Tiny automation tool written by Python
Add a copy button to each of your code cells.
Toggle page content and collapse admonitions in Sphinx.
Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
A simple to use, interactive session and paginator with custom buttons for discord.py.
The CLI for databutton.com
Button SHIM Driver
An app to add a "Log in as user" button in the Django user admin page.
Buttonwood is a python software package created to help quickly create, (re)build, or analyze markets, market structures, and market participants.
Alternative version of st.camera_input which returns the webcam images live, without any button press needed
Jupyter notebook button to execute subsequent cells
Client for the Button API
A sphinx extension for creating panels in a grid layout.
UI Buttons for displayio
An easy-to-use image segmentation package
Add your description here
run py commands from buttons generated from a config
Custom Python linting through AST expressions.
Display Dataframe with buttons
add custom launch buttons to jupyter-book
Python library that provides access to the API of BigBlueButton
Logger utilities for databutton
A Django integration APP to connect django projects to Big Blue Button ;)
A custom upload button for Gradio that allows users to upload with a loading message
Sophisticated Python client library for BigBlueButton™ with Django integration
Python API for bigbluebutton.
Extra tool buttons for Django admin
Streamlit component that allows you to create button to paste image from clipboard.
Add action buttons to individual rows in the Django Admin
Streamlit keyboard shortcuts for your buttons.
PyQt button which supports svg icon (not a fake low quality svg icon)
PyQt buttons (e.g. min/max/close) widget for title bar or menu bar
Streamlit pagination buttons component
PYPI package with better toggle buttons
An application providing some template-tags to add buttons to pages
Python library that provides access to the API of BigBlueButton
a library for reading buttons using asyncio
discord-py-buttons is now discord-message-components
Django admin tweak that replaces list action dropdown with buttons
ReactPy wrapper for react-github-btn
Django admin button
A snippet that adds two big buttons
PyQt QAbstractButton for pyqt-svg-button and pyqt-svg-toolbutton
PyQt Windows titlebar buttons (e.g. min/max/close button) widget
Adds basic UI elements for pygame
A simple module to use for buttons in discord.py