and ` + `only 'GET' requests can be cached.`;
'cache-put-with-no-response': ({
}) => {
return `There was an attempt to cache '${url}' but the response was not ` + `defined.`;
'no-response': ({
}) => {
let message = `The strategy could not generate a response for '${url}'.`;
if (error) {
message += ` The underlying error is ${error}.`;
return message;
'bad-precaching-response': ({
}) => {
return `The precaching request for '${url}' failed with an HTTP ` + `status of ${status}.`;
'non-precached-url': ({
}) => {
return `createHandlerForURL('${url}') was called, but that URL is not ` + `precached. Please pass in a URL that is precached instead.`;
'add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities': ({
}) => {
return `Two of the entries passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' had the URL ` + `${url} with different integrity values. Please remove one of them.`;
return message;
'bad-precaching-response': ({
}) => {
return `The precaching request for '${url}' failed with an HTTP ` + `status of ${status}.`;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const generatorFunction = (code, details = {}) => {
const message = messages[code];
const generatorFunction = (code, ...args) => {
const message = messages[code];
if (!message) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find message for code '${code}'.`);
if (!message) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find message for code '${code}'.`);
return message(details);
return message(...args);
const messageGenerator = generatorFunction;
const messageGenerator = generatorFunction;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Workbox errors should be thrown with this class.
* This allows use to ensure the type easily in tests,
* helps developers identify errors from workbox
* easily and allows use to optimise error
* messages correctly.
* @private
class WorkboxError extends Error {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Workbox errors should be thrown with this class.
* This allows use to ensure the type easily in tests,
* helps developers identify errors from workbox
* easily and allows use to optimise error
* messages correctly.
* @param {string} errorCode The error code that
* identifies this particular error.
* @param {Object=} details Any relevant arguments
* that will help developers identify issues should
* be added as a key on the context object.
* @private
constructor(errorCode, details) {
let message = messageGenerator(errorCode, details);
super(message); = errorCode;
this.details = details;
class WorkboxError extends Error {
* @param {string} errorCode The error code that
* identifies this particular error.
* @param {Object=} details Any relevant arguments
* that will help developers identify issues should
* be added as a key on the context object.
constructor(errorCode, details) {
let message = messageGenerator(errorCode, details);
super(message); = errorCode;
this.details = details;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method returns true if the current context is a service worker.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const isSWEnv = moduleName => {
if (!('ServiceWorkerGlobalScope' in self)) {
throw new WorkboxError('not-in-sw', {
* This method throws if the supplied value is not an array.
* The destructed values are required to produce a meaningful error for users.
* The destructed and restructured object is so it's clear what is
* needed.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method returns true if the current context is a service worker.
const isSWEnv = moduleName => {
if (!('ServiceWorkerGlobalScope' in self)) {
throw new WorkboxError('not-in-sw', {
* This method throws if the supplied value is not an array.
* The destructed values are required to produce a meaningful error for users.
* The destructed and restructured object is so it's clear what is
* needed.
const isArray = (value, {
}) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new WorkboxError('not-an-array', {
const hasMethod = (object, expectedMethod, {
}) => {
const type = typeof object[expectedMethod];
const isArray = (value, details) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new WorkboxError('not-an-array', details);
if (type !== 'function') {
throw new WorkboxError('missing-a-method', {
const hasMethod = (object, expectedMethod, details) => {
const type = typeof object[expectedMethod];
const isType = (object, expectedType, {
}) => {
if (typeof object !== expectedType) {
throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-type', {
if (type !== 'function') {
details.expectedMethod = expectedMethod;
throw new WorkboxError('missing-a-method', details);
const isInstance = (object, expectedClass, {
}) => {
if (!(object instanceof expectedClass)) {
throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-class', {
const isType = (object, expectedType, details) => {
if (typeof object !== expectedType) {
details.expectedType = expectedType;
throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-type', details);
const isOneOf = (value, validValues, {
}) => {
if (!validValues.includes(value)) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-value', {
validValueDescription: `Valid values are ${JSON.stringify(validValues)}.`
const isInstance = (object, expectedClass, details) => {
if (!(object instanceof expectedClass)) {
details.expectedClass = expectedClass;
throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-class', details);
const isArrayOfClass = (value, expectedClass, {
}) => {
const error = new WorkboxError('not-array-of-class', {
const isOneOf = (value, validValues, details) => {
if (!validValues.includes(value)) {
details.validValueDescription = `Valid values are ${JSON.stringify(validValues)}.`;
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-value', details);
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw error;
const isArrayOfClass = (value, expectedClass, details) => {
const error = new WorkboxError('not-array-of-class', details);
for (let item of value) {
if (!(item instanceof expectedClass)) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw error;
const finalAssertExports = {
for (let item of value) {
if (!(item instanceof expectedClass)) {
throw error;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const finalAssertExports = {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const quotaErrorCallbacks = new Set();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const quotaErrorCallbacks = new Set();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds a function to the set of quotaErrorCallbacks that will be executed if
* there's a quota error.
* @param {Function} callback
* @memberof workbox.core
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
function registerQuotaErrorCallback(callback) {
finalAssertExports.isType(callback, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
funcName: 'register',
paramName: 'callback'
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds a function to the set of quotaErrorCallbacks that will be executed if
* there's a quota error.
* @param {Function} callback
* @memberof workbox.core
function registerQuotaErrorCallback(callback) {
finalAssertExports.isType(callback, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
funcName: 'register',
paramName: 'callback'
logger.log('Registered a callback to respond to quota errors.', callback);
logger.log('Registered a callback to respond to quota errors.', callback);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const _cacheNameDetails = {
googleAnalytics: 'googleAnalytics',
precache: 'precache-v2',
prefix: 'workbox',
runtime: 'runtime',
suffix: self.registration.scope
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const _cacheNameDetails = {
googleAnalytics: 'googleAnalytics',
precache: 'precache-v2',
prefix: 'workbox',
runtime: 'runtime',
suffix: registration.scope
const _createCacheName = cacheName => {
return [_cacheNameDetails.prefix, cacheName, _cacheNameDetails.suffix].filter(value => value.length > 0).join('-');
const _createCacheName = cacheName => {
return [_cacheNameDetails.prefix, cacheName, _cacheNameDetails.suffix].filter(value => value && value.length > 0).join('-');
const cacheNames = {
updateDetails: details => {
Object.keys(_cacheNameDetails).forEach(key => {
if (typeof details[key] !== 'undefined') {
_cacheNameDetails[key] = details[key];
getGoogleAnalyticsName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.googleAnalytics);
getPrecacheName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.precache);
getPrefix: () => {
return _cacheNameDetails.prefix;
getRuntimeName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.runtime);
getSuffix: () => {
return _cacheNameDetails.suffix;
const eachCacheNameDetail = fn => {
for (const key of Object.keys(_cacheNameDetails)) {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const cacheNames = {
updateDetails: details => {
eachCacheNameDetail(key => {
if (typeof details[key] === 'string') {
_cacheNameDetails[key] = details[key];
getGoogleAnalyticsName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.googleAnalytics);
getPrecacheName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.precache);
getPrefix: () => {
return _cacheNameDetails.prefix;
getRuntimeName: userCacheName => {
return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.runtime);
getSuffix: () => {
return _cacheNameDetails.suffix;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const getFriendlyURL = url => {
const urlObj = new URL(url, location);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
if (urlObj.origin === location.origin) {
return urlObj.pathname;
const getFriendlyURL = url => {
const urlObj = new URL(String(url), location.href);
return urlObj.href;
if (urlObj.origin === location.origin) {
return urlObj.pathname;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
return urlObj.href;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Runs all of the callback functions, one at a time sequentially, in the order
* in which they were registered.
* @memberof workbox.core
* @private
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
async function executeQuotaErrorCallbacks() {
logger.log(`About to run ${quotaErrorCallbacks.size} ` + `callbacks to clean up caches.`);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Runs all of the callback functions, one at a time sequentially, in the order
* in which they were registered.
* @memberof workbox.core
* @private
for (const callback of quotaErrorCallbacks) {
await callback();
async function executeQuotaErrorCallbacks() {
logger.log(callback, 'is complete.');
logger.log(`About to run ${quotaErrorCallbacks.size} ` + `callbacks to clean up caches.`);
logger.log('Finished running callbacks.');
for (const callback of quotaErrorCallbacks) {
await callback();
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
logger.log(callback, 'is complete.');
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const pluginEvents = {
CACHE_DID_UPDATE: 'cacheDidUpdate',
CACHE_KEY_WILL_BE_USED: 'cacheKeyWillBeUsed',
CACHE_WILL_UPDATE: 'cacheWillUpdate',
CACHED_RESPONSE_WILL_BE_USED: 'cachedResponseWillBeUsed',
FETCH_DID_FAIL: 'fetchDidFail',
FETCH_DID_SUCCEED: 'fetchDidSucceed',
REQUEST_WILL_FETCH: 'requestWillFetch'
logger.log('Finished running callbacks.');
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const pluginUtils = {
filter: (plugins, callbackName) => {
return plugins.filter(plugin => callbackName in plugin);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const pluginUtils = {
filter: (plugins, callbackName) => {
return plugins.filter(plugin => callbackName in plugin);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Wrapper around cache.put().
* Will call `cacheDidUpdate` on plugins if the cache was updated, using
* `matchOptions` when determining what the old entry is.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Response} options.response
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @param {Object} [options.matchOptions]
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Wrapper around cache.put().
* Will call `cacheDidUpdate` on plugins if the cache was updated, using
* `matchOptions` when determining what the old entry is.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Response} options.response
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @param {Object} [options.matchOptions]
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
const putWrapper = async ({
plugins = [],
} = {}) => {
if (request.method && request.method !== 'GET') {
throw new WorkboxError('attempt-to-cache-non-get-request', {
url: getFriendlyURL(request.url),
method: request.method
const effectiveRequest = await _getEffectiveRequest({
const putWrapper = async ({
mode: 'write'
if (!response) {
plugins = [],
}) => {
logger.error(`Cannot cache non-existent response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}'.`);
if (request.method && request.method !== 'GET') {
throw new WorkboxError('attempt-to-cache-non-get-request', {
url: getFriendlyURL(request.url),
method: request.method
throw new WorkboxError('cache-put-with-no-response', {
url: getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)
const effectiveRequest = await _getEffectiveRequest({
mode: 'write'
let responseToCache = await _isResponseSafeToCache({
request: effectiveRequest
if (!response) {
logger.error(`Cannot cache non-existent response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}'.`);
if (!responseToCache) {
logger.debug(`Response '${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}' will ` + `not be cached.`, responseToCache);
throw new WorkboxError('cache-put-with-no-response', {
url: getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)
let responseToCache = await _isResponseSafeToCache({
request: effectiveRequest
const cache = await;
const updatePlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, pluginEvents.CACHE_DID_UPDATE);
let oldResponse = updatePlugins.length > 0 ? await matchWrapper({
request: effectiveRequest
}) : null;
if (!responseToCache) {
logger.debug(`Response '${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}' will ` + `not be cached.`, responseToCache);
logger.debug(`Updating the '${cacheName}' cache with a new Response for ` + `${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}.`);
try {
await cache.put(effectiveRequest, responseToCache);
} catch (error) {
// See
if ( === 'QuotaExceededError') {
await executeQuotaErrorCallbacks();
throw error;
for (let plugin of updatePlugins) {
await plugin[pluginEvents.CACHE_DID_UPDATE].call(plugin, {
const cache = await;
const updatePlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, "cacheDidUpdate"
let oldResponse = updatePlugins.length > 0 ? await matchWrapper({
newResponse: responseToCache,
request: effectiveRequest
* This is a wrapper around cache.match().
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache to match against.
* @param {Request} options.request The Request that will be used to look up
* cache entries.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that propted the action.
* @param {Object} [options.matchOptions] Options passed to cache.match().
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]] Array of plugins.
* @return {Response} A cached response if available.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
}) : null;
logger.debug(`Updating the '${cacheName}' cache with a new Response for ` + `${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}.`);
const matchWrapper = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
const cache = await;
const effectiveRequest = await _getEffectiveRequest({
mode: 'read'
let cachedResponse = await cache.match(effectiveRequest, matchOptions);
try {
await cache.put(effectiveRequest, responseToCache);
} catch (error) {
// See
if ( === 'QuotaExceededError') {
await executeQuotaErrorCallbacks();
if (cachedResponse) {
logger.debug(`Found a cached response in '${cacheName}'.`);
} else {
logger.debug(`No cached response found in '${cacheName}'.`);
throw error;
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (pluginEvents.CACHED_RESPONSE_WILL_BE_USED in plugin) {
cachedResponse = await plugin[pluginEvents.CACHED_RESPONSE_WILL_BE_USED].call(plugin, {
for (let plugin of updatePlugins) {
await plugin["cacheDidUpdate"
].call(plugin, {
newResponse: responseToCache,
request: effectiveRequest
* This is a wrapper around cache.match().
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache to match against.
* @param {Request} options.request The Request that will be used to look up
* cache entries.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that propted the action.
* @param {Object} [options.matchOptions] Options passed to cache.match().
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]] Array of plugins.
* @return {Response} A cached response if available.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
if (cachedResponse) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(cachedResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: pluginEvents.CACHED_RESPONSE_WILL_BE_USED,
isReturnValueProblem: true
const matchWrapper = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
const cache = await;
const effectiveRequest = await _getEffectiveRequest({
mode: 'read'
let cachedResponse = await cache.match(effectiveRequest, matchOptions);
if (cachedResponse) {
logger.debug(`Found a cached response in '${cacheName}'.`);
} else {
logger.debug(`No cached response found in '${cacheName}'.`);
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if ("cachedResponseWillBeUsed"
in plugin) {
const pluginMethod = plugin["cachedResponseWillBeUsed"
cachedResponse = await, {
request: effectiveRequest
if (cachedResponse) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(cachedResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: "cachedResponseWillBeUsed"
isReturnValueProblem: true
return cachedResponse;
* This method will call cacheWillUpdate on the available plugins (or use
* status === 200) to determine if the Response is safe and valid to cache.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Response} options.response
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
return cachedResponse;
* This method will call cacheWillUpdate on the available plugins (or use
* status === 200) to determine if the Response is safe and valid to cache.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Response} options.response
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
const _isResponseSafeToCache = async ({
}) => {
let responseToCache = response;
let pluginsUsed = false;
const _isResponseSafeToCache = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
let responseToCache = response;
let pluginsUsed = false;
for (let plugin of plugins) {
if (pluginEvents.CACHE_WILL_UPDATE in plugin) {
pluginsUsed = true;
responseToCache = await plugin[pluginEvents.CACHE_WILL_UPDATE].call(plugin, {
response: responseToCache,
for (let plugin of plugins) {
if ("cacheWillUpdate"
in plugin) {
pluginsUsed = true;
const pluginMethod = plugin["cacheWillUpdate"
responseToCache = await, {
response: responseToCache,
if (responseToCache) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(responseToCache, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: pluginEvents.CACHE_WILL_UPDATE,
isReturnValueProblem: true
if (responseToCache) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(responseToCache, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: "cacheWillUpdate"
isReturnValueProblem: true
if (!responseToCache) {
if (!responseToCache) {
if (!pluginsUsed) {
if (!responseToCache.status === 200) {
if (responseToCache.status === 0) {
logger.warn(`The response for '${request.url}' is an opaque ` + `response. The caching strategy that you're using will not ` + `cache opaque responses by default.`);
} else {
logger.debug(`The response for '${request.url}' returned ` + `a status code of '${response.status}' and won't be cached as a ` + `result.`);
if (!pluginsUsed) {
if (responseToCache) {
if (responseToCache.status !== 200) {
if (responseToCache.status === 0) {
logger.warn(`The response for '${request.url}' is an opaque ` + `response. The caching strategy that you're using will not ` + `cache opaque responses by default.`);
} else {
logger.debug(`The response for '${request.url}' returned ` + `a status code of '${response.status}' and won't be cached as a ` + `result.`);
responseToCache = responseToCache && responseToCache.status === 200 ? responseToCache : undefined;
responseToCache = responseToCache.status === 200 ? responseToCache : null;
return responseToCache ? responseToCache : null;
* Checks the list of plugins for the cacheKeyWillBeUsed callback, and
* executes any of those callbacks found in sequence. The final `Request` object
* returned by the last plugin is treated as the cache key for cache reads
* and/or writes.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {string} options.mode
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Request>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
return responseToCache ? responseToCache : null;
* Checks the list of plugins for the cacheKeyWillBeUsed callback, and
* executes any of those callbacks found in sequence. The final `Request` object
* returned by the last plugin is treated as the cache key for cache reads
* and/or writes.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {string} options.mode
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Request>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
const _getEffectiveRequest = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
const cacheKeyWillBeUsedPlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, "cacheKeyWillBeUsed"
let effectiveRequest = request;
const _getEffectiveRequest = async ({
}) => {
const cacheKeyWillBeUsedPlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, pluginEvents.CACHE_KEY_WILL_BE_USED);
let effectiveRequest = request;
for (const plugin of cacheKeyWillBeUsedPlugins) {
effectiveRequest = await plugin["cacheKeyWillBeUsed"
].call(plugin, {
request: effectiveRequest
for (const plugin of cacheKeyWillBeUsedPlugins) {
effectiveRequest = await plugin[pluginEvents.CACHE_KEY_WILL_BE_USED].call(plugin, {
request: effectiveRequest
if (typeof effectiveRequest === 'string') {
effectiveRequest = new Request(effectiveRequest);
if (typeof effectiveRequest === 'string') {
effectiveRequest = new Request(effectiveRequest);
finalAssertExports.isInstance(effectiveRequest, Request, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: "cacheKeyWillBeUsed"
isReturnValueProblem: true
finalAssertExports.isInstance(effectiveRequest, Request, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: pluginEvents.CACHE_KEY_WILL_BE_USED,
isReturnValueProblem: true
return effectiveRequest;
return effectiveRequest;
const cacheWrapper = {
put: putWrapper,
match: matchWrapper
const cacheWrapper = {
put: putWrapper,
match: matchWrapper
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A class that wraps common IndexedDB functionality in a promise-based API.
* It exposes all the underlying power and functionality of IndexedDB, but
* wraps the most commonly used features in a way that's much simpler to use.
* @private
class DBWrapper {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} version
* @param {Object=} [callback]
* @param {!Function} [callbacks.onupgradeneeded]
* @param {!Function} [callbacks.onversionchange] Defaults to
* DBWrapper.prototype._onversionchange when not specified.
* @private
constructor(name, version, {
onversionchange = this._onversionchange
} = {}) {
this._name = name;
this._version = version;
this._onupgradeneeded = onupgradeneeded;
this._onversionchange = onversionchange; // If this is null, it means the database isn't open.
this._db = null;
* Returns the IDBDatabase instance (not normally needed).
* A class that wraps common IndexedDB functionality in a promise-based API.
* It exposes all the underlying power and functionality of IndexedDB, but
* wraps the most commonly used features in a way that's much simpler to use.

@@ -1030,684 +966,689 @@ * @private

class DBWrapper {
* @param {string} name
* @param {number} version
* @param {Object=} [callback]
* @param {!Function} [callbacks.onupgradeneeded]
* @param {!Function} [callbacks.onversionchange] Defaults to
* DBWrapper.prototype._onversionchange when not specified.
* @private
constructor(name, version, {
} = {}) {
this._db = null;
this._name = name;
this._version = version;
this._onupgradeneeded = onupgradeneeded;
get db() {
return this._db;
* Opens a connected to an IDBDatabase, invokes any onupgradedneeded
* callback, and added an onversionchange callback to the database.
* @return {IDBDatabase}
* @private
this._onversionchange = onversionchange || (() => this.close());
* Returns the IDBDatabase instance (not normally needed).
* @return {IDBDatabase|undefined}
* @private
async open() {
if (this._db) return;
this._db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This flag is flipped to true if the timeout callback runs prior
// to the request failing or succeeding. Note: we use a timeout instead
// of an onblocked handler since there are cases where onblocked will
// never never run. A timeout better handles all possible scenarios:
let openRequestTimedOut = false;
setTimeout(() => {
openRequestTimedOut = true;
reject(new Error('The open request was blocked and timed out'));
}, this.OPEN_TIMEOUT);
const openRequest =, this._version);
get db() {
return this._db;
* Opens a connected to an IDBDatabase, invokes any onupgradedneeded
* callback, and added an onversionchange callback to the database.
* @return {IDBDatabase}
* @private
openRequest.onerror = () => reject(openRequest.error);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = evt => {
if (openRequestTimedOut) {
} else if (this._onupgradeneeded) {
async open() {
if (this._db) return;
this._db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// This flag is flipped to true if the timeout callback runs prior
// to the request failing or succeeding. Note: we use a timeout instead
// of an onblocked handler since there are cases where onblocked will
// never never run. A timeout better handles all possible scenarios:
let openRequestTimedOut = false;
setTimeout(() => {
openRequestTimedOut = true;
reject(new Error('The open request was blocked and timed out'));
}, this.OPEN_TIMEOUT);
const openRequest =, this._version);
openRequest.onsuccess = ({
}) => {
const db = target.result;
openRequest.onerror = () => reject(openRequest.error);
if (openRequestTimedOut) {
} else {
db.onversionchange = this._onversionchange.bind(this);
return this;
* Polyfills the native `getKey()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @return {Array}
* @private
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = evt => {
if (openRequestTimedOut) {
} else if (typeof this._onupgradeneeded === 'function') {
openRequest.onsuccess = () => {
const db = openRequest.result;
async getKey(storeName, query) {
return (await this.getAllKeys(storeName, query, 1))[0];
* Polyfills the native `getAll()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @param {number} count
* @return {Array}
* @private
if (openRequestTimedOut) {
} else {
db.onversionchange = this._onversionchange.bind(this);
return this;
* Polyfills the native `getKey()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @return {Array}
* @private
async getAll(storeName, query, count) {
return await this.getAllMatching(storeName, {
* Polyfills the native `getAllKeys()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @param {number} count
* @return {Array}
* @private
async getKey(storeName, query) {
return (await this.getAllKeys(storeName, query, 1))[0];
* Polyfills the native `getAll()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @param {number} count
* @return {Array}
* @private
async getAllKeys(storeName, query, count) {
return (await this.getAllMatching(storeName, {
includeKeys: true
}) => key);
* Supports flexible lookup in an object store by specifying an index,
* query, direction, and count. This method returns an array of objects
* with the signature .
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {string} [opts.index] The index to use (if specified).
* @param {*} [opts.query]
* @param {IDBCursorDirection} [opts.direction]
* @param {number} [opts.count] The max number of results to return.
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeKeys] When true, the structure of the
* returned objects is changed from an array of values to an array of
* objects in the form {key, primaryKey, value}.
* @return {Array}
* @private
async getAll(storeName, query, count) {
return await this.getAllMatching(storeName, {
* Polyfills the native `getAllKeys()` method. Note, this is overridden at
* runtime if the browser supports the native method.
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {*} query
* @param {number} count
* @return {Array}
* @private
async getAllMatching(storeName, {
query = null,
// IE errors if query === `undefined`.
direction = 'next',
} = {}) {
return await this.transaction([storeName], 'readonly', (txn, done) => {
const store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
const target = index ? store.index(index) : store;
const results = [];
async getAllKeys(storeName, query, count) {
const entries = await this.getAllMatching(storeName, {
includeKeys: true
return => entry.key);
* Supports flexible lookup in an object store by specifying an index,
* query, direction, and count. This method returns an array of objects
* with the signature .
* @param {string} storeName
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {string} [opts.index] The index to use (if specified).
* @param {*} [opts.query]
* @param {IDBCursorDirection} [opts.direction]
* @param {number} [opts.count] The max number of results to return.
* @param {boolean} [opts.includeKeys] When true, the structure of the
* returned objects is changed from an array of values to an array of
* objects in the form {key, primaryKey, value}.
* @return {Array}
* @private
target.openCursor(query, direction).onsuccess = ({
}) => {
const cursor = target.result;
if (cursor) {
const {
} = cursor;
results.push(includeKeys ? {
} : value);
async getAllMatching(storeName, {
query = null,
// IE/Edge errors if query === `undefined`.
direction = 'next',
includeKeys = false
} = {}) {
return await this.transaction([storeName], 'readonly', (txn, done) => {
const store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
const target = index ? store.index(index) : store;
const results = [];
const request = target.openCursor(query, direction);
if (count && results.length >= count) {
request.onsuccess = () => {
const cursor = request.result;
if (cursor) {
results.push(includeKeys ? cursor : cursor.value);
if (count && results.length >= count) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
* Accepts a list of stores, a transaction type, and a callback and
* performs a transaction. A promise is returned that resolves to whatever
* value the callback chooses. The callback holds all the transaction logic
* and is invoked with two arguments:
* 1. The IDBTransaction object
* 2. A `done` function, that's used to resolve the promise when
* when the transaction is done, if passed a value, the promise is
* resolved to that value.
* @param {Array<string>} storeNames An array of object store names
* involved in the transaction.
* @param {string} type Can be `readonly` or `readwrite`.
* @param {!Function} callback
* @return {*} The result of the transaction ran by the callback.
* @private
* Accepts a list of stores, a transaction type, and a callback and
* performs a transaction. A promise is returned that resolves to whatever
* value the callback chooses. The callback holds all the transaction logic
* and is invoked with two arguments:
* 1. The IDBTransaction object
* 2. A `done` function, that's used to resolve the promise when
* when the transaction is done, if passed a value, the promise is
* resolved to that value.
* @param {Array<string>} storeNames An array of object store names
* involved in the transaction.
* @param {string} type Can be `readonly` or `readwrite`.
* @param {!Function} callback
* @return {*} The result of the transaction ran by the callback.
* @private
async transaction(storeNames, type, callback) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const txn = this._db.transaction(storeNames, type);
async transaction(storeNames, type, callback) {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const txn = this._db.transaction(storeNames, type);
txn.onabort = ({
}) => reject(target.error);
txn.onabort = () => reject(txn.error);
txn.oncomplete = () => resolve();
txn.oncomplete = () => resolve();
callback(txn, value => resolve(value));
* Delegates async to a native IDBObjectStore method.
* @param {string} method The method name.
* @param {string} storeName The object store name.
* @param {string} type Can be `readonly` or `readwrite`.
* @param {...*} args The list of args to pass to the native method.
* @return {*} The result of the transaction.
* @private
callback(txn, value => resolve(value));
* Delegates async to a native IDBObjectStore method.
* @param {string} method The method name.
* @param {string} storeName The object store name.
* @param {string} type Can be `readonly` or `readwrite`.
* @param {...*} args The list of args to pass to the native method.
* @return {*} The result of the transaction.
* @private
async _call(method, storeName, type, ...args) {
const callback = (txn, done) => {
txn.objectStore(storeName)[method](...args).onsuccess = ({
}) => {
async _call(method, storeName, type, ...args) {
const callback = (txn, done) => {
const objStore = txn.objectStore(storeName);
const request = objStore[method].apply(objStore, args);
request.onsuccess = () => done(request.result);
return await this.transaction([storeName], type, callback);
* The default onversionchange handler, which closes the database so other
* connections can open without being blocked.
* @private
return await this.transaction([storeName], type, callback);
* Closes the connection opened by ``. Generally this method
* doesn't need to be called since:
* 1. It's usually better to keep a connection open since opening
* a new connection is somewhat slow.
* 2. Connections are automatically closed when the reference is
* garbage collected.
* The primary use case for needing to close a connection is when another
* reference (typically in another tab) needs to upgrade it and would be
* blocked by the current, open connection.
* @private
_onversionchange() {
* Closes the connection opened by ``. Generally this method
* doesn't need to be called since:
* 1. It's usually better to keep a connection open since opening
* a new connection is somewhat slow.
* 2. Connections are automatically closed when the reference is
* garbage collected.
* The primary use case for needing to close a connection is when another
* reference (typically in another tab) needs to upgrade it and would be
* blocked by the current, open connection.
* @private
close() {
if (this._db) {
this._db = null;
close() {
if (this._db) {
} // Exposed on the prototype to let users modify the default timeout on a
// per-instance or global basis.
this._db = null;
DBWrapper.prototype.OPEN_TIMEOUT = 2000; // Wrap native IDBObjectStore methods according to their mode.
const methodsToWrap = {
readonly: ['get', 'count', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys'],
readwrite: ['add', 'put', 'clear', 'delete']
for (const [mode, methods] of Object.entries(methodsToWrap)) {
for (const method of methods) {
if (method in IDBObjectStore.prototype) {
// Don't use arrow functions here since we're outside of the class.
DBWrapper.prototype[method] = async function (storeName, ...args) {
return await this._call(method, storeName, mode, ...args);
} // Exposed to let users modify the default timeout on a per-instance
// or global basis.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
DBWrapper.prototype.OPEN_TIMEOUT = 2000; // Wrap native IDBObjectStore methods according to their mode.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The Deferred class composes Promises in a way that allows for them to be
* resolved or rejected from outside the constructor. In most cases promises
* should be used directly, but Deferreds can be necessary when the logic to
* resolve a promise must be separate.
* @private
const methodsToWrap = {
'readonly': ['get', 'count', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys'],
'readwrite': ['add', 'put', 'clear', 'delete']
class Deferred {
* Creates a promise and exposes its resolve and reject functions as methods.
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
for (const [mode, methods] of Object.entries(methodsToWrap)) {
for (const method of methods) {
if (method in IDBObjectStore.prototype) {
// Don't use arrow functions here since we're outside of the class.
DBWrapper.prototype[method] = async function (storeName, ...args) {
return await this._call(method, storeName, mode, ...args);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The Deferred class composes Promises in a way that allows for them to be
* resolved or rejected from outside the constructor. In most cases promises
* should be used directly, but Deferreds can be necessary when the logic to
* resolve a promise must be separate.
* @private
class Deferred {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Creates a promise and exposes its resolve and reject functions as methods.
* Deletes the database.
* Note: this is exported separately from the DBWrapper module because most
* usages of IndexedDB in workbox dont need deleting, and this way it can be
* reused in tests to delete databases without creating DBWrapper instances.
* @param {string} name The database name.
* @private
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
const deleteDatabase = async name => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
request.onerror = () => {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Deletes the database.
* Note: this is exported separately from the DBWrapper module because most
* usages of IndexedDB in workbox dont need deleting, and this way it can be
* reused in tests to delete databases without creating DBWrapper instances.
* @param {string} name The database name.
* @private
request.onblocked = () => {
reject(new Error('Delete blocked'));
const deleteDatabase = async name => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name);
request.onsuccess = () => {
request.onerror = ({
}) => {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
request.onblocked = () => {
reject(new Error('Delete blocked'));
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Wrapper around the fetch API.
* Will call requestWillFetch on available plugins.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request
* @param {Object} [options.fetchOptions]
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
request.onsuccess = () => {
const wrappedFetch = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
} // We *should* be able to call `await event.preloadResponse` even if it's
// undefined, but for some reason, doing so leads to errors in our Node unit
// tests. To work around that, explicitly check preloadResponse's value first.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Wrapper around the fetch API.
* Will call requestWillFetch on available plugins.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request
* @param {Object} [options.fetchOptions]
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins=[]]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-core
if (event instanceof FetchEvent && event.preloadResponse) {
const possiblePreloadResponse = await event.preloadResponse;
const wrappedFetch = async ({
plugins = []
}) => {
// We *should* be able to call `await event.preloadResponse` even if it's
// undefined, but for some reason, doing so leads to errors in our Node unit
// tests. To work around that, explicitly check preloadResponse's value first.
if (event && event.preloadResponse) {
const possiblePreloadResponse = await event.preloadResponse;
if (possiblePreloadResponse) {
logger.log(`Using a preloaded navigation response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'`);
if (possiblePreloadResponse) {
logger.log(`Using a preloaded navigation response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'`);
return possiblePreloadResponse;
return possiblePreloadResponse;
finalAssertExports.isInstance(request, Request, {
paramName: 'request',
expectedClass: Request,
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
className: 'fetchWrapper',
funcName: 'wrappedFetch'
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
const failedFetchPlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, "fetchDidFail"
); // If there is a fetchDidFail plugin, we need to save a clone of the
// original request before it's either modified by a requestWillFetch
// plugin or before the original request's body is consumed via fetch().
finalAssertExports.isInstance(request, Request, {
paramName: request,
expectedClass: 'Request',
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
className: 'fetchWrapper',
funcName: 'wrappedFetch'
const originalRequest = failedFetchPlugins.length > 0 ? request.clone() : null;
const failedFetchPlugins = pluginUtils.filter(plugins, pluginEvents.FETCH_DID_FAIL); // If there is a fetchDidFail plugin, we need to save a clone of the
// original request before it's either modified by a requestWillFetch
// plugin or before the original request's body is consumed via fetch().
try {
for (let plugin of plugins) {
if ("requestWillFetch"
in plugin) {
const pluginMethod = plugin["requestWillFetch"
const requestClone = request.clone();
request = await, {
request: requestClone,
const originalRequest = failedFetchPlugins.length > 0 ? request.clone() : null;
try {
for (let plugin of plugins) {
if (pluginEvents.REQUEST_WILL_FETCH in plugin) {
request = await plugin[pluginEvents.REQUEST_WILL_FETCH].call(plugin, {
request: request.clone(),
if (request) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: pluginEvents.CACHED_RESPONSE_WILL_BE_USED,
isReturnValueProblem: true
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
if (request) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: "cachedResponseWillBeUsed"
isReturnValueProblem: true
} catch (err) {
throw new WorkboxError('plugin-error-request-will-fetch', {
thrownError: err
} // The request can be altered by plugins with `requestWillFetch` making
// the original request (Most likely from a `fetch` event) to be different
// to the Request we make. Pass both to `fetchDidFail` to aid debugging.
