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A convertor between XML text and Javascript object / JSON text.

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Package description

What is xml-js?

The xml-js npm package is a utility that provides methods to convert between XML and JSON format. It can also convert between XML and JavaScript objects. This package is useful when working with XML data in JavaScript environments where JSON is more easily manipulated.

What are xml-js's main functionalities?

XML to JSON Conversion

Converts an XML string to a JSON string. The options object can be used to customize the output.

const convert = require('xml-js');
const xml = '<note><to>User</to><from>Library</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>';
const options = {compact: true, ignoreComment: true, spaces: 4};
const result = convert.xml2json(xml, options);

JSON to XML Conversion

Converts a JSON string to an XML string. The options object can be used to customize the output.

const convert = require('xml-js');
const json = '{"note":{"to":"User","from":"Library","heading":"Reminder","body":"Don't forget me this weekend!"}}';
const options = {compact: true, ignoreComment: true, spaces: 4};
const result = convert.json2xml(json, options);

XML to JavaScript Object

Converts an XML string to a JavaScript object. The options object can be used to customize the output.

const convert = require('xml-js');
const xml = '<note><to>User</to><from>Library</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>';
const result = convert.xml2js(xml, {compact: true, spaces: 4});

JavaScript Object to XML

Converts a JavaScript object to an XML string. The options object can be used to customize the output.

const convert = require('xml-js');
const jsObject = {
  note: {
    to: 'User',
    from: 'Library',
    heading: 'Reminder',
    body: 'Don't forget me this weekend!'
const options = {compact: true, spaces: 4};
const result = convert.js2xml(jsObject, options);

Other packages similar to xml-js




Convert XML text to Javascript object / JSON text (and vice versa).

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Convert XML ↔ JS/JSON as compact or non-compact


There are many XML to JavaScript object / JSON converters out there, but could not satisfy the following requirements:

  • Maintain Order of Sub-elements: Instead of converting <a/><b/><a/> to {a:[{},{}],b:{}}, I wanted to preserve order of elements by doing this: {"elements":[{"type":"element","name":"a"},{"type":"element","name":"b"},{"type":"element","name":"a"}]}.

  • Fully XML Compliant: Can parse: elements, attributes, texts, comments, CData, and XML declarations.

  • Reversible: Whether converting xml→json or json→xml, the result should be convertable to its original form.

  • Change Property Key Name: Usually output of XML attributes are stored in @attr, _atrr, $attr, $, or whatever in order to avoid conflicting with name of sub-elements. This library store them in attributes, but most importantly, you can change this to whatever you like.

  • Portable Code: Written purely in JavaScript (this is default behavior, but this can be slow for very large XML text).

  • Fast Code (if required): With little effort, the underlying sax engine (based on JavaScript) can be sustituted with node-expat engine (based on VC++).

  • Support Command Line: To quickly convert xml or json files, this module can be installed globally or locally (i.e. use it as script in package.json).

  • Support Streaming: ...

Compact vs Non-Compact

Most XML to JSON convertors (including online convertors) convert <a/> to some compact output like {"a":{}} instead of non-compact output like {"elements":[{"type":"element","name":"a"}]}.

While compact output might work in most situations, there are cases when different elements are mixed inside a parent element: <a x="1"/><b x="2"/><a x="3"/>. In this case, the compact output will be something like {a:[{_:{x:"1"}},{_:{x:"3"}}],b:{_:{x:"2"}}}, which has merged both <a> elements into an array. If you try to convert this back to xml, you will get <a x="1"/><a x="3"/><b x="2"/> which has not preserved the order of elements! This is an inherit limitation in the compact representation because output like {a:{_:{x:"1"}},b:{_:{x:"2"}},a:{_:{x:"3"}}} is illegal. Note that this issue does not occur in the non-compact form provided by this library.

Although non-compact output is more accurate representation of original XML than compact version, the non-compact consumes more space. This library provides both options. Use {compact: false} if you are not sure because it preserves everything; otherwise use {compact: true} if you want to save space and you don't care about mixing elements of same type and loosing their order.



npm install --save xml-js

You can also installed it globally to use it as a command line convertor.

npm install --global xml-js

Quick start

var convert = require('xml-js');
var xml = 
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
'<note importance="high" logged="true">' +
'    <title>Happy</title>' +
'    <todo>Work</todo>' +
'    <todo>Play</todo>' +
var result1 = convert.xml2json(xml, {compact: true, spaces: 4});
var result2 = convert.xml2json(xml, {compact: false, spaces: 4});
console.log(result1, '\n', result2);

To see the result of this code, see the output above in Synopsis section.

