A simple python library for easily creating command line applications, use Python's decorators to manage subcommands and positional and optional arguments.
Powerful and advanced command line interface building library
A simple, declarative and easy-testable command line argument parser
Python wind parser is a parser used to retrieve arguments for command line interfaces and turn them into python dictionary
Get song_path from matched arguments with song tags
Light to use argument parser for cli tools
An unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax
A utility to pass arguments to vkBasalt
Argparse enhanced with a config file to overwrite code-based defaults
A small CLI tool to infer the clone URL by the current path and arguments.
Simple Multi Command Line Parser
Converts environment variables into cli arguments for easy maintainable docker entry point
A tool to convert structured data to cli arguments
Abstraction layer over argparse.
A multi-Level argument parser library for writing CLI-based applications
TUI wrapper for CLI arguments
Parser for command-line applications.
A custom argument parsing library for CLI applications with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. ArgøNaut is designed to make it easy to create powerful and flexible command-line interfaces.
Small and easy to use library for working with CLI arguments
A custom argument parsing library for CLI applications with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. ArgøNaut is designed to make it easy to create powerful and flexible command-line interfaces.
Runner for the Certora Prover
Argparse-based way of CLI argument handling boosted by YAML reusable configurations
Extension of `argparse` to provide fast and customizable argument parsing.
Turn a dict of arguments into cli commands, ideal companion of docopt.
GradAnalystCodeTest is a python cli application that take a CSV file as a command argument with various options and manipulates data in various forms
It is a modern args catching with python3 and OOP structure and implementation.
This is a standardized parser framework for CLI tools. This class will enforce certain properties or abstract methods to be implemented to properly create an Argument Parser class for other CLI tools.
Command line application micro-framework.
CLI Argument Parser
FILEWATCH is a file watcher that allows you to watch files if something changes run arguments
Basic abstraction layer for executables.