Easily create all appropriate icon sizes for a Windows app from a single source image
Icons for SkyTemple
Bootstrap Icons renderer for django-icons
A quick way to add Material Icons with Django template tags.
Allows to set a custom shortcut icon (aka favicon)
Allows to set a custom shortcut icon (aka favicon)
Add FontAwesome icons to StreamField.
Generate human-friendly icons from DNA sequences
Ocha Humanitarian Icons, for use in Wagtail projects, with an icon chooser widget.
This module displays google marker icon picker based on apply widget on field
Material Design Icons 7 extension for superqt font icons
Easily display icon fonts in markdown.
New Icon Admin Field.
A utility for using icons in models and forms.
Django Font Awesome 5 icon picker
Detailed git status icons for nautilus, nemo, and caja
A utility for using icons in models, forms, and templates.
PyQt QPushButton which user can set svg icon (not a fake low quality svg icon)
Django SVG Icons made easy
Django CMS navigation modifier to attach icons to menus.
Hicolor icon theme for wxPython.
KivyMD Icon Viewer
This module displays google marker icon picker based on apply widget on field
Allows to set a custom shortcut icon (aka favicon)
Extract Icon from PE Executable File
PyQt widget consists of svg icon label and text label side by side
Easily code complete your way to the Material Icons
Find icons of a website given a URL
Add SVG and webfont icons to Pelican content
Anime icon creation tool!
Package containing icons taken from ionicons website.
Allows to set a custom shortcut icon (aka favicon)
Corpus-based, icon mosaicking art in Python
This library provides all icons of React-icons wrapped for ReFlex framework
Generate draw.io icon libraries from AsciiDoc-based descriptions.
Fugue Icons for PyQt5
Diagnostic python software package for ICON
Python package that provides easy access to Tabler Icons for PyQt and PySide applications.
A python wrapper for DiceBear's avatar generating API.
Django staticfiles with famfamfam silk and flag icon sets
Material Symbols by Google for Qt using PySide
Zurb Foundation Icons (http://zurb.com/playground/foundation-icon-fonts-3) static files packaged in a Django app.
A Django app to easily and cleanly insert Bootstrap icons.
Annotate Terraform graphs with AWS icons.