Sample Conversions

XMLJS/JSON compactJS/JSON non-compact
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>{"_declaration":{"_attributes":{"version":"1.0","encoding":"utf-8"}}}{"declaration":{"attributes":{"version":"1.0","encoding":"utf-8"}}}
<!--Hello, World!-->{"_comment":"Hello, World!"}{"elements":[{"type":"comment","comment":"Hello, World!"}]}
<a x="1.234" y="It's"/>{"a":{"_attributes":{"x":"1.234","y":"It's"}}}{"elements":[{"type":"element","name":"a","attributes":{"x":"1.234","y":"It's"}}]}
<a> Hi </a>{"a":{"_text":" Hi "}}{"elements":[{"type":"element","name":"a","elements":[{"type":"text","text":" Hi "}]}]}

API Reference

Convert JS object / JSON → XML

To convert JavaScript object to XML text, use js2xml(). To convert JSON text to XML text, use json2xml().

var convert = require('xml-js');
var json = require('fs').readFileSync('test.json', 'utf8');
var options = {ignoreText: true, spaces: 4};
var result = convert.json2xml(json, options);

Options for Converting JS object / JSON → XML

The below options are applicable for both js2xml() and json2xml() functions.

spaces0Number of spaces to be used for indenting XML output.
compactfalseWhether the input object is in compact form or not.
fullTagEmptyElementfalseWhether to produce element without sub-elements as full tag pairs <a></a> rather than self closing tag <a/>.
ignoreDeclarationfalseWhether to ignore writing declaration directives of xml. For example, <?xml?> will be ignored.
ignoreAttributesfalseWhether to ignore writing attributes of the elements. For example, x="1" in <a x="1"></a> will be ignored
ignoreCommentfalseWhether to ignore writing comments of the elements. That is, no <!-- --> will be generated.
ignoreCdatafalseWhether to ignore writing CData of the elements. That is, no <![CDATA[ ]]> will be generated.
ignoreTextfalseWhether to ignore writing texts of the elements. For example, hi text in <a>hi</a> will be ignored.

Convert XML → JS object / JSON

To convert XML text to JavaScript object, use xml2js(). To convert XML text to JSON text, use xml2json().

var convert = require('xml-js');
var xml = require('fs').readFileSync('test.xml', 'utf8');
var options = {ignoreText: true, alwaysChildren: true};
var result = convert.xml2js(xml, options); // or convert.xml2json(xml, options)

Options for Converting XML → JS object / JSON

The below options are applicable for both xml2js() and xml2json() functions.

compactfalseWhether to produce detailed object or compact object.
trimfalseWhether to trim white space characters that may exist before and after the text.
sanitizefalseWhether to replace & < > " ' with &amp; &lt; &gt; &quot; &#39; respectively in the resultant text.
nativeTypefalsewhether to attempt converting text of numerals or of boolean values to native type. For example, "123" will be 123 and "true" will be true
addParentfalseWhether to add parent property in each element object that points to parent object.
alwaysChildrenfalseWhether to always generate elements property even when there are no actual sub elements (applicable for non-compact output).
ignoreDeclarationfalseWhether to ignore writing declaration property. That is, no declaration property will be generated.
ignoreAttributesfalseWhether to ignore writing attributes of elements.That is, no attributes property will be generated.
ignoreCommentfalseWhether to ignore writing comments of the elements. That is, no comment will be generated.
ignoreCdatafalseWhether to ignore writing CData of the elements. That is, no cdata will be generated.
ignoreTextfalseWhether to ignore writing texts of the elements. That is, no text will be generated.

The below option is applicable only for xml2json() function.

spaces0Number of spaces to be used for indenting JSON output.