} catch (err) {
throw new WorkboxError('plugin-error-request-will-fetch', {
thrownError: err
} // The request can be altered by plugins with `requestWillFetch` making
// the original request (Most likely from a `fetch` event) to be different
// to the Request we make. Pass both to `fetchDidFail` to aid debugging.
let pluginFilteredRequest = request.clone();
let pluginFilteredRequest = request.clone();
try {
let fetchResponse; // See
try {
let fetchResponse; // See
if (request.mode === 'navigate') {
fetchResponse = await fetch(request);
} else {
fetchResponse = await fetch(request, fetchOptions);
if (request.mode === 'navigate') {
fetchResponse = await fetch(request);
} else {
fetchResponse = await fetch(request, fetchOptions);
logger.debug(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' returned a response with ` + `status '${fetchResponse.status}'.`);
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
logger.debug(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' returned a response with ` + `status '${fetchResponse.status}'.`);
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (pluginEvents.FETCH_DID_SUCCEED in plugin) {
fetchResponse = await plugin[pluginEvents.FETCH_DID_SUCCEED].call(plugin, {
request: pluginFilteredRequest,
response: fetchResponse
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if ("fetchDidSucceed"
in plugin) {
fetchResponse = await plugin["fetchDidSucceed"
].call(plugin, {
request: pluginFilteredRequest,
response: fetchResponse
if (fetchResponse) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(fetchResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: pluginEvents.FETCH_DID_SUCCEED,
isReturnValueProblem: true
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
if (fetchResponse) {
finalAssertExports.isInstance(fetchResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'Plugin',
funcName: "fetchDidSucceed"
isReturnValueProblem: true
return fetchResponse;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' threw an error.`, error);
return fetchResponse;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' threw an error.`, error);
for (const plugin of failedFetchPlugins) {
await plugin[pluginEvents.FETCH_DID_FAIL].call(plugin, {
originalRequest: originalRequest.clone(),
request: pluginFilteredRequest.clone()
for (const plugin of failedFetchPlugins) {
await plugin["fetchDidFail"
].call(plugin, {
originalRequest: originalRequest.clone(),
request: pluginFilteredRequest.clone()
throw error;
throw error;
const fetchWrapper = {
fetch: wrappedFetch
const fetchWrapper = {
fetch: wrappedFetch
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
var _private = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
assert: finalAssertExports,
cacheNames: cacheNames,
cacheWrapper: cacheWrapper,
DBWrapper: DBWrapper,
Deferred: Deferred,
deleteDatabase: deleteDatabase,
executeQuotaErrorCallbacks: executeQuotaErrorCallbacks,
fetchWrapper: fetchWrapper,
getFriendlyURL: getFriendlyURL,
logger: logger,
WorkboxError: WorkboxError
var _private = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
assert: finalAssertExports,
cacheNames: cacheNames,
cacheWrapper: cacheWrapper,
DBWrapper: DBWrapper,
Deferred: Deferred,
deleteDatabase: deleteDatabase,
executeQuotaErrorCallbacks: executeQuotaErrorCallbacks,
fetchWrapper: fetchWrapper,
getFriendlyURL: getFriendlyURL,
logger: logger,
WorkboxError: WorkboxError
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Claim any currently available clients once the service worker
* becomes active. This is normally used in conjunction with `skipWaiting()`.
* @alias workbox.core.clientsClaim
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Claim any currently available clients once the service worker
* becomes active. This is normally used in conjunction with `skipWaiting()`.
* @alias workbox.core.clientsClaim
const clientsClaim = () => {
addEventListener('activate', () => self.clients.claim());
const clientsClaim = () => {
addEventListener('activate', () => clients.claim());
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Get the current cache names and prefix/suffix used by Workbox.
* `cacheNames.precache` is used for precached assets,
* `cacheNames.googleAnalytics` is used by `workbox-google-analytics` to
* store `analytics.js`, and `cacheNames.runtime` is used for everything else.
* `cacheNames.prefix` can be used to retrieve just the current prefix value.
* `cacheNames.suffix` can be used to retrieve just the current suffix value.
* @return {Object} An object with `precache`, `runtime`, `prefix`, and
* `googleAnalytics` properties.
* @alias workbox.core.cacheNames
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Get the current cache names and prefix/suffix used by Workbox.
* `cacheNames.precache` is used for precached assets,
* `cacheNames.googleAnalytics` is used by `workbox-google-analytics` to
* store `analytics.js`, and `cacheNames.runtime` is used for everything else.
* `cacheNames.prefix` can be used to retrieve just the current prefix value.
* `cacheNames.suffix` can be used to retrieve just the current suffix value.
* @return {Object} An object with `precache`, `runtime`, `prefix`, and
* `googleAnalytics` properties.
* @alias workbox.core.cacheNames
const cacheNames$1 = {
get googleAnalytics() {
return cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName();
const cacheNames$1 = {
get googleAnalytics() {
return cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName();
get precache() {
return cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
get precache() {
return cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
get prefix() {
return cacheNames.getPrefix();
get prefix() {
return cacheNames.getPrefix();
get runtime() {
return cacheNames.getRuntimeName();
get runtime() {
return cacheNames.getRuntimeName();
get suffix() {
return cacheNames.getSuffix();
get suffix() {
return cacheNames.getSuffix();
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Modifies the default cache names used by the Workbox packages.
* Cache names are generated as `<prefix>-<Cache Name>-<suffix>`.
* @param {Object} details
* @param {Object} [details.prefix] The string to add to the beginning of
* the precache and runtime cache names.
* @param {Object} [details.suffix] The string to add to the end of
* the precache and runtime cache names.
* @param {Object} [details.precache] The cache name to use for precache
* caching.
* @param {Object} [details.runtime] The cache name to use for runtime caching.
* @param {Object} [details.googleAnalytics] The cache name to use for
* `workbox-google-analytics` caching.
* @alias workbox.core.setCacheNameDetails
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Modifies the default cache names used by the Workbox packages.
* Cache names are generated as `<prefix>-<Cache Name>-<suffix>`.
* @param {Object} details
* @param {Object} [details.prefix] The string to add to the beginning of
* the precache and runtime cache names.
* @param {Object} [details.suffix] The string to add to the end of
* the precache and runtime cache names.
* @param {Object} [details.precache] The cache name to use for precache
* caching.
* @param {Object} [details.runtime] The cache name to use for runtime caching.
* @param {Object} [details.googleAnalytics] The cache name to use for
* `workbox-google-analytics` caching.
* @alias workbox.core.setCacheNameDetails
const setCacheNameDetails = details => {
Object.keys(details).forEach(key => {
finalAssertExports.isType(details[key], 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
funcName: 'setCacheNameDetails',
paramName: `details.${key}`
const setCacheNameDetails = details => {
Object.keys(details).forEach(key => {
finalAssertExports.isType(details[key], 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-core',
funcName: 'setCacheNameDetails',
paramName: `details.${key}`
if ('precache' in details && details.precache.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'precache',
value: details.precache
if ('precache' in details && details.precache.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'precache',
value: details.precache
if ('runtime' in details && details.runtime.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'runtime',
value: details.runtime
if ('runtime' in details && details.runtime.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'runtime',
value: details.runtime
if ('googleAnalytics' in details && details.googleAnalytics.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'googleAnalytics',
value: details.googleAnalytics
if ('googleAnalytics' in details && details.googleAnalytics.length === 0) {
throw new WorkboxError('invalid-cache-name', {
cacheNameId: 'googleAnalytics',
value: details.googleAnalytics
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Force a service worker to become active, instead of waiting. This is
* normally used in conjunction with `clientsClaim()`.
* @alias workbox.core.skipWaiting
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Force a service worker to become active, instead of waiting. This is
* normally used in conjunction with `clientsClaim()`.
* @alias workbox.core.skipWaiting
const skipWaiting = () => {
// We need to explicitly call `self.skipWaiting()` here because we're
// shadowing `skipWaiting` with this local function.
addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting());
const skipWaiting = () => {
// We need to explicitly call `self.skipWaiting()` here because we're
// shadowing `skipWaiting` with this local function.
addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting());
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
exports._private = _private;
exports.cacheNames = cacheNames$1;
exports.clientsClaim = clientsClaim;
exports.registerQuotaErrorCallback = registerQuotaErrorCallback;
exports.setCacheNameDetails = setCacheNameDetails;
exports.skipWaiting = skipWaiting;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
return exports;
try {
self.workbox.v = self.workbox.v || {};
} catch (errer) {} // NOOP
exports._private = _private;
exports.clientsClaim = clientsClaim;
exports.cacheNames = cacheNames$1;
exports.registerQuotaErrorCallback = registerQuotaErrorCallback;
exports.setCacheNameDetails = setCacheNameDetails;
exports.skipWaiting = skipWaiting;
return exports;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.core=function(e){"use strict";try{self["workbox:core:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}const t=(e,...t)=>{let n=e;return t.length>0&&(n+=` :: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`),n};class n extends Error{constructor(e,n){super(t(e,n)),,this.details=n}}const s=new Set;const r={googleAnalytics:"googleAnalytics",precache:"precache-v2",prefix:"workbox",runtime:"runtime",suffix:self.registration.scope},a=e=>[r.prefix,e,r.suffix].filter(e=>e.length>0).join("-"),i={updateDetails:e=>{Object.keys(r).forEach(t=>{void 0!==e[t]&&(r[t]=e[t])})},getGoogleAnalyticsName:e=>e||a(r.googleAnalytics),getPrecacheName:e=>e||a(r.precache),getPrefix:()=>r.prefix,getRuntimeName:e=>e||a(r.runtime),getSuffix:()=>r.suffix},c=e=>{const t=new URL(e,location);return t.origin===location.origin?t.pathname:t.href};async function o(){for(const e of s)await e()}const l="cacheDidUpdate",u="cacheKeyWillBeUsed",h="cacheWillUpdate",f="cachedResponseWillBeUsed",w="fetchDidFail",g="fetchDidSucceed",d="requestWillFetch",p=(e,t)=>e.filter(e=>t in e),y=async({cacheName:e,request:t,event:n,matchOptions:s,plugins:r=[]})=>{const a=await,i=await q({plugins:r,request:t,mode:"read"});let c=await a.match(i,s);for(const t of r)f in t&&(c=await t[f].call(t,{cacheName:e,event:n,matchOptions:s,cachedResponse:c,request:i}));return c},m=async({request:e,response:t,event:n,plugins:s})=>{let r=t,a=!1;for(let t of s)if(h in t&&(a=!0,!(r=await t[h].call(t,{request:e,response:r,event:n}))))break;return a||(r=200===r.status?r:null),r||null},q=async({request:e,mode:t,plugins:n})=>{const s=p(n,u);let r=e;for(const e of s)"string"==typeof(r=await e[u].call(e,{mode:t,request:r}))&&(r=new Request(r));return r},v={put:async({cacheName:e,request:t,response:s,event:r,plugins:a=[],matchOptions:i}={})=>{const u=await q({plugins:a,request:t,mode:"write"});if(!s)throw new n("cache-put-with-no-response",{url:c(u.url)});let h=await m({event:r,plugins:a,response:s,request:u});if(!h)return;const f=await,w=p(a,l);let g=w.length>0?await y({cacheName:e,matchOptions:i,request:u}):null;try{await f.put(u,h)}catch(e){throw"QuotaExceededError" o(),e}for(let t of w)await t[l].call(t,{cacheName:e,event:r,oldResponse:g,newResponse:h,request:u})},match:y};class x{constructor(e,t,{onupgradeneeded:n,onversionchange:s=this.t}={}){this.s=e,this.i=t,this.o=n,this.t=s,this.l=null}get db(){return this.l}async open(){if(!this.l)return this.l=await new Promise((e,t)=>{let n=!1;setTimeout(()=>{n=!0,t(new Error("The open request was blocked and timed out"))},this.OPEN_TIMEOUT);const,this.i);s.onerror=(()=>t(s.error)),s.onupgradeneeded=(e=>{n?(s.transaction.abort(),}),s.onsuccess=(({target:t})=>{const s=t.result;n?s.close():(s.onversionchange=this.t.bind(this),e(s))})}),this}async getKey(e,t){return(await this.getAllKeys(e,t,1))[0]}async getAll(e,t,n){return await this.getAllMatching(e,{query:t,count:n})}async getAllKeys(e,t,n){return(await this.getAllMatching(e,{query:t,count:n,includeKeys:!0})).map(({key:e})=>e)}async getAllMatching(e,{index:t,query:n=null,direction:s="next",count:r,includeKeys:a}={}){return await this.transaction([e],"readonly",(i,c)=>{const o=i.objectStore(e),l=t?o.index(t):o,u=[];l.openCursor(n,s).onsuccess=(({target:e})=>{const t=e.result;if(t){const{primaryKey:e,key:n,value:s}=t;u.push(a?{primaryKey:e,key:n,value:s}:s),r&&u.length>=r?c(u):t.continue()}else c(u)})})}async transaction(e,t,n){return await,await new Promise((s,r)=>{const a=this.l.transaction(e,t);a.onabort=(({target:e})=>r(e.error)),a.oncomplete=(()=>s()),n(a,e=>s(e))})}async u(e,t,n,...s){return await this.transaction([t],n,(n,r)=>{n.objectStore(t)[e](...s).onsuccess=(({target:e})=>{r(e.result)})})}t(){this.close()}close(){this.l&&(this.l.close(),this.l=null)}}x.prototype.OPEN_TIMEOUT=2e3;const b={readonly:["get","count","getKey","getAll","getAllKeys"],readwrite:["add","put","clear","delete"]};for(const[e,t]of Object.entries(b))for(const n of t)n in IDBObjectStore.prototype&&(x.prototype[n]=async function(t,...s){return await this.u(n,t,e,...s)});const D={fetch:async({request:e,fetchOptions:t,event:s,plugins:r=[]})=>{if(s&&s.preloadResponse){const e=await s.preloadResponse;if(e)return e}"string"==typeof e&&(e=new Request(e));const a=p(r,w),i=a.length>0?e.clone():null;try{for(let t of r)d in t&&(e=await t[d].call(t,{request:e.clone(),event:s}))}catch(e){throw new n("plugin-error-request-will-fetch",{thrownError:e})}let c=e.clone();try{let n;n="navigate"===e.mode?await fetch(e):await fetch(e,t);for(const e of r)g in e&&(n=await e[g].call(e,{event:s,request:c,response:n}));return n}catch(e){for(const t of a)await t[w].call(t,{error:e,event:s,originalRequest:i.clone(),request:c.clone()});throw e}}};var E=Object.freeze({assert:null,cacheNames:i,cacheWrapper:v,DBWrapper:x,Deferred:class{constructor(){this.promise=new Promise((e,t)=>{this.resolve=e,this.reject=t})}},deleteDatabase:async e=>{await new Promise((t,n)=>{const s=indexedDB.deleteDatabase(e);s.onerror=(({target:e})=>{n(e.error)}),s.onblocked=(()=>{n(new Error("Delete blocked"))}),s.onsuccess=(()=>{t()})})},executeQuotaErrorCallbacks:o,fetchWrapper:D,getFriendlyURL:c,logger:null,WorkboxError:n});const N={get googleAnalytics(){return i.getGoogleAnalyticsName()},get precache(){return i.getPrecacheName()},get prefix(){return i.getPrefix()},get runtime(){return i.getRuntimeName()},get suffix(){return i.getSuffix()}};try{self.workbox.v=self.workbox.v||{}}catch(e){}return e._private=E,e.clientsClaim=(()=>{addEventListener("activate",()=>clients.claim())}),e.cacheNames=N,e.registerQuotaErrorCallback=function(e){s.add(e)},e.setCacheNameDetails=(e=>{i.updateDetails(e)}),e.skipWaiting=(()=>{addEventListener("install",()=>self.skipWaiting())}),e}({});
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.core=function(e){"use strict";try{self["workbox:core:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(e){}const t=(e,...t)=>{let n=e;return t.length>0&&(n+=` :: ${JSON.stringify(t)}`),n};class n extends Error{constructor(e,n){super(t(e,n)),,this.details=n}}const s=new Set;const r={googleAnalytics:"googleAnalytics",precache:"precache-v2",prefix:"workbox",runtime:"runtime",suffix:registration.scope},a=e=>[r.prefix,e,r.suffix].filter(e=>e&&e.length>0).join("-"),i={updateDetails:e=>{(e=>{for(const t of Object.keys(r))e(t)})(t=>{"string"==typeof e[t]&&(r[t]=e[t])})},getGoogleAnalyticsName:e=>e||a(r.googleAnalytics),getPrecacheName:e=>e||a(r.precache),getPrefix:()=>r.prefix,getRuntimeName:e=>e||a(r.runtime),getSuffix:()=>r.suffix},c=e=>{const t=new URL(String(e),location.href);return t.origin===location.origin?t.pathname:t.href};async function o(){for(const e of s)await e()}const u=(e,t)=>e.filter(e=>t in e),l=async({cacheName:e,request:t,event:n,matchOptions:s,plugins:r=[]})=>{const a=await,i=await f({plugins:r,request:t,mode:"read"});let c=await a.match(i,s);for(const t of r)if("cachedResponseWillBeUsed"in t){const r=t.cachedResponseWillBeUsed;c=await,{cacheName:e,event:n,matchOptions:s,cachedResponse:c,request:i})}return c},h=async({request:e,response:t,event:n,plugins:s=[]})=>{let r=t,a=!1;for(let t of s)if("cacheWillUpdate"in t){a=!0;const s=t.cacheWillUpdate;if(!(r=await,{request:e,response:r,event:n})))break}return a||(r=r&&200===r.status?r:void 0),r||null},f=async({request:e,mode:t,plugins:n=[]})=>{const s=u(n,"cacheKeyWillBeUsed");let r=e;for(const e of s)"string"==typeof(r=await,{mode:t,request:r}))&&(r=new Request(r));return r},w={put:async({cacheName:e,request:t,response:s,event:r,plugins:a=[],matchOptions:i})=>{const w=await f({plugins:a,request:t,mode:"write"});if(!s)throw new n("cache-put-with-no-response",{url:c(w.url)});let d=await h({event:r,plugins:a,response:s,request:w});if(!d)return;const p=await,g=u(a,"cacheDidUpdate");let y=g.length>0?await l({cacheName:e,matchOptions:i,request:w}):null;try{await p.put(w,d)}catch(e){throw"QuotaExceededError" o(),e}for(let t of g)await,{cacheName:e,event:r,oldResponse:y,newResponse:d,request:w})},match:l};class d{constructor(e,t,{onupgradeneeded:n,onversionchange:s}={}){this.t=null,this.s=e,this.i=t,this.o=n,this.u=s||(()=>this.close())}get db(){return this.t}async open(){if(!this.t)return this.t=await new Promise((e,t)=>{let n=!1;setTimeout(()=>{n=!0,t(new Error("The open request was blocked and timed out"))},this.OPEN_TIMEOUT);const,this.i);s.onerror=(()=>t(s.error)),s.onupgradeneeded=(e=>{n?(s.transaction.abort(),s.result.close()):"function"==typeof this.o&&this.o(e)}),s.onsuccess=(()=>{const t=s.result;n?t.close():(t.onversionchange=this.u.bind(this),e(t))})}),this}async getKey(e,t){return(await this.getAllKeys(e,t,1))[0]}async getAll(e,t,n){return await this.getAllMatching(e,{query:t,count:n})}async getAllKeys(e,t,n){return(await this.getAllMatching(e,{query:t,count:n,includeKeys:!0})).map(e=>e.key)}async getAllMatching(e,{index:t,query:n=null,direction:s="next",count:r,includeKeys:a=!1}={}){return await this.transaction([e],"readonly",(i,c)=>{const o=i.objectStore(e),u=t?o.index(t):o,l=[],h=u.openCursor(n,s);h.onsuccess=(()=>{const e=h.result;e?(l.push(a?e:e.value),r&&l.length>=r?c(l):e.continue()):c(l)})})}async transaction(e,t,n){return await,await new Promise((s,r)=>{const a=this.t.transaction(e,t);a.onabort=(()=>r(a.error)),a.oncomplete=(()=>s()),n(a,e=>s(e))})}async l(e,t,n,...s){return await this.transaction([t],n,(n,r)=>{const a=n.objectStore(t),i=a[e].apply(a,s);i.onsuccess=(()=>r(i.result))})}close(){this.t&&(this.t.close(),this.t=null)}}d.prototype.OPEN_TIMEOUT=2e3;const p={readonly:["get","count","getKey","getAll","getAllKeys"],readwrite:["add","put","clear","delete"]};for(const[e,t]of Object.entries(p))for(const n of t)n in IDBObjectStore.prototype&&(d.prototype[n]=async function(t,...s){return await this.l(n,t,e,...s)});const g={fetch:async({request:e,fetchOptions:t,event:s,plugins:r=[]})=>{if("string"==typeof e&&(e=new Request(e)),s instanceof FetchEvent&&s.preloadResponse){const e=await s.preloadResponse;if(e)return e}const a=u(r,"fetchDidFail"),i=a.length>0?e.clone():null;try{for(let t of r)if("requestWillFetch"in t){const n=t.requestWillFetch,r=e.clone();e=await,{request:r,event:s})}}catch(e){throw new n("plugin-error-request-will-fetch",{thrownError:e})}let c=e.clone();try{let n;n="navigate"===e.mode?await fetch(e):await fetch(e,t);for(const e of r)"fetchDidSucceed"in e&&(n=await,{event:s,request:c,response:n}));return n}catch(e){for(const t of a)await,{error:e,event:s,originalRequest:i.clone(),request:c.clone()});throw e}}};var y=Object.freeze({assert:null,cacheNames:i,cacheWrapper:w,DBWrapper:d,Deferred:class{constructor(){this.promise=new Promise((e,t)=>{this.resolve=e,this.reject=t})}},deleteDatabase:async e=>{await new Promise((t,n)=>{const s=indexedDB.deleteDatabase(e);s.onerror=(()=>{n(s.error)}),s.onblocked=(()=>{n(new Error("Delete blocked"))}),s.onsuccess=(()=>{t()})})},executeQuotaErrorCallbacks:o,fetchWrapper:g,getFriendlyURL:c,logger:null,WorkboxError:n});const m={get googleAnalytics(){return i.getGoogleAnalyticsName()},get precache(){return i.getPrecacheName()},get prefix(){return i.getPrefix()},get runtime(){return i.getRuntimeName()},get suffix(){return i.getSuffix()}};return e._private=y,e.cacheNames=m,e.clientsClaim=(()=>{addEventListener("activate",()=>self.clients.claim())}),e.registerQuotaErrorCallback=function(e){s.add(e)},e.setCacheNameDetails=(e=>{i.updateDetails(e)}),e.skipWaiting=(()=>{addEventListener("install",()=>self.skipWaiting())}),e}({});
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.expiration = (function (exports, DBWrapper_mjs, deleteDatabase_mjs, WorkboxError_mjs, assert_mjs, logger_mjs, cacheNames_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, registerQuotaErrorCallback_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.expiration = (function (exports, DBWrapper_js, deleteDatabase_js, WorkboxError_js, assert_js, logger_js, cacheNames_js, getFriendlyURL_js, registerQuotaErrorCallback_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:expiration:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:expiration:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const DB_NAME = 'workbox-expiration';
const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'cache-entries';
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const DB_NAME = 'workbox-expiration';
const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'cache-entries';
const normalizeURL = unNormalizedUrl => {
const url = new URL(unNormalizedUrl, location);
url.hash = '';
return url.href;
* Returns the timestamp model.
* @private
class CacheTimestampsModel {
const normalizeURL = unNormalizedUrl => {
const url = new URL(unNormalizedUrl, location.href);
url.hash = '';
return url.href;
* Returns the timestamp model.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @private
constructor(cacheName) {
this._cacheName = cacheName;
this._db = new DBWrapper_mjs.DBWrapper(DB_NAME, 1, {
onupgradeneeded: event => this._handleUpgrade(event)
* Should perform an upgrade of indexedDB.
* @param {Event} event
* @private
_handleUpgrade(event) {
const db =; // TODO(philipwalton): EdgeHTML doesn't support arrays as a keyPath, so we
// have to use the `id` keyPath here and create our own values (a
// concatenation of `url + cacheName`) instead of simply using
// `keyPath: ['url', 'cacheName']`, which is supported in other browsers.
class CacheTimestampsModel {
* @param {string} cacheName
* @private
constructor(cacheName) {
this._cacheName = cacheName;
this._db = new DBWrapper_js.DBWrapper(DB_NAME, 1, {
onupgradeneeded: event => this._handleUpgrade(event)
* Should perform an upgrade of indexedDB.
* @param {Event} event
* @private
const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
keyPath: 'id'
}); // TODO(philipwalton): once we don't have to support EdgeHTML, we can
// create a single index with the keyPath `['cacheName', 'timestamp']`
// instead of doing both these indexes.
objStore.createIndex('cacheName', 'cacheName', {
unique: false
objStore.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp', {
unique: false
}); // Previous versions of `workbox-expiration` used `this._cacheName`
// as the IDBDatabase name.
_handleUpgrade(event) {
const db =; // TODO(philipwalton): EdgeHTML doesn't support arrays as a keyPath, so we
// have to use the `id` keyPath here and create our own values (a
// concatenation of `url + cacheName`) instead of simply using
// `keyPath: ['url', 'cacheName']`, which is supported in other browsers.
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} timestamp
* @private
const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
keyPath: 'id'
}); // TODO(philipwalton): once we don't have to support EdgeHTML, we can
// create a single index with the keyPath `['cacheName', 'timestamp']`
// instead of doing both these indexes.
objStore.createIndex('cacheName', 'cacheName', {
unique: false
objStore.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp', {
unique: false
}); // Previous versions of `workbox-expiration` used `this._cacheName`
// as the IDBDatabase name.
async setTimestamp(url, timestamp) {
url = normalizeURL(url);
await this._db.put(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
cacheName: this._cacheName,
// Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
// Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
// array keyPaths.
id: this._getId(url)
* Returns the timestamp stored for a given URL.
* @param {string} url
* @return {number}
* @private
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} timestamp
* @private
async getTimestamp(url) {
const entry = await this._db.get(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, this._getId(url));
return entry.timestamp;
* Iterates through all the entries in the object store (from newest to
* oldest) and removes entries once either `maxCount` is reached or the
* entry's timestamp is less than `minTimestamp`.
* @param {number} minTimestamp
* @param {number} maxCount
* @private
async setTimestamp(url, timestamp) {
url = normalizeURL(url);
const entry = {
cacheName: this._cacheName,
// Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
// Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
// array keyPaths.
id: this._getId(url)
await this._db.put(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
* Returns the timestamp stored for a given URL.
* @param {string} url
* @return {number}
* @private
async expireEntries(minTimestamp, maxCount) {
const entriesToDelete = await this._db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite', (txn, done) => {
const store = txn.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);
const entriesToDelete = [];
let entriesNotDeletedCount = 0;
async getTimestamp(url) {
const entry = await this._db.get(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, this._getId(url));
return entry.timestamp;
* Iterates through all the entries in the object store (from newest to
* oldest) and removes entries once either `maxCount` is reached or the
* entry's timestamp is less than `minTimestamp`.
* @param {number} minTimestamp
* @param {number} maxCount
* @return {Array<string>}
* @private
store.index('timestamp').openCursor(null, 'prev').onsuccess = ({
}) => {
const cursor = target.result;
if (cursor) {
const result = cursor.value; // TODO(philipwalton): once we can use a multi-key index, we
// won't have to check `cacheName` here.
async expireEntries(minTimestamp, maxCount) {
const entriesToDelete = await this._db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite', (txn, done) => {
const store = txn.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);
const request = store.index('timestamp').openCursor(null, 'prev');
const entriesToDelete = [];
let entriesNotDeletedCount = 0;
if (result.cacheName === this._cacheName) {
// Delete an entry if it's older than the max age or
// if we already have the max number allowed.
if (minTimestamp && result.timestamp < minTimestamp || maxCount && entriesNotDeletedCount >= maxCount) {
// TODO(philipwalton): we should be able to delete the
// entry right here, but doing so causes an iteration
// bug in Safari stable (fixed in TP). Instead we can
// store the keys of the entries to delete, and then
// delete the separate transactions.
// cursor.delete();
// We only need to return the URL, not the whole entry.
} else {
request.onsuccess = () => {
const cursor = request.result;
if (cursor) {
const result = cursor.value; // TODO(philipwalton): once we can use a multi-key index, we
// won't have to check `cacheName` here.
if (result.cacheName === this._cacheName) {
// Delete an entry if it's older than the max age or
// if we already have the max number allowed.
if (minTimestamp && result.timestamp < minTimestamp || maxCount && entriesNotDeletedCount >= maxCount) {
// TODO(philipwalton): we should be able to delete the
// entry right here, but doing so causes an iteration
// bug in Safari stable (fixed in TP). Instead we can
// store the keys of the entries to delete, and then
// delete the separate transactions.
// cursor.delete();
// We only need to return the URL, not the whole entry.
} else {
} else {
}); // TODO(philipwalton): once the Safari bug in the following issue is fixed,
// we should be able to remove this loop and do the entry deletion in the
// cursor loop above:
} else {
}); // TODO(philipwalton): once the Safari bug in the following issue is fixed,
// we should be able to remove this loop and do the entry deletion in the
// cursor loop above:
const urlsDeleted = [];
const urlsDeleted = [];
for (const entry of entriesToDelete) {
await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME,;
for (const entry of entriesToDelete) {
await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME,;
return urlsDeleted;
* Takes a URL and returns an ID that will be unique in the object store.
* @param {string} url
* @return {string}
* @private
return urlsDeleted;
* Takes a URL and returns an ID that will be unique in the object store.
* @param {string} url
* @return {string}
* @private
_getId(url) {
// Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
// Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
// array keyPaths.
return this._cacheName + '|' + normalizeURL(url);
_getId(url) {
// Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
// Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
// array keyPaths.
return this._cacheName + '|' + normalizeURL(url);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The `CacheExpiration` class allows you define an expiration and / or
* limit on the number of responses stored in a
* [`Cache`](
* @memberof workbox.expiration
class CacheExpiration {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* To construct a new CacheExpiration instance you must provide at least
* one of the `config` properties.
* The `CacheExpiration` class allows you define an expiration and / or
* limit on the number of responses stored in a
* [`Cache`](
* @param {string} cacheName Name of the cache to apply restrictions to.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
* Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
* @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
* it's treated as stale and removed.
* @memberof workbox.expiration
constructor(cacheName, config = {}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'cacheName'
if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor'
class CacheExpiration {
* To construct a new CacheExpiration instance you must provide at least
* one of the `config` properties.
* @param {string} cacheName Name of the cache to apply restrictions to.
* @param {Object} config
* @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
* Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
* @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
* it's treated as stale and removed.
constructor(cacheName, config = {}) {
this._isRunning = false;
this._rerunRequested = false;
if (config.maxEntries) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
}); // TODO: Assert is positive
paramName: 'cacheName'
if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
}); // TODO: Assert is positive
if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor'
this._isRunning = false;
this._rerunRequested = false;
this._maxEntries = config.maxEntries;
this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
this._cacheName = cacheName;
this._timestampModel = new CacheTimestampsModel(cacheName);
* Expires entries for the given cache and given criteria.
if (config.maxEntries) {
assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
}); // TODO: Assert is positive
if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
}); // TODO: Assert is positive
async expireEntries() {
if (this._isRunning) {
this._rerunRequested = true;
this._maxEntries = config.maxEntries;
this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
this._cacheName = cacheName;
this._timestampModel = new CacheTimestampsModel(cacheName);
* Expires entries for the given cache and given criteria.
this._isRunning = true;
const minTimestamp = this._maxAgeSeconds ? - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000 : undefined;
const urlsExpired = await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(minTimestamp, this._maxEntries); // Delete URLs from the cache
const cache = await;
for (const url of urlsExpired) {
await cache.delete(url);
if (urlsExpired.length > 0) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`Expired ${urlsExpired.length} ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'entry' : 'entries'} and removed ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'it' : 'them'} from the ` + `'${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Expired the following ${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'URL' : 'URLs'}:`);
urlsExpired.forEach(url => logger_mjs.logger.log(` ${url}`));
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Cache expiration ran and found no entries to remove.`);
async expireEntries() {
if (this._isRunning) {
this._rerunRequested = true;
this._isRunning = false;
this._isRunning = true;
const minTimestamp = this._maxAgeSeconds ? - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000 : 0;
const urlsExpired = await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(minTimestamp, this._maxEntries); // Delete URLs from the cache
if (this._rerunRequested) {
this._rerunRequested = false;
* Update the timestamp for the given URL. This ensures the when
* removing entries based on maximum entries, most recently used
* is accurate or when expiring, the timestamp is up-to-date.
* @param {string} url
const cache = await;
for (const url of urlsExpired) {
await cache.delete(url);
async updateTimestamp(url) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'updateTimestamp',
paramName: 'url'
if (urlsExpired.length > 0) {
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Expired ${urlsExpired.length} ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'entry' : 'entries'} and removed ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'it' : 'them'} from the ` + `'${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
logger_js.logger.log(`Expired the following ${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'URL' : 'URLs'}:`);
urlsExpired.forEach(url => logger_js.logger.log(` ${url}`));
} else {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Cache expiration ran and found no entries to remove.`);
await this._timestampModel.setTimestamp(url,;
* Can be used to check if a URL has expired or not before it's used.
* This requires a look up from IndexedDB, so can be slow.
* Note: This method will not remove the cached entry, call
* `expireEntries()` to remove indexedDB and Cache entries.
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
this._isRunning = false;
async isURLExpired(url) {
if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError(`expired-test-without-max-age`, {
methodName: 'isURLExpired',
paramName: 'maxAgeSeconds'
if (this._rerunRequested) {
this._rerunRequested = false;
* Update the timestamp for the given URL. This ensures the when
* removing entries based on maximum entries, most recently used
* is accurate or when expiring, the timestamp is up-to-date.
* @param {string} url
const timestamp = await this._timestampModel.getTimestamp(url);
const expireOlderThan = - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
return timestamp < expireOlderThan;
* Removes the IndexedDB object store used to keep track of cache expiration
* metadata.
async delete() {
// Make sure we don't attempt another rerun if we're called in the middle of
// a cache expiration.
this._rerunRequested = false;
await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(Infinity); // Expires all.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This plugin can be used in the Workbox APIs to regularly enforce a
* limit on the age and / or the number of cached requests.
* Whenever a cached request is used or updated, this plugin will look
* at the used Cache and remove any old or extra requests.
* When using `maxAgeSeconds`, requests may be used *once* after expiring
* because the expiration clean up will not have occurred until *after* the
* cached request has been used. If the request has a "Date" header, then
* a light weight expiration check is performed and the request will not be
* used immediately.
* When using `maxEntries`, the entry least-recently requested will be removed from the cache first.
* @memberof workbox.expiration
class Plugin {
* @param {Object} config
* @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
* Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
* @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
* it's treated as stale and removed.
* @param {boolean} [config.purgeOnQuotaError] Whether to opt this cache in to
* automatic deletion if the available storage quota has been exceeded.
constructor(config = {}) {
if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
async updateTimestamp(url) {
assert_js.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor'
className: 'CacheExpiration',
funcName: 'updateTimestamp',
paramName: 'url'
if (config.maxEntries) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
await this._timestampModel.setTimestamp(url,;
* Can be used to check if a URL has expired or not before it's used.
* This requires a look up from IndexedDB, so can be slow.
* Note: This method will not remove the cached entry, call
* `expireEntries()` to remove indexedDB and Cache entries.
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
async isURLExpired(url) {
if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError(`expired-test-without-max-age`, {
methodName: 'isURLExpired',
paramName: 'maxAgeSeconds'
return false;
} else {
const timestamp = await this._timestampModel.getTimestamp(url);
const expireOlderThan = - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
return timestamp < expireOlderThan;
* Removes the IndexedDB object store used to keep track of cache expiration
* metadata.
this._config = config;
this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
if (config.purgeOnQuotaError) {
registerQuotaErrorCallback_mjs.registerQuotaErrorCallback(() => this.deleteCacheAndMetadata());
async delete() {
// Make sure we don't attempt another rerun if we're called in the middle of
// a cache expiration.
this._rerunRequested = false;
await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(Infinity); // Expires all.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A simple helper method to return a CacheExpiration instance for a given
* cache name.
* This plugin can be used in the Workbox APIs to regularly enforce a
* limit on the age and / or the number of cached requests.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {CacheExpiration}
* Whenever a cached request is used or updated, this plugin will look
* at the used Cache and remove any old or extra requests.
* @private
* When using `maxAgeSeconds`, requests may be used *once* after expiring
* because the expiration clean up will not have occurred until *after* the
* cached request has been used. If the request has a "Date" header, then
* a light weight expiration check is performed and the request will not be
* used immediately.
* When using `maxEntries`, the entry least-recently requested will be removed
* from the cache first.
* @memberof workbox.expiration
class Plugin {
* @param {Object} config
* @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
* Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
* @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
* it's treated as stale and removed.
* @param {boolean} [config.purgeOnQuotaError] Whether to opt this cache in to
* automatic deletion if the available storage quota has been exceeded.
constructor(config = {}) {
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox.strategies` handlers when a `Response` is about to be returned
* from a [Cache]( to
* the handler. It allows the `Response` to be inspected for freshness and
* prevents it from being used if the `Response`'s `Date` header value is
* older than the configured `maxAgeSeconds`.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache the response is in.
* @param {Response} options.cachedResponse The `Response` object that's been
* read from a cache and whose freshness should be checked.
* @return {Response} Either the `cachedResponse`, if it's
* fresh, or `null` if the `Response` is older than `maxAgeSeconds`.
* @private
this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed = async ({
}) => {
if (!cachedResponse) {
return null;
_getCacheExpiration(cacheName) {
if (cacheName === cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName()) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('expire-custom-caches-only');
let isFresh = this._isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse); // Expire entries to ensure that even if the expiration date has
// expired, it'll only be used once.
let cacheExpiration = this._cacheExpirations.get(cacheName);
if (!cacheExpiration) {
cacheExpiration = new CacheExpiration(cacheName, this._config);
const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
this._cacheExpirations.set(cacheName, cacheExpiration);
cacheExpiration.expireEntries(); // Update the metadata for the request URL to the current timestamp,
// but don't `await` it as we don't want to block the response.
return cacheExpiration;
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox.strategies` handlers when a `Response` is about to be returned
* from a [Cache]( to
* the handler. It allows the `Response` to be inspected for freshness and
* prevents it from being used if the `Response`'s `Date` header value is
* older than the configured `maxAgeSeconds`.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache the response is in.
* @param {Response} options.cachedResponse The `Response` object that's been
* read from a cache and whose freshness should be checked.
* @return {Response} Either the `cachedResponse`, if it's
* fresh, or `null` if the `Response` is older than `maxAgeSeconds`.
* @private
const updateTimestampDone = cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
// The event may not be a fetch event; only log the URL if it is.
if ('request' in event) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache entry for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url)}'.`);
}) {
if (!cachedResponse) {
return null;
return isFresh ? cachedResponse : null;
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox.strategies` handlers when an entry is added to a cache.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache that was updated.
* @param {string} options.request The Request for the cached entry.
* @private
let isFresh = this._isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse); // Expire entries to ensure that even if the expiration date has
// expired, it'll only be used once.
this.cacheDidUpdate = async ({
}) => {
assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'request'
const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
cacheExpiration.expireEntries(); // Update the metadata for the request URL to the current timestamp,
// but don't `await` it as we don't want to block the response.
await cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
await cacheExpiration.expireEntries();
const updateTimestampDone = cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor'
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache entry for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url)}'.`);
if (config.maxEntries) {
assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
return isFresh ? cachedResponse : null;
* @param {Response} cachedResponse
* @return {boolean}
* @private
this._config = config;
this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
if (config.purgeOnQuotaError) {
registerQuotaErrorCallback_js.registerQuotaErrorCallback(() => this.deleteCacheAndMetadata());
* A simple helper method to return a CacheExpiration instance for a given
* cache name.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {CacheExpiration}
* @private
_isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse) {
if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
// We aren't expiring by age, so return true, it's fresh
return true;
} // Check if the 'date' header will suffice a quick expiration check.
// See for
// discussion.
_getCacheExpiration(cacheName) {
if (cacheName === cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName()) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('expire-custom-caches-only');
const dateHeaderTimestamp = this._getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse);
let cacheExpiration = this._cacheExpirations.get(cacheName);
if (dateHeaderTimestamp === null) {
// Unable to parse date, so assume it's fresh.
return true;
} // If we have a valid headerTime, then our response is fresh iff the
// headerTime plus maxAgeSeconds is greater than the current time.
if (!cacheExpiration) {
cacheExpiration = new CacheExpiration(cacheName, this._config);
this._cacheExpirations.set(cacheName, cacheExpiration);
const now =;
return dateHeaderTimestamp >= now - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
* This method will extract the data header and parse it into a useful
* value.
* @param {Response} cachedResponse
* @return {number}
* @private
return cacheExpiration;
* @param {Response} cachedResponse
* @return {boolean}
* @private
_getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse) {
if (!cachedResponse.headers.has('date')) {
return null;
_isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse) {
if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
// We aren't expiring by age, so return true, it's fresh
return true;
} // Check if the 'date' header will suffice a quick expiration check.
// See for
// discussion.
const dateHeader = cachedResponse.headers.get('date');
const parsedDate = new Date(dateHeader);
const headerTime = parsedDate.getTime(); // If the Date header was invalid for some reason, parsedDate.getTime()
// will return NaN.
if (isNaN(headerTime)) {
return null;
const dateHeaderTimestamp = this._getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse);
return headerTime;
* A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
* `workbox.strategies` handlers when an entry is added to a cache.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache that was updated.
* @param {string} options.request The Request for the cached entry.
* @private
if (dateHeaderTimestamp === null) {
// Unable to parse date, so assume it's fresh.
return true;
} // If we have a valid headerTime, then our response is fresh iff the
// headerTime plus maxAgeSeconds is greater than the current time.
async cacheDidUpdate({
}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'cacheName'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
className: 'Plugin',
funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
paramName: 'request'
const now =;
return dateHeaderTimestamp >= now - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
* This method will extract the data header and parse it into a useful
* value.
* @param {Response} cachedResponse
* @return {number|null}
* @private
const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
await cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
await cacheExpiration.expireEntries();
* This is a helper method that performs two operations:
* - Deletes *all* the underlying Cache instances associated with this plugin
* instance, by calling caches.delete() on your behalf.
* - Deletes the metadata from IndexedDB used to keep track of expiration
* details for each Cache instance.
* When using cache expiration, calling this method is preferable to calling
* `caches.delete()` directly, since this will ensure that the IndexedDB
* metadata is also cleanly removed and open IndexedDB instances are deleted.
* Note that if you're *not* using cache expiration for a given cache, calling
* `caches.delete()` and passing in the cache's name should be sufficient.
* There is no Workbox-specific method needed for cleanup in that case.
_getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse) {
if (!cachedResponse.headers.has('date')) {
return null;
const dateHeader = cachedResponse.headers.get('date');
const parsedDate = new Date(dateHeader);
const headerTime = parsedDate.getTime(); // If the Date header was invalid for some reason, parsedDate.getTime()
// will return NaN.
async deleteCacheAndMetadata() {
// Do this one at a time instead of all at once via `Promise.all()` to
// reduce the chance of inconsistency if a promise rejects.
for (const [cacheName, cacheExpiration] of this._cacheExpirations) {
await caches.delete(cacheName);
await cacheExpiration.delete();
} // Reset this._cacheExpirations to its initial state.
if (isNaN(headerTime)) {
return null;
return headerTime;
* This is a helper method that performs two operations:
* - Deletes *all* the underlying Cache instances associated with this plugin
* instance, by calling caches.delete() on your behalf.
* - Deletes the metadata from IndexedDB used to keep track of expiration
* details for each Cache instance.
* When using cache expiration, calling this method is preferable to calling
* `caches.delete()` directly, since this will ensure that the IndexedDB
* metadata is also cleanly removed and open IndexedDB instances are deleted.
* Note that if you're *not* using cache expiration for a given cache, calling
* `caches.delete()` and passing in the cache's name should be sufficient.
* There is no Workbox-specific method needed for cleanup in that case.
this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
async deleteCacheAndMetadata() {
// Do this one at a time instead of all at once via `Promise.all()` to
// reduce the chance of inconsistency if a promise rejects.
for (const [cacheName, cacheExpiration] of this._cacheExpirations) {
await caches.delete(cacheName);
await cacheExpiration.delete();
} // Reset this._cacheExpirations to its initial state.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
exports.CacheExpiration = CacheExpiration;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
return exports;
exports.CacheExpiration = CacheExpiration;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.expiration=function(t,e,s,i,a,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:expiration:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}const h="workbox-expiration",c="cache-entries",r=t=>{const e=new URL(t,location);return e.hash="",e.href};class o{constructor(t){this.t=t,this.s=new e.DBWrapper(h,1,{onupgradeneeded:t=>this.i(t)})}i(t){const,{keyPath:"id"});e.createIndex("cacheName","cacheName",{unique:!1}),e.createIndex("timestamp","timestamp",{unique:!1}),s.deleteDatabase(this.t)}async setTimestamp(t,e){t=r(t),await this.s.put(c,{url:t,timestamp:e,cacheName:this.t,id:this.h(t)})}async getTimestamp(t){return(await this.s.get(c,this.h(t))).timestamp}async expireEntries(t,e){const s=await this.s.transaction(c,"readwrite",(s,i)=>{const a=s.objectStore(c),n=[];let h=0;a.index("timestamp").openCursor(null,"prev").onsuccess=(({target:s})=>{const a=s.result;if(a){const s=a.value;s.cacheName===this.t&&(t&&s.timestamp<t||e&&h>=e?n.push(a.value):h++),a.continue()}else i(n)})}),i=[];for(const t of s)await this.s.delete(c,,i.push(t.url);return i}h(t){return this.t+"|"+r(t)}}class u{constructor(t,e={}){this.o=!1,this.u=!1,this.l=e.maxEntries,this.p=e.maxAgeSeconds,this.t=t,this.m=new o(t)}async expireEntries(){if(this.o)return void(this.u=!0);this.o=!0;const t=this.p?*this.p:void 0,e=await this.m.expireEntries(t,this.l),s=await;for(const t of e)await s.delete(t);this.o=!1,this.u&&(this.u=!1,this.expireEntries())}async updateTimestamp(t){await this.m.setTimestamp(t,}async isURLExpired(t){return await this.m.getTimestamp(t)<*this.p}async delete(){this.u=!1,await this.m.expireEntries(1/0)}}return t.CacheExpiration=u,t.Plugin=class{constructor(t={}){this.D=t,this.p=t.maxAgeSeconds,this.g=new Map,t.purgeOnQuotaError&&n.registerQuotaErrorCallback(()=>this.deleteCacheAndMetadata())}k(t){if(t===a.cacheNames.getRuntimeName())throw new i.WorkboxError("expire-custom-caches-only");let e=this.g.get(t);return e||(e=new u(t,this.D),this.g.set(t,e)),e}cachedResponseWillBeUsed({event:t,request:e,cacheName:s,cachedResponse:i}){if(!i)return null;let a=this.N(i);const n=this.k(s);n.expireEntries();const h=n.updateTimestamp(e.url);if(t)try{t.waitUntil(h)}catch(t){}return a?i:null}N(t){if(!this.p)return!0;const e=this._(t);return null===e||e>*this.p}_(t){if(!t.headers.has("date"))return null;const e=t.headers.get("date"),s=new Date(e).getTime();return isNaN(s)?null:s}async cacheDidUpdate({cacheName:t,request:e}){const s=this.k(t);await s.updateTimestamp(e.url),await s.expireEntries()}async deleteCacheAndMetadata(){for(const[t,e]of this.g)await caches.delete(t),await e.delete();this.g=new Map}},t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.expiration=function(t,s,e,i,a,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:expiration:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const h="workbox-expiration",r="cache-entries",c=t=>{const s=new URL(t,location.href);return s.hash="",s.href};class o{constructor(t){this.t=t,this.s=new s.DBWrapper(h,1,{onupgradeneeded:t=>this.i(t)})}i(t){const,{keyPath:"id"});s.createIndex("cacheName","cacheName",{unique:!1}),s.createIndex("timestamp","timestamp",{unique:!1}),e.deleteDatabase(this.t)}async setTimestamp(t,s){const e={url:t=c(t),timestamp:s,cacheName:this.t,id:this.h(t)};await this.s.put(r,e)}async getTimestamp(t){return(await this.s.get(r,this.h(t))).timestamp}async expireEntries(t,s){const e=await this.s.transaction(r,"readwrite",(e,i)=>{const a=e.objectStore(r).index("timestamp").openCursor(null,"prev"),n=[];let h=0;a.onsuccess=(()=>{const e=a.result;if(e){const i=e.value;i.cacheName===this.t&&(t&&i.timestamp<t||s&&h>=s?n.push(e.value):h++),e.continue()}else i(n)})}),i=[];for(const t of e)await this.s.delete(r,,i.push(t.url);return i}h(t){return this.t+"|"+c(t)}}class u{constructor(t,s={}){this.o=!1,this.u=!1,this.l=s.maxEntries,this.m=s.maxAgeSeconds,this.t=t,this.p=new o(t)}async expireEntries(){if(this.o)return void(this.u=!0);this.o=!0;const t=this.m?*this.m:0,s=await this.p.expireEntries(t,this.l),e=await;for(const t of s)await e.delete(t);this.o=!1,this.u&&(this.u=!1,this.expireEntries())}async updateTimestamp(t){await this.p.setTimestamp(t,}async isURLExpired(t){if(this.m){return await this.p.getTimestamp(t)<*this.m}return!1}async delete(){this.u=!1,await this.p.expireEntries(1/0)}}return t.CacheExpiration=u,t.Plugin=class{constructor(t={}){this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed=(async({event:t,request:s,cacheName:e,cachedResponse:i})=>{if(!i)return null;let a=this.k(i);const n=this.D(e);n.expireEntries();const h=n.updateTimestamp(s.url);if(t)try{t.waitUntil(h)}catch(t){}return a?i:null}),this.cacheDidUpdate=(async({cacheName:t,request:s})=>{const e=this.D(t);await e.updateTimestamp(s.url),await e.expireEntries()}),this.N=t,this.m=t.maxAgeSeconds,this.g=new Map,t.purgeOnQuotaError&&n.registerQuotaErrorCallback(()=>this.deleteCacheAndMetadata())}D(t){if(t===a.cacheNames.getRuntimeName())throw new i.WorkboxError("expire-custom-caches-only");let s=this.g.get(t);return s||(s=new u(t,this.N),this.g.set(t,s)),s}k(t){if(!this.m)return!0;const s=this._(t);return null===s||s>*this.m}_(t){if(!t.headers.has("date"))return null;const s=t.headers.get("date"),e=new Date(s).getTime();return isNaN(e)?null:e}async deleteCacheAndMetadata(){for(const[t,s]of this.g)await caches.delete(t),await s.delete();this.g=new Map}},t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.navigationPreload = (function (exports, logger_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.navigationPreload = (function (exports, logger_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:navigation-preload:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:navigation-preload:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the current browser supports enabling
* navigation preload.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the current browser supports enabling
* navigation preload.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
function isSupported() {
return Boolean(self.registration && self.registration.navigationPreload);
function isSupported() {
return Boolean(self.registration && self.registration.navigationPreload);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If the browser supports Navigation Preload, then this will disable it.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If the browser supports Navigation Preload, then this will disable it.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
function disable() {
if (isSupported()) {
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
event.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.disable().then(() => {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Navigation preload is disabled.`);
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Navigation preload is not supported in this browser.`);
function disable() {
if (isSupported()) {
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
event.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.disable().then(() => {
logger_js.logger.log(`Navigation preload is disabled.`);
} else {
logger_js.logger.log(`Navigation preload is not supported in this browser.`);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If the browser supports Navigation Preload, then this will enable it.
* @param {string} [headerValue] Optionally, allows developers to
* [override](
* the value of the `Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload` header which will be
* sent to the server when making the navigation request.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If the browser supports Navigation Preload, then this will enable it.
* @param {string} [headerValue] Optionally, allows developers to
* [override](
* the value of the `Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload` header which will be
* sent to the server when making the navigation request.
* @memberof workbox.navigationPreload
function enable(headerValue) {
if (isSupported()) {
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
event.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.enable().then(() => {
// Defaults to Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload: true if not set.
if (headerValue) {
function enable(headerValue) {
if (isSupported()) {
self.addEventListener('activate', event => {
event.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.enable().then(() => {
// Defaults to Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload: true if not set.
if (headerValue) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Navigation preload is enabled.`);
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Navigation preload is not supported in this browser.`);
logger_js.logger.log(`Navigation preload is enabled.`);
} else {
logger_js.logger.log(`Navigation preload is not supported in this browser.`);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
exports.disable = disable;
exports.enable = enable;
exports.isSupported = isSupported;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
return exports;
exports.disable = disable;
exports.enable = enable;
exports.isSupported = isSupported;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.navigationPreload=function(t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:navigation-preload:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}function e(){return Boolean(self.registration&&self.registration.navigationPreload)}return t.disable=function(){e()&&self.addEventListener("activate",t=>{t.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.disable().then(()=>{}))})},t.enable=function(t){e()&&self.addEventListener("activate",e=>{e.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.enable().then(()=>{t&&self.registration.navigationPreload.setHeaderValue(t)}))})},t.isSupported=e,t}({});
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.navigationPreload=function(t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:navigation-preload:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}function e(){return Boolean(self.registration&&self.registration.navigationPreload)}return t.disable=function(){e()&&self.addEventListener("activate",t=>{t.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.disable().then(()=>{}))})},t.enable=function(t){e()&&self.addEventListener("activate",e=>{e.waitUntil(self.registration.navigationPreload.enable().then(()=>{t&&self.registration.navigationPreload.setHeaderValue(t)}))})},t.isSupported=e,t}({});
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.googleAnalytics = (function (exports, Plugin_mjs, cacheNames_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, logger_mjs, Route_mjs, Router_mjs, NetworkFirst_mjs, NetworkOnly_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.googleAnalytics = (function (exports, Plugin_js, cacheNames_js, getFriendlyURL_js, logger_js, Route_js, Router_js, NetworkFirst_js, NetworkOnly_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:google-analytics:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:google-analytics:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const QUEUE_NAME = 'workbox-google-analytics';
const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 48; // Two days in minutes
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const QUEUE_NAME = 'workbox-google-analytics';
const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 48; // Two days in minutes
const GTM_HOST = '';
const ANALYTICS_JS_PATH = '/analytics.js';
const GTAG_JS_PATH = '/gtag/js';
const GTM_JS_PATH = '/gtm.js';
// endpoints. Most of the time the default path (/collect) is used, but
// occasionally an experimental endpoint is used when testing new features,
// (e.g. /r/collect or /j/collect)
const GTM_HOST = '';
const ANALYTICS_JS_PATH = '/analytics.js';
const GTAG_JS_PATH = '/gtag/js';
const GTM_JS_PATH = '/gtm.js';
// endpoints. Most of the time the default path (/collect) is used, but
// occasionally an experimental endpoint is used when testing new features,
// (e.g. /r/collect or /j/collect)
const COLLECT_PATHS_REGEX = /^\/(\w+\/)?collect/;
const COLLECT_PATHS_REGEX = /^\/(\w+\/)?collect/;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Creates the requestWillDequeue callback to be used with the background
* sync queue plugin. The callback takes the failed request and adds the
* `qt` param based on the current time, as well as applies any other
* user-defined hit modifications.
* @param {Object} config See workbox.googleAnalytics.initialize.
* @return {Function} The requestWillDequeu callback function.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Creates the requestWillDequeue callback to be used with the background
* sync queue plugin. The callback takes the failed request and adds the
* `qt` param based on the current time, as well as applies any other
* user-defined hit modifications.
* @param {Object} config See workbox.googleAnalytics.initialize.
* @return {Function} The requestWillDequeu callback function.
* @private
const createOnSyncCallback = config => {
return async ({
}) => {
let entry;
const createOnSyncCallback = config => {
return async ({
}) => {
let entry;
while (entry = await queue.shiftRequest()) {
const {
} = entry;
const url = new URL(request.url);
while (entry = await queue.shiftRequest()) {
const {
} = entry;
const url = new URL(request.url);
try {
// Measurement protocol requests can set their payload parameters in
// either the URL query string (for GET requests) or the POST body.
const params = request.method === 'POST' ? new URLSearchParams((await request.clone().text())) : url.searchParams; // Calculate the qt param, accounting for the fact that an existing
// qt param may be present and should be updated rather than replaced.
try {
// Measurement protocol requests can set their payload parameters in
// either the URL query string (for GET requests) or the POST body.
const params = request.method === 'POST' ? new URLSearchParams((await request.clone().text())) : url.searchParams; // Calculate the qt param, accounting for the fact that an existing
// qt param may be present and should be updated rather than replaced.
const originalHitTime = timestamp - (Number(params.get('qt')) || 0);
const queueTime = - originalHitTime; // Set the qt param prior to applying hitFilter or parameterOverrides.
const originalHitTime = timestamp - (Number(params.get('qt')) || 0);
const queueTime = - originalHitTime; // Set the qt param prior to applying hitFilter or parameterOverrides.
params.set('qt', queueTime); // Apply `paramterOverrideds`, if set.
params.set('qt', String(queueTime)); // Apply `parameterOverrides`, if set.
if (config.parameterOverrides) {
for (const param of Object.keys(config.parameterOverrides)) {
const value = config.parameterOverrides[param];
params.set(param, value);
} // Apply `hitFilter`, if set.
if (config.parameterOverrides) {
for (const param of Object.keys(config.parameterOverrides)) {
const value = config.parameterOverrides[param];
params.set(param, value);
} // Apply `hitFilter`, if set.
if (typeof config.hitFilter === 'function') {, params);
} // Retry the fetch. Ignore URL search params from the URL as they're
// now in the post body.
if (typeof config.hitFilter === 'function') {, params);
} // Retry the fetch. Ignore URL search params from the URL as they're
// now in the post body.
await fetch(new Request(url.origin + url.pathname, {
body: params.toString(),
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
await fetch(new Request(url.origin + url.pathname, {
body: params.toString(),
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url.href)}'` + `has been replayed`);
} catch (err) {
await queue.unshiftRequest(entry);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(url.href)}'` + `has been replayed`);
} catch (err) {
await queue.unshiftRequest(entry);
logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url.href)}'` + `failed to replay, putting it back in the queue.`);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(url.href)}'` + `failed to replay, putting it back in the queue.`);
throw err;
throw err;
logger_js.logger.log(`All Google Analytics request successfully replayed; ` + `the queue is now empty!`);
logger_mjs.logger.log(`All Google Analytics request successfully replayed; ` + `the queue is now empty!`);
* Creates GET and POST routes to catch failed Measurement Protocol hits.
* @param {Plugin} queuePlugin
* @return {Array<Route>} The created routes.
* @private
* Creates GET and POST routes to catch failed Measurement Protocol hits.
* @param {Plugin} queuePlugin
* @return {Array<Route>} The created routes.
* @private
const createCollectRoutes = queuePlugin => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_HOST && COLLECT_PATHS_REGEX.test(url.pathname);
const createCollectRoutes = queuePlugin => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_HOST && COLLECT_PATHS_REGEX.test(url.pathname);
const handler = new NetworkOnly_mjs.NetworkOnly({
plugins: [queuePlugin]
return [new Route_mjs.Route(match, handler, 'GET'), new Route_mjs.Route(match, handler, 'POST')];
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the analytics.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const handler = new NetworkOnly_js.NetworkOnly({
plugins: [queuePlugin]
return [new Route_js.Route(match, handler, 'GET'), new Route_js.Route(match, handler, 'POST')];
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the analytics.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const createAnalyticsJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_HOST && url.pathname === ANALYTICS_JS_PATH;
const createAnalyticsJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_HOST && url.pathname === ANALYTICS_JS_PATH;
const handler = new NetworkFirst_mjs.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_mjs.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the gtag.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const handler = new NetworkFirst_js.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_js.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the gtag.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const createGtagJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GTM_HOST && url.pathname === GTAG_JS_PATH;
const createGtagJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GTM_HOST && url.pathname === GTAG_JS_PATH;
const handler = new NetworkFirst_mjs.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_mjs.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the gtm.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const handler = new NetworkFirst_js.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_js.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* Creates a route with a network first strategy for the gtm.js script.
* @param {string} cacheName
* @return {Route} The created route.
* @private
const createGtmJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GTM_HOST && url.pathname === GTM_JS_PATH;
const createGtmJsRoute = cacheName => {
const match = ({
}) => url.hostname === GTM_HOST && url.pathname === GTM_JS_PATH;
const handler = new NetworkFirst_mjs.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_mjs.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* @param {Object=} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.cacheName] The cache name to store and retrieve
* analytics.js. Defaults to the cache names provided by `workbox-core`.
* @param {Object} [options.parameterOverrides]
* [Measurement Protocol parameters](,
* expressed as key/value pairs, to be added to replayed Google Analytics
* requests. This can be used to, e.g., set a custom dimension indicating
* that the request was replayed.
* @param {Function} [options.hitFilter] A function that allows you to modify
* the hit parameters prior to replaying
* the hit. The function is invoked with the original hit's URLSearchParams
* object as its only argument.
* @memberof workbox.googleAnalytics
const handler = new NetworkFirst_js.NetworkFirst({
return new Route_js.Route(match, handler, 'GET');
* @param {Object=} [options]
* @param {Object} [options.cacheName] The cache name to store and retrieve
* analytics.js. Defaults to the cache names provided by `workbox-core`.
* @param {Object} [options.parameterOverrides]
* [Measurement Protocol parameters](,
* expressed as key/value pairs, to be added to replayed Google Analytics
* requests. This can be used to, e.g., set a custom dimension indicating
* that the request was replayed.
* @param {Function} [options.hitFilter] A function that allows you to modify
* the hit parameters prior to replaying
* the hit. The function is invoked with the original hit's URLSearchParams
* object as its only argument.
* @memberof workbox.googleAnalytics
const initialize = (options = {}) => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName(options.cacheName);
const queuePlugin = new Plugin_mjs.Plugin(QUEUE_NAME, {
maxRetentionTime: MAX_RETENTION_TIME,
onSync: createOnSyncCallback(options)
const routes = [createGtmJsRoute(cacheName), createAnalyticsJsRoute(cacheName), createGtagJsRoute(cacheName), ...createCollectRoutes(queuePlugin)];
const router = new Router_mjs.Router();
const initialize = (options = {}) => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName(options.cacheName);
const queuePlugin = new Plugin_js.Plugin(QUEUE_NAME, {
maxRetentionTime: MAX_RETENTION_TIME,
onSync: createOnSyncCallback(options)
const routes = [createGtmJsRoute(cacheName), createAnalyticsJsRoute(cacheName), createGtagJsRoute(cacheName), ...createCollectRoutes(queuePlugin)];
const router = new Router_js.Router();
for (const route of routes) {
for (const route of routes) {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
exports.initialize = initialize;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
return exports;
exports.initialize = initialize;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.backgroundSync, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.routing, workbox.routing, workbox.strategies, workbox.strategies));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.googleAnalytics=function(e,t,o,n,a,c,w){"use strict";try{self["workbox:google-analytics:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}const r=/^\/(\w+\/)?collect/,s=e=>async({queue:t})=>{let o;for(;o=await t.shiftRequest();){const{request:n,timestamp:a}=o,c=new URL(n.url);try{const w="POST"===n.method?new URLSearchParams(await n.clone().text()):c.searchParams,r=a-(Number(w.get("qt"))||0),;if(w.set("qt",s),e.parameterOverrides)for(const t of Object.keys(e.parameterOverrides)){const o=e.parameterOverrides[t];w.set(t,o)}"function"==typeof e.hitFilter&&,w),await fetch(new Request(c.origin+c.pathname,{body:w.toString(),method:"POST",mode:"cors",credentials:"omit",headers:{"Content-Type":"text/plain"}}))}catch(e){throw await t.unshiftRequest(o),e}}},i=e=>{const t=({url:e})=>""===e.hostname&&r.test(e.pathname),o=new w.NetworkOnly({plugins:[e]});return[new n.Route(t,o,"GET"),new n.Route(t,o,"POST")]},l=e=>{const t=new c.NetworkFirst({cacheName:e});return new n.Route(({url:e})=>""===e.hostname&&"/analytics.js"===e.pathname,t,"GET")},m=e=>{const t=new c.NetworkFirst({cacheName:e});return new n.Route(({url:e})=>""===e.hostname&&"/gtag/js"===e.pathname,t,"GET")},u=e=>{const t=new c.NetworkFirst({cacheName:e});return new n.Route(({url:e})=>""===e.hostname&&"/gtm.js"===e.pathname,t,"GET")};return e.initialize=((e={})=>{const n=o.cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName(e.cacheName),c=new t.Plugin("workbox-google-analytics",{maxRetentionTime:2880,onSync:s(e)}),w=[u(n),l(n),m(n),...i(c)],r=new a.Router;for(const e of w)r.registerRoute(e);r.addFetchListener()}),e}({},workbox.backgroundSync,workbox.core._private,workbox.routing,workbox.routing,workbox.strategies,workbox.strategies);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.googleAnalytics=function(t,e,o,n,a,c,w,r,s){"use strict";try{self["workbox:google-analytics:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const i=/^\/(\w+\/)?collect/,l=t=>async({queue:e})=>{let o;for(;o=await e.shiftRequest();){const{request:n,timestamp:a}=o,c=new URL(n.url);try{const w="POST"===n.method?new URLSearchParams(await n.clone().text()):c.searchParams,r=a-(Number(w.get("qt"))||0),;if(w.set("qt",String(s)),t.parameterOverrides)for(const e of Object.keys(t.parameterOverrides)){const o=t.parameterOverrides[e];w.set(e,o)}"function"==typeof t.hitFilter&&,w),await fetch(new Request(c.origin+c.pathname,{body:w.toString(),method:"POST",mode:"cors",credentials:"omit",headers:{"Content-Type":"text/plain"}}))}catch(t){throw await e.unshiftRequest(o),t}}},g=t=>{const e=({url:t})=>""===t.hostname&&i.test(t.pathname),o=new s.NetworkOnly({plugins:[t]});return[new c.Route(e,o,"GET"),new c.Route(e,o,"POST")]},m=t=>{const e=new r.NetworkFirst({cacheName:t});return new c.Route(({url:t})=>""===t.hostname&&"/analytics.js"===t.pathname,e,"GET")},u=t=>{const e=new r.NetworkFirst({cacheName:t});return new c.Route(({url:t})=>""===t.hostname&&"/gtag/js"===t.pathname,e,"GET")},h=t=>{const e=new r.NetworkFirst({cacheName:t});return new c.Route(({url:t})=>""===t.hostname&&"/gtm.js"===t.pathname,e,"GET")};return t.initialize=((t={})=>{const n=o.cacheNames.getGoogleAnalyticsName(t.cacheName),a=new e.Plugin("workbox-google-analytics",{maxRetentionTime:2880,onSync:l(t)}),c=[h(n),m(n),u(n),...g(a)],r=new w.Router;for(const t of c)r.registerRoute(t);r.addFetchListener()}),t}({},workbox.backgroundSync,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.routing,workbox.routing,workbox.strategies,workbox.strategies);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.precaching = (function (exports, assert_mjs, cacheNames_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, logger_mjs, cacheWrapper_mjs, fetchWrapper_mjs, WorkboxError_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.precaching = (function (exports, assert_js, cacheNames_js, getFriendlyURL_js, logger_js, cacheWrapper_js, fetchWrapper_js, WorkboxError_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:precaching:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:precaching:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const plugins = [];
const precachePlugins = {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const plugins = [];
const precachePlugins = {
* @return {Array}
* @private
get() {
return plugins;
* @param {Array} newPlugins
* @private
add(newPlugins) {
* @return {Array}
* @private
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds plugins to precaching.
* @param {Array<Object>} newPlugins
* @alias workbox.precaching.addPlugins
get() {
return plugins;
const addPlugins = newPlugins => {
* @param {Array} newPlugins
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Response} response
* @return {Response}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
add(newPlugins) {
async function cleanRedirect(response) {
const clonedResponse = response.clone(); // Not all browsers support the Response.body stream, so fall back
// to reading the entire body into memory as a blob.
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const bodyPromise = 'body' in clonedResponse ? Promise.resolve(clonedResponse.body) : clonedResponse.blob();
const body = await bodyPromise; // new Response() is happy when passed either a stream or a Blob.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds plugins to precaching.
* @param {Array<Object>} newPlugins
* @alias workbox.precaching.addPlugins
return new Response(body, {
headers: clonedResponse.headers,
status: clonedResponse.status,
statusText: clonedResponse.statusText
const addPlugins = newPlugins => {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Response} response
* @return {Response}
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
* Converts a manifest entry into a versioned URL suitable for precaching.
* @param {Object|string} entry
* @return {string} A URL with versioning info.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
async function cleanRedirect(response) {
const clonedResponse = response.clone(); // Not all browsers support the Response.body stream, so fall back
// to reading the entire body into memory as a blob.
function createCacheKey(entry) {
if (!entry) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', {
} // If a precache manifest entry is a string, it's assumed to be a versioned
// URL, like '/app.abcd1234.js'. Return as-is.
const bodyPromise = 'body' in clonedResponse ? Promise.resolve(clonedResponse.body) : clonedResponse.blob();
const body = await bodyPromise; // new Response() is happy when passed either a stream or a Blob.
return new Response(body, {
headers: clonedResponse.headers,
status: clonedResponse.status,
statusText: clonedResponse.statusText
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
const urlObject = new URL(entry, location.href);
return {
cacheKey: urlObject.href,
url: urlObject.href
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const {
} = entry;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
if (!url) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', {
} // If there's just a URL and no revision, then it's also assumed to be a
// versioned URL.
* Converts a manifest entry into a versioned URL suitable for precaching.
* @param {Object} entry
* @return {string} A URL with versioning info.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
function createCacheKey(entry) {
if (!entry) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', {
} // If a precache manifest entry is a string, it's assumed to be a versioned
// URL, like '/app.abcd1234.js'. Return as-is.
if (!revision) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location.href);
return {
cacheKey: urlObject.href,
url: urlObject.href
} // Otherwise, construct a properly versioned URL using the custom Workbox
// search parameter along with the revision info.
