Kanban application
Terminal Kanban App written in Python
customizeable task tui powered by textual
Kanbanize-sdk is a python library for interacting with the official Kanbanize tool environment in version 2.
A console-based Kanban task manager created in Python.
This is a library to perform kanban migration from Kanbanflow to Wekan in an automated way.
A lexicographic indexing system for Kanban boards
Simulate work flowing through a Kanban board
A Kanban-style project management app for developer-journalists in newsrooms. (Not about $$$.)
Add features of kanban to logs of vehicle services.
Adds a stock request order, and takes stock requests as lines
Add features of kanban to logs of vehicle services.
A kanban-style project task queue.
Adds a stock request order, and takes stock requests as lines
Provides stage model and abstract logic for inheritance
Adds a stock request order, and takes stock requests as lines
Provides stage model and abstract logic for inheritance
Add Kanban view in Invoice to follow administrative tasks
Add features of kanban to logs of vehicle services.
Provides stage model and abstract logic for inheritance
Add features of kanban to logs of vehicle services.
Add Kanban view in Invoice to follow administrative tasks
Provides stage model and abstract logic for inheritance
Adds a stock request order, and takes stock requests as lines
This streamlit component uses react beautiful dnd to provide you a kanban structure where you can create dinamically the kanban columns and cards with also dynamic fields
Provides stage model and abstract logic for inheritance
Taiga python API
Sets kanban category groping by default for equipments
Adds a stock request order, and takes stock requests as lines
Text-based interface for a Kanban board in pure Python
Maps stages from base_kanban_stage to states
Lib to create reports by kanban
Extract agile metrics data from JIRA
Sets kanban category groping by default for equipments
Maps stages from base_kanban_stage to states
Adds Kanban stage functionality to calendar event
Maps stages from base_kanban_stage to states
Kanbanize.com Python API Wrapper
GitLab Kanban Board Command Line Interface
Maps stages from base_kanban_stage to states
Simple CLI-based Kanban board
Base Kanban
Optimize event kanban view load time
Initializing flask project
Pulls data from agile systems and analyzes it.
Aplicación para manejar tableros kanban con markdown desde la línea de comandos
Print Product Standard Margin Rate in Kanban view
Recursive kanban tool in the command line