Model Stacking for scikit-learn models for Machine Learning (including blending)
Managing CloudFormation stacks
A small fetcher for Stack Exchange API
Stack and stats tracer for multi-threaded applications.
Stack DICOM images into volumes and convert to Nifti
Bluetooth Stack for Apps, Emulation, Test and Experimentation
A simple Python library to generate all combinations of possible splits for a stack with given height.
OWASP Security Bot - LLM
Get answers through your command line from Stack...
Build scripts, applications and servers using the concept of facilities operating in a stack
`stack` is a Python version of [stack](,
Run functional tests on cloudformation stacks.
KubraGen Builder: Prometheus Stack
Austin - Frame Stack Sampler for CPython
stacking machine learning model for CpG methylation imputation
A magical full-stack framework for Django.
AWS Cloud Formation deployment CLI
KubraGen Builder: Loki Stack
A call stack which includes the Class, and a simpler Frame structure.
a package that contain my lovely plant
Find local clusters from geojson.
A Python client for the Threat Stack API
An authentication policy for Pyramid that proxies to a stack of other authentication policies
Stacking astrophotos
Utilities for interacting with the AI Squared Technology Stack
Simulation environment of task with autonomous mobile robot using Navigation Stack
stack multiple SVG images into a single output
Collection of tools/snippets useful for working with the python data analysis stack. Provides logging, matplotlibstyles, etc.
Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
Unofficial wrapper for the TransIP STACK API
Operational AI for the Modern Data Stack
A CDK construct for dealing with Versioned Stacks - multiple copies of the same stack that would forever grow over time without...this.
An implementation of stacked regression for functional MRI (fMRI) data
Python bindings for the Stack Exchange API.
A Django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's 'PageDown' markdown editor to a django form field
A JupyterLab extension to jump to the line in the file of the stack trace.
CDK stacks based on the Well Architected Framework
Python wrapper for Austin, the CPython frame stack sampler.
`tap-betterstack` is a Singer tap for Better Stack, built with the Meltano SDK for Singer Taps.
`stack` is a Python version of [stack](,
Build stack wrapper
Wheels that bundle precompiled redis-stack-server binaries for the appropriate platform. Currently on Redis Stack v7.2.0-v9
REST API client classes for inter-services communication in Impact Stack.