angular responsive calendar/datepicker
Getting Started
For packages version, please refer to package.json
Simply install from npm
npm install --save zmz-calendar
and add ZomoZ font to your project: Copy the fonts from src/assets/fonts/icons/zomoz-font.*
to your project assets and create the font face
@font-face {
font-family: 'ZomoZ';
src: url('/path/to/font/zomoz-font.eot');
src: url('/path/to/font/zomoz-font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('/path/to/font/zomoz-font.woff') format('woff'),
url('/path/to/font/zomoz-font.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('/path/to/font/zomoz-font.svg#ZomoZ') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
If you don't include this font, some icons won't display right and the name must be the same.
The library is componsed by two elemnts: The calendar component and the calendar state to control it. The component uses the state but it doesn't modify it
Component zmz-calendar
This component holds all the calendar logic. It's intend to be a dumb component who just emits click events.
- config: Calendar's general configuration. It's a javascript object containing the following:
- locale (optional): The calendar locale to use. It uses date-fns locales but only supports
and es
. Defaults to es
- weekDayClickable (optional): True if the week days are clickable and emit the day number on click. Defaults to
- completeMonths (optional): True if we want the calendar to show days of othe months in the current month. Defaults to
- validRange (optional): Object containing
and to
setting all dates outside the range as disabled. Is any boundary is missing,
then it's taken as infinite. - navigationStrategy (optional): The strategy to enable/disable calendar navigation
- false or undefined: Navigation always enabled
- validRange: Based on validRange configuration. It disables navigation if next/prev month is outside validRange
- state: Based on the calendar state. It looks for the first and last date with
state and disables
the navigation for the dates outside that range. If navigationState
is not provided, it defaults to available
- navigationState (optional): State used in the state navigation strategy.
- theme (optional): Set calendar styles. Possible values
or show
- state: CalendarState indicating how the dates are displayed. More details below
- month: The number of the month to be initialy displayed. It's 1-based
- year: The number of the year to be initialy displayed.
- dateSelected: Emits whenever a date is clicked (and is enabled)
- weekDaySelected: Emits whenever a weekday is clicked and weekDayClickable is true
- monthChange: Emits with current month and year whenever the month is changed. It also emits OnInit
Service CalendarState
This is the state the library user should modify to change the calendar. It tags a set of dates with different states so
they're displayed according to them
- NO_STATE: none, not clickable
- DISABLED: not clickable with disabled styles
- UNAVAILABLE: clickable with unavailable styles
- AVAILABLE: clickable with available styles
- SELECTED: clickable with selected styles
- SELECTABLE: clickable with selectable styles
- NOT_SELECTABLE: clickable with not-selectable styles
You can use them importing STATES
from the library: import { STATES } from 'zmz-calendar'
CalendarState API
- constructor(dates: Date[], defaultState: State = STATES.NO_STATE): Receives an array of dates with a initial state which defaults to none
- set(date: Date, state: State): Sets a state to a date
- toggle(date: Date, state: State): Toggles a state in a date (if it was present it's removed)
- has(date: Date, state: State): True if the date has the specified state
- get(date: Date): Gets an array of states from a date
- remove(date: Date, state: State): Removes the state from date. If it doesn't exist, it's noop
- getAll(state: State): Returns an array of Date from those dates matching the state state
- getFirst(state: State): Returns the first date matching the state state as a Date
- getLast(state: State): Returns the last date matching the state state as a Date
You should instantiate a CalendarState
and use its api to modify it
Example of usage
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CalendarState, State, STATES } from 'zmz-calendar';
import { format, addDays, addYears, isBefore } from 'date-fns';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
date: string;
state: CalendarState;
config = { locale: 'es', weekDayClickable: false };
constructor() {
const dates = this.dates();
this.state = new CalendarState(dates, STATES.AVAILABLE);
onDateSelected(date: Date) {
const isDisabled = this.state.has(date, STATES.DISABLED);
if (!isDisabled) {
const av = this.state.toggle(date, STATES.UNAVAILABLE);
if (av) { = format(date);
dates() {
const today = new Date();
toda.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const aYear = addYears(today, 1);
let dates = [];
while(isBefore(today, aYear)) {
dates.push(new Date(today.getTime());
today = addDays(today, 1);
return dates;
<div style="max-width: 500px; width: 100%">
<zmz-calendar [state]="state" [config]="config" (dateSelected)="onDateSelected($event)">
<div class="prev btn">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="next btn">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{{ date }}
Running tests
Using npm
npm test
- To develop the calendar business logic, we recommend using
- To develop styles, you have to follow these steps:
- Run
gulp watch
to build the project and start watching file changes - (In another terminal) run
npm link
in the root of the project - Go to the
project and run npm link zmz-calendar
and npm install
- Go to the
project and run npm start