Yup-schema-faker will generate you a fake data based on your yup schema.
Showcase & Playground
Key features:
- Extensible: you can fake for your own schemas, methods or override existing ones.
Version Compatibiility
Getting Started
Install yup-schema-faker
and its peer dependencies with your favorite package manager:
npm install yup@^1.4.0
npm install --save-dev yup-schema-faker@^7.0.0
npm install --save-dev @faker-js/faker@^8.4.1
npm install --save-dev randexp@^0.5.3
import { object, string, number, date } from 'yup'
import { install, fake } from 'yup-schema-faker'
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'
const userSchema = object({
name: string().required(),
age: number().required().positive().integer(),
email: string().email(),
website: string().url().nullable(),
createdOn: date().default(() => new Date()),
const fakeUser = fake(userSchema)
Pass a yup schema and return a fake data.
Function signature:
interface Options {
strict?: boolean
context?: object
function fake<Schema etends AnySchema>(schema: Schema, options?: Options): ReturnType<Schema['cast']>;
const schema1 = yup.number().required()
fake(schema1, { strict: true })
const schema2 = object({
baz: ref('foo.bar'),
foo: object({
bar: string(),
x: ref('$x'),
const context = { x: 5 }
fake(schema2, { context })
Similar to addMethod
, you
can use fakeDedicatedTest
to fake extended methods.
Function signature:
function fakeDedicatedTest<SchemaConstructor extends (...args: any[]) => AnySchema>(
schemaConstructor: SchemaConstructor,
name: string,
fakeFn: (schema: ReturnType<SchemaConstructor>) => ReturnType<ReturnType<SchemaConstructor>['cast']>,
Example: string.json
You can create new schemas in
yup. Similarly, you can use addFaker to create corresponding fakers for these schemas.
Function signature:
function addFaker<Schema extends AnySchema, Faker>(
schemaConstructor: (...arg: any[]) => Schema,
fakerConstructor: Faker,
Example: customMixed example
If you want to produce consistent results, you can set your own seed with integer:
import { seed, fake } from 'yup-schema-faker'
import { string } from 'yup'
const first = fake(string())
const second = fake(string())
console.log(first === second)
Supported yup API
- yup
- ✅ addMethod(schemaType: Schema, name: string, method: ()=> Schema): void
- ✅ yup.ref(path: string, options: { contextPrefix: string }): Ref
- ✅ yup.lazy((value: any) => Schema): Lazy
- Schema
- ✅ Schema.strict(enabled: boolean = false): Schema
- ✅ Schema.default(value: any): Schema
- ✅ Schema.nullable(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ Schema.nonNullable(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ Schema.defined(): Schema
- ✅ Schema.optional(): Schema
- ✅ Schema.required(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ Schema.notRequired(): Schema
- ✅ Schema.oneOf(arrayOfValues: Array, message?: string | function): Schema Alias: equals
- ✅ Schema.notOneOf(arrayOfValues: Array, message?: string | function)
- ✅ Schema.when(keys: string | string[], builder: object | (values: any[], schema) => Schema): Schema
- ✅ mixed
- string
- ✅ string.required(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.length(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.min(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.max(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.matches(regex: Regex, message?: string | function): Schema
- ❌ string.matches(regex: Regex, options: { message: string, excludeEmptyString: bool }): Schema
this feature cannot be detected, use another schema to achieve this behavior
- ✅ string.email(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.url(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.uuid(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ string.datetime(options?: {message?: string | function, allowOffset?: boolean, precision?: number})
- ✅ string.trim(message?: string | function): Schema
generate trimmed string iff in strict mode
- ✅ string.lowercase(message?: string | function): Schema
generate lowercase string iff in strict mode
- ✅ string.uppercase(message?: string | function): Schema
generate uppercase string iff in strict mode
- number
- ✅ number.min(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.max(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.lessThan(max: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.moreThan(min: number | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.positive(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.negative(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ number.integer(message?: string | function): Schema
- boolean
- ✅ boolean.isTrue(message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ boolean.isFalse(message?: string | function): Schema
- date
- ✅ date.min(limit: Date | string | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- ✅ date.max(limit: Date | string | Ref, message?: string | function): Schema
- array
- ✅ array.of(type: Schema): this
- ✅ array.length(length: number | Ref, message?: string | function): this
- ✅ array.min(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): this
- ✅ array.max(limit: number | Ref, message?: string | function): this
- ✅ tuple
- object
- ✅ object.shape(fields: object, noSortEdges?: Array<[string, string]>): Schema
- ✅ object.concat(schemaB: ObjectSchema): ObjectSchema
- ✅ object.pick(keys: string[]): Schema
- ✅ object.omit(keys: string[]): Schema
- ✅ object.noUnknown(onlyKnownKeys: boolean = true, message?: string | function): Schema
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.