wrench.js - Recursive file operations in Node.js
While I love Node.js, I've found myself missing some functions. Things like
recursively deleting/chmodding a directory (or even deep copying a directory),
or even a basic line reader, shouldn't need to be re-invented time and time again.
That said, here's my attempt at a re-usable solution, at least until something
more formalized gets integrated into Node.js (hint hint). wrench.js is fairly simple
to use - check out the documentation/examples below:
Possibly Breaking Change in v1.5.0
In previous versions of Wrench, we went against the OS-default behavior of not
deleting a directory unless the operation is forced. In 1.5.0, this has been
changed to be the behavior people expect there to be - if you try to copy over
a directory that already exists, you'll get an Error returned or thrown stating
that you need to force it.
Something like this will do the trick:
wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive('directory_to_copy', 'location_where_copy_should_end_up', {
forceDelete: true
If you desire the older behavior of Wrench... hit up your package.json. If you
happen to find bugs in the 1.5.0 release please feel free to file them on the
GitHub issues tracker for this project, or send me a pull request and I'll get to
it as fast as I can. Thanks!
If this breaks enough projects I will consider rolling it back. Please hit me up if this seems to be the case.
npm install wrench
var wrench = require('wrench'),
util = require('util');
Synchronous operations
wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(dir, 0777);
wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive('my_directory_name', failSilently);
wrench.chmodSyncRecursive('my_directory_name', 0755);
wrench.chownSyncRecursive("directory", uid, gid);
wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive('directory_to_copy', 'location_where_copy_should_end_up', {
forceDelete: bool,
excludeHiddenUnix: bool,
preserveFiles: bool,
inflateSymlinks: bool,
filter: regexp,
whitelist: bool,
var f = new wrench.LineReader('x.txt');
while(f.hasNextLine()) {
Asynchronous operations
var files = [];
wrench.readdirRecursive('my_directory_name', function(error, curFiles) {
wrench.copyDirRecursive(srcDir, newDir, {forceDelete: bool }, callbackfn);
Questions, comments? Hit me up. (ryan [at] venodesigns.net | http://twitter.com/ryanmcgrath)