Is the main module of ZEN, that there you will find all necessary tools to create web servers with NodeJS. The main difference from others solutions is the not dependency of third modules, very common in NodeJS projects but that ultimately can create problems.
Our engagement is use the fewer dependencies and offer our experiences with NodeJS easily and intuitive.
### 1.1 Installation
To install a new instance of ZENserver only you have to run this command:
npm install zenserver --save
Another option is modify the package.json including this new dependency:
"name" : "zen-server-instance",
"version" : "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"coffee-script" : "*",
"zenserver" : "*" },
"scripts" : {"start": "node zen.js"},
"engines" : {"node": "*"}
We include coffee-script package too, because we go to do all examples in this language. But if you want to develop in JavaScript, you can.
### 1.2 Configuration
It is easy to configure ZEN because everything you need is in the configuration file zen.yml. We are goint to analyze these options:
protocol: http
host : localhost
port : 8888
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
In this section you can set your server configuration, the protocol that you use (http or https), host name, port and timezone.
environment: development
With this attribute you can create different configuration files to use in different environments (development, preproduction, production...).
In this example we have established environment so when the server is started searches a file in environment/development.yml route to overwrite the previous configuration on /zen.yml.
- index
- index
The attributes api and www contain the endpoints of your server.
The api is for REST services and the www for others results (HTML, images...).
In this example, ZENserver searches the endpoints /api/ and /www/ and will load on the router for further proccesing.
- url : /temp/resources
folder : /static
maxage : 60
- url : /img
folder : /static/img
- file : humans.txt
folder : /static
maxage : 3600
- file : robots.txt
folder : /static
This attribute gives us a simple way to provide static files on our server. We can offer complete directories with the url attribute or a specific file by file attribute. In both cases we set the path relative to the project directory using the folder attribute. In case we need to have cache resources we have to set the number of seconds using the attribute maxage.
cookie: zencookie
domain: ""
path : "/"
expire: 3600
authorization: zenauth
With this attribute we can establish and get easily the session variable for a particular customer. This variable we can get with the attribute cookie.
password: mypassword
process : 10000
request : 1000
With this attribute we can create an audit to control what happens in our server when it is running. This audit creates a file per day in /logs directory with this information:
- Endpoint requested.
- Which methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,...
- Processing time in milliseconds.
- HTTP code response.
- Response length.
- Client (coming soon).
Finally we set the type of response from our endpoints, to limit access to the same with typical parameters for cross-origin control filtering methods, etc ...
You can create a HTTPS server with ZENserver just setting the protocol attribute and certificates files names:
### 1.4 Commands
To initialize server the command is:
$node zen.js zen
The server runs in the port that you established in zen.yml file. You can overwrite values of zen.yml with command line:
$node [JS file] [YML file] [ENVIRONMENT] [PORT]
$node zen zen production 1980
In this example we established that run zen.js file with these attributes:
- config: Is the configuration file, replacing zen.yml that it is the default file (must be passed without extension yml).
- production: The name of the file of environment for replace the existing environment attribute in the configuration file zen.yml.
- 1980: The new port, replacing the declared in zen.yml
Note that it is not mandatory to set all parameters but respect the order thereof. With this, in case you want to assign a new port number, you must pass the following arguments.
### 2.1 Our first API endpoint
We go to create a new file called ** in **/api** folder with this code:
"use strict"
module.exports = (zen) ->
zen.get "/hello", (request, response) ->
response.json hello: "world"
In this case the exported file GET a single endpoint type and whose has path /hello, the callback that runs whenever you access it gives us two parameters:
- request: It is the native object NodeJS but powered with zenserver. In later sections we will see the extras options that zenserver offers on this item.
- response: Like the above is the native object, but as we can see with the (nonexistent in NodeJS) json function comes with extra features.
In this endpoint we are only returning a json object "hello": "world"
thanks to .json() method of zenserver.