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
const urlObject = new URL(entry, location);
const cacheKeyURL = new URL(url, location.href);
const originalURL = new URL(url, location.href);
cacheKeyURL.searchParams.set(REVISION_SEARCH_PARAM, revision);
return {
cacheKey: urlObject.href,
url: urlObject.href
cacheKey: cacheKeyURL.href,
url: originalURL.href
const {
} = entry;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
if (!url) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', {
} // If there's just a URL and no revision, then it's also assumed to be a
// versioned URL.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} groupTitle
* @param {Array<string>} deletedURLs
* @private
const logGroup = (groupTitle, deletedURLs) => {
if (!revision) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location);
return {
cacheKey: urlObject.href,
url: urlObject.href
} // Otherwise, construct a properly versioned URL using the custom Workbox
// search parameter along with the revision info.
for (const url of deletedURLs) {
const originalURL = new URL(url, location);
const cacheKeyURL = new URL(url, location);
cacheKeyURL.searchParams.set(REVISION_SEARCH_PARAM, revision);
return {
cacheKey: cacheKeyURL.href,
url: originalURL.href
* @param {Array<string>} deletedURLs
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
function printCleanupDetails(deletedURLs) {
const deletionCount = deletedURLs.length;
const logGroup = (groupTitle, deletedURLs) => {
for (const url of deletedURLs) {
if (deletionCount > 0) {
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`During precaching cleanup, ` + `${deletionCount} cached ` + `request${deletionCount === 1 ? ' was' : 's were'} deleted.`);
logGroup('Deleted Cache Requests', deletedURLs);
* @param {Array<string>} deletedURLs
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} groupTitle
* @param {Array<string>} urls
* @private
function printCleanupDetails(deletedURLs) {
const deletionCount = deletedURLs.length;
function _nestedGroup(groupTitle, urls) {
if (urls.length === 0) {
if (deletionCount > 0) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`During precaching cleanup, ` + `${deletionCount} cached ` + `request${deletionCount === 1 ? ' was' : 's were'} deleted.`);
logGroup('Deleted Cache Requests', deletedURLs);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
for (const url of urls) {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} groupTitle
* @param {Array<string>} urls
* @private
function _nestedGroup(groupTitle, urls) {
if (urls.length === 0) {
* @param {Array<string>} urlsToPrecache
* @param {Array<string>} urlsAlreadyPrecached
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
for (const url of urls) {
function printInstallDetails(urlsToPrecache, urlsAlreadyPrecached) {
const precachedCount = urlsToPrecache.length;
const alreadyPrecachedCount = urlsAlreadyPrecached.length;
* @param {Array<string>} urlsToPrecache
* @param {Array<string>} urlsAlreadyPrecached
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
if (precachedCount || alreadyPrecachedCount) {
let message = `Precaching ${precachedCount} file${precachedCount === 1 ? '' : 's'}.`;
if (alreadyPrecachedCount > 0) {
message += ` ${alreadyPrecachedCount} ` + `file${alreadyPrecachedCount === 1 ? ' is' : 's are'} already cached.`;
function printInstallDetails(urlsToPrecache, urlsAlreadyPrecached) {
const precachedCount = urlsToPrecache.length;
const alreadyPrecachedCount = urlsAlreadyPrecached.length;
if (precachedCount || alreadyPrecachedCount) {
let message = `Precaching ${precachedCount} file${precachedCount === 1 ? '' : 's'}.`;
_nestedGroup(`View newly precached URLs.`, urlsToPrecache);
if (alreadyPrecachedCount > 0) {
message += ` ${alreadyPrecachedCount} ` + `file${alreadyPrecachedCount === 1 ? ' is' : 's are'} already cached.`;
_nestedGroup(`View previously precached URLs.`, urlsAlreadyPrecached);
_nestedGroup(`View newly precached URLs.`, urlsToPrecache);
_nestedGroup(`View previously precached URLs.`, urlsAlreadyPrecached);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Performs efficient precaching of assets.
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
class PrecacheController {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Create a new PrecacheController.
* Performs efficient precaching of assets.
* @param {string} [cacheName] An optional name for the cache, to override
* the default precache name.
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
constructor(cacheName) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(cacheName);
this._urlsToCacheKeys = new Map();
* This method will add items to the precache list, removing duplicates
* and ensuring the information is valid.
* @param {
* Array<module:workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.PrecacheEntry|string>
* } entries Array of entries to precache.
addToCacheList(entries) {
assert_mjs.assert.isArray(entries, {
moduleName: 'workbox-precaching',
className: 'PrecacheController',
funcName: 'addToCacheList',
paramName: 'entries'
class PrecacheController {
* Create a new PrecacheController.
* @param {string} [cacheName] An optional name for the cache, to override
* the default precache name.
constructor(cacheName) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(cacheName);
this._urlsToCacheKeys = new Map();
this._cacheKeysToIntegrities = new Map();
* This method will add items to the precache list, removing duplicates
* and ensuring the information is valid.
* @param {
* Array<module:workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.PrecacheEntry|string>
* } entries Array of entries to precache.
for (const entry of entries) {
const {
} = createCacheKey(entry);
if (this._urlsToCacheKeys.has(url) && this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(url) !== cacheKey) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries', {
firstEntry: this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(url),
secondEntry: cacheKey
addToCacheList(entries) {
assert_js.assert.isArray(entries, {
moduleName: 'workbox-precaching',
className: 'PrecacheController',
funcName: 'addToCacheList',
paramName: 'entries'
this._urlsToCacheKeys.set(url, cacheKey);
* Precaches new and updated assets. Call this method from the service worker
* install event.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Event} [options.event] The install event (if needed).
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins] Plugins to be used for fetching
* and caching during install.
* @return {Promise<workbox.precaching.InstallResult>}
for (const entry of entries) {
const {
} = createCacheKey(entry);
if (this._urlsToCacheKeys.has(url) && this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(url) !== cacheKey) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries', {
firstEntry: this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(url),
secondEntry: cacheKey
async install({
} = {}) {
if (plugins) {
assert_mjs.assert.isArray(plugins, {
moduleName: 'workbox-precaching',
className: 'PrecacheController',
funcName: 'install',
paramName: 'plugins'
if (typeof entry !== 'string' && entry.integrity) {
if (this._cacheKeysToIntegrities.has(cacheKey) && this._cacheKeysToIntegrities.get(cacheKey) !== entry.integrity) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities', {
this._cacheKeysToIntegrities.set(cacheKey, entry.integrity);
this._urlsToCacheKeys.set(url, cacheKey);
* Precaches new and updated assets. Call this method from the service worker
* install event.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Event} [options.event] The install event (if needed).
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins] Plugins to be used for fetching
* and caching during install.
* @return {Promise<workbox.precaching.InstallResult>}
const urlsToPrecache = [];
const urlsAlreadyPrecached = [];
const cache = await;
const alreadyCachedRequests = await cache.keys();
const alreadyCachedURLs = new Set( => request.url));
for (const cacheKey of this._urlsToCacheKeys.values()) {
if (alreadyCachedURLs.has(cacheKey)) {
} else {
async install({
} = {}) {
if (plugins) {
assert_js.assert.isArray(plugins, {
moduleName: 'workbox-precaching',
className: 'PrecacheController',
funcName: 'install',
paramName: 'plugins'
const precacheRequests = => {
return this._addURLToCache({
const urlsToPrecache = [];
const urlsAlreadyPrecached = [];
const cache = await;
const alreadyCachedRequests = await cache.keys();
const alreadyCachedURLs = new Set( => request.url));
for (const cacheKey of this._urlsToCacheKeys.values()) {
if (alreadyCachedURLs.has(cacheKey)) {
} else {
const precacheRequests = => {
const integrity = this._cacheKeysToIntegrities.get(url);
return this._addURLToCache({
await Promise.all(precacheRequests);
await Promise.all(precacheRequests);
printInstallDetails(urlsToPrecache, urlsAlreadyPrecached);
printInstallDetails(urlsToPrecache, urlsAlreadyPrecached);
return {
updatedURLs: urlsToPrecache,
notUpdatedURLs: urlsAlreadyPrecached
* Deletes assets that are no longer present in the current precache manifest.
* Call this method from the service worker activate event.
* @return {Promise<workbox.precaching.CleanupResult>}
return {
updatedURLs: urlsToPrecache,
notUpdatedURLs: urlsAlreadyPrecached
* Deletes assets that are no longer present in the current precache manifest.
* Call this method from the service worker activate event.
* @return {Promise<workbox.precaching.CleanupResult>}
async activate() {
const cache = await;
const currentlyCachedRequests = await cache.keys();
const expectedCacheKeys = new Set(this._urlsToCacheKeys.values());
const deletedURLs = [];
async activate() {
const cache = await;
const currentlyCachedRequests = await cache.keys();
const expectedCacheKeys = new Set(this._urlsToCacheKeys.values());
const deletedURLs = [];
for (const request of currentlyCachedRequests) {
if (!expectedCacheKeys.has(request.url)) {
await cache.delete(request);
for (const request of currentlyCachedRequests) {
if (!expectedCacheKeys.has(request.url)) {
await cache.delete(request);
return {
* Requests the entry and saves it to the cache if the response is valid.
* By default, any response with a status code of less than 400 (including
* opaque responses) is considered valid.
* If you need to use custom criteria to determine what's valid and what
* isn't, then pass in an item in `options.plugins` that implements the
* `cacheWillUpdate()` lifecycle event.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.url The URL to fetch and cache.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The install event (if passed).
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins] An array of plugins to apply to
* fetch and caching.
return {
* Requests the entry and saves it to the cache if the response is valid.
* By default, any response with a status code of less than 400 (including
* opaque responses) is considered valid.
* If you need to use custom criteria to determine what's valid and what
* isn't, then pass in an item in `options.plugins` that implements the
* `cacheWillUpdate()` lifecycle event.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.url The URL to fetch and cache.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The install event (if passed).
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.plugins] An array of plugins to apply to
* fetch and caching.
async _addURLToCache({
}) {
const request = new Request(url, {
credentials: 'same-origin'
let response = await fetchWrapper_mjs.fetchWrapper.fetch({
async _addURLToCache({
}); // Allow developers to override the default logic about what is and isn't
// valid by passing in a plugin implementing cacheWillUpdate(), e.g.
// a workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin instance.
}) {
const request = new Request(url, {
credentials: 'same-origin'
let response = await fetchWrapper_js.fetchWrapper.fetch({
}); // Allow developers to override the default logic about what is and isn't
// valid by passing in a plugin implementing cacheWillUpdate(), e.g.
// a workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin instance.
let cacheWillUpdateCallback;
let cacheWillUpdatePlugin;
for (const plugin of plugins || []) {
if ('cacheWillUpdate' in plugin) {
cacheWillUpdateCallback = plugin.cacheWillUpdate.bind(plugin);
for (const plugin of plugins || []) {
if ('cacheWillUpdate' in plugin) {
cacheWillUpdatePlugin = plugin;
const isValidResponse = cacheWillUpdateCallback ? // Use a callback if provided. It returns a truthy value if valid.
}) : // Otherwise, default to considering any response status under 400 valid.
// This includes, by default, considering opaque responses valid.
response.status < 400; // Consider this a failure, leading to the `install` handler failing, if
// we get back an invalid response.
const isValidResponse = cacheWillUpdatePlugin ? // Use a callback if provided. It returns a truthy value if valid.
// NOTE: invoke the method on the plugin instance so the `this` context
// is correct.
}) : // Otherwise, default to considering any response status under 400 valid.
// This includes, by default, considering opaque responses valid.
response.status < 400; // Consider this a failure, leading to the `install` handler failing, if
// we get back an invalid response.
if (!isValidResponse) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('bad-precaching-response', {
status: response.status
if (!isValidResponse) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('bad-precaching-response', {
status: response.status
if (response.redirected) {
response = await cleanRedirect(response);
await cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: {
ignoreSearch: true
* Returns a mapping of a precached URL to the corresponding cache key, taking
* into account the revision information for the URL.
* @return {Map<string, string>} A URL to cache key mapping.
if (response.redirected) {
response = await cleanRedirect(response);
getURLsToCacheKeys() {
return this._urlsToCacheKeys;
* Returns a list of all the URLs that have been precached by the current
* service worker.
* @return {Array<string>} The precached URLs.
await cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: {
ignoreSearch: true
* Returns a mapping of a precached URL to the corresponding cache key, taking
* into account the revision information for the URL.
* @return {Map<string, string>} A URL to cache key mapping.
getCachedURLs() {
return [...this._urlsToCacheKeys.keys()];
* Returns the cache key used for storing a given URL. If that URL is
* unversioned, like `/index.html', then the cache key will be the original
* URL with a search parameter appended to it.
* @param {string} url A URL whose cache key you want to look up.
* @return {string} The versioned URL that corresponds to a cache key
* for the original URL, or undefined if that URL isn't precached.
getURLsToCacheKeys() {
return this._urlsToCacheKeys;
* Returns a list of all the URLs that have been precached by the current
* service worker.
* @return {Array<string>} The precached URLs.
getCacheKeyForURL(url) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location.href);
return this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(urlObject.href);
* Returns a function that looks up `url` in the precache (taking into
* account revision information), and returns the corresponding `Response`.
* If for an unexpected reason there is a cache miss when looking up `url`,
* this will fall back to retrieving the `Response` via `fetch()`.
* @param {string} url The precached URL which will be used to lookup the
* `Response`.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback}
getCachedURLs() {
return [...this._urlsToCacheKeys.keys()];
* Returns the cache key used for storing a given URL. If that URL is
* unversioned, like `/index.html', then the cache key will be the original
* URL with a search parameter appended to it.
* @param {string} url A URL whose cache key you want to look up.
* @return {string} The versioned URL that corresponds to a cache key
* for the original URL, or undefined if that URL isn't precached.
createHandlerForURL(url) {
assert_js.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-precaching',
funcName: 'createHandlerForURL',
paramName: 'url'
getCacheKeyForURL(url) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location);
return this._urlsToCacheKeys.get(urlObject.href);
const cacheKey = this.getCacheKeyForURL(url);
if (!cacheKey) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('non-precached-url', {
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
return async () => {
try {
const cache = await;
const response = await cache.match(cacheKey);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let precacheController;
* @return {PrecacheController}
* @private
if (response) {
return response;
} // This shouldn't normally happen, but there are edge cases:
const getOrCreatePrecacheController = () => {
if (!precacheController) {
precacheController = new PrecacheController();
return precacheController;
throw new Error(`The cache ${this._cacheName} did not have an entry ` + `for ${cacheKey}.`);
} catch (error) {
// If there's either a cache miss, or the caches.match() call threw
// an exception, then attempt to fulfill the navigation request with
// a response from the network rather than leaving the user with a
// failed navigation.
logger_js.logger.debug(`Unable to respond to navigation request with ` + `cached response. Falling back to network.`, error);
} // This might still fail if the browser is offline...
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Removes any URL search parameters that should be ignored.
* @param {URL} urlObject The original URL.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} ignoreURLParametersMatching RegExps to test against
* each search parameter name. Matches mean that the search parameter should be
* ignored.
* @return {URL} The URL with any ignored search parameters removed.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
return fetch(cacheKey);
function removeIgnoredSearchParams(urlObject, ignoreURLParametersMatching) {
// Convert the iterable into an array at the start of the loop to make sure
// deletion doesn't mess up iteration.
for (const paramName of [...urlObject.searchParams.keys()]) {
if (ignoreURLParametersMatching.some(regExp => regExp.test(paramName))) {
return urlObject;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let precacheController;
* @return {PrecacheController}
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Generator function that yields possible variations on the original URL to
* check, one at a time.
* @param {string} url
* @param {Object} options
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
const getOrCreatePrecacheController = () => {
if (!precacheController) {
precacheController = new PrecacheController();
function* generateURLVariations(url, {
} = {}) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location);
urlObject.hash = '';
yield urlObject.href;
const urlWithoutIgnoredParams = removeIgnoredSearchParams(urlObject, ignoreURLParametersMatching);
yield urlWithoutIgnoredParams.href;
return precacheController;
if (directoryIndex && urlWithoutIgnoredParams.pathname.endsWith('/')) {
const directoryURL = new URL(urlWithoutIgnoredParams);
directoryURL.pathname += directoryIndex;
yield directoryURL.href;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
if (cleanURLs) {
const cleanURL = new URL(urlWithoutIgnoredParams);
cleanURL.pathname += '.html';
yield cleanURL.href;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Removes any URL search parameters that should be ignored.
* @param {URL} urlObject The original URL.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} ignoreURLParametersMatching RegExps to test against
* each search parameter name. Matches mean that the search parameter should be
* ignored.
* @return {URL} The URL with any ignored search parameters removed.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
function removeIgnoredSearchParams(urlObject, ignoreURLParametersMatching = []) {
// Convert the iterable into an array at the start of the loop to make sure
// deletion doesn't mess up iteration.
for (const paramName of [...urlObject.searchParams.keys()]) {
if (ignoreURLParametersMatching.some(regExp => regExp.test(paramName))) {
return urlObject;
if (urlManipulation) {
const additionalURLs = urlManipulation({
url: urlObject
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
for (const urlToAttempt of additionalURLs) {
yield urlToAttempt.href;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Generator function that yields possible variations on the original URL to
* check, one at a time.
* @param {string} url
* @param {Object} options
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
function* generateURLVariations(url, {
} = {}) {
const urlObject = new URL(url, location.href);
urlObject.hash = '';
yield urlObject.href;
const urlWithoutIgnoredParams = removeIgnoredSearchParams(urlObject, ignoreURLParametersMatching);
yield urlWithoutIgnoredParams.href;
if (directoryIndex && urlWithoutIgnoredParams.pathname.endsWith('/')) {
const directoryURL = new URL(urlWithoutIgnoredParams.href);
directoryURL.pathname += directoryIndex;
yield directoryURL.href;
if (cleanURLs) {
const cleanURL = new URL(urlWithoutIgnoredParams.href);
cleanURL.pathname += '.html';
yield cleanURL.href;
if (urlManipulation) {
const additionalURLs = urlManipulation({
url: urlObject
for (const urlToAttempt of additionalURLs) {
yield urlToAttempt.href;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This function will take the request URL and manipulate it based on the
* configuration options.
* @param {string} url
* @param {Object} options
* @return {string} Returns the URL in the cache that matches the request,
* if possible.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This function will take the request URL and manipulate it based on the
* configuration options.
* @param {string} url
* @param {Object} options
* @return {string} Returns the URL in the cache that matches the request,
* if possible.
* @private
const getCacheKeyForURL = (url, options) => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const urlsToCacheKeys = precacheController.getURLsToCacheKeys();
const getCacheKeyForURL = (url, options) => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const urlsToCacheKeys = precacheController.getURLsToCacheKeys();
for (const possibleURL of generateURLVariations(url, options)) {
const possibleCacheKey = urlsToCacheKeys.get(possibleURL);
for (const possibleURL of generateURLVariations(url, options)) {
const possibleCacheKey = urlsToCacheKeys.get(possibleURL);
if (possibleCacheKey) {
return possibleCacheKey;
if (possibleCacheKey) {
return possibleCacheKey;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds a `fetch` listener to the service worker that will
* respond to
* [network requests]{@link}
* with precached assets.
* Requests for assets that aren't precached, the `FetchEvent` will not be
* responded to, allowing the event to fall through to other `fetch` event
* listeners.
* NOTE: when called more than once this method will replace the previously set
* configuration options. Calling it more than once is not recommended outside
* of tests.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} [options.directoryIndex=index.html] The `directoryIndex` will
* check cache entries for a URLs ending with '/' to see if there is a hit when
* appending the `directoryIndex` value.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.ignoreURLParametersMatching=[/^utm_/]] An
* array of regex's to remove search params when looking for a cache match.
* @param {boolean} [options.cleanURLs=true] The `cleanURLs` option will
* check the cache for the URL with a `.html` added to the end of the end.
* @param {workbox.precaching~urlManipulation} [options.urlManipulation]
* This is a function that should take a URL and return an array of
* alternative URL's that should be checked for precache matches.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds a `fetch` listener to the service worker that will
* respond to
* [network requests]{@link}
* with precached assets.
* Requests for assets that aren't precached, the `FetchEvent` will not be
* responded to, allowing the event to fall through to other `fetch` event
* listeners.
* NOTE: when called more than once this method will replace the previously set
* configuration options. Calling it more than once is not recommended outside
* of tests.
* @private
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.directoryIndex=index.html] The `directoryIndex` will
* check cache entries for a URLs ending with '/' to see if there is a hit when
* appending the `directoryIndex` value.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.ignoreURLParametersMatching=[/^utm_/]] An
* array of regex's to remove search params when looking for a cache match.
* @param {boolean} [options.cleanURLs=true] The `cleanURLs` option will
* check the cache for the URL with a `.html` added to the end of the end.
* @param {workbox.precaching~urlManipulation} [options.urlManipulation]
* This is a function that should take a URL and return an array of
* alternative URLs that should be checked for precache matches.
const addFetchListener = ({
ignoreURLParametersMatching = [/^utm_/],
directoryIndex = 'index.html',
cleanURLs = true,
urlManipulation = null
} = {}) => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const precachedURL = getCacheKeyForURL(event.request.url, {
const addFetchListener = ({
ignoreURLParametersMatching = [/^utm_/],
directoryIndex = 'index.html',
cleanURLs = true,
} = {}) => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const precachedURL = getCacheKeyForURL(event.request.url, {
if (!precachedURL) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Precaching did not find a match for ` + getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url));
if (!precachedURL) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Precaching did not find a match for ` + getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url));
let responsePromise = => {
return cache.match(precachedURL);
}).then(cachedResponse => {
if (cachedResponse) {
return cachedResponse;
} // Fall back to the network if we don't have a cached response
// (perhaps due to manual cache cleanup).
let responsePromise = => {
return cache.match(precachedURL);
}).then(cachedResponse => {
if (cachedResponse) {
return cachedResponse;
} // Fall back to the network if we don't have a cached response
// (perhaps due to manual cache cleanup).
logger_js.logger.warn(`The precached response for ` + `${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(precachedURL)} in ${cacheName} was not found. ` + `Falling back to the network instead.`);
return fetch(precachedURL);
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`The precached response for ` + `${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(precachedURL)} in ${cacheName} was not found. ` + `Falling back to the network instead.`);
responsePromise = responsePromise.then(response => {
// Workbox is going to handle the route.
// print the routing details to the console.
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Precaching is responding to: ` + getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url));
logger_js.logger.log(`Serving the precached url: ${precachedURL}`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View request details here.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View response details here.`);
return response;
return fetch(precachedURL);
responsePromise = responsePromise.then(response => {
// Workbox is going to handle the route.
// print the routing details to the console.
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`Precaching is responding to: ` + getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url));
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Serving the precached url: ${precachedURL}`);
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View request details here.`);
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View response details here.`);
return response;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let listenerAdded = false;
* Add a `fetch` listener to the service worker that will
* respond to
* [network requests]{@link}
* with precached assets.
* Requests for assets that aren't precached, the `FetchEvent` will not be
* responded to, allowing the event to fall through to other `fetch` event
* listeners.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.directoryIndex=index.html] The `directoryIndex` will
* check cache entries for a URLs ending with '/' to see if there is a hit when
* appending the `directoryIndex` value.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.ignoreURLParametersMatching=[/^utm_/]] An
* array of regex's to remove search params when looking for a cache match.
* @param {boolean} [options.cleanURLs=true] The `cleanURLs` option will
* check the cache for the URL with a `.html` added to the end of the end.
* @param {workbox.precaching~urlManipulation} [options.urlManipulation]
* This is a function that should take a URL and return an array of
* alternative URLs that should be checked for precache matches.
* @alias workbox.precaching.addRoute
const addRoute = options => {
if (!listenerAdded) {
listenerAdded = true;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let listenerAdded = false;
* Add a `fetch` listener to the service worker that will
* respond to
* [network requests]{@link}
* with precached assets.
* Requests for assets that aren't precached, the `FetchEvent` will not be
* responded to, allowing the event to fall through to other `fetch` event
* listeners.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} [options.directoryIndex=index.html] The `directoryIndex` will
* check cache entries for a URLs ending with '/' to see if there is a hit when
* appending the `directoryIndex` value.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.ignoreURLParametersMatching=[/^utm_/]] An
* array of regex's to remove search params when looking for a cache match.
* @param {boolean} [options.cleanURLs=true] The `cleanURLs` option will
* check the cache for the URL with a `.html` added to the end of the end.
* @param {workbox.precaching~urlManipulation} [options.urlManipulation]
* This is a function that should take a URL and return an array of
* alternative URL's that should be checked for precache matches.
* @alias workbox.precaching.addRoute
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const SUBSTRING_TO_FIND = '-precache-';
* Cleans up incompatible precaches that were created by older versions of
* Workbox, by a service worker registered under the current scope.
* This is meant to be called as part of the `activate` event.
* This should be safe to use as long as you don't include `substringToFind`
* (defaulting to `-precache-`) in your non-precache cache names.
* @param {string} currentPrecacheName The cache name currently in use for
* precaching. This cache won't be deleted.
* @param {string} [substringToFind='-precache-'] Cache names which include this
* substring will be deleted (excluding `currentPrecacheName`).
* @return {Array<string>} A list of all the cache names that were deleted.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
const addRoute = options => {
if (!listenerAdded) {
listenerAdded = true;
const deleteOutdatedCaches = async (currentPrecacheName, substringToFind = SUBSTRING_TO_FIND) => {
const cacheNames = await caches.keys();
const cacheNamesToDelete = cacheNames.filter(cacheName => {
return cacheName.includes(substringToFind) && cacheName.includes(self.registration.scope) && cacheName !== currentPrecacheName;
await Promise.all( => caches.delete(cacheName)));
return cacheNamesToDelete;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const SUBSTRING_TO_FIND = '-precache-';
* Cleans up incompatible precaches that were created by older versions of
* Workbox, by a service worker registered under the current scope.
* This is meant to be called as part of the `activate` event.
* This should be safe to use as long as you don't include `substringToFind`
* (defaulting to `-precache-`) in your non-precache cache names.
* @param {string} currentPrecacheName The cache name currently in use for
* precaching. This cache won't be deleted.
* @param {string} [substringToFind='-precache-'] Cache names which include this
* substring will be deleted (excluding `currentPrecacheName`).
* @return {Array<string>} A list of all the cache names that were deleted.
* @private
* @memberof module:workbox-precaching
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds an `activate` event listener which will clean up incompatible
* precaches that were created by older versions of Workbox.
* @alias workbox.precaching.cleanupOutdatedCaches
const deleteOutdatedCaches = async (currentPrecacheName, substringToFind = SUBSTRING_TO_FIND) => {
const cacheNames = await caches.keys();
const cacheNamesToDelete = cacheNames.filter(cacheName => {
return cacheName.includes(substringToFind) && cacheName.includes(self.registration.scope) && cacheName !== currentPrecacheName;
await Promise.all( => caches.delete(cacheName)));
return cacheNamesToDelete;
const cleanupOutdatedCaches = () => {
addEventListener('activate', event => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
event.waitUntil(deleteOutdatedCaches(cacheName).then(cachesDeleted => {
if (cachesDeleted.length > 0) {
logger_js.logger.log(`The following out-of-date precaches were cleaned up ` + `automatically:`, cachesDeleted);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds an `activate` event listener which will clean up incompatible
* precaches that were created by older versions of Workbox.
* @alias workbox.precaching.cleanupOutdatedCaches
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Helper function that calls
* {@link PrecacheController#createHandlerForURL} on the default
* {@link PrecacheController} instance.
* If you are creating your own {@link PrecacheController}, then call the
* {@link PrecacheController#createHandlerForURL} on that instance,
* instead of using this function.
* @param {string} url The precached URL which will be used to lookup the
* `Response`.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback}
* @alias workbox.precaching.createHandlerForURL
const cleanupOutdatedCaches = () => {
addEventListener('activate', event => {
const cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();
event.waitUntil(deleteOutdatedCaches(cacheName).then(cachesDeleted => {
if (cachesDeleted.length > 0) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`The following out-of-date precaches were cleaned up ` + `automatically:`, cachesDeleted);
const createHandlerForURL = url => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
return precacheController.createHandlerForURL(url);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes in a URL, and returns the corresponding URL that could be used to
* lookup the entry in the precache.
* If a relative URL is provided, the location of the service worker file will
* be used as the base.
* For precached entries without revision information, the cache key will be the
* same as the original URL.
* For precached entries with revision information, the cache key will be the
* original URL with the addition of a query parameter used for keeping track of
* the revision info.
* @param {string} url The URL whose cache key to look up.
* @return {string} The cache key that corresponds to that URL.
* @alias workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes in a URL, and returns the corresponding URL that could be used to
* lookup the entry in the precache.
* If a relative URL is provided, the location of the service worker file will
* be used as the base.
* For precached entries without revision information, the cache key will be the
* same as the original URL.
* For precached entries with revision information, the cache key will be the
* original URL with the addition of a query parameter used for keeping track of
* the revision info.
* @param {string} url The URL whose cache key to look up.
* @return {string} The cache key that corresponds to that URL.
* @alias workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL
const getCacheKeyForURL$1 = url => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
return precacheController.getCacheKeyForURL(url);
const getCacheKeyForURL$1 = url => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
return precacheController.getCacheKeyForURL(url);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const installListener = event => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const plugins = precachePlugins.get();
}).catch(error => {
logger_mjs.logger.error(`Service worker installation failed. It will ` + `be retried automatically during the next navigation.`);
} // Re-throw the error to ensure installation fails.
const installListener = event => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const plugins = precachePlugins.get();
}).catch(error => {
logger_js.logger.error(`Service worker installation failed. It will ` + `be retried automatically during the next navigation.`);
} // Re-throw the error to ensure installation fails.
throw error;
throw error;
const activateListener = event => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const plugins = precachePlugins.get();
* Adds items to the precache list, removing any duplicates and
* stores the files in the
* ["precache cache"]{@link module:workbox-core.cacheNames} when the service
* worker installs.
* This method can be called multiple times.
* Please note: This method **will not** serve any of the cached files for you.
* It only precaches files. To respond to a network request you call
* [addRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute}.
* If you have a single array of files to precache, you can just call
* [precacheAndRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.precacheAndRoute}.
* @param {Array<Object|string>} entries Array of entries to precache.
* @alias workbox.precaching.precache
const activateListener = event => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
* Adds items to the precache list, removing any duplicates and
* stores the files in the
* ["precache cache"]{@link module:workbox-core.cacheNames} when the service
* worker installs.
* This method can be called multiple times.
* Please note: This method **will not** serve any of the cached files for you.
* It only precaches files. To respond to a network request you call
* [addRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute}.
* If you have a single array of files to precache, you can just call
* [precacheAndRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.precacheAndRoute}.
* @param {Array<Object|string>} [entries=[]] Array of entries to precache.
* @alias workbox.precaching.precache
const precache = entries => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
const precache = entries => {
const precacheController = getOrCreatePrecacheController();
if (entries.length > 0) {
// NOTE: these listeners will only be added once (even if the `precache()`
// method is called multiple times) because event listeners are implemented
// as a set, where each listener must be unique.
addEventListener('install', installListener);
addEventListener('activate', activateListener);
if (entries.length > 0) {
// NOTE: these listeners will only be added once (even if the `precache()`
// method is called multiple times) because event listeners are implemented
// as a set, where each listener must be unique.
addEventListener('install', installListener);
addEventListener('activate', activateListener);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method will add entries to the precache list and add a route to
* respond to fetch events.
* This is a convenience method that will call
* [precache()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.precache} and
* [addRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute} in a single call.
* @param {Array<Object|string>} entries Array of entries to precache.
* @param {Object} options See
* [addRoute() options]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute}.
* @alias workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method will add entries to the precache list and add a route to
* respond to fetch events.
* This is a convenience method that will call
* [precache()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.precache} and
* [addRoute()]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute} in a single call.
* @param {Array<Object|string>} entries Array of entries to precache.
* @param {Object} [options] See
* [addRoute() options]{@link module:workbox-precaching.addRoute}.
