Check if an odoo log file contains error, with the possibility to ignore some errors based on regular expressions
A regular expression based extraction tool for extracting structured text from strings.
pygments-csv-lexer – A simple CSV lexer for the Pygments syntax highlighter
ASK-Orex: Ordinary human-friendly Regular Expressions
Validate fields using regular expressions
Regular expression-based validation of HGVS-style variant strings for Multiplexed Assays of Variant Effect.
All the things necessary for reproducing work in my research blog. Most notably a Fortran nonlinear regressor, a Fortran ball tree nearest neighbor code, a C regular expression engine, a pure Python Data class for columnar data storage, and a simplified plotting package wrapped around Plotly.
Find regular expressions vulnerable to ReDoS
A Python wrapper around the Oniguruma regular expression library.
A library which extends regex with support for datetime format codes.
Democritus functions for working with regexes in Python.
RegexSolver allows you to manipulate regular expressions as sets, enabling operations such as intersection, union, and subtraction.
Typed, simple and readable regexp generation
a fork of facebook/codemod using pcre compatible regular expressions
METAR and TAF parser with dataclasses and regular expressions
100+ exercises for Python Regular Expressions
some algorithm implementations for automaton and regular expressions
Playground for Python Regular Expressions. Also includes cheatsheet and interactive examples.
Utility for parsing and extracting data from ELB logs
Quickly create a collage of images using a regular expression.
Regular expressions bulk rename tool for multiple files
This package is designed to generate regular expression formats based on device names.
Print paragraphs matching regular expressions
An extensible CSV column profiling and validation utility
A more readable alternative to regular expressions.
A Python library that provides a convenient interface for compiling and matching regular expression patterns using the re2 library.
Presentation tool for Regular Expressions and Finite Automatas
Regular Expression Path Matcher - Easily batch manipulate folders and files trees with regular expression!
Use regular expressions to generate text. This is the PyO3 Python binding of the Rust crate 'regex_generate'.
Regular Expressions turbo-charged with notations for part-of-speech and dependency tree tags
A Django api permission manager that helps you custom api url in regular expression and control access.
Readable regular expressions for Python 3.6 and up.
Get repeated capture groups, search without having to fear Exceptions in any df/Series, convert results to appropriate dtypes, use fast Trie regex
Package for random data generation via ReGex
Renames files using regular expression matching. This enables elegant handling of multiple renames using a single command.
ERRERS: Enhanced Review of Reports via Extraction using Rule-based Substitutions
Grep-like tool for retrieving matching sequence records from a FASTA file
A framework to convert natural language to database queries.
Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function for executing matches using the Rust regular expression engine
Regular Expressions Made Simple
Regular Expressions for Sequences of Things
Enrich data using regular expressions
Write regular expressions like poetry in Python - transform cryptic regex into elegant, readable patterns
Human Readable Regular Expression