What's so special about this zookeeper locking library?
This locking library is based on the ZooKeeper lock recipe with one key difference: the lock nodes it creates are ephemeral.
The ZK lock recipe recommends negotiating for the lock under the requested lock node with child nodes like _locknode_/guid-lock-<sequence number>
. However, ephemeral nodes may not have children, and non-ephemeral state reduces zookeeper's partition resilience. The operators of applications with a large number of unique locks, especially a monotonically increasing number of locks (as when locking on a unique timestamp), will suffer zookeeper issues in production. zk-ultralight
is meant to provide locking with less production impact.
function somethingAsyncHappens(callback) {
var cxn = zkultra.getCxn(settings.ZOOKEEPER_URLS);
cxn.lock.bind(cxn, '/some/lock/i/need', process.title +'-'+ process.pid),
cxn.unlock.bind(cxn, '/some/lock/i/need')
], callback);
prints a JSON array of the non-ephemeral nodes (which have a mtime
less than --since
milliseconds in the past) in your zookeeper cluster to stdout. You can run it in the vm after running the test suite to see the non-ephemerals left after the tests:
$ bin/non-ephemerals.js /
Default for --since
is two weeks, so this example shows only znodes with mtime
s in the last two weeks.
accepts a JSON array of znodes on stdin and removes them from your zookeeper cluster. The usual usage will be bin/non-ephemerals.js / | bin/rm-znodes.js
to remove all not-recently-used non-ephemeral nodes without children. Sequential runs will eventually remove all znode subtrees which do not contain ephemeral nodes.
The Vagrantfile ships a vm with a running zookeeper instance, which is all you need to run tests.
npm test
Optionally, the zookeeper server and port can be given with:
ZK=$(docker-machine ip zk):2181 npm run test
npm run-script lint
npm run-script coverage
Library is distributed under the Apache license.