* @alias workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute
const precacheAndRoute = (entries, options) => {
const precacheAndRoute = (entries, options) => {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.addPlugins = addPlugins;
exports.addRoute = addRoute;
exports.cleanupOutdatedCaches = cleanupOutdatedCaches;
exports.getCacheKeyForURL = getCacheKeyForURL$1;
exports.precache = precache;
exports.precacheAndRoute = precacheAndRoute;
exports.PrecacheController = PrecacheController;
exports.PrecacheController = PrecacheController;
exports.addPlugins = addPlugins;
exports.addRoute = addRoute;
exports.cleanupOutdatedCaches = cleanupOutdatedCaches;
exports.createHandlerForURL = createHandlerForURL;
exports.getCacheKeyForURL = getCacheKeyForURL$1;
exports.precache = precache;
exports.precacheAndRoute = precacheAndRoute;
return exports;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.precaching=function(t,e,n,s,c){"use strict";try{self["workbox:precaching:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}const o=[],i={get:()=>o,add(t){o.push(...t)}};const a="__WB_REVISION__";function r(t){if(!t)throw new c.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if("string"==typeof t){const e=new URL(t,location);return{cacheKey:e.href,url:e.href}}const{revision:e,url:n}=t;if(!n)throw new c.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if(!e){const t=new URL(n,location);return{cacheKey:t.href,url:t.href}}const s=new URL(n,location),o=new URL(n,location);return o.searchParams.set(a,e),{cacheKey:o.href,url:s.href}}class l{constructor(t){this.t=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(t),this.s=new Map}addToCacheList(t){for(const e of t){const{cacheKey:t,url:n}=r(e);if(this.s.has(n)&&this.s.get(n)!==t)throw new c.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries",{firstEntry:this.s.get(n),secondEntry:t});this.s.set(n,t)}}async install({event:t,plugins:e}={}){const n=[],s=[],c=await,o=await c.keys(),i=new Set(>t.url));for(const t of this.s.values())i.has(t)?s.push(t):n.push(t);const>this.o({event:t,plugins:e,url:n}));return await Promise.all(a),{updatedURLs:n,notUpdatedURLs:s}}async activate(){const t=await,e=await t.keys(),n=new Set(this.s.values()),s=[];for(const c of e)n.has(c.url)||(await t.delete(c),s.push(c.url));return{deletedURLs:s}}async o({url:t,event:e,plugins:o}){const i=new Request(t,{credentials:"same-origin"});let a,r=await s.fetchWrapper.fetch({event:e,plugins:o,request:i});for(const t of o||[])"cacheWillUpdate"in t&&(a=t.cacheWillUpdate.bind(t));if(!(a?a({event:e,request:i,response:r}):r.status<400))throw new c.WorkboxError("bad-precaching-response",{url:t,status:r.status});r.redirected&&(r=await async function(t){const e=t.clone(),n="body"in e?Promise.resolve(e.body):e.blob(),s=await n;return new Response(s,{headers:e.headers,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText})}(r)),await n.cacheWrapper.put({event:e,plugins:o,request:i,response:r,cacheName:this.t,matchOptions:{ignoreSearch:!0}})}getURLsToCacheKeys(){return this.s}getCachedURLs(){return[...this.s.keys()]}getCacheKeyForURL(t){const e=new URL(t,location);return this.s.get(e.href)}}let u;const h=()=>(u||(u=new l),u);const d=(t,e)=>{const n=h().getURLsToCacheKeys();for(const s of function*(t,{ignoreURLParametersMatching:e,directoryIndex:n,cleanURLs:s,urlManipulation:c}={}){const o=new URL(t,location);o.hash="",yield o.href;const i=function(t,e){for(const n of[...t.searchParams.keys()])e.some(t=>t.test(n))&&t.searchParams.delete(n);return t}(o,e);if(yield i.href,n&&i.pathname.endsWith("/")){const t=new URL(i);t.pathname+=n,yield t.href}if(s){const t=new URL(i);t.pathname+=".html",yield t.href}if(c){const t=c({url:o});for(const e of t)yield e.href}}(t,e)){const t=n.get(s);if(t)return t}};let w=!1;const f=t=>{w||((({ignoreURLParametersMatching:t=[/^utm_/],directoryIndex:n="index.html",cleanURLs:s=!0,urlManipulation:c=null}={})=>{const o=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();addEventListener("fetch",e=>{const i=d(e.request.url,{cleanURLs:s,directoryIndex:n,ignoreURLParametersMatching:t,urlManipulation:c});if(!i)return;let>t.match(i)).then(t=>t||fetch(i));e.respondWith(a)})})(t),w=!0)},y=t=>{const e=h(),n=i.get();t.waitUntil(e.install({event:t,plugins:n}).catch(t=>{throw t}))},p=t=>{const e=h(),n=i.get();t.waitUntil(e.activate({event:t,plugins:n}))},L=t=>{h().addToCacheList(t),t.length>0&&(addEventListener("install",y),addEventListener("activate",p))};return t.addPlugins=(t=>{i.add(t)}),t.addRoute=f,t.cleanupOutdatedCaches=(()=>{addEventListener("activate",t=>{const n=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();t.waitUntil((async(t,e="-precache-")=>{const n=(await caches.keys()).filter(n=>n.includes(e)&&n.includes(self.registration.scope)&&n!==t);return await Promise.all(>caches.delete(t))),n})(n).then(t=>{}))})}),t.getCacheKeyForURL=(t=>{return h().getCacheKeyForURL(t)}),t.precache=L,t.precacheAndRoute=((t,e)=>{L(t),f(e)}),t.PrecacheController=l,t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.precaching=function(t,e,n,s,i){"use strict";try{self["workbox:precaching:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const r=[],c={get:()=>r,add(t){r.push(...t)}};const o="__WB_REVISION__";function a(t){if(!t)throw new i.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if("string"==typeof t){const e=new URL(t,location.href);return{cacheKey:e.href,url:e.href}}const{revision:e,url:n}=t;if(!n)throw new i.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if(!e){const t=new URL(n,location.href);return{cacheKey:t.href,url:t.href}}const s=new URL(n,location.href),r=new URL(n,location.href);return s.searchParams.set(o,e),{cacheKey:s.href,url:r.href}}class h{constructor(t){this.t=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(t),this.s=new Map,this.i=new Map}addToCacheList(t){for(const e of t){const{cacheKey:t,url:n}=a(e);if(this.s.has(n)&&this.s.get(n)!==t)throw new i.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries",{firstEntry:this.s.get(n),secondEntry:t});if("string"!=typeof e&&e.integrity){if(this.i.has(t)&&this.i.get(t)!==e.integrity)throw new i.WorkboxError("add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities",{url:n});this.i.set(t,e.integrity)}this.s.set(n,t)}}async install({event:t,plugins:e}={}){const n=[],s=[],i=await,r=await i.keys(),c=new Set(>t.url));for(const t of this.s.values())c.has(t)?s.push(t):n.push(t);const>{const s=this.i.get(n);return this.o({event:t,plugins:e,url:n,integrity:s})});return await Promise.all(o),{updatedURLs:n,notUpdatedURLs:s}}async activate(){const t=await,e=await t.keys(),n=new Set(this.s.values()),s=[];for(const i of e)n.has(i.url)||(await t.delete(i),s.push(i.url));return{deletedURLs:s}}async o({url:t,event:e,plugins:r,integrity:c}){const o=new Request(t,{integrity:c,credentials:"same-origin"});let a,h=await s.fetchWrapper.fetch({event:e,plugins:r,request:o});for(const t of r||[])"cacheWillUpdate"in t&&(a=t);if(!(a?a.cacheWillUpdate({event:e,request:o,response:h}):h.status<400))throw new i.WorkboxError("bad-precaching-response",{url:t,status:h.status});h.redirected&&(h=await async function(t){const e=t.clone(),n="body"in e?Promise.resolve(e.body):e.blob(),s=await n;return new Response(s,{headers:e.headers,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText})}(h)),await n.cacheWrapper.put({event:e,plugins:r,request:o,response:h,cacheName:this.t,matchOptions:{ignoreSearch:!0}})}getURLsToCacheKeys(){return this.s}getCachedURLs(){return[...this.s.keys()]}getCacheKeyForURL(t){const e=new URL(t,location.href);return this.s.get(e.href)}createHandlerForURL(t){const e=this.getCacheKeyForURL(t);if(!e)throw new i.WorkboxError("non-precached-url",{url:t});return async()=>{try{const t=await,n=await t.match(e);if(n)return n;throw new Error(`The cache ${this.t} did not have an entry `+`for ${e}.`)}catch(t){return fetch(e)}}}}let l;const u=()=>(l||(l=new h),l);const d=(t,e)=>{const n=u().getURLsToCacheKeys();for(const s of function*(t,{ignoreURLParametersMatching:e,directoryIndex:n,cleanURLs:s,urlManipulation:i}={}){const r=new URL(t,location.href);r.hash="",yield r.href;const c=function(t,e=[]){for(const n of[...t.searchParams.keys()])e.some(t=>t.test(n))&&t.searchParams.delete(n);return t}(r,e);if(yield c.href,n&&c.pathname.endsWith("/")){const t=new URL(c.href);t.pathname+=n,yield t.href}if(s){const t=new URL(c.href);t.pathname+=".html",yield t.href}if(i){const t=i({url:r});for(const e of t)yield e.href}}(t,e)){const t=n.get(s);if(t)return t}};let w=!1;const f=t=>{w||((({ignoreURLParametersMatching:t=[/^utm_/],directoryIndex:n="index.html",cleanURLs:s=!0,urlManipulation:i}={})=>{const r=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();addEventListener("fetch",e=>{const c=d(e.request.url,{cleanURLs:s,directoryIndex:n,ignoreURLParametersMatching:t,urlManipulation:i});if(!c)return;let>t.match(c)).then(t=>t||fetch(c));e.respondWith(o)})})(t),w=!0)},y=t=>{const e=u(),n=c.get();t.waitUntil(e.install({event:t,plugins:n}).catch(t=>{throw t}))},p=t=>{const e=u();t.waitUntil(e.activate())},g=t=>{u().addToCacheList(t),t.length>0&&(addEventListener("install",y),addEventListener("activate",p))};return t.PrecacheController=h,t.addPlugins=(t=>{c.add(t)}),t.addRoute=f,t.cleanupOutdatedCaches=(()=>{addEventListener("activate",t=>{const n=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName();t.waitUntil((async(t,e="-precache-")=>{const n=(await caches.keys()).filter(n=>n.includes(e)&&n.includes(self.registration.scope)&&n!==t);return await Promise.all(>caches.delete(t))),n})(n).then(t=>{}))})}),t.createHandlerForURL=(t=>{return u().createHandlerForURL(t)}),t.getCacheKeyForURL=(t=>{return u().getCacheKeyForURL(t)}),t.precache=g,t.precacheAndRoute=((t,e)=>{g(t),f(e)}),t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.rangeRequests = (function (exports, WorkboxError_mjs, assert_mjs, logger_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.rangeRequests = (function (exports, WorkboxError_js, assert_js, logger_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:range-requests:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:range-requests:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Blob} blob A source blob.
* @param {number|null} start The offset to use as the start of the
* slice.
* @param {number|null} end The offset to use as the end of the slice.
* @return {Object} An object with `start` and `end` properties, reflecting
* the effective boundaries to use given the size of the blob.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Blob} blob A source blob.
* @param {number} [start] The offset to use as the start of the
* slice.
* @param {number} [end] The offset to use as the end of the slice.
* @return {Object} An object with `start` and `end` properties, reflecting
* the effective boundaries to use given the size of the blob.
* @private
function calculateEffectiveBoundaries(blob, start, end) {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(blob, Blob, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'calculateEffectiveBoundaries',
paramName: 'blob'
function calculateEffectiveBoundaries(blob, start, end) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(blob, Blob, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'calculateEffectiveBoundaries',
paramName: 'blob'
const blobSize = blob.size;
const blobSize = blob.size;
if (end > blobSize || start < 0) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('range-not-satisfiable', {
size: blobSize,
if (end && end > blobSize || start && start < 0) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('range-not-satisfiable', {
size: blobSize,
let effectiveStart;
let effectiveEnd;
let effectiveStart;
let effectiveEnd;
if (start === null) {
effectiveStart = blobSize - end;
effectiveEnd = blobSize;
} else if (end === null) {
effectiveStart = start;
effectiveEnd = blobSize;
} else {
effectiveStart = start; // Range values are inclusive, so add 1 to the value.
if (start && end) {
effectiveStart = start; // Range values are inclusive, so add 1 to the value.
effectiveEnd = end + 1;
effectiveEnd = end + 1;
} else if (start && !end) {
effectiveStart = start;
effectiveEnd = blobSize;
} else if (end && !start) {
effectiveStart = blobSize - end;
effectiveEnd = blobSize;
return {
start: effectiveStart,
end: effectiveEnd
return {
start: effectiveStart,
end: effectiveEnd
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} rangeHeader A Range: header value.
* @return {Object} An object with `start` and `end` properties, reflecting
* the parsed value of the Range: header. If either the `start` or `end` are
* omitted, then `null` will be returned.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {string} rangeHeader A Range: header value.
* @return {Object} An object with `start` and `end` properties, reflecting
* the parsed value of the Range: header. If either the `start` or `end` are
* omitted, then `null` will be returned.
* @private
function parseRangeHeader(rangeHeader) {
assert_js.assert.isType(rangeHeader, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'parseRangeHeader',
paramName: 'rangeHeader'
function parseRangeHeader(rangeHeader) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(rangeHeader, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'parseRangeHeader',
paramName: 'rangeHeader'
const normalizedRangeHeader = rangeHeader.trim().toLowerCase();
const normalizedRangeHeader = rangeHeader.trim().toLowerCase();
if (!normalizedRangeHeader.startsWith('bytes=')) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unit-must-be-bytes', {
} // Specifying multiple ranges separate by commas is valid syntax, but this
// library only attempts to handle a single, contiguous sequence of bytes.
if (!normalizedRangeHeader.startsWith('bytes=')) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('unit-must-be-bytes', {
} // Specifying multiple ranges separate by commas is valid syntax, but this
// library only attempts to handle a single, contiguous sequence of bytes.
if (normalizedRangeHeader.includes(',')) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('single-range-only', {
if (normalizedRangeHeader.includes(',')) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('single-range-only', {
const rangeParts = /(\d*)-(\d*)/.exec(normalizedRangeHeader); // We need either at least one of the start or end values.
const rangeParts = /(\d*)-(\d*)/.exec(normalizedRangeHeader); // We need either at least one of the start or end values.
if (!rangeParts || !(rangeParts[1] || rangeParts[2])) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('invalid-range-values', {
if (rangeParts === null || !(rangeParts[1] || rangeParts[2])) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('invalid-range-values', {
return {
start: rangeParts[1] === '' ? undefined : Number(rangeParts[1]),
end: rangeParts[2] === '' ? undefined : Number(rangeParts[2])
return {
start: rangeParts[1] === '' ? null : Number(rangeParts[1]),
end: rangeParts[2] === '' ? null : Number(rangeParts[2])
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Given a `Request` and `Response` objects as input, this will return a
* promise for a new `Response`.
* If the original `Response` already contains partial content (i.e. it has
* a status of 206), then this assumes it already fulfills the `Range:`
* requirements, and will return it as-is.
* @param {Request} request A request, which should contain a Range:
* header.
* @param {Response} originalResponse A response.
* @return {Promise<Response>} Either a `206 Partial Content` response, with
* the response body set to the slice of content specified by the request's
* `Range:` header, or a `416 Range Not Satisfiable` response if the
* conditions of the `Range:` header can't be met.
* @memberof workbox.rangeRequests
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Given a `Request` and `Response` objects as input, this will return a
* promise for a new `Response`.
* If the original `Response` already contains partial content (i.e. it has
* a status of 206), then this assumes it already fulfills the `Range:`
* requirements, and will return it as-is.
* @param {Request} request A request, which should contain a Range:
* header.
* @param {Response} originalResponse A response.
* @return {Promise<Response>} Either a `206 Partial Content` response, with
* the response body set to the slice of content specified by the request's
* `Range:` header, or a `416 Range Not Satisfiable` response if the
* conditions of the `Range:` header can't be met.
* @memberof workbox.rangeRequests
async function createPartialResponse(request, originalResponse) {
try {
if ("dev" !== 'production') {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'createPartialResponse',
paramName: 'request'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(originalResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'createPartialResponse',
paramName: 'originalResponse'
async function createPartialResponse(request, originalResponse) {
try {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'createPartialResponse',
paramName: 'request'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(originalResponse, Response, {
moduleName: 'workbox-range-requests',
funcName: 'createPartialResponse',
paramName: 'originalResponse'
if (originalResponse.status === 206) {
// If we already have a 206, then just pass it through as-is;
// see
return originalResponse;
if (originalResponse.status === 206) {
// If we already have a 206, then just pass it through as-is;
// see
return originalResponse;
const rangeHeader = request.headers.get('range');
const rangeHeader = request.headers.get('range');
if (!rangeHeader) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-range-header');
if (!rangeHeader) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-range-header');
const boundaries = parseRangeHeader(rangeHeader);
const originalBlob = await originalResponse.blob();
const effectiveBoundaries = calculateEffectiveBoundaries(originalBlob, boundaries.start, boundaries.end);
const slicedBlob = originalBlob.slice(effectiveBoundaries.start, effectiveBoundaries.end);
const slicedBlobSize = slicedBlob.size;
const slicedResponse = new Response(slicedBlob, {
// Status code 206 is for a Partial Content response.
// See
status: 206,
statusText: 'Partial Content',
headers: originalResponse.headers
slicedResponse.headers.set('Content-Length', String(slicedBlobSize));
slicedResponse.headers.set('Content-Range', `bytes ${effectiveBoundaries.start}-${effectiveBoundaries.end - 1}/` + originalBlob.size);
return slicedResponse;
} catch (error) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to construct a partial response; returning a ` + `416 Range Not Satisfiable response instead.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View details here.`);
const boundaries = parseRangeHeader(rangeHeader);
const originalBlob = await originalResponse.blob();
const effectiveBoundaries = calculateEffectiveBoundaries(originalBlob, boundaries.start, boundaries.end);
const slicedBlob = originalBlob.slice(effectiveBoundaries.start, effectiveBoundaries.end);
const slicedBlobSize = slicedBlob.size;
const slicedResponse = new Response(slicedBlob, {
// Status code 206 is for a Partial Content response.
// See
status: 206,
statusText: 'Partial Content',
headers: originalResponse.headers
slicedResponse.headers.set('Content-Length', slicedBlobSize);
slicedResponse.headers.set('Content-Range', `bytes ${effectiveBoundaries.start}-${effectiveBoundaries.end - 1}/` + originalBlob.size);
return slicedResponse;
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to construct a partial response; returning a ` + `416 Range Not Satisfiable response instead.`);
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View details here.`);
return new Response('', {
status: 416,
statusText: 'Range Not Satisfiable'
return new Response('', {
status: 416,
statusText: 'Range Not Satisfiable'
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The range request plugin makes it easy for a request with a 'Range' header to
* be fulfilled by a cached response.
* It does this by intercepting the `cachedResponseWillBeUsed` plugin callback
* and returning the appropriate subset of the cached response body.
* @memberof workbox.rangeRequests
class Plugin {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The original request, which may or may not
* contain a Range: header.
* @param {Response} options.cachedResponse The complete cached response.
* @return {Promise<Response>} If request contains a 'Range' header, then a
* new response with status 206 whose body is a subset of `cachedResponse` is
* returned. Otherwise, `cachedResponse` is returned as-is.
* The range request plugin makes it easy for a request with a 'Range' header to
* be fulfilled by a cached response.
* @private
* It does this by intercepting the `cachedResponseWillBeUsed` plugin callback
* and returning the appropriate subset of the cached response body.
* @memberof workbox.rangeRequests
async cachedResponseWillBeUsed({
}) {
// Only return a sliced response if there's something valid in the cache,
// and there's a Range: header in the request.
if (cachedResponse && request.headers.has('range')) {
return await createPartialResponse(request, cachedResponse);
} // If there was no Range: header, or if cachedResponse wasn't valid, just
// pass it through as-is.
class Plugin {
constructor() {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The original request, which may or may not
* contain a Range: header.
* @param {Response} options.cachedResponse The complete cached response.
* @return {Promise<Response>} If request contains a 'Range' header, then a
* new response with status 206 whose body is a subset of `cachedResponse` is
* returned. Otherwise, `cachedResponse` is returned as-is.
* @private
this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed = async ({
}) => {
// Only return a sliced response if there's something valid in the cache,
// and there's a Range: header in the request.
if (cachedResponse && request.headers.has('range')) {
return await createPartialResponse(request, cachedResponse);
} // If there was no Range: header, or if cachedResponse wasn't valid, just
// pass it through as-is.
return cachedResponse;
return cachedResponse;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
exports.createPartialResponse = createPartialResponse;
exports.createPartialResponse = createPartialResponse;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
return exports;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.rangeRequests=function(e,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:range-requests:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}async function t(e,t){try{if(206===t.status)return t;const s=e.headers.get("range");if(!s)throw new n.WorkboxError("no-range-header");const a=function(e){const t=e.trim().toLowerCase();if(!t.startsWith("bytes="))throw new n.WorkboxError("unit-must-be-bytes",{normalizedRangeHeader:t});if(t.includes(","))throw new n.WorkboxError("single-range-only",{normalizedRangeHeader:t});const s=/(\d*)-(\d*)/.exec(t);if(null===s||!s[1]&&!s[2])throw new n.WorkboxError("invalid-range-values",{normalizedRangeHeader:t});return{start:""===s[1]?null:Number(s[1]),end:""===s[2]?null:Number(s[2])}}(s),r=await t.blob(),i=function(e,t,s){const a=e.size;if(s>a||t<0)throw new n.WorkboxError("range-not-satisfiable",{size:a,end:s,start:t});let r,i;return null===t?(r=a-s,i=a):null===s?(r=t,i=a):(r=t,i=s+1),{start:r,end:i}}(r,a.start,a.end),o=r.slice(i.start,i.end),u=o.size,l=new Response(o,{status:206,statusText:"Partial Content",headers:t.headers});return l.headers.set("Content-Length",u),l.headers.set("Content-Range",`bytes ${i.start}-${i.end-1}/`+r.size),l}catch(e){return new Response("",{status:416,statusText:"Range Not Satisfiable"})}}return e.createPartialResponse=t,e.Plugin=class{async cachedResponseWillBeUsed({request:e,cachedResponse:n}){return n&&e.headers.has("range")?await t(e,n):n}},e}({},workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.rangeRequests=function(t,e,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:range-requests:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}async function r(t,n){try{if(206===n.status)return n;const r=t.headers.get("range");if(!r)throw new e.WorkboxError("no-range-header");const s=function(t){const n=t.trim().toLowerCase();if(!n.startsWith("bytes="))throw new e.WorkboxError("unit-must-be-bytes",{normalizedRangeHeader:n});if(n.includes(","))throw new e.WorkboxError("single-range-only",{normalizedRangeHeader:n});const r=/(\d*)-(\d*)/.exec(n);if(!r||!r[1]&&!r[2])throw new e.WorkboxError("invalid-range-values",{normalizedRangeHeader:n});return{start:""===r[1]?void 0:Number(r[1]),end:""===r[2]?void 0:Number(r[2])}}(r),a=await n.blob(),o=function(t,n,r){const s=t.size;if(r&&r>s||n&&n<0)throw new e.WorkboxError("range-not-satisfiable",{size:s,end:r,start:n});let a,o;return n&&r?(a=n,o=r+1):n&&!r?(a=n,o=s):r&&!n&&(a=s-r,o=s),{start:a,end:o}}(a,s.start,s.end),i=a.slice(o.start,o.end),u=i.size,c=new Response(i,{status:206,statusText:"Partial Content",headers:n.headers});return c.headers.set("Content-Length",String(u)),c.headers.set("Content-Range",`bytes ${o.start}-${o.end-1}/`+a.size),c}catch(t){return new Response("",{status:416,statusText:"Range Not Satisfiable"})}}return t.Plugin=class{constructor(){this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed=(async({request:t,cachedResponse:e})=>e&&t.headers.has("range")?await r(t,e):e)}},t.createPartialResponse=r,t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.routing = (function (exports, assert_mjs, logger_mjs, cacheNames_mjs, WorkboxError_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.routing = (function (exports, assert_js, logger_js, WorkboxError_js, getFriendlyURL_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:routing:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:routing:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The default HTTP method, 'GET', used when there's no specific method
* configured for a route.
* @type {string}
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The default HTTP method, 'GET', used when there's no specific method
* configured for a route.
* @type {string}
* @private
const defaultMethod = 'GET';
* The list of valid HTTP methods associated with requests that could be routed.
* @type {Array<string>}
* @private
const defaultMethod = 'GET';
* The list of valid HTTP methods associated with requests that could be routed.
* @type {Array<string>}
* @private
const validMethods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT'];
const validMethods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT'];
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {function()|Object} handler Either a function, or an object with a
* 'handle' method.
* @return {Object} An object with a handle method.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {function()|Object} handler Either a function, or an object with a
* 'handle' method.
* @return {Object} An object with a handle method.
* @private
const normalizeHandler = handler => {
if (handler && typeof handler === 'object') {
assert_mjs.assert.hasMethod(handler, 'handle', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'handler'
const normalizeHandler = handler => {
if (handler && typeof handler === 'object') {
assert_js.assert.hasMethod(handler, 'handle', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'handler'
return handler;
} else {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(handler, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'handler'
return handler;
} else {
assert_js.assert.isType(handler, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'handler'
return {
handle: handler
return {
handle: handler
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A `Route` consists of a pair of callback functions, "match" and "handler".
* The "match" callback determine if a route should be used to "handle" a
* request by returning a non-falsy value if it can. The "handler" callback
* is called when there is a match and should return a Promise that resolves
* to a `Response`.
* @memberof workbox.routing
class Route {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Constructor for Route class.
* A `Route` consists of a pair of callback functions, "match" and "handler".
* The "match" callback determine if a route should be used to "handle" a
* request by returning a non-falsy value if it can. The "handler" callback
* is called when there is a match and should return a Promise that resolves
* to a `Response`.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~matchCallback} match
* A callback function that determines whether the route matches a given
* `fetch` event by returning a non-falsy value.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resolving to a Response.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
* @memberof workbox.routing
constructor(match, handler, method) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(match, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'match'
if (method) {
assert_mjs.assert.isOneOf(method, validMethods, {
paramName: 'method'
class Route {
* Constructor for Route class.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~matchCallback} match
* A callback function that determines whether the route matches a given
* `fetch` event by returning a non-falsy value.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resolving to a Response.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
constructor(match, handler, method = defaultMethod) {
assert_js.assert.isType(match, 'function', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Route',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'match'
} // These values are referenced directly by Router so cannot be
// altered by minifification.
if (method) {
assert_js.assert.isOneOf(method, validMethods, {
paramName: 'method'
} // These values are referenced directly by Router so cannot be
// altered by minifification.
this.handler = normalizeHandler(handler);
this.match = match;
this.method = method || defaultMethod;
this.handler = normalizeHandler(handler);
this.match = match;
this.method = method;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* NavigationRoute makes it easy to create a [Route]{@link
* workbox.routing.Route} that matches for browser
* [navigation requests]{@link}.
* It will only match incoming Requests whose
* [`mode`]{@link}
* is set to `navigate`.
* You can optionally only apply this route to a subset of navigation requests
* by using one or both of the `blacklist` and `whitelist` parameters.
* @memberof workbox.routing
* @extends workbox.routing.Route
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
class NavigationRoute extends Route {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If both `blacklist` and `whiltelist` are provided, the `blacklist` will
* take precedence and the request will not match this route.
* NavigationRoute makes it easy to create a [Route]{@link
* workbox.routing.Route} that matches for browser
* [navigation requests]{@link}.
* The regular expressions in `whitelist` and `blacklist`
* are matched against the concatenated
* [`pathname`]{@link}
* and [`search`]{@link}
* portions of the requested URL.
* It will only match incoming Requests whose
* [`mode`]{@link}
* is set to `navigate`.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.blacklist] If any of these patterns match,
* the route will not handle the request (even if a whitelist RegExp matches).
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.whitelist=[/./]] If any of these patterns
* match the URL's pathname and search parameter, the route will handle the
* request (assuming the blacklist doesn't match).
constructor(handler, {
whitelist = [/./],
blacklist = []
} = {}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isArrayOfClass(whitelist, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'NavigationRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'options.whitelist'
assert_mjs.assert.isArrayOfClass(blacklist, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'NavigationRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'options.blacklist'
super(options => this._match(options), handler);
this._whitelist = whitelist;
this._blacklist = blacklist;
* Routes match handler.
* You can optionally only apply this route to a subset of navigation requests
* by using one or both of the `blacklist` and `whitelist` parameters.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {URL} options.url
* @param {Request} options.request
* @return {boolean}
* @private
* @memberof workbox.routing
* @extends workbox.routing.Route
class NavigationRoute extends Route {
* If both `blacklist` and `whiltelist` are provided, the `blacklist` will
* take precedence and the request will not match this route.
* The regular expressions in `whitelist` and `blacklist`
* are matched against the concatenated
* [`pathname`]{@link}
* and [`search`]{@link}
* portions of the requested URL.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.blacklist] If any of these patterns match,
* the route will not handle the request (even if a whitelist RegExp matches).
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.whitelist=[/./]] If any of these patterns
* match the URL's pathname and search parameter, the route will handle the
* request (assuming the blacklist doesn't match).
constructor(handler, {
whitelist = [/./],
blacklist = []
} = {}) {
assert_js.assert.isArrayOfClass(whitelist, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'NavigationRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'options.whitelist'
assert_js.assert.isArrayOfClass(blacklist, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'NavigationRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'options.blacklist'
}) {
if (request.mode !== 'navigate') {
return false;
super(options => this._match(options), handler);
this._whitelist = whitelist;
this._blacklist = blacklist;
* Routes match handler.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {URL} options.url
* @param {Request} options.request
* @return {boolean}
* @private
const pathnameAndSearch = url.pathname +;
for (const regExp of this._blacklist) {
if (regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch)) {
}) {
if (request && request.mode !== 'navigate') {
return false;
const pathnameAndSearch = url.pathname +;
for (const regExp of this._blacklist) {
if (regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch)) {
logger_js.logger.log(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} is not ` + `being used, since the URL matches this blacklist pattern: ` + `${regExp}`);
return false;
if (this._whitelist.some(regExp => regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch))) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`The navigation route is not being used, since the ` + `URL matches this blacklist pattern: ${regExp}`);
logger_js.logger.debug(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} ` + `is being used.`);
return false;
return true;
if (this._whitelist.some(regExp => regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch))) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`The navigation route is being used.`);
logger_js.logger.log(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} is not ` + `being used, since the URL being navigated to doesn't ` + `match the whitelist.`);
return true;
return false;
logger_mjs.logger.log(`The navigation route is not being used, since the URL ` + `being navigated to doesn't match the whitelist.`);
return false;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* RegExpRoute makes it easy to create a regular expression based
* [Route]{@link workbox.routing.Route}.
* For same-origin requests the RegExp only needs to match part of the URL. For
* requests against third-party servers, you must define a RegExp that matches
* the start of the URL.
* [See the module docs for info.]{@link}
* @memberof workbox.routing
* @extends workbox.routing.Route
class RegExpRoute extends Route {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If the regulard expression contains
* [capture groups]{@link},
* th ecaptured values will be passed to the
* [handler's]{@link workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} `params`
* argument.
* RegExpRoute makes it easy to create a regular expression based
* [Route]{@link workbox.routing.Route}.
* @param {RegExp} regExp The regular expression to match against URLs.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
* For same-origin requests the RegExp only needs to match part of the URL. For
* requests against third-party servers, you must define a RegExp that matches
* the start of the URL.
* [See the module docs for info.]{@link}
* @memberof workbox.routing
* @extends workbox.routing.Route
constructor(regExp, handler, method) {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(regExp, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'RegExpRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'pattern'
const match = ({
}) => {
const result = regExp.exec(url.href); // Return null immediately if there's no match.
class RegExpRoute extends Route {
* If the regulard expression contains
* [capture groups]{@link},
* th ecaptured values will be passed to the
* [handler's]{@link workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} `params`
* argument.
* @param {RegExp} regExp The regular expression to match against URLs.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
constructor(regExp, handler, method) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(regExp, RegExp, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'RegExpRoute',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'pattern'
if (!result) {
return null;
} // Require that the match start at the first character in the URL string
// if it's a cross-origin request.
// See for the context
// behind this behavior.
const match = ({
}) => {
const result = regExp.exec(url.href); // Return immediately if there's no match.
if (!result) {
} // Require that the match start at the first character in the URL string
// if it's a cross-origin request.
// See for the context
// behind this behavior.
if (url.origin !== location.origin && result.index !== 0) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`The regular expression '${regExp}' only partially matched ` + `against the cross-origin URL '${url}'. RegExpRoute's will only ` + `handle cross-origin requests if they match the entire URL.`);
return null;
} // If the route matches, but there aren't any capture groups defined, then
// this will return [], which is truthy and therefore sufficient to
// indicate a match.
// If there are capture groups, then it will return their values.
if (url.origin !== location.origin && result.index !== 0) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`The regular expression '${regExp}' only partially matched ` + `against the cross-origin URL '${url}'. RegExpRoute's will only ` + `handle cross-origin requests if they match the entire URL.`);
} // If the route matches, but there aren't any capture groups defined, then
// this will return [], which is truthy and therefore sufficient to
// indicate a match.
// If there are capture groups, then it will return their values.
return result.slice(1);
super(match, handler, method);
return result.slice(1);
super(match, handler, method);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The Router can be used to process a FetchEvent through one or more
* [Routes]{@link workbox.routing.Route} responding with a Request if
* a matching route exists.
* If no route matches a given a request, the Router will use a "default"
* handler if one is defined.
* Should the matching Route throw an error, the Router will use a "catch"
* handler if one is defined to gracefully deal with issues and respond with a
* Request.
* If a request matches multiple routes, the **earliest** registered route will
* be used to respond to the request.
* @memberof workbox.routing
class Router {
* Initializes a new Router.
constructor() {
this._routes = new Map();
* @return {Map<string, Array<workbox.routing.Route>>} routes A `Map` of HTTP
* method name ('GET', etc.) to an array of all the corresponding `Route`
* instances that are registered.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
get routes() {
return this._routes;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Adds a fetch event listener to respond to events when a route matches
* the event's request.
* The Router can be used to process a FetchEvent through one or more
* [Routes]{@link workbox.routing.Route} responding with a Request if
* a matching route exists.
* If no route matches a given a request, the Router will use a "default"
* handler if one is defined.
* Should the matching Route throw an error, the Router will use a "catch"
* handler if one is defined to gracefully deal with issues and respond with a
* Request.
* If a request matches multiple routes, the **earliest** registered route will
* be used to respond to the request.
* @memberof workbox.routing
class Router {
* Initializes a new Router.
constructor() {
this._routes = new Map();
* @return {Map<string, Array<workbox.routing.Route>>} routes A `Map` of HTTP
* method name ('GET', etc.) to an array of all the corresponding `Route`
* instances that are registered.
addFetchListener() {
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const {
} = event;
const responsePromise = this.handleRequest({
if (responsePromise) {
* Adds a message event listener for URLs to cache from the window.
* This is useful to cache resources loaded on the page prior to when the
* service worker started controlling it.
* The format of the message data sent from the window should be as follows.
* Where the `urlsToCache` array may consist of URL strings or an array of
* URL string + `requestInit` object (the same as you'd pass to `fetch()`).
* ```
* {
* type: 'CACHE_URLS',
* payload: {
* urlsToCache: [
* './script1.js',
* './script2.js',
* ['./script3.js', {mode: 'no-cors'}],
* ],
* },
* }
* ```
get routes() {
return this._routes;
* Adds a fetch event listener to respond to events when a route matches
* the event's request.
addCacheListener() {
self.addEventListener('message', async event => {
if ( && === 'CACHE_URLS') {
addFetchListener() {
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const {
} =;
} = event;
const responsePromise = this.handleRequest({
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Caching URLs from the window`, payload.urlsToCache);
if (responsePromise) {
* Adds a message event listener for URLs to cache from the window.
* This is useful to cache resources loaded on the page prior to when the
* service worker started controlling it.
* The format of the message data sent from the window should be as follows.
* Where the `urlsToCache` array may consist of URL strings or an array of
* URL string + `requestInit` object (the same as you'd pass to `fetch()`).
* ```
* {
* type: 'CACHE_URLS',
* payload: {
* urlsToCache: [
* './script1.js',
* './script2.js',
* ['./script3.js', {mode: 'no-cors'}],
* ],
* },
* }
* ```
const requestPromises = Promise.all( => {
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
entry = [entry];
addCacheListener() {
self.addEventListener('message', async event => {
if ( && === 'CACHE_URLS') {
const {
} =;
logger_js.logger.debug(`Caching URLs from the window`, payload.urlsToCache);
const request = new Request(...entry);
return this.handleRequest({
event.waitUntil(requestPromises); // If a MessageChannel was used, reply to the message on success.
const requestPromises = Promise.all( => {
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
entry = [entry];
if (event.ports && event.ports[0]) {
await requestPromises;
* Apply the routing rules to a FetchEvent object to get a Response from an
* appropriate Route's handler.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to handle (this is usually
* from a fetch event, but it does not have to be).
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] The event that triggered the request,
* if applicable.
* @return {Promise<Response>|undefined} A promise is returned if a
* registered route can handle the request. If there is no matching
* route and there's no `defaultHandler`, `undefined` is returned.
const request = new Request(...entry);
return this.handleRequest({
}); // TODO(philipwalton): TypeScript errors without this typecast for
// some reason (probably a bug). The real type here should work but
// doesn't: `Array<Promise<Response> | undefined>`.
})); // TypeScript
event.waitUntil(requestPromises); // If a MessageChannel was used, reply to the message on success.
}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'handleRequest',
paramName: 'options.request'
if (event.ports && event.ports[0]) {
await requestPromises;
* Apply the routing rules to a FetchEvent object to get a Response from an
* appropriate Route's handler.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to handle (this is usually
* from a fetch event, but it does not have to be).
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] The event that triggered the request,
* if applicable.
