Checking strategies for xchk based around regular expressions.
Replace string with regular expression for all files in current folder
Utility functions for writing readable regular expressions in a hierarchical way
Python implementation of Lua-style pattern matching
Regular expressions for humans
Regular expression match hasher
Basic regular expression lexer implementation.
Regular expressions for humans
A tiny library which contains tools to convert, minimize and visualize Regular Expressions, NFA and DFA.
A Regular Expression constraint for Language Models of transformers. With this module, you can force the LLMs to generate following your regex. Using regex in tokens and tensors are also implemented in this project.
Download the NCBI-generated RNA-seq count data by specifying the Series accession number(s), and the regular expression of the Sample attributes.
Ongoing project of extra Python utilities including implementations of lazy property, regular expression, ...
Python3 module providing some algorithms to infer automata and regular expressions."
Regular expression builder with chainable methods.
a collection of some useful regular expressions.
entify - entify is a program designed to extract using regular expressions all the entities from the files on different resources. This software also provides an interface to look for these entities in any given text.
Utilities for Regular Expressions in Python
Python library designed to perform fuzzy token matching within text documents. Utilizing advanced algorithms, this tool allows developers and data scientists to search and compare tokens based on flexible criteria, beyond exact matches. The library supports tokenization through whitespace, regular expressions, or custom functions, and provides weighted comparisons for nuanced analysis.
Really, really easy regular expressions for python.
Python numeric range regular expression generator
Regular Expression Beautiful
Nice Regular Expressions
Regular Expression Builder
MREP: morpheme regular expression printer
Simple, Fast, Powerful and Easily extensible python package
Python Interactive Regular Expression
Color the nodes of a phylogenetic tree using regular expressions to match taxa names.
Regular expression reverser for Python
Function Regular Expression
Regular expressions as infix operations
A Trie data structure for efficient pattern matching using regular expressions - up to 1000 times faster
bible-ref-py is a python library built on top of python-scriptures library, implemented by David Davis <> (Copyright (c) 2010-2015). It is a Python package and regular expression library for validating, extracting, and normalizing biblical references from text.
A better solution to find files/directories on your computer uesing their name or regular expression
Console regular expression editor
Regular expressions for the 21st century. Match any data type.
Regular expression generator for IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
A Python package for common regular expressions.
Rule based language modeling
icd 9 and 10 code validator with regular expression
Clean out files in a django app using regular expressions.
A tool for doing a comparison or difference of JSON documentswith regular expression support
A simple, object-oriented, regular expression generator.
Utilities for working with multiple regular expressions