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Node development for the lazy
If you can describe it in 495 characters, why on earth should it take 879?
Zappa is a CoffeeScript-optimized interface to Express and Socket.IO that makes this:
require('zappa') ->
Gizmo = require './model/gizmo'
@use 'bodyParser', 'methodOverride', @app.router, 'static'
development: => @use errorHandler: {dumpExceptions: on}
production: => @use 'errorHandler'
@get '/': -> @render 'index'
@get '/gizmos/:id': ->
Gizmo.findById @params.id, (err, gizmo) =>
@render index: {err, gizmo}
@on connection: ->
@emit welcome: {time: new Date()}
@on shout: ->
@broadcast shout: {@id, text: @data.text}
Equivalent to this:
express = require 'express'
app = express.createServer()
io = require('socket.io').listen(app)
Gizmo = require './model/gizmo'
app.use express.bodyParser()
app.use express.methodOverride()
app.use app.router
app.use express.static __dirname + '/public'
app.configure 'development', ->
app.use express.errorHandler dumpExceptions: on
app.configure 'production', ->
app.use express.errorHandler()
app.get '/', (req, res) -> res.render 'index'
app.get '/gizmos/:id', (req, res) ->
Gizmo.findById req.params.id, (err, gizmo) ->
res.render 'index', {err, gizmo}
io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) ->
socket.emit 'welcome', time: new Date()
socket.on 'shout', (data) ->
socket.broadcast.emit 'shout',
id: socket.id, text: data.text
app.listen 3000
console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode",
app.address().port, app.settings.env
And throws in some additional features while at it:
require('zappa') ->
@enable 'default layout', 'serve jquery',
'serve sammy', 'minify'
@get '/': ->
@render 'index'
@on connection: ->
@emit welcome: {result: sum 1, 2}
@shared '/shared.js': ->
root = window ? global
root.sum = (x, y) -> x + y
@client '/index.js': ->
@get '#/route': ->
$('body').append 'client routes!'
@on welcome: ->
$('body').append "welcomed: #{sum @data.result, 2}"
@view index: ->
@title = 'PicoChat!'
@scripts = ['/socket.io/socket.io', '/zappa/jquery',
'/zappa/sammy', '/zappa/zappa', '/shared', '/index']
h1 @title
Learn More
Other resources
The source code repository at github
Questions, suggestions? Drop us a line on the mailing list
Rather do it realtime? Join the IRC channel on freenode: [#zappajs]((irc://irc.freenode.net/zappajs)
Found a bug? Open an issue at github
Check the project's history at the change log
Migrating from an earlier version? Read the announcements (0.2.x/0.3.x) for an overview on changes, and follow the TL;DR migration guides (0.2.x/0.3.x)
Deploying to heroku? Check this blog post
Thanks loads
To all people behind the excellent libs that made this little project possible, more specifically:
Jeremy Ashkenas for CoffeeScript, the "little" language is nothing short of revolutionary to me.
TJ Holowaychuk for the robust and flexible cornerstone that's Express.
Guillermo Rauch for solving (as far as I'm concerned) the comet problem once and for all.
Ryan Dahl for Node.js, without which nothing of this would be possible.
Blake Mizerany for Sinatra, the framework that made me redefine simple.
why the lucky stiff, for making me redefine hacking.
And last but not least Frank Zappa, for the spirit of nonconformity and experimentation that inspires me to push forward. Not to mention providing the soundtrack.
"Why do you necessarily have to be wrong just because a few million people think you are?" - FZ