* @return {Promise<Response>|undefined} A promise is returned if a
* registered route can handle the request. If there is no matching
* route and there's no `defaultHandler`, `undefined` is returned.
const url = new URL(request.url, location);
if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
}) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Workbox Router only supports URLs that start with 'http'.`);
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'handleRequest',
paramName: 'options.request'
const url = new URL(request.url, location.href);
let {
} = this.findMatchingRoute({
let handler = route && route.handler;
let debugMessages = [];
if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`Workbox Router only supports URLs that start with 'http'.`);
if (handler) {
debugMessages.push([`Found a route to handle this request:`, route]);
if (params) {
debugMessages.push([`Passing the following params to the route's handler:`, params]);
} // If we don't have a handler because there was no matching route, then
// fall back to defaultHandler if that's defined.
let {
} = this.findMatchingRoute({
let handler = route && route.handler;
let debugMessages = [];
if (!handler && this._defaultHandler) {
debugMessages.push(`Failed to find a matching route. Falling ` + `back to the default handler.`); // This is used for debugging in logs in the case of an error.
if (handler) {
debugMessages.push([`Found a route to handle this request:`, route]);
route = '[Default Handler]';
if (params) {
debugMessages.push([`Passing the following params to the route's handler:`, params]);
} // If we don't have a handler because there was no matching route, then
// fall back to defaultHandler if that's defined.
handler = this._defaultHandler;
if (!handler) {
// No handler so Workbox will do nothing. If logs is set of debug
// i.e. verbose, we should print out this information.
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`No route found for: ${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
if (!handler && this._defaultHandler) {
debugMessages.push(`Failed to find a matching route. Falling ` + `back to the default handler.`);
handler = this._defaultHandler;
// We have a handler, meaning Workbox is going to handle the route.
// print the routing details to the console.
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`Router is responding to: ${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
debugMessages.forEach(msg => {
if (Array.isArray(msg)) {
} else {
if (!handler) {
// No handler so Workbox will do nothing. If logs is set of debug
// i.e. verbose, we should print out this information.
logger_js.logger.debug(`No route found for: ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
}); // The Request and Response objects contains a great deal of information,
// hide it under a group in case developers want to see it.
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View request details here.`);
} // Wrap in try and catch in case the handle method throws a synchronous
// error. It should still callback to the catch handler.
// We have a handler, meaning Workbox is going to handle the route.
// print the routing details to the console.
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Router is responding to: ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
debugMessages.forEach(msg => {
if (Array.isArray(msg)) {
} else {
}); // The Request and Response objects contains a great deal of information,
// hide it under a group in case developers want to see it.
let responsePromise;
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View request details here.`);
} // Wrap in try and catch in case the handle method throws a synchronous
// error. It should still callback to the catch handler.
try {
responsePromise = handler.handle({
} catch (err) {
responsePromise = Promise.reject(err);
if (responsePromise && this._catchHandler) {
responsePromise = responsePromise.catch(err => {
// Still include URL here as it will be async from the console group
// and may not make sense without the URL
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`Error thrown when responding to: ` + ` ${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(url)}. Falling back to Catch Handler.`);
logger_mjs.logger.error(`Error thrown by:`, route);
let responsePromise;
return this._catchHandler.handle({
try {
responsePromise = handler.handle({
} catch (err) {
responsePromise = Promise.reject(err);
return responsePromise;
* Checks a request and URL (and optionally an event) against the list of
* registered routes, and if there's a match, returns the corresponding
* route along with any params generated by the match.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {URL} options.url
* @param {Request} options.request The request to match.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] The corresponding event (unless N/A).
* @return {Object} An object with `route` and `params` properties.
* They are populated if a matching route was found or `undefined`
* otherwise.
if (responsePromise && this._catchHandler) {
responsePromise = responsePromise.catch(err => {
// Still include URL here as it will be async from the console group
// and may not make sense without the URL
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Error thrown when responding to: ` + ` ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}. Falling back to Catch Handler.`);
logger_js.logger.error(`Error thrown by:`, route);
return this._catchHandler.handle({
}) {
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(url, URL, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
paramName: 'options.url'
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
paramName: 'options.request'
return responsePromise;
* Checks a request and URL (and optionally an event) against the list of
* registered routes, and if there's a match, returns the corresponding
* route along with any params generated by the match.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {URL} options.url
* @param {Request} options.request The request to match.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The corresponding event (unless N/A).
* @return {Object} An object with `route` and `params` properties.
* They are populated if a matching route was found or `undefined`
* otherwise.
const routes = this._routes.get(request.method) || [];
for (const route of routes) {
let params;
let matchResult = route.match({
if (matchResult) {
if (Array.isArray(matchResult) && matchResult.length > 0) {
// Instead of passing an empty array in as params, use undefined.
params = matchResult;
} else if (matchResult.constructor === Object && Object.keys(matchResult).length > 0) {
// Instead of passing an empty object in as params, use undefined.
params = matchResult;
} // Return early if have a match.
return {
}) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(url, URL, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
paramName: 'options.url'
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
paramName: 'options.request'
} // If no match was found above, return and empty object.
const routes = this._routes.get(request.method) || [];
return {};
* Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
* match the incoming request.
* Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
* network as if there were no service worker present.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
for (const route of routes) {
let params;
let matchResult = route.match({
if (matchResult) {
// See
params = matchResult;
setDefaultHandler(handler) {
this._defaultHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
* If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
* will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
if (Array.isArray(matchResult) && matchResult.length === 0) {
// Instead of passing an empty array in as params, use undefined.
params = undefined;
} else if (matchResult.constructor === Object && Object.keys(matchResult).length === 0) {
// Instead of passing an empty object in as params, use undefined.
params = undefined;
} else if (typeof matchResult === 'boolean') {
// For the boolean value true (rather than just something truth-y),
// don't set params.
// See
params = undefined;
} // Return early if have a match.
setCatchHandler(handler) {
this._catchHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
* Registers a route with the router.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route} route The route to register.
return {
} // If no match was found above, return and empty object.
registerRoute(route) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(route, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_mjs.assert.hasMethod(route, 'match', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_mjs.assert.isType(route.handler, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_mjs.assert.hasMethod(route.handler, 'handle', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route.handler'
assert_mjs.assert.isType(route.method, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route.method'
return {};
* Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
* match the incoming request.
* Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
* network as if there were no service worker present.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
this._routes.set(route.method, []);
} // Give precedence to all of the earlier routes by adding this additional
// route to the end of the array.
setDefaultHandler(handler) {
this._defaultHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
* If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
* will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* Unregisters a route with the router.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route} route The route to unregister.
unregisterRoute(route) {
if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method', {
method: route.method
setCatchHandler(handler) {
this._catchHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
* Registers a route with the router.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route} route The route to register.
const routeIndex = this._routes.get(route.method).indexOf(route);
if (routeIndex > -1) {
this._routes.get(route.method).splice(routeIndex, 1);
} else {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('unregister-route-route-not-registered');
registerRoute(route) {
assert_js.assert.isType(route, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_js.assert.hasMethod(route, 'match', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_js.assert.isType(route.handler, 'object', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route'
assert_js.assert.hasMethod(route.handler, 'handle', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route.handler'
assert_js.assert.isType(route.method, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
className: 'Router',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'route.method'
if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
this._routes.set(route.method, []);
} // Give precedence to all of the earlier routes by adding this additional
// route to the end of the array.
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let defaultRouter;
* Creates a new, singleton Router instance if one does not exist. If one
* does already exist, that instance is returned.
* @private
* @return {Router}
* Unregisters a route with the router.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route} route The route to unregister.
const getOrCreateDefaultRouter = () => {
if (!defaultRouter) {
defaultRouter = new Router(); // The helpers that use the default Router assume these listeners exist.
unregisterRoute(route) {
if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method', {
method: route.method
return defaultRouter;
const routeIndex = this._routes.get(route.method).indexOf(route);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
if (routeIndex > -1) {
this._routes.get(route.method).splice(routeIndex, 1);
} else {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unregister-route-route-not-registered');
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Registers a route that will return a precached file for a navigation
* request. This is useful for the
* [application shell pattern]{@link}.
* When determining the URL of the precached HTML document, you will likely need
* to call `workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL(originalUrl)`, to account for
* the fact that Workbox's precaching naming conventions often results in URL
* cache keys that contain extra revisioning info.
* This method will generate a
* [NavigationRoute]{@link workbox.routing.NavigationRoute}
* and call
* [Router.registerRoute()]{@link workbox.routing.Router#registerRoute} on a
* singleton Router instance.
* @param {string} cachedAssetUrl The cache key to use for the HTML file.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.cacheName] Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to precache cache name provided by
* [workbox-core.cacheNames]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.blacklist=[]] If any of these patterns
* match, the route will not handle the request (even if a whitelist entry
* matches).
* @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.whitelist=[/./]] If any of these patterns
* match the URL's pathname and search parameter, the route will handle the
* request (assuming the blacklist doesn't match).
* @return {workbox.routing.NavigationRoute} Returns the generated
* Route.
* @alias workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute
const registerNavigationRoute = (cachedAssetUrl, options = {}) => {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(cachedAssetUrl, 'string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
funcName: 'registerNavigationRoute',
paramName: 'cachedAssetUrl'
const cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(options.cacheName);
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const handler = async () => {
try {
const response = await caches.match(cachedAssetUrl, {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let defaultRouter;
* Creates a new, singleton Router instance if one does not exist. If one
* does already exist, that instance is returned.
* @private
* @return {Router}
if (response) {
return response;
} // This shouldn't normally happen, but there are edge cases:
const getOrCreateDefaultRouter = () => {
if (!defaultRouter) {
defaultRouter = new Router(); // The helpers that use the default Router assume these listeners exist.
throw new Error(`The cache ${cacheName} did not have an entry for ` + `${cachedAssetUrl}.`);
} catch (error) {
// If there's either a cache miss, or the caches.match() call threw
// an exception, then attempt to fulfill the navigation request with
// a response from the network rather than leaving the user with a
// failed navigation.
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`Unable to respond to navigation request with ` + `cached response. Falling back to network.`, error);
} // This might still fail if the browser is offline...
return fetch(cachedAssetUrl);
return defaultRouter;
const route = new NavigationRoute(handler, {
whitelist: options.whitelist,
blacklist: options.blacklist
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
return route;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Easily register a RegExp, string, or function with a caching
* strategy to a singleton Router instance.
* This method will generate a Route for you if needed and
* call [Router.registerRoute()]{@link
* workbox.routing.Router#registerRoute}.
* @param {
* RegExp|
* string|
* workbox.routing.Route~matchCallback|
* workbox.routing.Route
* } capture
* If the capture param is a `Route`, all other arguments will be ignored.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} [handler] A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response. This parameter
* is required if `capture` is not a `Route` object.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route} The generated `Route`(Useful for
* unregistering).
* @alias workbox.routing.registerRoute
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Easily register a RegExp, string, or function with a caching
* strategy to a singleton Router instance.
* This method will generate a Route for you if needed and
* call [Router.registerRoute()]{@link
* workbox.routing.Router#registerRoute}.
* @param {
* RegExp|
* string|
* workbox.routing.Route~matchCallback|
* workbox.routing.Route
* } capture
* If the capture param is a `Route`, all other arguments will be ignored.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
* against.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route} The generated `Route`(Useful for
* unregistering).
* @alias workbox.routing.registerRoute
const registerRoute = (capture, handler, method) => {
let route;
const registerRoute = (capture, handler, method = 'GET') => {
let route;
if (typeof capture === 'string') {
const captureUrl = new URL(capture, location.href);
if (typeof capture === 'string') {
const captureUrl = new URL(capture, location);
if (!(capture.startsWith('/') || capture.startsWith('http'))) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('invalid-string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'capture'
} // We want to check if Express-style wildcards are in the pathname only.
// TODO: Remove this log message in v4.
if (!(capture.startsWith('/') || capture.startsWith('http'))) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('invalid-string', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'capture'
} // We want to check if Express-style wildcards are in the pathname only.
// TODO: Remove this log message in v4.
const valueToCheck = capture.startsWith('http') ? captureUrl.pathname : capture; // See
const valueToCheck = capture.startsWith('http') ? captureUrl.pathname : capture; // See
const wildcards = '[*:?+]';
const wildcards = '[*:?+]';
if (valueToCheck.match(new RegExp(`${wildcards}`))) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`The '$capture' parameter contains an Express-style wildcard ` + `character (${wildcards}). Strings are now always interpreted as ` + `exact matches; use a RegExp for partial or wildcard matches.`);
if (valueToCheck.match(new RegExp(`${wildcards}`))) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`The '$capture' parameter contains an Express-style wildcard ` + `character (${wildcards}). Strings are now always interpreted as ` + `exact matches; use a RegExp for partial or wildcard matches.`);
const matchCallback = ({
}) => {
if (url.pathname === captureUrl.pathname && url.origin !== captureUrl.origin) {
logger_mjs.logger.debug(`${capture} only partially matches the cross-origin URL ` + `${url}. This route will only handle cross-origin requests ` + `if they match the entire URL.`);
const matchCallback = ({
}) => {
if (url.pathname === captureUrl.pathname && url.origin !== captureUrl.origin) {
logger_js.logger.debug(`${capture} only partially matches the cross-origin URL ` + `${url}. This route will only handle cross-origin requests ` + `if they match the entire URL.`);
return url.href === captureUrl.href;
return url.href === captureUrl.href;
}; // If `capture` is a string then `handler` and `method` must be present.
route = new Route(matchCallback, handler, method);
} else if (capture instanceof RegExp) {
route = new RegExpRoute(capture, handler, method);
} else if (typeof capture === 'function') {
route = new Route(capture, handler, method);
} else if (capture instanceof Route) {
route = capture;
} else {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('unsupported-route-type', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'capture'
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
return route;
route = new Route(matchCallback, handler, method);
} else if (capture instanceof RegExp) {
// If `capture` is a `RegExp` then `handler` and `method` must be present.
route = new RegExpRoute(capture, handler, method);
} else if (typeof capture === 'function') {
// If `capture` is a function then `handler` and `method` must be present.
route = new Route(capture, handler, method);
} else if (capture instanceof Route) {
route = capture;
} else {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unsupported-route-type', {
moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
funcName: 'registerRoute',
paramName: 'capture'
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
return route;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
* will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @alias workbox.routing.setCatchHandler
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const setCatchHandler = handler => {
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
* will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @alias workbox.routing.setCatchHandler
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const setCatchHandler = handler => {
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
* match the incoming request.
* Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
* network as if there were no service worker present.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @alias workbox.routing.setDefaultHandler
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
const setDefaultHandler = handler => {
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
* match the incoming request.
* Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
* network as if there were no service worker present.
* @param {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback} handler A callback
* function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
* @alias workbox.routing.setDefaultHandler
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
const setDefaultHandler = handler => {
const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
exports.NavigationRoute = NavigationRoute;
exports.RegExpRoute = RegExpRoute;
exports.registerNavigationRoute = registerNavigationRoute;
exports.registerRoute = registerRoute;
exports.Route = Route;
exports.Router = Router;
exports.setCatchHandler = setCatchHandler;
exports.setDefaultHandler = setDefaultHandler;
return exports;
exports.NavigationRoute = NavigationRoute;
exports.RegExpRoute = RegExpRoute;
exports.Route = Route;
exports.Router = Router;
exports.registerRoute = registerRoute;
exports.setCatchHandler = setCatchHandler;
exports.setDefaultHandler = setDefaultHandler;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.routing=function(t,e,r){"use strict";try{self["workbox:routing:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}const s="GET",n=t=>t&&"object"==typeof t?t:{handle:t};class o{constructor(t,e,r){this.handler=n(e),this.match=t,this.method=r||s}}class i extends o{constructor(t,{whitelist:e=[/./],blacklist:r=[]}={}){super(t=>this.t(t),t),this.s=e,this.o=r}t({url:t,request:e}){if("navigate"!==e.mode)return!1;const;for(const t of this.o)if(t.test(r))return!1;return!!this.s.some(t=>t.test(r))}}class u extends o{constructor(t,e,r){super(({url:e})=>{const r=t.exec(e.href);return r?e.origin!==location.origin&&0!==r.index?null:r.slice(1):null},e,r)}}class c{constructor(){this.i=new Map}get routes(){return this.i}addFetchListener(){self.addEventListener("fetch",t=>{const{request:e}=t,r=this.handleRequest({request:e,event:t});r&&t.respondWith(r)})}addCacheListener(){self.addEventListener("message",async t=>{if("CACHE_URLS"{const{payload:e},r=Promise.all(>{"string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]);const e=new Request(...t);return this.handleRequest({request:e})}));t.waitUntil(r),t.ports&&t.ports[0]&&(await r,t.ports[0].postMessage(!0))}})}handleRequest({request:t,event:e}){const r=new URL(t.url,location);if(!r.protocol.startsWith("http"))return;let s,{params:n,route:o}=this.findMatchingRoute({url:r,request:t,event:e}),i=o&&o.handler;if(!i&&this.u&&(i=this.u),i){try{s=i.handle({url:r,request:t,event:e,params:n})}catch(t){s=Promise.reject(t)}return s&&this.h&&(s=s.catch(t=>this.h.handle({url:r,event:e,err:t}))),s}}findMatchingRoute({url:t,request:e,event:r}){const s=this.i.get(e.method)||[];for(const n of s){let s,o=n.match({url:t,request:e,event:r});if(o)return Array.isArray(o)&&o.length>0?s=o:o.constructor===Object&&Object.keys(o).length>0&&(s=o),{route:n,params:s}}return{}}setDefaultHandler(t){this.u=n(t)}setCatchHandler(t){this.h=n(t)}registerRoute(t){this.i.has(t.method)||this.i.set(t.method,[]),this.i.get(t.method).push(t)}unregisterRoute(t){if(!this.i.has(t.method))throw new r.WorkboxError("unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method",{method:t.method});const e=this.i.get(t.method).indexOf(t);if(!(e>-1))throw new r.WorkboxError("unregister-route-route-not-registered");this.i.get(t.method).splice(e,1)}}let a;const h=()=>(a||((a=new c).addFetchListener(),a.addCacheListener()),a);return t.NavigationRoute=i,t.RegExpRoute=u,t.registerNavigationRoute=((t,r={})=>{const s=e.cacheNames.getPrecacheName(r.cacheName),n=new i(async()=>{try{const e=await caches.match(t,{cacheName:s});if(e)return e;throw new Error(`The cache ${s} did not have an entry for `+`${t}.`)}catch(e){return fetch(t)}},{whitelist:r.whitelist,blacklist:r.blacklist});return h().registerRoute(n),n}),t.registerRoute=((t,e,s="GET")=>{let n;if("string"==typeof t){const r=new URL(t,location);n=new o(({url:t})=>t.href===r.href,e,s)}else if(t instanceof RegExp)n=new u(t,e,s);else if("function"==typeof t)n=new o(t,e,s);else{if(!(t instanceof o))throw new r.WorkboxError("unsupported-route-type",{moduleName:"workbox-routing",funcName:"registerRoute",paramName:"capture"});n=t}return h().registerRoute(n),n}),t.Route=o,t.Router=c,t.setCatchHandler=(t=>{h().setCatchHandler(t)}),t.setDefaultHandler=(t=>{h().setDefaultHandler(t)}),t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.routing=function(t,e){"use strict";try{self["workbox:routing:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const s="GET",r=t=>t&&"object"==typeof t?t:{handle:t};class n{constructor(t,e,n=s){this.handler=r(e),this.match=t,this.method=n}}class o extends n{constructor(t,e,s){super(({url:e})=>{const s=t.exec(e.href);if(s&&(e.origin===location.origin||0===s.index))return s.slice(1)},e,s)}}class i{constructor(){this.t=new Map}get routes(){return this.t}addFetchListener(){self.addEventListener("fetch",t=>{const{request:e}=t,s=this.handleRequest({request:e,event:t});s&&t.respondWith(s)})}addCacheListener(){self.addEventListener("message",async t=>{if("CACHE_URLS"{const{payload:e},s=Promise.all(>{"string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]);const e=new Request(...t);return this.handleRequest({request:e})}));t.waitUntil(s),t.ports&&t.ports[0]&&(await s,t.ports[0].postMessage(!0))}})}handleRequest({request:t,event:e}){const s=new URL(t.url,location.href);if(!s.protocol.startsWith("http"))return;let r,{params:n,route:o}=this.findMatchingRoute({url:s,request:t,event:e}),i=o&&o.handler;if(!i&&this.s&&(i=this.s),i){try{r=i.handle({url:s,request:t,event:e,params:n})}catch(t){r=Promise.reject(t)}return r&&this.o&&(r=r.catch(r=>this.o.handle({url:s,request:t,event:e}))),r}}findMatchingRoute({url:t,request:e,event:s}){const r=this.t.get(e.method)||[];for(const n of r){let r,o=n.match({url:t,request:e,event:s});if(o)return r=o,Array.isArray(o)&&0===o.length?r=void 0:o.constructor===Object&&0===Object.keys(o).length?r=void 0:"boolean"==typeof o&&(r=void 0),{route:n,params:r}}return{}}setDefaultHandler(t){this.s=r(t)}setCatchHandler(t){this.o=r(t)}registerRoute(t){this.t.has(t.method)||this.t.set(t.method,[]),this.t.get(t.method).push(t)}unregisterRoute(t){if(!this.t.has(t.method))throw new e.WorkboxError("unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method",{method:t.method});const s=this.t.get(t.method).indexOf(t);if(!(s>-1))throw new e.WorkboxError("unregister-route-route-not-registered");this.t.get(t.method).splice(s,1)}}let u;const c=()=>(u||((u=new i).addFetchListener(),u.addCacheListener()),u);return t.NavigationRoute=class extends n{constructor(t,{whitelist:e=[/./],blacklist:s=[]}={}){super(t=>this.i(t),t),this.u=e,this.h=s}i({url:t,request:e}){if(e&&"navigate"!==e.mode)return!1;const;for(const t of this.h)if(t.test(s))return!1;return!!this.u.some(t=>t.test(s))}},t.RegExpRoute=o,t.Route=n,t.Router=i,t.registerRoute=((t,s,r)=>{let i;if("string"==typeof t){const e=new URL(t,location.href);i=new n(({url:t})=>t.href===e.href,s,r)}else if(t instanceof RegExp)i=new o(t,s,r);else if("function"==typeof t)i=new n(t,s,r);else{if(!(t instanceof n))throw new e.WorkboxError("unsupported-route-type",{moduleName:"workbox-routing",funcName:"registerRoute",paramName:"capture"});i=t}return c().registerRoute(i),i}),t.setCatchHandler=(t=>{c().setCatchHandler(t)}),t.setDefaultHandler=(t=>{c().setDefaultHandler(t)}),t}({},workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.strategies = (function (exports, logger_mjs, assert_mjs, cacheNames_mjs, cacheWrapper_mjs, fetchWrapper_mjs, getFriendlyURL_mjs, WorkboxError_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.strategies = (function (exports, logger_js, assert_js, cacheNames_js, cacheWrapper_js, fetchWrapper_js, getFriendlyURL_js, WorkboxError_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:strategies:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:strategies:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const getFriendlyURL = url => {
const urlObj = new URL(url, location);
if (urlObj.origin === location.origin) {
return urlObj.pathname;
return urlObj.href;
const messages = {
strategyStart: (strategyName, request) => `Using ${strategyName} to ` + `respond to '${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'`,
printFinalResponse: response => {
if (response) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`View the final response here.`);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const messages = {
strategyStart: (strategyName, request) => `Using ${strategyName} to respond to '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'`,
printFinalResponse: response => {
if (response) {
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`View the final response here.`);
logger_js.logger.log(response || '[No response returned]');
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* An implementation of a [cache-first]{@link}
* request strategy.
* A cache first strategy is useful for assets that have been revisioned,
* such as URLs like `/styles/example.a8f5f1.css`, since they
* can be cached for long periods of time.
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
class CacheFirst {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || null;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions || null;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* An implementation of a [cache-first]{@link}
* request strategy.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
async handle({
}) {
return this.makeRequest({
request: request || event.request
* This method can be used to perform a make a standalone request outside the
* context of the [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* A cache first strategy is useful for assets that have been revisioned,
* such as URLs like `/styles/example.a8f5f1.css`, since they
* can be cached for long periods of time.
* See "[Advanced Recipes]("
* for more usage information.
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request Either a
* [`Request`]{@link}
* object, or a string URL, corresponding to the request to be made.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] If provided, `event.waitUntil()` will
be called automatically to extend the service worker's lifetime.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @memberof workbox.strategies
async makeRequest({
}) {
const logs = [];
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
class CacheFirst {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'CacheFirst',
funcName: 'makeRequest',
paramName: 'request'
let response = await cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
async handle({
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
let error;
}) {
const logs = [];
if (!response) {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache. ` + `Will respond with a network request.`);
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'CacheFirst',
funcName: 'makeRequest',
paramName: 'request'
try {
response = await this._getFromNetwork(request, event);
} catch (err) {
error = err;
let response = await cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
let error;
if (response) {
logs.push(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logs.push(`Unable to get a response from the network.`);
if (!response) {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache. ` + `Will respond with a network request.`);
try {
response = await this._getFromNetwork(request, event);
} catch (err) {
error = err;
if (response) {
logs.push(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logs.push(`Unable to get a response from the network.`);
} else {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
} else {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('CacheFirst', request));
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('CacheFirst', request));
for (let log of logs) {
for (let log of logs) {
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
return response;
* Handles the network and cache part of CacheFirst.
* @param {Request} request
* @param {Event} [event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
return response;
* Handles the network and cache part of CacheFirst.
* @param {Request} request
* @param {FetchEvent} [event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
async _getFromNetwork(request, event) {
const response = await fetchWrapper_js.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
}); // Keep the service worker while we put the request to the cache
async _getFromNetwork(request, event) {
const response = await fetchWrapper_mjs.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
}); // Keep the service worker while we put the request to the cache
const responseClone = response.clone();
const cachePutPromise = cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: responseClone,
plugins: this._plugins
const responseClone = response.clone();
const cachePutPromise = cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: responseClone,
plugins: this._plugins
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
return response;
return response;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* An implementation of a
* [cache-only]{@link}
* request strategy.
* This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any
* [Workbox plugins]{@link}.
* If there is no cache match, this will throw a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
class CacheOnly {
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions || null;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* An implementation of a
* [cache-only]{@link}
* request strategy.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
async handle({
}) {
return this.makeRequest({
request: request || event.request
* This method can be used to perform a make a standalone request outside the
* context of the [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any
* [Workbox plugins]{@link}.
* See "[Advanced Recipes]("
* for more usage information.
* If there is no cache match, this will throw a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request Either a
* [`Request`]{@link}
* object, or a string URL, corresponding to the request to be made.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] If provided, `event.waitUntil()` will
* be called automatically to extend the service worker's lifetime.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @memberof workbox.strategies
async makeRequest({
}) {
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
class CacheOnly {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'CacheOnly',
funcName: 'makeRequest',
paramName: 'request'
const response = await cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
async handle({
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
}) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'CacheOnly',
funcName: 'makeRequest',
paramName: 'request'
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('CacheOnly', request));
const response = await cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
if (response) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache.`);
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('CacheOnly', request));
if (response) {
logger_js.logger.log(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache.`);
} else {
logger_js.logger.log(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url
return response;
return response;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin = {
* Returns a valid response (to allow caching) if the status is 200 (OK) or
* 0 (opaque).
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.response
* @return {Response|null}
* @private
cacheWillUpdate: async ({
}) => {
if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) {
return response;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin = {
return null;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Returns a valid response (to allow caching) if the status is 200 (OK) or
* 0 (opaque).
* An implementation of a
* [network first]{@link}
* request strategy.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Response} options.response
* @return {Response|null}
* By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as
* well as [opaque responses]{@link}.
* Opaque responses are are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't
* support [CORS]{@link}.
* @private
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
cacheWillUpdate: ({
}) => {
if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) {
return response;
return null;
class NetworkFirst {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
* @param {number} options.networkTimeoutSeconds If set, any network requests
* that fail to respond within the timeout will fallback to the cache.
* This option can be used to combat
* "[lie-fi]{@link}"
* scenarios.
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
if (options.plugins) {
let isUsingCacheWillUpdate = options.plugins.some(plugin => !!plugin.cacheWillUpdate);
this._plugins = isUsingCacheWillUpdate ? options.plugins : [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin, ...options.plugins];
} else {
// No plugins passed in, use the default plugin.
this._plugins = [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin];
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* An implementation of a
* [network first]{@link}
* request strategy.
* By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as
* well as [opaque responses]{@link}.
* Opaque responses are are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't
* support [CORS]{@link}.
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
this._networkTimeoutSeconds = options.networkTimeoutSeconds || 0;
class NetworkFirst {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
* @param {number} options.networkTimeoutSeconds If set, any network requests
* that fail to respond within the timeout will fallback to the cache.
* This option can be used to combat
* "[lie-fi]{@link}"
* scenarios.
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
if (this._networkTimeoutSeconds) {
assert_js.assert.isType(this._networkTimeoutSeconds, 'number', {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'NetworkFirst',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'networkTimeoutSeconds'
if (options.plugins) {
let isUsingCacheWillUpdate = options.plugins.some(plugin => !!plugin.cacheWillUpdate);
this._plugins = isUsingCacheWillUpdate ? options.plugins : [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin, ...options.plugins];
} else {
// No plugins passed in, use the default plugin.
this._plugins = [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin];
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
this._networkTimeoutSeconds = options.networkTimeoutSeconds;
if (this._networkTimeoutSeconds) {
assert_mjs.assert.isType(this._networkTimeoutSeconds, 'number', {
async handle({
}) {
const logs = [];
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'NetworkFirst',
funcName: 'constructor',
paramName: 'networkTimeoutSeconds'
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'makeRequest'
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || null;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions || null;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
const promises = [];
let timeoutId;
if (this._networkTimeoutSeconds) {
const {
} = this._getTimeoutPromise({
async handle({
}) {
return this.makeRequest({
request: request || event.request
* This method can be used to perform a make a standalone request outside the
* context of the [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* See "[Advanced Recipes]("
* for more usage information.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request Either a
* [`Request`]{@link}
* object, or a string URL, corresponding to the request to be made.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] If provided, `event.waitUntil()` will
* be called automatically to extend the service worker's lifetime.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
timeoutId = id;
async makeRequest({
}) {
const logs = [];
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'NetworkFirst',
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'makeRequest'
const promises = [];
let timeoutId;
if (this._networkTimeoutSeconds) {
const {
} = this._getTimeoutPromise({
const networkPromise = this._getNetworkPromise({

@@ -521,619 +432,547 @@ event,

timeoutId = id;
promises.push(networkPromise); // Promise.race() will resolve as soon as the first promise resolves.
const networkPromise = this._getNetworkPromise({
let response = await Promise.race(promises); // If Promise.race() resolved with null, it might be due to a network
// timeout + a cache miss. If that were to happen, we'd rather wait until
// the networkPromise resolves instead of returning null.
// Note that it's fine to await an already-resolved promise, so we don't
// have to check to see if it's still "in flight".
promises.push(networkPromise); // Promise.race() will resolve as soon as the first promise resolves.
if (!response) {
response = await networkPromise;
let response = await Promise.race(promises); // If Promise.race() resolved with null, it might be due to a network
// timeout + a cache miss. If that were to happen, we'd rather wait until
// the networkPromise resolves instead of returning null.
// Note that it's fine to await an already-resolved promise, so we don't
// have to check to see if it's still "in flight".
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('NetworkFirst', request));
if (!response) {
response = await networkPromise;
for (let log of logs) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('NetworkFirst', request));
for (let log of logs) {
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url
return response;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Array} options.logs A reference to the logs array
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url
return response;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Array} options.logs A reference to the logs array
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
}) {
let timeoutId;
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
const onNetworkTimeout = async () => {
logs.push(`Timing out the network response at ` + `${this._networkTimeoutSeconds} seconds.`);
resolve((await this._respondFromCache({
}) {
let timeoutId;
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
const onNetworkTimeout = async () => {
logs.push(`Timing out the network response at ` + `${this._networkTimeoutSeconds} seconds.`);
resolve((await this._respondFromCache({
timeoutId = setTimeout(onNetworkTimeout, this._networkTimeoutSeconds * 1000);
return {
promise: timeoutPromise,
id: timeoutId
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number|undefined} options.timeoutId
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Array} options.logs A reference to the logs Array.
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
timeoutId = setTimeout(onNetworkTimeout, this._networkTimeoutSeconds * 1000);
return {
promise: timeoutPromise,
id: timeoutId
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number|undefined} options.timeoutId
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Array} options.logs A reference to the logs Array.
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
async _getNetworkPromise({
}) {
let error;
let response;
async _getNetworkPromise({
}) {
let error;
let response;
try {
response = await fetchWrapper_js.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
} catch (err) {
error = err;
try {
response = await fetchWrapper_mjs.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
} catch (err) {
error = err;
if (timeoutId) {
if (response) {
logs.push(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logs.push(`Unable to get a response from the network. Will respond ` + `with a cached response.`);
if (timeoutId) {
if (error || !response) {
response = await this._respondFromCache({
if (response) {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache.`);
logs.push(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
logs.push(`Unable to get a response from the network. Will respond ` + `with a cached response.`);
} else {
// Keep the service worker alive while we put the request in the cache
const responseClone = response.clone();
const cachePut = cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: responseClone,
plugins: this._plugins
if (event) {
try {
// The event has been responded to so we can keep the SW alive to
// respond to the request
} catch (err) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
if (error || !response) {
response = await this._respondFromCache({
if (response) {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache.`);
} else {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
} else {
// Keep the service worker alive while we put the request in the cache
const responseClone = response.clone();
const cachePut = cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: responseClone,
plugins: this._plugins
if (event) {
try {
// The event has been responded to so we can keep the SW alive to
// respond to the request
} catch (err) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
return response;
* Used if the network timeouts or fails to make the request.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} request The request to match in the cache
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
return response;
* Used if the network timeouts or fails to make the request.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} request The request to match in the cache
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
}) {
return cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
}) {
return cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* An implementation of a
* [network-only]{@link}
* request strategy.
* This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any
* [Workbox plugins]{@link}.
* If the network request fails, this will throw a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
class NetworkOnly {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || null;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
async handle({
}) {
return this.makeRequest({
request: request || event.request
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method can be used to perform a make a standalone request outside the
* context of the [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* An implementation of a
* [network-only]{@link}
* request strategy.
* See "[Advanced Recipes]("
* for more usage information.
* This class is useful if you want to take advantage of any
* [Workbox plugins]{@link}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request Either a
* [`Request`]{@link}
* object, or a string URL, corresponding to the request to be made.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] If provided, `event.waitUntil()` will
* be called automatically to extend the service worker's lifetime.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* If the network request fails, this will throw a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
async makeRequest({
}) {
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
class NetworkOnly {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
constructor(options = {}) {
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'NetworkOnly',
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'request'
let error;
let response;
async handle({
}) {
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'NetworkOnly',
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'request'
try {
response = await fetchWrapper_mjs.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
} catch (err) {
error = err;
let error;
let response;
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('NetworkOnly', request));
if (response) {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logger_mjs.logger.log(`Unable to get a response from the network.`);
try {
response = await fetchWrapper_js.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
} catch (err) {
error = err;
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('NetworkOnly', request));
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
if (response) {
logger_js.logger.log(`Got response from network.`);
} else {
logger_js.logger.log(`Unable to get a response from the network.`);
return response;
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* An implementation of a
* [stale-while-revalidate]{@link}
* request strategy.
