Read key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables
pytest plugin that allows you to add environment variables.
A package that allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
simplified environment variable parsing
Implement minimal boilerplate CLIs derived from type hints and parse from command line, config files and environment variables.
Easy access of environment variables from Python with support for strings, booleans, list, tuples, and dicts.
Provides yaml file parsing with environment variable resolution
Simple environment variable parsing
Automatically and implicitly load environment variables from .env file
Extension for colcon adding an environment variable to find libraries.
Extension for colcon adding an environment variable to find pkg-config files.
Adds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by logging or pretty printing colorful variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing every value. Dump locals environments after errors to console, files, and loggers. Works with Jupyter and IPython.
Boilerplate-free configuration with env variables.
Substitute environment variables in a string
Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
A Poetry plugin to automatically load environment variables from .env files
pytest plugin with mechanisms for echoing environment variables, package version and generic attributes
UUID gen for the python standard library.
Inject Doppler secrets as environment variables into your Python application during local development with debugging support for PyCharm and Visual Studio Code.
A text preprocessing tool with environment variable substitution.
poetry-plugin-dotenv - is the plugin that automatically loads environment variables from a dotenv file into the environment before poetry commands are run.
AWS-Lambda-Env-Modeler is a Python library designed to simplify the process of managing and validating environment variables in your AWS Lambda functions.
Environment Variable Context Manager
Render jinja2 templates on the command line using shell environment variables
Hierarchical python configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments.
Read settings from environment variables.
A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments which takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
Environment Variables for Humans
Simple dataclasses configuration management for Python with hocon/json/yaml/properties/env-vars/dict support.
Used to parse environment variables in the yaml configuration file
A helper function for setting environment variables from AWS secret manager
A python wrapper for loading environment variables when using PyMechanical embedded instances in Linux.
Settings driven by environment variables.
Decrypt .env.vault file.
A more convenient interface to environment variables.
A tool for parsing and validating env vars using cattrs
enviparse help you manage your application properties using environment variabl
Environment variable definition with type
EnvKey's Python library. Protect API keys and credentials. Keep configuration in sync.
Package to calculate several thermal comfort indices (e.g. PMV, PPD, SET, adaptive) and convert physical variables. Please cite us if you use this package: Tartarini, F., Schiavon, S., 2020. pythermalcomfort: A Python package for thermal comfort research. SoftwareX 12, 100578.
A command line tool for generating Markdown documentation and .env files from pydantic BaseSettings.
Allow to find Odoo addons from Environment Variables
Get and Set environment variables using .env file
A Poetry plugin to override a version in a pyproject.toml from environment variable or build and publish command option
a jinja2 extension to access to system environment variables
Easily configure Python apps via environment variables, YAML, and AWS SSM Param Store.
e2j2 is a commandline utility to render text/configuration files from jinja2 templatesfrom shell environment variables
Typed environment variable parsing for Python