Options for Changing Key Names

To change default key names in the output object or the default key names assumed in the input JavaScript object / JSON, use the following options:

declarationKey"declaration" or "_declaration"Name of the property key which will be used for the declaration. For example, if declarationKey: '$declaration' then output of <?xml?> will be {"$declaration":{}} (in compact form)
attributesKey"attributes" or "_attributes"Name of the property key which will be used for the attributes. For example, if attributesKey: '$attributes' then output of <a x="hello"/> will be {"a":{$attributes:{"x":"hello"}}} (in compact form)
textKey"text" or "_text"Name of the property key which will be used for the text. For example, if textKey: '$text' then output of <a>hi</a> will be {"a":{"$text":"Hi"}} (in compact form)
cdataKey"cdata" or "_cdata"Name of the property key which will be used for the cdata. For example, if cdataKey: '$cdata' then output of <![CDATA[1 is < 2]]> will be {"$cdata":"1 is < 2"} (in compact form)
commentKey"comment" or "_comment"Name of the property key which will be used for the comment. For example, if commentKey: '$comment' then output of <!--note--> will be {"$comment":"note"} (in compact form)
parentKey"parent" or "_parent"Name of the property key which will be used for the parent. For example, if parentKey: '$parent' then output of <a></b></a> will be {"a":{"b":{$parent:_points_to_a}}} (in compact form)
typeKey"type"Name of the property key which will be used for the type. For example, if typeKey: '$type' then output of <a></a> will be {"elements":[{"$type":"element","name":"a","attributes":{}}]} (in non-compact form)
nameKey"name"Name of the property key which will be used for the name. For example, if nameKey: '$name' then output of <a></a> will be {"elements":[{"type":"element","$name":"a","attributes":{}}]} (in non-compact form)
elementsKey"elements"Name of the property key which will be used for the elements. For example, if elementsKey: '$elements' then output of <a></a> will be {"$elements":[{"type":"element","name":"a","attributes":{}}]} (in non-compact form)

Note: You probably want to set {textKey: 'value', cdataKey: 'value', commentKey: 'value'} for non-compact output to make it more consistent and easier for your client code to go through the contents of text, cdata, and comment.

Command Line

Because any good library should support command line usage, this library is no difference.

As Globally Accessible Command

npm install -g xml-js                      // install this library globally
xml-js test.json --space 4                 // xml result will be printed on screen
xml-js test.json --space 4 --out test.xml  // xml result will be saved to test.xml
xml-js test.xml --space 4                  // json result will be printed on screen
xml-js test.xml --space 4 --out test.json  // json result will be saved to test.json

As Locally Accessible Command

If you want to use it as script in package.json (can also be helpful in task automation via npm scripts)

npm install --save xml-js   // no need to install this library globally

In package.json, write a script:

  "dependencies": {
    "xml-js": "latest"
  "scripts": {
     "convert": "xml-js test.json --spaces 4"
npm run convert             // task 'scripts.convert' will be executed

CLI Arguments

Usage: xml-js src [options]

  src                  Input file that need to be converted.
                       Conversion type xml->json or json->xml will be inferred from file extension.

  --help, -h           Display this help content.
  --version, -v        Display number of this module.
  --out                Output file where result should be written.
  --spaces             Specifies amount of space indentation in the output.
  --full-tag           XML elements will always be in <a></a> form.
  --no-decl            Declaration instruction <?xml ..?> will be ignored.
  --no-attr            Attributes of elements will be ignored.
  --no-text            Texts of elements will be ignored.
  --no-cdata           Cdata of elements will be ignored.
  --no-comment         Comments of elements will be ignored.
  --trim               Whitespaces surrounding texts will be trimmed.
  --compact            JSON is in compact form.
  --sanitize           Special xml characters will be replaced with entity codes.
  --native-type        Numbers and boolean will be converted (coreced) to native type instead of text.
  --always-children    Every element will always contain sub-elements (applicable if --compact is not set).
  --text-key           To change the default 'text' key.
  --cdata-key          To change the default 'cdata' key.
  --comment-key        To change the default 'comment' key.
  --attributes-key     To change the default 'attributes' key.
  --declaration-key    To change the default 'declaration' key.
  --type-key           To change the default 'type' key (applicable if --compact is not set).
  --cdata-key          To change the default 'name' key (applicable if --compact is not set).
  --elements-key       To change the default 'elements' key (applicable if --compact is not set).


Comparison with Other Libraries

xml2js xml2json xml-objects xml-js-converter fast-xml2js co-xml2js xml-simple xml2js-expat


To perform tests on this project:

cd node_modules/xml-js
npm install
npm test

For live testing, use npm start instead of npm test.


Use this link to report an issue or bug. Please include a sample code where the code is failing.





Last updated on 01 Nov 2016

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