* Resources are requested from both the cache and the network in parallel.
* The strategy will respond with the cached version if available, otherwise
* wait for the network response. The cache is updated with the network response
* with each successful request.
* By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as
* well as [opaque responses]{@link}.
* Opaque responses are are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't
* support [CORS]{@link}.
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
class StaleWhileRevalidate {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_mjs.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
if (options.plugins) {
let isUsingCacheWillUpdate = options.plugins.some(plugin => !!plugin.cacheWillUpdate);
this._plugins = isUsingCacheWillUpdate ? options.plugins : [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin, ...options.plugins];
} else {
// No plugins passed in, use the default plugin.
this._plugins = [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin];
return response;
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions || null;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions || null;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
async handle({
}) {
return this.makeRequest({
request: request || event.request
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This method can be used to perform a make a standalone request outside the
* context of the [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* An implementation of a
* [stale-while-revalidate]{@link}
* request strategy.
* See "[Advanced Recipes]("
* for more usage information.
* Resources are requested from both the cache and the network in parallel.
* The strategy will respond with the cached version if available, otherwise
* wait for the network response. The cache is updated with the network response
* with each successful request.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request|string} options.request Either a
* [`Request`]{@link}
* object, or a string URL, corresponding to the request to be made.
* @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] If provided, `event.waitUntil()` will
* be called automatically to extend the service worker's lifetime.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* By default, this strategy will cache responses with a 200 status code as
* well as [opaque responses]{@link}.
* Opaque responses are are cross-origin requests where the response doesn't
* support [CORS]{@link}.
* If the network request fails, and there is no cache match, this will throw
* a `WorkboxError` exception.
* @memberof workbox.strategies
class StaleWhileRevalidate {
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.cacheName Cache name to store and retrieve
* requests. Defaults to cache names provided by
* [workbox-core]{@link workbox.core.cacheNames}.
* @param {Array<Object>} options.plugins [Plugins]{@link}
* to use in conjunction with this caching strategy.
* @param {Object} options.fetchOptions Values passed along to the
* [`init`](
* of all fetch() requests made by this strategy.
* @param {Object} options.matchOptions [`CacheQueryOptions`](
constructor(options = {}) {
this._cacheName = cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(options.cacheName);
this._plugins = options.plugins || [];
async makeRequest({
}) {
const logs = [];
if (options.plugins) {
let isUsingCacheWillUpdate = options.plugins.some(plugin => !!plugin.cacheWillUpdate);
this._plugins = isUsingCacheWillUpdate ? options.plugins : [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin, ...options.plugins];
} else {
// No plugins passed in, use the default plugin.
this._plugins = [cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin];
if (typeof request === 'string') {
request = new Request(request);
this._fetchOptions = options.fetchOptions;
this._matchOptions = options.matchOptions;
* This method will perform a request strategy and follows an API that
* will work with the
* [Workbox Router]{@link workbox.routing.Router}.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request The request to run this strategy for.
* @param {Event} [options.event] The event that triggered the request.
* @return {Promise<Response>}
assert_mjs.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'StaleWhileRevalidate',
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'request'
const fetchAndCachePromise = this._getFromNetwork({
let response = await cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
async handle({
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
let error;
}) {
const logs = [];
if (response) {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache. Will update with the network response in the background.`);
assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
className: 'StaleWhileRevalidate',
funcName: 'handle',
paramName: 'request'
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
const fetchAndCachePromise = this._getFromNetwork({
let response = await cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.match({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
matchOptions: this._matchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
let error;
if (response) {
logs.push(`Found a cached response in the '${this._cacheName}'` + ` cache. Will update with the network response in the background.`);
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
} else {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache. ` + `Will wait for the network response.`);
try {
response = await fetchAndCachePromise;
} catch (err) {
error = err;
} else {
logs.push(`No response found in the '${this._cacheName}' cache. ` + `Will wait for the network response.`);
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('StaleWhileRevalidate', request));
try {
response = await fetchAndCachePromise;
} catch (err) {
error = err;
for (let log of logs) {
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(messages.strategyStart('StaleWhileRevalidate', request));
for (let log of logs) {
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
return response;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
if (!response) {
throw new WorkboxError_mjs.WorkboxError('no-response', {
url: request.url,
return response;
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Request} options.request
* @param {Event} [options.event]
* @return {Promise<Response>}
* @private
async _getFromNetwork({
}) {
const response = await fetchWrapper_mjs.fetchWrapper.fetch({
async _getFromNetwork({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
const cachePutPromise = cacheWrapper_mjs.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: response.clone(),
plugins: this._plugins
}) {
const response = await fetchWrapper_js.fetchWrapper.fetch({
fetchOptions: this._fetchOptions,
plugins: this._plugins
const cachePutPromise = cacheWrapper_js.cacheWrapper.put({
cacheName: this._cacheName,
response: response.clone(),
plugins: this._plugins
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_mjs.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
if (event) {
try {
} catch (error) {
logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'.`);
return response;
return response;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const mapping = {
cacheFirst: CacheFirst,
cacheOnly: CacheOnly,
networkFirst: NetworkFirst,
networkOnly: NetworkOnly,
staleWhileRevalidate: StaleWhileRevalidate
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const mapping = {
cacheFirst: CacheFirst,
cacheOnly: CacheOnly,
networkFirst: NetworkFirst,
networkOnly: NetworkOnly,
staleWhileRevalidate: StaleWhileRevalidate
const deprecate = strategy => {
const StrategyCtr = mapping[strategy];
return options => {
const strategyCtrName = strategy[0].toUpperCase() + strategy.slice(1);
logger_js.logger.warn(`The 'workbox.strategies.${strategy}()' function has been ` + `deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Workbox.\n` + `Please use 'new workbox.strategies.${strategyCtrName}()' instead.`);
const deprecate = strategy => {
const StrategyCtr = mapping[strategy];
return options => {
const strategyCtrName = strategy[0].toUpperCase() + strategy.slice(1);
logger_mjs.logger.warn(`The 'workbox.strategies.${strategy}()' function has been ` + `deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Workbox.\n` + `Please use 'new workbox.strategies.${strategyCtrName}()' instead.`);
return new StrategyCtr(options);
return new StrategyCtr(options);
* @function workbox.strategies.cacheFirst
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.CacheFirst}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
* @function workbox.strategies.cacheFirst
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.CacheFirst}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const cacheFirst = deprecate('cacheFirst');
* @function workbox.strategies.cacheOnly
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.CacheOnly}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const cacheFirst = deprecate('cacheFirst');
* @function workbox.strategies.cacheOnly
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.CacheOnly}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const cacheOnly = deprecate('cacheOnly');
* @function workbox.strategies.networkFirst
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const cacheOnly = deprecate('cacheOnly');
* @function workbox.strategies.networkFirst
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const networkFirst = deprecate('networkFirst');
* @function workbox.strategies.networkOnly
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.NetworkOnly}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const networkFirst = deprecate('networkFirst');
* @function workbox.strategies.networkOnly
* @param {Object} options See the {@link workbox.strategies.NetworkOnly}
* constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const networkOnly = deprecate('networkOnly');
* @function workbox.strategies.staleWhileRevalidate
* @param {Object} options See the
* {@link workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate} constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const networkOnly = deprecate('networkOnly');
* @function workbox.strategies.staleWhileRevalidate
* @param {Object} options See the
* {@link workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate} constructor for more info.
* @deprecated since v4.0.0
const staleWhileRevalidate = deprecate('staleWhileRevalidate');
const staleWhileRevalidate = deprecate('staleWhileRevalidate');
exports.CacheFirst = CacheFirst;
exports.CacheOnly = CacheOnly;
exports.NetworkFirst = NetworkFirst;
exports.NetworkOnly = NetworkOnly;
exports.StaleWhileRevalidate = StaleWhileRevalidate;
exports.cacheFirst = cacheFirst;
exports.cacheOnly = cacheOnly;
exports.networkFirst = networkFirst;
exports.networkOnly = networkOnly;
exports.staleWhileRevalidate = staleWhileRevalidate;
exports.CacheFirst = CacheFirst;
exports.CacheOnly = CacheOnly;
exports.NetworkFirst = NetworkFirst;
exports.NetworkOnly = NetworkOnly;
exports.StaleWhileRevalidate = StaleWhileRevalidate;
exports.cacheFirst = cacheFirst;
exports.cacheOnly = cacheOnly;
exports.networkFirst = networkFirst;
exports.networkOnly = networkOnly;
exports.staleWhileRevalidate = staleWhileRevalidate;
return exports;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.strategies=function(e,t,s,n,r){"use strict";try{self["workbox:strategies:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}class i{constructor(e={}){this.t=t.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(e.cacheName),this.s=e.plugins||[],this.i=e.fetchOptions||null,this.h=e.matchOptions||null}async handle({event:e,request:t}){return this.makeRequest({event:e,request:t||e.request})}async makeRequest({event:e,request:t}){"string"==typeof t&&(t=new Request(t));let n,i=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:t,event:e,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(!i)try{i=await this.u(t,e)}catch(e){n=e}if(!i)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:t.url,error:n});return i}async u(e,t){const r=await n.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:e,event:t,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s}),i=r.clone(),h=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:e,response:i,event:t,plugins:this.s});if(t)try{t.waitUntil(h)}catch(e){}return r}}class h{constructor(e={}){this.t=t.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(e.cacheName),this.s=e.plugins||[],this.h=e.matchOptions||null}async handle({event:e,request:t}){return this.makeRequest({event:e,request:t||e.request})}async makeRequest({event:e,request:t}){"string"==typeof t&&(t=new Request(t));const n=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:t,event:e,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(!n)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:t.url});return n}}const u={cacheWillUpdate:({response:e})=>200===e.status||0===e.status?e:null};class a{constructor(e={}){if(this.t=t.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(e.cacheName),e.plugins){let t=e.plugins.some(e=>!!e.cacheWillUpdate);this.s=t?e.plugins:[u,...e.plugins]}else this.s=[u];this.o=e.networkTimeoutSeconds,this.i=e.fetchOptions||null,this.h=e.matchOptions||null}async handle({event:e,request:t}){return this.makeRequest({event:e,request:t||e.request})}async makeRequest({event:e,request:t}){const s=[];"string"==typeof t&&(t=new Request(t));const n=[];let i;if(this.o){const{id:r,promise:h}=this.l({request:t,event:e,logs:s});i=r,n.push(h)}const h=this.q({timeoutId:i,request:t,event:e,logs:s});n.push(h);let u=await Promise.race(n);if(u||(u=await h),!u)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:t.url});return u}l({request:e,logs:t,event:s}){let n;return{promise:new Promise(t=>{n=setTimeout(async()=>{t(await this.p({request:e,event:s}))},1e3*this.o)}),id:n}}async q({timeoutId:e,request:t,logs:r,event:i}){let h,u;try{u=await n.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:t,event:i,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s})}catch(e){h=e}if(e&&clearTimeout(e),h||!u)u=await this.p({request:t,event:i});else{const e=u.clone(),n=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:t,response:e,event:i,plugins:this.s});if(i)try{i.waitUntil(n)}catch(e){}}return u}p({event:e,request:t}){return s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:t,event:e,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s})}}class c{constructor(e={}){this.t=t.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(e.cacheName),this.s=e.plugins||[],this.i=e.fetchOptions||null}async handle({event:e,request:t}){return this.makeRequest({event:e,request:t||e.request})}async makeRequest({event:e,request:t}){let s,i;"string"==typeof t&&(t=new Request(t));try{i=await n.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:t,event:e,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s})}catch(e){s=e}if(!i)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:t.url,error:s});return i}}class o{constructor(e={}){if(this.t=t.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(e.cacheName),this.s=e.plugins||[],e.plugins){let t=e.plugins.some(e=>!!e.cacheWillUpdate);this.s=t?e.plugins:[u,...e.plugins]}else this.s=[u];this.i=e.fetchOptions||null,this.h=e.matchOptions||null}async handle({event:e,request:t}){return this.makeRequest({event:e,request:t||e.request})}async makeRequest({event:e,request:t}){"string"==typeof t&&(t=new Request(t));const n=this.u({request:t,event:e});let i,h=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:t,event:e,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(h){if(e)try{e.waitUntil(n)}catch(i){}}else try{h=await n}catch(e){i=e}if(!h)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:t.url,error:i});return h}async u({request:e,event:t}){const r=await n.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:e,event:t,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s}),i=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:e,response:r.clone(),event:t,plugins:this.s});if(t)try{t.waitUntil(i)}catch(e){}return r}}const l={cacheFirst:i,cacheOnly:h,networkFirst:a,networkOnly:c,staleWhileRevalidate:o},q=e=>{const t=l[e];return e=>new t(e)},w=q("cacheFirst"),p=q("cacheOnly"),v=q("networkFirst"),y=q("networkOnly"),m=q("staleWhileRevalidate");return e.CacheFirst=i,e.CacheOnly=h,e.NetworkFirst=a,e.NetworkOnly=c,e.StaleWhileRevalidate=o,e.cacheFirst=w,e.cacheOnly=p,e.networkFirst=v,e.networkOnly=y,e.staleWhileRevalidate=m,e}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.strategies=function(t,e,s,i,r){"use strict";try{self["workbox:strategies:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}class n{constructor(t={}){this.t=e.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(t.cacheName),this.s=t.plugins||[],this.i=t.fetchOptions,this.h=t.matchOptions}async handle({event:t,request:e}){let i,n=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:e,event:t,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(!n)try{n=await this.o(e,t)}catch(t){i=t}if(!n)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:e.url,error:i});return n}async o(t,e){const r=await i.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:t,event:e,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s}),n=r.clone(),h=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:t,response:n,event:e,plugins:this.s});if(e)try{e.waitUntil(h)}catch(t){}return r}}class h{constructor(t={}){this.t=e.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(t.cacheName),this.s=t.plugins||[],this.h=t.matchOptions}async handle({event:t,request:e}){const i=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:e,event:t,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(!i)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:e.url});return i}}const c={cacheWillUpdate:async({response:t})=>200===t.status||0===t.status?t:null};class a{constructor(t={}){if(this.t=e.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(t.cacheName),t.plugins){let e=t.plugins.some(t=>!!t.cacheWillUpdate);this.s=e?t.plugins:[c,...t.plugins]}else this.s=[c];this.u=t.networkTimeoutSeconds||0,this.i=t.fetchOptions,this.h=t.matchOptions}async handle({event:t,request:e}){const s=[],i=[];let n;if(this.u){const{id:r,promise:h}=this.l({request:e,event:t,logs:s});n=r,i.push(h)}const h=this.p({timeoutId:n,request:e,event:t,logs:s});i.push(h);let c=await Promise.race(i);if(c||(c=await h),!c)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:e.url});return c}l({request:t,logs:e,event:s}){let i;return{promise:new Promise(e=>{i=setTimeout(async()=>{e(await this.v({request:t,event:s}))},1e3*this.u)}),id:i}}async p({timeoutId:t,request:e,logs:r,event:n}){let h,c;try{c=await i.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:e,event:n,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s})}catch(t){h=t}if(t&&clearTimeout(t),h||!c)c=await this.v({request:e,event:n});else{const t=c.clone(),i=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:e,response:t,event:n,plugins:this.s});if(n)try{n.waitUntil(i)}catch(t){}}return c}v({event:t,request:e}){return s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:e,event:t,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s})}}class o{constructor(t={}){this.s=t.plugins||[],this.i=t.fetchOptions}async handle({event:t,request:e}){let s,n;try{n=await i.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:e,event:t,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s})}catch(t){s=t}if(!n)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:e.url,error:s});return n}}class u{constructor(t={}){if(this.t=e.cacheNames.getRuntimeName(t.cacheName),this.s=t.plugins||[],t.plugins){let e=t.plugins.some(t=>!!t.cacheWillUpdate);this.s=e?t.plugins:[c,...t.plugins]}else this.s=[c];this.i=t.fetchOptions,this.h=t.matchOptions}async handle({event:t,request:e}){const i=this.o({request:e,event:t});let n,h=await s.cacheWrapper.match({cacheName:this.t,request:e,event:t,matchOptions:this.h,plugins:this.s});if(h){if(t)try{t.waitUntil(i)}catch(n){}}else try{h=await i}catch(t){n=t}if(!h)throw new r.WorkboxError("no-response",{url:e.url,error:n});return h}async o({request:t,event:e}){const r=await i.fetchWrapper.fetch({request:t,event:e,fetchOptions:this.i,plugins:this.s}),n=s.cacheWrapper.put({cacheName:this.t,request:t,response:r.clone(),event:e,plugins:this.s});if(e)try{e.waitUntil(n)}catch(t){}return r}}const l={cacheFirst:n,cacheOnly:h,networkFirst:a,networkOnly:o,staleWhileRevalidate:u},w=t=>{const e=l[t];return t=>new e(t)},p=w("cacheFirst"),v=w("cacheOnly"),m=w("networkFirst"),q=w("networkOnly"),y=w("staleWhileRevalidate");return t.CacheFirst=n,t.CacheOnly=h,t.NetworkFirst=a,t.NetworkOnly=o,t.StaleWhileRevalidate=u,t.cacheFirst=p,t.cacheOnly=v,t.networkFirst=m,t.networkOnly=q,t.staleWhileRevalidate=y,t}({},workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private,workbox.core._private);
this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
this.workbox.streams = (function (exports, logger_mjs, assert_mjs) {
'use strict';
this.workbox.streams = (function (exports, logger_js, assert_js, Deferred_js) {
'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:streams:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:streams:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes either a Response, a ReadableStream, or a
* [BodyInit]( and returns the
* ReadableStreamReader object associated with it.
* @param {workbox.streams.StreamSource} source
* @return {ReadableStreamReader}
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes either a Response, a ReadableStream, or a
* [BodyInit]( and returns the
* ReadableStreamReader object associated with it.
* @param {workbox.streams.StreamSource} source
* @return {ReadableStreamReader}
* @private
function _getReaderFromSource(source) {
if (source.body && source.body.getReader) {
return source.body.getReader();
function _getReaderFromSource(source) {
if (source instanceof Response) {
return source.body.getReader();
if (source.getReader) {
return source.getReader();
} // TODO: This should be possible to do by constructing a ReadableStream, but
// I can't get it to work. As a hack, construct a new Response, and use the
// reader associated with its body.
if (source instanceof ReadableStream) {
return source.getReader();
return new Response(source).body.getReader();
* Takes multiple source Promises, each of which could resolve to a Response, a
* ReadableStream, or a [BodyInit](
* Returns an object exposing a ReadableStream with each individual stream's
* data returned in sequence, along with a Promise which signals when the
* stream is finished (useful for passing to a FetchEvent's waitUntil()).
* @param {Array<Promise<workbox.streams.StreamSource>>} sourcePromises
* @return {Object<{done: Promise, stream: ReadableStream}>}
* @memberof workbox.streams
return new Response(source).body.getReader();
* Takes multiple source Promises, each of which could resolve to a Response, a
* ReadableStream, or a [BodyInit](
* Returns an object exposing a ReadableStream with each individual stream's
* data returned in sequence, along with a Promise which signals when the
* stream is finished (useful for passing to a FetchEvent's waitUntil()).
* @param {Array<Promise<workbox.streams.StreamSource>>} sourcePromises
* @return {Object<{done: Promise, stream: ReadableStream}>}
* @memberof workbox.streams
function concatenate(sourcePromises) {
assert_js.assert.isArray(sourcePromises, {
moduleName: 'workbox-streams',
funcName: 'concatenate',
paramName: 'sourcePromises'
function concatenate(sourcePromises) {
assert_mjs.assert.isArray(sourcePromises, {
moduleName: 'workbox-streams',
funcName: 'concatenate',
paramName: 'sourcePromises'
const readerPromises = => {
return Promise.resolve(sourcePromise).then(source => {
return _getReaderFromSource(source);
const streamDeferred = new Deferred_js.Deferred();
let i = 0;
const logMessages = [];
const stream = new ReadableStream({
pull(controller) {
return readerPromises[i].then(reader => => {
if (result.done) {
logMessages.push(['Reached the end of source:', sourcePromises[i]]);
const readerPromises = => {
return Promise.resolve(sourcePromise).then(source => {
return _getReaderFromSource(source);
let fullyStreamedResolve;
let fullyStreamedReject;
const done = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fullyStreamedResolve = resolve;
fullyStreamedReject = reject;
let i = 0;
const logMessages = [];
const stream = new ReadableStream({
pull(controller) {
return readerPromises[i].then(reader => => {
if (result.done) {
logMessages.push(['Reached the end of source:', sourcePromises[i]]);
if (i >= readerPromises.length) {
// Log all the messages in the group at once in a single group.
logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Concatenating ${readerPromises.length} sources.`);
if (i >= readerPromises.length) {
// Log all the messages in the group at once in a single group.
logger_mjs.logger.groupCollapsed(`Concatenating ${readerPromises.length} sources.`);
for (const message of logMessages) {
if (Array.isArray(message)) {
} else {
for (const message of logMessages) {
if (Array.isArray(message)) {
} else {
logger_js.logger.log('Finished reading all sources.');
logger_mjs.logger.log('Finished reading all sources.');
} // The `pull` method is defined because we're inside it.
return this.pull(controller);
} else {
}).catch(error => {
logger_js.logger.error('An error occurred:', error);
return this.pull(controller);
} else {
}).catch(error => {
throw error;
cancel() {
logger_mjs.logger.error('An error occurred:', error);
logger_js.logger.warn('The ReadableStream was cancelled.');
throw error;
cancel() {
logger_mjs.logger.warn('The ReadableStream was cancelled.');
return {
done: streamDeferred.promise,
return {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This is a utility method that determines whether the current browser supports
* the features required to create streamed responses. Currently, it checks if
* [`ReadableStream`](
* is available.
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {boolean} `true`, if the current browser meets the requirements for
* streaming responses, and `false` otherwise.
* @memberof workbox.streams
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* This is a utility method that determines whether the current browser supports
* the features required to create streamed responses. Currently, it checks if
* [`ReadableStream`](
* is available.
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {boolean} `true`, if the current browser meets the requirements for
* streaming responses, and `false` otherwise.
* @memberof workbox.streams
function createHeaders(headersInit = {}) {
// See
const headers = new Headers(headersInit);
function createHeaders(headersInit = {}) {
// See
const headers = new Headers(headersInit);
if (!headers.has('content-type')) {
headers.set('content-type', 'text/html');
if (!headers.has('content-type')) {
headers.set('content-type', 'text/html');
return headers;
return headers;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes multiple source Promises, each of which could resolve to a Response, a
* ReadableStream, or a [BodyInit](,
* along with a
* [HeadersInit](
* Returns an object exposing a Response whose body consists of each individual
* stream's data returned in sequence, along with a Promise which signals when
* the stream is finished (useful for passing to a FetchEvent's waitUntil()).
* @param {Array<Promise<workbox.streams.StreamSource>>} sourcePromises
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {Object<{done: Promise, response: Response}>}
* @memberof workbox.streams
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Takes multiple source Promises, each of which could resolve to a Response, a
* ReadableStream, or a [BodyInit](,
* along with a
* [HeadersInit](
* Returns an object exposing a Response whose body consists of each individual
* stream's data returned in sequence, along with a Promise which signals when
* the stream is finished (useful for passing to a FetchEvent's waitUntil()).
* @param {Array<Promise<workbox.streams.StreamSource>>} sourcePromises
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {Object<{done: Promise, response: Response}>}
* @memberof workbox.streams
function concatenateToResponse(sourcePromises, headersInit) {
const {
} = concatenate(sourcePromises);
const headers = createHeaders(headersInit);
const response = new Response(stream, {
return {
function concatenateToResponse(sourcePromises, headersInit) {
const {
} = concatenate(sourcePromises);
const headers = createHeaders(headersInit);
const response = new Response(stream, {
return {
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let cachedIsSupported;
* This is a utility method that determines whether the current browser supports
* the features required to create streamed responses. Currently, it checks if
* [`ReadableStream`](
* can be created.
* @return {boolean} `true`, if the current browser meets the requirements for
* streaming responses, and `false` otherwise.
* @memberof workbox.streams
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
let cachedIsSupported = undefined;
* This is a utility method that determines whether the current browser supports
* the features required to create streamed responses. Currently, it checks if
* [`ReadableStream`](
* can be created.
* @return {boolean} `true`, if the current browser meets the requirements for
* streaming responses, and `false` otherwise.
* @memberof workbox.streams
function isSupported() {
if (cachedIsSupported === undefined) {
// See
try {
new ReadableStream({
start() {}
function isSupported() {
if (cachedIsSupported === undefined) {
// See
try {
new ReadableStream({
start() {}
cachedIsSupported = true;
} catch (error) {
cachedIsSupported = false;
cachedIsSupported = true;
} catch (error) {
cachedIsSupported = false;
return cachedIsSupported;
return cachedIsSupported;
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A shortcut to create a strategy that could be dropped-in to Workbox's router.
* On browsers that do not support constructing new `ReadableStream`s, this
* strategy will automatically wait for all the `sourceFunctions` to complete,
* and create a final response that concatenates their values together.
* @param {Array<function({event, request, url, params})>} sourceFunctions
* An array of functions similar to {@link workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback}
* but that instead return a {@link workbox.streams.StreamSource} (or a
* Promise which resolves to one).
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback}
* @memberof workbox.streams
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A shortcut to create a strategy that could be dropped-in to Workbox's router.
* On browsers that do not support constructing new `ReadableStream`s, this
* strategy will automatically wait for all the `sourceFunctions` to complete,
* and create a final response that concatenates their values together.
* @param {
* Array<function(workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback)>} sourceFunctions
* Each function should return a {@link workbox.streams.StreamSource} (or a
* Promise which resolves to one).
* @param {HeadersInit} [headersInit] If there's no `Content-Type` specified,
* `'text/html'` will be used by default.
* @return {workbox.routing.Route~handlerCallback}
* @memberof workbox.streams
function strategy(sourceFunctions, headersInit) {
return async ({
}) => {
if (isSupported()) {
const {
} = concatenateToResponse( => fn({
})), headersInit);
return response;
logger_mjs.logger.log(`The current browser doesn't support creating response ` + `streams. Falling back to non-streaming response instead.`);
} // Fallback to waiting for everything to finish, and concatenating the
// responses.
const parts = await Promise.all( => sourceFunction({
function strategy(sourceFunctions, headersInit) {
return async ({
})).map(async responsePromise => {
const response = await responsePromise;
}) => {
const sourcePromises = => {
// Ensure the return value of the function is always a promise.
return Promise.resolve(fn({
if (response instanceof Response) {
return response.blob();
} // Otherwise, assume it's something like a string which can be used
// as-is when constructing the final composite blob.
if (isSupported()) {
const {
} = concatenateToResponse(sourcePromises, headersInit);
if (event) {
return response;
const headers = createHeaders(headersInit); // Constructing a new Response from a Blob source is well-supported.
// So is constructing a new Blob from multiple source Blobs or strings.
return response;
return new Response(new Blob(parts), {
logger_js.logger.log(`The current browser doesn't support creating response ` + `streams. Falling back to non-streaming response instead.`);
} // Fallback to waiting for everything to finish, and concatenating the
// responses.
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const blobPartsPromises = sourcePromise => {
const source = await sourcePromise;
exports.concatenate = concatenate;
exports.concatenateToResponse = concatenateToResponse;
exports.isSupported = isSupported;
exports.strategy = strategy;
if (source instanceof Response) {
return source.blob();
} else {
// Technically, a `StreamSource` object can include any valid
// `BodyInit` type, including `FormData` and `URLSearchParams`, which
// cannot be passed to the Blob constructor directly, so we have to
// convert them to actual Blobs first.
return new Response(source).blob();
const blobParts = await Promise.all(blobPartsPromises);
const headers = createHeaders(headersInit); // Constructing a new Response from a Blob source is well-supported.
// So is constructing a new Blob from multiple source Blobs or strings.
return exports;
return new Response(new Blob(blobParts), {
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));
exports.concatenate = concatenate;
exports.concatenateToResponse = concatenateToResponse;
exports.isSupported = isSupported;
exports.strategy = strategy;
return exports;
}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.streams=function(e){"use strict";try{self["workbox:streams:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(e){}function n(e){const>Promise.resolve(e).then(e=>(function(e){return e.body&&e.body.getReader?e.body.getReader():e.getReader?e.getReader():new Response(e).body.getReader()})(e)));let t,r;const s=new Promise((e,n)=>{t=e,r=n});let o=0;return{done:s,stream:new ReadableStream({pull(e){return n[o].then(e=>>{if(r.done)return++o>=n.length?(e.close(),void t()):this.pull(e);e.enqueue(r.value)}).catch(e=>{throw r(e),e})},cancel(){t()}})}}function t(e={}){const n=new Headers(e);return n.has("content-type")||n.set("content-type","text/html"),n}function r(e,r){const{done:s,stream:o}=n(e),a=t(r);return{done:s,response:new Response(o,{headers:a})}}let s=void 0;function o(){if(void 0===s)try{new ReadableStream({start(){}}),s=!0}catch(e){s=!1}return s}return e.concatenate=n,e.concatenateToResponse=r,e.isSupported=o,e.strategy=function(e,n){return async({event:s,url:a,params:c})=>{if(o()){const{done:t,response:o}=r(>e({event:s,url:a,params:c})),n);return s.waitUntil(t),o}const i=await Promise.all(>e({event:s,url:a,params:c})).map(async e=>{const n=await e;return n instanceof Response?n.blob():n})),u=t(n);return new Response(new Blob(i),{headers:u})}},e}({});
this.workbox=this.workbox||{},this.workbox.streams=function(e,n){"use strict";try{self["workbox:streams:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(e){}function t(e){const>Promise.resolve(e).then(e=>(function(e){return e instanceof Response?e.body.getReader():e instanceof ReadableStream?e.getReader():new Response(e).body.getReader()})(e))),r=new n.Deferred;let s=0;const o=new ReadableStream({pull(e){return t[s].then(e=>>{if(n.done)return++s>=t.length?(e.close(),void r.resolve()):this.pull(e);e.enqueue(n.value)}).catch(e=>{throw r.reject(e),e})},cancel(){r.resolve()}});return{done:r.promise,stream:o}}function r(e={}){const n=new Headers(e);return n.has("content-type")||n.set("content-type","text/html"),n}function s(e,n){const{done:s,stream:o}=t(e),a=r(n);return{done:s,response:new Response(o,{headers:a})}}let o;function a(){if(void 0===o)try{new ReadableStream({start(){}}),o=!0}catch(e){o=!1}return o}return e.concatenate=t,e.concatenateToResponse=s,e.isSupported=a,e.strategy=function(e,n){return async({event:t,request:o,url:c,params:i})=>{const>Promise.resolve(e({event:t,request:o,url:c,params:i})));if(a()){const{done:e,response:r}=s(u,n);return t&&t.waitUntil(e),r}const e=>{const n=await e;return n instanceof Response?n.blob():new Response(n).blob()}),l=await Promise.all(f),p=r(n);return new Response(new Blob(l),{headers:p})}},e}({},workbox.core._private);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(){"use strict";try{self["workbox:sw:4.3.1"]&&_()}catch(t){}const t="",e={backgroundSync:"background-sync",broadcastUpdate:"broadcast-update",cacheableResponse:"cacheable-response",core:"core",expiration:"expiration",googleAnalytics:"offline-ga",navigationPreload:"navigation-preload",precaching:"precaching",rangeRequests:"range-requests",routing:"routing",strategies:"strategies",streams:"streams"};self.workbox=new class{constructor(){return this.v={},this.t={debug:"localhost"===self.location.hostname,modulePathPrefix:null,modulePathCb:null},this.s=this.t.debug?"dev":"prod",this.o=!1,new Proxy(this,{get(t,s){if(t[s])return t[s];const o=e[s];return o&&t.loadModule(`workbox-${o}`),t[s]}})}setConfig(t={}){if(this.o)throw new Error("Config must be set before accessing workbox.* modules");Object.assign(this.t,t),this.s=this.t.debug?"dev":"prod"}loadModule(t){const e=this.i(t);try{importScripts(e),this.o=!0}catch(s){throw console.error(`Unable to import module '${t}' from '${e}'.`),s}}i(e){if(this.t.modulePathCb)return this.t.modulePathCb(e,this.t.debug);let s=[t];const o=`${e}.${this.s}.js`,r=this.t.modulePathPrefix;return r&&""===(s=r.split("/"))[s.length-1]&&s.splice(s.length-1,1),s.push(o),s.join("/")}}}();
!function(){"use strict";try{self["workbox:sw:5.0.0-alpha.2"]&&_()}catch(t){}const t="",e={backgroundSync:"background-sync",broadcastUpdate:"broadcast-update",cacheableResponse:"cacheable-response",core:"core",expiration:"expiration",googleAnalytics:"offline-ga",navigationPreload:"navigation-preload",precaching:"precaching",rangeRequests:"range-requests",routing:"routing",strategies:"strategies",streams:"streams"};self.workbox=new class{constructor(){return this.v={},this.t={debug:"localhost"===self.location.hostname,modulePathPrefix:null,modulePathCb:null},this.s=this.t.debug?"dev":"prod",this.o=!1,new Proxy(this,{get(t,s){if(t[s])return t[s];const o=e[s];return o&&t.loadModule(`workbox-${o}`),t[s]}})}setConfig(t={}){if(this.o)throw new Error("Config must be set before accessing workbox.* modules");Object.assign(this.t,t),this.s=this.t.debug?"dev":"prod"}loadModule(t){const e=this.i(t);try{importScripts(e),this.o=!0}catch(s){throw console.error(`Unable to import module '${t}' from '${e}'.`),s}}i(e){if(this.t.modulePathCb)return this.t.modulePathCb(e,this.t.debug);let s=[t];const o=`${e}.${this.s}.js`,r=this.t.modulePathPrefix;return r&&""===(s=r.split("/"))[s.length-1]&&s.splice(s.length-1,1),s.push(o),s.join("/")}}}();
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.workbox = {}));
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.workbox = {}));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
try {
self['workbox:window:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:window:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Sends a data object to a service worker via `postMessage` and resolves with
* a response (if any).
* A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by
* calling `event.ports[0].postMessage(...)`, which will resolve the promise
* returned by `messageSW()`. If no response is set, the promise will not
* resolve.
* @param {ServiceWorker} sw The service worker to send the message to.
* @param {Object} data An object to send to the service worker.
* @return {Promise<Object|undefined>}
* @memberof module:workbox-window
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Sends a data object to a service worker via `postMessage` and resolves with
* a response (if any).
* A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by
* calling `event.ports[0].postMessage(...)`, which will resolve the promise
* returned by `messageSW()`. If no response is set, the promise will not
* resolve.
* @param {ServiceWorker} sw The service worker to send the message to.
* @param {Object} data An object to send to the service worker.
