A client for connect YOUTUBE API with an application javascript. All promise-based.
npm install youtube-finder-sync
yarn add youtube-finder-sync
pnpm add youtube-finder-sync
const YTClient = require('youtube-finder-sync');
const client = new YTClient({ key: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });
const params = {
part: 'snippet',
q: 'Rick Roll',
maxResults: 5,
.then(data => {
.catch(err => {});
Mandatory parameters
The part names that can be included in the parameter value are:
- snippet
- id
Filters and additional parameters
* maxResults
Acceptable values are {0/} a 50, both inclusive. The default is 5.
* q
The parameter q specifies the query term to be searched
* type
The acceptable values are:
* channel
* playlist
* video
default value is: video,channel,playlist
* videoDuration
Acceptable values are:
* any: do not filter search results videos by duration. This is the default value.
* long: Include only videos more than 20 minutes.
* medium: Include only videos between 4 and 20 minutes (inclusive) in length.
* short: Include only videos of less than 4 minutes.
more info at website official: