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xprezzo-connect - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.0 to 1.1.2


@@ -0,1 +1,17 @@

1.1.1 / 2022-05-11
* depds: updated
* depds xprezzo-mixin updated to v.1.1.2
* depds eslint updated to 8.15.0
* depds eslint-config-standard updated to 17.0.0
* depds eslint-plugin-import updated to 2.26.0
* depds eslint-plugin-markdown updated to 2.2.1
* depds eslint-plugin-promise updated to 6.0.0
* depds nyc updated to 15.1.0
* depds supertest updated to 6.2.3
* remove eslint-plugin-standard
* depds xprezzo-debug updated to v.1.1.1
* depds xprezzo-finalhandler updated to v1.1.1
1.1.0 / 2020-10-15

@@ -5,3 +21,11 @@ ==================

* depds: updated
* depds xprezzo-mixin updated to v.1.1.1
* depds xprezzo-debug updated to v.1.1.1
* depds xprezzo-finalhandler updated to v1.1.1
1.1.0 / 2020-10-15
* depds: updated
1.0.0 / 2020-10-15

@@ -8,0 +32,0 @@ ==================


* xprezzo-connect
* Copyright(c) Ben Ajenoui <>
* Copyright(c) Cloudgen Wong <>
* MIT Licensed

@@ -13,272 +13,267 @@ */

const debug = require('xprezzo-debug')('xprezzo:connect')
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const finalhandler = require('xprezzo-finalhandler')
const mixin = require('xprezzo-mixin')
const http = require('http')
const parseUrl = require('parseurl')
var debug = require('xprezzo-debug')('xprezzo:connect');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var finalhandler = require('xprezzo-finalhandler');
var mixin = require('xprezzo-mixin');
var http = require('http');
var parseUrl = require('parseurl');
let env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'
/* istanbul ignore next */
let defer = typeof setImmediate === 'function'
? setImmediate
: (fn) => {
process.nextTick(fn.bind.apply(fn, arguments))
* Module exports.
* @public
* Invoke a route handle.
* @private
let call = (handle, route, err, req, res, next) => {
let arity = handle.length
let error = err
let hasError = Boolean(err)
debug('%s %s : %s', || '<anonymous>', route, req.originalUrl)
try {
if (hasError && arity === 4) {
// error-handling middleware
handle(err, req, res, next)
} else if (!hasError && arity < 4) {
// request-handling middleware
handle(req, res, next)
} catch (e) {
// replace the error
error = e
// continue
module.exports = createServer;
* Module variables.
* Log error using console.error.
* @param {Error} err
* @private
var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
var proto = {};
let logerror = (err) => {
if (env !== 'test')
console.error(err.stack || err.toString())
/* istanbul ignore next */
var defer = typeof setImmediate === 'function'
? setImmediate
: function(fn){ process.nextTick(fn.bind.apply(fn, arguments)) }
* Create a new connect server.
* Get get protocol + host for a URL.
* @return {function}
* @public
* @param {string} url
* @private
function createServer() {
function app(req, res, next){ app.handle(req, res, next); }
mixin(app, proto, EventEmitter.prototype,{
route : '/',
stack : []
if(typeof app.init === 'function'){
debug('call proto init()');
return app;
let getProtohost = (url) => {
if (url.length === 0 || url[0] === '/') {
return undefined
let fqdnIndex = url.indexOf('://')
return fqdnIndex !== -1 && url.lastIndexOf('?', fqdnIndex) === -1
? url.substr(0, url.indexOf('/', 3 + fqdnIndex))
: undefined
* Utilize the given middleware `handle` to the given `route`,
* defaulting to _/_. This "route" is the mount-point for the
* middleware, when given a value other than _/_ the middleware
* is only effective when that segment is present in the request's
* pathname.
* Create a new connect server.
* For example if we were to mount a function at _/admin_, it would
* be invoked on _/admin_, and _/admin/settings_, however it would
* not be invoked for _/_, or _/posts_.
* @param {String|Function|Server} route, callback or server
* @param {Function|Server} callback or server
* @return {Server} for chaining
* @return {function}
* @public
let createServer = () => {
let app = (req, res, next) => {
app.handle(req, res, next)
mixin(app, proto, EventEmitter.prototype,{
route : '/',
stack : []
if(typeof app.init === 'function'){