* @return {Promise<Object|undefined>}
* @memberof module:workbox-window
var messageSW = function messageSW(sw, data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var messageChannel = new MessageChannel();
function messageSW(sw, data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
var messageChannel = new MessageChannel();
messageChannel.port1.onmessage = function (evt) {
return resolve(;
messageChannel.port1.onmessage = function (event) {
sw.postMessage(data, [messageChannel.port2]);
sw.postMessage(data, [messageChannel.port2]);
function _defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
function _defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
function _assertThisInitialized(self) {
if (self === void 0) {
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
return self;
// @ts-ignore
try {
self['workbox:core:5.0.0-alpha.2'] && _();
} catch (e) {}
try {
self['workbox:core:4.3.1'] && _();
} catch (e) {} // eslint-disable-line
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The Deferred class composes Promises in a way that allows for them to be
* resolved or rejected from outside the constructor. In most cases promises
* should be used directly, but Deferreds can be necessary when the logic to
* resolve a promise must be separate.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* The Deferred class composes Promises in a way that allows for them to be
* resolved or rejected from outside the constructor. In most cases promises
* should be used directly, but Deferreds can be necessary when the logic to
* resolve a promise must be separate.
* @private
var Deferred =
* Creates a promise and exposes its resolve and reject functions as methods.
function Deferred() {
var _this = this;
var Deferred =
* Creates a promise and exposes its resolve and reject functions as methods.
function Deferred() {
var _this = this;
this.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
_this.resolve = resolve;
_this.reject = reject;
this.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
_this.resolve = resolve;
_this.reject = reject;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
var logger = function () {
var inGroup = false;
var methodToColorMap = {
debug: "#7f8c8d",
log: "#2ecc71",
warn: "#f39c12",
error: "#c0392b",
groupCollapsed: "#3498db",
groupEnd: null
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
var logger = function () {
var inGroup = false;
var methodToColorMap = {
debug: "#7f8c8d",
// Gray
log: "#2ecc71",
// Green
warn: "#f39c12",
// Yellow
error: "#c0392b",
// Red
groupCollapsed: "#3498db",
// Blue
groupEnd: null // No colored prefix on groupEnd
var print = function print(method, args) {
var _console2;
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
// Safari doesn't print all console.groupCollapsed() arguments:
if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var _console;
var print = function print(method, args) {
var _console2;
(_console = console)[method].apply(_console, args);
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
// Safari doesn't print all console.groupCollapsed() arguments:
if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var _console;
(_console = console)[method].apply(_console, args);
var styles = ["background: " + methodToColorMap[method], "border-radius: 0.5em", "color: white", "font-weight: bold", "padding: 2px 0.5em"]; // When in a group, the workbox prefix is not displayed.
var styles = ["background: " + methodToColorMap[method], "border-radius: 0.5em", "color: white", "font-weight: bold", "padding: 2px 0.5em"]; // When in a group, the workbox prefix is not displayed.
var logPrefix = inGroup ? [] : ['%cworkbox', styles.join(';')];
var logPrefix = inGroup ? [] : ['%cworkbox', styles.join(';')];
(_console2 = console)[method].apply(_console2, logPrefix.concat(args));
(_console2 = console)[method].apply(_console2, logPrefix.concat(args));
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
inGroup = true;
if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
inGroup = true;
if (method === 'groupEnd') {
inGroup = false;
if (method === 'groupEnd') {
inGroup = false;
var api = {};
var api = {};
var loggerMethods = Object.keys(methodToColorMap);
var _arr = Object.keys(methodToColorMap);
var _loop = function _loop() {
var key = loggerMethods[_i];
var method = key;
var _loop = function _loop() {
var method = _arr[_i];
api[method] = function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
api[method] = function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
print(method, args);
print(method, args);
for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
for (var _i = 0; _i < loggerMethods.length; _i++) {
return api;
return api;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A minimal `EventTarget` shim.
* This is necessary because not all browsers support constructable
* `EventTarget`, so using a real `EventTarget` will error.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
var EventTargetShim =
function () {
* Creates an event listener registry
* A minimal `EventTarget` shim.
* This is necessary because not all browsers support constructable
* `EventTarget`, so using a real `EventTarget` will error.
* @private
function EventTargetShim() {
// A registry of event types to listeners.
this._eventListenerRegistry = {};
* @param {string} type
* @param {Function} listener
* @private
var WorkboxEventTarget =
function () {
function WorkboxEventTarget() {
this._eventListenerRegistry = new Map();
* @param {string} type
* @param {Function} listener
* @private
var _proto = EventTargetShim.prototype;
var _proto = WorkboxEventTarget.prototype;
_proto.addEventListener = function addEventListener(type, listener) {
* @param {string} type
* @param {Function} listener
* @private
_proto.addEventListener = function addEventListener(type, listener) {
var foo = this._getEventListenersByType(type);
* @param {string} type
* @param {Function} listener
* @private
_proto.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(type, listener) {
* @param {Event} event
* @private
_proto.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener(type, listener) {
* @param {Object} event
* @private
_proto.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(event) { = this;
this._getEventListenersByType(event.type).forEach(function (listener) {
return listener(event);
* Returns a Set of listeners associated with the passed event type.
* If no handlers have been registered, an empty Set is returned.
* @param {string} type The event type.
* @return {Set} An array of handler functions.
* @private
_proto.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(event) { = this;
var listeners = this._getEventListenersByType(event.type);
_proto._getEventListenersByType = function _getEventListenersByType(type) {
return this._eventListenerRegistry[type] = this._eventListenerRegistry[type] || new Set();
for (var _iterator = listeners, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) {
var _ref;
return EventTargetShim;
if (_isArray) {
if (_i >= _iterator.length) break;
_ref = _iterator[_i++];
} else {
_i =;
if (_i.done) break;
_ref = _i.value;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
var listener = _ref;
* Returns a Set of listeners associated with the passed event type.
* If no handlers have been registered, an empty Set is returned.
* @param {string} type The event type.
* @return {Set<ListenerCallback>} An array of handler functions.
* @private
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Returns true if two URLs have the same `.href` property. The URLS can be
* relative, and if they are the current location href is used to resolve URLs.
* @private
* @param {string} url1
* @param {string} url2
* @return {boolean}
var urlsMatch = function urlsMatch(url1, url2) {
return new URL(url1, location).href === new URL(url2, location).href;
_proto._getEventListenersByType = function _getEventListenersByType(type) {
if (!this._eventListenerRegistry.has(type)) {
this._eventListenerRegistry.set(type, new Set());
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
return this._eventListenerRegistry.get(type);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A minimal `Event` subclass shim.
* This doesn't *actually* subclass `Event` because not all browsers support
* constructable `EventTarget`, and using a real `Event` will error.
* @private
return WorkboxEventTarget;
var WorkboxEvent =
* @param {string} type
* @param {Object} props
function WorkboxEvent(type, props) {
Object.assign(this, props, {
type: type
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
function _catch(body, recover) {
try {
var result = body();
} catch (e) {
return recover(e);
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Returns true if two URLs have the same `.href` property. The URLS can be
* relative, and if they are the current location href is used to resolve URLs.
* @private
* @param {string} url1
* @param {string} url2
* @return {boolean}
if (result && result.then) {
return result.then(void 0, recover);
function urlsMatch(url1, url2) {
var _location = location,
href = _location.href;
return new URL(url1, href).href === new URL(url2, href).href;
return result;
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
function _async(f) {
return function () {
for (var args = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* A minimal `Event` subclass shim.
* This doesn't *actually* subclass `Event` because not all browsers support
* constructable `EventTarget`, and using a real `Event` will error.
* @private
var WorkboxEvent = function WorkboxEvent(type, props) {
this.type = type;
Object.assign(this, props);
function _catch(body, recover) {
try {
return Promise.resolve(f.apply(this, args));
var result = body();
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
return recover(e);
function _invoke(body, then) {
var result = body();
if (result && result.then) {
return result.then(void 0, recover);
if (result && result.then) {
return result.then(then);
return result;
return then(result);
function _invoke(body, then) {
var result = body();
function _await(value, then, direct) {
if (direct) {
return then ? then(value) : value;
if (result && result.then) {
return result.then(then);
if (!value || !value.then) {
value = Promise.resolve(value);
return then(result);
return then ? value.then(then) : value;
function _awaitIgnored(value, direct) {
if (!direct) {
return value && value.then ? value.then(_empty) : Promise.resolve();
function _awaitIgnored(value, direct) {
if (!direct) {
return value && value.then ? value.then(_empty) : Promise.resolve();
function _empty() {}
// `skipWaiting()` wasn't called. This 200 amount wasn't scientifically
// chosen, but it seems to avoid false positives in my testing.
function _empty() {}
var WAITING_TIMEOUT_DURATION = 200; // The amount of time after a registration that we can reasonably conclude
// that the registration didn't trigger an update.
function _async(f) {
return function () {
for (var args = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
* A class to aid in handling service worker registration, updates, and
* reacting to service worker lifecycle events.
* @fires [message]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#message}
* @fires [installed]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#installed}
* @fires [waiting]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#waiting}
* @fires [controlling]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#controlling}
* @fires [activated]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#activated}
* @fires [redundant]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#redundant}
* @fires [externalinstalled]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalinstalled}
* @fires [externalwaiting]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalwaiting}
* @fires [externalactivated]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalactivated}
* @memberof module:workbox-window
try {
return Promise.resolve(f.apply(this, args));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
var Workbox =
function (_EventTargetShim) {
_inheritsLoose(Workbox, _EventTargetShim);
function _await(value, then, direct) {
if (direct) {
return then ? then(value) : value;
* Creates a new Workbox instance with a script URL and service worker
* options. The script URL and options are the same as those used when
* calling `navigator.serviceWorker.register(scriptURL, options)`. See:
* @param {string} scriptURL The service worker script associated with this
* instance.
* @param {Object} [registerOptions] The service worker options associated
* with this instance.
function Workbox(scriptURL, registerOptions) {
var _this;
if (registerOptions === void 0) {
registerOptions = {};
if (!value || !value.then) {
value = Promise.resolve(value);
_this = || this;
_this._scriptURL = scriptURL;
_this._registerOptions = registerOptions;
_this._updateFoundCount = 0; // Deferreds we can resolve later.
return then ? value.then(then) : value;
// `skipWaiting()` wasn't called. This 200 amount wasn't scientifically
// chosen, but it seems to avoid false positives in my testing.
_this._swDeferred = new Deferred();
_this._activeDeferred = new Deferred();
_this._controllingDeferred = new Deferred(); // Bind event handler callbacks.
var WAITING_TIMEOUT_DURATION = 200; // The amount of time after a registration that we can reasonably conclude
// that the registration didn't trigger an update.
_this._onMessage = _this._onMessage.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
_this._onStateChange = _this._onStateChange.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
_this._onUpdateFound = _this._onUpdateFound.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
_this._onControllerChange = _this._onControllerChange.bind(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)));
return _this;
* Registers a service worker for this instances script URL and service
* worker options. By default this method delays registration until after
* the window has loaded.
* A class to aid in handling service worker registration, updates, and
* reacting to service worker lifecycle events.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.immediate=false] Setting this to true will
* register the service worker immediately, even if the window has
* not loaded (not recommended).
* @fires [message]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#message}
* @fires [installed]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#installed}
* @fires [waiting]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#waiting}
* @fires [controlling]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#controlling}
* @fires [activated]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#activated}
* @fires [redundant]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#redundant}
* @fires [externalinstalled]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalinstalled}
* @fires [externalwaiting]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalwaiting}
* @fires [externalactivated]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#externalactivated}
* @memberof module:workbox-window
var Workbox =
function (_WorkboxEventTarget) {
_inheritsLoose(Workbox, _WorkboxEventTarget);
var _proto = Workbox.prototype;
_proto.register = _async(function (_temp) {
var _this2 = this;
* Creates a new Workbox instance with a script URL and service worker
* options. The script URL and options are the same as those used when
* calling `navigator.serviceWorker.register(scriptURL, options)`. See:
* @param {string} scriptURL The service worker script associated with this
* instance.
* @param {Object} [registerOptions] The service worker options associated
* with this instance.
function Workbox(scriptURL, registerOptions) {
var _this;
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
_ref$immediate = _ref.immediate,
immediate = _ref$immediate === void 0 ? false : _ref$immediate;
if (_this2._registrationTime) {
logger.error('Cannot re-register a Workbox instance after it has ' + 'been registered. Create a new instance instead.');
if (registerOptions === void 0) {
registerOptions = {};
return _invoke(function () {
if (!immediate && document.readyState !== 'complete') {
return _awaitIgnored(new Promise(function (res) {
return addEventListener('load', res);
}, function () {
// Set this flag to true if any service worker was controlling the page
// at registration time.
_this2._isUpdate = Boolean(navigator.serviceWorker.controller); // Before registering, attempt to determine if a SW is already controlling
// the page, and if that SW script (and version, if specified) matches this
// instance's script.
_this = || this;
_this._registerOptions = {};
_this._updateFoundCount = 0; // Deferreds we can resolve later.
_this2._compatibleControllingSW = _this2._getControllingSWIfCompatible();
return _await(_this2._registerScript(), function (_this2$_registerScrip) {
_this2._registration = _this2$_registerScrip;
_this._swDeferred = new Deferred();
_this._activeDeferred = new Deferred();
_this._controllingDeferred = new Deferred();
_this._registrationTime = 0;
* @private
// If we have a compatible controller, store the controller as the "own"
// SW, resolve active/controlling deferreds and add necessary listeners.
if (_this2._compatibleControllingSW) {
_this2._sw = _this2._compatibleControllingSW;
_this._onUpdateFound = function () {
// `this._registration` will never be `undefined` after an update is found.
var registration = _this._registration;
var installingSW = registration.installing; // If the script URL passed to `navigator.serviceWorker.register()` is
// different from the current controlling SW's script URL, we know any
// successful registration calls will trigger an `updatefound` event.
// But if the registered script URL is the same as the current controlling
// SW's script URL, we'll only get an `updatefound` event if the file
// changed since it was last registered. This can be a problem if the user
// opens up the same page in a different tab, and that page registers
// a SW that triggers an update. It's a problem because this page has no
// good way of knowing whether the `updatefound` event came from the SW
// script it registered or from a registration attempt made by a newer
// version of the page running in another tab.
// To minimize the possibility of a false positive, we use the logic here:
var updateLikelyTriggeredExternally = // Since we enforce only calling `register()` once, and since we don't
// add the `updatefound` event listener until the `register()` call, if
// `_updateFoundCount` is > 0 then it means this method has already
// been called, thus this SW must be external
_this._updateFoundCount > 0 || // If the script URL of the installing SW is different from this
// instance's script URL, we know it's definitely not from our
// registration.
!urlsMatch(installingSW.scriptURL, _this._scriptURL) || // If all of the above are false, then we use a time-based heuristic:
// Any `updatefound` event that occurs long after our registration is
// assumed to be external. > _this._registrationTime + REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT_DURATION ? // If any of the above are not true, we assume the update was
// triggered by this instance.
true : false;
if (updateLikelyTriggeredExternally) {
_this._externalSW = installingSW;
registration.removeEventListener('updatefound', _this._onUpdateFound);
} else {
// If the update was not triggered externally we know the installing
// SW is the one we registered, so we set it.
_this._sw = installingSW;
_this._swDeferred.resolve(installingSW); // The `installing` state isn't something we have a dedicated
// callback for, but we do log messages for it in development.
_this2._compatibleControllingSW.addEventListener('statechange', _this2._onStateChange, {
once: true
} // If there's a waiting service worker with a matching URL before the
// `updatefound` event fires, it likely means that this site is open
// in another tab, or the user refreshed the page (and thus the prevoius
// page wasn't fully unloaded before this page started loading).
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
logger.log('Updated service worker found. Installing now...');
} else {
logger.log('Service worker is installing...');
} // Increment the `updatefound` count, so future invocations of this
// method can be sure they were triggered externally.
var waitingSW = _this2._registration.waiting;
if (waitingSW && urlsMatch(waitingSW.scriptURL, _this2._scriptURL)) {
// Store the waiting SW as the "own" Sw, even if it means overwriting
// a compatible controller.
_this2._sw = waitingSW; // Run this in the next microtask, so any code that adds an event
// listener after awaiting `register()` will get this event.
++_this._updateFoundCount; // Add a `statechange` listener regardless of whether this update was
// triggered externally, since we have callbacks for both.
Promise.resolve().then(function () {
_this2.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent('waiting', {
sw: waitingSW,
wasWaitingBeforeRegister: true
installingSW.addEventListener('statechange', _this._onStateChange);
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
logger.warn('A service worker was already waiting to activate ' + 'before this script was registered...');
} // If an "own" SW is already set, resolve the deferred.
_this._onStateChange = function (originalEvent) {
// `this._registration` will never be `undefined` after an update is found.
var registration = _this._registration;
var sw =;
var state = sw.state;
var isExternal = sw === _this._externalSW;
var eventPrefix = isExternal ? 'external' : '';
var eventProps = {
sw: sw,
originalEvent: originalEvent
if (_this2._sw) {
if (!isExternal && _this._isUpdate) {
eventProps.isUpdate = true;
logger.log('Successfully registered service worker.', _this2._scriptURL);
_this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent(eventPrefix + state, eventProps));
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
if (_this2._compatibleControllingSW) {
logger.debug('A service worker with the same script URL ' + 'is already controlling this page.');
} else {
logger.debug('A service worker with a different script URL is ' + 'currently controlling the page. The browser is now fetching ' + 'the new script now...');
if (state === 'installed') {
// This timeout is used to ignore cases where the service worker calls
// `skipWaiting()` in the install event, thus moving it directly in the
// activating state. (Since all service workers *must* go through the
// waiting phase, the only way to detect `skipWaiting()` called in the
// install event is to observe that the time spent in the waiting phase
// is very short.)
// NOTE: we don't need separate timeouts for the own and external SWs
// since they can't go through these phases at the same time.
_this._waitingTimeout = self.setTimeout(function () {
// Ensure the SW is still waiting (it may now be redundant).
if (state === 'installed' && registration.waiting === sw) {
_this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent(eventPrefix + 'waiting', eventProps));
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has installed but is ' + 'waiting for this client to close before activating...');
} else {
logger.warn('The service worker has installed but is waiting ' + 'for existing clients to close before activating...');
} else if (state === 'activating') {
var currentPageIsOutOfScope = function currentPageIsOutOfScope() {
var scopeURL = new URL(_this2._registerOptions.scope || _this2._scriptURL, document.baseURI);
var scopeURLBasePath = new URL('./', scopeURL.href).pathname;
return !location.pathname.startsWith(scopeURLBasePath);
if (currentPageIsOutOfScope()) {
logger.warn('The current page is not in scope for the registered ' + 'service worker. Was this a mistake?');
if (!isExternal) {
_this2._registration.addEventListener('updatefound', _this2._onUpdateFound);
switch (state) {
case 'installed':
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has installed. ' + 'You may want to suggest users reload this page.');
} else {
logger.log('Registered service worker installed.');
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', _this2._onControllerChange, {
once: true
}); // Add message listeners.
if ('BroadcastChannel' in self) {
_this2._broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('workbox');
case 'activated':
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has activated.');
} else {
logger.log('Registered service worker activated.');
_this2._broadcastChannel.addEventListener('message', _this2._onMessage);
if (sw !== navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
logger.warn('The registered service worker is active but ' + 'not yet controlling the page. Reload or run ' + '`clients.claim()` in the service worker.');
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', _this2._onMessage);
return _this2._registration;
* Resolves to the service worker registered by this instance as soon as it
* is active. If a service worker was already controlling at registration
* time then it will resolve to that if the script URLs (and optionally
* script versions) match, otherwise it will wait until an update is found
* and activates.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
* Resolves with a reference to a service worker that matches the script URL
* of this instance, as soon as it's available.
* If, at registration time, there's already an active or waiting service
* worker with a matching script URL, it will be used (with the waiting
* service worker taking precedence over the active service worker if both
* match, since the waiting service worker would have been registered more
* recently).
* If there's no matching active or waiting service worker at registration
* time then the promise will not resolve until an update is found and starts
* installing, at which point the installing service worker is used.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
_proto.getSW = _async(function () {
var _this3 = this;
case 'redundant':
if (sw === _this._compatibleControllingSW) {
logger.log('Previously controlling service worker now redundant!');
} else if (!isExternal) {
logger.log('Registered service worker now redundant!');
// If `this._sw` is set, resolve with that as we want `getSW()` to
// return the correct (new) service worker if an update is found.
return _this3._sw || _this3._swDeferred.promise;
* Sends the passed data object to the service worker registered by this
* instance (via [`getSW()`]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#getSW}) and resolves
* with a response (if any).
* A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by
* calling `event.ports[0].postMessage(...)`, which will resolve the promise
* returned by `messageSW()`. If no response is set, the promise will never
* resolve.
* @param {Object} data An object to send to the service worker
* @return {Promise<Object>}
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
_proto.messageSW = _async(function (data) {
var _this4 = this;
return _await(_this4.getSW(), function (sw) {
return messageSW(sw, data);
* Checks for a service worker already controlling the page and returns
* it if its script URL matchs.
* @private
* @return {ServiceWorker|undefined}
_this._onControllerChange = function (originalEvent) {
var sw = _this._sw;
_proto._getControllingSWIfCompatible = function _getControllingSWIfCompatible() {
var controller = navigator.serviceWorker.controller;
if (sw === navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
_this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent('controlling', {
sw: sw,
originalEvent: originalEvent,
isUpdate: _this._isUpdate
if (controller && urlsMatch(controller.scriptURL, this._scriptURL)) {
return controller;
* Registers a service worker for this instances script URL and register
* options and tracks the time registration was complete.
* @private
logger.log('Registered service worker now controlling this page.');
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
_proto._registerScript = _async(function () {
var _this5 = this;
return _catch(function () {
return _await(navigator.serviceWorker.register(_this5._scriptURL, _this5._registerOptions), function (reg) {
// Keep track of when registration happened, so it can be used in the
// `this._onUpdateFound` heuristic. Also use the presence of this
// property as a way to see if `.register()` has been called.
_this5._registrationTime =;
return reg;
_this._onMessage = _async(function (originalEvent) {
var data =;
var _this2 = _this,
_dispatchEvent = _this2.dispatchEvent;
return _await(_this.getSW(), function (_this$getSW) {, new WorkboxEvent('message', {
data: data,
sw: _this$getSW,
originalEvent: originalEvent
}, function (error) {
} // Re-throw the error.
_this._scriptURL = scriptURL;
_this._registerOptions = registerOptions;
return _this;
* Registers a service worker for this instances script URL and service
* worker options. By default this method delays registration until after
* the window has loaded.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Function} [options.immediate=false] Setting this to true will
* register the service worker immediately, even if the window has
* not loaded (not recommended).
throw error;
* Sends a message to the passed service worker that the window is ready.
* @param {ServiceWorker} sw
* @private
var _proto = Workbox.prototype;
_proto.register = _async(function (_temp) {
var _this3 = this;
_proto._reportWindowReady = function _reportWindowReady(sw) {
messageSW(sw, {
meta: 'workbox-window'
* @private
var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp,
_ref$immediate = _ref.immediate,
immediate = _ref$immediate === void 0 ? false : _ref$immediate;
if (_this3._registrationTime) {
logger.error('Cannot re-register a Workbox instance after it has ' + 'been registered. Create a new instance instead.');
_proto._onUpdateFound = function _onUpdateFound() {
var installingSW = this._registration.installing; // If the script URL passed to `navigator.serviceWorker.register()` is
// different from the current controlling SW's script URL, we know any
// successful registration calls will trigger an `updatefound` event.
// But if the registered script URL is the same as the current controlling
// SW's script URL, we'll only get an `updatefound` event if the file
// changed since it was last registered. This can be a problem if the user
// opens up the same page in a different tab, and that page registers
// a SW that triggers an update. It's a problem because this page has no
// good way of knowing whether the `updatefound` event came from the SW
// script it registered or from a registration attempt made by a newer
// version of the page running in another tab.
// To minimize the possibility of a false positive, we use the logic here:
return _invoke(function () {
if (!immediate && document.readyState !== 'complete') {
return _awaitIgnored(new Promise(function (res) {
return addEventListener('load', res);
}, function () {
// Set this flag to true if any service worker was controlling the page
// at registration time.
_this3._isUpdate = Boolean(navigator.serviceWorker.controller); // Before registering, attempt to determine if a SW is already controlling
// the page, and if that SW script (and version, if specified) matches this
// instance's script.
var updateLikelyTriggeredExternally = // Since we enforce only calling `register()` once, and since we don't
// add the `updatefound` event listener until the `register()` call, if
// `_updateFoundCount` is > 0 then it means this method has already
// been called, thus this SW must be external
this._updateFoundCount > 0 || // If the script URL of the installing SW is different from this
// instance's script URL, we know it's definitely not from our
// registration.
!urlsMatch(installingSW.scriptURL, this._scriptURL) || // If all of the above are false, then we use a time-based heuristic:
// Any `updatefound` event that occurs long after our registration is
// assumed to be external. > this._registrationTime + REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT_DURATION ? // If any of the above are not true, we assume the update was
// triggered by this instance.
true : false;
_this3._compatibleControllingSW = _this3._getControllingSWIfCompatible();
return _await(_this3._registerScript(), function (_this3$_registerScrip) {
_this3._registration = _this3$_registerScrip;
if (updateLikelyTriggeredExternally) {
this._externalSW = installingSW;
// If we have a compatible controller, store the controller as the "own"
// SW, resolve active/controlling deferreds and add necessary listeners.
if (_this3._compatibleControllingSW) {
_this3._sw = _this3._compatibleControllingSW;
this._registration.removeEventListener('updatefound', this._onUpdateFound);
} else {
// If the update was not triggered externally we know the installing
// SW is the one we registered, so we set it.
this._sw = installingSW;
this._swDeferred.resolve(installingSW); // The `installing` state isn't something we have a dedicated
// callback for, but we do log messages for it in development.
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
logger.log('Updated service worker found. Installing now...');
} else {
logger.log('Service worker is installing...');
} // Increment the `updatefound` count, so future invocations of this
// method can be sure they were triggered externally.
_this3._compatibleControllingSW.addEventListener('statechange', _this3._onStateChange, {
once: true
} // If there's a waiting service worker with a matching URL before the
// `updatefound` event fires, it likely means that this site is open
// in another tab, or the user refreshed the page (and thus the prevoius
// page wasn't fully unloaded before this page started loading).
++this._updateFoundCount; // Add a `statechange` listener regardless of whether this update was
// triggered externally, since we have callbacks for both.
var waitingSW = _this3._registration.waiting;
installingSW.addEventListener('statechange', this._onStateChange);
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
if (waitingSW && urlsMatch(waitingSW.scriptURL, _this3._scriptURL)) {
// Store the waiting SW as the "own" Sw, even if it means overwriting
// a compatible controller.
_this3._sw = waitingSW; // Run this in the next microtask, so any code that adds an event
// listener after awaiting `register()` will get this event.
Promise.resolve().then(function () {
_this3.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent('waiting', {
sw: waitingSW,
wasWaitingBeforeRegister: true
_proto._onStateChange = function _onStateChange(originalEvent) {
var _this6 = this;
logger.warn('A service worker was already waiting to activate ' + 'before this script was registered...');
} // If an "own" SW is already set, resolve the deferred.
var sw =;
var state = sw.state;
var isExternal = sw === this._externalSW;
var eventPrefix = isExternal ? 'external' : '';
var eventProps = {
sw: sw,
originalEvent: originalEvent
if (!isExternal && this._isUpdate) {
eventProps.isUpdate = true;
if (_this3._sw) {
this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent(eventPrefix + state, eventProps));
logger.log('Successfully registered service worker.', _this3._scriptURL);
if (state === 'installed') {
// This timeout is used to ignore cases where the service worker calls
// `skipWaiting()` in the install event, thus moving it directly in the
// activating state. (Since all service workers *must* go through the
// waiting phase, the only way to detect `skipWaiting()` called in the
// install event is to observe that the time spent in the waiting phase
// is very short.)
// NOTE: we don't need separate timeouts for the own and external SWs
// since they can't go through these phases at the same time.
this._waitingTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
// Ensure the SW is still waiting (it may now be redundant).
if (state === 'installed' && _this6._registration.waiting === sw) {
_this6.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent(eventPrefix + 'waiting', eventProps));
if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
if (_this3._compatibleControllingSW) {
logger.debug('A service worker with the same script URL ' + 'is already controlling this page.');
} else {
logger.debug('A service worker with a different script URL is ' + 'currently controlling the page. The browser is now fetching ' + 'the new script now...');
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has installed but is ' + 'waiting for this client to close before activating...');
} else {
logger.warn('The service worker has installed but is waiting ' + 'for existing clients to close before activating...');
var currentPageIsOutOfScope = function currentPageIsOutOfScope() {
var scopeURL = new URL(_this3._registerOptions.scope || _this3._scriptURL, document.baseURI);
var scopeURLBasePath = new URL('./', scopeURL.href).pathname;
return !location.pathname.startsWith(scopeURLBasePath);
if (currentPageIsOutOfScope()) {
logger.warn('The current page is not in scope for the registered ' + 'service worker. Was this a mistake?');
} else if (state === 'activating') {
if (!isExternal) {
_this3._registration.addEventListener('updatefound', _this3._onUpdateFound);
switch (state) {
case 'installed':
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has installed. ' + 'You may want to suggest users reload this page.');
} else {
logger.log('Registered service worker installed.');
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', _this3._onControllerChange, {
once: true
}); // Add message listeners.
if ('BroadcastChannel' in self) {
_this3._broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('workbox');
_this3._broadcastChannel.addEventListener('message', _this3._onMessage);
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', _this3._onMessage);
return _this3._registration;
* Checks for updates of the registered service worker.
case 'activated':
if (isExternal) {
logger.warn('An external service worker has activated.');
} else {
logger.log('Registered service worker activated.');
_proto.update = _async(function () {
var _this4 = this;
if (sw !== navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
logger.warn('The registered service worker is active but ' + 'not yet controlling the page. Reload or run ' + '`clients.claim()` in the service worker.');
if (!_this4._registration) {
logger.error('Cannot update a Workbox instance without ' + 'being registered. Register the Workbox instance first.');
} // Try to update registration
case 'redundant':
if (sw === this._compatibleControllingSW) {
logger.log('Previously controlling service worker now redundant!');
} else if (!isExternal) {
logger.log('Registered service worker now redundant!');
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
return _awaitIgnored(_this4._registration.update());
* Resolves to the service worker registered by this instance as soon as it
* is active. If a service worker was already controlling at registration
* time then it will resolve to that if the script URLs (and optionally
* script versions) match, otherwise it will wait until an update is found
* and activates.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
* Resolves with a reference to a service worker that matches the script URL
* of this instance, as soon as it's available.
* If, at registration time, there's already an active or waiting service
* worker with a matching script URL, it will be used (with the waiting
* service worker taking precedence over the active service worker if both
* match, since the waiting service worker would have been registered more
* recently).
* If there's no matching active or waiting service worker at registration
* time then the promise will not resolve until an update is found and starts
* installing, at which point the installing service worker is used.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
_proto.getSW = _async(function () {
var _this5 = this;
_proto._onControllerChange = function _onControllerChange(originalEvent) {
var sw = this._sw;
// If `this._sw` is set, resolve with that as we want `getSW()` to
// return the correct (new) service worker if an update is found.
return _this5._sw !== undefined ? _this5._sw : _this5._swDeferred.promise;
* Sends the passed data object to the service worker registered by this
* instance (via [`getSW()`]{@link module:workbox-window.Workbox#getSW}) and resolves
* with a response (if any).
* A response can be set in a message handler in the service worker by
* calling `event.ports[0].postMessage(...)`, which will resolve the promise
* returned by `messageSW()`. If no response is set, the promise will never
* resolve.
* @param {Object} data An object to send to the service worker
* @return {Promise<Object>}
if (sw === navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {
this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent('controlling', {
sw: sw,
originalEvent: originalEvent
_proto.messageSW = _async(function (data) {
var _this6 = this;
logger.log('Registered service worker now controlling this page.');
return _await(_this6.getSW(), function (sw) {
return messageSW(sw, data);
* Checks for a service worker already controlling the page and returns
* it if its script URL matches.
* @private
* @return {ServiceWorker|undefined}
_proto._getControllingSWIfCompatible = function _getControllingSWIfCompatible() {
var controller = navigator.serviceWorker.controller;
if (controller && urlsMatch(controller.scriptURL, this._scriptURL)) {
return controller;
} else {
return undefined;
* Registers a service worker for this instances script URL and register
* options and tracks the time registration was complete.
* @private
* @private
* @param {Event} originalEvent
_proto._registerScript = _async(function () {
var _this7 = this;
_proto._onMessage = function _onMessage(originalEvent) {
var data =;
this.dispatchEvent(new WorkboxEvent('message', {
data: data,
originalEvent: originalEvent
return _catch(function () {
return _await(navigator.serviceWorker.register(_this7._scriptURL, _this7._registerOptions), function (reg) {
// Keep track of when registration happened, so it can be used in the
// `this._onUpdateFound` heuristic. Also use the presence of this
// property as a way to see if `.register()` has been called.
_this7._registrationTime =;
return reg;
}, function (error) {
} // Re-throw the error.
_createClass(Workbox, [{
key: "active",
get: function get() {
return this._activeDeferred.promise;
throw error;
* Resolves to the service worker registered by this instance as soon as it
* is controlling the page. If a service worker was already controlling at
* registration time then it will resolve to that if the script URLs (and
* optionally script versions) match, otherwise it will wait until an update
* is found and starts controlling the page.
* Note: the first time a service worker is installed it will active but
* not start controlling the page unless `clients.claim()` is called in the
* service worker.
* Sends a message to the passed service worker that the window is ready.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
* @param {ServiceWorker} sw
* @private
}, {
key: "controlling",
get: function get() {
return this._controllingDeferred.promise;
_proto._reportWindowReady = function _reportWindowReady(sw) {
messageSW(sw, {
meta: 'workbox-window'
return Workbox;
}(EventTargetShim); // The jsdoc comments below outline the events this instance may dispatch:
_createClass(Workbox, [{
key: "active",
get: function get() {
return this._activeDeferred.promise;
* Resolves to the service worker registered by this instance as soon as it
* is controlling the page. If a service worker was already controlling at
* registration time then it will resolve to that if the script URLs (and
* optionally script versions) match, otherwise it will wait until an update
* is found and starts controlling the page.
* Note: the first time a service worker is installed it will active but
* not start controlling the page unless `clients.claim()` is called in the
* service worker.
* @return {Promise<ServiceWorker>}
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
}, {
key: "controlling",
get: function get() {
return this._controllingDeferred.promise;
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
return Workbox;
}(WorkboxEventTarget); // The jsdoc comments below outline the events this instance may dispatch:
exports.Workbox = Workbox;
exports.messageSW = messageSW;
exports.Workbox = Workbox;
exports.messageSW = messageSW;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

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