YADI (Yet Another Dependency injector)
require the file
const di = require('yadi');
add some stuff to the container
let something = () => 'hello potato';
di.add(something, 'custom name');
adds the class or function to the container, the optional custom name is recommended to manage the dependencies.
var obj = {
'dependencies': 'custom name'
injects the object with whatever was in the custom name, warns if the name don't exist but continues anyway
class Potato {
get dependencies() {
return ['custom name 1', 'custom name 2']
injects the class potato with two dependencies, the dependencies are at the definition of the class, meaning they are accessible using static methods
var obj = {
'dependencies': {
'custom name': 'potato'
injects the object with the object in custom name, it's available in the object as potato
di.inject([obj1, obj2]);
injects several objects at the same time
let potato = require('/some/directory/path/potato');
console.log(potato['custom name']());
-> 'hello potato'
injects all the files in the path with whatever they need, also a single file can be passed
- Improve this file
- Add failure tests