debug('call proto init()')
return app
proto.use = function use(route, fn) {
var handle = fn;
var path = route;
// default route to '/'
if (typeof route !== 'string') {
handle = route;
path = '/';
// wrap sub-apps
if (typeof handle.handle === 'function') {
var server = handle;
server.route = path;
handle = function (req, res, next) {
server.handle(req, res, next);
// wrap vanilla http.Servers
if (handle instanceof http.Server) {
handle = handle.listeners('request')[0];
// strip trailing slash
if (path[path.length - 1] === '/') {
path = path.slice(0, -1);
// add the middleware
debug('use %s %s', path || '/', || 'anonymous');
this.stack.push({ route: path, handle: handle });
return this;
* Handle server requests, punting them down
* the middleware stack.
* Module variables.
* @private
let proto = {
* Utilize the given middleware `handle` to the given `route`,
* defaulting to _/_. This "route" is the mount-point for the
* middleware, when given a value other than _/_ the middleware
* is only effective when that segment is present in the request's
* pathname.
* For example if we were to mount a function at _/admin_, it would
* be invoked on _/admin_, and _/admin/settings_, however it would
* not be invoked for _/_, or _/posts_.
* @param {String|Function|Server} route, callback or server
* @param {Function|Server} callback or server
* @return {Server} for chaining
* @public
use : function (route, fn) {
let handle = fn
let path = route
proto.handle = function handle(req, res, out) {
var index = 0;
var protohost = getProtohost(req.url) || '';
var removed = '';
var slashAdded = false;
var stack = this.stack;
// default route to '/'
if (typeof route !== 'string') {
handle = route
path = '/'
// final function handler
var done = out || finalhandler(req, res, {
env: env,
onerror: logerror
// wrap sub-apps
if (typeof handle.handle === 'function') {
let server = handle
server.route = path
handle = function (req, res, next) {
server.handle(req, res, next)
// store the original URL
req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl || req.url;
// wrap vanilla http.Servers
if (handle instanceof http.Server) {
handle = handle.listeners('request')[0];
function next(err) {
if (slashAdded) {
req.url = req.url.substr(1);
slashAdded = false;
// strip trailing slash
if (path[path.length - 1] === '/') {
path = path.slice(0, -1)
if (removed.length !== 0) {
req.url = protohost + removed + req.url.substr(protohost.length);
removed = '';
// add the middleware
debug('use %s %s', path || '/', || 'anonymous')
this.stack.push({ route: path, handle: handle })
// next callback
var layer = stack[index++];
return this
// all done
if (!layer) {
defer(done, err);
* Handle server requests, punting them down
* the middleware stack.
* @private
handle : function(req, res, out) {
let index = 0
let protohost = getProtohost(req.url) || ''
let removed = ''
let slashAdded = false
let stack = this.stack
// route data
var path = parseUrl(req).pathname || '/';
var route = layer.route;
// final function handler
let done = out || finalhandler(req, res, {
env: env,
onerror: logerror
// skip this layer if the route doesn't match
if (path.toLowerCase().substr(0, route.length) !== route.toLowerCase()) {
return next(err);
// store the original URL
req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl || req.url
// skip if route match does not border "/", ".", or end
var c = path.length > route.length && path[route.length];
if (c && c !== '/' && c !== '.') {
return next(err);
let next = (err) => {
if (slashAdded) {
req.url = req.url.substr(1)
slashAdded = false
// trim off the part of the url that matches the route
if (route.length !== 0 && route !== '/') {
removed = route;
req.url = protohost + req.url.substr(protohost.length + removed.length);
if (removed.length !== 0) {
req.url = protohost + removed + req.url.substr(protohost.length)
removed = ''
// ensure leading slash
if (!protohost && req.url[0] !== '/') {
req.url = '/' + req.url;
slashAdded = true;
// next callback
let layer = stack[index++]
// call the layer handle
call(layer.handle, route, err, req, res, next);
// all done
if (!layer) {
defer(done, err)