If we want to capture other methods http we could do it in the same file
"use strict"
module.exports = (zen) ->
zen.get "/hello", (request, response) ->
response.json hello: "world" "/hello", (request, response) ->
response.json method: "POST"
zen.put "/api", (request, response) ->
response.json method: "PUT"
zen.delete "/api", (request, response) ->
response.json method: "DELETE"
zen.head "/api", (request, response) ->
response.json method: "HEAD"
zen.options "/api", (request, response) ->
response.json method: "OPTIONS"
## 2.5 HTTP Status Messages
For now we only know the json method superficially, besides setting the object that we want to return, we can indicate a HttpStatusCode (default 200) and a HTTPHeaders. For example:
values =
username: "cataflu",
name : "Catalina"
headers =
domain : ""
response.json values, 201, headers
As you can see it's really simple, but to further facilitate the zenserver things HTTPStatus offers predefined. For example if a given endpoint want to return the client does not have permission just have to call response.badRequest () method and will handle zenserver create a 401 response with the message "Bad Request".
ZENserver offers HTTPStatus predefined:
Then list all HTTPStatus:
2xx Successful
200: "ok"
201: "created"
202: "accepted"
204: "noContent"
4xx Client Error
400: "badRequest"
401: "unauthorized"
402: "paymentRequired"
403: "forbidden"
404: "notFound"
405: "methodNotAllowed"
406: "notAcceptable"
407: "proxyAuthenticationRequired"
408: "requestTimeout"
409: "conflict"
5xx Server Error
500: "internalServerError"
501: "notImplemented"
502: "badGateway"
503: "serviceUnavailable"
504: "gatewayTimeout"
505: "HTTPVersionNotSupported"
### 3.2 Mustache template
You've learned how to return HTML code in a particular endpoint, but really, this is not efficient option. Now you will learn to use the Mustache templates that are included in zenserver to facilitate reuse and management of your pages correctly.
We are goint to create a file base.mustache in /www/mustache directory with this code:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
More info & code
<a href="" target="_blank">GitHUB</a>
Now we create a new endpoint ( that render create template when access to /:
zen.get "/", (request, response) -> "base"
With the method .page() we indicate to ZENserver that search a file with name "base" in /www/mustache directory.
If this file not exists, ZENserver search a 404.mustache file to render. And if you dont create it, ZENserver return a
404 - Not found
### 3.3 Bindings
In the previous chapter we have seen a simple page rendering by a Mustache file. Anyway we have not used any of the features Mustache offers.
We will send details to our staff so that renderize, this is known as data binding. To do this we will modify our base.mustache template:
<h1>Hello World! {{title}}</h1>
Now, we send through our enpoints the bingin title
zen.get "/", (request, response) ->
bindings =
title : "ZENserver"
session: request.session "base", bindings
### 3.4 Blocks
Imagine that we will use a section of HTML in multiple pages, it would be better to insulate this HTML code and to include it in all the templates you need, right?. Well let's see what we can do with our mustache template:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
More info & code
<a href="" target="_blank">GitHUB</a>
{{> partial.example}}
{{> partial.session}}
We have created two references to mustache block {{> partial.example}} and {{> partial.session}}. We are goint to create in the same level of the rest of mustaches with partial.example.mustache name:
subdomain: <strong>{{}}</strong>
mobile: <strong>{{mobile}}</strong>
Session: <strong>{{session}}</strong>
<a href="/session/login">Login</a>
<a href="/session/logout">Logout</a>
Now, from our endpoint we completed the new binding:
zen.get "/", (request, response, next) ->
bindings =
title : "zenserver"
user :
name: "@soyjavi"
session: request.session
mobile :
partials = ["partial.example", "partial.session"] "base", bindings, partials
### 3.6 Render files and streaming
Although NodeJS is not the best way to serve static files zenserver provides a simple and efficient solution for this purpose.
Only we shall have to use the response.file method which will analyze the file type you want to serve and provide the best method of transmission. For example if we are trying to serve some sort of multimedia files such as video or audio, zenserver automatically performs a streaming it. Here's an example:
zen.get "/vídeo/:id", (request, response) ->
response.file "/assets/vídeo/#{}.avi"
As you can see it is very simple, since all zenserver responsibility to decide how to transmit the file is delegated. Noted that in the event that the file did not exist zenserver /assets/vídeo/?.id return a HttpStatusCode 404.
The response.file method will make a small caching on the client, by default 60 seconds, in case you want to increase or decrease the caching, we just have to pass in the second parameter:
url_file = "/assets/image/tapquo.jpg"
response.file url_file, maxage = 3600
In this case, we have assigned the file /assets/image/tapquo.jpg a cache on the client 1 hour (3600 seconds).