This CLI util can help you generate Zod schemas from interface
/ type
and enum
This util always assumes that your TypeScript code is valid, and tsconfig.json
has been set properly. Garbage in, Garbage out.
Node.js Requirement: >= 16
cd my-project
npm install zodify --save-dev
zodify --out-dir ./src/api/schemas
Your TypeScript code (assume that the path is src/a-random-directory/model.ts) may look like:
import type { Genders } from './gender'
type Name = string;
export interface Person {
name: Name;
age: number;
gender: Genders;
use jsdoc-style comment to mark the types you want to transform to zod schemas (in this example, use a @schema
tag as the mark).
Generated zod schema file (in ./src/api/schemas/model.ts) will look like this:
import { z } from "zod";
import { gendersSchema } from "./gender"
const nameSchema = z.string();
export const personSchema = z.object({
name: nameSchema,
age: z.number(),
gender: gendersSchema
All options:
--tsconfig <tsconfig>
: Optional. tsconfig path of this project. Zodify will use tsconfig to find proper files(respecting files
/ include
fields etc.) in the code base. Zodify will find proper tsconfig file if omitted--out-dir <path>
: Required. the directory for generated zod schema files. ** Caution: this directory will be emptied every time zodify works**--pattern <pattern>
: Optional. A regex string for filter files which were found by zodify. For example: --pattern ^src/models
let zodify find schema types under src/models
.--tag <tag>
: Optional. The tag string used in comment. Default: 'schema'--name-style <nameStyle>
: Optional. The naming style you want to use for zod schemas
use zodify --help
to see details.
TypeScript & Zod features & Limitations
- Features that can be transformed between TypeScript and Zod are supported.
- A
z.unknown() will be generated if Zodify find it can not be transformed from TypeScript code to Zod schema.
You will see warning when this happens. - Types defined in global modules will not be recognized and transformed.
Caution: Always use TypeScript to check schema
You should always make generated Zod schemas checked by TypeScript, to ensure their correctness.
For example, if you want to use generated zod schemas to validate HTTP response, your http request function will look like this:
import type { ZodSchema } from "zod";
import type { Person } from './types';
import { personSchema } from './your-schemas-dir';
function httpGet<T>(url:string, schema: ZodSchema<T>) {}
httpGet<Person>('/person', personSchema);
Bug Report & Contribute
If you find any bug, please raise an issue.