// route data
let path = parseUrl(req).pathname || '/'
let route = layer.route
* Listen for connections.
* This method takes the same arguments
* as node's `http.Server#listen()`.
* If you run your application both as HTTP
* and HTTPS you may wrap them individually,
* since your Connect "server" is really just
* a JavaScript `Function`.
* var connect = require('connect')
* , http = require('http')
* , https = require('https');
* var app = connect();
* http.createServer(app).listen(80);
* https.createServer(options, app).listen(443);
* @return {http.Server}
* @api public
// skip this layer if the route doesn't match
if (path.toLowerCase().substr(0, route.length) !== route.toLowerCase()) {
return next(err)
proto.listen = function listen() {
var server = http.createServer(this);
return server.listen.apply(server, arguments);
// skip if route match does not border "/", ".", or end
let c = path.length > route.length && path[route.length]
if (c && c !== '/' && c !== '.') {
return next(err)
* Invoke a route handle.
* @private
// trim off the part of the url that matches the route
if (route.length !== 0 && route !== '/') {
removed = route
req.url = protohost + req.url.substr(protohost.length + removed.length)
function call(handle, route, err, req, res, next) {
var arity = handle.length;
var error = err;
var hasError = Boolean(err);
// ensure leading slash
if (!protohost && req.url[0] !== '/') {
req.url = '/' + req.url
slashAdded = true
// call the layer handle
call(layer.handle, route, err, req, res, next)
debug('%s %s : %s', || '<anonymous>', route, req.originalUrl);
* Listen for connections.
* This method takes the same arguments
* as node's `http.Server#listen()`.
* If you run your application both as HTTP
* and HTTPS you may wrap them individually,
* since your Connect "server" is really just
* a JavaScript `Function`.
* let connect = require('connect')
* , http = require('http')
* , https = require('https')
* let app = connect()
* http.createServer(app).listen(80)
* https.createServer(options, app).listen(443)
* @return {http.Server}
* @api public
try {
if (hasError && arity === 4) {
// error-handling middleware
handle(err, req, res, next);
} else if (!hasError && arity < 4) {
// request-handling middleware
handle(req, res, next);
listen : function() {
let server = http.createServer(this)
return server.listen.apply(server, arguments)
} catch (e) {
// replace the error
error = e;
// continue
* Log error using console.error.
* @param {Error} err
* @private
function logerror(err) {
if (env !== 'test') console.error(err.stack || err.toString());
* Get get protocol + host for a URL.
* @param {string} url
* @private
* Module exports.
* @public
function getProtohost(url) {
if (url.length === 0 || url[0] === '/') {
return undefined;
var fqdnIndex = url.indexOf('://')
return fqdnIndex !== -1 && url.lastIndexOf('?', fqdnIndex) === -1
? url.substr(0, url.indexOf('/', 3 + fqdnIndex))
: undefined;
module.exports = createServer
"name": "xprezzo-connect",
"description": "High performance middleware framework",
"version": "1.1.0",
"author": "Ben Ajenoui <>",
"version": "1.1.2",
"author": "Cloudgen Wong <>",
"keywords": [

@@ -16,11 +16,16 @@ "framework",

"parseurl": "~1.3.3",
"xprezzo-mixin": "1.1.0",
"xprezzo-debug": "1.1.0",
"xprezzo-finalhandler": "1.1.0"
"xprezzo-mixin": "1.1.2",
"xprezzo-debug": "1.1.2",
"xprezzo-finalhandler": "1.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "7.8.1",
"mocha": "8.1.3",
"nyc": "15.0.1",
"supertest": "4.0.2"
"eslint": "8.15.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "17.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "2.26.0",
"eslint-plugin-markdown": "2.2.1",
"eslint-plugin-node": "~11.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "6.0.0",
"mocha": "10.0.0",
"nyc": "15.1.0",
"supertest": "6.2.3"

@@ -27,0 +32,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -217,3 +217,3 @@ #xprezzo-connect

Xprezzo and related projects are maintained by [Ben Ajenoui]( and sponsored by [SEO Hero](
Xprezzo and related projects are maintained by [Cloudgen Wong](

@@ -220,0 +220,0 @@ ## License

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