xslt3-loader for Webpack
This Web loader can load XSLT stylesheets using Saxon-JS
2. The
compiler is called to convert the stylesheet into the SEF format. The
result will be a module exporting a single variable, stylesheet
which can then be imported into the frontend application and used by
Saxon-JS 2. At this point, only the free (XX) compiler is supported.
The name of the exported variable cannot be changed, as it can be
changed during import.
Before using this loader, the xslt3 command line utility needs to be
installed on the local system using
npm install -g xslt3
In your module.rules
section of webpack.config.js
, add a rule like
test: /\.xsl$/,
use: [ 'xslt3-loader' ]
In your application source, you can then import a stylesheet like so:
import { stylesheet as myStylesheet } from './my-stylesheet.xsl';
The stylesheet can then be used in invokations to Saxon-JS 2 like so:
import { stylesheet as example } from '../example.xsl';
console.log(SaxonJS.transform({ stylesheetInternal: example,
sourceText: '<foo>bar</foo>',
destination: 'serialized' }).principalResult);